HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-05-03, Page 3THURS., FRI., SAT. • ONLY 0 OFF ALL STOCK JIM CROCKER FAMILY FOOTWEAR 53 Main Ste .527-0102 SEAFORTH VALLEY FARM FROZEN; FRENCH Fries 14 vit ROSIN HOOD ASSOrted Varietibs Cake la 10 Mixes 19 14' TOP VALLI FROZEN CONCENTR Orange Juice STEWART 4ft3A SEED CORN A L L CANAD A SEED CORN ' Want high yield and stalk strength too? You get both by ,selecting the might STEWART hybrid for your faivn. This all Canadian company his 15 out- standing hxbrids on the recommended list for Ontario. We have varieties lust right for this area. 951J — 952 — 2704 2606 are available and suitable for this area. Robt. P. Allan, RR.1, Brucefield Phone 482-9846 Kenneth Gemmell, RR. 2, Kippen Phone 527.1689 Clarence Regele, RR. 5, Seaforth Phone 345-2068 Hugh Scott, RR. 2, Staffs Phone 345-2886 ' Wm. Stapleton & Son, Dublin, Ph. 345-2330 PANTRY SHELF CHOICE CRUSHED OR' Tidbit Pirteauple 1,1Eiws, of Vi",ito 7 ) Dist 'JO groups 1HR HURON EXPOSIJOR, PIAPORTK MAY' 140,STO. 1414SIE L ,-.Histth,Amd Acc!1.11 I. R.ostered ito irliment :1Porioons, income 'nix` picluto4-10;101$104.4 Retirement Annuities ' Representing' • • Sun Life Asaurinci.Punutai* of Cafialia - TELEPHONE 527-04p 117' GODERICH sr,,gAvr SEAFORTH me t pleted material for meetings. A fashion show followed with each girl modelling the garment she had made. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk, Mrs. A. McCall and Mrs. N.. Reid attended the District 8 annual meeting of the Horticultural So.= ciety in the Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday. Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall • UNIT HOLDS MEETING Mrs. James Smith, Brussels was hostess at her home for the 8th and 16th unit April meeting on Wednesday evening. Mrs.. Don Fraser opened the meeting and "Christ the Lord is risen today" was sung. Mrs. Jim McDonald read the scripture from Luke, Chapter 5e and 'the Meditation. Mrs. D. Fraser read poems, "EaSter again" and "A message for today" and"Rejoice the Lord is King" was sung. Mrs. George McCall an- nounced coming events. Plana_ The• sixth and seventh meeting were combined. The roll call, 41.10w, plah to care for my garment once it iimade - washing instructions, etc, Draw symbols if possible, was answered by Members. The secretary's report was read by Mrs. 'Bev. Stevenson. The Roll Call for the geyenth meeting *as an "Idea for the Fashion Show". The hand- out sheets for both meetings were filled in. The demonstration was applying elastic in firm knits and hem with cuff. The next meeting will be held at Joan Bennett's home. WALTON II li a matter of interest, Gross Provincial Product is ex- pected to rise by 11 per cent in 1973, personal income is pro- jected to rise 12.6 per cent, and =Orate nrnfitS should con,- tinue . to grow strongly, with an anticipated gain of 12 per cent this year. Opposition members maintain that a more progressive system of inoreasing provincial revenue could have ben em- ployed by the Government, if indeed--such an increase was needed in light of the buoyant economy. Such a System would include an additional tax on per • - sonal income and corporations as they are certainly best able to afford the extra burden without feeling • too much , of a pinch. Farriers will be happy to see that the 19C gasoline tax rebate, will he reinstated upon with- drawal of the tax on energy., The Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations an- nounced that his ministry will start. a campaign-to advise On- tarians- of their rights in, the Market plage. A new post of inforthation do-ordinator will be created to ensure that the public knows and understands its rights Residents of Ontario Nursing Homes will be compelled to pay 501 to $1 a day more for their care starting the 1st of May. The new rates were established earlier. this week at a meeting of ,the Ontario Nursing Home Assoc- , . talon with Government officials. -The rates will, go to $13.50 from $12.50 for standard ward care, to $16.75 from $15.50 for semi-', private patients, and, to $20 from $18.50 for private. The.Health Ministry will increase its contri- bution to $9.50 per day from $9.00. More help from Government for shoreline damage hai been indicated. A---$50 million fund allowing municipalities to lend • money to property owners aldng Ontario shorelines affected by high water has been 'proposed. The loans would allow home owners to construct retaining walls, dikes, --brealokaters and .other structures designed kir the rehabilitation and protection ,, of ukPr9Perfl'y .water where skores hay,vtitleisp damaged or er- ipclect her LW • ehajmeots.. James Snow, Minisier of Government Services, said it will also include repairs to any building or other ' structure damaged by high water -levels, ice or erosion of the shore. , Ontario is going to step up the protection its citizens have against snoopers who gather in- formation for personal or credit purposes. The bill introduced by Hon. John Clements will re- quire all investigators• for con- sumer reporting agencies to be registered by the Government. It will, make agencies send out 'corrections to their customers if the contents of a file are shown to be incorrect. The public Will have the ,right to sue for damages if they have been harmed by the contents. Clement said the introduction of this bill would lead to higher standards of con- -dtipt in this area. Democracy reigns supreme. Premier Wm. Davis and Ontario Treasurer John White yielded to pressure by the Opposition, the public, and even the Tory , backbencheis, and withdrew the legislation proposing-a, 7 per cent tax on energy. Beth Davis and White conceded that the opposit- ion, to the tax was so strong that they had little choice but to kill the bill entirely. Over the Easter weekend Davis • and White conferred by telephone .and Davis sounded out the opinion of his advisers as to whether the tax could be with- drawn without badly embarrass- 'ing the Government. They met briefly with cabinet on Tuesday morning.aed informed the minis- ters that it -would be, best- to withdraw the tax completely and not try to get around the criticism by modifying it to' reduce the impact on certain groups. The cabinet agreed with this decialori, and it Was-greeted with delighted relief by the Conservative backbenchers. When Davis told the Legis- lature -the Government would stand pat on the rest of the budget, including the general raise in the sales tax to 7 percent from 5 percent on May 1st, which amounts to a 40 per cent in- crease, the opposition benches drowned him out . in roars of criticism. Liberal ,Leader RObert Nixon said White had Lade a serious error in, judgfnent in proposing the energy tax. Be 'questioned' the Treasurers credibility now- in hid portfolio, which is the heaviest in Government and in- cludes responsibility for mun- icipal and federal relations and general economic policy.Stephen Lewis, leader of the New Democratic Party, who claims the Davis Government is 'inde- cisive : and wavering,, shouted "One reversal - after another". This was a reference to recent Government policy reversals in several areas - the cabinet's decision to overturn an Ontario • municipal. Board ruling and halt the Spadina Expressway after 120 million dollars had, already beet: 'spent - cancellation of its proposed " superbloekl ' a, 41, government buildings east i',oA, Bay Street - deekionsiteiggpoint, a Royal Commission into crime, and -reveal the sources of party funds, both of which Davis had repeatedly said he would not do. Opposition members said they... 41; feel tarenergy tax reversal was an important victory, but dis- tracted attention from the im- portance of the general retail sales tax increase which will generate $280 million provincial revenurin 1973 - 74. They stress the fact that the Government's tax changes, despite removal of the energy tax, are still inequit- able because it is taking $280 million more from individuals and families and only $5 million more from corporations. were made for a shower,Satiirday - The Walton II 4-H Club held evening for Miss Karen Mc Donald. The "Luncheon is Served" on June 4th was discussed. Mrs. Don McDonald and Mrs. Don Fraser assisted the hostess in serving lunch. 4-H MEETINGS The fifth meeting of the "Sporty Spats" 4:41 Club on "Sportsiieir with Knits" was held on. Monday evening. The Roll Call, "How I plan to "'Icor- mporate stretchy seams into my garment" was answered by all girls present. The' secretary's report was read by Margaret Shortreed. The discussion was on "Set- ting in Sleeve s.". The demonstra- tion by Mrs. Watson was putting in a zipper without a seam, and a mock turtleneck. Miss Joan Bennett demonstrited tailor's hem. their final meeting at the home of Mrs. Don McDonald on Satur- day. , Prior to the meeting the girls and leaders enjoyed a smorgas- bord lunch with each member donating food for the meal. The rollcall was answered by all members; then Pat McDonald read the minutes. The.-leaders, -Mrs. D. Mc Donald and Mrs. Mac Sholdice discussed Achievement Day for May 19, and reviewed and corn- Novi* of Auburn • First communion was held in. Kingsbridge on Sunday when six children from St. Augustine were in the class. They were: Patrick Foran, Kevin Leddy, Carol Foran, Heather Ann Stapleton, Vickey Delberque,, Sophie Bey- risgergen. . CARD PARTY A card party was held in the parish hall Friday 'night when prizes were: High lady, Ellen Thompson; second, Mrs. pis DE: vereaux; second, Jack Elting- ton; Door prize, Gus Redmond. Prize donated by John Finelon. Mr. and Mrs. Ferg Kelly and Mary visited with Nell Staple- ton and 'attended First Com- munion of Heather Ann in Kingsbridge. Mr s Mclthargey of Lucan, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Foran and 'Gordon and attended Patrick Foran's first Communion in Kingsbridge. SEAFORTH III WThe Knit Knacks" met at the Schenck's for their fourth and fifth meetings . The girls discussed' sewing curved neck- line, putting binding on rounded curve; mitred neckline, and lapped binding on V neckline. A further: meeting was held at Mrs. Brenda Thompson's' when Mrs. Thompson demonstrated the mock cuff. At further meetings ' at Mrs. Thompson's, plans Were made for the Fashion Show at Achievement Day. Janice Schenck demonstrated applica- tion of a zipper.' • - USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 a • • , .4;44 jk.k. • • ::• $.144•• „ • , 104' Is. 1 Ns +Ewell ifmteronesentel • T•• ANNIV aSio lye --.4r*vroory4**0***# .• • 4,1,8o goo NS : 1X.Ipt9 41 ilourikyOltstrAeri 4 ;am ENTR WEEpsr • ifff4gy $ 1:000 •Y Po R Aos 104a,ttielbeeiwie be was tfiffili0142,Se. ADDRESS $1014ypoi*Ot Melt ::aNilrptor I00410, 14*k1110 rtuG, At . ,1,1.1,".*IRAL*1044.0w.:104tiOj'MAA4A woks* ahrototioihotowmattottaftoti3O. ce .roarr ..•PHow. oioaf DB, 01/.4°.°41. 111Lutes • fryaiiikg11Z000411:1FPX.1113a4/101,41, t 'tire T611114 • • 4•4i0liHibot• 0at:. • • fafgbo limo, mom 41.16IML016.0.2. 1 I0 -104ikitiele':' 3 11:M688E 4 14 DI. TIM V•9t toyi. ••• • EAMIEGILIC4 sks at xo 1.00 11,011404111tiFIXINS - at. 01•4,W. • 01.. IB:fiettov,w0:4mGoet:EXITAL;TOMATOMMAR011" : NY !.. . • , 1 • . *14 es,I0Meile1Wv ItobatOMPIEnet • 44 um ritt414 ' • tomii.Jp...,tko.., waiiSprf VILME Pka 140051 1 2440.1904: • 2 4 „listi " p.. N 6 oy tr , . • . ra149* std1,10/14,..;, tokil emp‘Iri4it0E.4, Fthl • 711° tstA PAI4t. *roe. CUT /ROM /Hi RED CHUCK DOP/Elf SS Seoul Attpplisd sad Sart/keel Ily M. lamb Limited 10P PAW VACUUM PACral) I lb pup fAMIIF PACK IE in rhoor 'Nfr.'","•\ TABLE MEATS ',1W I PAY Per Lb 1.00 99c 990 LOOK FOR THE • INFORMATIVE COUNTER CARDS --4 MEAT IDENTITY LABEI . Bonus Interest May l'to • May 15 MEAT IDBITITY.LABEL HERE'S WHAT MEAT IDENTITY LABELLING DOES FOR you TOP VAIL) VACUUM PAC010 •ply (01 /ROM IHI RIO END OUR NEW MEAT IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM TAXES THE GUESSWORK OUT OF THE SELECTION AND 'PREPARATION OR MEAT ... IT HELPS ••.."•YOU BE A 'SMARTER' MEAT SHOPPER AND A BETTER COOK. THIS IMPROVED MEAT IDENTITY LABELLING TELLS YOU AT A GLANCE THE TYPE OF MEAT (BEEF, PORK, LAMB OR VEAL), THE PRIMAL cur (WHERE IT COMES FROM) AND THE SPECIFIC PORTION OF THE PRIMAL CUT OR COMMON MAILINGNAME, SIMPLY USE THE RE- COMMENDED COOKING METHOD IN OUR "MEAT EX. PLAINED" FOLDER. MIND Of MEAT No need to guess the type of „mtpt first. every label shows the type of meat • beat, pone' MOM or veal, • ' 3. SPECIFIC PORTION OR RETAIL CUT • Rad, roost, sirloin steak, or top round steak • tells you exactly what part of the primal our the meal comes from , TWO LARGE OMITS OF RETAIL MEAT CUTS • Are on display in all our Pores for your convenienct.Seef and pork than{ will help you identity our coif of meat on display. U ROSE MAW 100110611 About Our nets. meat identification program, ask our moot department people the, next time you're in our store._lhey'll not only hare the answers for you, but they'll be glad to suggest a numb., of ,specialty cuts as well as regular outs that will odd vanity and Interest to everyday totals. PILIMM. CUT Chuck, rib, bill, or hip tells where the meat comes from Money you move to a • Special* SavingS or a Regular Savings . account at Victoria and Grey Trust at any time during the period, May 1 to May 15 will be accorded full interest (Special Savings 5 %, Regular Savings 4%) from May 1. This up-to-two-weeks bonus gives your savings a substantial boost.; . . if you act now ! TICTORIA, and GREY FROZEN SEAFOOD PATTIES TOP VALU 6 oz. pkg. 2 oz. SERVING SLICED '''' LUNENI3URGERSib.59s Cooked Ham 'Lb 9' INDIVIDUALLY FROZEN NOVA SCOTIA HOME FREEZER SPECIALS CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE A-1 OR A-2 RED RIBBON BEEF CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS FOR 5* PER POUND, SHOPSY'S 4/2 oz pk g s SIDES OF BEEF 200 to 260 lbs. FILLETS lb. 1.1 V Corned Beef dea11.08 HINDS OF BEEF 125 To 140 lbs. Order Gantlets of Steaks, Roast, Ground Beef plus Bones and Trim BEEF LOIN Approximate weight 45 to 60 UHL Packers Primal Cut Vacuum Packed C mot, too. Porterhoute and Sirloin Steaks or Rees/ plus hones and latIbi • •25 SOLE SLICED Order conststs of 83c Steaks, Roast, Grbund Beef . Plus bones and tr. 110. ib 93 FRONTS OF BEEF-12010 140 lbs. SLICED OrdT consists of 'SIDES OF PORK so to 60 lbs. Order Fonstals of and Trim lbt 7 Roast, Chops. Spare Ribs 'DAVERN VACUUM PACKED 1 ID. pkg. ..r .SELL COOKED MEATS Coleman's By The Piece 2 to 3 lbs or PrimSlIC'ed 5 varrollaa Chicken, Duren, Mac & Cheat, and Prckle & ',moot° • lb. 69` ,1) ,9ip AND 7 sA "Esc' Il AithiBirr (OtipoNs plus bones and trim lb 71e C CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A" 'St" 5, Roast, Ground Reel RED RIBBON BEEFS • SIDE BACON lb.89 NEWS OF FRESH PRODUCE . WE SPECIALIZE IN WEEKLY, SPECIALS ! Woodham U S A. NO. 1 Florida SWEE I JUICE TOP VALU . SPAOftETTI OR ORANGES Elbow lb. bag t4aegir011i 2,4 69c 4, ..rop:vALti Correspondent Miss Jean Copeland TOP VALU Salad Dressing1: Mrs. Frank Rodd 'spent the 'weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor of London. Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler and Steven were Sunday guests at a family gathering at the home of Mrs. Robert Corsaut of St. Marys. Miss Cheryl Brine spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson, Lynn and Dale of the Fourth Line. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson, Sandra, warren and Perry of Lakeside were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. Miss Jacqueline Beckett and Mr. David Kondo of Galt were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brine spent the weekend in Flint, • 'Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of To- ronto were guests for the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc Naughton and Ronald. The Woodham United Church Women were guests of , the Coopers Ladies on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffrey, Allan and Connie of Thames Road visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mis. Clarence Thomson UNITED CHURCH WOMEN For the Easter meeting the United Church Women enter- tained the Explorer's and C.G.I.T. girls. Tea tables were set up and lunch was served as the people arrived. The president, Mrs. James Miller, was in charge of the business. Mrs. Miller intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs. Laurie Ray, who gave a very informative talk on "Africa" and "Life in an Afri- can Village". Mrs. Don Atkinson • thanked Mrs. Ray. Mrs. Ted Brine gave the Call to Worship and also led inprayer Mrs. George Levy read the scrip- ture and Mrs. Ted Brine and Mrs. Oscar Brine each gave readings. - Karen Insley and P amela Rodd favoured with, a duet. The Ex- plorer Girls presented an Easter playlet. The meeting closed with the benediction. 'UPON vv vvvvyv V V GRANULATED FINE • e U,S,A NO, 1 FLORIDA CRISP CELERY Instant WHITE SUGAR 5 lb. 49c bag Lim! I ba g per family wilh 55 00 purchase and this coupon Coupon emotive may x to tap IF?) VG large 39c size each U.S.A. NO. 1 FLORIDA RED OR WHITE Grapefruit 5 size. 5 9c 48's CANADA FANCY ONTARIO McINTOSH 'APPLES 5 lb. 89c bag CANADA NO 1 ONTARIO MARSH CELLO it GM'S 1 11-,,- Coloured ma: Mae 11 TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1136111 1 ••••• ,r , IIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIII .. '101 INV V VVVVV CARLTON CLUB Assorted Flavours BLOSSOM RECONSTITUTED b ib. bag 23c CARROTS U,S,A. NO. 1 FLORIDA FRESH GOLDEN SWEET ON THE COB SOFT DRINKS Juice CORN 6for59c BONUS DISCOUNTS BONUS DISCOUNTS BONUS DISCOUNTS 2410i1 .49 Limit 1 cute per family with $5.00 &these end this coupon Coupon 011.01,. May 2 tote. MS BONUS DISCOUNTS .01 KLEENEX WHITE OR ASSORTED COLOURS DELSEY WHITE OR ASSORTED;OLOURS FARM HOUSE FROZEN r PREM REGULAR BAR-ebuE r aVoun OR BACON FLAVOUR PAPER BATHROOM ASSORTED VARIETIES LUNCHEON MEAT —41 TISSUE 3 _1411;00 TOWELS 2.'4' 55c CAKES • "A 59c 12 oz IVY Hilo 1` 97 firs 11.55 II III III I CHEF BOY AR DEE SPAGHETTIA MEATBALLS BieriiPON, m B EEF RAVIOLI mn 42c lI MOTES REGULAR, SUPER PLUS OR KOTIOUE• FEMININE NAPKINS BEROV aox ci.IERAv OLUF Behr. stnAwliEnny .+VEIF.F1Yor SWIFT'S PREMIUM COOKED PINEAPPLE 55c JAM 3 9,E,°,zs 88c HAM pkg of 1? \ VALUABL vvvvvvv r'v III SHIRLEY GAY PLAIN, SUGAR OR CINNAMON DONUTS 3 PokI g1s21..00 DELSEY BOUTIQUE ASSORTED COLOURS BLUE WATER FROZEN OCEAN AYLMER BATHROOM BEETS CHOICE or SLICE° 3 Argi .013 CARROTS pkg. 69c TISSUE CHEDDAR SWIFT'S CHEESE a; 85c PICNIC ••/•• •••••• •••=go. ••••In. 2",%39c 1 .95 at 1,,T 1.53 SNACKS TOP VALU LIQUID BLEACH KRAFT JET PUFFED WHITE FRUIT * Marshmallows 27' CHOCOLATE OR scHnEinEs mEoluMrDrOhnrOtinEhn. QUAKER MUFFETS 39c pkg m1.73 16oz pkg. KRAFT PROCESS FILAR CANADIAN CHEESE • GLAD PLASTIC AnMEsi MET DELUXE APPLESAUCE hE ALN SOCFS REAR HALVES., STUART HOUSE 12 INCH CRUSHED FOIL HOME & Garden Bags .A 55c SLICES SI HOUSEHOLD SALT,SALT PINEAPPLE 4 8irrfs 97c WRAP KLEENEX ASSORTED COLOURS FAMILY 57 NAPKINS c reari:geCTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY , 01160 SOS . , Suppllod and S.tvleod By M. Loeb 1.1mIEd . PADS all 31 3 2S 3rolls •00 Et 128 cm C Limit 1 lutt per famay wIth $5.00 Witchlike* and this coupon Coupon etteettre May SID 10, IRIS AIRWICK ASSORTED COLOURS SOLID DEODORANT 69° onto'. .1•10. .111111. .M. 17* 2 K2 box SUPER DUTCH POWDERED WE RESERVE Th RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. CLEANSER diRMINIO .1111111•••• RIME= Osienmi ewes. OPEN FRIDAY TILL NINE ALL YEAR AROUND