HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-04-19, Page 12PHONE DIRECT 527-0240 `11111111.1104•1111• LOOK FOR THESE "SHOPPER STOPPER" ITEMS SAVE• YOU EVEN MORE LAVORIS Mouthwash "SHOPPER STOPPERS" SIGNS IN OUR STORES FOR UNBELIEVABLE ° SAVINGS 12-oz. $1.09 • • $1,39 3-oz* $1,19 2,5-oz. $1 .69 4-oz. $1 ,59 9-oz. $1,49 . . . 1 1/2 -oz. $1,09 ARRID X-DRY BAN Roll-an LUSTRE CREAM Shampoo NOXgMA Bath Oil SOFTIQUE Bath Oil Vaselir4 Intensive Care BATH OIL RIGHT GUARD Anti-perspirant 6-oz. $1,29 NOXEMA ( 2 4-oz, jars $1.,57 VITALIS Hairdressing . 2-0Z. $1.09 1-a-day VITAMINS 100's $3,09 ANACIN , • 60's 99c ALFA SELTZER DRISTAN ,Tablets BACTINE Lotion 48's.$1,25 . 24's $1 .29 97c 9-oz. $1,45 RIGHT GUARD Foot Guard PPOPI'll 2 Main Street, Seaforth. The Jungle. ...... gra , These weeds can turn your fields into jungles, Outfox is a postemergence corn herbicide you apply to weeds after they show up. And no residual effects from one season to the next. So you can rotate crops with no fear of herbicide Carryover. don kerICUILueal Chopmical• Company Limit•el WIIffilper, I, Manitoba Com.th, /01stribuf•dtly Maar Comps,ny In Ontario and Quebec Garda. Me AIWA !VW free (MIL MILTON is DIETZ LTD; SEAPORTH, ONT. — .R R. 4 — PHONE 527-0608 1 Family ii@YPI]51 BUMPER STICKERS ANS JOINT BANK AGCOLINT1 cme Ptrrp rr e4, TRe OTHER- *TAKE S IT our. ITEM: Uitrasuede, a fake leather, is a non-woven blend of 60 perdent polyester and 40'per- cent non-fibrous polyurethane. It sometimes exceeds the price of real suede. ITEM: There are over one bil- lion appliances in 64 million homes in the United States.. That's an average of 16 appliances. per home. ITEM: Long supermarket checkout lines may soon oe a thing of the past, if computerized chechout systems become a reality. Government tests show that the computer can speed checkout time by 19 percent, cut errors by 57 percent and save food stores around the country' about a billion dollars each year. ITEM: Food service Careers apparently.. are gaining wider acceptance among young people. Enrollment in courses preparing youth for such careers has risen 113 percent over a six-year period. #heat x INCREASE! That 2% Saving Could Pay for A Good Holiday $AVE ON USED CARS TOO 1972 FORD LTD BROUGHAM 2-door hardtop, 400 V-8, automatic, power brakes, steering and windows, tilt wheel, air condition, AM/FM stereo, many other extras, Licence DFV244 1967 FORD LTD 4-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, new paint. Licence DFY469 1968 FORD LTD 2 door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power stee,ring, power brakes, vinyl roof, Licence DFW101 1969 BUICK LE SABRE 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, 46,000 actual miles. Licence DFY649 1972 VOLKSWAGEN, only 14,000 actual • miles, whitewalls, radio. Licence DFY258 1969 FORD LTD 2-door hardtop, 390 V-8, power brakes, power steering, 44,000 miles. Licence DHP634 1970 MAVERICK 2-door 200 cu. inch 6 cylinder, standard shift. Licence DFV748 1966 FORD CUSTOM 500 4door 289 V-8, automatic, radio, new tires. Licence DDN540 'TRUCKS 1958 GMC STAKE TRUCK, 6 cylinder, 5-speed transmission, 2-speed rear axle, aluminum body. 1968 DODGE VAN 6 automatic, reconditioned and repainted. Licence C26443 1967 FORD F350 flairside pickup,ibig 6, 4-speed transmission, 35,000 actual miles. Licence C30308 '4295 995 1595 1895 '2195 1895 1595 895 s 995 1395 1195 enzember ... It's Sense To See Snider's Huron County's Largest Ford Decrier Lary Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Are Now Available — Arrangement,S for Easter Potted Roses, Azaleas. Large selection of Easter Lilies, Hydrangea, Potted Mums and mixed pots — OPEN ON GOOD FRIDAY ---- MacLEAN'S FLOWER LILIES Phone 527-0800 SEAFORTH ;Id USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED Action Ads XPOSITOR, SeAFORTN, ONT., APRIL, 19, 1973 More concrete steps are being taken to form a proposed Lake fluron 'Parkway which would stretch from Sarnia to Amberly. At a meeting in Grand Bend, the committee in charge of the venture decided to prepare a feasibility study and map. The technical staff of the St. ,Clair Parkway will be asked to undertake the study.. Committee chairman John Payne of Grand Bend said St. Clair Parkway gen- eral manager Ron Brittaln had volunteered to handle the job. 'The cost is estimated at $1,200. The committee which is at- tempting to establish a parkway is made up -of four representa- tives from each .of Lambton and Huron counties, twofrom the City of Sarnia and one from the St. Clair Parkway. Representing Huron at Tues- day's meeting were Warden Roy Pattison, Goderich Reeve Deb Shewfelt, Ashfield Reeve Girvin Reed and Huron's development officer Spence Cummings. The city of Sarnia was re- presented by Alderman John Ma-4 theson and Alderwoman Marie Coulter, From Lambton county came Warden Jim Moran, Bosan- quet Reeve Bruce Scott, the Peeve of Plympton Township and Grand Bend Peeve John Payne. Also represented was the Sar- nia-Lambton Tourist Council and the Ontario Ministry of Tourism. The object of the Lake Huron Parkway .vould be to obtain more park lands and improve present facilities in the 90 mile stretch from Sarnia to Amberly. Huron ',V arden Roy Pattison said there was plenty of potential in his county. He noted therewas m'ich undeveloped recreation lands 'in Colborne and Ashfield Townships. Warden Pattison also said all information compiled by Huron officials through the official plan and other surveys would be avail- able for thefeasibility study. He added, think our information should fit right, in." A budget-for 1973 for $2,000 was set by the committee. The two counties will each _contribute $750 and $500 will come from the city of Sarnia. Dave McKenzie of the Minis try of Tourism thought the pro- vAncial government would pay '15 percent of a feasibility study. A representative of the Sar- nia-LambtOn Tourist Council said, fq would like to see this project get started right away," John Payne of Grand Bend is chairman of the committee. The, next meeting will be held may 8 Can- at 7:30 p,m: at the Grand Bend Stanley Township will have a Hensall Minor Hockey and. Base- Huron Unit of the Canadian Can- ifillage hall, , liquor vote on May 23, council , 'ball Association. Grants were cer Society, $50. was informed at,, their regular also given to the Bayfield Agri- General accounts of.$51,800 WANT ADS BR I GAZ Mt RE S 1,tepreorptiyes frstop. the ,44-„, sable'8*fjeld arld'll'artland'Cion- servation Authorities will be asked to attend. • Suggest Lake Huron parlway meeting. The liquor vote was made ne- cessary 'when Stanley„Township was presented with a 300 'vote petition last February asking for a liquor pldbiScite in the town- ship. There are .97,5 eligible . voters. Voters will be asked two ques- tions: are you in favor of the sale of liquor under a dining lounge licence on a licensed pre- mise with food available, and are you in favor of the sale of liquor under 'a lounge license for consuming on a licensed pre-' mise? Council also agreed to pro-, "Vide a Warble Fly spraying pro- gram to any farmers that wished it. CoSt was set at l5C a head and Hubert Cooper will do the spraying and Elmer Hayter be the inspector. Stanley also purchased a new grader from Dominion Road Ma- chinery. at a cost of $27,000. will be delivered in.two months. In other business, council ac- cepted two tile drainageApplica- tions for $21,000 andappointed an • engineer to study the costs of cleaning out the Rathwell Drain in the Township. In oa first for Stanley Town- ship, council granted a $100 to the Stanley Township During Education Week the children in the Grade 4 classes of Holy Name School, St. Marys, St. Patrick's School, Kinkora, $t. Boniface School, Zurich, St. Patrick's School, Dublin,- St. Columban. School, and St. Joseph's School, Stratford, were presented their swimming certificates by J. B. McCarroll, , Physical Education Consultant with the Huron-Perth County roman Catholic Separate School Board. The children attended one class a week for ten weeks to obtain standings in their swimming skills at the Stratford YlV1-YWCA. Nearly 200 awards wer e presented. Above Father P.A.Oostveen of St. Columban appears with four pupils who received beginning certificates. They are (left) Bobby Malone, Martha Claessens, Betty McIver, Pauline Jordon and Brendon Lane. Those in the Pre Starclass were- Matthew Klaver, Joseph Feeney, Richard Visser, Maryjo Ryan, Mary Murray, Gail O'Rourke, Anne Cronin, David Menheere, Linda Klaver, Marlene O'Reilly, Larry Cronin. To the left are Vicki McCaeight and Lori Olsthoorn with Sister Florence Kelly, principal of St. Patrick's School, Dublin. They with Brad Ferguson received five star level certificates. Others who received swimming certificates at Dublin were - Caroline Costello, Mary-Jo, LoOby, Martha Looby, peter Louwagie, Tommy Maloney, Darrell Reynan, Teresa Van NeSS, Daryl Ruston, Martin DeKroon. culture Society, $7,5; Zurich A- griculture Society, $25; and the J plans-liquor vote ae Timm c(fxpositor and road accounts of p,90 xvetti ordered paid. • As a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, our circulation records and prac- tices are subject to the scrutiny of regular field audits and the discipline of ABC- determined standards. Advertising Advertising costs are not based on the number of eyes that see your message, the number of fingers turning these pages, or the 'number of hats a reader wears— at least they shouldn't be. Some media projections leave you guessing, though. We figure it is the nose that counts—one per .customer. In fact, we feel accurate circulation figures are so important to you that we haVe the Audit Bureau of Circulations do our nose dounting for us. 1' • ABC- sets the standards. Their specially-trained auditors do the counting. And they publish a report on the facts as they found them to be. memo to advertisers.. 'Your assurance that you.get full circulation value when you advertise in 140W MANY OATS . ARE•YOU BUYING? Nlams••••••.0•090. 710240 ' "c