HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-03-17, Page 8THE WINGIIA VT TIMES, MARC 117,1893. y� f� analysis, Coml+ositiou and synthesis, Ori - ,a • . cI OO gins' (otupnsitiou sltoulct be taught as ld Dern write • Dictation fe a soon as a rhi OPENING, 1893 S9 , the ear and eye, but the supplying of l'llli' J es b1r Houetou dons not approve of. in good exert iia if the model be good; it tr:tius. neveltiee for epriug in Mantles, Jaokcte 1 Capes. Styles, the latest ; qualities, lk • s , Composition, order to become effieleut iu (�t1mp0Fl a child needs pleuty of practice and plenty reetiou of the richt kiu3. Teachertr kg heist; prices the lowest. If you want easome, stylish, well made garments for ,fig yea will find them here in vast ae- raiment, at prices that guarantee a saving. the wife of Mr. Geo J Stewart, a son. of March, tate wife of Mr. A. Burkholder toot their the Pablic School Board for the Dee ot their eohool building for holdiug our mtet- iuge • to the Torre Council for the free use ot their hell for the eveuiug entertain- meat, and to those who took part in the entertainment, and eepeoially to the school pupils• wceed- 4. 'ghat the reporters of the pe ings of this meeting be paid for their ser • ftlt history, -' Bout work,and chat a copy o is • ties Department, to e ns, On motion of Air. 0. H. Musgrove, sec- onded by Mr. Doig, the meetirg adjourned 11 of the to meet iu Brussels a Executive Committee. services. plated hie invention for doing away with 1. 8 R, Callender, of. Brantford, has cam: the central offices in telephoning. �NlalloI .e --In Wingbam, on March 15th the wife of Mr. A. Nicholls ; a eon. (liorrait-=In Wiuglutm, on March 19th, the wife of Mr. Joltu Hopper; a son. OFBOnNE—In Wiegham, on March 1(th, t o wife of Mr. A. Osborne ; a daughter, B nornen—In Winghare, on the 1Gtb Dor , should not pofut out the errors in Cotnlui- That Cauadi h torr only, be the b taught to cls- 5. d ht 93. SPRING. 1193. IRD�N & `:61111111E* • Are now opening up the finest A sitiou, the children should ° a hug er. ora and then to correct 1 tt for sutrah u be seat to the F.duo GRII� MET—In Clinton, on March 5th, the t e th Preytucia an wife of Air• a tow r a lough.• • then. Coa scribbler exerciees to written in a scribbler or other book for ith other Asrootutio own err should b f this resolution 1 d M ttT Grummet• b re•written r. display of Summer—In Clinton, or the 13th last,, it Rprin,, stock is now complete. purpose and should ° We p 1 to early purchasers; errors corrected. This subject wan far - disc y Clarkson Mus- f MAI ZIED. offers eats prices nered b Metairie 1 t the as buy now; save money and get first choice. grove, Baker and Lough. The m Bnoeneooe—De.viesoe--In Seaforth, at at have to look for good things. then adjourned until 9 O'clock a. m., on the residence of the bride's father, on the You ws?n:8th fast by Rev. A.D. I'e father, D. he e.�I' You'll sl3e right into these. Gentlemen, it's time to leave your order tiler h meeting Thirty -Eight Roads. ran —The Courier of this week devotes a column to the case of ci charged some time ago , ere went o a oma could not use hand, o0 or ci not change his position without Mr. Alexander Broadfoat to Misa Clemen- ridgy. TNUitP.i+AY ayaNlNo. tins fifth daughter o! Mr. ♦ exanctar Ou Thursday eveniag,a public entertain. B tford March 13th. Territory, all of Seaforth. nIED• in all the different departments' of BRACE—Ia Spokane county, Weshiugtou fpr that baster soft. Now it takes time to i meat was held iu the Town Hall, rile who was dis- charged Make clothing and we're going to be un- programme counisted`of an shodress by Treat Hent Archie Itymal of this city, , from the hospital on the 22nd I''sbruary, Heutdy RING. GOODS'' Davidson, t Houston, M A ou h as incurable, and to his motbor B h t. die He was s far gone that h - fa i Enthetic value o t Usually busy. You will be ashamed side of English." ),iueical selections by the appear in your old winter suit by - i Orchestra, stud songs by the have ever their large trade tnat they Brace, aged 85 years. Deceased was gran Cher of Mr. A. Nicholls, a this , Me been able to place before the public. itrlLsoN—III Glintpn, on Monday, Hirsch p, Ian , p your wife's fresh cashmere en Easter ecu pupils. d foot head and coal lath Charles A., youngest son of Mr.Chas. it E I't tare au • important t tl out assistance. Wilson aged 1 tu;;l Dol u ils. Mr. Hoestou considers the I ora Wilson, year and 2 months. morn. No self-respecting man will o so called in- pALLlsan—In Clinton, ou Suuday,March when promptness and from alb to ;120 will I subject, as children should be able to die I He wife hearing of so many cover and comprehend the beauties of i He vie cases being cured by sod ca Kidney 12th, seen -In relict of the lata S. Pal• h ndsome Easter suit. I I an would not be otherknown remedy had liver, aged 81 years, se s ills, after every n would tend p purchased a box. After taking • ted his failed, nineteen boxes, R,ymal is as well as ever, I -r and has gained in weight frons 107 to 145 iW T mum SHOP ounds.This case is startling but true. 1 p Dura a a literature and by t is me Geares'7i'uextsnmes: Men's Fedora Hats, I so liable I read literature that It r in rofitable. S ''naris t Christy Hats and s Teeks,Four-in-hand gloves. Partake of values, at to be uep e i t +hats; Neckwear „ by. IiiuKe- ndAscots;Men'sstreet lecture by the "Thteo Fishers, byrenu- Kluge - this feast of royal ley; and "Break' Break, Break,'' sou. The musical selections by the Or. chestra were deservedly appreciated, while the rouge by the pupils, uuder the manage- meut of Miss lteyuolds, could not possibly be too highly applauded, The chair was occupied by ?,Ir. Bleck, President of the Aesoci ati011. TIIE SECOND DAT. The attendence at roll call the day was 05. After routine proceedings the Fiume:lel Report was read and show - 15 Chinlad W, Mc1ND00'S. East Huron Teachers' Convention. An institute meeting of the East Huron Teachers' Association was held in the pub- lic sohool, Wingham, on Thursday and Fri- day, 2nd and 3ra of March. The ance was not as large as might have expected, rta 93. been expected, but the programme was well I ed balance ou mend of $1 carried out. On Thursday, the forenoon' Menem Doig, to a Itve.y diecu+9ipu by otlmtOu SCoti,.,Iiou.. session began at 11 D'e'cals, Plcs�izlent M. Halt, Robb, Plummer, Black in the chair. After rontin.,k*efitst Hogg, Shearer and ;Ingram, us to N+bat ng of should be doue with the funds on baud. It order of business was the alga committees, which resulted as porting Masers. Scott and Hdg, Business—Lough, Houston and Resolutions—Doig, Musgrove and Clark- son. : Re- I wee finally agreed that s, committee oou- eueral I blstittg of Messrs. Houston, Lough, Robb, 'ummer. , Plunitner and Scott be empowered to collect the library, also to procure addi- tional books to the amount of e75, It was further agreed that the library be kept in CliutoltMf0 )I first year tat lomat, and that each member of the Asuoeiatiou have access to the library, also that all teachers who subscribed for the Educational Joar- ua be cuusidered members of the Aasocie atiou. eesseti0N oe oi+i+Il1LItlf was the next order of busineee. mid result- ed as follows : President yit :: `+- Lough, Clinton ;,.kirst Vice President, Miss Bra- den, Bruseels; Second ; ioe-Presideut, Cl t • neeretaty-Treasurer, AIVEDSOON WESSION- DeIegate's Report.—Mr. A. H. Plummer, delegate to the Dominion Convention held in Montreal from July 5th to July 8th,1892, explained the origin of this Association and gave a general: account of the work taken up, giving a synopsis of the subjects discussed by Hon. G. W. Boss, Minister of Education, Mr. Inch, Now Brunswick, Mr. McKay, Halifax, Mr. Sinclair, Hamilton, Mr. Mayfield, Pennsylvania, Rev. Dr.Grant and- others. jn.ACTIC.tL TrELTHENT Or ENOLIsu. M. Director of William Houston, A., Taaoh_rs' Institutes, discussed the subject "Practical Treatment of English," dealing with reading and writing. He first describ- ed a child when entering school and consid- ers that a great deal of time is waeted by `under -rating a child's knowledge. He main- tains that a child cell express his or her ideas in words before having received any -public school trainieg,butmust be taught to express there in different ways. Mr.Hous- • ton uses the phonetic method entirely, and considers a teacher who does not use this method, a very inferior teacher. In teach- ing a child to read he would always use sentences, not single wards, as we always think in sentences. Ile would also begin with script and would not ask a oldld to read print, until it be far enough advanced to read in the second part of the first book, thus discarding the first part of the first book entirely. He would begin the subject writing as soon as the child commences school work. TeesWater. Mr. W. R. Thoult,son has had the mis- fortune of having the shaft of his saw mill ith many engine broken. W. R. meets w drawbacks. Miss Date Richardson spent Saturday last in Brussels, renewing old acquein- tauees. • d Miss Fergusson, of Blussele, Mr. au speut a fow days last week visiting their brother, Mr. Dougal Ferguson. Our harmotlice baud is getting quite pro- All clothing made in the latest styles. fieieut ie the musical art. Their servicer WORKMANSHIP AND FIT have beau secured for a number of con- GV M H GEO. IRWIN Wishes to announce to the people of ned a t�ilor shopinghana aTN THErnd tSTiORE ONE at he has DOOR SOUTH OF MR. R. HILL'S RES- TAURANT, and lately occupied by M. Patterson, watchmaker. sorts. A number of Wiugltamites spent Suuday evening last in the village. Mr Geo, Nixou, of 'Walkerton, formerly of this place, iuteuds comiug back !lore again. His many friends will be pleased to see 1]itn ou our streets as a citi.eu agair. Mr. R. Copeland has bad a severe attack of pleurisy, but we are pleased to stats that he is able to be around again. Miss Nellie McDonald, assistant r. M., has not been able to attend to her ditties � this week through ilium. Hr. Dau. Ferguson drove to Brussels on Friday last and spent. Betide), under the pareutal roof. Miss Levan, .mon, We notice Mr, John McKenzie's photo A. Scott; Seaforth: Executive Cotnamong the le Brantford Fire Co's nut in the J bio ore at lleuetou+ I Tomo Globe of Saturday last. We are GUARANTEED. Come and see the beautiful 32)Po S S GrOODS in all the latest tints and textures that the European. and American. .arks offer the Canadian: trade. We offer great attractioa,s in every department. All goodsmarked in plain figures and-, at cut prices. CORDON & cINTYRE,r ' a Anchor gouse- 1 - The patronae of the public solicited and satisfacti g sauteed. GEORGE IRWIN. Wingllam, March 17th, 1893. Messrs, Musgrove, . Hoeg, audMis»Day. Provincial Delegate' pleased to hear that John is doing well. A. H. Um:grove; Auditors,. Messrs. Faul and Clarkeou. Mr, Doig wits called upon, and iu a sort of extemporary address touched on a few points in oar educlttionel system, e::piainiug why be thought s o many teachers make if. mere stepping stone to some so-called higher profession. His principal reason was that the remutiera- tion is inadequate. Ho then took up ir- regular atteudance and distribution of school grants, and closed his address by showiug why so many farmers' sons leave he faun. He claims that boys should "The duties of citizenship" was taken by Mr. W B. Lough, of Clinton. He intro- duced this subject by strongly maintaining that the amount of history required at the variolas examinations is far too great, and recommended that it be reduced to such an extent as to permit sufficient time to qualify the pupils to become good citizens. He claims that they should clearly understand Civil Government, Patriotism,Loyalty and Mile principles of Free Tracie, Protection, BOven0c, ritriff,et0. To do this he would first clearly eliow the Triode of election, duties and reepo*'sibilities of the township council. ,Tohu is a sou of our veterau citizen, . Norman hicli:euzie. Success to you, John. Miss Susie Beeson invited a number of t'�1 i't - Nutt n B!I i (t the young people in to spend the evening et Airs J. W. Field's, on Tuesday ovenine,. A very enjoyable time was left thankiu�,r, Miss Bacon for her Isiuduess FOR SEASON OF 18915• nod the enjoyable evening spent. Mr. L. A. Brink has beau confined to the If ,von want a Neat, Showy Bill, well put house this last week. We hope to nee hili' together and attractively displr ayed, oto goodthe around shortly. paper or card, send y Mr. Brink is making a shipment of peas l TIMES OFFICE. to Barbadoes, West Indies, via New York. I A Number of Good Cuts to Choose aoasEMv�, A°�E��o�! speut and all t BO ,O E IG-HTY) PIECES SICILIAN' PRINTSc worth 26c per 7de, for 1.21c. V V �1' follow the eocation for waich nature ill- t The Toronto City Council with only one I Prices reasonable, and orders by mail tended thetas. Considerable diecunsiou attended to. followed by Clarkeou and Musgrove. dissenting voice decided ou Monday night I promptlyWI19tAf1�l9t. SCIENTI1'IC TltalT?iaNT OF ENGLIan. to support the petition of the Dominion TIMES nrrIf J r Mr. Houston then introduced bin subs Alliance for a plebiscite on prohibitor]. -'----O --ter jeer, "The scientific treatment of English. " _____- - _ - - - -- _•..•_-_-.�--•�-•_. Grammar, he says ie the science of the--'''''.2--'-7-----1- seuteuce, and science the cleasificetiou of I knowledge. He would commence the study of grammar in the Junior Third by taking the sentence, as it is the unit of thought, first divide it into its essential elements, then classify the words, and finally arrive et a goners' conclusion, thus following the three successive steps of in- duction analysis, classification andgeuerel- ization. He next showed his method of treating the complex and compoaud sou. teuees. Mr, Houstou'slectures throughout were interesting and instructive, and consider.- ttble valuable information eras carried off by those who availed themeolvee of the opportunity of hearing him. RESOLOTIONS. And ea pupiis learn to do by doing, it is wall to OCIDIDGtice by calling the school house a municipality, and having them go The Eollowitig reeolutiotis were passed through tics actual performance of cting - T f raga! d tor the eommuuipn from time and election, the teacher acting as critic and guide. He treats each governing the North York Teachers' Association, township councils appoint one or body similarly nihil he reacher; tl,e ds tlta Federal thatara persons to sol as truant officers. Parliament, thus givieg them a vivid anal in Resolved that no action be taken. lasting impression of the duties of the viii ioue officials. Considerable discussion fol- 9. In regard to the communieetionfrstn • l5oi aria Black. 'SVeet Mutsu Teachers' Association, res• p° g C�10ft]70]' 't119.:1 ever, s arnfnatio of that one book only be sent in. descriptions are s �� f We are the opinion that one dravrfna � I Give us a 00,11 and E Ifyou buy your Prints be. fo�M�e you see them you'll miss ead(parters for Timothy -0 ad Clover Seed. Yours truly, GT C� -Gr- $eg to her numerous patrons that s to announce she has DECIDED ON CONTI iUJII�3CT her ` ��.a tle ilhinev'ti '� ; .4. lower. by Muogroee, g Cn••t I •I„�:. etfu draaiing book* for entrahce ex., at hair o1 i establishment on Josephine E�r���EI�I�J St., ie.m, UNTIL SEPTEMBER NEXT. Fvu tSues of SPRING GOO eS AL pular_ �' �°o ` 3tore We have this week opened out Our eexceedingly xc edingly choice and attractive of N - trP t''T FtIII�� 9 {� I 'S�e iCE F,j, G .,,, TO 500. '. ARCING � �' o with -Latest style., 1 CEILINGS AND BORDERS•� To match, GILTS, GL%It'1:'�'IDLZS, MICAS, in grains, in white hacks, brown backs and every other' kind of backs. 10 Per Cent. off all Waal. Papers for Cash ,Also large stock of WINDOW SttA.`D lS, which we ate selling VVllha+n Houston, :N. A., rbsutned hi book is suff.oient, but that, in cane two ate i required, the marks awarded for that hub- , jot should be a maximum of 100. 3. That a vote ot thanks be tendered diecttssion of tile'oraetical Treatment o Bngliah, dealing particularly with Com. position. Ile ccusiders that Composition and Grammar are directly opposite. Gram - Oar is the tscituce of the temteuce eta is . see for yourselves. ' of the rie�nrest styles and stock. ii ! Vitinghatitt Mardi kith, 1893. q - r VOL. This week your attenti nishings; S bo upon you end trials an ed totnkoa the wood pil word about t n side down, all the dirt c room wants a new pair of cloth, To h trouble, we c Our carpets, Art mmlins start lace cu are value. 'better value bouse in the Direct Imp through, con pats out and Shop pearl Thin store cl tial:444-4 C Tire DEAD, A • teeued by I tdriit street required. —Bruce nd Huron :Y —Ladies' at J. J. McI —Don't Methodist • —Cask fc 'Graham's r —The Il County arb on Tuesday —Just re for• marnlal 35 'cents pe —Prof. I Brunswick stock of ha —For sn a medium —Wotna thing, but ' dation her ride a byci —Hol 1 time to bu to buy the) the,goocla c -Mr. NC folds the Church, 111 ist and clic dist Chore —Joe. 1 temperant paralysis ; Y., a shor less ea we: •—G T ] leave Will via W G cl and 3.50 l Good coni Mr, ti furniture cut pretty last. Th betel Mr, bard luck —IWr.; sion 11, I stock mac Weailesrl —All sur amount, audience eelabei 11110.31. the Gayest' Si Ork, ek ..-Say, bend aiv. oi'ieali a The mai putty$ Waite •I cleft, ie n Ione mai pktroniz Mei, in droit