HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-04-19, Page 6SPEND YOUR MON where it does the most good ! • Maple ea Whyte, HAM t: . lb. 83t gikikED PICNIC. HAM lb. 69t HAMS AUSAGE lb. 79t BACON • SQUARES lb. 49 UTILITY TURKEYS to to 12 pounds lb. '59 PURE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT 79t HINDS OF BEEF lb. 96C PROCESSING lb. 4 10 lbs. of Turkey Wings Free with each order this week of Hinds of Beef. • mrPer ircee ss e re fvfee ciht iev eriAghtpriltoll8, im1i9 2 t, quantities a nti7t3ies AL'S MARKET HENSALL -- ONTARIO ty Seed GRASS SEED GARDEN SEEDS SEED POTATOES SEED CORN FERTILIZER BULK, BLENDED OR BAGGED INQUIRE ABOUT SEED GRAIN AS SUPPLY IS :SHORT CO-OP SPRING SALE ENDS SATURDAY, APRIL 21 SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone 527-0770 .Seaforth WI elects 1973-74 officers I Chiselhurst Chiselhurst U.C.W. met at the Church last Tuesda; afternoon for their Easter meeting. Presi- dent, 'Mrs. Alvin Cole, opened the meeting with a Poem "Resur- FUNERAL MRS. A. LORNE LUKER A Hensall lady, Mrs. A.Lorne' Luker passed away inQueensway Nursing Home on April 13, 1973 in her 82nd year. She was the former Elizabeth Love. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Gertrude Moir, two brothers, Hugh and Gordon, all of Hensall, also nieces and nephews., The body rested at the •Bonthron Funeral Chapel In Hen- sail when funeral service was held on Monday, April 16 with Rev. W. Jarvis officiating. Interment Bairds Cemetery. • • Pallbearers' were Ken Moir, Gordon Moir, David Moir, Bill Snow Jr., Bob Snow and Jim Snow. • SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 THE SEPARATE SIHOPPE • BLOUSES • PANT TOPS • PULLOVERS • VESTS • PANTS • SKIRTS OPEN 2 to 6 p.m, CLOSED WEDNESDAY 6 ,74THE, HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., APRIL. 19, 1973 H nsall Kinettes elOct slate of officers plants for Easter. They will also be visiting the Goderich Psy- • chlatric Hospital on April 25. Final plans were made for the Rummage Sale on April 27, with the proceeds to go towards Cystic Fibrosis. Plans were also made for the Fiddlers Contest in Jiine. Officers elected for the 1973-74 term are as'., follows: President - Joanne Bell; Vice- President - Cheri Bonthron; Secretary - Linda McCallum; Treasurer - Karen Schuman; Unit I held their Easter Registrar- Sharon Brokenshire; Bulletin Editors - Donna Bell Thank-Offering meeting Thurs- • and Martha Stan. day ternoon at the Church. with.... Elle n McLean presiding who ed with a poem "Easter is oming". Her Easter theme was , "'Because he loved us so", ex- Meetings '7 and 8 of the Hen- plaining the reason that Jesus salt 4-H "Sew-sews" were held went through so much suffering together last Tuesday evening for us, because He knew, we, at the home of Mrs. Bill Fuss. being human as He was, The roll call was answered with weren't perfect and very tempted suggestions for the fashion show by evil, the same as, Hehad been. and a "sewing with knits" tech- Mrs. Erratt was pianist. The nique learned 01 this club. Some . roll call was auwered by ten of the girls Modelled -the members and foil. guests. Mil- dred Kyle reminded the members of the General Meeting on May 7.• Unit' I was asked to visit the Queensway Home on July 9 and August 6. Mildred Kyle intro- duced Elva Forrest who. spoke on the study India. She had a fascinating display oftand carv- ing in various types of wood, tanned snake skin, solid silver necklace and many pictures of the Natives, their dress, homes -- and modern Mall and great re- taining .walls of the Himalayas. The articles were brought from India by John Scott of Seaforth, a nephew of the Forrest families. He has spent periods of time in India in recent years and last fall went for a three year period of teaching• English and Art in a school in Woodstock, south of Delhi. Mrs. Forrest read an interesting letter which des- cribed an elegant Indian wedding at which he was a guest • and which lasted five days. . Mrs. Nan Britton and Mrs. Shirley Luther accompanied, by Mrs. Erratt favoured with Easter duets "What will you do with Jesus?" and "The Unveiled Christ". Vera Drysdale and Helen Scane served lunch. Arnold Circle has meeting The April meeting of the Ar- nold Circle of Carmel Presby- terian Church was held Monday evening at the home. of Mrs. Peggy VollAnd. The worship Was conducted by Jan Baker and Donna Bell with the theme being the Easter story. The members will. be entertaining "al the Queensway Nursing Home "on April 30. •An invitation was received from Caven Pres- byterian Church women in Exeter to hear the guest speaker Frank Whilsmith on April 29. PERSONALS On Sunday Mrs. Alma Hess, Mrs. Ruby Hoggarth and Mrs. Arletta Hess of Zurich ,visited at the Naimola cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pettigrew at the pinery. Mrs. Grace Harpole returned home this past week from a win- tells vacation spent in Florida and Ottawa. Tne Hamilton-London Syno- dical of the Presbyterian Chdrch was, held in Wingham last Tues- day and Wednesday. Mrs. R.A. Orr, Mrs. Elizabeth Faber and Mrs. Rachel Schwalm from Carmel Presbyterian Church in Hensall attended. Mrs. Schwalm, accepted the position of Litera- ture Secretary of the Synodical and is also one of the slic'dele- gates of the Synodical of ten counties to be attending the Na- tional Council meeting in Ewirt College in Toronto the end of May. a parade of EASTER SHOES for the family Running Shoes Leather Joggers For the whole family ti Children's Shoes nu .... RfAD'S SHOES g LUGGAGE SEAPORTH zgarammar..agmfaxwooma Explorers and COC ° meet ' On Sunday morning the Ex- on "choosing and using fabrics" Meeting is to be held on May. 16. Reports of theStanding Com- mittees were given. Mrs. Shirley that there will be a short course May 1st. The District Annual merit, of fees. It was announced in the Mensal Legion Hail on dent, Mrs. Dorothy Beaton; hard boiled eggs, also Easter l'st Vice-President, Mrs. Jessie projtcts of previous meetings. Mrs. 'Grace Peck; Ass. Sec- retary, MrS. Margaret Ingram; Skinner installed the, slate of District President Miss Ruth sing Home in Hensall and handed officers for the 19'73-74 term: out Easter treats, such as baskets They are as follows: Past Presi- holding candy eggs anddecorated President, Mrs., Hilda Payne; McAllister; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Elsie. Carlile; Secretary, • voured with two Easter duets Presbyterian Church acco accompanied by Eric Luther at the piano. Robert Taylor and Mrs. Al HOg- Luther and Mrs. Nan Britton fa- "pilled by their leaders, Mrs. plo'rers and C.O.C. -91 Carmel garth visited the Queensway Nur- book marks. These had all been girls back at the Church. After, singing several hymns to, the patients a social half hour was enjoyed by the boys and rn-, Treasurer, Mrs. Margaret .Ingram; Ass. Treasurer, •Mrs. Winnie Skea; press Reporter, (tied). The top individual scorer Mrs. Joyce Pepper; Resoly'tIons was Murray Taylor with a total Convenor, Mrs. Sadie Simpson; of 55 points. District' Director, Mrs. Jessie ,McAllister; gfernate District. HENSA•Lid PUBLIC Director, Mrs. Myrtle Orr; Card SCHOOL NOTES Conyenor,,„,„Mrs,4 Elizabeth Riley; A dance was held at Hensall-,' Pianist, Miss Greta, Lamm le; Public, School Friday evening with Ass. Pianist, Mrs. Myrtle Sher- Grade 7 and 8 pupils from Huron rift; Branch Directors; Mrs. Centennial, Zurith Public, Us- Hazel Corbett, Mrs. Pearl Koeh-borne Central, St. Marie Separate ler and Mrs. Elizabeth Riley. and St. Boniface • as special Standing Committees: Citi-, guests. The music was provided zenship and World Affairs, Mrs. by the "Junction" from Grand Hazel Corbett, Mrs. Joyce Bend, and refreshments were Pepper; Agriculture and Cana- sold. Over a hundred people dian Industries, Mrs. Elliabeth were present including some area Riley, Mrs. WInnie Skea; Family High School students. The host, and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. pupils of Herisall public School Myrtle Orr, Mrs. ElSie Carlile; expressed their thanks to those Education and Cultural Acti- attending and who. made the dance vities, Mrs. Jessie McAllister, . successful. Chaperones for the Miss Greta Lammie; Public"Re- evening were Ron McKay, Doug fations, Mrs. Susan Purdy, MrS. 'Pearson and Mrs. Mary Jacobe. Pearl Koehler; Historical Re-; search, Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt, Mrs. Vera Brintnell; Tweed= smuir. History, Mrs. Sadie Couple Simpson, Mrs. Susan Purdy; Auditors, Mrs. Anna Dining, Mrs. Edna Stonernan.'A celebrate's • Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Ingram. Programme convenors were M -S. Sadie Simp- anniversary son and Mrs. Margaret Ingram, and the ThosteSses were Mrs. Elizabeth Riley and mrs..Made- line Riley. Mrs. Margaret Ingram presided over a Touch and Take Table at the close of the meeting. Lower Interest. Rates NOW VIAILA,I3IE ON , st and 2dd Mortgages. • anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim financing on new construction • or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA-PHONE • -SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS. LTD. . AREA CODE 519-744-6535 COLLECT WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH UCW meets rection". The worship "Set them singing again" was conducted by Mrs. Roy McDonald and assisted by Mrs. Vesta Brintnell. It was decided to send a $10 donation to Bunny Bundle. MemIzers are to visit the BIliewater Rest Home in Zurich for the birthday ,party on May 8. It was also decided to have a booth at Dick Taylor's sale on April 25. Mrs. Alf Ross read a poem on Easter for the programme. Mrs. Russel Brock showed •the film on "The Beloved Surgeon". Hostesses for the afternoon were ' Mrs. Harold Parker and Mrs. Toni Brintnell. A slip and bloomer sale is plan- ned for the May meeting. ARNOLD -STINNISSEN Life — Health and Accident — Registered RetIrement Pensions — income Tax Deductable Registered Retirement Annuities Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE .527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST— SEAFORTH The Shopping Sprees Tit Continue 111:44.41 We've had winners. in Exeter, Goderich and Listowel. .DgontMason,of. Exeter', Pi4ked Up $1757 ,1n His Spree In Only 5 Minutes' Mrs. Sarah Larder Filled Several Carts In Her Spree ,In Goderich THE BEST IS YET TO COME •••' Draws For the 10-Minute Shopping Sprees take place on April 30 SO ENTER NOW, win in 10 minutes of free shopping with someone More prizes to be won! ' helping you! Imagine what you could 1604 P 1 I 3 el I II I Lo6k for full details on the Shopping Spree Contest • at stores where specially marked Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew. and Teem are sold. BOTTLED IN EXETER BY TUCKEY BEVERAGES Exeter LTD. 235-1505 The Hensall Kinette Club ineeting, was held at the home of Mrs. Jan Baker. The draw for the three minute shopping spree or $50 in cash was made by Reeve., John Baker and the lucky winner was Mrs, Lorne Hay of Hensall. The Kinettes visited the shut- iris recently and presented them UCW unit has meeting 4—H club The Annual meeting of the Hensall Women's Institute was held in the Legion Hall Wednes- day evening. President Mrs. pdrothy Beaton presided ,and opened with the Mary Stewart Collect and the Ode. The roll call was answered by the pay-, Rember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. garments they had made. It was announced that the achieve- ment day will be .held on the 28 of April at Stephen Central School. United Church notes Lent VI -Palm Sunday ser- vices were held inHensall United Church Sunday morning. The Choir under the direction of Mrs. Turicheim sang the anthem "He comes triumphant". For his sermon topic, Rev. Don 'Beck chose "Has our future ever been brighter?" The congregation welcomed into the fellowship of the Church Mr. and Mrs. Rick • McGee and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scotchmer. Teachers and students of Hen- sall public School held a Sports Rally on Friday in which the whole school participated. The Rally was set up In a series of thirteen games lasting from thirty seconds to three minutes. The pupils were divided into twenty teams and were given score cards on which to •tally their scores. The first three scores they received-were given as a total in which to help deter- mine the winnin g team and then was Included later in their individual score. Some of the games included "Alternate Bas- ketball", Dribbling, One-foot Skipping, and Ladder Hang. The winning team was number 8 and players on this team were; Dar- ren Moir, Peggy Willert, Susan BeCk, Michele Triebner, Bradley McBride, Jeff Corbett, ,Mary Hovius, David Rowcliffe, Betty Lynn 'Koehler and Harold.Trieb- , ner. Winners in the individuals were: Grade 1 - Kelly Vanstone, Scott Ingram; Grade 2 - Malanie 47,ovell, Murray Taylor; Grade 3- Jacqueline Hyde, Valerie Baker (tied) Jeff Row% • Grade 4 '- Lori Flynn, Biyan -Beer; Grade 5 - Lisa Stretton, Jerry Smith; Grade 6 - Dorna Williams,' Lori Lovell (tied) Bryan Baker; Grade 7 - Nancy McCurdy, Paul Ware- ing - Grade 8 - Bernice Willett. Greg Parsons, Bert Williams PONE 527-0690 Hold sports rally at Hensall school Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett were pleasantly surprised re- cently on the occasion Of their 40th wedding anniversary, when the family entertained them to a bancniet at the pineridge Chalet at Hens:71 . The tables were decorate J with spring flowers, t:Ocinchll,' Obra and centred with an' an niversary wedding cake. 0.14 Mrs. Harry Chapman, Lon-' who washer sister's prides-. don, maid, attended. Roy Mfdrenz Grand Bend, a brother of MrS. Corbett was master of ceremon- ies. They were presented with many gifts and their grandson, Steven Corbett, presented them with.a reprint of Hay Township taken from ,.!The Historical Atlas of Huron County in 1879". Jack and Hazel expressed their sincere thanks to their family and relatives for the cele- bration. The evening concluded with a social time .and dancing to the music of Joe Overholt.