HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-04-19, Page 14
WOO Poole*. 20 . cr
$2.00 A Year. in Ad . ,1
With Douglas W. Riley leading Ate way, Huron Trail
Riders Saddle Club set out on their first ride of the
season with twenty. members taking part. The club began
to ride frt16 the Riley residence at Winthrop.(W.Oke Photo
county .fife-mtransportation, a-
13riculture, municipal govern-
ment, industry and commerce,
education, etc.
In his summary to the Baard,
Mr. Scott explained hour the pro-
ject would serve as a learning
experience for the students and
contribute to the local com-
Reporting' for the Management
Committee, Donald McDonald,
chairman, recommended that
support at the annual convention
of Ontario Public School Trus-
tees Association, as requested
by the Lambton County Board of
Education fqr government legis-
lation for bus safety regulations,
be tabled at this time.
• The Board approved the as-
signment of the existing" trans-
portation contract with James
R. Armstrong to G. T, Mont-
gomery Limited. This covers
the routes of three buses carry-
ing students to the F. E. Madill
secondary School.
circus clay, •
Seaforth Optimists are spon-
soring an appearance of the Royal
Circus in Seaforth on June 4th.
It wilt be exhibited at Optimists
Proceeds will assist the
club in advancing its recreation
program in town.
Whale No. 5484
114th Year HAMM', ONTARIO MAY, APRIL' 19,1973 -
Hit Qf E moves to
At a meeting oi the Huron penance '73" plan of the Pro-
County Board of Education $11 vincial Government for grants to
Clinton Monday a number of re- students made available through
commendations frail the Educa.. the Ministry of -Education.
UM: Committee Were approved,: The project is designed to
Concerning the Bruce Scott,. update the history of'Huron from
Scholarships at the SeaforthDiere 1900 to. 1975. The history of
trict High School approval wank the first 75 years of HuronCoun-
given the recommendation that, ty was documented and made
legal proceedings be instituted' avallablein a book commissioned for variation of the trusts under by the Huron Couhty Council--
the will of the late Bruce Scott'. *4 'The Settlement of Huron
The will stipulated that each year County" by James Scott (Ryerson
the first $500 scholarship meSt1 1968), Now County Council feels
go to a student at the University it is desirable to cover the next
of Toronto.' D. J. Coehratie, 75 years.
Director of Education, reported With'a view to providing sum-
that the last few years studentir Per employment for HuronCoun-
from Seaforth have not been gang 13, students, one secondary school
to Toronto and thus this amount' 'Student and four university all-
ot money was put in a trust fund 'dents, Huron Council hat sought
which now has reached a total of the . co-operation of the Huron
$12,000. It is recommended that 'county Board of Education which
this money be put back, in the has the authority to apply for the
trust fund and only the total in- grant..
terest from the combined funds be Mr. Cochrane reported the
divided equally among the au.- Board has on file a letter from
dents-from the Seaforth District the clerk of Huron County as-
High School, who attend a uni- during the Board that any ex-
versity (to a maximum of $500 penes to the Board over and
per student). above those covered by the Pro- ne Board will make applicae• ' vincial grant would be borne by
tion to the Ontario Ministry of- County Council.
Education for approval of a pro-. Because of the scope of the
ject by professor James Scat project it cannot be completed
of Seaforth to update the history in a' single summer. It is a
of Huron County under the !.,Ere research-in-detail project that
1-1.P. Board . indexed, color-coded master file
will take the form of 'a cross- .
whigh will contain brief extracts
of basic material plus reference
to sources for further informa-
tion. It will cover all facets of .
sets rates
for year
The Board will' contlnee"-
pay tuition fees 'for arontJa.gto
Murray Van Veen to .complete
their education at Lit:1W%* PO",
trict , Secondary Schooi,'„eltOttld
they choose to ediie
cation at that school, but the.
Board will renom to -pay *Wen fees for anrother member
family or 'any other student OS", dent at Lot 24 COn, 14 who ,N.01,4
enrol in a secondary Eicliont not
under the jurisdiction Ofthegure •
on County Board of Education/or
Highlight of the an
night was the selection of a Prom
gather to congratulate Hessie Wyn
the group (left) are Tom Murray,
Kaig, named Princess, Bruce Knigh
.Bob Smale, The Queen Hessie Wynja
Residence/ farm taxes down
as Tuckersmith sets rate
n u al H S. Prom on Saturd
Queen. Here a g
ja who was chosen
BarbAKerslake, Je
t, Rosemary Newnh
`and Dave Kipfer.
. In
an Mc-
am, .
The Huron-Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate School'
Board Tuesday approved a 1973
budget of $2;607,132. an increase
'of 7.36 per cent, or $180,166'.
over last year.
Jack la ,ne, Business Ad-
ministrator, in presenting the
report, said the maximum
ordinary expenditure this year is.
$620.79 per pupil, or a, total
of $1,961,113. The proythcial
ceiling on Ordinari'expenditUrele
for 197.3 is $630. per elementary/
school pupil. The increase for
the Board is $60, . per pith!'
over the expenditures in 1972.
Extraordinary expenditures total
The provincial grant for or-
dinary.,expenditures In 1973 has
increased by, 1.8 per cent and
on recognized extraordinaryex„-
penditures by .35 per cent. The
equalized assessment per pupil,
which .determines the Board's
grant percentage, has increased
by $1,390.
Of the total budget of
tZ607,132., 13.68 per cent is to
be levied against local taxpayers.
Mill rates established for
each municipality in 1973 for se-
parate school support follow with
the corresponding rates for 1972
in brackets: Clinton 26.65
(29.65); Exeter 22.59 (20.59);
Goderich 29.97 (27.97); Seaforth
23.13 (26.13): Wingham 28.72
(26.72); Hayfield 28.45 (24.00);
Hensall 22.50 (22.14); Zurich
29.89 (27.89); Ashfield 25.50
(23.50); Colborne 25.21 (23.21):
Goderich Township 22.00 (19.41);
Grey 24.72 (22.72): Hay 29.45
(27.45); Howich 19.00 (15.00); Hul
lett 21.22 (19,22); mcKillop 23.08
(26.08); Morris 19.00 02.50);
Stanley 22.62 (20.62); Stephen
28.19 (31.19); Tuckersmith 25.42
(23.42); Turnberry 25.20 (23.20);
Usborne 19.90 (17.09); E. Wawa-
nosh 21.47 (19.47); W. Wawanosh
22.50 (20.50); Biddulph 21.25
(19.25); MCGillivray 30.45
(28.45); Culross 5.40 (18.57);
• _(ContinuedLen Page 10)
Ken Campbell; McKillop", stands beside the 36 fpot,sloop
"Mary Poppins" in which he plans to cross the Atlantic
this spring. With him fs son Kevin. The boat was trucked
from Owen Sound, where it was,wintered; to the Campbell
farm on Saturday. Preserit plans call for the boat to'
ail from Halifax June 1st.
Mrs. Molly Kunder, Seaforth-Huron Board of Education
trustee, admires an art exhibit produced by Seaforth
Publit School pupils and which is on display in die Board
offices in Clinton. The displays were features-of Educa-
tion Week.
Has 36 ft sloop
Plans Atlantic voyage
Seaforth Horticultural
niversary by receiving its
meeting in Seaforth Public
McCowan, Secretary, Irwin
Rodger' Whitman, president
who presented the charter.
Society marked its i'l"st an-
charter. shown here at a
School are (left) Mrs'. John
Trewartha, treasurer, Dr.
and Mrs. W. Klie of Hanover
(W.Oke Photo)
Tuckersmith Township will
pay a levy of $106,190. to Huron
County for 19'13, requir ing a rate
of 23.4 mills by all property
owners in the township. This
is an inoreaee of 1.4 mills.
SDHS crowns
prom Queen
Hessie Wynja of R.R.4, Sea-
forth, wee crowned queen of the .
prom at 'the annual dance of the
Seaforth District High School,
Friday night by last year's queen
Marie McClure of R.11.1, Sea-
The 17-year old Grade II
student, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerrit wynja, topped five
other contestants with the highest
number of votes. The voting was
carried out Thursday by the 444
students but kept secret until
the midnight announcement at
the dance.
Jean McKaig of Seaforth was
runner-up. •
A Hawaiian theme was used
in decorating the auditorium for
the dance.
• Other contestants were
Sandra Laverty, Ann Nobel and
Rosemary Newnham; all of Sea-
forth and Nancy Knight of R.R.2,
One year following its
formation, the Seaforth Horti-
cultural Society was presented
with its charter.
- At a meeting held in the Sea-
forth Public School Wednesday,
Mrs. William Klie, of Hinover,
president of District 8, Ontario
Horticultural Society presented
the charter to Dr. Rodger Whit-
man, the Dre.sident,
(Continued on-Page 10)
Decision of the Huron County
„Health _Unit to move the Home
tbat liWa office from' Seaforth
,clinton has been protehted
by Seaforth.
In letters to the county and
province, Seaforth Clerk E. M.
Williams pbinted out the program
had come about because of the
initiative and co-operation of
Seaforth Community Hospital. It
is the only head office of a county
facility in Seaforth.
attend LPO
Huron ridings were well re-
presented at the annual meeting
of the Liberal Party in Ontario
held in Ottawa last week end.
Huron riding MPP's Jack
Riddell and Murray Gaunt headed
the delegation which included
Mrs. Jean Adams, Brucefield,
Dr. Morgan Smith, Bayfibld, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Murphy, Mr. and
Mrs. Duncan, Howard Aitken and
Mrs. Eileen Palmer, Goderich;
Mr. and Mrs. E.B.Menzies,Clin-
ton• Colin Campbell, Bob McGee
and Phil Beard, wingliam; Geo.
Ingles, Belmore, Ivan Kalbfleisch
and Mr. and Mrs. Ian McAllister,
Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mc
Clure, Exeter and A. Y. McLean,
Mr.- McLean was re-elected
vice president of the LPO re-
presenting the 40 provincial and
31 federal ridings in the South-
western Ontario Region.
SDHS band
receives bid
The peaforth District High
School Girs' Band has received
an invitation to take part in the
annual Memorial Day parade at
Inkster, Mich.
Band Leader George
Hildebrand said the Invitation
to the May 28 parade resulted
from the impression the band
created when it took part in the
Lien(' Convention parade in
Windsor two years ago.
Ken Campbell of ft; R. 1,
Dublin stands beside the 36-
foot sloop, 'Mary Poppins' , in
which he hopes to cross the
Atlantic this spring. He will be
accompanied by Harry Whale of
They bought the boat in
Odtober 1970, from Dr. Jona-
The Huron County Board of
Education meeting in Clinton
Monday approved the appointment
of Herbert Murphy of Goderich
as vice-princibal of South Huron
District High School, Exeter, el:
fective September 1. He fills
the facancy created by the re-
tirement of Morley C. Sanders
after 32 years of teaching in
Huron County.
Mr. Murphy, who is present-
ly vice-princip 1 at Seaforth 1,,,e
District Hig School, will be
replaced by brrruce Shaw of Ex-
eter, now head of the English
Department at South Huron High
Mrs. J. W, Wallace, board
member from Goderich, with-
drew a motion she was prepared
• ..
thon Stanley of Toronto. The
boat had been built for Dr.Stanley
in 1964 by the Cheoy-Lee Boat
Yards in Hong Kong and they
sailed it to Caiiade from England
-via the Carribean.
Mr. Campbell said they had
been planning to cross the At-
lantic and had been looking for
to make to ask the Board to
rescind an October 16, 1971, re:-
solution that organized the board
into standing committees, and re-
turn to its original format of
meeting in full and regular meet-
ings twice each month, and any
matters requiring extraordinary
attention be delegated to ad hoc
whim I Rees.
Mrs. Wallace considered the
original setup of the board of-
fered better communications a-
mong members and between the
board and the public. It had
established with the board in Jan-
uary, 1969, two monthly open
meetings and made provisions for
committee of the whole meetings
alp committee of the whole in
(continued on Page 10) .
a boat when the Mary Poppins
came up for sale. ''It was ex-
actly what we wanted," he said.
The 'boat was trucked from
Owen Sound Saturday to the
Campbell farm in McKillop
Township where it will be painted
and put into shape ready to be
trucked to Halifax on May 25.
The two men will set out front
Halifax on June 1, accompanied
by Dr. Glen Oliver of London
whc will travel with them as far
as St. John's, Newfoundland, when
Dr. Oliver will return to Ontario.
The two adventurers expect
that it Will take them about four weeks to reach their deetination
in Portsmouth on the south shore
of England . They plan to fly
home to Canada.
Mayor joins
Ottawa group
Seaforth Mayor F. C. J. Sills
was one of three mayors of Huron
towns who were guests at the
ninth annual National Prayer
Breakfast on Parliament Hill in
Ottawa on Wednesday.
Guests of R. E. McKitiley,
Huron M.P., a member of the
parliamentary prayer beeakfttet
group, .they included Mar:WM:WO
worsen of Coderich and Mayor
Don Symons of Clinton. "
For , general township pur-
poses the council set a rate of
20.0 mills on all farm and resi-
dential property and a rate of
25.0 mills on commercial and
business assessment.. This is.
a decrease in farm and resi-
dential' of 1.6 mills, while
commercial and business remain
the same as last year. The town-
ship 'levy will raise $92,056.
Clerk James McIntosh pointed
out that this general township
rate 'does not take into account
the proposed grant increases by
the Ontario Government as' pre-
sented to the legislature last
Thursday. He said the township
rate was set in February and
that any credit attributable'to this
will be adjusted in the 1974 tax
For the Huron County..Board
of Educati the primary rate of.
20.8 s was set on all farm
and residential property and 23.0
on commercial and business
assessment, compared to 20.5
and 22.6 last year; for secondary-
schools the rate is 15.2 for farm
and residential and 17.00 for
commercial and business com
pared to 15,5 and 17.00 last year.
The priMary school levy is
$86,412. and the secondary school
levy is $69,444.
For the. Huron-Perth Roman
Catholic Separate School Board
the farm and residential rate is
25.4 mills and for commercial
and bpsiness the Yate is 28.3,
compared to 23.4 and 26,0
last year. The levy for the Huron-
(Continued on Page 10)
Mrs. Helen McKenzie,
Seaforth, won tho twentieth weekly
prise of $25. in the Lions Car
Club 3.
Move SDHS vice principal
to South Huron District