HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-03-17, Page 6Tuft ,'QETxt i or saPit"AtiG. uniformly in about 1, 2 or B ounce can alto jaunty bullfrog from its fitful win- ptecee. Tilie clay be crone in alntnat tzar dream, entire di;re�;trd to th,s position of the thoughtfully* unroll himself amt climb , the turbid -stream; eyes. It is ullifornliry of size in the fie snake will get iL wiggle on, the toad 11) eco; i hat lero,luees. the meet untfor111 willgive a nap, 1 iiud hest crop, according to the experi- he turtles for the '..river trade" will "open meats conducted ;it the 1 ndjana station, up his shop, 11$ pati to bug C:OilYention '011 the hilleielo Tho ]110o4i is the,Lai O, mill convene, aid maL1;o the termer weary climbithg up haus the old saying, and everything filet With Petit; green; ever hakes part of any organ of the body ked weaodclnierit from his hole will pCep, mwit reach its plate therein through when twilight flours aro dim.; the blood. Therefor(, if the blood is pu i- Lnd in the early morning bring the fes -trap fled and kept in geed condition by the use back with hint ; ?er:liaps it, bead of cabbagofot his little totsy goo- i8 will 11311 the trap and cabbage in, slid • pull the holt; in, too. rile patter of the rain drops end the scamper of the rats soulful 'les ill ' 101 \ Ll' +n t0 1C .'.r memories Will a v .a, r l b:Lcltyard cats, Where the trleouli ght's gentle focns,stealing through the midnight fog. Weaves it canopied enchantment for sonic lovesick poodle dog, Yon will hear the owl's rejoinder to his love mate's repartee, As he wisely winks both eyes at you from out some neighboring tree, The jocund hens and roosters, in the plain trees by the door, Will harmonize their medley with the pig's sonorous -snore; The crows will hold a caucus near the newly - planted corn, And add another wrinkle to the farmer's free forlorn ; Tho spiders, in the attic, will once more their shuttles ply o weave a labyrinth for the uneducated fly; he rose bush will climb higher to escape a pending doom, lid give points and jigs and waltzes 'mid the cherry tree's perfume; he house flies soon will grease their toes from off the butter plate; o allay the irritation of their toe nails on your pate; he mosquito bird and other bir3s will form a poetry ring, 1 set some lines to music o2 the poetry of spring. A Splendid Lesson. 1 ondon Adver::se'. By a slight reduction in the imiost coal oil, and by the abolition of If of the duty on binder twine, the °minion Government has given the ople a taste of how much they will benefited by many other reductions taxation. Hitherto the protectionist ument has beenn-eitherthat the duty not added to the price or that the eigner pays the duty. But ive all ow that as soon as a tax is thrown or even reduced, down ttoes the cea which the consumer must pay. f k;ix reduction is good, let us ask Logi-kers of South ;Middlesex, where electi:;>4s now In progrpss, wily !'ltd we uQti 1pive some Ill. re ? 'hero is the dll,ty on agricultural letueuts. it is 115gh and it could greatly reduced with (-Anefits to the tier and no ill effect to the iuhple- ,t manufacturer, if the imposts on ntnlce'r's raw material were thrown Tiilt the duty on iron tut ex - of Hood's :+al•sap:Lrilla, it necessarily fol- lows that the boueiit of the medicine is inv parted to ovary organ of the body. Can anything be simpler than the method by which this excellent medicine gives good, health to all who try it fairly and patient- ly? ,e Costly Farce. (pandas Banner.) 4; One of the facetious lluiiibugs of the :tee is the prohibition commission which is going about the country taking the evidence of witnesses ou the question as to whether the prohibi- tion of the liquor traffic would be a good thing or a bad thing for the country. Imagine the ,'30111 tniss100ers, all driiaing handsome salaries from the public chest, sitting down and solemnly asking the brewers of the various towns and cities if they thought it would be wise to close up the breweries ! Or imagine the lead- ing prohibitionists of the country being askod in a tone of assumed sincerity if in their opinion it would be a wise step to increase the number of distilleries ! To be sure, we all know that the commission was ap- pointed iii order to enable: the Govern- ment at Ottawa to put a troublesome gnestiou on the shelf for a. yenr or two but dtu'iog this year or two it is spend- s i 11 l e of no earthly • TUE 'WINURAM TIMES MARCH 1. i , 1893. the roadway being used as a dumping place for the refuse of the tarsu ur Il sturage place for logs and wood, Or as a place in \Viliolt 'total \wells 1nay mature their creeds to his injury. ]Every ttaveller tieiug.:Atae roadway has a right to proteeyagainst its being defaced in this ►iPotiner, as it destroys a great deal of tt►e pleasure that would be experisliced wore it host in. a proper state, Nothing should ba placed ou ng money ant Wi I he•nehS to she country in the end. And after it shall have concluded its labors the eviieeee of the witnesses will l,e printed in a blue book, at the expense of the country, and thousands of dollars will have been spent to in- form Parliament that the prohibition- ists are in favor of prohibition and those engaged in the liquor traffic are not. the roadside that will tear the view. A wall -kept farm dices not appear to advantage beside a badly kept road- way, There should be as much thought and care given to improving the ap- pearan4i of our roads as a good out— face. The th des des should be leveled and graded s o that they will present Se t It smooth and sightly appearance. Trees should be planted along the roadsides and the whole kept in a proper state of r •pair,auc1 everything dan0 to make its eppearauee as pleasing aa possible. By doing thi3 it will not only add to the !greater pleasure to he derived in travelling, but will improve both the appearance and the value+ of the farms along the roadway. --Jas, A, Bell, P. L. S. Reetored to :Health. DEAR Sros, Por -years I was troubled with indigestion, but being advised to try B. B. B. I did so and find mys 1f quite re- stored to health. Howsue SULLIVAN, Mgr. Sullivan Farm, Dunbar, Ont. Farmers and the Tariff. 11 the fanners, !breaking loose from party ties, take a sta ail on the tariff question, their,iufluenee will not be in• considerable. Acting in their capacity of .Matrons of Industry, they snake it plain to the Government that they desire the removal of duties on coal oil, binder twine, corn and fencin wino. Fencing wire, lender twine and eorn aro materiali which aid the pro - IN, til the Inst ten years, rho ducts of the farm; coal oil is nu article u er, of ttie ,:'iuntry have had 1) a tax of 6'3,[31,000 on pig iron ,e, in zdclition to 0 bounty of F3` i1,- paid Its bounty on pig iron produc- ie Canada. By the way, if the i who makes 1'11 iron is to be paid aliltts tint of the nutiousl t:eaeury 1'.ary roll of 1:00 produced, is it 04001' titer' 11011 the t rriner's of eels stood up feet his rights and du ded that he, ion. shall eseeiv+' a ty on every twined he markets very load of grain thatha threshes. id when the bonnstng gets round a all and we get our rights, how 1 better crit any of us be,? t not better 1'y far to reduce the to the lowest, p,ssihle rate, and to every tn;tn to nualce such lint: r u'ui ngs as he ul y de'0111 wipe ? • Cattin•s Seed Potatoes. tting see 1 p:ltatoes for pluming eon et prolitie subject for discus - and many even to -cloy hold ad - opinions conc:'rnin'i the size Of feces for planting. At the In. station th''re have been experi- conduont<d for a long titne, and thoritioss give as conclusive teats exults of their trials. it was that pieces about the same size, me containing inol'n eyes than produced almost the same alk and natnber of tubera There ally no advantage in increasing mbar of eyes in the piece. In g the siZ + of the piece of potato, r, gave a oorrespondingincrease number of stalks. From this be judged that a smallpiece of to nourish only one eye, and the number of eyes without g th , size of the potato is of fl. The eyes at the seed end tato sot as a single eye, and independent ones cnpalbte of g as many stalks ns there are t eyes, There is more import• the size hi which the potatoes Titan in the number of eyes to The tubers should 10 cut But one opinion prevails throughout the. world, and that is so strongly in favor of Perry Davis' Pain Killer, that no other article ever at- tained so wide spread popularity, 95 cents bays a big bottle. How He Won Butler's Consent. Apropos of the Gen. Butler stories that, are going the rounds, hero is a true o'ne : I had an important law case on, said a Wakefield gentleman the ld\vi other clay. I knew no one eon 11 that case for me but Ben Butler. He Was in Washington at the time. I went to Washington, and after hard scrabbling for two days, got an audi- ence with him. Ile had more work on his hands now, he said, than he could attend to, and he said he wouldn't take my ease for $1,000 a day ; and he went 'about his work right then. General, I said, 1 was born in the same town with you. ,He grunted, but wasn't otberwiao affected that I could see. • Do you remember little Miss --1 And you remember the boy who used to send notes to her, and the boy who nsed to taste then! 1 T and the boy who took that notes. And,I ain the boy Who sent them, aaid the General. He (held out his hand. I guess I'll take your ease after all, lie said. and he did, and won it. —Boston Globe. Itch on human a.ucl horses and all mei. . mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's 1 Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. War- ranted at Ohisholtrl's drug store. of persOual consumption. The first three occupy nearly the same place that raw materials do in the factory, and may fairly claim the slime excepe Monet treatment. The meal oil, too, has some affinity to the old English tax on windows, and must be classed es obnoxious. lts total repe.,l invol- ves other considerations ; it cannot be regarded as standing ou the same ground as the other three articles. The Patrons cannot be said to have made any unreasonable demands, though that ahout coal oil comes near- est to this description. The farmers have it in their power to effect con- siderable chanes in the tariff', if they agree among themselves as to what they want. Their influence is au element on which both manufacturers and the government will have to eonnt, They will have to look out for the political foxes, who,whatever they may say, are in search of the fleece ; and will do well studiously to avoid all unreasonable dernands. They have not made a bad beginning, and if they act with prudence they can make their influence felt in the remodeling of the tariff' to an extent which has not heen so far anticipated.—Monetary Times. A Cure for Croup. OP,OLJP kills thousands where cholera VV kills tens. For this dread disease no remely can compare in curative power with Ilcgyard's Yellow Oil. It lessens the phlegm,gives prompt relief, and went com- pletely cures the most violent attack. Road Sides. 'A word ,for the road sides : flow of- ten the fo;lowing is to be seen along the sides of the mad ways in the coup. try : Stumps and stones taken from the adjoining fields and piled along the fence, brush from the orchards, weeds from the gardens, saw logs and wood piled up to be taken to market when convenient, and weeds of every description allowed to grow. The farmer who prides himself on the tieatnna+ anti o'e,ailliness of his farm, has jest reason to protest against A Story of Devotion. • They sat late by the flickering fire - Her head was nestled on his heaving and manly boson), and softly his arm stole around her yielding waist, - The law takes no cognizance of this class of stealing. Nobody does, if proper precatatinlhs are observed except the two interested parties. Oh, love 1 Oh, rapture 1 He had told her tlio sweet Words over and over ag lin, and she coyly cooed them back to him. A step was heard in the hall. That is to Fay, it was heard by the girl. The young man heard nothing ex- copt the heating of a fond heart. Georgie, she murmured, what would yon do to show your love for your little Ethelrida ? Dearest, he respunded fevrently, anything, everything. I would will- ingly, oh, so willingly, suffer any pain for you. Are you sure, George, she asked with the insistence of doubt. Sure as the stars do shine, darling Again the, step. Then, George, she said with a little sob, get ready for papa's coming. And the craven. Coward skipped, Iiipans Tabules: for sour stomach. Perhaps the sirong•?st advocate of an extra session is the young men whose hest girl's parents hold hint down to ono call por woelc. Papa, said the snaall boy,that is dignity ? Dignity, replied the father, consists principally of it tail hat and a frock coat. • Beware of Cholera. The healthy body throws off tho germs of cholera therefore wisdom counsels the use of Burdock Blood Bitters title spring to purify the blood, regulate the systetn, and fortify the body against cholera or other epidemics. . ENJOYS Botlh the method and results when Syruppleasant 'lu sof Fins is ' it is 0 and refreshing to the taste, and acts gcntlyyet promptlyon the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fever's a11C1 cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- d•:eccl, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its affects, prepared only from the most healthy and. n greeable substances,its many excellent qualities e0t1)1llend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who rainy not have it on !hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CU., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NKW YORK. N.Y 4uCPIS YQ.liQVQa of On aA erijDoldQ olso hs °Ms-. See Not -- 1, ? J�J,�'Qi a� 0 ask- G�e�re� ' Q rro! clubbin.; states, The weekly.Lhnpiro and premium the ('ouservative members of the Sense of Commons, crud the Tams from DOW till;the end of 1893--$1,75, The weekly Globe and '1'It1Ee from :aoW tilt the end of 1893-51,76. The London Advertiser, \weakly and Tun'.s from now till the eucl of 1803-51.60 The Loudon Free Press, weekly and 1'I»Es from now till end of 1893-51.70. The Montreal Weakly Hereld and the Timis from now till end of 1803-81.00. The ;Moutreal Wituees, weekly and Timers from now till the end 1803-51.75. Reduced rates with all other trestle petition weeklies, 'Ellis in a grand oppor tunity. Subscribe at once and receive the balance of the year free. ' The TIMES and the ‘.Family Herald and Weekly Star" and the Star Almanac, from DOW until the '1st of January 1894. fo $1.70. JOE Pr3IL TIG (, INOLUDINO 000104, Pamphlets, fosters, Bill Heads, Circulars, Se.. ,hc., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, Timm OIince, winghaul. LOOK HERE t1c 1 1i 1imosi, -IS PUBLISHED -- ENTRY FRIDAY MORNING —Ar TME— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET `VINGHAM, ONTARIO. Subscription price, $1 per year, izi aclvrutoe . DVI RTi$1NG RATES; space I 1 yr. 166 mo. 3 mo. I 1 nM Ono Column $00.00 $36 00$20 OQ t1 01) 00 20 00 12 00 6 ea Balt ' 35 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 IjI 7 00 4 00 Line Inch 6 00 3 00 I 2 00 1 00. Legal 380(1 ot for casual advertisements, Re, per lino for first insertion, and 3e. perline for cam subsequent insertion. Local notices 10c, pe, ..no for first insertion, an 5c. per line for each subsequent Mortis'', No loots notice will bo charged loss than 26c, Advertisements of LestFound, strayed, ituation and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 linee nonpareil 51 per month HOUSeu and Farms for Salo, not oxcceding• R lines, $1 for Hirst month, 60o, per subsequent month These terms will bo strictly adhered to Special rates for lo advertisements, or for longer periods. Advertisements and local noticed without "mottle directions, will ee Inserted till forbid and char eel ra accordingly. T"alsory advertisements must los paid It adranc+ Civanges tgr.centract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday no0rn, in order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT 1'ael'It1rrOa AND PU5LIO6LR DR MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, WIaonOn, - - 0 ruieo. This �i1l InterestEveiy_ 'i%B.TOwLER,M,D.C.Al.,—.� M�/ombor College Pbrsielans a0d Surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Huron- OHice Up -stairs, next to Mr Alorton's 03 o-,, Wing - liana, Ont. OFFICE HOURS, -0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. ren., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. Cures consumption, 4Conglia, Croup, sore 'Throat. Sold by all Druggists en n Guarantee. Foca Larne Side, Boat or Chest Shiloh's a'oroue Plaster wi11 give gre+t satisfaction. -25 cent%. 9 d' Mr`suSHw4scCVYoga.Tonn. sayfl" 1'il' r,rfrE: 1' consideritthcbcstremerlyforadefritlta Mdendtern, 1ever2tsrd," For Dyspepsia Lie croz3,ney trouble It excels. :Or1coi15 olNe. Yih A L>1 rd Cit+ar i i2 i7 ,iia , ) ' 6 ntr. r•-... Ih, 1 UaveycuCatarrh? •Trythtcxlieniedy, 11'wi11 positively, relievo a•u: Cure you, Price 50 cts. This Injector for 11; pr,<r:, f,Ll treatrnentis furnished free. 1terinr•ir ei ',"Illoh'SVetted:ea are sold on a foe. , i ;,: --:.e .titles:Won. NERVE BEANS bode We are selling Best Coal Cil at 12 1-2 cents per Imperial gal- lon, or a can containing 1)11. J. A. AIELDRTJM, j Honor Graduate of Toronto University, said Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeoes of Ontario. Olticeand Residence -Corner of Centre and Petrl(k streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune winC IAII • . j UNT the equivalent of' five �L. \rANST0NE. l`3.merioan gallons for BAltttlss'IiR, ,SOLICITOP., rte., ®e✓'. exclusive ®+y •i �– Private snd Company funds to loan at lowost rate 7 interest. No CO IIIIIISS10n charged. Mortgages, tow �gP. anal .arm proparty bought and',old American Axes, 50c. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $I.00 per foot. We to -day reduce our quotations on Bander Twine one cent per lb. 3. A. CLINE & CO W 113 130 m. WINGHA.M STEM PULP IVORKS, DAIIEL PROPRIETOR. I wish to inform the people of Wing - ham and surrounding country, that, as I have purchased the Steam Pump Works lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, I are prepared to supply all kinds of r1ERVI; DEANS area now mo- covert' that cure the worst eases of Norvoue Debility Loot Vigor and Paling; Manhood: reetares tke %magneto of body or mind (mused by over -work. or rho errors or or. ceases 0f youth. Thad 11.003(8)' eh- -whitely CO1e0 h--whutetyota100 the most obstinate omen wheat alt ether T18YATMENTs have felled even to relieve. old by drug- Mete at S1 por raa'knge, Or, six for 16, or ean1 by wall on moot 1t of prloo by ruldtesatng TIM JAMES MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Ont. Write for tkunphtat. ,seId in - 31' ngh,.tn by A, I.. 1IAMI4.TON Wooden, L aft, Force & Iron Pumps And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump line. As I have a long experience in the business I guarantee all my work, and if not satisfactory will refund the money. We also deal in ALL KINDS /IF WIND MILLS. Soft water cisterns made on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. D. SHOWERS. Winghanr OFFICE -Braver Block 15'i:ounat T:IOLLOWAY'S OINTDIENT AND PILL9.- fndiNp;utable retnedir's.—In the 1180 of these ane. tela lento thele used to he no hesittitioh or doubt of thea' rnoline1, healing and pnrifyine13 properties. The Ointment stands unrivalled for the tnoility it displays in relieving~, stealing and thoroughly curing the 'most in. veterate sores and ulcers, 111111 in cases of had legs and `bad breasts they act RS a chnrral The Pills are the zrrost effectual remedy ever discovered for the lila of liver complaints, diQeasep most disastrous in their efleets,dirnn,- ins,' all 111e proper flutetiuns of that organs n.il'ected, indueill'„ restlessness, melancholy, wenriness, inabi ity to sleep, and pant its the side, until the whole system is exhnnl.ted. These wonderful Pills, if token neeordinft to the printed dtrietions necorllpanying each hos, strike et the root of the Malady, etituttlnfe the stortlncll rind liver into a hoalthy notion, and effect a Complete sure. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER Sc , IV ngham Out MEYER ry DICKINSON, H. W, C. MEYER Q. C. 1 C. L. DICKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., Sb- 111110rs for Bank of llauliltou, Couunissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town. and Village property bought and sold. ".honey (private 1011d8)10amd on mortgage security at 53 per cent. Molloy invested for private persons, upon the bent mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North- west. 0ftiee-Bent's Block, 33 bighorn. DENNTISTRY.-- J S. JEROME, WiNOltan, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, 6 y?k< e" Vuleanito plates of the bestntaterial as cheap cls they can be got in the Dominion. All work. warranted. Painloss extraction of teeth by the use of Eleetrie. ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAKE NortoE.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents each, OFFICE : In tho Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. Wm. 11. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST, OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Winghnm. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INS1TI1ANCE AGENT wtroisAai, N'rAa[n f. DEANS, Ja., W1Rotult, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUlatlr OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate. JOHN CURItIE, Wnseme0, ONT., LICENSED AUOTIONEEII FOR Tun COUNTY OF 11U1tors A11 orders left at the TIMES onlco promptly attend ed to. Tortes reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTIES HURON AND Bnums, All sales attained to promptly and on the Shoeteed Notiee. Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be made at the Totes' office WIi1011AM Ozer DRS. GODFREY 2 McASII, Al. 13. Toronto, Members College Physicians and Snrgeonn. Ontario, BELOaAve ONTARIO .IVIOrLey , to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced e■ mortgages a 61 par cent with privilege of paying at the end of say year. Notes and accovnt8 0011eeted, 1ET. 11to1NLloO. nearer Sleok,--Wife 4M, Oat, r) H "Madam, w "But can' •f'Impossiblo' And we fir Ks there no Are yoat tt •"And aro th Who run y t think the Oiling tin She threw A, fair fee "Are you a "Then, 0 A11 the long That CTed "Twill do n And—" My dying ell AndImr 011, won't y' •Emphati '-when Chri They gra Ygi 'Ott from th On tit te,- The onginee Prayed: °' 'Then flung 1 'some giar With pantin Pp„gt lith • A. half, a m Along'tho His glances And still eerj Heart, hani Work,'avh• Just hold f Help us t. With rush Past cott The pantin And spee They say a The trait Who listen Iii ANswr•. It is on kings and jects do n then! the The Qu has no oh fond of ot cially if t ago, whilt Dresden, two little mire the They a the Quee 'Yes, pl the nimo I steppe them `I This li little boy. But 1 1 twins ? Your 11 diC3n't th' Queen. The test this paper •' They are facts, and Cures. Be sure tc Constip digestive( Flood's Pi Little cutting t is prunin will the - Borro c BY GT