The Huron Expositor, 1973-04-12, Page 8"00.51atIP, BANC:HART, KELLY, DON & CO. Chartered Accountants 476 Main St. S., EXETER 235-0120 R. W. REID, C.A. BUMPER STICKERS AN& AIM MAR R IAGE: : ANOTHER UNION THAT DEFIES MANAGEMENT \ Township of Hibbert. The Municipal Landfill Site (Dump) will be open Saturday April 7 from, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and every Saturday until further notice. NO CAR BODIES, WIRE or CONCRETE Charles Friend, Clerk FARM SEEDS Climax Timothy, Grass and Clover Seeds Locally Grown — Barley (Herta and Fergtis) Gary Oats, Cereal Mixtures, Century Peas. — SPECIAL MIXTURES — "As in the past, we will also prepare mixtures to meet your own individual requirements based .an recom- mendations by the Department of Agriculture. (See pages 20 to 32 in "field Crop Recommehdations for 1973"). 7-- RED CLOVER (See page 27, in Crop Recommendations) There is nothing better than RED CLOVER for soil-building purposes. R. N. ALEXANDER at THE SEED PLANT in LONDESBORO Clinton 482-7475 Blyth 523-4399 TURN ONS AN AMERICAN FIRGT ANNOUNCES Nis INVENTION, THEN THE Rocx-,Ms CLAIM THEY PIGCoVERci) IT YEARS Aso, ri KALLy, -ri-IE JAPANESE e,a'A ' SUNDAY Smorgasbord 12100 Noon to 8:00 p.m. Baron of Beef (The hip of beef-cut to individual orders, Try It This Sunday .. bring the family Li censed Under LLBO Reservations Appreooteti But Not Necessary Les Pines Hotel EXETER Is pleased to 'anno_unce that BASIL CHASE is the new managing chef in charge of all food and dining arrangements FOOD SERVED 7 DAYS A WEEK .......... Breakfast Served From 7:00 a.m. * Full Course Dinners Noon and Supper NOON BUFFET In The Ebony Room Starting 12:00 Noon * Spatics Served Throughout the Day Until Late Evening DINING FACILITIES LICENCED UNDER LLBO Make Reservations For Our Special EASTER SUNDAY SMORGASBORD / b 4T.14E kIII/R011"004:331TOR, 3RA14)R711,'"014T., APRIL, 12, 1973 r•' ert inspects s and'bridges .3 .11.115bert 'council carried, out insurance coveragewasreviewed r sPeetien Of township roads, by Frank Campbell of gheOke0 bridge construction and Road Vouchers for $4:159.54 100ke41—:# Municipal drainage. -and General Account ofS7,023.74 work, during a tour of the munl- CValttY ,,following a special W Meeting On ednesday. At the April meeting the pre- ceding Monday, council received several delegations. Matt Mc Oreight, inspecting trustee of Dublin discussed the dog problem ,in the village and council agreed to publish advice that it was intended to control dogs in the township as well as in Dublin. Alex Miller discussed a land division problem and Don Hock- ing a drain problem. Township CWL installs new executive at regular April meeting operation during the past year. Mrs. Ron Murray who attended the abortion talk in Stratford told the ladies it was suggested they obtain their doctors' views on abortion and if he appraVed abor- tion, to change doctors. The lad- ies present were asked to send letters to Dr. Potter and their Members of Parliament stating their views. The quilt which was made by the members of the C.W.L. was won by Mrs. Rose Stapleton. Mrs. F rank Kistner adjourned the meeting. Prize winning speeches were given by Frank Flanagan, Jim McCreight, Ruth McCreight and Donna McGrath. Slides were shown by Miss Gwen Fuhr of her European holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeCoville have returned from a weeks va- cation at Put Franks where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tate and while there spent some time fishing along Lake Huron. ^ Mr. Joe Doyle returned home last week after spending, two weeks in Tucson, Arizona, where he was visiting his brother, Mr. , and Mrs. Gerald Doyle. Mrs. *alter Marriott is a patient in Seaforth hospital where she underwent surgery on Friday. Mr. Steye Marriott suffered a severe shakihg-up when his motorbike collided on Raglan St. with another bike driven by his friend, J. Aikens of Mitchell. Were approved. Council deferred considera- tion of the minutes of the Mitchell District Planning Board of March 19th, to the May meeting, when township Planning Board repre- sentatives would be present. There being no objections in writing to, the Re-zoning by-law for Lot 30 Con 1, Clerk Charles Friend was instructed to arrange with the township solicitor for clearance with the Ontario Muni- cipal Board. Tenders are to .be called for the Scott Drainage Works and .Weevel Branch Drainage Works, and the Court of Revision was set for April 23rd at the Town- ship hall. . By-Laws were passed for Warble Fly Spraying, collection of half year tax levy on the 15th June, 1973, and two readings given to the Scott Drainage Works, and Neevel Branch Drainage Works. it was agreed to bring the regular Meeting of council for May forward to May 3rd , and the Clerk was instructed to advertise accordingly. The C.W.L. met in St. Pat- ricks school. The President, Mrs. Joe Delaney opened the meeting with prayer, The secretary, Mrs. Bill Feeney gave the minutes and correspondence and the treasur- er Mrs. Keith McCarthy gave her report. Mrs. Delaney introduced, the new president, Mrs. Joe Cronin and the new vice-president, Mrs. Ron Murray. She expressed her thanks to all the ladies who helped quilt and to the past president Mrs. Frank Kistner and to the remaining executive for their co- News of Brodhagen Correspondent Mrs. Ken Elligsen Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe during the week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Diegel, Shakespeare, Mrs. Alice Tait, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wolfe, Monkton, Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz, Kitchener, Ru- dolf Fischer, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs,. Rob Brady, Delhi visited during the week- end with her parents Mr. and Mrs., Harvey Ahrens. --Mr. and...-Mr's. Gary Sholdice and family of Waterloo, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen and boys. Mr. Edward Scherbarth Sr. returned to his home last week having been a patient at the Sreaforth Community Hospital. On Wednesday, Warrant Of- ficer, Dick Watson, Doug and Ray Shean, St. Thomas, visited with Mr.-and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. Mr. and 'Mis.ifictiard.Leon- hardt, Jeffrey and Kevin, Strath- roy visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hernian Leonhardt. Mr. Mariott is able to be out and around on crutches with a very sore ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Smale returned last week from a two week vacation in Florida. Mr. Jack Darling is a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kistner of Brodhagen and Mr. and Mrs. ,Ed Byers spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney. Mr. Joe Murray of Kitchener visited on the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Melva Murray and Jerry. Mr. and, Mrs. Jerry Eckert of Owen Sound, spent the weekend with Mr. Mike Eckert. Miss Theresa ,,,,Ryan, of London, visited with her mother and Alice on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ferg Stapleton returned home during the past week from a holiday in Florida. Mr. Jack Cleary of Toronto with Mrs. Frank Evans on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Coubel of . Kitchener visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Looby. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Flanagan visited on Sunday with their daughter Catharine, R.N.,at Englehart. Mrs. Jean Dill is a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Mr,and Mrs. Doug McG livery and family of London spent Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr. and Mrs. J.D. MaGrae of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don MaCrae. The Dublin girls hockey team played Seaforth's team on Monday but lost 3 to 1. Members of the team are; Back L. to R., Coach, George Ducharme, Debbie Cameron, Bernice Smith, Linda Van Bergen, Maureen Ryan, Marilyn Ryan: (Front) Dianne Brosen, Laurie McKay, Geraldine Raymen, Beatrice Ducharme, Anette Ducharme and Audrey Smith. (Staff Photo) Giudes 7 & 8 of St. Columban „Separate School didlhe history of St. Colurnban as an Education Week project. This group used a map to point to the communities that serve Huron and Perth. Shown are (left) Judy Dorsey, Brenda Brooker, Richard Verberne, Ron McIver, Marianne Kale. ' (Staff Photo) St. Colubban along ,with many other schools celebrated Education Week when parents were invited to see What their children are doing at school. Here Elizabeth Klaver, Henrietta De Witt and Roseann Nolan display Exports andImports of Italy, the country which the grades are studying. (Staff Photo) • Joe Claessens, Simon Kalver, Pat O'Reilly and Frank Claessens with the aid of a diagram they developed explained how the community meets the needs of the people. The demonstration was a feature of education week at St. Columban School. (Staff Photo) SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 10,0 •00 The annual meeting of the Catholic women's League of St. Columban waa held in the church hall on Apr. 2. The' President, Mrs. Roy Swart chaired the meet- ing. It was reported that an enjoyable.afternoon was spent with the residents of Kilbarchan. The nominating committee consisting of Mts. John O'Leary and Mrs. Len O'Rourke presented the fol- lowing slate of officers: past President, Mrs. Roy Swart; President, Mrs. Francis Bick- nell; First Nice-President, Mrs. Len O'Rourke; 2nd Vice- President, Mrs. Leon Maloney; 3rd Vice-president, Mrs. Domi- nic Murray; Treasurer, Mrs. Theo Van Bakel; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs-. Clarence Ryan; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Thomas J. Murray. The following conveners were appointed: Spiritual, Mrs. John O'Leary, Mrs. John Moylan; Press, Mrs. frank Murray; Entertainment, Mrs. Wm. Al- Veit,' Mrs. Len O'Rourke; Funeral Lunches, Mrs. Richard Downey;? Meeting Lunches, Mrs. ,Dennis Nolan, Mrs. John Shea; "ljecoratipg, Mrs. John O'Leary; St.:Cpitirribcin.CW-1. - yisits KOarchan Mrs. Steve Murray Jr.; Kitchen Mrs. Len O'Rourke; Linens, Mrs. . Jack Lane, Mrs. Richard Downey, Mrs. Lewis, Coyne, 'Mrs. Mau- rice Melady; Special Events, Mrs. Edward Melady, Mrs. Tom Kale, Mrs. Roy Swart, Mrs. Al- , bert Cronin, Mrs. Don Moylan,. Mrs. James Cronin, Mrs. Paul Vogels, Mrs. Bill Murphy, Mrs. Steve Murray Jr.; ,Visitors to the Sick, Mrs. Steve Murray and Mrs. Frank Murray. Father Oostveen installed the new executive and presented the gavel to the new president. The Diocesan Convention is to be held on May 8 and 9 in Chatham. It was decided to haVe a High Mass said for the late Father McCowell, former pastor of St. Columban. A High Mass is also to be said for the intentions of Sister Jean Moylan who became professed into the Sisters of St. Joseph in March. Father Oostveen spoke on league work • and encouraged members to be active and work together. It was decided to have a bake sale in the hall after Good Friday services. Father Oostveen closed the meeting with prayer. on and after April 18, 1973 all- DOGS found running loose in the TWP of H1BBERT including the village of Dublin WILL BE DESTROYED owners of dogs are advised to control their dogs accordingly By order TWP of Hibbert ILA