HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-03-17, Page 5THE WING.UAM fl 13@ecl %fisting and Distribution of ,►i Seed. c4 win, 'J a. the l;itlf fat too W n;b s Tinted. Seat,—Ii`nowirig that farmers generally aro much interested in the above subjects, permit me to place before your readers the following : $1 I TWANG. The work of testing the gorminatiag power of grain and other agricultural seeds is now in active progress at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa. Tip to the present over 1,600 samples have been tested and reported on this season and on the whole with very gratifying results, showing a good percentage of vitality. There aro, liowover, some districts in the Dominion from which samples have been received of very poor quality and quite un- lit for aced, In some parts of Manitoba the harvest season of 1831 was very unfav- orable and considerable quantities of gain were left out in stook or stack all winter and threshed in the spring of 1802, .A. number of samples of such grain have bean tested and they show a very low percentage of vitality, many of them ranging from 15 to 40 per emit. only, and are quite ernfit for seed. In some other parts of the Domin- ion, and especially in some sections of Ontario and Quebec, the weather duricg the last harvest period was very wet and the grain in the stook was subject to re- peated wetthias before it could be Housed, and ie the meautitne some of it sprouted. A large proportion of such samples also show a low degree of germinating power and if sown as seed will be likely to result i is poor crops. Any farmers desiring to send further ; samples for test should forward them without delay ; the packages ehould con- tain about oue ounce each, and they can be seat to the Experimental Faro free ' through the meat. The samples are tested and reports can usualfy be furnished iu about 10 days after the grain is received. Last year 16,905 sample bags of promis- lug sorts of grain, weighing three pounds each, wore sent through the mail to 9,11.41 farmers residing iu different parts of the Dox)iniou. Tlaiedat'.;;e quantity of grain, .over 25 tones, Waft all of first quality and consisted of the most promising sorts' which have been tested on the several ex perimeutel farina. By instructions of the Ron. Minister of Agriculture a similar distribution is izow in progress for this year, and already over 3,000 samples have been sent out, and et large number are be - ng inzilar' daily. The object of this des days 'after her committal the eon ,lied. tributiou is to place in the hands of good Once m jail she reftseed to eat, and sneers in all partteef the country samples though every device war, resorted to of the best varieties of oats. barley, wheat, 1'y thejailor rand ni•,Lrou, to induce peas, etc., $o that they may shortly be lie r to cin so. vPt with :the excepti.30 of a liiitle silk which see drank, she practically partook of no nourishment during the whole period of her con- fitlrrt erlt.. When the news of her clexile had bare communicated to the alt ,Sheriff, Ise et once =ordered inquest year ; 2,500 members adder loss 4y expulsion and death, 200, Tho Grand Black Chapter of Qu• tario West, Royal Black Jintgbta of Ireland, elected ofii.cers a' follows; W. 14. Bett, Toronto, grand master ; Henry Burnett, 1:3ranpton, deputy grand master; J. Dunlop, St. Cather - assistant deputy grand Master Rev. W. Wgleh, Branlptoo, grand chaplain ; Revs, R. S. Cooper, Liver - RIMY, B. W. Hughes, Wiugbatn, and Aloe. Sanson, Toronto, deputy grat;•1 chaplains; S. It Hammond, Hamil- ton, grand registrar ; W. N. Lockhart. Everett, deputy grand registrar ; C, Medcalf, Toronto, grand treasurer ; W, McLellan, Owen Sound, deputy grand treasurer ; J, R. Scott, Kin- cardine, grand lecturer ; J. Fulton, Toronto, deE.ttty ]"rand lectul•t•r ; John. Earley, Toronto, and W. E. Morrison, Sarnia, grand censors. Morris. Charles Mitchell, a well-to-do far- cater on lot 13, concession 6, committed suicide Smithey evening by cutting his throat with a aioltle. The act was committed halt way between the house and barn. About three yours ago he .bowed sytnptoins of iusnnity, and was sent to the aeyluni, but re. Covered. Ile le_ava•s rt wife and toothy, Williams' Royal Crown lionlody, groatast cure •n ,eerth, ;;asrantned to au re ;.neral Nervous Debility, Jtheuninisw, Neuralgia Paralysis, etc. KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR BAROA1NS. You will filed a place for it when you see our display of Spring Goods, PR of Toront AIR GOODS. nOR W 1 D The CCflUiE1 , the leading Hair Goods manufacturer, begs to enneunethat his representative will be at Wingbam, at B UN WIOK HOTEL Our Mack L co s Noi ia with Leal )Bangs, Waves, PA wit plea and so closely is nature o' Como awl sec them and It costs nothing to see them, at s. let conn ltotnem ON DAY, MARCH 24TH, ttll line of his celebrated flair Goods for both nd Gentlemen, comprising Wit . TQatpees. , ,e. These goods are made on'eeientifio llriltei- their detection is impossible. d, BRUNSWICK USE Beipaort About 7 o'clock on Monday morn- ing; last, Mary Terriff, one of the in- mates of the Walkerton jail, died in her cell 1hretigh exhaustion brought about by, mental trouble and over exertion. Her case., was a very sad 011e. About two wt•elts 1,g0, she was brought ttetoro the police nla;istrilte of Walkerton, charged with being, insane and dangerous to to at large T'•lta charge was f•aaily substantiated for she was acting 111 a wild,itugovern• able manner, sled wins evidently the ,rlrhject of whet the doctors cull acute l tallla• From the e'videnoe taken it rstme out that she was the wile of Peter ferrite•, of Bellnor), w•ss 48 year,, of ape, and the mother of eight children, some of whole were grown men and women 0150 of her sons had taken .ick at Clitlord.,a short time before, and it was while waiting upon him that her mind gave way. Two Buyers will come, They will he satisfied They will buy at the lowest prices ON PINK PIL r,1111ti•„ FRIDAY, MARWWW 24. O WENbs FF ' .i -FOR SALF AT— HAMILTON DRUG STORE. available for seed is ,every district in the country, and eventually result in the dis- placing of'poor, inlse t and enfeebled sorts, with varieties possessed of greater vigor and fertility. The .number of samples sent to one applicant is limited to two in each case, and on this basis s very largo to Fre ;held, and on the rtcriv11l of rite number can still be supplied. With care- Dr Glilir's of 2e 04wat.ar, x cot nor, fol and judicious handling these three jury was empeumIed and the tic'.;sioolry pound samples willgeneraily produce fromevidence teen. Tho folinwine verdict one to three bushels the first year, and at I wtls recnrnsyrl : j'Tlint 'Wry Terriff came to her dORO h throng,) PX 11n118(1011• brought on by reetlt.tll laexlety and overexertion." The t'e'lltales taken to Belmore for fetr`rment,— Walkerton Tal scope. generally manifest in an improvement in l the quality and au increase in the quantity AMATEUR BICYCLISTS. of the average grain crops of the Domin- ion. A. circular 1s sent with eeeli sample . which the recipients are expected to fill up and return at the close of the season, with particulars as to the ehareeter and growth of the grain. The requent is also made that a sample of not less than one pound of the product be returned to the Central Experimental Farm, so that in- formation may be had as to the measure of suceess attending it» growth. Samples are sent to applicants as long es the suppiy lasts. Letters can be sent to the Expsri- mental Farm at Ottawa free of postage. Yeurs, etc„ WlrtIui SACJTDRns, Director Experimental Farms. Ottawa, March 3. TRUTH brands our Goods HONEST QUL1TY" FASHION pronounces them °' ORREC STYES1 ECONOMY recommends our PRICES, is the place for }you to get your FARMING IMPL MENT Central Telephone Hxcha Latest improved; no equal or no sale. SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATORS, FROST & WOOD'S WIDE OPEN REAR SINGLE APRON BINDER, .,-r- ' i RTO-S`T {c t:, WOOD'S. / q y y _ INT N -hi V V J v_E a. ) i •.tom .-IL7! L " ... / V 1J .. .f RAKES, HAY FORKS, PLOWS, :Four different kinds to choose from, Frost ee Wood, Fleury (of Aurora), Hiiborn (of Ayr), Teeswater and Twin Plows. Repairs for these plows constantly on hand. COLEMAN PIVOTED STEEL LAND ROLLERS, MaPIIREUCONAT39 11, "Low with or without Seeder. WHITE'S THRESHING ENGINES. 'Come one, come 1111 and inspect the implements. Second to none. WM. GANNETT. Winglianl, March 8th, 18893. Wo give you We have the Inside track an Can give you Every line we For .less -than Our competitor He not h 1 ` 'wt (S 'a,. n i . i R. . you the end of the second season the grower usually has seed enough fee a large field. The advantages reeultiug from this large distribution of the best sorts of grain ob- tainable will no doubt iu a few years be Orange Grand Lodge.' ANNULI, Gnu:matNG OF '1111 I3RC,TlIt,i:- HOOD —TIIE ORDER GROWING I:7 NUMBERS. Orangeville, Ont., March 14..—The Gt'atid Lodge of Orangemen is in session her. The local Orangemen, headed by the Citizens' Band, marched tel the station to meet the n)ortlil]C1 train tt•ont the Petah, on t+high w're about 200 delegates, The cheer that greeted Grand Master Wallace was not as enthusiastic as might have born expected from a gathering of 400 or 500 Orangemen. The grana master reports that more dries have been maid in the past year than to any year in the history of the seeiRty,, 110(1 that the Orange Mutual ' Benefit Society has paid to ten Years $177,000• 'Che grand secretatx reports fifteen cppli• cations for new lodges received this SAID TO 13E NEARLY ALL PROFES- SIONALS.IN REALITY. Beautiful .A rt M uslins at 70. a yard.. Lace Curtain Net, from lOc. up- wards. Ravine bvu;;htout the Ambler harness Business and started in his oId 1•tuud. LOO.E. at our Dinner Seas,. am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept 1u a harness shop l e such as > HEAVY, LIsGHT and 1.11AOR. II ARNESR, NETS, DU'S 1'ERS, tV N I PS, CURRY. COMBS, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING- BAGS, Tho Rivalry of Athletic Clubs and the Competition Among Makers of Wheels the Cause of the Undermining of True and Legitimate Amateur Athletics. It would be a hopeless and thankless task to even attempt to raise the pre - dent cyclists to a pure amateur basis. I fear they are imbued with the taint of professionalism beyond redemption ; they do not want a pure amateur basis ; by their own confession they would pre- fer money prizes, and they are racing to -day solely for what they can make out of it. It anust be extremely mortifying to American sportsmen—it is to ane—not to be able to point with pride to the fast riding of our racing cyclists as the rs. How cn one be. proud of ork of a count, an beahis work ever so clover, who is riding ander false colors, which is tantamount to man saying who is leis adishon dishonest dishonest in his sport 1 would not trust in any walk of life. There are no degrees of honesty. I claim that some of the manufactuerers and some of our clubs are rosponsibles for the souls of many unsophisticated young men whom they have led astray. 1 have no language strong enough to express my contempt and the contempt of all fair minded mon for the officiate of• clubs who will deliberately plan the pollution of innocent and ignorant lads for the sake of securing a few more points than the rival club. 'phis question of legislation in amateur sport is too lightly considered and in- trusted too often to igen not in touch with its triter and higher significance. Sport is an educator of the boy ; if he is honest and fair in that he will follow a similar course in the more Serious walks of life. If a trickster in his play lie is likely to carry it into his business.-. Casbar W. WhitneYin Harper's •Weekil+, American Sateens, fast colors, 124,e. to 15e, a yard. English and Canadian Prints from 6c. upwards. 1 pair all wool Cashmere hose for 25c. 2 pairs stainless Ribbed Black Hose for 25e. 3 pairs plain Black Hose for 25c. 3 Ladies' Undetvests, full sizes, for 25c. 7 yards Unbleaehed Linen for Towelling for 25c. • 1 make all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction. Give me a trial and I will use you right. Com-_ -A-- .NAT T C)W _ Te aSeLlts, Toilet i Setts Table Cly le Se Tea P4311 Salad Bowls, Fruit Setts, Cuspdoiress, a- a, M. PATTERSON 3 WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLERiiC INT 9 t.[444,9 1 he ve just received 11 full supply of Christmas goods, cousistiog of WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, and Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs. BIG BARGAINS From Now Till Christmas. All goods l.onght for cash and we can cheaper. Lf$eAalaiiein Pro»anptly Dame and LW -Give ale " .:all sell as cheap at the cheapest and Satisfaction Guaranteed M. PATTERSON. 1 fair Linen Towels for 25c. iI In every department you get honest values for your honest money. Do not spend your dol- lars until you, look through our stock. 10 PER CERT. DISCOUNT w eas ro Biscuit Jars, Flower Pots, Cups and Saucers, Fancy Plates, Wine Glasses, Tea Pot Stand Cale Pates, Celery Glasess &c., You will be The loser. W. T. YAT The Chi i?.IL41UI0' a1Y,11o11Lull{n" , made on all cash purchases. So f S GRI T.A.MILLS tripitivo FOR Tint 1flNHAM Ti I and prepared to buy any quan- tity of Gloves and Timothy Seed at highest market price. Do not sill until you. get my quotation . Special prices to clubs or private parties buying in larg e quantities. A YEAR 1N A