The Huron Expositor, 1973-04-05, Page 15- HURON 'OE sT9giotnEpov4 •, NANTED , k SEED,: CONTRACTS open for OATS AND BARLEY Top 'prices paid Apply E. C. BRAMHILL & SON LIMITED Seed Merchants Palmerston, Ontario phone Bus. 343-3630 * * Res. 343-3238, 13-82-2 ATTENTION FARMERS Due to the increase' in prices of our products we are now able to pay you up to $25.00 for dead or disabled cows and horses. $1.50 per hundredweight for' smaller animals 500 lbs, and over. All small animals picked up free as a service to you. Around the clock pick-up servicel days a week. CALL COLLECT ' 887-9334 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Lic.No.399-C-73 19-82-tf JACK H.. GERMS CONSTRUCTION For better and longer lasting 'BUILDINGS Whether it be barns, a garage, lean-to or home renovations. We do them all to your satisfaction. Call or write for free estimates with no obligation. PHONE 4'82-7290 19-79-6 THE MI/ROM SKPOSOOKi SKAPOOtt•ONtr MAK 'VIII!' 1 1. Coming Events ' cow to Blyth Lion's Club Bingo every Saturday night 8:30 P.M., in the -Memorial Hall. Ad- mission $1.00, 12 reg. games at $10.00 each, 2 share the wealth games $25.00 special and$145.00 A Jackpot in 60 calls. Every time it doesn't go there is $10.00 added. 1-82-tf _SPEC I AL MOTOR COACH TOURS -. APRIL 19, 1973 - 4 days, Nash- ville, Grand Ole Opry from $66.00 per person. APRIL 28, 1973 - 21 days to California - visiting Salt Lake City, Reno, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon - from $380.00 per person. APRIL 29, 1973 - Country Music special. Merle Haggard Cobo Hall, Detroit, $14.00. ****** Brochures on request. GOOD TIMES TRAVEL AGENCY Box 789, SEAFORTH Phone. 527-0050. i-82-tf The HURON COUNTY. HEALTH UN IT invites you to attend the EXPECTANT PARENT .EDUCATION CLASSES being held in the following areas; Exeter commencing April 11, 1973 Health Unit 7:30-9:30 p.m. Wingham commencing April 11, ' 1973 Health Unit 7:30-9;30p.m. Goderich commencing April 10, 19'73 High Schoo17: 30-9; 30p.m. Clinton commencing April 12, 1973 Health Unit 7:30-9;30p.m. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discussions. 1-80-3 HAM Supper Cavan Church Win- throp Wednesday, April Ilth. Supper served 5 - 8P.M. Admis- sion $2.00. Children 12 and under $1.00, under school age free. Take out orders available. A 1-81-2 • THE Seaforth Horticultural Society meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 11th, at 8P.M. in the Seaforth public School Auditorium. Mrs. Klie, district • president of Hanover, will present our charter and also be guest speaker for the evening. There will be a plant exchange. 1-82-1 NEW BINGO, Clinton LegionHall 8:30 P.M. April 5. Admission $1.00, 15 regular 'games $10.00 each. Three Share-The-Wealth Games. One Jackpot game for $170.00 in 56 calls or less. 1-82-1 EASTER Sunrise Service at Northside Uuited Church, April 22 at 7 a.m. If you plan to attend the breakfast at 7:45-a..m. following the service, advance tickets are necessary, available from Unit 5 members, Bob's and Betty's ors Reads Shoes. 1-82X1 4 • The Huron County Health Unit * invites you to attend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC ' Health Unit office, SEAFORTH HOSPITAL on THURSDAY. APRIL 12 1973 from 9:30 a.m. to 11;30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent W cavities for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Vision testing. 1-82-1 2. Lost, Strayed SMALL black and white male Boston bulldog answering to "Jake", 527-1518. 2-82-1 DARK green mens' dress pants, Main and Market Street area. phone 527-1055. 2-82x1 3. Found WRIST watch on Main Street of Seaforth on -Thlirsday. Can be claimed by identification. 527- 1676• after 4 P.M. 3-82x1 4. Help Wanted RESPONSIBLE person to work part time in coffee shop. Ex- perience not necessary. Call 527-1180 after 4:00. 4-80-3 4. Help Wanted three representatives required for sales position, two weeks training ,eriod with guarantee and corn- rissions. Earnings over $10,000 3or, year for the right person. For soden& interview write Box 21, Signal-Star, 37 West St. Goderich. REGISTRAR Outstanding Opportunity for MEN and WOMEN Full Time Sales Promotion Qualifications -enjoy meeting the public -must be of neat appearance -must have car We Offer -year. round promotion (no layoffs) ' -company paid benefits -full training for position -salary and commission while in training -above average income (incen- tive) for Confidential Interview write , Box 21, Signal-Star,, 37 West St., Goderich. SEAFORTH LIONS PARK Applications are invited for the position of pool supervisor, life guards, swimming instructors and booth assistants for the coming season at Seaforth Lions Perk. Applicants must be 16 years of age or over. Apply in writing indicating age, "experience, qualifications, awards and the particular posi- tion for which the application is being made, before April 21st. 1973 to Secretary,,:r LIONS CLUB PARK COMMITTEE Box 520, Seaforth 4-82-2 Seaforth Motors requires APPRENTICE MECHANI C Apply in' person to SEAFORTH MOTORS 527-1750 Seaforth 4-82-2 WANTED an ollatistfar Cromarty Presbyterian Church, duties 'to commence 1st Sunday in May, 345-2657. 4-82-1 5. Bus. 0-pportuniti LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now you can train right here in Canada! Accommodation and expenses paid while training! , ' Tuition Tax deductible! For application and interview, write; Safely Departnient Trans Canada Transport Training Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay West Toronto 117, Ontario or call: 416-864,-9381. 5-82-3 7. Situations Wanted BOY wants Job cutting grass or raking leaves. Experienced. Paul Ellis, 527-1505. 7-82-1 8, Farm Stock ,for Sale THREE registered Holstein heifers, 527-0299. 8-82-1' SEVEN pigs 8 weeks old.• Tom Melady, 345-2783. 8-82-1 CHAROLAIS bull servic• eable age, 527-0197. 8-82-1 HOLSTEIN bull calf- for sale. Phone 527-1341. 8-82x1 a WHITE faced bull calf, TedVan Dyke), 527 -1435, Seaforth. • 8-82-1 9. Poultry for Sale gl3ER LEGIIORN 13ay Old and Started Pullets ;SCOTT POULTRY: FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 169 " 9-82%ff 10. Used Cars for Sale 1965 International half-ton truck for sale. Phone 527-0675. 10-82x1 11. Articles for Sale 1972 Kawasaki, 175 c c Trail Bike, single cylinder, Kieben Bennewies, Phone 345-2298. 11-82x2 TWO girls winter coats and one spring coat, pink laminated, fits age 10 - 14. Also 2 girls spring jackets, blue, fits age 10 - 12. "..4411 in good condition. Phone 527- 159) - Mrs.Francis Coleman. 11-82x1 45 gallon steel barrels with r9- movable lids. Good for burning' garbage or for feed barrels on farm. Each $3.50 delivered. 523- • 4461. 11-82x3 13 run International seed drill, 28 plate International disc, nearly new; 1 stiff toothed cultivator; 3 ,sections of a drag cultivator; John Deere 4 bar side delivery. rake, 52'7-0897Po 11-82-2 SNAP-On portable "front end alignment machine, complete with all accessories. Good con- dition. Wm. Southgate at Canad- ian Tire, Seaforth. 11-82x1 Mani Seed Corn HIGH YIELDING XL 311 80-85 day corn XL 304 90 day corn available • Contact: VERN ALDERDICE, Kippen, Phone 262-5494. 11-82-7 MATCHING coffee table and end table, as good as new. Price $30.00. Eureka twin brush floor polisher, in good condition $18.00. 527-1290 or Red's Fine. 11-82-2 TWO, formals, both size 10; one pant suit size 12, 527-1499. • 11-82-1 APPLES, Northern Spies, De- licious, choice quality $2.50 per bus. and up. Bring containers anytime. Ross diddleton'sStor- age, 1 mile east of Hayfield, North of river. 11-82-4 PULL type weed sprayer with 25 ft. boom, also cross watch dog, blond German Shepherd. Arnold Taylor, Phone 482-9155. 11-82-1 WRECKING white brick house one mile east of Cromarty, slate 12" x 22", 2 x 4, 2, x 6, 2 x 8, 2 x 10, up to 1.6 ft. long sheet- ing, flooring, toilet. Phone Dublin 345-2554. 11-82-2 JAYCO camper trailers, travel trailers, truck campers; used tent trailers; camping accessor- ies; financing; rentals. Open 9 A.M. - 9 P.M., Friday - 9 P.M., other evenings by ap- pointment, 'Sunday 2 P.M. z , 4 Bumstead Metal Fabri- • eating, Josephine Street, wing- ham, 357-2272. 11-82-3 INTERNATIONAL 1501 loader fits 414 Int. Also wire tooth cylinder and concave for '72 Massey combine, self propelled. Bill Dougall, 235-2407, H.R. 3, Exeter. 11-82-1 2000 bales of hay also some baled straw. will do custom plowing this spring. Lyle Dock- ing, Phone 345-2569. 11-82x1 THREE month old Collie pups to give away, 348-8217. 11-82-1 ONE • side of beef, 527-0938. 11-82-1 12 x 55 Ft. General MobileHome built in. '65 in good condition. 887-9492. 11-82-2 ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines avail- able at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, "Seaforth. 11- 8 2 x USED televisions. Electrohome combination stereo and B & W. T.V., G. E. 23" B & W; Admiral 23" B & W. Box Furniture, 527- (480, Seaforth. 11-81-2 8 1/2 ft.' 3 pt. hitch. Internat- ional 45 vibra shank cultivator. Apply Ferg Kelly, phone 345- 2197. 11-81-2 TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES, CANARIES BOY'S vest suit, purple, size 10. Young man's suit, dark green, size 34, both like new condition, also Singer sewing machine in cabinet. phone 527- 0768. 11-81x2 USED steel steno desk and match- ing chair in excellent condition. '527-0720. 11-81-2 185 ft. of plastic clothes line, quantity of inch and half gal- vanized piping, large chest type freezer. Everything in good con- dition. 527-1077. 11-81-2 GESTETNER ink available •at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240. Seaforth. 11-82xtf COPIES BOY'S polyester size 14, as good 0308. TIMOTHY seed, grown in 1972, Lewis Bolton, Phone 527-1578.- 11-81x2 Piormer Seed Corn High Yielding 3972- 82 DAY CORN 3889- 85 DAY CORN 3853- 88 DAY CORN 3.814 -100 DAY CQRN. Contact; William S Storey R.R.2, Seafoeth 527-1448' 11-82-3 13. Wanted 1835 STONE HOUSE; Distinctively modernized kitchen, dining and , bath rooms in this 9 room home. River' flows through 100 acre farm with 80 acres workable. 2 barns and garage. All for $42,000. HAPPINESS IS - - Country Living!! 1 acre of land with one storey 3 bedroom newly renovated home with aluminum siding. Small red barn, 6 miles from Seaforth. Price $13,500. BELIEVE IT OR NOT I have a 4 bedroom brick home with 3 - piece bath and oil furnace on 2 acres of land with a 30' x 50' barn. Yours for only $10,800. Good terms. Contact CAROLYN THOMPSON R.R.#2, Seaforth 527-0238 14-82*-I THIS WEEK'S . SPEC IAL 3-bedroom house in Walton. Possibly an acre of land with small barn. •Reabonably priced. WILLIAM M, HART Salesman * * * Seaforth GEORGE R 'JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD, West Lorne 14-82-1 R eal Estate 82 Albert Street Clinton Solid brick duplex on East Wil- liam Street with oil heat, nicely landscaped. ****** 1 1/2 storey frame home on S. 'Main Street all nicely decorated with forced 'air oil heat and attached garage., It's it's 15. Property for Rent • ONE bedroom apartment, stove andigerator in Dublin. 345- 231 15-81-tt ---------------- - ----------- Three Bedroom TOWN HOUSE for rent in Vanastra, R.R.5, Clinton. $95.00 per month. All utilities paid. ;482-9742 or 482-7396 anytime. 15-82-ff ONE and two bedroom apart- ments for rent. Call 527-0920. 15-82-ff 13. Wanted ONE bedroom apartment, 527- 1894. 15- 82-tf 17. Wanted to Rent FARM house in Seaforth area. Apply to Post Office Box 641, Seaforth. 17-82-1 18. Property Wanted WISH to buy older type residence in Seaforth or immediate area, 5- 6 rooms. Write Box 3033'Huron Expositor. 18-79-4 1.9. Notices ANYONE interested in taking the Red Cross "leaders course" in swimming at Stratford Y.M. C.A. contact Joe McLean, .527- 0171. • 19-822t1 FARMERS - Are you thinking about building? For a good - job at a reasonable price Phone RAY LAMBERS 482-3305 19-80-6 B I CKS CUCUMBER CONTRACTS Now Available Mrs. G.Kramers, Phone 345-2643 Dublin or Paul Kramers 527-0926 R.R.4, Seaforth. 19-80-3 ELECTROLUX Canada Limited Sales and Service, authorized dealer ,- Alvin Riley, 153 Lighthalie St., Goderich, Phone 524-6514. 19-82-ff ACCOUNTING service for small businesses and farms. Lucan - 227-4584 or 227-4462. 19-82-3 WATCH REPAIRS) 'FAST SERVICE . All work guaranteed ANgTEft 'JEWELLERS LTA phone127-1720 Seaforth 19-82-ff If you are thinking of buying or selling ANTIQUES OR USED* FURNITURE contact NORM W.H I T I NG Exeter, 235-1964 We buy estates, household lots or single articles. 19-82-ff We are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 5,00 lbs. TWo trucks to serve you better. Fast 'v efficient service. All small farm stock picked up 'free of charge as a service to you. YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON REQUEST Call Collect - -482-9811 7 days a week - 24 hours a day License No. 37^-C-72 Call us first, 'you ron't:have to call anyone else. 19-82-tf WE SELL AND SERVICE ACCUTRON BULOVA CARAVELLE WATCHES • ANSTETT • JEWELLERS LTD. Seaforth 527-172L 19-82-tf NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to .d Co-Operatives . i t t e of Ontario To arrange for pick-up your farm phone by Saturday night. WILLIAM J. DALE Phone; Clinton 482-9892 19-82-tf TR I -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Incnine Tax • Returns Business - FitrM - Individual Record Preparations. LAWRENCE BEANE Hrucefield Phone 482-9260 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM 229 James Street Clinton Phone 482-7988 19-82-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guarantee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth.! phone Clinton, 482-3320.. 19-8241 19, Not $1 ;501 AND 'UP for 1St and • 2nd mortgages on residential properties. Borrow for any purpose against the equity of your house; refinance to reduce monthly payments or for mortgages coming due. For con- fidential and competent service, call collect 1-744-2264. HARDTMAN & STRACK LIMITED, Waterloo. 19-82-tf V A.CUUM CLIANEItis • 1 SALES & SERVPCE. .7a ALL MAKES - - BOB 'PECK VAR_NA .262.5748 19-621-yo. Attention' _Housewives Are you happy with your present kitchen cupboard? If not, contact us for complete kitchen remodelling. Ball - Macaulay LTD. Clinton - Seaforth - Her.sall 19-82-tf 20. Auction Sales Lobb& Gothke Auctioneers & Appraisers Clinton Mox&ton 482-3409 347-2485 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SRC AprII7 - '10 'acres, house and barn, farm ma- chinery, tools,household effects, antiques, etc., 5 miles east of Lonlesboro, Former Wm. Trewin•pro- DertY. sat. April '7 - Farm ma- chinery, tools, household effects, antiques, etc., 5 miles east of Londesboro, Former Wm.Trewin pro- perty. April 14 - Auction Sale of farm machinery and some, household effects for Car- man Tebbitt, Lot 27, Con. 16, Goderich Twp., 1 1/2 miles north west of Clinton. April 18 - Haugh Machinery Consignment sale Bruce- field. Sat. April 21 - Clearing Auction Sale at 12;00 o'- clock of '70 cattle, 3 trac- tors, feed, farm machin- ery, etc. at Lot 10, Con 3, Logan Township, 1 1/4 miles north and 1 1/4 miles east of Mitchell for Dalton Rolph, prop. Sat.May 12 -Clearing Auc- tion Sale of HOC Cattle, farm machinery, etc., 2 :1/2 north and 1 mile east of Mitchell for Wirt. H. Chaffe. 20-82-1 USE EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 v. 20 alien Sa ~"A,UCfQNSALE . Antiques, NotifiePolct• pu:talturO, pOwer tO4p*pt$ Farm Machias y. H The former .W.44$.011 wewia property, : • :'• Located at Lot 1, con. 13,i; Township, East of Clinton on Highway 8, than 6 miles 'Netirt4:•mt,:•, Ittator,o Rout , p..paups: East 'Of Londe0.09.0:4::90, County Road. . SATURDAY. Ap Tools and farm mad,lippl will be sold at 19,1391,A* Furniture at 4400. HOUSEHOLD FURNI'MIM Westinghouse ' etq0414 stove; WestinghousPlrOst free fridge; MOTO. TV; 4 gun stock Chairt4" Flat to the' wall cupbOarci .01X pane glass door; FIattothe wall cupboard; DrOp: bat table; Dining room fable; Day bed; Antique roolttng chair; Quebec heater;Sew- ing Machine; 6 matching pressback chairs; Preas- baak rocking chain. Three odd -chairs; Wicker doll carriage; Cedar chest; TWO floor lamps; TWo table lamps; parlour table; China hutch; Two endtables and coffee table; Oil stove; Bell piano and stool; Re- cord cabinet; Chesterfield and chair; Antique secre- tary desk; Dresser and mirror; Bed and mattress; Spool bed; Chest of drawers and matching bed; 2 pine clothes boxes; Spool crib; Two wash stands ; Bed, dresser and wash stand; Pressback high chair; Child's crib; Glass cabinet; peek bookcase; odd tables; 3 clothes trunks; picture frames; wicker fern stand; wicker arm chair; love seat and two matching chairs; copper kettle; small round table; vacuum cleaner; fruit sealers; washing ma- chine; broad axe; adz, • dishes and glassware; iron kettle; other antique items. TOOLS: Dehorners, buzz, saw and blades; Remington chain saw; Three tap and die sets; Battery charger; Webster portable air com- pressor; Black and Decker 10" radial arm saw on stand; 12" plainer with 6 ft. bed with 3 HP motor; large Goldie McCallough band saw; 1 1/2 HP electric ,riotqr; large socket and wrench sets up to 1'1/2"; overhead drive Shaft and pulleys; carpentry tools; fire extinguisher; electric cord; 4" vise; 20" wood plainer; 4" metal shear; • two set pipe dies; 8" bench saw and plainer; 250 AMP. Lincoln welder; Blacksmith forge • and tools; paint sprayer; anvil; • large grinder with 3 HP motor; cement mixer; other miscellaneous items. FARM MACHINERY; 4- 200 gal. oil drums; four bar side rake; 12 ft. land packer; one way disc; New Holland auger blower; 40 ft. 8" pipe; forage rack; Massey Harris 15 run drill on rubber; 55 Massey trac- tor; 230 Formal' tractor; manure loader; scuffler; 7 ft. Oliver mower; PTO posthole digger; 4 furrOw trail plow; New Holland forage harvester with Wisconsin motor; 32 ft. 6" PTO auger with undercar- riage; Letz grinder; flat rack and wagon; PTO manure spreader; 225 Bu. turnco box on wagon; culti- vator; Ebersal thresher on steel with drive belt; 3/4' HP electric motor; ex- tension ladder; Massey, binder; Goldshapley & Meur 3 1/2 HP horizontal gas engine; Brantford self oiling windmill with 25 ft tower; In 5 HP horizontal gas engine. TERMS-CASH No Reserve Lunch Booth Auctioneers or Owner not responsible for accidents day of sale. AUCTIONEERS R raiARD LUBB Clinton R. G. GETHKE Mitchell 20-82-1 Additional Classified on Page 16 11. Articles for Sale 11. Articiii for Sale "14. Property for Sale 19,' Notices A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 235-1951 11-82-ff STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and dupli- cate. The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 11- 82xtf MASSE' 44 for sale, good run- ning order $300; '62 Chevy as is, good tires and good motor $150; 3 ton wagon with box $200.Phone 527-0098. 11-81x2 3 Froint hitch 9 1/2' Massey Fer- guson NO. 39 Disc Harrow; 3 point hitch (Kverneland Hydrein 3 furrow plow 16" bottom's; Bear Cat '10' Culti - Packer; George White fa/1 m wagon, float trailer, 32' (fifth wheel type), 8, 750 x 20 tires. Lyle Mont- . gomery, Phone 482-7644, Clinton. 11-81x3 WHISKEY a German Shepher4 /t A- BAILEY HuSkey looking for a good 110004 also a dog house to Sell. Ceiiti5t 482-7634. 11-842 JOHN Deere 494 A OornPlanteri excellent condition. Latirened Taylor, Londesboro, Phone 527- 0549. 11-81-2 ****** Nearly new 4 bedroom home with finished basement, cushion floor and carpets throughout, electric heat. New heated work- shop. Ideal for' your own business. In Egmondville. ****** Copies of your linpoilant papers Fully equipped restaurant with or documents while you wait. modern living quarters in Huron Letter size, 250 each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR County. * * * * * * 11-82xif 100 acre farm" in Morris town- ship, completely drained, sport new. rtjae5k2e7t- buildings in excellen, repair. 2 95 acres workable. Full set of as 11-814 -,miles from Blyth. *****11. FOOD FOR THOUGHT • nice to be important -- but more important to be nice. ' 14-82-1 14. Property for Sale 15. Property ,for Rent APARTMENT for rent. Phone 482-3320. 15-82-1