HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-04-05, Page 7A Hensel! youth, Tony Kyle, 15, won the Pilgrimage for Youth trip to the United Nations when
he topped four girls in an Oddfellows and Rebekah public speaking contest Friday in Clinton.
Shown here are Tony Kyle, Mary Edith Garniss, 16, R.R.4, Wingham, Kathy Cook, Hensall, Toni
Pennings, R.R.1, Zurich and Flora Nabratzky, Teeswater. (Photo by Oke)
Harry Gerrie, Wingham DDGM of IOOF Huron District No. 8 and Mrs. Keith Sharp, Seaforth,
District Deputy President of Huron District No. 23 Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, congratulate
Tony Kyle who won the Pilgrimage for Youth trip to New York.
Wins U.N. pilgrimage for youth trip .
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"Quiet, I'm listening to the news"
401 . ,,,:,--- ..
Wedding 48
Pennings of H.R. 1, Zurich, who.
spoke on "Indians of Canada";
and Flora Nabrotzky of Tees-
water who sppke on "Smiles".
Awards and certificates were
presented by Harry Gerrie of
Wingham, District Deputy Grand
Master of IOOF, :Huron District
No. 8.
Mrs. Keith Sharp of Seaforth,
riot Deputy President of
Huion District No. 23, Rebekah
Assembly of Ontario
chairman for the event.
Brussels United Church was
the scene of the candlelight cere-
mony that united in marriage
Joan Elizabeth Stephensot and
Neil Randolph Beurmann on
Friday, March 30th at seven-
thirty o'clock. Rev. Eric Le
Drew officiated at the ceremony
held amid a setting of white shas-
ta mums and white gladiolus.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stephenson
of Brussels. The groom's
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Beuermann of R.R. 4, Walton.
Traditional wedding music
was provided by Mrs. John
Bryans who also accompanied the
soloist, Mrs. Carl Graber who
sang d‘O Promise Me" and "Ber
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, was gowned in
floor-length shiny polyester
white crepe. Fashioned with lace
top, empire waist, stand-up
collar and long full sleeves, the
front was accented with pink and
white daisies. The floor-length
veil was held with a daisy head-
band. She wore a silver brace-
let, gift of the groom. Her
bridal flowers were white shasta
The bride's attendants, Judy
LeDrew, maid-of-honour and
bridesmaids, Deanne Stephenson,
sister of the bride, and Betty
Beuermann, sister of the groom,
wore identical dresses of floor-
length green chiffon rose-pattern
over shantung satin. They fea-
tured high empire waist, stand-
up collar, black ribbon strea-
mers, long, full, cuffed sleeves.
Rows of insertion down the front
were threaded with black ribbon.
They wore white picture hats and
carried white shasta daisy bou-
Donald ,Dalton of H.R. 4, Wal-
ton, was the groom's best man.
Guests were ushered by David
Stephenson, brother of the bride
and Glenn Beuermann, brother
of the groom.
At the reception held in the
Brussels Legion Hall, guests
An all-day quilting with a
pot-luck dinner at noon was the
main . feature of the March
meeting of the Staffa women's
Institute held in the township
hall on Wednesday March 28.
There were thirteen present for
d ner and during the day three
q is were quilted for the War
mortal Children's Hospital in
. The president, Mrs. John
'Miller presided for the meeting.
Twenty members answered the
roll call by wearing something
green or paying a fine. Mrs.
Ross McPhail presented ,a paper
on the Motto - ',Be sure to
have good shoes and a good
bed, you spend your life in one
or the other." Mrs. John Miller
was in charge of quiet time,
reading a paper on Pretence.
During the meeting a presentation
of a n Institute Pin was made
to Mrs. Gordon Hoggarthby Mrs.
,carter Kerslake. A humorous
reading "When the minister came
to call" was given by Miss Olive
Speare. Standing Committees
were reminded to have their re-
ports ready for the annual meet-,
ing. Lunch was served by the
hostesses, Mrs. John Miller,
Mrs. Jo VanValkengoed and Mrs.
Robert parsons. _ W.
Mrs. Cameron Vivian, Miss
Olive Speare, Mrs. Garnet Tay-
lor, Mrs. Carter Kerslake and
Mrs. John Templeman attended a
meeting of the Kirkton women's
Institute as guests at Anderson
. Hall on Thursday evening.
The Staffa K nitwits met Satur-
were received by the parents I:11
the bride and groom and the
wedding party. The bride's
mother was wearing, a floor-
length dress of green and blue
flowered chiffon over green whis-
per taffeta, white and silver stole
and accesscries. Her corsage
was yellow shasta daisies. The
groom's mother was dressed in
white, floral design, fortrel of
floor-length. Her accessories
were black with pink corsage.
The bride's table was centred
with the wedding cake topped with
white doves apd flanked with
pink candles.
Music' for dancing was by the
Ken Scott Orchestra.
For a wedding trip. to Buffalo
and Kentucky, the bride chose a
blue and pink baggier slack suit
with white shasta daisy corsage.
On their return the young
couple will reside at 49 Essex
St., Apt. 8, Stratford, Ont.
An honored guest at the wed-
ding was the bride's grand-
mother, Mrs. Elsie Shaw of Brus-
ssels. Other guests in attendance
were from Toronto, Galt, Clinton,
Stratford, Mitchell, Winthrop,
Elmira; Blyth, Listowel, Pal-
merston, Seaforth, London,
Waterloo, Walton and Brussels.
Miss Joan Stephenson was
guest of honor at pre-nuptial
events prior to her marriage.
Miss Fran Exel entertained
at an engagement party at her
Miss Judy LeDrew held a
shower at her home for girl
friends on February 20th.
Friends and neighbours were
present at a miscellaneous
shower in the United Church
March 8th. Hostesses were Mary
Bryans, Donelda Pearson, Bonnie
Pennington and Isabel Wheeler.
Mrs. Orville Beuermann held
a shower at her home on March
19th attended by neighbours,
friends and relatives.
Tony Kyle, 15, of Hensall,
won the Pilgrimage for Youth
trip to the United Nations at
New York, when he topped four
girls in a public speaking contest
in Clinton Friday night.
Tony, a grade 10 student, at
South Huron Secondary School in
Exeter won the all-expense paid
' fifteen.:310 trip to New York this
sumidWaponsoted by the IOOF
and Rebekah Lodges. •
One of 150 Grades 10 and 11
students across, Canada and the
U.S. taking part in the 24th an-
nual pilgrimage, Tony will spend
six days in New York observing
the United Nations in action,
visit the Empire State Building,
Rockefeller Centre, museums,
churches, shopping and attending
Broadway plays.
Odd Fellow and Rebekah
Lodges located along the route
extend hospitality to the young'
people with meals, lodging, sight-
seeing and other entertainment.
Tony spoke on "Apathy" and
gave an impromptu speech on
Runner-up In the contest,
sponsored by the Huron County
lodges, was Mary Edith Garniss,
16, of R.R. 4, Wingham, who spoke
on "Family_DoOoK". ,
Other -Cornlietita•s Were:
Kathy Cook of Hensall who spotee
on "Canadian Identity"; Toni
Expositor .
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The fifth meeting of the Mc-
'Ktllop icNimble Needle Nannies"
4-11 Club was held at the home of
the assistant leader Mrs. Gayle
Campbell with all members pre-
sent. The tailor's hem was de-
monstrated and both leaders
helped girls who were having pro-
blems with their garments. Plans
Were made to have Miss Hunt
attend the sixth meeting which
will be held again at Mrs. Gayle
Campbell's on April 5th. Plans
for Achievement Day onJuneleth
were also discussed.
Ladies of Bethel ible Church
met at the home f Mrs. Bill
Embling to honour Mrs. Mabel
Collins whose marriage to Mr.
Tom Handy takes place Saturday.
Mrs. Collins was presented with a
living rpom clock and a wall
plaque by the ladies. Mrs. Wil-
liam Embling gave a reading and
conducted two contests. Con-
tests were also conducted by
Jennie Dalton and Shirley Steffen.
Lunch was served by the hostess.
Also attending as guests were
Mrs. Jim Handy and Mrs. Gladys
Van Egmond, Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hulley and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Walker, Cromary. Also
visiting in the same home were
Mr. Gerald Cockweel and Mr.
Alvin Cornish, Exeter and Mr.
Kenneth Walker, London.
Mrs. Gordon Blanchard is
recuperating at home after suf-
fering injuries in a car accident
a few weeks ago. Her daughter
Julie, driver of the car, was
shaken up.
Mrs. Jim McClure was re-
turned home from Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital. -
Mrs. Gene St. Louis has re-
turned hOme from ' a Windsor
Hospital after undergoing sur-
gery. Her daughter Sheila re-
turned home with her for the
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day morning, at the home of
their leader, Mrs. Bill Butson
for their 5th meeting of their
club. 14 girls answered the roll
call which was - describe any
fitting problem you had with your
garment and how you corrected it.
Mrs. Jeffery discussed sleeve-
less armhole and set-in sleeve.
Mrs. Butson demonstrated how to
put cuffs on sleeves and then
discussed ways of finishing lower
edges of sleeves.
Meeting 6 of the Staffa Knit-
wits was held at Mrs. Butsons
on Monday evening. The roll
call, name a problem or diffi-
culty encountered when laying on
your pattern, was answered by
16 girls.
Mrs. Jeffery told about invi-
sible zippers followed by a dis-
cussion led by Mrs. Butson on
conventional zippers and zippers
, without seams. Samples of con-
ventional, invisible zippers with-
out ,seams and lapped zippers
were shown to the girls. After
a discussion on buttons and butt-
tonholes, Mrs. Jeffery demon-
strated how to make a shank
Mrs, Butson discussed apply-
ing elastic in knits, then showed
how this was done.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cross and-
Miss Janet Miller, London, visi-
ted on the weekend with their •
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Mr. and Mrs. John Temple-
man, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Templeman, Max-
Mrs, Robert HOW