HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-04-05, Page 3Township of Hibbed. The Municipal Landfill Site (Dump) will be open Saturday, April 7th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. and every Saturday until further notice. NO CAR BODIES, WIRE or CONCRETE Charles Friend, Clerk Family .1.1[41.72 [311$ ALL PURPOSE ONE BIN HOG SUPPLEMENT PURINA FARM BLEND HOG CHOW is a base mix supplement balanced completely with high levels of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. When mixed with grain it provides maximum nutrition for all market hogs weighing over 50 pounds, and sows, too. Buy in bulk, store in one bin and save several dollars per ton. PURINA FARM BLEND (H.M.C.) HOG CHOW is specially formulated for the hog man who wishes to feed High Moisture Corn. MILTON J. DIETZ RR 4 P Seaforth — Phone 527-0608 HIMON'10400sKr90,.5,tm4 oI4Y,,tApif ;‘,‘ 5 aOpo ericen re student employment vid•win'al$ , 14,. v114. the 'schools • to.: assist • ti!g stiidefitp. to register' , • Early 'registration .ipirtiOr.41; taut to tIfft4pttglOntkati::;.. ,.4mploy9„rp are peeiclug thelti!-• summer help .now. *.i4tudent- • has an applitiOn in the fileP; he is referred to new job opOor; ;wattles aptheybeconte,p.yailable, • able students. - Supply InforMatiOn en the various federal and proviodfal governments summer prbgrarns for students. Larry Dillon, a nativeofSea- ,forth, has been appointed• as the Student placement Counsellor. He intends to approach most area employers to encourage Canada Manpower has recently opened a new office in Qoiderich to assist students seek, ing summer employment. The. office will provide the following services for students and employers: - Referral of qualified people to available summer job oppor- tunities. - Assist student clients to find work by soliciting job orders from area employers. - Assist employers to find 'qualified help by recruiting avail-' Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. NOTICE Due to increased °peat. ing costs and following the trend in neighboring towns, there will be a slight increase in fares, effective April 1. Local calls will be 75c one way or return fare 1.25. There will be no change in the rate for purchasing and delivering merchandise which will remain at 25 cents extra Out of Town Call----Prices on request. A 20 week tailoring course, which has been underway at S.D.H.S. this winter, Was concluded Thursday night. Instructor John Vangeffen said the course would be repeated next fall. Those taking part included: (Front) (Left) Mrs. J. Patterson, Mrs. G. Elliott, Mrs. M. Hodgert, John Vangeffet,, Teresa Bauer, Rita Duncan, Anne Marie Hoste, Joan Noble, Mrs. G. pepper.. (Back) Mrs. Joan Chesney, Mrs. B. Lamont, Mrs. H. Hoste, Mrs. B. Put man, Mrs. J. Jansen, Mrs. A. Devereaux, Mrs. J. Van Dooren, Mrs. Jim Devereaux, Mrs. E. Wilson, Mrs. M. Hulley. Joint Euchre Winners in a joint euchre sponsored by IOOF and Rebekah Lodges were: Ladies high, Mrs. Leslie McClure; lone hands, Mrs. A. Routledge; low, Mrs. Liz Brown; Gents high, John Tre- meer; lone hands, Alec Dennis; low, Lorne Dennis. There were 18 tables in play with James Rose in charge of games. and Mrs. L, Grummett was lunch convener. Adopt county suggestion Seaforth Taxi saving the two-thirds of the wall that has not failed is to flatten the slope to a two and one- half foot horizontal to one foot vertical slope". • Mr. Britnell advised council that although the county solici- tors have advised there is "an excellent chance of recovering 100 percent" of the total repair bill, the county must finance the repairs until the action is decided "in or out of Supreme Court". "It is most unlikely. that the action will be settled in 1973," he said "but when it is, the monies will be credited to the road account." "It should be pointed out that the remedial work now being carried'out by county forces and rented equipment is in accor- dance with the recommendations of a soils investigation report prepared by one of foremost soils consultants in Canada and paid for by the designer-con- tractor after the failure," he added.' Regarding snow removal this past winter, Mr. Britnell said he would estimate a 25 percent de- crease in the winter control budget up to the end of 1973. )He said,:ithp„plast,,snowstorm in, Tn Id -Matih. ceFAtIfp county over $6,000 for snow removal. "Nature has a way of evening things up," he said and added • this was "an unusual winter". $579,000). The second allocation plus Ministry of Transportation and Communication funds covering special projects such as county bridges on local roads, deOelop- ment road entitlement earned in previous years but not spent and special , projects like the restoration of the Saltford Hill near Goderich will not be official for a month or so longer. "For the first time ever, the M.T.C. will be allocating funds to counties on a uniform grant basis rather than the former sub- sidies at 50 percent and 80 per cent and supplementary assis- tance (Development Roads) at 100 percent," said Mr. Britnell. The budget of $1,987,000 in- cludes $692,000 for maintenance of roads and bridges; .$19,000 -for construction-of 'bridges and culverts; $120,000 for construc- tion . of bridges on boundary roads; $664,000 for road con- struction. A total of $135,000 has been allocated Poi the Saltford Wall project. The county has begun legal action against the designer- contractor for breach of the guarantee in the contract agree- ment. The wall holding up a. 'Steep banlyis shifting - up to two inehes '17da41 Wtioueir, point - and soitHaaarrisr Elblag itehnk •solution to stabilizing the embankment and The new system of allocating , provincial funds to, the County of Huron for road work has been begun this year and EngineerJim Britnell is happy with the concept. "This new financing method is identical to the requeSt made to the Ministry in a brief submitted by Huron County to the Minister in March of 1972, " he said, "and should simplify county bud- geting for years to come, but un- fortunately not this year." Mr. Britnell said that in this initial year, the money will arrive , in two allocations and only the first one has been made. It covers maintenance and' fixed costs and some minor construct- Enter IGA's exciting IGA's pstake ENTRY FORM .. ... 1 8 I CITY . . . ....... PHONE . .. ...... ..... ...... . . .. . , . .... wee Anniversa 10,000 NAME ADDRESS . yrostr At YOUR REAR 11 61, "MT INDS 34rua „:"k:41", IOIRIMo aft , 't" Mono um. ammo inn A total of 896 lucky IGA customers will share $10,000. in IGA ificate prize winnings between April 2 and Moy 26, 1973, Weekly,,1GA gift certificates wilt be won totaling $1,250. Korea el you bone is Os Simply fill out the entry form, attach proof ofpurchase or reasonable faunlike of one of the sponsoring products. Deposit lha•totriPlated entry Form in the contest drum at your IGA store, WinnerS will be orattiiinCed weekly. Additional emry forms available in each IGA store. Enter as often as you wish, Winners must answer a skill testing question. SHOP THESE POPULAR , BONUS BRAND PRODUCTS Reef '..sae,, Moe Oriental or Tomato Macaronid HAMIURGER FIXINS 7 ot, 49' RAMS ONLY, PLUME A,,umd BATHROOM TISSUE oil pbp. 65' pkg. of Mrs SY ;ARIAN BAGS. • 0120 1.09 wienl SWAN ASSORTED COLOURS PAPER TOWELS 2 rot pkg. 55' NAMARA TEA BAGS 4,14.., 1008 CANLTON Gum, Assewersto Pusvouste . SOFT DRINKS ..... .- ..,... : ..54 to Ar. 540 1.74 Tar VALU . ASSORTED CANDY .3 a. phip. '1..20 TOPNALLL/ IMINTONNO 0,, . WHITE SLHIODPIAD ,toi . -. • .2-36 ,,,. i,....5,9* ' MOTHS t14 TOMATO SAUCE Mlust4ir Pisani SPAGHETTI 4 •111001 UP OMURA • FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 5 si“ic IRV 09' mum , LIQUID DETERGENT 2 74 o, iPopp wk. 59" MOP H 01.0 FLOOR CLEANER A POLISH .16 u, ow, 79' kit ion projects in the total amount" of $1,143,000 (provincial money ITEM: Avoid leaving food stand- ing in an aluminumoressel longer than necessary. Minerals in food cause pitting, of aluminum. ITEM: Need more seating but short of space? Consider stack- alle chairs, Ne this ye4r are stackables with: a!torne.gainIgS"- cane seats:' • tide, comfortadd," IncC(-)eg4q&111 Tithes the piecework set et Mast laying with these hdennatire Purcheshog Aids/ INFORMATIVE COUNTER CARD TABLE MEATS --• .0o( PAY mod i ' ,J49 ig mistaitielt MAE . 1 Round hone cut from the Chug*. t I., Regular Cut from the Chuck store. ITEM: In the house furnishings industry, there is a resurgence of interest in the Colonial - Early American - Federal styles. ITEM: Each year consumers spend over 42 percent of income after taxes for services ranging from haircutS, shoe repairs and drycleaning to major auto repairs, medical care and educa- tion. ITEM: Young families tend to be the heaviest users of credit. Research shows that almost 73 •percent of all families headed by persons under 35 years of age have some installment credit. lb. MEAT IDENTITY UREL JACK THOMPSON'S FOOTWEAR SERVICE BIG JOHN SAFETY WORK SHOES 18.95 to 33.95 -- $2.00 Pr. Off HERE'S WHAT MEAT IDENTITY MELLING DOES FOR YOU OUR NEW MEAT IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM TAKES THE GUESSWORK OUT OF THE SELECTION AND PREPARATION OF MEAT , . IT HELPS YOU BE A 'SMARTER' MEAT SHOPPER AND A BETTER "COOK. THIS IMPROVED MEAT IDENTITY LABELLING TELLS YOU AT A GLANCE THE TYPE OF MEAT THE PRIMAL CUT AND THE SPECIFIC PORTION OF THE PRIMAL CUT. SIMPLY USE THE RE- COMMENDED COOKING METHOD IN OUR "MEAT EXPLAINED" FOLDER. 1. KIND OF MEAT No need tp guess the type of meat first, every label shows the type of meat- beef, pork, lamb or veol. 1. PRIMAL CUT Chuck, rib, loin or hip - fells what port of the animol.the meat comes from. 3. SPECIFIC PORTION OK IMAH CUT Blocle roast, sirloin steak, or top round stook • tells you exactly what port of the primal cut the meat comes from. WHILE YOU WAIT SERVICE OR APPOINTMENT MADE 8 Main Street, Seaforth ORDERS FORMS FOR • FREE "MEAT EXPLAINED" FOLDER ..?earrenamted TWO LA1101 CHANTS OF RETAIL MEAT CUTS Are on display in all our stores for your convenience- Beef and pork charts will help you identify our curs of, meat on display. IF YOU HAY! EMOTIONS About our new meat identification program, ask our meat department Manager. He'll not only hove the answers for you, but he'll be glad to suggest °number of specialty cuts os well as regular cuts that will odd variety to everydoy and special meals. Ro how lo b.. hos to gook RIR, PORK. IAMB OR VIM. AVAILABLE AT ALL IGA MEAT COUNTERS SIMPLY TILL IT IN AND MAIL TO IGA Coosoonor Corner Ilea 502S, trallen, Ord BEEF TOP YALU PACK 1 LB, PKG SLICED BOLOGNA BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 to 3 lb. REDSPRING SALMON lb. 1.19 ULSTER FRY I lb. via pm SLICED SMOKED SAUSAGE TOP VALU DINNER HAMS lb. 1.49 DAVERN BEEF IL PORK BREAKFAST SAUSAGE le 69` SCHNEIDER'S RED HOT OR DUTCH TRIAL SKINLESS WIENERS lb 79` 59c FROZEN KERFE CUT CHICKEN LEGS lb. 75c SCHNEIDER'S 5 VARIETY I lo 2 lb, Pkg Chunked Meat Loaves lb. 99c SCHNEIDER'S COUNTRY SAUSAGE lb 89c FROZEN AUSTRALIAN-LAMB SHOULDER CHOPS lb 77c PRIMROSE BEEF'STEAKMES FROZEN INDIVIDUALLY ALASKA BLUEFISH FILLETS lb 79c 99c' 99c WE HAVE DECLARED WAR ON HIGH PRICES I .IICIB TIOn1 TOP VALU 157 GRADE CREAMERY' BUTTER FIVE VARIETIES Peek Frean BISCUITS a 13z: 27c pkg. VALLEY FARM REGULAR CUT FROZEN French Fries ., AYLNIER CHOICE TOMATOES TOP VALU Evaporated MILK 2 16irr 39c TOP VALU CAT OR DOG FOOD pribn,69C 1 OC 28G1, 33c tin 1$.-.10c 91511 101) 115915 5 ASSORTED FLAVOURS JELLO JELLY POWDERS 911;99c MONARCH VITAMIN ENRICHED CAKE Pastry Flour ASSORTED COLOURS MODERNE BATHROOM TISSUE Assorted Torierres loM acre) BERRY BOX MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE 1 18 io OZ4 ior HOLIDAY LUNCHEON ot 43cMEAT JAMS OR MARMALADE 53c pkg. 2 2 r°I1 8c 7baibg.19c 24 al qk jar GOLD SEAL PIM SALMON SSc CORONET HALVES D4 SLICES FANCY PEACHES "Tin 47c BLACK DIAMOND Baguio, KrnteL, CHEESE SLICES MIGHT'S PUKE CHOICE APPLE JUICE 6 1.00 ALLEN'S ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 5" 69° MOM'S COLOURED MARGARINE BANQUET sooro""EN FLAVOURS CREAM PIES '4 we 390 YORK FANCY TRENCH STYLE WAT B 1 ANS KERNEL CORN OR 0.101a AMID RICH'S FROZEN CORE RICH CREAMER '44, 23° 4 pAa 89° BA 39e MODERN! LARGE BOV Assorted Colours FACIAL TISSUE C44I Boy Ar D. .0, Meat or Mushrooms SPAGHETTI DINNER NABISCO SHREDDIES '" 550 2404 59. 4,<!2.,w 4,°,89c 35` Vegetables BONUS DISCOUNTS FRESH PRODUCE 7 Days without fish makes one weak RUPERT FROZEN SRVERBRIGHT FRASERVALE FROZEN COD MEXICAN NO. 1 VINE RIPE SUNBURY POLY PACK TEA BAGS BY HILO DREAM 69c WHIP FLORIDA NO. 1 JUICE Fish & Chips ILUE WATER 10710 COO KRISPS HIGHUNER PROM OCEAN PINCH FILLETS CHICKEN OT THE SPA TM OM MAUD SHRIMP SALMON 59c STEAKS 714' 89c 59c TOMATOES ORANGES 70 or vkg pkg of 100 4 or Ok9 3 1°r 69c 69c RUPERT FROM coo ▪ SS` FISH STICKS 'A 49c PRIQS MAIM ORR U1150141 IATUIDAV, AFRO V. tr15 ua mum/ um two no MIR PAM= 5 lb. bag MAKI ASSORTED VARIETIES IMOWRIES OR MUFFINS MIXES isms PACK 3 LB FILM GAMES DOG MEAL SCOTTS LIQUID now FURNITURI CAAIPISItHritANTERS $1, 69 CARROTS COLO DRY SPANISH PEANUTS R or IT 0 / pp 113. RANI MAIMS lor CUCUMBERS ALMONDS Mr 11.111 Itic,-,kr 290 sbt 1.79 "orgq 470 "A% 3.99 csani POWDERED DETERGENT MORIN CREAM? COUNTRY STYLI POTATOES CANADA NO 1 MEM/in GROWN u5 NO 1 PASCAL -CELERY 'oh PRODUCT OF SOWN AMERICA PACK11,41 PEARS • 69° '433° "`oOrt 35e 390 ONTARIO NO 1 HOTHDUSI abOLISN Ip4 1.97 earn 450 !GA OPEN FRIDAY TILL NINE ALL YEAR AROUND