HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-03-10, Page 8owarinv of eountry life, though gi
SC ye evieged Wittche pliese of it. In the last
Mud rny. thwe.y roux, is perhaps the greatest o
not knew eotrie repot, tures end is intenaed for
women ere no more,
toe and plearetut dell.
hamlet in the Vest.
tree from worn tea gaze,
Akre linty reet ?
ad vied* dermal d to e whisper low,
eked tor pity, they answered--
1,0y, ho."
me. thou might deep,
k ti
rena n e
.w'st thou seine vored spot,
iehttia ler away
bachelore they ua
blies for which t ley sigh,
eeredles. are not eted,
a 1)1i bieti neveroy
wee4earollieg i perpetuid flow,
na for while, im
—"Nery, me"
el 'Lou, serenest m
witti eueli lovely f
ist look listen the ea
,p, in eight's enabra
us ell thy roiled,
ear Ilion not seee so
Pre erinoliee'a uot
colieuts ere not ?
tied a clove', the mom ,evithdrew in ease
u voice syieet. iota; responded—
• "..,',.;tery, no."
t 11 us, obi secret soul
tell us Hope 61t Fat
0 there uo reetiug plac
feehions, love and etitb ?
Ousee no littppy 'pot.
bere bachelors may ve rest; '
ere they ratty find a ba
na evermore be bleeee42,/
111J:tope and Charity,be'st boon to mor-
tals given,
ved their bright wings iiml whispered"ee, ineldeeyen." •
W. G.
jug rather e sed t hostess. The bri
entiened, erlaital many useful and
hir. Ileia's pie- evening VMS spent
the Chicago Ex. 1.10,.. we join in
position, the light is stro ig villa vivid; the
air is full of it, Tee
looks of the sick father,
e of the other,
averted head, the Melee
the children all fix one'
sheriff's' business, an
selves, "The visit of th
one of Mr, Rela's most
was bought by Philip Je
This easily tells its stein
William Hunt used to s
elock-ease, the old man
and the curiosity of the
so reel one is tempted to
In addition to these M
tea e good deal at landsc
always vivia, realistic, i
true feeling for color velli
strong and correct. The
and his wife are artists
tion somewhat unique.
terest in all who are into
well as Mr. Reid'e infiuen
have done much to adva
art and raise the stand
His time, however, is not
up to his work, but that
to do with matters of
social reform, er progre
—The Lake Magazine.
sighed to answer
e. spet,
arewore, helpless
the grief-stricken
he grandmother's
nt woaderment of
attention on the
speak .for them -
Clock -Cleaner" is
recent works and
iieson,of Toronto.
"sings its song," i
y—by the empty
ntent on his work
hilaren, who look
pinch them.
Reid has exhibi-
pe. His work isel
aividu, with a
e his drawing is
feat that both he
rakes their posi-
heir helpful in-
stea in ext, as
e in his classes,
es the cause of
rd of eicellence,
fio wholly given
e has something
avencea thought,
in any direction.
o WAS the recipient of
eautiful presents, The
n a very enjoyable men.
Ishii% them a successful
and prosperous jou mey through life.
It e Estee ent Qualticcs
commend to public approval the Califcr a
liquid fruit remeay Syrup of Figs. It is
pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and b
gently meting ou the kidneys, liver a
bowels, it cleans the system effectuell
thereby promoting the health and comfo
of all who use it.
Mrs, Morrison in p
Mr. John Grove%,
tack this week, is, we
again able to be axon
Mr. Jobe Carruther
ental visit with Mr.
ruthere, of this place.
Lower Wingham pr
place this summer,
gatiou opens and come
Fair," that is, if the pi
with tue suow,
M. Jos. Golley, who was elected for
. I ward, the other day, 11ing he has
t thenecessary property q alifications,
s resigned, and there wi I be another
ction shortly to fill the v oancy.'
The New York Fa
The New York
building, was gutted b
of February 28, yet 1
ereat loss and dela.
etty sick at presen
who has been very
re pleased to say,
has been on 11. par-
d Mrs. Thos. Cer.
Vire aA the Cen
clid about POPO d
the wife of Mr.
Amuses— In Wi
he wife of Mr. atts
wife of Sw
Mr. Ed,
SLlilIfl Wingl
wife of Mr. R. F. 5BU
the -wile cf Mr, W
miles to be a lively
st wait until ua.vi-
nd see the"World's
e does not vanish
AS Old as An
Either by acquired
those old foes, Rerofula
must be faced generatic
but you may meet then
your favor by the help
By story Paper. A. grand ixrusicial
mily Story Paper tenement, under the
fire on the morning 1Whitechurch, No. 116
twithstanding the l of Forestere will be g
the New York tors' Hall, of this pia
Family Story l'eper•svi I be delivered regu- evening, March
ual. 1A. Anderson. B. A., of
iRev. Robert Henderso
precept sent ex- Bro. A. H. Musgrove,
to keep ant rever- ham Glee Club; Misse
ath. It millet have Lean, Johnston and
ons, then, Haat I 't Willis, Stephenson, Fie
laxly to newsdealers a subscribers as es- ' talent has been secure
el prison on Saturday
mage to machinery and
gutty. '
aint or heredity,
a Consumption,
after generation ;
with the odds in
Scott's Emulsion.
Youse—At TOSS
the wife of Mr. Cha
February, the wife
ton ; a daughter.
the wife of Ur. Jas.
am, ou February 21st,
Wimp Finlay rt.
arn, ou Feb, 24t1t, the SP RIN DSS GOODS
ham, on March 4th,
Armour; a .daughter.
rt*; a eon,
m, on Feb. 27th, the
all; a son,
ingham,on March 20,
Robertson ; (laugh -
d literary enter-
uspiees of Court
Canadian Order
ren In 'the Fores-
e, on Thursday
The following
—Bto. Rev. Jas.
Goclerich; Bro.
of Manchester ;
Ingham; Wing-
Hougkton, M
clerus; Messrs.
ty and Mason,of
and family, of
and others, of
. cordial in -
ell to spend a
nstructiee even
will occupy the
ter,on February 10th,
. Youug ; a daughter.
0 entrees, on the:18th
Mr. W. Heatbering-
on February 18th,
V. Eager ; 6900.
On February 20th,
bridele father, Kin -
dries, Mr, Thema%
lighter of Mr. Rich -
t the residence of
the 22nd Mt,. by
Robert Scott, of
Pinkerton, of
at the residence ot th
loss, by Rev. W. H.
Hill te Miss Eliza, d
and McBurney, both
the bride's mother, oi
the Rev. Jas, Malcolm
Culross, to Jane
of the bride's ,fath
March 1st. by the Be
Ida Jaue Louisa, eldes
O'Connor, Esq., to go
electrician, of Detroit.
bride's father, on We
22nd, by the Rev. W.
J. Andison, to Mies E
of Howiok.
lst inst., by the R
Anderson of Blytl
Gowan, of' Wawanos
Beautiful new suits for Ladies. e Gan
fully state that we show a completeness never
reached by any house in town.
AA the residence
on Wedueeday,
,David Werarope,
tweeter of H. B.
Wilber t Purcell,
Mr Dees Traza,--B
ample, we were traine
An exchange says: " evrspaper pub -
elm the Christian Bab
pers are expected to ram mber every lit -
been for urgent rea
incident happening f r miles around
was dispatched early on a Suudey mere- 1Wingham; Jas. I. Cli
e tell DS We,make no •ntentional omis- 1 ing, to Broughton, so e fire mile:, from ;Wingham; Mr. Mahe
a mention it in the pap s',--.50 some peo- .
ns, whether the a;:fa• • b2. of aenomi. Biggar, with ,.pair otoes for Mr. Taylor,
a Whitechurch, will miller there. The iuburgh and Duni- 1 am.
Ivitation is extended
tionai, •personal,social • any other char.
ter. If we forgeto •
fries road traverses t • village, and in , pleasant, profitable and
'ate evnet Itis purely
a fair which, with .
has greviteted
i ing. Rev: W. H. Gedd
ersight cn our par to I chair.
t it is to our in, eres •fless centre, much
listened with open
tle help in this line ailie annonueing su
e date of the fair,
ngs;" but we ask yo
trticulars." . i
rk of Mr. G. A.
ntion any legiti-
an unintentional
. We fully realize
to record all "the
kindly to give us a
sending us in the
coaching days, it ha
one held in Skirling,
Biggar, a thriving b
more BO thau when
mouth to the Barou
Biggar Cross-Kuovre
prefaced with the No
ula, "Oyez, Oyez," t
no great di
ton the savory Twee
its pellucid waters s
id although one of Bigga
ertainly in the front I of eud
the perishes still ka
leech° and Gleuholn
to one perieli, know
e Study and W.
,Mr. George Agnew
ingham, Ont., 1360,
r younger artists is
As a boy ho shewed.
)r. drawing, and aft
tme in Toronto, whe
e Art School, he
d at the Academy
st equipped schools
der Thomas Eakin
e went to Europe
orae time in Fran
['bey both continued
owe bits of many
and interior.
, OD. thell: return al
Toronto, and sine
natant contribute
e different Cana ,
eve York, Plailadel his, and Boston. F or .
certain productmes of the glees ,
ur yeare his pieta ,s have been ateepted ,
clever no doubt, but indecent end Milner- 1
a well hung hi th i salon, where indivicl,. al, lgo doubt, they proeurea hi:n s Unit- R G
- 111"it slNVSYtf ells•' These sire'. .14' tance to the table of Ayrshire clergymen,
eid was born near
bility and fondness
r studying a short
he took a medal at 1 pariah church is i
village, in close
ent to Philadelphia. '
church, wlisre Mr.
f Fine Arts,one of the '
feonau. ministered
on thicontinent,was
for many year*, 11
After his marriage
th hie:Wife, spending end in his 08,10 WO
e, Spain, and Italy_ minister of 5reul
their etidies bringing
continental city or
. andMrs.Reid settled
then they have been
• Choi
position to supply fa
au French form- 1 itviiitehti
newme to secureyo
teas, at jobb
t is, "neat. ye, hear 1
sums fries] 13roughe Mr. H. M. Wil 14o
hail the velum@ of has been appointe
ellen by the influx , county.
Weter. These drain 1
wu as Cul.eeat, Kil- I.
, but now merged in-
C societee
ces. Now il3
the reeidence of the
W. H. Geddes, Mr.
We.weirosh, to Miss
t r of Robert Conn,
8th inst., by liev.
G. Maguire, of B
Mies Annie Laurie
Q. C., of Brantford,
eputy judge of Brant
I as Bronebton. The 1 v:
the outskirts of the
roximity 'to the Free 1
Welsh, laird of Moss -
with ranch rteceptance
ruiltou Peel for, Rever-
d be a misnomer, was
ton, ever since can re.
member enytMng Like tie WalS
native of AyrehH, awl he fondly imagin-
ed thateles inauqe of the istelwart plough-
man poet lied d cenclect on his slouching
shoulduts, Ile e publielied a volume of ,
the residence of than you'd care to count, an y
. Brownlee, Mr. W.
nesday, February \
many. The trouble is you can't keep track of so
ther Jacques, both I much newness in our Dress Goods. A hint, a sug-
• gestion here and there, is all we have space to give
ur Dress Goods, then you'll
lack Dress Good.s.
Is keeping up the good work, getting More
popular every day.
Delaines, Mollies, Prints andSateens, in
colorings and designs that bring a breath of
spring and summer, in wild roses, clover, daisies,
apple blossoms, also in stripes and plaids. Styles
as bright as you please; more pretty patterns
than you thought we had; more novelties
t we haven't too
At Godericb, ou the
V; Dr. Ure, Mr. lf ohu
to Miss Elizabeth
March 7tia, 1803, at
bride' e fathsr, by Rev.
John Thom, of West
teua, youngest daugh-
leeq., East Wawanosh:
At Wiegman], on the
. MeQuoxrie, Mr. Robt.
seevain, Manitoba, tci
• yfe, Turnberry.
understand. Nothing but th.e eyes can tel e
you. :You mus
Mieuse,At the
ns -law, Mr. John
Hevrick, Mrs. M
Weereeies—In G
ruary 28th, Sabina
Williams, aged 47
W. J. Terriff, son o
Belmore, aged 25 y
sidenes of her sou -1
6th. concession,
tiha Miller, aged 81
)ie, on Monday, Feb -
wife of Mr. J. 11.
'ara and 6 months.
rd. on February 24th, 1
Mr. Peter Terriff, of
rs and 7 mouths,.
assts. on Feb. 25113.
Mary Ann, beloved if e of Duncan Mc-
Millan, aged 46 years, 7 mouths and 23
Men's Fedora Hats, in brown, black and
mixed colors. The latest thing
out this season.
It will pay you to get one now, at
1893. ,_)0 (EIGHTY) PIECES
peeing; which eo neliew or another fell in. ,,
CIMiing worth 25c. pe: yd„, for 12ln°.
If you buy your Prints be.
Rye you see them you'll
Dal▪ SS
Headquarters for TImothy
and Clover Seed.
Are now opening up the finest
.6° th'e exhibitions 111 I to my hands. e W0.14 is Slavish imitator display of
an cities, as well as of Buren, met lidieven attempts to palliate
oty," now the pro erty of E. B. Os -'its in doc4ine, but whose morels
venture was mereilesely in all. the different departments of
drew Thomson in the
OrOnto, "The Berr Pickers," and re herdly est of what la taught in
11119.hy" which'ws, recently bought by
es. George, of T ronto.
it In 1338 Mr. and rs. Reid again went
breed, prepared fo closer application to
strk then ever. ost of the time was
ent in Paris wher Mr. Reid was under
Onstant and Dagn n-Bonveret; the result
as shoWn in his w rk.
Om of his most eelistic pictures is "The
tiler Side of the Question," a number of
Id men evidently aiscussing sorne knotty
oint, sorno of the aces eager and excited,
11 interestd, eve know—even the back of
he beaa shows t at. This is owned by a
Brooklyn gentle: an. "Drawing Lots,"
of his earlier orbs, is out of doors in
the sttoug sunlieh ; two boys drawing tote,
ing full len
elongs to D. It.
Dr. Reiss
Dinner" •
Fruit" wel
was there bo
city. "Log
men at Work c
i of it chant
"Leonie" bel
oronto. "Dva
sent woman lo
re; the color ems
a bright. This
raCanedian A tawny end is 110.0 at
a. "The M rtgaging Of the Home- ;Henry, was lie
" is edge in 0 tawa, being Mr. Reia'a j Mr, J. S. Sten
at hie diplotaa picture to the Acdemy. !Rev. V. Saim,
&Saila the "Fore Iterate of the ltiortgege," ceremony, ana
'by the Wet not intended Re a tied, the guests
'110 othettre vivid reptegentations repast thet r
ceSerniou en
first end last
haudlecl by At
Christian Inetr
criticiern some
ROW conclusi
erriug brother
did with a cleri
'Noo rbymin'
Au let your t
the Mouut. Mr. Paul a
ctor, who wound up the their large trade tb.at they have ever
u, we would address our been able to place before the public.
hat in this who): "Ind
f Broughton, as a minister
n1 rhymster
ab, gie up yer gab,
ymai be
For sure Parnes us ne'er was climbed
By Huck au as aa thee."
W. LIT1100TC.
An ld Friend,
Mr B Flaunagan, formerly with .1
Brennan Le Co, tanners, Wiuglgana, now of
Hanover, writes to 0 E saying
"Please eencl me by express two bottlert
' ld' liettling Balsam. I
Come and see the beautiful
32:)]a*F SS0-001DS
in all the latest tints And textures that
of Toronto owns Tee I We would not be without it in onr [the European and merican markets
ilkie of the Lnperial find it the best cough medicine I. can get.
I It will cure any kied of cough or cold aed .
"Gossips -" and
on a brick wall. This' more of ea
dices immediate relief, I recommend it to 1 o _er the Canadian trade.
exhibited in Philadelphia my old Witighttui friends end cannot
'xig," a number of turn- I Siecerely yours, We offer oireat a actions in every
ght by Lewis A. Scott, of speak too highly of it.
rather hazy day, loses For sale at Wither/us' Diug Store, at 50c
black end white. This per bottle.
ng to Col. Sweney, of
mg" shows a French •
'eine, wistfully into the
by the firelight is warm
Another of,those
two hearts beat es
residence of the b
second. young's
happy evnt,that Make
ne, took place et the
Ms Whet, when Annie,
daughter of Mr. G.
tea in holy vtedlook to
mese, of Begrave. The
Anburn, performed lihe
fter the nuptial knot was
timbering 75, set down to
fleeted great eredit on the
All goods marked in plain figures
was purchagea by the an.d .t cut pricos.
e.alsitaaele., •
Youi s ti uly,
G- .H.1
opular oo otore
We have thi4 week opened out our exceedingly dioice and attractive
stock of
.Latest styles, with
To match, GILTS, GLIMMERS, MICAS, in grains, in white backs,
brown backs and every other kind of backs.
10 Per Centoff all Wall Papers for Cash
Alsolarge stock (A‘ WINDOW TIA.DES, which we are selling
GORDON & cheaper than ever.
Give ns a call and see for yotirselves.
The Anchor House.
We we
it up
wVits raeyeltill
as n