HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-03-10, Page 6TUE WJNG,U.A.M TIMES, MARCH 10, 1895,. rtitIFP 1tEl'OBM, tariff ought to be at once amended fn re- . Oil and Mi . Foster t'lava; p o the matters herein indicated, and Fell s .ot t la milli ant ten r•tars .qY 1 u by the substantial reduction of cue - ,to f tit", and if lanycne should totes duties h flavor of the Milted. King. it, telt, wnrkint; .uf pratectk 1 cloth, in whose market all Canadian pre - Yet t•t t.triiy both say that . duets ATO admitted duty free, and of those nations wlhieb. under treaty obligations with Great Britain would be entitled to the same advautages, graduated, however, so as not unnecessarily to prejudice the business of the country UQr to do wrong to those who have imported and paid duties in accordance with its provisions : .And title house declares its readiness to make a like reduction in fever of such other portions of the empire, or with snail other foreign countries, especially the United States of America, as aro willing to reciprocate in hatters of trade with Canada on fair and equitable terms. oats be done itt the way of inn unfit the whole subject -inveetigated, and that cannot fora year.. Chis is tt rather ug pasitinn for Cabinet mini tee i,e, ,feet t hews slaw weak toiRut the Governnlc:nt is. known to all who have looked subject that there is a wide - el growing desire for inoditie the tttriti s Ise these gentlemen They know that Mr. Me - 6 ell, their trail, bet they me !tope than he will weaken, e irresolution he kitty shot+°li ill tttit':i will C tuatt 1t11E 10 W0 v< r ;corse he has adopted It is hat Dar. M.uOarthy will not Ins c,ppOtt, nts l,y su•:11 tycakll ss' .t he will stolid to his glens :ilia taitdstand or fttii with those A Curo fart1eadaen°, Headache arises from constipation, bad blood, dyspepsia or liver cDmplaint. As. B. B. B. cures Fall these complaints it is naturally the most successful headache cure existirg, Once the cause is removed the headache vanishes. h willing to follow high his Isgaiust protection. The duties! Celery as Food and Medicine. vt; to be reduced, and t'•at I From an En' lish exchange we clip ;f'• It can ba shown that iu- the foltcwillg :—Nc:w discoveries, or ., protection which the nesnu- what claim to be discoveries, of the shave frequently 'secured has healing virtues of plants are. continual: eel to the general wea'tll or ly beim:; made. One of the latest is ,:ity, but has served only to en- I that celery is a cure for rheumatism. few Mr. Bowan and Mr. It is asserted that the' disease is know this, hut It is cpartybe: impossible if the vegetable, is cooked 'neiple with than, and they and freely eftten. The fact that it is approve of any reductions 1 always put on the table raw prevents ey are forced to do it. The lits therapeutic powers from being °form movement cannot be i known. It should be cut into hits, , silo if Mr. McCarthy iholtid 1 anal boiled in water until soft, and the new party as tet'. leading ( water should be drawl: by the patient. la le dt alt of its views, other a i Put nets Infill, t.itil a little flour and se to carry it to sdcueas. Tho fluting;, into a saucepan with the ers deed net hope to ,isenpe the boiled celery,serve it warm with pieces easily, (�;otita. of Thought, gaol) iutlividnal will is a centre power. It is, not enough to luow, one must apply it; it is not enough to wish, ono meet even do it. Genuine cheerfulness is an almost certain index to a happy mind and a pure, good heart, It is better to fence the precipice at the top than to mat with an ambulance et the I bottom., Generosity does nut consist in giving but in making; sacrifices in order that you may be able to give. Used with abstinouee, hops is a lawful tonic; interporately indulged in, wet ever• lesting opiate. It is one thing to wish truth to be on our side, and it is another thing to. wish to be on the side of truth. Age is not all decay; it is the ripening, 'the swelling of the fresh life within, that withers and bursts the husks. When we are alone we have our thoughts to watch—when in orn families our tempers —when in company our tongues. Next to knowing when to seize an oppor- tunity the most important thing in life is to know when to forego en advantage. ti there is a grace that we are all stingy with, it is thatof giving praise, and yet it is one with winch we ought to be lavish. Never bear move than one ldnd'of trouble at a time. Some'people bear three kinds— all they have had, all they have now, and all they expect to Ave. They say princes leu,rnito art truly but the art of horsemanship.: The reason is that the brave beast is no iliatterer. :He will throw a prince as soon as a groom. It is a great mistake to decry the love of power. That it is often abused proves noble. ' isindeed one of ' a against In itself it ni a ainst it. n a of toast, ^•^.t it With potato(=, and the the chief mainsprings of human achieve -1 painful ailment will yield. Such is hent' EDITORIAL NOTES the declaration of a physician who has Look not mournfully into the past ; it • again and• anvil tried the experiment, comes not back again. Wisely improve the present; it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear, and with a manly heart. Every man hie. tamer of wild beasts, and these wild beasts'are his passions. To draw their teeth and claws, to muzzle and tame them, to turn them into servants and domestic animals, fuming perhaps, but sub- missive—in this consists personal educa- tion. ,roled ibition question was fully Is 1 and with uniform success. IIe adds Fin the Manitoba Lei;'islature, on :that cold or damp never produces but last, so soya a despatch. lifter i siva 1 develops the disease, of which mendulents,allof which tverevoted acid blood is the prime and sustaining e memorial to the Dominion Gov- • cause, and that while the blood is atwas adopte.1 by a vote of 30 to 1. otial asks, in view of the recent', alkalii;e they, can be neither rheutna: time nor gout. The proper way to at "ate taken in Manitoba, that the Do - {Government shall, with all conven- celery is to have it cooked as a reg: ! ettthle after the manner above 4e1, enact a law prohibiting the 1 described, The writer reakss constant lieu, manufacture and sale of ;use of it in this way. Try it otiee,anel tine liquors as a beverage into or in !you would sooner do WitbJtlt any -ince of Manitoba. 1 vegetables, with 1 he single exception from the Canada Presbyterian, of the potato, rather than celery. I i admitted to be a rather palpable . Cooked celery is a delicious dish for ravers are being offered as inst t the table, and the most conducive to le in the Protestant Episcopal! health of any vegetable that can be s in the diocese of Down. It would I mentioned. '''cstin,�'-�, to know if any petitions are «l asking relisi foe the people of i Poor Georgie. it of whom. are compelled 1 . --- Wftat, in your opinion, is the effect ., t a le 1 ' Which they do not 1 lin rise late Teddy';; To A:t 1no5f i'>;Nen, AND q strongly 3:adorned. The advertising of hood's Sarsaparilla appeals to the sober, common sense of thinking people, because it is true; and it is always fully substantiated by endorse- ments which in the financial world would be accepted without hesitation. They tell the story—FLOOD'S CURES. A 33Iue Book's Answer. ONE ENJOYS Both the method • and rpsults when $yru p of Figs is taken; it is pleasant y l and refreshing to the taste,, and acts gently yet promptlyoTL tho Kidneys, Liver caul Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem rtr tually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation.. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy, of its kind ever pro- d:u od, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomacll,,prolnpt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its -many excellent qualities commend. it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 7 ric bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on gland will procure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Manufactured. only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.Y Clubbinx ;cater. The+ weekly klropire tuald prat:Mum the tbeelingOmEima }' o a va ive merebers of the house of-* L ue r t u till the I from now d 1 Tants r ! the _ u t a Commons, end of 1893--$1.70. The weekly Globe and Timis from now till the end of 18513--01,70, The London Advertiser, weekly and Tiers from now till the end of 1893-01.50 The London Free Prose, weekly and Times from now till end of 1698-01,70, The Montreal. 'Weakly herald and the Tz1i,Es from now till end of 1893-61,50. The Meutread Witness, weekly and Times from now till the end 1803-1,75, I2esuced rates with all other 'metre petition weeklies. 'Phis is a graud oppor tunity. Subscribe at once and receive' the balance of the year free. nIr C IT EaOZP TIIErl?.. Strange, is it not, that the people bubbling over with professed sym- I deer editur—i can not talk. i holy had r the Protestants of Ulster should a orful time sins i riled 2 u the laist time. me time be fighting Iike Trojans to i mot big. lesiesticel fetters on the Presby- 1 bil sed ain't it cold: Baptists and Methodists of Elio- t' I an i sed yes. Tfeles. r , and bil sed, i haiv got a Hoo trik. is Teirlplar i Our Canadian laws, e s ! wat is it, i sed. 1 w stand, legally tinction the selling 1 bet u can't cia it, big sed. Q Scants to a buyer until his money is . wat is it, i sed again. i to the very last dollar. Our Cana- ! bet n 5 cans u cant du it, big sed agin. o' salsa sanction the arrest of the i bet u cant put yore tong on the fense in ser, if found intoxicated on the front ov the scuba wile i count 20 and then nthe legitimate result of his con- ;say the lords prair aftir. n of lawful liquor. •They also ho, big Jonson, i sed, u r off yure chump. what b Iter could they do as a prel't- linary step than to stop up such a of the liquor tratire as at present con- ducted ? is one of the usual questions asked by Mr. Foster's Royal Commis.. sicn. The Government report for the fiscal year furnishes a partial answer. It shows that the imports of liquors during the year for eonsumption was valued at $l,018,706,the thalt imparted $507,338, a total of over two million dollars sent out of the country by Canadian liquor drinkers for • that which, wlit:u consumed, left nothing of value, but, on the contrary, had in- jured t1a community. If our politi- cians desired to build up the country, punishment of the same man by i bet u i kin. d if the lawful liquor � so big as me went down 2 the soule an i (t 00503, au ygob all his money he is sent to jail put my tong on the top of the fense. it is .ty days, more or less, in default of a low iron fense. i felt kinder cold, but two million dollars entirely lost repre• dot—and the tax -payers, who do not counted 20 and then he sed, now taik yure sent to Canada During the year all away. the sheep, sheep phlts and wool export - are required to foot the bill. In all e y ed hrott ht -into Canada $1,507,930. 1 seethe lawful liquor seller "scoops i tride to taik mi tong away but i g coodent, 11 was froze to the iron and The sun, received for the horses ex- tithe drinkers money and the tax- i am cot all the bills of the legal penalty. • htrted like ani thin. ported was �I,$1,885,027. The fact Is ; s,are the workings of our Canadian 1 bil jonsen laffed at me and sed al kinds thus known to the Government that ajttaws. No wonder people are kicking ov mene things, and i kicked and tried 2 the money sent abroad for liquors was get a way, but i coodent. a quarter more than that received for 1 then a man comed along and askid wat all the sheep, pelts and wool exported, ox MCCART$Y pet the followingwas the matter with mo and big sed he and that the su'n received for the on the Order paper of the House of thote i had a fit. I coodent tell the man horses exported in the year was drank as on'Thursday last ;wit was the mater so I kicked and maid tip in the foreign made liquor alone,in t since the introduction of the pro- i moshuns with mi hands. . e.ght months. This is saying nothing system sufficient time has elapsed • wen the man seen me doing this he sod of twenty-eight millions of dollars stablishment and development of yes the poor feller has.got a fit. so he cum uufacturing industries as under ex- • out with a pale ov water and throde it on dittoes can be successfully carried me. ho, it was tcrribul. i jest thote i oda. Moreover, many manufac- wood die. have formed combinations and i bil jest luked at me an laffed. lei et; bi which prohibit competition and they sent 4 a doctor and he sed mi tong ;td maintain monopolies. , was froze 2 the fense. it tuk a orful time to there it out. it tuk al the skin orf mi tolig. wen they tuk me home ma Ss pa was orful mad at bit i can't talk a bit and ma ses she is orful sorri 4 me. i. herd pa say to mister binge that he wished ma When you are attacked by cough or cold wood get her tong froze. do not delay but commence at elite to use p. s. mario green didelit Duni hoitn from Hagyard's ?eetotal Balsam. This old her ants yet. i am jest lien 2 see her. n'ti standard remedy removes all irritation; loosens bhe phlegm, and heals the mucous hart has got 5 singal thote mi solo is ful ov surfaces, curing coughs and . colds of all live. kinds. leak by t he enactment of prohibition. The same blue book shows what these the existing tariff, defensible only tive measure, has proved in many oppresive and burdensome to the as of the consuming classes and ly those engaged in agricultural i,is unfair and unequal in its Ind - ed. has beak productive of discon- g on disloyalty among those who its injustice. sufficient reason heehaw eddti4,.- equiring investigation respect - fag. faets,wliicil are notorious, ng delay in the passage of re- flood's Sarsaparilla positively sures. even lotion, wbich is itnlierative. when all others fail. It has a record of see• opinion of this Reuse the cesses unequalled by any other medicine. de_It'6TC2c.r a bottle. of 'Pero dvis° consumedin spirits and beer manufac- tured within the. country, colletinge these at teanufdbturers' prices. And with facts and figures such as these de. tailing the enormous waste, and with other blue booku prolific with statistics of the crime occasioned by the liquor traffic, the (Tovernment has s commis - Moil at work.nt intervals, investigating the effects of the liquor traffic. V'alnehio liiint. gorgie. cod bcL ay to attack' and C tJRE djy. - .IS PUBLISHED-. EVERY FRIDAY 1l1OPrNING —AT THE -- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM, ONTAktIO. Subscriptionprice, $1 per year, is advance ADVERTISING BATES;_ Space T1.1, r t Oreo 13 mo, 1 1 Ino one cohu n sue 00 85 oo 1 il2c oa be 00 Halt " 35 00 20.00 12 00 5 06 Quarter ", 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 IJno plop G 00 8 00 I 2 00 1 00 Legal and other casual advertisements, 50. per line for Snit insertion, and 3e, per 11110 for each subsequent insertion. Loo'd noticesl0c. pe,..no for first insertion, an 50, per line for each subsequent insorticr,. No lost notice will be chatgod lase than 25o, The Tzafss and the "Family Herald and t Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, WeeklyStar" and the Star Alananac, from' and I3ueinoss Chances wanted, not exceeding 8 lines neupnreii, Sl per month now until the 1st of January 1894. fo S RorsestiInorth GOo perstiliottOentmonth lines, $1.70, y These terms will be strictly adheredrto Special rates for lo advertisements, or Der longer periods. e Adt ertisenrants and loom notices without s, .,,e, PROF. SCOTT directions, will to inserted till forbid and ohargaM1 7 I accor ll a ly. .0 rwl''ory advertisements must he MUSICAL LEADER i31�i PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Changes fel' contract adyertisentents must be in `the office by Wednesday noon, in order to arming elves Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Staff I that week and Tonio-Sol-Fa Notation. Open Inc engagements 1 R. ELLIOTT for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate. I PaoPaisTolt ANO P0314111E11 Apply at ASK °R ciEjEW ,� BiG257 BOTTLE') MRS, IL MORROWS, • 24 Shuter St Wim;haie JOB PDI NTINO, TNOLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill _L Heads, Circulars, Re., &c., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, Tises Office, Wingham. °COUNTY 3'UNDS TO LOAN. On the.security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Any portion of the � time the i e borrower aid at an principal may he rer y wishes.y expellees ,a:d. by the County. No pernAll e i 1 person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to W11, HOLMES Goderlok, Ag. 8511182').. Co. Treasurer. LOOK HERE phos Will ,lite[estEver bods°s M.. He that is good for lnirking� uxcuses is seldom s good for anything elle. Theratitude. ofjtlade to espeetants is tt litte1y senate of future favors. TEE UElf 78 MEWL We are selling .i -~~ ii t I: MACDONALD, @J JOSEPIIINE STREET, tvexorleu, • . B, TOILER, M,D,C.AI„ OXTARLO, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario Coroner for County of Iiuron— Omae'IJp•etairs, next to Mr Morton's orrice, Wing• ham, Ont. On'1oI4 HOURS. —0 1012 R. Ill., i to 6 p. in., or at ItesIdence, Diagonal Street. DR. J. A. MELIF$Uti, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of theG'o lue+ Ro of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. 4 Office and Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. 11'nie11A11 - OFT '1LD VANSTONE. BAuaIsTif11, .SOLICITOR, Eta., Private sed Company funds to loan at lowest rate Interest. No commission charged. Mortgagor, tow and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block W1w01!Arl Best Coal it at 12 1-2. cents per Imperial gal- lon, or a can containing the equivalent of five American gallons for 50c., exclusive of pack- age. American Axes, 50c. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $I.00 per foot. We to -day reduce our quotatiop..s on. Binder Twine one cent per lb J. A. CLINE & CO, . Wingham. Unlock all /she clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities aid foul humors of the secretions; at tho same time Cor- • rooting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, ieartburn, Constipation, inoasiineai Dropsy, DziinaofVoJn- dice, Salt Rhoul:l, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, I'`lutterin0 of the THleait, Ner- votlsnot;s, and General Debility ;all diose and many ether similar Complaints wield to the happy inealenee of BURDOCK BLOOD 11'1171. x''rN..,aLIt 007V0 Ft CO.. vAvimtg WING13EATVI STE\M PUMP WORKS, Crovnts & Lunn, PROPRIETORS. We wish to inform the people of Wing ham and surrounding country, that, ai we have purchased the Steam, Pum? Works lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, wt are prepared to supply all kinds of Wooden, Lift, Force & Iron Pump And attend to the wants of the publi in anything in the Pump lino. Ac we have a long experience in th business we guarantee all our work, an if not satisfactory will refund the mono, We also deal in N R JCOVery �ttl 2NBBVE DEANS two a naw tits. that cure the worst coxes of Nervous De aro Lost, it eases r atA BEANSFaitiog MaSIlootl; restorett tb iweakness of body;or mind sawed by Merwork, or t.te errors ersf- cosecs of youth. This ltttniely ab- iolutoiy curet{ the nest obstinate cases wheat All (liter Tat 1TMRN're have failed even to relieve. old bydr ff. gists at 0l per package, or six for Si, or sent by ,ma OR te6elpt of price by addressing THE JAMES MADICD713 00., Toronto. Ont.. Write for pamphlet. soil its -.W nghsOl by A. 1„ IHA:iFh?0N J. A. MORTON BARRISTER 8:41, w nghain Ont MEYER. 2 DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. i E. L. DICKINSON, B..A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., 8o- Bolters be& Lank of Iiamiltdn, Commissioners for taking lardavIts for Manitoba. farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on nlertgago security at 51 per cent. Money invested for priyate persons, upon rho beet Mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North- west. Office—Rent', Block, ttingham. ALL KINDSOF WIND MILLS pg -Soft water cisterns made on shoe notice. Orders by mall promptly attended to OROWSTON & MOWERS, Winghar NEW BUTCHER SHO H. G. /FEE,Pratioal Butch Hos opened a butcher shop in the std opposite the Viyella bakery. 'Brash and mired meets' alwaya on be, live hurl a 4,611. B. G. Milt, DENTISTRY.-- .1 S. JEROME, Wlso,i's, .. Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, ' ,;F r vulcanite pintos of the bestmaterial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. Tari NOTICE.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents each. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. 4liesto Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. nd OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite rho queen's hotel, Wingham. Will visit Gorrie let anal 3rd Mondays of each month. JCIIN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WIN GUAR, - LIMO jDEANS. Ja., Wiiiolj ei,, ' -11 . LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge! 1 Moderate. 1 1 JOHN CURItTE, Wn ouAM, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEIta P'OIl THE COUNTY OF 1 BORON. All orders left at the Tunas Wilco promptly attend 1 od to. Torino reasonable. TAMES IIENDEESON, 1 LtoExsnb AUOTIOSEER P0a' COU\TIxa HURON AN Buyer,. All sales attended to promptly and on the Shorts Notice. Chargee Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements van be made at th TUAEs' otltco ■ WisoirAe Om, 't RS. GODFREY li BRAASII, M. B. Toronto, Members College Physicians an Surgeons. Ontario. a. BY.I,ORAYE (NRA P Money to Loan . on Note �� otes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATE 'Money advanced on Mortgates x ti per cent tri d. privtlego of paying at the end et any year. Nal ,,.,,I tai 5ta"e011eated. 11O11T. BeaverBloolr,•--Niaplarliu, Oral. e, I10 lh 68 xoXNDOO. (Ci Now of the in tank said gravity City, wine fo . tains 6 the oil, freight cents p The col this 001 $216. said, 6, perial 7 1.5 $372.0: 8777 Si a6 aP,,,.'al prosent this mel to the c gallon i import( Ions, at to the probihil $174,71 giro or in 'maid which this qui would 6 men. the woi think, i I. (Atoll. ment W to rem (east t0 in in to phase o to dram I hold least re You wi crude o imports couutry now a In the at oboe duty or. RS On other c cents, t Value of that hit t0 a v0•1 Canada oil wou finers c .them cl give th the Ca more et can refs materia not he saetion have tl and the to the would 1 COMp0.1 Speaks of use, new ga ed fro Now, v RI