HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-03-10, Page 5li • Seaforth. Qur curlers returned the compliment ptfridthenm by the JIensall curlers, by bentirg them by Five shots. Rev. Mr, Edge, of Aeton, preached in the Methodist ohuroh, Sunday last, in the absence of their pastor. Mr, C. Clarkson, Principal of the Collo- giate, was in Win9tham last week i*ttond- ing the teachers' convention. Mr. Win. Cray vias in Blyth on busi- ness, last week. .13r11SSels.. A oirele of the Order of Canadiau. Honie Circles tyke iustituted in Brussels on. Tues. day evening, March 7th, 1893, by T, Boles, Past Superintendent Leader. The follow- ing are the officers, viz; Past Leader, A. Hunter, J. P.; Leader, Rev. G. 1?. Salton; Vioe-Leader, Mrs. Bendall; Sea., U. L. Jaokeou; Trees,, L. I(conig; Fin. See., J. *N. Kendal; Chaplain, Mrs. 11. L. Jackson, Marshall, S. H. Jackson; Warden, R. G, Wilson; Guaed,Wm. E. Sandero; Sentinel, Wm. Bawteuheineer; Medical Examiner, Dr, McRelvy; Trustees, A, Hunter, Dr. McKelvy, R. G. Wilson. Clinton. Dr. J. F. Turnbull, of title piace,wlio has bean speeding the winter months in the leading hospitals in New York, zeturned on Saturday last, to resume his practice. The horse flair, the first one held here, on Wednesday of last week, was. a very successful one. A. good number of horses, changed bands at fair prices. These were i quite a number of buyers present. Huron Veterinary Medical. Assam - tion. A meeting of the various Veterinaries of the county, was held in Clinton, en Wednesday of last week, for the forma-, tion of a county association, when the; following otlaoers were elected :—D. M .: Intosh, Brulcefleld Pres. ; J. Wilson,; Wingltaui, Vice -Pres.; J. E. Blacken,'', Clinton, Treas. ; J. Walker, Londesbor+o, Sec. It was ,decided to hold quarterly meetings for the discussion of tnatte .s relating to the profession, and the first' of these meetings will be held • in the council chamber, Clinton, on the 5th of April, when all Veterinaries are cordially invited to be present. Conservatives Meot. • The annual, meetiug of the East Huron Conservative Association was held is the Totcn Hall, Wiugham, on Tuesday last, 7th inst. Delegates were in attendance from all parts of the riding. Mr. W. H. Clegg, president, occupied the chair. The priucipal business of the day was t lielec- tion of officers for the ensuing year. which resulted as follows: President, Dr. Chis- holm, Wiugham ; vice-president, 7. S. Timmins, liluovale: secretary, R. L. Tay_ lor, Brussels; treasurer, J. Hanna, Witag- hum. Vice-presidents for the several municipalities were chosen as follows: Wiugham, 11. C. Sparling ; Turnberry, Robert Musgrove ; Morris, John Mooney; Brussels, 13. Gerry ; Grey, Ed. Bryans; Wroxeter, William Wilson; Howick, Wil- liam Doig; Blyth, P. Belly; McKillop. T, E. Hayes; 'Hullett. John Britton. Resolutions were unauirnously adopted expressing the utmost confidence in the present Dominion administration and in the wisdom aud course pursued by W. R. Meredith, the valiant leader of the Opposi• tion in the Local House. News Items. Orangeville publishers are to make a uniform charge of 50 cents for eacn inser- tiDn of a birth, marriage or death notice in future. Mr. W. C. McLeod, sr., the Woodstock tnillionaire, has presented to his' son, Ur. Z. H. ItleLeod, a paid up life insurance policy for $100,000. Now York exports have been engaged in assaying specimens of ore from the Ophir mine at Sudbury aud report very favorably of the gold contained therein. Rev, A. D.MaeDouald, D. D.,of Seaforth; is appointed a .nember of the Advisory Board of Religious Congresses of the Co. Iumbian Exposition, Chicago. The Baltimore conference has declined to admit Rev. J. E. Lancely, of Toronto, to the call at 111ount Veruon church and ht will remain in 'I.`orouto. A. resolution in favor of extending the provincial franchise to women was de- feated in the Manitoba legislature Thurs- day night by a vote of 28 to 11. During February the Dorninioii dairy - station at Woodstock, Ont., turned out 2,603 pounds of butter from 08.381 Vermin of milk; averaggo per cenvage of butter fat 3,88. The $75,000 38 -year Woodstock water- works debentures have been sold to G. A, Stimson, broker, of Toronto. Tae town realized $71.328.81 from the sale, The debentures bold at 451, and will bear inter- eat ab 4 por cent, The annual meeting of the Canadian Holstein•Fri:Watt dctosiation ve% held at P.tris recently. The unix herd btek show - ii... seatneselseednentateisataitattasitente ed. 400 bulls and 714 cows registered. The total number recorded to date was 427 14nlls and 727 cows. Tho association now includes 70 tnentbers. Mr. Geo. Whitely, of Seaforth, who used to owe the stalliou, Clear Grit, has bought of Mr. Wna. Doherty, of Clinton, the hand- some light bey stallion, Youug Sidney, record 2.31, as a three-year old. The price paid was $2•000. 1\1r. John Fairley, grocer, of Seaforth, has gone to Carberry, Manitoba, Mr. Fairley has been a resident there for over twcety.five years, and during that time bad become so intimately assooiatod with the town that lie will be greatly missed. A, despatch from Manitoba says that the C. P, R., leaving secured running powers over the L. & P. S. R., is endeavoring to purchase a passenger steamer in the United States to put on the route between Cleve- land and Port Stanley, Mr. Theop. Feenan, of Kinloss, has disposed of a span of hot'see, harness and sleigh, to Mr, Wm. Lawrence, of East Wawanosh, for the suis of $220 caiih. Mr, Lawrence, it is expected, will make the wood fly now. By the will of the late M. Doran, of Kingston, his entire fortune of $225,000 has, with the exception of 25,000 reserved for ,minor bequests,beett donated to Queen's -college, the Kingston'general hospital, and the Kingston Orphans' home in equal pro- portions. Samuel D. McClay, a Woodstock drug gist, was arrested, convicted and fined in October last for having allowedliquor to be drunk, by a customer, on the premises., 'Coutendiug that, under the act, he bad a •eight to give it for medical purposes, he •askod the Common Pleas Divisional Court, on Saturday, to quash the conviction. The court, however, unauirnously refused Be to .do, holding that the druggist's act was ,rL violation of Liquor License Ltw. The (judgment therefore means that liquor can- not, under any cireutnstauces. be drunk in a drug store, turd so let the Iuuggists take (heed. Listowel. Friday was Listowolls f'sir day. Lame crowds of country people were in town. "Cheap John" -ooeupio-1 the: corner of Main and \Valle.ee streets. J. C. Hay was in Toronto :last week and is this week on a trip to Chicsgo. .J. R. Grant, who has been in Ayl- mer for some tithe, is liouxs for a few weeks. lOu Thursday evening last a large -crowd of the young people in town aeseunt,led in the lecture rein of the Presbyterian church, to attend the "Alt Horn"" 'givenI,y the Young People's Christian Association ]n con- nection with that church. A few hours of enjoyment were spent in various kinds of games, when luncheon w.as served, after which "they bows. ward all took their several ways." well pleased with their night's] enjoy anent. Dr. i3•utherford has returned to town from New Yot k, where he has been spending the past mouth in the different hospitals of that city. Miss Brooks, of Penelope -et., is visiting friends in Toroute. Miss'Seett, of Bay-st, east, is also visiting in :that city. Miss Brackenridge returned to Lis- towel on Monday, in order to be ready for the corrin; season in the tnillinery line, Scott Burton, who has been attend- ing the Business College in 'Toronto for the past six tncnths, returned from the city on Saturday. He ]a at pre sent is Seaforth, looking up a "sit." Miss Jennie Ford, who has been visiting friends in Waterloo for the past two weeks, returned home on Saturday. Louis Bush, of Walkerton, spent Friday in town. • On Thursday evening last, the re- turn curling match between the young sten and old men of the curling club was played at the rink, resulting in 'favor of the: old men !,y 1 point Teeswater, On Wednesday, March lat, the residence of our worthy Postinnster, 13. B, O'Connor, Esq., was the scene of a happy event, it being the tsar• riago of his eldest daughter, Miss Jennie,, to Mr. John \V, :Purcell, eleetricianr of Detroit, Mich. 'The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dt Wardrope. The bride was attired in her travelling dress and was attend- ed by her sister, Miss Kato O'Connor, while De. Stewart, of Teeawater, dist. charged the duties of groomsman. '.i'he members of the family present iv addition to those • resident in Tees - water were 11. P. O'Connor, Xi. P. P.,I and ;bherifi O'Connor, both of Walker- ton, and their wives. After the wed- ding dinner the happy couple Wt for their future hotue iia Detroit. The N'sws joins with many other friends in wishing theist ,long life, happiness and prosperity.—TettswAter- Neel. TTIE WiNGHAM TIMES, MARCH 10, 1893. HAIR GOODS. PROF. DOREN D,. KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR BARGAINS. You will find a place for it when you see our display of Spring Goods. Our Mock Lacks No1hhing Buyers will come, They will be satisfied They will buy at the lowest prices TRUTH brands our Goods HONEST OUALITY' FASHION pronounces them " COfl4ECT STYLES "' ECONOMY recommends our "LOW PLAICES, " Wo give you Beautiful .Aut Muslins at 7c. .a yard. Lace Curtailn Net from loc. up- wards. American Sateens, fast colot:s, 1211-c. to 15c, a yard. English and Canadian Prints from 6c. upwards. 1 pair all wool Cashmere hose for 25c. 2 pairs stainless Ribbed Black Hose for 25c, 3 pairs plain Black Hose for 25c. 3 Ladies' Undervests, full sizes, for 25c. 7 yards Unbleaehed Linen for Towelling for 25c. 1 pair Linen Towels for 25c. In every ' department you get honest values for your honest money. Do not spend your dol- lars until you look through our stock. - 0 0 PER CENT. DISCOUNT made on all cash purchases. T.A.MILLS I am prepared to buy any quan- tity of Clover and Timothy Seed at highest market price. Do not sell until you get my quotations. Special prices to elub3 or private patties buying in largo quantit'es. n ofToronto, the leaclitig Hair Goods manufacturer, begs to anttotuico that Ins representative will be at Wiugham, at BRUNSWICK HOTEL. EL. ON RIDAY, MARCH 24TH, with a full lino of his celebrated .flair (aloods for both Ladies did Gentlemen, comprising Wigs, Toupees. Bangs, Waty . switches, dice. These goods are made on scientific prieci- pies and so cl'sely s afature copied that their detoetion is impossible.. Come and 'see hers and be convinced. It costs not to to see therm. Remember at BRU • SWICK HOUSE Oa' FRIDAY, MARCH 24. ebur'WEfg* ,. 'OOP EE S,• sate �..istake G- N �I ._.��....E w w' S FA 1'1 M I N ir—�./ iy..a F'd. ...L. atest improved ; no equal or no sale. SPRIN 1, TOOTH CULTIVATORS i. he place for you to get your IMPLEMENTS. • FROST dr WOOD'S WIDE 0 N REAR SINGLE APRON BINDER, FROST WOOD'S aN.i-1 W :LW CD zTE-2, 112, M_0V.J. , REAVES, HAY FORKS, PLOWS, Four different kinds to choose from, Frost & Wood, Fleury (of Aurora), Hilborn (of Ayr), Tceswater and Twin Plows. Repairs for these plows constantly on Band. 9 COLEMAN PIVOTED STEEL LAND ROLLERS; IXC with or without Seeder. WHITE'S THRESHING ENGINES. Come one, come•all and inspect the implements. Second to none. WM. GANNETT. Wingham, March 8th, 1893. • HARNESS AND G; LL R . Having bought out the Ani bier JJarness Business • and started in his old Maud. am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept 10 a harness shop such as HEA VY, LIGHT and TRACK 11 A1;,NESS, NETS, DUS I'ERS. W li 1 PS, (UB LIY COIi SS, .lR,USP.ES, S WE AT 00Lr.,ARS,. 'L'RUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, 1 hake all my own Collars ttucl guarantee satisfaction. Give me a trial aud I will use you right. PATTERSON, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, c -x-11. 1 havo just received a full supply of Christmas goods, consietime of WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, and Jewellery of all kinds aud latest designs. BIG BARGAINS From. Now Till Christmas. All goods bought. f•.t• earth' and we ran 'ell ami cheap at the cheapest and oheapr•r, Repairing Promptly Done and Satisfaction Guaranteed k*-ES'•t.tve tete e call M. PATTERSON. 1101111011111111111114 411, Er a • �w_ 6t' co h•=s GO A•."=o CZ wh'w' p.p 4'= a c. L' .C. p :il;p: •w,-= ww8 ,pr m,g=„C • 5.._,.. J. r.Vi = og.':-.'4.1yb Gd^ ' LL - as o W = 3 m is m �.. � :2: P.iur Et Ei ;b" :.yLG av ..2 3 r0v i '3 G o� c ?. ooa nP,a,M� y o .1�..M.ao,.:dY • 'IC I ynx n8 ` S o .mac C4�.. !;; te• d c i1- :42 a N:r .M 8 2 N �• °ico 1 Ch2Or: 77:421. �c 15.r K2,F w- :::• ::: W o s w 0, 0 0 0, 0 O T. 11. ROSS, Agent. e Ceou1m PINS PILJ $ —FOR SA.LF AT -- HAMILTON DRUG STO1 . Central Telephone Ecc1a3 Ake 0 ist ke We have the Inside track an Can give you Every line we For less than Our cor.petito If you do not Look at our Dinner Setts Te El Setts, Toilet Setts, Table China, Teapots, Salad Bowlx, Fruit Setts, Cuspdoires, iseuit Jars, Flower Pots, Cups and Saucers, Fancy Plates, Wine Glasses, Tea Pot Stand Cake Pate3, Celery Glasess, You will be The loser. ii