The Wingham Times, 1893-03-10, Page 4M tl WLLUAIVS, —AND— DRUGGIST. LCT. t. . W. TELEGRAPH CO opp. Brunswick House Wingham, Ont ,114 THE WINGHAM ' TIMES!, MARCH 10,1893 Thompson. Government, read a list of countries, their population and number of Cabinet Ministers,. including the fol- lowing : Austria, 0; Belgium, 7; France, 10; Germany, 12; Italy, 11; Mexico, i ; Persia, 19; Spain, J; Sweden, 10; !Tutted States, 8; Japan, 12; Russia, 12; Great Britain, 17; Brazil, 7; Canada, 11; and three stipendiaries, The Dr, said that we have in all Canada 5'a Cabinet Minis- ters at a cost of 4-'02,000 and 700 legisla- tors, ToRON•To News: The speeches of Messrs, Laurier and Foster, in conclud- ing the debate on the budget, have, from present appearance, laid down the lines on which the next general election will be fought. On the one side the Liberals have declared for immediate tariff redac- tion, with free trade as their ultimate object. On the other the Couservatives �} p f t Y + have pronounced in favor of the National .`& l 1'�������1 L Policy as it now stands, If both parties retain their respective positions, there can be little doubt as to the result cf the FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1893. coming contest. The people aro thoroughly weary of a system under • NOTES which enormous burdens are placed on Toe Imperial Federatronrsts have re the benefit of one-fourth, and that wears EDITORIAL hlG1tI MARKETS, boaeilt$ dread gained thou b this in' t uIterate oa Y � t attended. Prot. Sr ottt was much a>i paid --Carried. YvtnouA , ., }s , t e further usefuleoas ; preofated hi his Botch songsendRev, E. McKague—Kirkland--7.'ientthisiloard I Cor•rcctvd ty P. Deans, Produce Dower, trueueut,thty and _ h J dour or None, • s 1 eft is 2.00 6 last k' again o n th 1s n ,eb W.Hughes And DI Meldrum anti all thedo now adjourn to roost f; hall raft wheat per on three-fourths of the population for if _ ived aaet-back in the decision of the ness will be given forcible expression to nperial Government not to have a meet- in the ballots cast in '94. • ig of the Colonial Conference in I893, Tisa preferential treaty lately negotiat- Ex-FamSIDP.NT Heneasor bas accepted ed between France and Canada, provides professorship in the Leland Standford that French non -sparkling wines of 26 'niversity of California. He will deliver per cont. of alcohol, or less,and all spark - series of lectures on constitutional law, ling wines shall be exempted from the fomenting in October next. ad volorem duty of thirty per cent; that r.Piiei 1lanitobaSchool question was be- the present duty charged on common re the !louse of Com mons this week, and castile soaps shall be reduced by one - the a motion of J. I. Tarte, M. P., to con- half; that the present duty 'en nuts, biro the Government for their action in almonds, prunes and plums. shall be re- efs matter. Speeches were made by dnced one-third, and that any commer- tylarge number of members, but at 3 a. (nal advantages granted by Canada to a . Thursday, the vote had not been !third power shall be fully enjoyed by Eiken. 'France and her colony. In return France 0IT es now feared that tuberculosis may : agrees to admit into all her territory, itfi placed on the list of diseases for which !French dependencies included, at the ,je English Government will schedule minimum tariff, canned meats,condensed milk, fresh water tish,eels, preserved fish, e�kttle, and n that aase the notember e -go including lobsters, etc., in their natural hainsL Canadian cattle will be re • - or-ed,as Deputy Minister of Agriculture ,form, fruit of all ]rinds, in all conditions, .?we says that disease undoubtedly ex - wood building„ lumber, wood pavement, staves, wood pulp, tanning extracts, common i in this country. paper, skins, boots, shoes, native wood, oi. it promises, entitle ft to the hearty out). wire port aud encouragement a# sell who desire to sea our public service well performed, or wbo hnpe for the elevation of political gentitneut end tie. purlfleatioe of political tnetltod+r• The existence of immense aggregations of kindred enterprises aud combination,?. of ,. ,,.,se interests, formed for the pur., d 04 t asses 2 o Saturday of March, in the town a sprlt1e ss to others did very well, oats, 28 to Bartay so to Mr. K. N. Duff was ono of the nlagls- meet3wtlt6l•, at 2 o'clock, p. m.—Carried. sDrio to trates who tried, the ease of the G, T. I,,,, ao Matto, vs, Pratt, at Brussels. Miss Jeanie Thynne has eetnreed from Ia visit to Elena, At the meeting of the patrons and directors of the cheese. factory, held on. pose of limiting production mud. fixing Mouday, it was decided to pay ' for the prices, is inconsistent with the fair field t grist; according to the butter fat contain - which ought to be opeuod up to every I ed in it, It was also decided not to have independent activity, Legitimate strife in a butter factory. business should not be superseded by an enforced concession to the detnands of combinations that have the power to de. stroy ; nor ahould the people to be served lose the benefit of cheapuess, 'sviaieli us- ually results tram wholesome competition. These aggregations mad combinetious frs- yuently constitute oouspiracies against the interests of the people, and as in all their phases unnatural and opposed to our American sense of fairness, to the extent that they cxu be reached and restraiued by federal power, the general government MR. HERBERT GARDINER, President of . furniture of'common make other than a English Board of Agriculture, made , chairs, pine or other soft wood mooring, speech in the Imperial Parliament, on and wooden sea -going ships. Twelve ape 8th inst., in w.hicla he said that be months' notice is required of either party rasped soon to remove the restrictions 1 to abrogate the treaty, except in case et;ainst live cattle from Canada being , Canada nuts up the duty on French nbn- ialotved entrance to England. A. bill to sparkling wines, when France can termi- eohibit all live stock imports, which ;nate it at once. t as before tbo House, was defeated by a Lsangside. Thero'c a little ice left yet. Present in the body, but absent in the heart, is the state of some of our gents, since the departure of a blonde or two. Mr. Wm. Dawson has been spending a fortnight at the old house. Mr, Thos. Belway and family loft for Calgary, N. W. T., on Tuesday last. Mr. David McIntosh having purchased his farm, is moving to it. Mr. Wm. Hayes left. for De;.roit a few should relieve our citizens from their iu- days afterwards, the family and luggage terference and exactions. Loyalty to the i followed. Having taken French leave, a principles upon which our Government number are inquiring anxiously for him. rests positively demands that the equality Our market reports during the last before the law which it guarantees t^ storm are as follows : every citizen should be justly and in good Wheat heavy; beef, high; pork, lively faith conceded iu all parts of the land. The enjoymeut of this ,right follows the badge of oitizeusbip wherever found and unimpaired by race or color. It appeals for recognition to American manliness and fairness. Our relations with the Dndians located within our border repose upou us responsibilities we cannot escape. Human- ity and ,consistency requires us to troatt them with forbearauoo,aed in our dealings with them to honestly aud considerately regard their rights and interests. Every effort should be made to lead them through the paths of civilization and education to self-supportiug and independent citizen- ship. °In the meantime, as the nation's wards, they should be promptly defended against the cupidity of designing men, and shielded from every iulueuce and tempta- tion that retards their advancement. The people of the United States have decreed that on this day the control of their Government in its legislative and execu' tive branches shall be given to a party pledged in the most positive terms to ac- cotnpltoh tariff reform, and are in favor of a more just and equitable form of taxation. The agents they have chosen to carry out their purposes are bound by their premises, not less than by the command of their masters, to deyote themselves unremit- tingly to their services. While there should be no surrender or principle, our task must be uudertakeu wisely and with.• out vindictiveness. Our mission is .not ,,uuishmeut, but the rectification of wrongs, If in lifting burdens from the � Belgrave• daily Iife of dor people we reduce iuordi-' With the approaching sp_ting tbe sick nate and unequal advantages too long en- in our village are improving. Mrs. Scan- joyed, this is but a necessary incident of drett has now recovered sufficiently to our returti to right tied justice. 'ff we 1 move to her own home. exact from unwilling minds acquiescence Our local hotel keeper is giving up the in the theory of an honest distribution of business, and our local mill owner will the fund of governmental beneficence try his hand. treasured up for all, we but insist upon a The concert to take place here on the principle which underlies our free iusti- evening of the 13th of March is some- tutious. thing new aud interesting. Something When we tear aside the delusions and we do not often. hear. misconceptions which have blinded our I Good roads are now at a premium. countrymen to their condition under The following are the officers elected vieoious tariff laws,we but show them how for the next terns in Belgrave Lodge, I far they have been led away from the OGT D Meiklejohn, C. T. ; Nellie paths of contentment aud prosperity. When we proclaim that the necessity for revenue to support the Government fur,• uishes the only justification for taxing the people, we annouuee a truth so plain that tents of 186 to 151. I . President Cleveland. ' SOME EXTRACTS rROII inc INAUGURAL ADDRESS. grioultural College, says the demand i sir seed grain this year is something 1 Grover Cleveland was formally ivaugur- re iormous. They cannot begin to fill all' aced as President of the United States, at IS orders, This work, the professor, Washington, on Saturday last, amid great latinks, of introducing and testing new , pomp.. We give several extracts from his unties of grain is second only in im-' address, and which indicate that he intends tonne to the educational department. i to carry out his promises of tariff `m- e proof of its value to the farming I form. ]3e says : The lessons of paternal. t�mmun1ty is amply attested by the in- ` ism ought to be unlearned and the bettor ;teasingly large number that, profit by I lesson taught, that while the people should patriotically and cheerfully support their e I Government, its functions do not include Mein city of Stratford has entered suit • the support el the people. The accept- ranst the Port Dover and Lake Huron! mice of this priuoiple leads to a refusal of tilway Company for 830,000 to enforce ; bounties and subsidies, which burden the o agreement entered into when the labor and thrift of a portion of our cili- o by granted the company a bonus. One Intim, to aid ill-advised or lauguishiug euter- hr?thostipulatious in tbe agreement was 1 •prises •iu which /hey have no concern. It n ;at the. road should continue an inde- I loads also to a challenge of wild aud reek- `ndent road. There are scores of other , less pension expendi ture, which overleaps unieipalities who gave bonuses during I the bounds of gratofut :ecoguitiott of pa- ve old carnival of bonus giving triotic service and prostitutes to vicious yooroughaut the Province. only to 809 uses the people's prcmpt and ,generous im• dee roads they aided swallowed up by pulse to aid those disabled in their country's its denial would seem to indicate the ex- eir big rivals, and in violation of the Mellott. Every thoughtful American tent to which judgment may be a influenced nrpress conditions on which they were o h l y benused. rGBirrv> rr'rr 15 ef the census was issued ileisweek. It deals with mortality and economy as virtues which we may safely chis causes. In 1891 67 66 7 deaths occurred outgrow. The toleratiou of this idea ro- e Canada. It is worthy of note that salt% in the waste of the people's money n'!tithisis. carried off a fargreater percent- by their chosen sorvauts and encourages e in Nova Scotia than in any other prodigality aud extravage:ace in the home .evince, while the deaths ix the Terri- life of our countrymen. Under our scheme of Government the r�riesirom the same disease were very public crime against tatty; Deaths by violence numbered 2,391, d t1 of our poo G`which 183 were in railway accidents, d 04Y by drowning. Tho ''proportion deaths by violence were 500 to the Ilion in England. The ratio is 053 per ion here. Tine 2nd annual convention of the tario Vocational Association will be .ilbId in the Departmental Buildings, oronto, on April 4th to 0tb. The As- iation of Public and High School tees has wisely concluded to meet the same time and place and the corn • atPRo'PFssoR SHAW, ef this Ontario Af:sx. ADAMSON, Secretary. utd is to Dcttor, tub , 18 to Zetland, gees par dot. 17 to Wood per cord, i 75 t o Tho following report shows the stand- flay per ton, 0 00 to 40 to ing of the pupils of S. S, Flo. 7,Zetltand, Chickens, 25 to for the month of February', Ducks 40 to Turkeys 5 tin Geese a messed hoes 8 e0 to S do Fourth sr,—Bert Taylor, Hattie Thom- son, Charlie Sutton, Weslie Walters, Lottie Davidson, Emma Davidson and Clara Pelton. Third sr.—Maitland MoDonald,George Lamont, Lillie McDonald. Roland Grain, Jane Baird, Lizzie Eagiestone, harry Peddle, Willie Eaglestone and Stephen Pelton, Third jr.—Eunice Peddle, Cassie Mc- Creight and Frank Grain. Second class. —Willie Currie, Samuel Legatt, Lizzie Robinson and Loru Mc. Donald. Sr. Part II—Ezia Hotnuth,John Baird Lancelot Grain, John Robinson and Henry Maucer. Jr, Part II—Mary Eaglestone and Alfred 11cCreight. J. L, Coueems, Teacher. Blyth. Mrs. Owen fiitchcox,the world renown - and active; hides, rank; potatoes,rotten; ed Temperaece Lecturer -Singer, will eggs, advancing; butter, strong; cheese, deliver a series of lectures in the County firm; lard, slippery; cutlery, very dull; , of Huron, under the auspices of the I. O. pen and paper, stationary; gun powder, , G, T„ during the month of March. Mrs. inclined to be rising; shot, dead; wood, Hitchcox always speaks without notes hard; cedar, light. and plays her own accompaniment on. (Intended for tact issue.) , her trunk organ. She will lecture in 1 The season for hearvesting ice is at Blyth on Sunday, 15th iust., and ern I GRAND TRUNK RY. will run Colonist Trains EVERY TUESDAY zo MANITOBA and the NORTHWES Daring MARCHand APRIL For n1 rinformation apply to J. NICOLL, Agent, band. Mr. John A. Taylor kits purelias- ; Monday and Tuesday evenings, 13th and Th' ill boa rare treat as Mrs. ply any quantity of ice, cut and loaded, Hitcheox is one o WINGIIAIG THE PRESS (NEW YORK ) Z-f+�0.L�' 1893. Has a larger Daily Publican Circulation than any other Re- nowspap•r in America. SUNDAY. DAILY. WEEKLY. The Aggressive I opnblicait Journal of the Ate. ed tho ice on Wraith's lake and can sup- ;14th. is w , tropotis. f the most earnest and for 25 cents a load. It is needless to say , successful Prohibition speakers in this thatthefirst lass • ice is rs c I country. Her success is without parallel Our "Patrons of Ind ustry" Society may over 15,000 persons having signed the ' be considered a thing of the past. Wei total abstinence pledge in leer meetings ' believe the "Grange" is still doing quite I of tho past season. She is i radian speaker on the National e Le ture a iiy oadoess. A load of young Lneknowitea came to I Bureau, of New York. i the Hamlet last Friday evening to have a night's fun. GlenfarroW. Miss Mary Crowston has been visiting 1 On Friday evening last, about one friends in Wingham. ' hundred guests assembled at tbe box Mrs. W. Crowston, of Wingham, is ; social held in Mr. Thos. Bolt's handsome visiting at Kelvin -grove Farm. ; now dwelling, and a very enjoyable time !ss number attended the funeral of the I was spent by those present. late Mrs. Wm. Lockhart, on Sunday, 1st I Mr. David Gemmill, jr., who has been inst. travelling for some time, bas returned Messrs. Thos. Belway and Wm. Hayes, sold by public auction their farm stook and implements, ou Monday and Tues- day last. Cattle, sheep and pigs brought exceptionally good prices. Mr. Hayes is oing to Detroit and Mr. Belway to Cal- gary, N. W. T. must recognize the importance of c h ec c- b familiaritywith perversions of the taxa ing at its begiuniug any tendency iu public ing power, and when we seek to reinstate or private station, to regard frugality and the self-confidence and busiu„ss enterprise of our citizens by discrediting an abject dependence upon Goveumeutal favor, we strive to stimulate those elemouts of American character which support the hope of American achievement, Bluevale. waste of pu to money is a Mr. Sellars, of this place, will take the citizen, and to contempt • charge of the farm. of Mr. Couch of Clio - maifor economy and frugality in their per- , , ' sonai affairs deplorably saps the 'strength ton, this year:. The farm is situated near and Sturdiness of our national character. Clinton. It is a plain dictate of honesty and good MissEichardson, who has been visiting government that public expenditures at Mr. Jae, Timmins' for soave time, re - should be Iimited by public necessity aud turned to hor home in Cobourg last that this should be measured by the rules of strict economy, and It is equally "clear that frugality atnoug the people is the best guarantee of a couteuted and strong support of fres institutions. • Otte mode of the misappropriations of m programs published gives promise public funds is avoided when appy inttnents Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg,of McKillop, gathering'iVlrich should he intensely to office, instead of being the rewards of spent Sunday at 1Vlr. Frank Scott's. resting ;rind really profitable to both partisan activity, are awarded to those al.r. James and Bliss Clara Irolnnd, of hers and trustees All teachers who whose efficiency premises a fair return of Brussels, were visiting at II Hoes' last week, Mins Jessie Sproat, of Kinburn, and In the chair, Minutes of previous meet - Mise Acidic McDougall, of . Wingham,, ing wore read and adopted, were Visiting at Mr. R. Dff's this week. Messrs. Kirkland and Little moved; Mr. ("raig, of St, Thouius, was visiting that all applications for insurance be at Hugh Boss' this week. now.laid on the table for inspection--- , home, and will have a sale of his farm stock on Marcs 16th. Mr. Jos. Kitehen, of this place, is visit- ing friends at Galt. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, of Wel- lesley; are visiting friends hero. The warehouses of D. & A. MacDonald at St. John's, Que., wore destroyed by fire Saturday night last. The loss is $100,000 and the insurance $54,000. Some 225 persons are thrown out of employment. WIN'GHAM FOUNDRY 1eW$Paper foil the lyse e$ Founded December 1st, 1887. Circulation over 125 ,000 Copies The most remarkable Nowepapar Success in New York. JAS. MURRAY & CO. Manufacturers of Land hollers, Plows, Gang Plows, etc. General Castings in Iron and Brass fur• wished to order. Tnr PRESS Is A .f7ATIONAL NEwsxAPnn. Cheep news, vulgar setteations and'trash Anil -no place in the =hums of THE PlU1SS. THE PRESS has the Now York. It sparkles with points. THE PRESS SUNDAY EDITION Is a splendid paper, covering every current topic of interest. THE PRESS WEEKLY EDITION contains good things of the Daily and Sunday editions. One Champion Single Reaper, in good repair, for ealo cheap. TAS. MURRAY & CO. Wilkinson, V. T.; Joseph Campbell, Re- Wingbam, Out. cording Secretary; Norman Brandon Financial Secretary; Kate Wightman, L tl� Trett'surer; John Wightman, P. C. T.; David Russell, Marshal; Fanny McCrea, Deputy Marshal; Thee. Keeehtel, Chap- lain; Annie Littlefair, Guard; Isaac E. Stubbs, Sentinel; Annie Littlefair, Sup- erintendent Juvenile Temple. Mr. Alfred Haslam hasrented his farm to Mr. Marshall, of Seaforth, for a term of five yoars,for the sum of 911.00 per year. Mr. Haslam intends removing to Brue-1 sets shortly and to act as travelling silos - man for a Hamilton parts green manufac- to rer. Mr. Chas. McClelland, of Belgrave, tends accepting an agency for the sale of the Maxwell binders, in the spring. CORNYN BROS., UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM, ONT. eanDINDMICOMEMBRIMMIPMalaraKetIMMIBBNIe AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM TIIE PRESS has no superior in New York. THI! PRESS Within the reach of all. Tho Best and Cheapest Newspaper in America. Daily and Sunday, one year, - 00 " " 6 months, - 2 50 " " one `•' - 45 • Daily only, one year, - - - 3 00 " " four months, - • - 1 00 Sunday, one year, . 2 00 Weekly Press, one year, - - 1 00 Cuirass. The Directors of the Culross Mutual' Fire Insurance Company met in the town hail; Toeswater, 25th. February, 1893. Members all present. President ` Carried. Kirkland—Little—That having eltatein- l ed 13 applications and found them satis- factory, the President and Secretary are should. attend and eviary trustee' work for the compensation paid:, to, than.. geek. hereby inetructf d to prepare and issue' alto M. W. A. Wawatosh, was I policies tor same --Carried, t have a representative To Hecate the fitness and c.otnl,etnuny of ;1i Elliott,, 1 shoals p-- ht as certain assess,' mut, aplsointees to otllce and to remove from visiting at R. N. Duff's last week, 1 Ltttlo--•-Reid T a _.. polities! tuition the demoralizing madttess The concert oe Thursday evening last, ' monis df 18132 are still unpaid, the'Seere- L,4:rra tress M. thP.,e m speaking p, g- tar is hereby instructed to notify all rt the. increase in rho nurraber of for s;,r,iln,(;fvil Service reform has found liven by the Sons of Scotland of lVin Y Y Y ministration on the formation of a plane in our publiar poliey and laws, The ham, in the roresters' Hall,. was Well such phrtios that their saes -s must be A POOR MAN indeed is he whose blood is poor, who has lost his appetite and his flesh and seems to be in a rapid de, cling ; but Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liner Oil and Hypophosphites can make it rich again by restoring appetite, flesh and rich blood, and so giving him energy and perfect physical 111e, Caron Caught, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and Bronchitis. IT IS ALMOST AS PALATABLE AS MILK. Prenatal maybe Soots k towito, liolle,l110. Send for THE PRESS circular. Samples fres Agents wanted everywhere. Lib- eral commissions, Address, THE PRESS, 33 PARE ROW, NEW );#11/C. TWO KINDS OF CUSTOMERS. wIne: AWAKE KIND BUY FROM TRE City Fruit & Confectionery Store IL Oui heath Re1 the 1 the a Mr. giate, ing tl Mr nese, Aa Circle day e R ast ing a Sunt t 4 Vice - Jack, N, li. Mars Wile Wm. 15r, 1 MoIC Because they can get goods that ore right and up to the times. ANOTHER KIND ARE INUIT ASLERI£ But they are waking up to the fact that. I can give thorn goods that will please them,'Full lines of Fruits, Oysters,Confectionery,&c. APPLES BY THE BARREL. Agent for Parker's Dyt Works. Canned goods sat oveey- demetiption al- ways on hated attd my prises are as law oaths lowest. Dont forget the place, oppo$i a the flew Bank of Haiimiltot. l ,OBT. HILL. v Dr been leadi on Tl on encu than quite Hur A of tl Wed tion folk Into Win air Seo. mee rela of t. coo Api invi Coe Tos 7th fro, Cle, tie, res, hol Tit lor, plat' '0u Wi Bo Br E. ex; pr, tis Me tic uu ti: in 10 Z. pc as of 13 h is t, f cl