HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-02-22, Page 9di' your week ahead BY DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Period: February 25 to March 4, 1973 You will hear something inside that says some- Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 thing like, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" It's that time when your sign becomes rambunctious. Whether or not you are aware of it, it is beside the point. A member of the opposite sex is de- veloping an emotional' attraction for you. Look around - you'll see! It's a fact of life, circumstances, during this cosmic cycle will' force you to play both ends against the middle. You lace a test of character! Not that you are an unskilled observer! None- theless, many unattached members of your sign will overlook an .opportunity in affairs of the heart. LEO July 23 - Aug. 22 ARIES TAURUS Apr. 20 - May 20 GEMINI May 21 - June 20 MOONCHILD June 21 • July 22 VIRGO Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 SCORPIO ' 23‘'N0v. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20 • Feb. 18 chart. A hangup for luxuries could backfire. The point? •An event that lifts your spirit will also cause your urge for careless spending . . . to soar. Emotionally, many members of your sign are, now a tinderbox. It , would he wise to avoid situations that put your temper to test.. You are entering a period when you must paint your feeling with iodlric-aird .keep In other words, Scorpio will be tiltra sensitive toward sarcasm. In one form or another, outside pressure will force you to make a. decision that should be postponed. Play it safe. Make no major com- mitments, this week. An inner restlessness gill gnaw at many Capri- corns. A long awaited crossroad in life, is sud- denly - here! You Aquarius, will be matching wits with a member of the opposite sex. The point? You might be forced, to make a lie, function as the truth. OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED For the DAIRYMAN We will have-.n stock REPAIRS and PARTS for your SURGE DE LAVAL and other makes of milkers Inflations, Pulsator Repair Kits, Oil, Brushes, Air Tubes, Surcingles, Udder Cloths and Sponges; also washing material 'to clean and disinfect your milking equipment. Udder Wash and Teat Dip. SEE US FOR PRICES PHONE 527-1910 SEAFORTH • agennommanigaiwor 1970 CHEV IMPALA Custom 2-door hard- top, 350 V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio. Licence DFV 238 1968 DODGE VAN slant 6 automatic. Licence 372438 1969 FORD F100 floirside pickup, 6 cylinder, 288958 AL'S MARKET Prices Effective Week of FEBRUARY 21, 22, 23, 24 PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the rgqht to ',mot ollgoontitiescritille4vertisediterris A word of caution: This week, when anyone calls themselves a true friend - beware! In- trigues and devious associates, crisseross your HENSALL - ONTARIO t hoice Sides of Beef fully processed lb 84 5 lbs. side bacon free with any side of beef order Butt lb. 8R lb. 89c lb. 7R lb 8U lb. 3(4 lb. 19c FOOD BUDGEIS GET A LIFT WITH VAWES THAT SPELLTHRIF Pork Chops Side Bacon Bacon Fresh Ground Beef Smoked Hams Sliced Pork aver Home Rendered Lard FRUITS & VEGETABLES Canada No. 1 Ontario GROWN POTATOES Mexican No. 1 TUBE TOMATOES Canada FANCY SPY - APPLES 10 lb. bag 77e 2 14-oz. tubes 59e 8 lb. bag 89c whole or half a McLaren's Bread and Butter Pickles 15-ox. 2/55c McLaren's , Medium Gherkin Pickles15-02. 39c Delmonte Pudding Cups pack of 4/5 oz. 57c 2/83c 43c $1.09 49c 55c 3/$1.00 Moderne Toilet -Tissue 4-roll pack 59c Royale Face Tissues Man size 3/1.00 Dare Cookies 2-lb. 89c Prepriced 39c Lewis Donuts SPECIAL PRICE 2 Donn for 65c FROZEN FOOD Fraservale Cod Fish and Chips 24-oz. 65c Delmonte. Tomfito Juice 48""' Sani Flosti Toilet Bowl Cleaner 344'. Easy Off Oven Cleaner 14-oz. Prepriced 59c Wizard Air Fresheners "1', Royale F'aper Towels 2-roll pack Moderne Face Tissues 200's SPECIAL PRICE Mows of Winchelsea THE .oluioN ImPOWAR SWAroRT14 °POI F Plan for World Day of Prayer Sunday,.Febiiary h orniEL - Egfitiond ALL WELCON1:.„,,, Miss Ruth Horne of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. Sanford Hutton and Diane spent Saturday at Listowel with relatives. Mrs. Tom Campbell is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London after having surgery on her eye last week. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Walters of Exeter visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mrs. Harry Ford of wood- ham visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Freemen Horne. The ladies of Elimville U.C.W. held a pot luck dinner and later quilted two quilts on Tuesday of last week at the church. There will be two more quiltings in March. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Tay- lor and Toby of Huron Park visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and family. Miss Shelly Horn spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Borne. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. Correspondent Mrs. Joyce pepper The World Day of Prayer is a Family affair. It is no longer only the women's day of prayer, men and young people arq all asked to join in celebrating this World Day of Prayer together. The date is the first Friday in March this year in Hensall. The service will be held in St. Paul's Anglican Church at 3 p.m. with all local congregations taking part. The speaker is Mrs. Eric Luther, of the Salvation Army, a member of the United Church, an executive of the Exeter Chris- tian District Women's Club. The offerings promote the gospel and meet human need through litera- ture, education and relief, around the world and in Canada. A united witness planned to meet the needs of the changing world with in Canada alone, over 120 euchre in the Hensall Isegion Hall on Wednesday evening sponsored by the Hensall wom en's Institute. With 14 tables in play, the winners were: Ladies' high, Mrs. Mary Broadfoot, Kippen; Low, Mrs. Leona Parke; Men's high, Clarence Volland; Men's low, Ernie Whitehouse; Most lone hands, Carl Payne. A draw for a mat was won by Mrs. Joyce Pepper, and a box of chocolates was won 'by Mrs. Winston Work- man, Exeter. CHISELHURST The February meeting of the Chiselhurst U.C.W. 1.4s held on Tuesday afternoon with a ,pat luck dinner and quilting. Mrs. Alvin Cole opened the meeting with a poem entitled "Belief". The worship entitled "Planning for India's Future" was taken by Mrs. Fredo Boa. Mrs. Ed- win Dick read a poem 'for the programme. Everyone was re- minded of the Presbyterial meet- ing to be held in Seaforth on February 28 and also the World Day of Prayer on March 2 , in the Hensall Anglican Church. Mrs. Ross Riley gave the first Girl Guides of Canada Thinking Day February 22 - to think of the meaning • Guiding - to think for oneself I PROMISE to do . ... my duty to . . my country She is 13Y ears old She is taunted to drink beer. Her reply: I am not of legal age to drink. I do not like beer. NOT: My parents would kill me NOR: I won't have any friends JUST: I promised to do my best.. SHE IS A GIRL GUIDE chapter of the study book on India. The hostess for the after- noon was Mrs. Gerald Glenn. Obituary CHARLES WILSON A Hensall resident, Charles Wilson passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Feb- ruary 19th. on Thursday, February 22, at 2 p.m. , with Rev. Wilfred Jar- vis officiating. Interment will take place in Exeter Cemetery. News of Egmondville Correspondent Mrs. Charles Geddes BRIDAL SHOWER Mrs. Merl Glanville was hos- tess to a bridal shower held in the Orange Hall Seaforth for Miss Karen Glanville, to be married next month to Mr. Laurie Kruse. Friends and relatives attended. The hall was decorated in red and white streamers, games were played. The bride-to-be re- ceived many lovely gifts and lunch was served.. Mr. and. Mrs. George To. yell and family of West Hill- visited with Mr and Mrs. Leo Teatero and family on the weekend. Visiting Mrs. Jack James are Mr. and Mrs. H. Fuller of Lions Head. Mrs. Walter Armes is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Leonard Strong is a pa- tient in Seaforth Community Hos- pital. Mr. Everett Smith is a pa- tient in SeifortliCornmunityHos-, pital. we wish them a speedy recovery. , Mr. and Mrs. 'garlan Osborn, Melody, Leona and Scott of TITC., have moved to Drayton and visi- ted in the area on Wedfiesday. Mrs. Andy Thompson of Mis- sissauga visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don McGregor of London, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sproul of Vanastra, -Miss Carol News of Auburn The youth club held a card party in the parish hall Friday night when prizes were won by: High man, Frank Foran; Second, Father Phalen; High lady, Mrs. Gus Devereaux; Second, Leo Foran playing as a lady. Dcor Prize, Mike McRody RR 3, Tiver- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Teade Bakker, a young couple with a 3 week old baby, of RR Auburn had their house burned on Friday morning. Lucknow fire Brigade was called but when it arrived, the water pump was frozen and then the Blyth Brigade responded. Much' of the downstairs furniture was moved to a vacant home owned by Ray Boyles. Steepe and Mr. Neil Wammes of Stratford, were Saturday even- ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Southgate. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston and Bruce of Grand Valley. mg. and Mrs. Terenceilunter of Colborne Township were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Billy, Debbie and Michael spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff and family of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bannon and Melanie of Stratford visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family. Mr. Jim Thompson, Miss Shiela Baker of Winthrop visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds, Janet, Bob and Nancy Jo of Southfield, Michi- gan. SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 1968 OLDS DELMONT 4-door hardtop, V-8, 5,1595 automatic, power steering, power brakes, $ power seat, AM FM radio. Licence 38382B 1969 FORD LTD 4-door. V-8, automatic, $119; power brakes, power steering. Licence K39989 let 1969 CHEV BISCAYNE 4-door 327 V,8, $1695 automatic, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning. Licence DHA147 1970 CHEV BISCAYNE 4-door 350 V-8, 5,1 795 automatic, power brakes, power steering, $ radio. Licence 65426 '1995 '1695 radio. Licence K42131 1969 VALIANT V-200 slant 6 automatic, 1295 TRUCKS 995 1967 FORD F-100 flair-side pickup, 6 cylinder, standard transmission, Licence 385298. 1195 1395 PISCES Feb. 19 - Mar. 20 denominations participating. 4-4-1 club of Don't spend this week concerning yourself about what someone, has done - give thought to what they arc going to do. Prepare for open oppo- sition! VaiMiOniNNVEMIUMMOMinianiiiMMaliNiMMIKRIOMPANOMMIMMOMMANPAMit.::ilairq: The Hensall 4-H Club met at the home of Mrs. Bill Fuss, Monday evening. The project for this session is "Sportswear from K nits Officers elected are President, Aileen Klungel;Sec- retary and Press Reporter, Agnes Van Esbroeck; Treasurer, Susan Stretton. The require- He is survived by his wife, ments of the project were dis- the former Gladys Hall of Hen- cussed and it was decided to hold sail, and two sons; Bruce of the next meeting on next Monday Vancouver and Granger of Cali- night at the same place. fornia. A private funeral service W.I. EUCHRE PARTY will be held from the Hopper- A goodly crowd attended the' Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter 4.1111111111111.111111M1.11.1111111111.1111111111111111111 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO, OFFICE — Main Street, Seaforth — Phone-527.0400 Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Secretary-Treasurer, FIRE, EXTENDED COVERAGE, WINDSTORM, THEFT, PROPERTY DAMAGE, LIABILITY, ETC. , — COMPLETE FARM COVERAGE, including Machin- ery and Livestock Floaters. — URBAN PROPERTY. — We now offer Coriposite. Dwelling Insurance as well as Homeowners In. surance, — SUMMER COTTAGES, TRAILER HOMES, CHURCHES, HALLS. • AGENTS: JAMES KEYS, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. LANE, RR 5, ,Seaforth; WM. LE1PER, RR 1, Londesboro; K. J. ETUE, Seaforth; DONALD G. EATON, Seaforth. Remember It's Sense To See Snider's Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Ph. 527-0240: 'Expositor ctiOn LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 2274191 Open Weekdays Until 9.00 Saturdays Until 6:00