HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-02-22, Page 5NEWS OF
IV ' Correspondent
MrS.Allan McCall ,
on Monday
(Continued Irma Page 1)
Limited to supply Gasoline for
all the school buses owned by the
Huron County Board of Educat-
ion at 41.9 cents per gallon at
Stephen, Zurich, Brookside,
Grey; Howick and Turnberry.
The Board voted to have the
1973 education tax levy instal-
lments due as follows: 50 per
cent4 On June 30, 1973, and the
remaining 50 per cent on Dec.
15, 1973.
Chairman C.E. ill. and Trus-
tees Mrs. M. ZI n and Donald
McDonald will for a committee
to examine all as eats of the
driver education program.
The Board voted to accept
the factor of 1.4 to be applied
for an,v fees from the Board
Education for the City of L
for any Huron CoUnty stu
taking courses of threeor trio
credits in approved technical
...-•••••••••••,• 40,110.
News of Huronview
Table games were played in the auditorium on Monday
afternoon with eight tables of euchre and two of crokinole.
Mickie Cummings had high score in the euchre again this
week with forty-six points:
An hour of religious music was enjoyed by everyone on
Tuesday with Miss Pearl Gidley at the piano for the hymn
sing and Jake Roorda playing for the organ melodies.
One hundred residents attended the Valentine Party held
in the auditorium. Music for the old tyme dancing and sing-
song was provided by Alice Roorda, Mary Taylor, Norman
Spier and Jerry Collins. Happy Birthday was sung for those
having birthdays during the week and a new resident was
welcomed to the home. Following the afternoon's activi-
ties, tea and cookies were served by the kitchen staff.
The birthday party for February with the Goderich
Township Women's Institute as posts has been postponed
to Wednesday, February 28th.
A film "The Black Creek Pioneer Village", was shown
on family night, with Bert Colombe in charge of the pro-
jector, followed by a twenty-minute showing of slides of
the recent activities and birthday parties at Huronview.
. xposi.lo
n clears )fiew W, ' t,.t 000 Huron Board of Educati
PURINA FARM BLEND HOG CHOW is a base mix supplement balanced
completely with high levels of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. When
mixed with grain it provides maximum nutrition for all market hogs weighing
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several dollars per ton.
PURINA FARM BLEND (H.M.C.)' HOG CHOW is specially formulated for
the hog man who wishes to feed High Moisture Corn. •
RR 4, Seaforth — Phone 527-0608
The Price is Right!
. Great Values in INTERIOR Paints
For Walls, Ceilings,
Wallboard and Masonry
• Fast, effortless painting
• Drys in less than 1 hour
• Selection of decorator
Benjamin Az Moore paints
$7 !,!
For Interior Trim, Doors,
Walls & Ceilings
• Smooth; even finish • Soil resistant
• Fully washable—, ideal for. Kitchen's
& baths
$ 8 95 GAL.
Graves' Wallpaper St Paint
to HOlmeaville school; lei,. a.
Cheily1 Bassets, Blyth, to el h
Public School (bait-time);
130nule Jewitt, Glint, Clinton Pu
lio School (increased frofn 2/0
to full time); Mrs. Chrystal
Jewitt, Clinton, to Clinton Puh-
Ach9o1 Aii110); Mrs,
Elizabeth 14.19Qee, R.R. Z,ZOrIch
044 erred from time at
4nr Centennial ,to 4t0e
at sauter public School; Mrs,
Platy Waters, R--,11.,3, PrUnttin, to
ifisbopne contral.; Mrs. Ann
•. •
There's a little Z
allyouneednow--) DATSUN,
There are more than 1300 Datsun dealers across Canada and the United States
The Boundary and 17th Unit
Met at the home of Mrs. Martin
Baan on Tuesday evening, Feb.
Mrs. John Bos opened with
the thought for the day. Hymn 376
"Blest be the tie that biiids"
was sung, with Mrs. Baan as
pianist, followed by prayer.Mrs.
Bos read the scripture lesson
from chapters in Revelations.
Mrs. Jim Williamson had the
topic on "Self Control".
"Mrs. Roy Williamson con-
ducted the business beginning
with a poem, "Gods love is not
withdrawn". The minutes were
read by the secretary, Mrs.H.
McCallum. The roll call was
answered by 15 members and one
visitor was present, one new
member joined the unit. Four
thank you cards were read. Mrs.
Clif Ritchie gave the trea-
surer's report and the offering
was received and dedicated. 'Sun
of My Soul" was sung. Lunch
was served by Mrs. J. Bos,
Mrs. J. Williamson and the
hostesses, then the ladies en-
joyed a social hour of quilting.
The Walton 2 Club held their
first meeting of the spring pro-
ject, "Sportswear from Knits"
at the home of the leader, Mrs.
8:30 Maigrichon et Gras Double
9:00 The Littlest Hobo
9:30 The 'Hilarious House • of
' 10:30 Professor Moffett's
Science Workshop
11:00 Live & Laugh
12:00 Reach For The Top
12:30 Horst Koehler Show
1:00 The Outdoor Sportsman
1:30 Mr. Chips
2:00 European Figure Skating
3:00 World 4-Man Bob Sled
4:00 CBC Championship Cur-
5:00 Bugs Bunny/Road Runner
8:00 Adam 12
6:30 FYI
7:00 Maude
7:30 On The Buses
8:00 Hockey Night In Canada
10:30 Countrytime
11:00 The National News
11:15 Provincial Affairs
11;20 P.M.
11:45 Movie "Nine Hours to
Rama" Horst Buchholz
and Jose Ferrer.
8:30 Ontario Schools
10:30 Quelle Famine
11:00 Hymn Sing,
11:30 Junior Talent Hour
12:30 Family Finder
1;00 Roy Jewell Farm Show
1:30 Country Canada
2:00 Inquiry
3:00 "What's New In The Act
3:00 What's New In The Act-
4:00 The Canadian Ski Cham-
5:30 Wonderful World of Disney
6:30 Act Fast-.
7:00 The Beachcombers
7:30 Black Beauty
8:00 Julie Andrews Hour
9;00 Sunday At Nine
10:00 Weekend
11:00 The National News
11:15 Nation's Business
11:20 P.M.
11:45 Under Attack
8:00 Ontario Schools
' 8;45 Mr. Dressup
9:15 Ontario Schools
10:30 'Friendly Giant
10:45 Chez Helene
11:00 Sesame Street
12:00 Cartoons
12:30 News At Noon
12:45 Movie: "Three Coins In
The Fountain" Clifton
Webb and Jean Peters
2:20 Fashions In Sewing
2:30 Dick Berryman
3:00 Take 30
3:30 Edge of Night
4;00 Family Court
4;30 Drop-In
5:00 My Three Sons
5:30 Let's Make A Deal
6:00 Pierre Berton
6:30 FYI
7:00 Gunsmoke
8:00 Partridge Family
8:30 Cannon
9:30 This Is The Law
10:00 Man At The Centre Special
11:00 The National New
11:20 P.M.
11:45 Horror Classics: "The
Cat Creeps" Lois Collier
and Paul Kelly
8:00 Ontario Schools
8:45 Mr. Dressup
9:15 Ontario Schools
10:00 Canadian Schools
10:30 Friendly Giant
10:45 Chez Helene
11:00 Sesame Street
12:00 Cartoons
12:30 News
12:45 Movie: "Robbery Roman
Style" Claudia Mori and
Adriano Celentano
2:20 Fashions In Sewing
2:30 Dick Berryman
3:00 Take 30
3:3b Edge of Night
4:00 Family Court
4:30 trop In
5:00 'my Three Sons.
5:30 Going Places
6:00 Pierre Berton
6:30 FYI
7":00 The New Dick Van Dyke
1:30 Temperatures Rising
8:00 Mary .Tyler Moore Show
8:30 Flip Wilson Show
9:30 Fro'ht Page Challenge
The election of officers took
place as follows: President -
Joyce McCallum; Vice-Presi-
dent - Gay Fischer; Secretary-
Peggy Dennis, Press Reporter -
Marion McCallum.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Machan
attended the Bennett - Machan
wedding in Brussels, Saturday.
Cheryl and Rhonda Currie
spent the week end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall,
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.John
Currie attended the Bennett- Ma-
chan wedding on Saturday evening
in the Brussels United Church.
They' all returned to their home
in Orangeville on Sunday even-
Leaders who attended from
the Walton area, the 4-H Home-
making Training School for two
days in the Legion Hall, Sea-
forth, were Mrs. Gerald Watson,
Joan Bennett, Mrs. Mac Shol-
dice, Mrs. Don McDonald, Mrs.
Harold McCallum, Mrs. Barry
Hoegy, Mrs. Bill Leeming and
Mrs. Neil McNichol. There are
four clubs sponsored by the Wal-
ton W.I. taking the spring pro-
ject "Sportswear from Knits1 '..,
10:00 Tuesday Night '
11:00 The National News
11:20 P.M.
.11:45 Tarzan Theatre:. "Tar-.
zan's New Adventure" -
Bruce Bennett & Ula Holt
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 1973.
8:00 Ontario Schools
8:45 Mr. Dressup
9;15 Ontario Schools
10:30 Friendly Giant
10:45 Chez Helene
11;00 Sesame Street
12;00 Cartoons
12:30 News
12;45 Movie "Is Your Honey-
moon Really Necessary?",
Diana Dors & David Tom-
2:20 Fashions In Sewing
2:30 Dick Berryman
3;00 Take 30
3;30 Edge of Night
4;00 Family Court
4;30 Drop-In
5:00 My Three Sons
5:30 Let's Make A Deal
6:00 Pierre Berton
6:30 FYI
7:00 Emergency
8:00 Special "V.D.Blues"
9:30 Immages of Canada
10:30 Adieu Alouette
41:00 The IdlibilifiNewt
11:20 P.M.
11:45 Movie - "The Mind
Benders" - Dirk Bogarde
and Mary Ure.
8;00 Ontario Schools
8:45 Mr. Dressup
9:15 O'ntario Schools
10:00 Canadian Schools
10:30 Friendly Giant
10;45 Chez Helene
11;00 'Sesame Street
12:00 Cartoons
12;30 News
12:45 Movie: "Ride And Kill"
Alex Nichol & Margaret
2:20 Fashions In Sewing
D. J. Cochrane, Director of
ducation will be empowered to
Write for the same fee to Boards ,
of Education In Bruce County,
Lambton County, and Perth
County, and any wards of the
Province of Ontario.
Three trustees will be ap-
pointed by the Educational Com-
mittee of the Board to an Ad
Hoc Committee on Schools for
Trainable Retarded Children for
The following non-teaching
personnel resignations have been
received: Allan Nicholson, bus
driver, Turnberry PublicSchool,
effective January 31; Carroll
Johnson, bus driver and liaison
driver, at Howick Central pu-
blic School effective January 31;
John Manning, custodian at
Victoria public School, effec-
tive February 13; and Mrs.Lynda
Allin, secretary atGoderich Dis-
trict Collegiate Institute, effec-
tive March 30.
The following teachers have
been hired on probationary con-
tracts at salaries according to
schedule,, their duties com-
menced January 1, 1973: Miss
Janice Bonthron, Bayffeld, to
Robertson Memorial Public
School; Greg Hazlitt, Goderich,
.prg,g0Iteldp ,
1?A010 :getio9li'. 00440;
• 44* Cain, bell', goderg4
to 10)lineaville, a.A0119110#.014tif.4
PoOg.:,4-.4n40 4n01004.0r: .
4Roo..:volto, wo4pri; oto sputi),
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in all of us.
(and you get it for as little as $22451
Datsun goes to extremes to build the car you need. Above, the
Race Champion: our fast, fabulous 240.Z, Below, the Econoiny
Champion: our zippy 1200 sedan. Worlds apart? Look again. The Z
has all-steel unibody construction. Slick four-speed stick shift
(or optional automatic, at extra cost) Reclining•vinyl bucket seats.
Safety collapsible steering column. All included in the price. But so
does the 1200. Our point ? You get quite a lot of 240-Z engineering
in even our least expensive Datsun. It may be all you really need.
*Datsun 1200 2-door sedan. $2245 Suggested retail price F.O.B. Vancouver, Toronto.
Montreal. Halifax warehouses, Local frei.ght, licence, provincial tax, if applicable, extra.
2:30 Shirley Taylor
3:00 Take 30
3;30 Edge of Night
4:00 Family Court
4:30 Drop-In
5:00 My Three Sons
5:30 Reach For The Top
6:00 Pierre Berton
6:30 FYI
7;00 Midweek Magazine
7:30 The Bob Newhart Show
8:00 Carol Burnett Show
9;00 Movie; "Never OnSunday"
Melina Mercouri & Jules
11:00 The National News
11:20 P.M.
11:45 Movie "The Miracle Of
Morgan's Creek" Betty
Hutton & Eddie Bracken
FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 19'73
8:00 Ontario Schools
8:45 Mr. Dressup
9;15 Ontario Schools
10:30 Friendly Giant
10;45 Chez Helene
11:00 Sesame Street
12:00 Cartoons
12:30 News
12:45 Movie: "Act One" -
George Hamilton & Jason
2:20 Fashions In Sewing
2';30 h1faiket Place dl
3:00 Take 30
3:30 Edge of Night
4;00 Family Court
4:30 Drop-In
5:00 My Three Sons
5:30 Let's Make A Deal
6;00 Pierre Berton
6:30 FYI
7:00 The Odd Couple
7:30 Sanford & Son
8:00 M*A*S*H
9:00 Tommy Hunter Show
10:00 Hawaii Five-0
11;00 The National News
11;20 P.M.
11;45 Movie "Take Her,
She's Mine" James
Stewart Sandra Dee
(Continued from Page 1)
He was critical of the Carroll
statement that reported the
Tories saying there are no is-
sues in Huron County. "There
will always be issues in a demo-
cratic society. That was a silly
statement, Mr. Carroll, which
won't do you any good" he stated.
Mr. NlicNaughton criticized
Robert Nixon's charges against
the financial record of the
government and of the abuse by
physicians of medicare program.
Mr. MacNaughton complained
of the "blatant 'm is- statements
from the opposition and there
will be more of them."
, Referring to statements made
by NDP Party Leader Stephen
Lewis last week in Clinton that
"They (the Government) are dis-
tant. They have removed them-
selVes from active involvement
with the people at large," Mr.
MacNaughton said' "Premier
Davis' major platform has been
to open the government to the
During his address Mr. Mac
Naughton said three times "It's
a new ball game in Huron.
He concluded, "we'll choose-
a new representative here in
Huron. The opposition sees an
opportunity that they didn't see
before. It's a brand new ball
game. I'll be around to help,
but you all have to get out and
Mr Neil McDonald of the
Dental College, Toronto visited
over the week end at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
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