HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-02-22, Page 4EAT MARKET . op Quality BEEF SIDE OF BEEF CUT and WRAPPED lb 814 Plus lc a lb. for Quick Freezing. 527-0040 C11/4515 Mee: Ade sray civiits-Ateies. First Church WMS meets 'The l3'.,111.13, cif Etre Pr es- bytedan Mara =el Thiaristir afternOhn rbeCente-7421Eincrza MISS Jean Ex t, the presideact„ Basked ,R. ter trt toss an-J tae meeting was opened with a poem "Otel tee with yura". Tiselty -two mtece teem and a tills! were pTesetat. Correspontence was mai by tie secretary. !Ara. 1.12.-atecriran read the treasurer's report. Ctellket,WL wa E t ak a tap by Anne McClure 4:4 Citeile---41±A t'7 the president, Who also re- manded the memo errs 64 the World's Day ad Prayer teing held eat' Prestrytertar. Charch can March and, 6 Miss .1e-tote Hogg tad arte.r.,- died the r.otarag of der. Harte, 1"reatotertal tett!: was tueld Kni.rx Preatryteriau Chures, Grad- e/1cl a.4 she gare ac ire-cerea- l/2g report ca, wtati 4214 Laren Mrs. Francis C,oietran 42/4 e; taiga. of the pronTa.C. Pa.6,1 praelaad tt with. a pown • This .a is S Prayer". The scripture was read by WI. Hefei. LiclAillar. followed by yrayer whiat was writ:Az by an a-15150X:12-0: Lt;k17.. Nei Dire. J. T. Ise I., and read by OS re. Hilleterectrt. IJrs. CO:4r- te; 2-24 g,its tie al. if it er lg !story about India and ;69 6) t:-6e ph ap>aa: live there I! Jack I3 r^ i '.. and 7.f.,4-.1t. is r = sf •LLS ) p.cutires follna.na his se .e as Liberal canthdate at a ne.):-.1rat.oi: -..x.vention: tr. ti-a Heasall. Pa iblic School. Vii._ itc-: Law:re:Layton members from a:. I" Ok."6 r.diog VA.. Large a diO. ^_nerflinred int; ad)", ining lalls. Shcrwn are fiefs/..L.o--as .4 Datcue. 8, Heatoer .' Ridnell won lArs. a) 7** , 214 ar !rpm! Br erda „ 'photo tfri Oke) (COrttriaed trate Page I) Be mai wet cietirolre and lboTrital elrokIspiacartrig well be- yond the total pct of ethical/on, we now reed arm newpc..4tric-c to restore control and onattlP70-e- 'Ms will nioaire a stroig di- r ttie Premier and the Idiv-ster, lie said:, Mr. Nixon coMnzed, 493r. Pctters' irsetzlzessLmtals present past is certainly in question. one dnatts ids c6C617"7111zmeec to a scemd stem of delivering and parnig'Inr 154,Alt% services. Ele tilsroi teem sopwrted bY las e 1- le;gues io goverrno. or the Priem. "Unless wag steps are teen SD= a new minister roast be appotrofcel and erthrimzed to move to the Minisbry of Health and shake it lip from one end to the other. '"The first step surely is to set up a 6-56Parly understood mpar-s of cegotiation with the medical profession so that the ....famous fee schedule which eStabliSbf'S the basis for payment from the medicare mid is not set by the dodo. aL-ner: "An effaciem method of anon and spot- checkine, the billing pro- cedures is needed to weed out the few crooks concerned and re- store public confidence in the doctors'.-billing procedures and the methods used by OHIp in paying for services." Mr. Nixon said a firtat issue that must concern the voters in these by-elections is the govern- ments record in the allegations of conflict of interest and raising campaig-n funds to fuel the Tory ele-ction machine. He' referred to their cynical dunning of the doctors' and the lawyers for financial support. the F idirair, affair where there 'was a 550,000 donation from theSwiss- based firm which had gained lucrative contract with the Work- men's Compensation. Board." Mr. Nixon concluded "Surely Mr. Davis doesn't need another voiceless supporter in his top- heavy maxyrity. Surely the issues cry out for re}ection of the Con- servative record. For these reason, I am confident of the success of our candidate's, and calico thinking citizens every- where to rally to support the Liberal cause." 14, J. Ricidell TODAY'S CHILD BY HE EN Al- a sj A loving, lovable Child whose general health is splendid, Scott is happy, good-natured and playful. He goes around the house singing and likes listening to music. He is fond of drawing and coloring and though" his attention span is sometimes short, he concentrates on paper and crayons for long periods. Building toys are also among Scott's favorites 'and he likes to play on slides and swings. SOott needs an affectionate, relaxed home with parents who will' provide stimulation and will not worry over his medical history. There should be no other children close to him in age. To inquire about adopting Scott, please write to Today's .. Child, Box 888, Station K, Toronto M4P 21-I2. For general adoption information, please contact your local Children's Aid Society. .CHEERFUL AID LOVABLE The beguiling smile belongs to Scott, six years old. Scott's background is mainly Irish and he has deep blue eyes, brown hair and medium complexion. He is small for his age, looking more like a four-year-old. Scott was born prematurely and hasn't caught up with the average child his age. Maybe he won't, but on the other hand, he has made notable gains lately. He has been attending primary school in a school for the retarded, but recent tests indicate he will be able to move into regular school next year. He is eager to learn and has a good memory. Scott has a history of epileptic seizures but , these have diminished greatly in a foster home where he receives excellent care and where his medication is never forgotten. He had only two seizures last year and his medical report statesnthey are now under control. OFTEN THE REA GO A pERson1 er-coMS QuiETAs NE GROWS 01-1?_R TRAT NE - NAS MORE To KEEP QUIETAf3OUT: Help Huron lead the way! Here's how you can . . . assist in stopping constant increase in Ontario govern- ment expenditure Check the ever increasing and wasteful bur- den of provincial debt which this year alone will amount to 800 million dollars. interest on our provincial debt costs us 1 1/4 million dollars a day, every day of the year. Elect a man who will speak his mind and yours! a .......•••••• • • Vacuum Supplies & Parts FILTER QUEEN — EUREKA COMPACT — INTERSTATE ELECTROLUX — HOOVER COMET REGINA — ELECTRO- HYGIENE-CANNISTER, CYLINDER and IJPRIGUT. Having difficulty cleaning your carpet? WELL THEN, SEE Electro-Deluxe Upright Vacutm. by calling Orv, phone 482-9574 202 Rattenbury St. East — CLINTON PUNCH LINE OF THE WEEK TakeAdvantage Of The Winter We Have L eft. 4:‘ Jack Riddell Liberal Jack Riddell is Successful farmer — graduate of the Univer- ity of Guelph — partner in Hensall Livestock Sales — Jack has taught high school in Clin- ton and Exeter been a government livestock specialist he is a‘trustee of Huron Board of Education —. Married — active in church and community work. Help Huron....help Ontario....help yourself vote Riddell We Offer All Remaining '73 Ski-Doo's alt Dealer's Cost 1 Here's an Example — SPECIAL $6 97 16 HP. E L A N' reg. $835 TO CLEAR TWIN CLEARANCE PRICES on CLOTHING, BOOTS and ACCESSORIES. . EXCEPTIONAL VALUES in USED MACHINES. HOPPER MECHANICAL SERVICES Jack Riddell says "We in Huron can either send one more Tory to Queen's Park to add to an already over- weighted •majority or we can send a Liberal to help bring accountability back to govern- ment." 6 527-1859 ....essiergossetwatesimeteskitor... SEAFORTH Aftrame- ••••••'•