HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-02-15, Page 13meeting with the benediction. Vera Drysdale had an interest- ing cross-word puzzle on India. unch was served by Mrs. Heck and Mrs. Hay. UNIT The February meeting of Unit II , Hensall u.C.w. was held Mon- day evening at the Church. Mrs. Irene Black,well .presided and opened with a verse of "God Sees the Little parrow Fall." Mary and Ida-Ann Blackwell showed very interesting slides and commentated on their trip to Victoria B.C. The roll call, answered by 18 members was a scripture verse with the word "Love" in it. The devotion was taken by Mrs. HaZel, Corbett, opening with hymn 405, and fol- lowed with meditation on zarus, and scripture from Luke 16. She Also. read a poem entitled "Listen Christian", and closed her devotion with hymn 434. Mrs. Elva Forrest for the study, told of her nephew's tea- chings in Woodstock, India, and gave interesting accounts out of up to date letters she had re- ceived. She also displayed wood carvings, tapestry, postcards and pictures. It was announced that the World Day of Prayer is March 2 in the Anglican Church at 3 p.m., and a service will be held at theQueensway Nursing Home at 2 p.m. for all members of the U.C.W. and others who wish to attend. Unit II are respon- sible to place flowers in the Church for the month of May and to visit the. Queensway Nursing Home also in May. Hostesses were Mrs. Jeanette Turner and Mrs. Marion McCurdy. AMBER REBEKAH LODGE The Amber Rebekah Lodge met Wednesday evening in the Lodge rooms with N.G. Mrs. Stewart Blackwell presiding and being assisted by V.G. Mrs. Clarence- Volland. All officers were present but three. It was reported that Sister Myrtle Orr and Sister Leona Parke had visited the Queens- way Nursing Home and distri- buted treats among the patients the end of January. Sister Al- deen Volland reported for the C.P.&T, Committee announcing that the euchre party on Feb- orua'rrl-was-Er real, sitccessa-,14- was decided to have special en- tertainment for the pecial An- niversary Birthday Party on March 7 when members plan to go out for dinner and to attend the meeting later in the Lodge rooms. About 20 officers and mem- bers plan on attending the offi- cial visit of the Assembly Pre- sident, Miss Mavis Slater, at Goderich on February 20, when Hensall Rebekah Lodge will per- form the closing exercises. About two carloads plan to attend a luncheon at the Edelweis Re- bekah Lodge in Seaforth on Feb- ruary 20, in honor of the As- sembly President. Sister Mar- garet Consitt, Warden, was re- FOR SALE 34 PIGS ii weeks old Tom Melody 345-2783 i• Lower your taxes Raise your savings Your deposit at Victoria :.t.n.d.Crey of up to 54,000 in a Registered Retirement Plan before March l'st will he deducted from your 1972 taxable income and vv ill raise your i-tirement income. Start retiring today at Vi,:toritt and Grey. VICTORMand GREY VG TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 • • 41 'I 97 1 CADILLAC ,4* SEDAN DE VILLE ...... .. . • .... • . This beautiful luxury automobile is completely equipped with all the Cadillac power accessories plus AM/FM stereo radio, till and telescope steering wheel, full tinted glass, automatic air conditioning, padded vinyl top, finished in a beautiful golden brown shade with a gold vinyl top and matching in- terior. Over $10,000 new. Lic. No. K55044 $6,000 McGEE "Spr PONIIAC-BUICK 1444*14: LSMFT 1972 FORD LTD Es , . 'I', 2 door hardtop 8 automatic, power brakes, power steer ,r ,a .iutornahr cafe rpnbitionir.g AM FM micro power windows tilt wilf4e; and ma ,,/ other extras one owner Licence DFV244 1971 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN, 6 passenger, station wagon, 400 V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, tinted glass deluxe roof rack, whitewalls, wheelcovers. Licence X24982 1970 METEOR RIDEAU 500 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, radio, finished in maroon metallic and all vinyl interior. Licence K42490. 1969 VALIANT V-200 slant 6, automatic, radio. Licence K42131. 1968 FORD GALAXIE 500 2 -door hardtop, sports roof, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering. Licence K72357. 1970 CHEV BISCAYNE 4 -door, 350 V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering. Licence E5426 1968 MUSTANG 302 V-8, automatic, power steering, radio, finished in baby blue with dark blue vinyl interior, lady driven. Licence E7469 1971 MAVERICK 2-door, 6 automatic, radio, and accent group, .19,000 one-owner miles. Licence K10773 TRUCKS 1967 FORD F -100 flair-side pickup, 6 cylinder, standard transmission. Licence 38529B. 1968 DODGE VAN slant 6 automatic. Licence 372438 1969 FORD Fl 00 floirside pickup, 6 cylinder, 288958 '4295 '2895 1995 1395 1395 1195 14 /5 '2250 995 1195 1395 Remember ... It's Sense To See Snider's Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Larry Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 . LONDON 227-4191 Open Weekdays Until 9:00 Saturdays Until 6:00 *.111821/1111111111111 11/-, Aunty 10-oz. Regular 69c Shirriffs Potato Chips 2/1.00 SPECIAL 6-oz. — Assorted Flavours Miss Mew Cat Food PRICE 5/89c Tenderleaf Tea Bags 60's 79c McCormick's Soda Biscuits 2/79c Heinz Tomato Soup 10 x. 10/99c Glad Garbage Bags, pack of 10's 59c 'Mclaren's Cocktail Olives 12-01. 3/98c McLaren's Sweet Mixed Pickles 48-oz. 85.c Wonderfood Marshmallows 1-lb. 2/69c Surget Ready Cut Macaroni or Spaghetti 2-lbs. 2/75c Squirrel Peanut Butter 3 lbs. 1.09 Fresh „ m.6(4 Ham Roast lb. 85c Ham Steaks lb. 89c Cottage Roll lb. 79c, Minced- Ham , lb. 65c tru"mrsweeetd Bacon lb. 6 90 Defatted, fully processed' Hind 1/4's of Beef lb. 94 FRUITS & VEGETABLES Sweet pickled Delinonte Brand — Product of Honduras GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS lb. MC Florida — Size 125's TEMPLE ORANGES doz. 55c U.S. No. 1 U.S. NO.- 1 .RADISHES 3 6-oz pkgs. 25c ,Regular 29c Lewis Dinner Rolls 12's, SPECIAL 2 /49c FROZEN FOOD Morton's Beef, Chicken, Turkey Frozen Meat -Dinners —11.. 2/99c MARKET HENSALL ONTARIO AL'S Prices Effective Week of FEBRUARY 14, 15, 16, 17 PLEA S E NOTE: We Reeve the "0" so h",' nliciu nn towscil'olladverhseclop ro s Ham Roast Shank or Butt Half Centre cut ristarice Correspondent miss Mary IVIcI;waln Bishop confirms eleven at St. Paul's the WeelieMi-With Kerri Medd. Miss Donna Buchanan of Toronto spent tile-weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don 9unhanan, Paul, Jim and Gary. Mr. Bill Dale spent the week- end in Toronto as a delegate to the Ontario P,C. Convention. Mr,. and Mrs. JOhn, Mann_QI, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamont of Goderich were Satur- day evening visitors with Mrs. Irene Grimold'Oy. Mr. Bruce Walker of Sea- forth, Mrs., Donna Mac Dowell of St. Thomas visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan, Bill, Doug , Betty and Bob. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Riehl, Jackie, Kim, and Shelley of Kirkton. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Carol, Judy, Danny and silly, were Mrs. Ella Jewitt, Larry, Ken, Kevin and Steven, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Presz- cator, Billy Debbie and. Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jewitt and Lori of Clinton. Clirk:deelines raise ' Hensall Town Council met° Monday. when by:laws1-5 dealing with the appointments to the Park Board and to the salaries of the Reeve Councillors, Clerk and Road Superintendent as deter- mined at the 'January meeting were passed. As the firemen who have been pumping out catch basins during flood, have had requests to pump out basements, Council decided that where there is such a re- quest, the firemen shall contact the Council or the Road Superin- tendent for authorization. Building permits were Issued to Andre Bilche to build an ad- dition to his trailer and to Leo- nard Erb to renovate his kitchen and.panel a stairway. Next Monday night, Council will meet to decide how to en- large the space for the library. Council decided that the Reeve and Councillors should re- ceive $8 for special meetings. Clerk Earl Campbell refused a raise in pay and asked Council to leave his salary at $5,000 the same as last year. Ernie Davis thanked Council for his raise and reported 26 trees removed and there are some to be investigated'at Beer's and Parker's. Council will again buy trees and anyone wishing to plant and care for a tree is asked to contact Council before March 1. Council seemed unanimous in thinking that something must be done to put an end to the drainage problem in Hensall. It was sug- gested by the Reeve that the Industrial Committee work on Sewers and also on the possi- bility of Cable T.V. Bills and accounts of $5,540.06 were ordered paid, this included hose time and pump- ing water, bulldozing the dump etc. FILL-IT-UP GOOD RETURN! The Mariner '9 spacecraft has renfrned some 7,000 pictures of Mari and mapped about 85 per- cent of e planet. ALMO T A CENTURY AGO Sm-al pox wiped out nine- tenths of the Chipewyan Indian tribe of Canada in 1781. Today they number about 5,000. SPLITS THE CONTINENT The Amazon River, winding 4,000 miles to 'the Atlantic, almost cuts South America in two. The river's source, just below the backbone of the Andes in South- ern. Perus, 'is only 97.5 miles from the pacific. „ LAST REMNANT . The Wester Er; 1011 wadi ing-Wa41 is the sole remnant of the. Tem- ple, the lodestone of Judaism. Built by Solomon and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, restored by Herod and razed by the Romans, the Temple in Jerusalem, once contained the Tablets of the Law, the Commandments given to Moses. GROWING GOLD! The ancient Romans and Chi- nese who believed gold grew in the ground were right in theory if not praOice. Modern geolo- gists have found that gold crystals .can grow, in the earth frofn mineral-rich solutions. Scien- tists have even raised similar crystalline crops in the la- boratory. • STRANGE METHOD When a prominent member of Indonesia's Toradja people dies , on the island of SulaweSi, former- ly known as Celebes, his body- may remain in his home for months or years, attended by mourners, before it is interred. LAKE COUNTRY! Alaska's lakes cover seven million acres. • Correspondent Mrs. Joyce Pepper A service of poafirmation was held at St. Paul's Anglican Church Sunday morning by Rt. Rev. Ha- rold Appleyard, D.D.M.C., Bi- shop of Georgian Bay. Rev.. G.A. Anderson presented 11 can- didates for confirmation; Fergus Paul McKellar; Thomas John Ro- berts; Tracey Lee Turner; Linda Lee Middleton; David William Montgomery; Hugh James M ingay Connon; peter Barry Christie; Joy Elizateth Christie; Darlene Wanda Knee; Wallace Knee; Per- ry Lorne Kn?.e. BishOP yard in his address stressed the need for prayer. The combined chop's of Trivitt Memorial, Exe- ter, and St. Pauls, Hensall, led the singing with Mrs. F. Forrest at thesonsole of the organ. The BishOp Chaplain was Clarke For- rest and the Crucifer was Theo- polis Williams. Legion Ladies' Auxiliary • The Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary meeting was held in the Legion Hall Tuesday evening, with 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Wanda McClinchey presiding. It was decided to have the Easter basket draw, with the proceeds going to the Crippled Children's Treatment Centre. A donation of $50 was made to the Legion Auxiliary Bursary Fund. Mem- bers are catering to a Bonspiel to be held in March. Sports Officer Mrs. Iva Reid announced there would be a 7one card party in Seaforth in the near future. The mystery prize was won by 011ie yle and the guess- ing prize by Iva Reid. Units Meet Hockey Day Many interested spectators were on, hand Saturday at the Hensall arena to watch the events planned for Minor Hockey Day. Results of the -games won are: Montreal 4 - New York 2; Boston 4 - Toronto 4; Hensall Bantam 14 - Exeter Bantam 2; Hensall Mid- gets 9 - Zurich Midgets 2; Hence sail Pee Webs 5 - Seaforth Pee Wees 10; Bayfield Girls 10-,Hen- sall Girls 0; Hensall Mites 8 The Little Guys 2; The Hensall Figure Skating Club added to the Minor Hockey Day events with a very good dis- play of free skating. Four group routines were capably acted out by members at different levels of skating. Julie Mock and Lori Mousseau skated a pair number. Julie Mock and Aileen Klungel each 'contributed a solo, and Julie Mock and Deborah Denomme, Zurich, Ida-Ann and Mary Black- well, Zurich contributed a very beautiful dance number entitled "Dutch Waltz". The two youngest members of the Skating Club, Julie McBride, 4 and Susan Flynn 3, presented Pro Pauline Bell and Senior Coach Troyann Bell with a gift on behalf of the club. rry Klungel was the Corn- entator for the event. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal and Mr. Anthony Gelderland, Ridgetown. attended the funeral of their uncle Mr. Anthony Van Dyke of Montreal, Quebec at Montreal last week. THIS WORLD OF OURS Sound. so vital a part of our existence, is growing to such dis- agreeable proportions within our environment that today it is a very real threat to our health. So noisy, in fact, is America's urban environment that people living in congested sections of large cities may be hearing far less than they •,realfzernmty are'develtSping se- vere hearing loss. The Canadian Foresters held a euchre party, on Friday even- ing with the following winners: Ladies 'high; Marjorie Anderson; Lone Hands, Margaret Taylor; Low, Marjorie Duizer; Men's high, Ian Hulley; Lone Hands, Bob Thompson; Low, John Thom- pson. The next' euchre will be held on Friday, February 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, -Wendy, Debbie and Benjanffn of Huron 'Park spent Saturday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family. . , Mrs. Irene Grimoldby and Mrs. Ken Betties of Winthrop attended'• the funeral on Saturday of Mrs. Jack Riley, Brussels. Misses Brenda Hummell of Clinton and Angela Flynn spent OBITUARY HERBERT E. KERCHER A well-known Tuckersmith area man, Herbert E. Kercher, of R.R. It 2, Kippen, passed. away suddenly at Exeter on Monday, February 12, 1973, in his 83rd year. Mr. Kercher was born in Zurich in 1890, the son of Aaron Kercher and Sarah Thaler, and raised and educated on the Bron- son Line, and lived there until 1921 when he married Myrtle Wright of Cromarty, and settled on 'the 'farm at R,R. # 2, Kip- pen, where he has since resided. He was a member of Chisel- burst United Church, and always was a very active man and enjoyed good health. In 1971 Mr. and Mrs. Kercher celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. He leaves to mourn besides his wife, one son Ross at home; 2 daughters; Mrs. James (Mar- garet) Jordan, London; Mrs. Spencer (Doris) Jeffery, R.R. # 2, Staffa; 4 sisters; Mrs. Mabel Haworth, Tdronto; Mrs. Mary Black, Coboconk; Mrs. Pearl Kennedy, Kitchener; Mrs. Gert- rude Helmkay, London. He was „predeceased by 3 sisters, Mrs. Ed (Adeline) Sweitzer, Miss Clara Kercher, Miss Lucy Ker- cher, and a brother Norman. Also surviving are three grand- children, Judy. Ruth and Bill Jeffery. The body rested at the Bon- thron Funeral Chapel, Hensall until Wednesday when funeral service and committal service were held at 2 p.m. with Rev. Don Beck officiating. Interment "was in woodland Cemetery, Mit- Chell. telt4IRON-r;CPOSITok SritigORTHocitlYq'no. Tna.-9 C• .11100S- ' Immo of: :440 .$0tt ,oft. two present., Mr0,.1.0ce opened World is mos" by TV00,0pilins, Itrgr, Inee#40. A_. re41111K•PTile. the gcrtnt4re l Jahn, :Chapter Plre. Kona.r410 reaf34,1)94.1.. 44. PP lci.id"•end Mrs,. Collin.S. read • wedneaday afternoon. -pore were, 16 tnegil*S. and :OP Y40., Tbe ,PIP1:1g•V;c1 ..W,inet gt •Or4e. To00.fr.4., from. Mrs,. • . mr*°gd.,polt!pogittpled , i4poglogn.ti.thg Wow!, • Alls,y,;•••Th0•••••09aPii.t.00$:..tepoxl ... in .praYer. 0y4.1. *; poid14 uire#:81Yeil AenntoNi ...Th.FLO.794 : • .. . • :M.rf., *OS bmit: . Y • Anita Cook presided for the February meeting of Unit I with fifteen members present and opened with a poem "The Lord's Compassion". With Helen God- dard at the piano hymns 254 and 249 were sung. Mrs. Conk's scripture, Luke 9, told of the feeding of the five thousand and was followed by prayer. In `her message, she suggested we "'UMW rrl'.M4'154`tid3rirti Wee fbr' these people in' India than send- ing food, that now missionaries, Drs. and nurses and all workers think 'it very important to teach them to provide food for them- selves. She read a clipping from the paper "Man and his ' world". Doreen Spencer. gave many interesting highlights frorti the, study book "Ask a man about India". India's Prime Minister Indira Ganhi is concerned about her people of India and is trying to close the gaps between the rich and poor. Wise people have to be taught a properly balanced diet. Even the rich don't know how to buy, the result being thou-, sands 'of' children growing up physically and mentally handi- capped; We are now trying to help these people learn better health rules as well as nutri- tion. Mildred Kyle announced that the Presbyterial Meeting will be held in Seaforth on February 28. Anyone wanting a ride. is to contact Kay Mock or Mildred Kyle. The World's Day of Prayer is to be March 2, a service is planned for the Nursing Home at 2 p.m. and the same service will be held at 3 p.m, at- the Anglican Church. Units 1 and 11 are catering to a wedding on March 3, Mrs. Cook closed the quested to escort Sister Myrtle Taylor to the alter when P.D.P71-: Sister Dorothy Parker Installed her to her office of R.S. N.G., sfter which she was escorted to her office. Lunch wa s supplied by Sister Grace Thompson.