HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-02-15, Page 5NEWS QF n ht0P Cor;respondent ,Mrs,Robert WrITTIN h la lOt McGregor Top Quality BEEF Government Inspected Whol• Half Beef Beef 80c 81c Cut and Wrapped Quick F rozen Free Delivery Within 10 Mile Grant McGregor Phone 262-5839 3 RZTEZTEMZR OV THE OLD TIMER 1847 ROGERS' BROS. SILVERPLATE pattern revival event The pattern you chose yesterday looks love- lier than ever today. That's why we're offering you this special op- portunity to update or add to your service. SPECIALLY MANUFACTURED TO ORDERS RECEIVED IN FEBRUARY AND MARCH FOR SEPTEMBER DELIVERY. FLAIR 1955 SPRINGTIME 1957 LEILANI 1960 ANSTETT :JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton Seafort Walkerton News of McKillop Correspondent Mrs. Ed Regele The Cavan church Sunday School rooms werefilledto capa- city for a shower in honour of Jane Johnston whose wedding took place $ aturday to Doug &nal° of Staffa. Sandra Regele greeted the visitors at the door and had them . sign the bride's book. Doreen Reg le was mistress of ceremonies and opened the pro- gram with • ords of welcome and "0 Canada". A Sing Song was led by Betty Koehler, Grace Smith was the pianist. Anna Dolmage gave a reading. A contest was conducted by Kathy Hoegy. Jill Wheatley sang a solo assis- ted by Grace Smith at the piano. Jane Case gave a reading followed by an instrumental by Jill Wheat- ley. Jane was ushered to a decorated choir of pink and white streamers with a pink umbrella filled with balloons. Elizabeth Price read the ad- The Restrictions on visiting hours at Seaforth Comniunity Hospital which were made necessary by the recent flu ept. demic on the advice of the Medical staff have now been lifted And normal — Visiting Hours — 11 a.m. to 8:36 p.m. are again in effect. The co-operation of the public, the medical staff and the nursing staff which con- tributed so greatly to a lesseningilt the inconrulence of recent weeks is appreciated., App•oints t • new Rector The Right Reverend Carmen Jit QUe011 Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of HUron has anneitheed that he has appointed the Reverend Joseph Keith Stokes, B.A., S.T.S.i of 8114b. as Reg.- tor of the Parish of Leamington. Mr. Stokes, with his wife and, four children, will be moving to Leamington at the beginning• of April. Mr. Stokes, who was born in Toronto,. is a graduate of the University of Toronto and of., Trinity College. The first four years of his ministry were given to Missions in the Diocese of Calgary. He came tothe Diocese of Huron in 1965 as Incumbent of Walpole Island, and: four years later was appointed Redtor of the parish of Blyth, Auburn, Belgrave and Brussels. In Leamington Mr. Stokes succeeds the Reverend Canon Ernest S. Wells, who is now Rector of St. Paul's and Stephen's Churches in Stratford. ACW meets ,.,grams. .011V. WA. SA.P.P *WI ,r..tl,""rt HURON .:111,.x.00.11:900: *11:70FOltrffi: giffr4 .117.74 ;1*-. \#.4,1164iltio•e**,,..f , • A owrou ivio.Nuivi NT .WO -All-T yes.: „ . . _cgroigTgR MOR1.40 T. PRY SO 491441e4 are invited -.-!tolep49pe, EXETER 235,0020 mitcrorit 402.9421 SEAPIRTII: contact MIN Dundp% Or OW Plncter 527.1302 4 OUL 527611:50 To start with, let's set something straight. We're in the money busi- . ness.We invest money to make money, so that we can lend money. It's that simple. But, all of it isn't worth a plugged nickel if some- one doesn't use it. Which brings us to you. And, hopefully you to us if you're thinking about a loan. Now, the person you'll see at our place isn't some kind of financial ogre. He won't try to put you down, stare you down, or check the heels on your shoes. But most important, he wants to give you that loan. That's one of the ways he makes his money. So you just tell him how much, how much yon can afford each month, then it's up to him tor work it out. And without getting you in over your head. And, that's it. No red tape. No edge about asking.[? You see,we feel two heads are better than one. We figure if two people set out to achieve goals, they might come a little easier. Your goals, and our goals. So with a Commerce Bankplan loan, you get more than money. You get a working partnership for achieving goals. And that gives us still another edge over other banks. Besides taking the edge off asking in the first place. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE • 411/0 ER You and the Commerce. itigether wete both stronger. • dress and Jane was prese rated I with , many beautiful and useful gifts. After Jane gave words of appreciation, lunch was served and a social hour spent. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. James Keys, Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice, mur,. ray and Sandra. Dr. Brian and Mrs. Traviss and daughter Alison of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss and Gail. Mr. and Mrs. David Allison, London and Mr . Ivy Henderson and Mrs. Fern Patterson, Sea- forth visited recently with Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Webster, Sandra and Janis; Mi. and Mrs. Bob Webster, Varna; and Mr. and Mrs. Jack olmes, Clinton, vi- sited recen wi Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heather, even and John. The February meeting of the Walton Women's Institute with Mrs. Jim Axtinsuin and Mrs. Wil- liam Leeming, convenors on "Education and Cultural Affairs" will show a film on "crafts" Wednesday evening, February 28, in the community hall. The roll call is "Name your favourite hobby" and it is retmested by the convenors to bring the article (which could be sold later) -and and display it if possible. The hostesses will be Mrs. Jack Gordon, Mrs. Ralph Traviss and Mrs. Ron Bennett. Little. Tracey Sills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sills, Sea- forth stayed with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Achilles, while her parents visi- ted on e weekend in Toronto. Kevin McHugh of GardenCity, spent the weekend with Steven and John Huether and all participated in the activities in the Brussels tournament. Mrs. Fred Dunk was a patient In Seaforth Hospital for a few days last week. Miss Karen' McEwing, Sarnia spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McEwing. Robby Mulligan, of Garden City was a guest of Neil Mit- chell for the weekend, both playing in the annual hockey tour- nament in the Brussels Arena. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Web- ' re lz Wart took" the d otiodiV serviten' v.rele. H k4adkAidis" 4fien tie''-laird spoke to Phillip and he obeyed which was the means of taking the Gospel to Africa. He said in our lives we often had to take detours. Such , things as illness, loss of faculties, blind- ness, accident mighttake us off our chosen course but with God's help we come through successful- ly. Mr. Stewart showed slides of incidents in our Centennial Year, star, Clinton • visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Iluether, Mission Band The February meeting was held in the basement of the church on Sunday morning with 20 in attendance. The Call to Worship was given by Pam Rackwell, Laura Dennis was pianist for Hymn, "God sees the little sparrow fall." The- secretary's report was.given by Doug Mitchell and Laura Dennis took up the offering and gave the treasurer's report in the absence of the regular treasurer. Plans were made for the World Day of Prayer service in March, and parts were given out. Hymn, "From Greenland's Icy Moun- tains" was sung, Then the children went to their classes with their teachers, Mrs. Merton Hackwell, Mrs. Ross Bennett, Mrs., Mac Sholdice and Debbie Wey. Dedicate hy-trinaries At the regular Sunday morning worship service at Duff's United Church, Walton, two new elders, Herb Traviss and Neil McGavin were installed by Rev. D. Doc- ken; and helping extend the right hand of ellowship was Harvey Craig of the session. Four new Hymnaries were dedicated in memory of friends and neighbors Of the late Norman Williamson by Roy Williamson. There will be a meeting for the session mem- bers at the church on Wednes- day evening February 21. Editor's Quote _Book "Profit from the mistakes of others. You can't possible lice long enough to make them all yourself." —Arnold Toynbee 1981; These._ 'included cow- br011Ona in' Galt, Guelph and many loak -tActures of the opening of our Community Hospital when A.Y. McLean with Rev. C. Brit- ton had charge of opening cere- monies. There were also pic- tures taken showing the building of the S.D.H.S. 'addition and of Goderich where salt barrels were piled at the entrance to the town. Time did not permit him to. show all his Centennial pictures which we will look forward to seeing at a later date. The regular meeting of the Anglican Church Women was held at the home of Mrs., ,Cleave Coombs. After opening prayers read by Mrs. James Snowdon and president, Mrs. Bruce McLean, the minutes were read by Mrs. Len Ford. The treasurers re- port was given by Mrs. Gerald Snowdon. The monthly euchre party will be held Feb. 27th and on the suggestion of Mrs. Cleave Coombs and Mrs. Gerald Snow- don, it was agreed to hold a Bake Sale and Tea on_ April 11th. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Len Ford. WEDDING SMALE - JOHNSTON Mr. and-Mrs. Harry Johnston of R. R.# 1, Dublin are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter, Jane Evonne to James Douglas Smale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smale of R.R.#2, Staffa on February 10th, 1973 by the Rev. J. C. Britton. I remember being seven and walking barefoot on a ribbon, of cool dark earth, made glassy, smooth by a single blade of the plow. The plow was drawn by gentle horses responding to my father's "hi-ah's" as he, guided the plow in almost straight fur- rows. I remember birds of every hue flocking down to that rich fresh earth to find the earth-1 worms which had been exposed by the plow's sharp blade. The blushing redbud trees in flower on the hillsides and the sweet aroma of wild plum blossome used to make my senses go dizzy. The sky seemed so blue back then ' and the spring ' sunshine was very warm. And I can still remember those soft south winds that blew across the fields. Those were the days) • Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum, Joyce and Carl of RR 1, Walton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Regele and family at . Princeton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Re- gele 'and family at Princeton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns of Dublin visited with Mrs. Jo-, seph Thornton lag Tuesday after- noon. Paul and Ronald McCal- lum of Stratford spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum. Mrs. Harold McCallum and Mrs. Ed Regele and Mrs. Norman Bennewies of Brodhagen spent Monday in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Presz- cator and Barbara and Miss Lorna, Brenda and Barbara Glan- ville of Crediton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Re- gele. MATERNITY WEAR at the SEPARATE SHOPPE Mein Corner — Clinton OPEN 24 CLOSED WEDS. The executive of the U.C.W. were guests at the Walton Unit - meeting, Wednesday evening, held in the basement of Mfrs United Church. The worship service was opened by Mrs. Walter Bewley. lo Hymn, "The Lord's myShepherd I'll not want" was sung with Mrs. Herb Trestles as planief. Mrs. Stewart Humphries and ' Mrs. Bewley read responsively the scripture lesson from John 10 verses 9, 14-16 followed by Mrs. Bewley leading in prayer. Mrs. Humphries gave the Medi- tation reading "Our Brothers through Christ". Jean gave a reading, "Unto us is Born," followed by prayer. Hymn, "In Christ there is no East or West" was sung. Mrs. Herb Traviss chose as the Topic, "What Prayer can do". The great men in all ages have turned to God in Prayer, it being-• harmony to the life of the humblest. When we pray we need to look at ourselves to see if we are in any condition to ask for something, as some- is times we pray for things that are not always answered as we would like, not our will, but Thine. Hints were given on how to for- give, we should repeat the Lord's Prayer inserting your offenders name, forgive me my trespass, as I forgive Henry Jones. We should sp'eak to others in a kind- ly manner about the person against whbm we harbour anta- gonism. Mrs. Traviss closed with a poem, "Thinking of things you have not". Hynm, "Jesus shall reign where're the sun" closed this part of the meeting.. Mrs. Nelson Reid the unit president was charge of the business, thanking the ones that had taken part in the devotions and for the topic, also she wel- comed the U.C.W. executive to our meeting. The minutes were read and adopted followed by the roll call. Mrs. H. Hackwell 3 gave the treasurer's report in the absence of Mrs. Mac Shol- dice. The offering was received and dedicated. Mrs. Bill Coutts reported for the quilt committee, two more quilts are ready to be quilted in the near future. The Presbyterial Annual was an- nounced to be held at Northside ' United Church, Seaforth on February 28, with morning and afternoon sessions. Delegates are to attend from each unit. The executive held their busi- ness with Mrs.' W. Bewley open- - ing with a poem, "Dare to be Happy". Mrs. 14i.C7 read the minutes of thOast geAer, ral meeting. Mrs.Ke049Pra10 gave the treasurer's report. It was decided to have a Spring Thankoffering, with a speaker from Five Oaks (our current Live Love project). The Bell Si Ringers from Wingham were also suggested and will be invited to entertain. The World Day of Prayer will be held on March 2 in the base- ment of the church with the Theme, "Alert in our Time". Each unit to take part, with an invitation to the Roman Catholic ladies of our community, also invite our neighbors. A thank you note was read from Mrs. Doug Ennis, a former member. Lunch was served by the hos.:. teases, Mrs. Rollie Achilles, Mrs. Howard Hackwell and Mrs. Nelson Reid. Euchre parties The W.I. progressive euchre party was held in the community hall on Friday evening with 10 tables in play. • Prize winners were High lady, Mrs. Jack Simpson, Eiiussels; Low, Shirley Johnston; High man, Jim Axtmann; low, Torrence Dundas. Nearest brithday to Valentine's Day, Keith .Clark. Another effehre to be held Feb- ruary 23. Hostesses, Mrs. Jim Axtmann, Mrs. Bill Leeming and Mrs. Jack Gordon served lunch. r i Kilbarchan Notes • By Mabel Turnbull Mr. and Mrs. George Pethick and family visited with Mrs. Ruth pepper Sunday, Visiting in the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harburn and Chris. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris and Vicky and Beth McNichol, wal- ton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Maxwell and Jamie, Midland. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert flulley and family were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, Miss Kathy Hulley, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner, Steven and Lisa, Miss Olive Speare, Cromarty; Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGee and Judy and Ray, London; and Lori Boyce, Walton. Mrs. Robert Hulley and Danny visited with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner, Steven and Lisa on Monday. Visiting in the same home were Mrs. Hugh Currie and Joanne, Dorchester. Mrs. Currie has just returned from a week's holidays in "The Bahama Islands". Mrs. Bob Dalton is a patient in Wingham hospital. WE FEATURE FLAVOR CRISP CHICKEN Pressure Fried — Juicy 'n Tender' 6 Days a Week — TUESDAY to SUNDAY at the regular price. SPECIAL TUESDAY TAKE-OUT ONLY Snack pack consists of two pieces of chicken, cold slaw, french fries and roll 80c SPECIAL Reg. 90c WONG'S GRILL. SEAFORTH— PHONE 527-0920 • %or A •