HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-03-03, Page 8THE WINGIIAM TIMES, MARCH 3,1893. 9+ t 1 issued the first } of w new magazine and Metre, devot- to politic*, science, likoivature, an known as "The Magazine." t is to be publish- tby the Chita io Publishing Co., 11 setelP tny. Mr. i , Gordon Mowat s 00.45*) is the .• 'tor. The list of bntors inoludes iva y of ° the most lower men in: Can Idian public life, them kion. Wilfre l Laurier, R. S. b M. P., A. MoNei 1, statesmen, and 11 number also of a is and graceful vi on a variety of pop lar topics. The It issue contains a good number 01 Mt. D'Altou McGirr hy, Q. C., M. I'.,. with "Tho Menito a Public School and Principal G nt with "Anti - Sal Features of the ationel Policy," 15f..3.I3leclietock i a well-written ko.The Norsemen he Discoverers of '•," attacks Cole .us and presents at is new to mo : t readers regard - Columbian disc veries and settle- lan Ulla continent. Prof. Wirt. Clarke, ty College, r'to thoughtfully of trier and Manner " "In the Shadow ;$.r'Ctio" is the t' le of an illustrated 4311 • XIudson's +ay, by W. W. Fox. trustratious are giod. The magazine eimeet with tho cordial support of oiltelligent Can diem' The snbscrip- f 42,50 per anim . Publishers : The Iwo Publishing Co. Ltd., Manning Toronto. 'oI An Old Friend. as? I3 Flauuagau, formerly with J 1u ,Y: Co, tanners, Wuagham, now of qr, writer, to 0 E Williams, saying : send me by express two bottles %f pleatbiield's Healipg Balsam. I 9It0 best cough inedioiue I eaa get. 541d not be without it in onr family. lure troy kiud of cough or cold and nimeddate relief. 1 recommend it to Id \Viugham friends and cannot i hi .fly of it." is biueerely yours, P. B. FLANNAGAN. 1s1e at Williams' Drug Store, at 500 6ei Huron Pos Offices. towing is a st tement of the busi- in the mon y order offices in 'iniot, and the r venue of " the res- ostmastors i addition to rent n OROS It BEVER wi,....:$ 405 bG , .... 590 412 rt ,... 1,570 501 :4 .... 4,655 1,332 1e4...... 704 265 ka.. 479 2,25' .�. . 613 . 5,57/ . 766 n .,• ;'. �, 1,015 297 .:.. 4,907 35.9 a3 ., 4,531 hsa, . 987 04....., 796 MONEY INCOME ORDERS OP POST- E. ISSUED. MASTER. 558 $ 184 746 330 114 197 772 566 1,972 942 1,556 291 217 865 284 1,958 304 397 151 1,690 156 1,273 309 280 n tN PERT 673 a , 4,146 n'......: 5,283 .... 5,593 ..12,084 393 I,502 439 2,915 619 629 144 2,801 153' 1,977 574 464 209 2,024 1,461 2,640 3,975 ower Wi ghara. 1 wing is the report of Lower 'ublio school .r the month of The names are put in the 0 Brit. 4th of as, Luke King, Orval Mores n, john Currie, later, Nell Beckett, Jessie erne Maeda& 5, ]wank .hill, ham, 3rd sen or, Jennie Day, ie, Mabel Har ead, Milton ea Cark't 8rd unior, ,James (Alin Martin Eadie Welsh, 2nd senio , George Ansley, okshauk,. inuie Campbell, iellwood, Jo u Bing, George 1 girt Murdoch, Birdie Johnston, Jennie ampbell, George ?deaden : 5, Hannah Bug-, Campbe 1, Nellie Graham on, Julia Linklater, Maud sauces t reeu, rannie Gil rebn.m. 2nd junior, Meliss. a Phip• en, Rhoda Elford, h, Ann e Novena, Charles e Curl „Lizzie Eotter. v The ce c using the mouth was 328 1,321 1,160 1,674 3,324 Vtu. IIARTLEV, Teacher. toVSral c wiz Lowry and family their now horue in n, M. A., was recently terse of 128.25 by I noh iu recoguition of his Eor during the vacancy, heese buyer, Listowel, e from iris annual bull- ` de centres of Great. pnrts very dull times aitish Isles. Be will be e usual when the cheese ode to induce Messrs, extend their fouudr� T1XX; Ur. )i .l)etwile county, is viaitiug. and Howlek, tide we berry. t Roseville, Waterloo 'h'lends in '1<'urnberry 6k. Turuberry retepe, era. will .find the, Auditors' report of tto account* of the Township Treasurer u page three of this. issue. From it they ill learn thelinen- oial standing of the to uship. Teesw ter. Mr. George. Maurer formerly a mer- chant in Teeswater, d d ou Friday last at Woodburn, Oregon from "dropsy and kidney disease. Mr. surer was highly respected while a resid: ut here. He was a member of Court Victoria, No. 52, Osteadiaw Order of oresters, and his widow will receive i1,0i0 from the outlaw - mint fund of the Ord r, as well as sick and funeral beuefits t the extent of about 550. MY DEAR Tiaras, -1' ° Biggar ,folks can say without a bit of b.. stiug that London is big but Biggar is iggar, Now, sir, iu this dismal winter Tether, I have no heart to write up my rat trip to Newbig- giug. The very tho ght of it smite to inake you %od me th= Blue noses o1 Wes- teru Ontario. So t en with your kind leaye, I would crave > ace for some weeks to ruu a parallel etweeu Biggar and Edina, Scotia's day ug seat, where Sir Walter Scott was boy', and where I spent the happiest years of my chequere3 life. This I mean to do omewhat after the manner of the Welsh Huellen, who tries his hand at a historic 1 parallel betweeu Alexauder the Great t id henry of Mon- mouth.' And this is the way it runs : There's, a river in M co8ou and a river in Wales, and: they are ike as my fingers to my fingers, and th.re are salmon in both, The passage necu s in a historical play of Shaltespeare's ut es the book is not at haed,I have to qu,te from memory. W. Lrrncotw. Gorri A large crowd of the 1 ading citizens of Wroxeter and Corrie :serubled in the town hull last Friday eveiug to listen to a debate between four lotted speakers belonging to theWroxeter ud Gorrie debat i lig' clubs, on the subject 'Resolved, that • Britishconnection is prefe atiou," The Gorrie ape the affirmative. After debate cf about two ho length, the decision was g the affirmative by only a Wroxete On Thursdsy evening of Harris, wife of Mr Geo. this place, died very sud disease. She had been iu during the daX.,,__The dece 78th year, sud was bother William, George and R.• Turuberry. Mr. Henry Smith, of Br chased the planing mill, al its full capacity. The Presbyteciaus are p sheds in connection 'with t The Young People's Lit ble to annex- ers supported an interestiug s and a half in u in favor of ew points. last week, Mrs. arris, sr., of enly of heart er usual health sed was in her of Messrs.Johu, B. Harris, of seals, has pur- d will ruu it to sting up large e new church. rary and Debat- ing,Sodiety elected the .f.i lowing officers DA a recent meeting: Dr. Fortune, presi- dent; Robert Farrell, vice-president; John Thompson, secretary ; David Rae, trea- surer. • Messrs. Wenger Bros. large flouring mill in Ayton, tvaitdestroyed by fire on Satur- day night last. Lass about 8840,000 ; dn- sured for 518,000. IMO Bo1EtN. • Peace/um- 'Cu Culross,on February 24th, the wife of Mr. John Falconer; a daugh- ter. - GiiELLEw-1n Blyth, t o wife of Mr. J. H. Ginsox—In Morrie, wife of Mr. Jos. Gibso mn.Rtt 1'LEariva—mAnns— the bride's parents, on Rev. W. H. Geddes, of J. Fleming, of Dakota, second daughter of M.T. Bast Wawanosb. ,MITA—,*memos-- A the residence of the bride'sparents, Mo vis, ou February 22nd, by•Rev. W. G. Reilly, of Brussels, Mr. Alex. Smith,to Miss ,lane A. Sholc it e, both of Morris. Fetuteu—Tnollso.:—At the residence of the bride's mother, Hay, on February 15th, by Rev, S. Acheson, Mr. John Flukey, of EastWawanosh, to Marion, daughter of Mrs. G. Thomson. , DIED InWingham, (flANan._. ary, Margaret Rankin Richard Rankin, aged months. n February 19th, Bellew ; a son, u February 9th, the ; a daughter. ED. t the residence of arch 1st, by the Whitechurch, Mr. to Miss Rachel, James Martin, of n the 23rd Feb - daughter, of Mr. 7 years and 3 Nlcl/oz.-•In Morris, on February 16th, David Nichol, aged 30 yea s, 6 menthe and 8 days. STittcrni —'In Grey, on February 22nd, Isabel Margaret Dunbar, second daughter of Mr. Thomas Strachan, aged 20 years, 7 Months and 14 days. ]3Annfe- Tr, Wroxeter, on the 23rd Feb. rusty, the beloved wife of Mr, George Harris, er,, aged 77 years, 10 months and 23 day*. WINC"HA,M FOUNDRY JAS, MUitB Yak GO, Maeufseturors el Land Rollers, glows, Gaug Plows, etc, General (Wangs in iron and Brass fur- nished to order. Ouo Cham ion Single Reaper, in good repair, for mile cheap, JAS. MURRAY it 00, Wingham, Ont. HOUSE AND LO The undersigned offers fol situated on Scott street, nt Mrs. P, Burney, for sale, rooms down stairs and a tar ed and fixed off. The prop terms by applying to M or MISS THAREIP OALi3 FOR SALE. sale the house and lot to the resklenee of he house oontains six e upstairs, well paint. ty win he sold on easy . F. BUItNEY, Scott Street, AITU. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will promises, Park Lot 46, W ter White Boar. Terms— with privilege of returnln cep for service on the ghain Town Plot, a Chas. cents at time of service or 81.25 If not so paid, M. CAMPBELL, Pro ariator, AGENTS Wanted—lady agents e for The Unparalleled Ann Worst*. Apply MAPA;f STEN ANTED. rywhere to801icit cordon; Imo health Corsets and NS, Gest, .trent, 7 Manefleld street, eientreel, Osea4a, NEW BUT H, ', LE, Has opened a bu oppoeite the Hurek Fresh and cured Give him a call, HER SSOP atioal Butoller, her shop in the stand bakery, Beta always on hand, H. G. LEE, " TIMES" A11 parties for the "TIM 1891 and 1892 mit the ameu money and h be sufficient, response will . UBSCRICERS. o have not pard 8" for the year, re requested to re. at once. We aeed e this notice will 5 that a general e the result. R. ELLiOTT. Are determined to clear out the bal- ance of their I -i 1 irro,...), ) Before stock taking, and in order to effect a speedy ' clearance, will give a CASH MOUNT F Think of it. Ten cents returned to you out of every dollar. Every ar- ticle in our shop is marked in plain figures, and owing to the low prices prevailing for all kinds of grain, our prices are correspondingly low so, with they above big discount, you may have the. •cheapest goods in Canada. Call early and get first choic. GORDON&z McINTYRE, The Anchor House. edoeppialeipir ;leo Ij if15lIltlliriiliilll! M. H. MCINDOO'S. H. McIND00. CARPETS AND LACE CURTAINS.. We carry a large stock and more different patterns and qualities in Carpets and Lace • Cur- tains than any other house in town. Good,. Carets and Lace Curtains have a lasting beauty, artistic finish and gives a furnished appearance to the room. Poor carpet gives its purchaser no satis- factory results. Our prices for the good kind is not much higher than the price charged for the poor kinds by small dealers. Come and see our' Carpets and Lace Curtains; get familiar with them; find out our ideas about Carpets; use our time as though it were your own. Make selections at once, before the rush begins. We will cut and match Carpets in a first class manner. 1-1 UT P I .. You will order your spring attire from us. You will if you want the best for the least money and becoming garments that will please in wear and perfect fatting. Our assortment is very large, comprising all that's new in spring styles. We want your trade, and will get it f you know the value of your dollars, and where they will procure the most for you, at G -EO. E. KING. hat the P6opIe Say. That our new Prin Ls and Dress Goods are uhZe nicest des:ig._ys ever shown in. Wingh.E.Ln-] . Call and see them before you 'buy. Yours truly, G- 1.11_ The The PopuLia? I RN Jo Store This ace', ee � ve for ALEX. ROSS. 0