HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-03-03, Page 7Aphgrie ns,
Trus valor lien in the reiddle,between
cowardiceand rashness,
'Klee eame viGee which are tinge and
insupportable hi, others we do not feel
in ourselves.
Trust lies at, the basis of Avery
t life,and is the r
s ilA-i l
aoliein of Huh �
etone. of the temple of lumhaen ppi-
Affection,like elanchGly, magnifies
Temperance, iv the noble eense,does
net mean n subdued and imperfect
energy. ;. -it dors not mean a stopping
short in any good thing aa in love er
in. faith; bat it means the power whish
goverua the most intense energy and
prevents it acting in any way but as
it ought.
A wise roam will make haste to for.
give, because he knows the full value
of time, and will not suffer it to pass
away in unnecessary pain.
Artistic, %Vorkrn.en, Sometimes Pound ttr
the Heart of the Park Continent..
The Balubans, a the natives of the
Muansanyomma district of central Af-
rica are styled, enjoy an excellent local
This is Meant For 'Volt.
xekierkeu too ai<r11K and 'Waned.
A successful diver lhlil t possess great
courage and nerves of 1. tea. Such a
than, .connected with a 'go wrecking
connpanY, was visiting ; e pearl fish -
erica in the Galt of Cali' rnma. On one
of leis trips ie. quest of t e pearl oyster
he bad a narrow escape f''ni a fearful
noted, never
until lie lead
rtunatoly he
g filled his
shovel -nosed
r the diver
d quickly to
o delude the
tohed every
mitten by a
el tail. Time
:r conceived:
ark by stir-
thea rtcrude mxaterial n the form of bog t death. He lead bel
iron ore on the surface of the land. It to o air tfip anthe
Moto bottom, m,
rarely happens that digging to au AP -Heeded ad&7OU Ha
preoiable depth is necessary. The smelo bag, he , the advice,
ing furnaces, which are constructed bag, 1 sight of a uick
clay, are described by Ijond h. Iron as i shark sight him.
from 6 to 10 feet high, from 40 to 60 in' was a wage rnck, Ids neo
Inches in diameter.at the base and cont- j the other side of it, lhopin'j
cal in shape. Theore is, tipped into 1 ferocious monster. Butt.
the furnace from above; the a arcoal,on did work, the ellaxk
the other hand, is introduced into basin.- didvo not work,
changing its
like side openings, which also receive a + slight motion a his power
continuous air blast, while the iron and was
precious, and the di
slag are removed from the bottom of the the idea of blinding the
furnace about every eight or twelve Hours ; ring up the mud, Under Over of that
according to the degree of heat ob he might escape. He vvorl ed far deal
t feed The forge is a circular build life and had the water th lc with mud
ing, some sixteen feet in diameter, with . in less than half a rain
a pointed roof and open side. Ata this ' around the rock again, h
tanee it might be taken for a park band surface, stet
stand. In the center of this hat is the ; to rears, havingv. silo barely the 1
fire, which is nnaintained to constant ac•- l hauled on board just as t
tivity by. means of a unique pair of bel- ;
eater made a rusk for
lows, winch merit a special description. Leslie's 11Iagazine.
They consist of a bloc of wood, gener-
ally twenty inches long, hollowed out 1 the
and fitted with a funnel head made out 1 -mat o re Called
how Snowere
nrains 27x7 the
of clay. At the lower end are two ori -So by northern
flees, over 'Which skins aro stretched. 1 tropics inay be gleaned
Motion is imparted to the instrument by • readers from a few items in the West
the action of two small rods. The hank- Indian newspapers relative to the
neer is of solid iron; the tongs are mar- I "autumn shows,"One
' itis noted
' a booed
vele of simplicity --to wit: A bent palm , that on a previous
branch. An iron wedge driven into a I occurred on the car line at Nortli street,
timber hole serves as an anvil. t one of the ears whit linable to waterwross
The recollections of the Balubans 1 the gully,
carry them back to the time when they rushing like a river."Another day
wrought metals with stone tools. Some several gangs of men were reported out
of the natives are comparatively artistic ; repelling the
"showers done to of the previous
workers. Very fine axes, tastefully in- tracks by e had
laid g thescopper,
swarthy artificers, it should , "clearingduced. Strikes aup tt he. debrithe s washed down
amongthe showers." At a celebration the.
be noted, are of comparatively rare oc- by
currence, probably owing to the fact people were detained in the building
that the malcontents invariably have over
ld •enewere kept fre hours by om school one daye showers. .
It is truly said that oue half of the world
does not know how the other half lives..
Comparatively few of us have perfect
health, o wing to the impure condition of
our blood. But we rub along frow day to
day; with scarcely a thought, unless forced
to our attention, of the thousands all about
ns who are suffariug from scrofula, salt
rheum and other Porious blood disorders,
and .whose agouieecan only be imagined.
The marked success of Flood's Sarsaparilla
for these troubles, as shown in our adver-
tising columns frequently, certainly seems
to justify urging the use of this excellent
medicine by all who know that their blood
is disordered. Every claim iu .behalf of
Hood's Sarsaparilla is fully "backed up by
what the medicine has done and is still
doing, and when its proprietors urge i s i their heads lopped off and their skins Ci71 1
d its use upon ail who Buffer placed on one side for patching, or in And there have been tunes when the
case of need entirely recovering the ' '•s lowandehbusir ens hadevelosehad to be d into etas
aforesaid curious bellows. rains,
pended in Kingston, even to the extent
Long Bair and. Genius. I of new a mearvelours s suspending
the publication.country
e. Slipping
rose to the
igth enough
�aat, and was
7e voracious
him, --Frank
To General ¥erchente and Boot and Shoo Stores,
c o , s, .r.„ ,•, -..,..y in connection with any Leather liusiness i keep
G5 55U rim .•t,r : . r hall stock at
Cures Coasumptlou, Co , d rn r Guarantee. ore { ^t i. ( t
Throat. Sold by all Druggists ry (1 j� 001 -Vie
11 1 Chest 8hiioli'a Parou0 Y i i.�l.� fJ A 44 cl
L S; St ac •• ar
Fore 4Wil - i , �. eentQ.
Plaster Will give rre�t�atistaGtioe,—:,r
x p
w. `V
a t
�+ n.s
Dir'. T fait's wouzp v.ed) or LIEN.' 1
nsid iterolocs ren oradehilitatedsnetem
XQ iikTitihfi7Jc5tremedyf
Xavertiled: t`orleysp0P a I,lyeror= dt7ey
trouble It =tee. Tei ice 770 cis.
'I 11 ITS e*R�CA"T'AR tH
Iii E E, D
BaveyouCatarrh? Tryti
positively relieve and Caro
Wins Injector for iti mime
Orefield ea nu e at herem
ou. Price fO pts
ful treatment is
hpl a sfeet' dt
Hathaway, wlritinores, ' snoilt, French Areesber,
.id ate, In 10, 15 and 55c
r xb 's PortedK ,
e B' ,
sleet!,L*s Uy the gross or dozens, JacgOot's French
Blacking and Gray's cl}nae waterproof.
in Leather, Horsehide, Lrngtisltu Kip, Porpoise,
Cotton and Rifle, in atlient;titx.
Button fasteners and setts, ebrk doles, 4c.
Irter1Ln au
from de-
grees, impure blood,
tain y m an to or
Ail lives have more or Less of
shadow ; but, es in nature, so the 1 Long hair was in vogue among mum -
, But t Ie
sunshineclouds make the all the clans and artists long after it ceased to freshens up after the showers makes
be worn by the rest of mankind, says a them not only welcome, but simply de-
lightful -New York Sun.
brighter from companion,
Bad Blood Cured.
Gattrizm t, --I have used your Burdoel:
Blood Bitters for bad blood and has altogether disappeared, and lengthy
find it,
without exception, the best purifying tonic I locks only linger nowadays, with a few
in use A. short time ago two very large exceptions, on the head of the musician.
and painful boils came on the back of my Indeed, this
uxri thatchon B. B. B. completely drove them away. pegrcise .potentainfluence
1 emuzL BLAuu, Toronto Jnnotion. tiudlencea fox it tsblo 7piat et a xouthe
--^�`�� tour, there was
a •
• the
The noted American divine, Rev.
T. tie It ' cut. 1171 p thin • that muse- • beef, one. -London T7 l
London, cm church 10. 1 it 7s an extraordinary te one people left i _ roetirl
writer in the London Graphic. The , ivilt►t So Got.
long-haired artist with his velvet coat,
his sombrero and his mysterious cloak Gn ter GOt any good roast beef ?
WaQuest-Bring me one of your best
cuts. 1 want, it tender, juicy, not too
well done, not too raw, and with very
little gravy. Have the fat and lean
about equally divided, and be particular
t to cut the slice thick, and don't for -
And if persevered in will
Positively Core the Worst Cases
agreement ofa notable about to
go on a foreign special . get the horse -radish. Can you remem-
clause that he shall not have his hair i ber all that 't
s ossibly is an invention, but Waiter -Yes, sir. . (Loudly.) Roast
Witt Talmage, will lecture in
For Sale by All Druggists
And Wholesale, by 1.0NDON
DKtG CO., ]Lofldolm Ont.
Canadian Pacific Bait
Trains arrive and depart as follows 1
LEAs l,o
1;355.1„1U ... •.....,ForTarou
2400 p. u1 For !scorer metet
Y400 p mn „
10:10 p. mn •p
10:16 '
S"x A V-1 +SRV fir+ Via,
- —TIME. 'i'ASi,£,
Axanyl% AT Sytt:AitAM {
LEAVE0:35oo.WIT eon
G:SG Harr.xoiohto,cluolpU,i'ahueratOn,,ka. s:;<+1,•w
1 „ „ 10,0,2 ..
11:50 .1 " " Clinton, ,1
3:50 1141114 .... Palmerston, tfiaed iQ 40 .sti..l
' r 0, .71rx
0:4f, a nr:.,...... Louden t, d ? .d,ra
1:5 pan. 4.0ew
I7 i0a.nr iitucerdine, ao .. •.,• 27:20
3:82 son Hite 7111p.
Simon Alma, bal and 01 and ;,,e wale. Kip and edit ;
also native kip lid upper. tip, nhsh and slaughter I
Best brands on hand hl oak: ariil hemlock. Specie
took for traces in oak.
Patron:we solicited. Prices iynaranteed, A pasta
card will secure euoflttoi ora calf from my Crave
Josephine Street - - • Wilaliam, fent.
I Clans are well nighY A.I ellovc x �, Etc.
RueuelAnse Om n IN A Der. --South -1 who give but limited employment to the
better than little boy -Ht door ? Little Oh,
American Rheumatic (lure of Rheumatism , shears of the barber. It is� also a fact Mother --How do you like thatnew
read Neuralgia radios ley cures in 1 to 5
days. Its action up on the system is re
markable ane myste nous, It removes at
once the cause of the disease immediately
disappears. • The first dose greatly bene-
fits. 75 cents. Werra nted at Chisholm's
drug store.
______.,• -.--
A bulletin on road making, prepared
J. A. HAI,s'rsD, I W. Scorn,
Mount Forest. Listowel.
by James Bell, civil engineer, of St.
Thomas has just been issued by the
Ontario department of aerioniture.
A Cure for Dyspe six xa.
Dyspepsia is a prolific abuse of such dis-
eases as bad blood, constitution, headache
and liver complaint. Burdock Blood Bit- ; v, 11c 7
terr is guaranteed to cure or relieve dyspep- : be the means of the introduction oi <listnrbance.
f a ;
•'froctfons. Thous- 1 race of long-haired men, Officer (who recognizes a personal
nettles gonglit on Sunday. ' friend.) -Ah, that's all right. He walks
Many of the most famous battles of that way.
history have been b d - you positive -
tion with the nail g To go no further
College at Guelpli, is in operation. Hing of the present century, the battle ly ashamed to meet your creditors,
of `Fylati, won February 8, 1807, by Madison?
Napoleon over the Russians and. Pries- 1
Madison Gall -I don't meet thele. Do
TO i signs, and the battle of Friedland, June you suppose I world associate with such
14, 1801, Won by Napoleon over the same neoplev
pOINT141JNT, •"'L.•1i r HISS. AIa?..T1+'G•TY
so t.rt" � nboth fought on Sunday. On
soar =Nam. me tj'.
sin if used aceordmg
ands have tested it with great results.
147 an I.x
The School of Dairying In Agricultural
l 1 i b 1 fought on Sunday. I
i Ontario 'o AariOultm al , f tl er back than the begin i Murray Brown -Aren't
Deposits Received and Interest
Money Advanced et to and
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale cotes bought
at fair valuation. ;Honey remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
that their hair flourishes a er a
most people's. I have recently heard a • I like himwell enough, but I don't like
theory that the great prevalence of bald- j his mother. Mother Why not 2 Lit-
ness in the present day is entirelyuei int c Sya s jusre tbas parte. trtic-t Sr abt t
to the constant cslose cropping,
which ! has existed for the last five and twenty Smith's Good News.
years. If yon look at the portraits of Thankful Rope.
celebrities of thirty or forty years ago, pain's lots of holiday ufor in ope.
you will be perfedtly astonished at the : At least 1 hopes der is,
carefully arranged coiffure which mean- ( Aldo ens de times couldturh'dly be
dared over their coat collars, and you
j Much wuss fur me an'Liz.
feel inclined to begin singing, "Get yet 1 Heber was so pott'fnl pore,
'air cut," -without further delay. You I But I'll be thankful yit.
will also be amazed to learn that most 1 InFrl �tfur z hate•' had,rat Pso ;; but more
of them retained this extraordinary
growth to the end- of their days. It is Caution. '
sincerely to be hoped that the theory Citizen -Why don't yon arrest that
•1 ' 1 has recently been started will not { rllan2 lie's drunk. He's creating a
c wgATW.
TRADE *mule%
instate PATENTS,
COPYI Ug14Ts eta
For information and free Handbook write to .
BUNN & CU., 807 BaooAnwAv, N aw Yei71
Oldest bureau, for securing patents is eme
invert pstent taken out by us 4a brouglitbef
the public by anotioe given ireo of obarge in
cr dis i ig4
Largest circulation Of any solentrflopaper is 41t
world. 5plendidl7 illustrated. No intelllg
Tanner and Leather Merchant, ymear,shoula1 o th°s'.'tJadraaso2211bh5r3bto f2
WING llaal YUBisartEirs, 3152 rO ,a ray, H9W Xartc City l
gents in Canada ---The Merchants' Baal:
of Canada •
Office Boum—Prom it a. 10. to 5 p. sn.
If you
be White
as Snow,
wIIn german allies, were
May 21 1806 Napoleon was • The ;Division of Labor..
ft, f� o D Sunday. 1 ay , y Priscilla -So you have finished your
defeated. at h Baling; on Sunday, May 2, ; 1.;
1818, vvon the victory of Lutzen; and on college course, AIr. Mudhedde. Was it
a. }I ]`?�.., .r y 18 181`' yeas overthrown hard work for you?
Waterloo. Welhngtnn besides Wa- Mi1dheclde No,
11 greatest etc herd for my tutor.
xiecauee S U' N l) I G H'.F
nU.ik is perfectly' entre,
"end contains 110 Injuri-
ous C,nenlicals to injure
either your clothes or
your hands. Greatest
caro i8 exorcised in its
manufacture, and i t s
gualityis so appreciated
by the nubile that it line
Soap in the Vito la any
�t do
Can you test txais? If
you. )kayo Hoye tried
tboso wile use it whet
they think of it, then try
itforyoursclf. The re-
sult wilt nicest you, and.
your clothes will 1.e
washed in far less time,
with Less Labour,
Greater Comfort and
will bo whiter than t y
Immo ever been b foto,
when you need ordautry
Sunday, June , 15,but it was deuced 4 i0
at atex oo. •Ij le
terloo, won several ofhis •ase44
vories on Sunday, being victorious at ___ ---
Vilneira. in Portugal, August 21, 1808; , A. common superstition.
at Fuentes de Onoro, May 5, 811atHarry -'I suppose we will have rain .A
healing virtues of the Pine
=billed in w wie th
he soothing
" • corers ie wrfh the ctoral herbexpectorant
and bars.
ropertios of other p
.-loarseness,Asthma Bronchitis, Sore Throat,
roup and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL, and
,Silo G DISEASES. Obstinate coughsowti
f r' eist other remedies yield promptly
•' pleasant piny syrup.
ra:41Ok= co o Aiv130 r) 5 oOuanER EOTTL-E.•
Othez, February 27, 1814; at Tarbes. soon.
March 20, 1814, and at Toulouse, April gate -Why, Harry, there isn't a cloud
10, 1814, all these battles being fought in sight,
�N� brit I have on m stent
on Sunday. During the civil war in Harry-No,
y p
this country the first battle of Bull Run, . le
July 21. 1801, was fought on Sunday, ; Natural Inference.and the battle of Chickamauga, Soptem- ;
ber 10 and 20. 1808, ended on Sunday. Inquiring Friend -But after the ruffians
Vicksburg was surrendered on Satur"- had ki jed tl ou town your and
pockets whyy
clay, July 4, 1809. and fOrrnally.occu lied were going ry ooilg
Ori Sunday, the following clay, an on didn't -you.
the same day Lee began his retreat from Collerre y'reshtnan--I thought it was a
Gettysburg. petersbitrg fell on Sim- lot of sophs hazing me.
day, April ee 1865, and on the following ,Itis Rosiness.
Sunday Lee sllrrondered.-St. Louis De- 1„chat do you do lists?” asked a
mocrat` ^� _ ..._.. 1 visitor to the diene museum of the
ail ppo preacher
fromn mountainn was
church dwarf.
` I amuse the public in a small way,"
in Kentucky, and, being an old-fash- ' replied the little man Exchange.•
toned Orthodox minister, he
was making 'What a Cap of Chocolate Can lto.
his sermon very WWII. In fact, it was
more than
x d1y all thit WAS e terrors lot Ho set 1 An enthusiastic of the here 1 affirms that for those wish to keep
after o wicked, describing
minutely! imagination fresh d vig
orous clue -
e boiling brimstone,ue, thebzingto rolate isthebeverageofbeverages
rents ofpitch andterelt mcleiedteytos
fil cauldron of stineburning. ftnd imp of chocolate mmiaafwad
tx-wing the sinners floating, about and will nyeaireedigestionwyfor a good hours
1 1
not the best way to de• vxitltiug and sgtt7x7ning 7n the avvfu to l
byids the nrina First
enquiring what the ` idly below. The congregation
l egx reatest was
ti llnes ' vtotes to brainrecommended
the hoursh o fl finds should
exerience is of thoeo icily atter ted and g
whd alrettidy Hao t, prevailed, every member listening Dent= teals recobed;
d;stto every
dull; to all who
Seeondly�by a tart trial � I
eosin:M You aro not , temay, with
until one tall her'sgn fellow, •alts there uin the ti e; and, d the
aeinsntttod in . any l ';),°
c ? cle7itly' vvitll t1ri �� preacher's
up,tan clear.. nn find the air tlatnp�p, the tiifio long and the
souse the goo , a ly before his , , y fll, tel these tai tormented with a
it the ,. petit slay, tri
iirtirri n;gat fratihi0: dtoy. protesting voice ter, tem ee o) to s I traottght.
�:. 'Sy gum,�mister, thorn people can't flxt,d idea, have lost then' freedom tlf
e •i* it * i 1 sta ttl it."
Cheap for KAS EL
rl "Backache the scavengers
,A) means the kid- of the system.
`. nays are in "Delay is
ri trouble. Dodd's dangerous. Neg-
1(kiney Pills give looted kidney
c8 prompt relief " troubles res u l t
t "75 par cent. in BadBlood,
oIrdisease is Dyspepsia, Liner
st caused by Complaint, and
disordered kid- t he most dan-
gerous ofall,
rays, g
"Might as well BrightS Disease,
R rhcat'tlrhaotty Dropsy
114 without 'l sewer- 'the above
age as good diseases cannot
nth h e ,
c, health .when the exist where
41 kidneys are Dodd's Kidneyy
"' clogged, they are Pills are used.' )
sow by all dealers orscatby station receipt
of price go cents. per box es six for $a.30.
C'1 itr. L. A. Smith S: Co. Toronto, Write for
it) bink csa+gym.IlIdnSY'r r4k.
$lsoa tettiolly for t!atarrh is the
np�t lzesie6t to l and Mumma.
sold by draggists or sent by *nail,
toe. V.V.'n5zeltioe.worm pit,
toves5 X .: toy(
All intending purchasers of stoves fo
winter will. save money by buying from
Having bought• a very large variety o
.11-%', 0001
S rT -O
to choose from
i 'Der .. stove guaranteed against break1
to give complete satisfaction..
tiihnghivthaty Uotober 9511 1841.