HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-01-25, Page 12ihmmt .HyRoN EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., .14.14. fa, 197 S OF Egmondvme The inaugural meeting of the Hullett township council was held in Londesboro Hall. Present for the opening cere- monies were Rev. Stan Mac- SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 News of Auburn Mr. Jim Leddy is in St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener where he had surgery last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kline, Angela and Melissa from Waterdown, spent the weekend with Mrs. Kline's parents, Mt, and Mrs. Ted Red- mond. A card party •was held in the parish hall Friday night, 10 tables playing. High lady, Mrs. Jim Leddy; second, Mrs. Gus Red- mond; High man, Bill VanAsh, Kingsbridge; second, Charles Fowler, Dunganon, Lucky door Prize, Jim Finelon. Next party in two weeks. Many friends in Auburn District are glad to hear Mr. Eugene Devereaux is so improved after his recent illness that he is able to go to his office in Orangeville where he is manager of Beaver Lumber Company. He has moved his wife and family from Alliston to Orangeville. Eugene is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Devereaux of St. Au- gustine. Smiles . . . People who cough never go to the doctor. They go to movies and concerts. Sign in a paint and wallpaper store: “Any husband choosing colors must have a note from his 'wife." orreoponded Mrs. Rena Caldwell Seaforth Community Hospital Restriction of VISITING HOURS. Due to the large number of flu cases re- ported, the Seaforth Community Hospital, on the advice of their Medical Staff, are restrict- ing visitiO hours. Only the immediate family will be allowed to visit any patients. As soon as the flu season passes these re- strietimis will be lifted. Thank you for your co-operation. GORDON McKENZIE, Administrator. n OD DEALER (DU 4 Pair Only Ladies' high fashion BOOTS Our regular price 11.88 .00 Pr. Boys' JEANS Flair legs, assorted striped patterns, sizes 8 to 16 Values from 4.99 to 8.99 .77 Pr. Wool & Wool Blend Materials assorted colors and fabrics Reg. 4.77 & 5.77 yd. .78 Yd, Men's Green Work Clothes Finest imported quality Pants 3 37 • Shirts 2.5 7 ayella Knitting Yarn 6 All the latest colors Reg. 89c ball 2/1.34 9 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. I.T.B. '"INTERNATIONAL .1-" TRADER'S BONUS FINANCE CHARGES WAIVED! THE EARLIER YOU BUY . . . THE BIGGER THE BONUS BIGGEST CASH BONUS EVER! Finance Charges Waived until just prior to season of use. Covers most equipment. SEE us Now for full details. BIG Trade-Ins . BIG Savings Big Cash BONUS MAKE YOUR DEAL NOW! VINCENT ma FARM EQUIPMENT 1 91) jt_ohit twit AYR - GALT-SEAFORTH Phom2 527-0120 .„. r Correspondent Mrs. Charles Geddes ..„ Donald of Londesboro United Church, members of the grade eight class of Hullett Central School and several ratepayers. 'Following the oath of office administered by Clerk Clare Vincent, council called on Mr. MacDonald for a brief address. Mr. MacDonald called the inaug- ural ceremony one of the most significant services in a mun- icipality and said that so often it slips by unnoticed. He said he was glad to see school child- ren and other interested people' preSent for what could be the last inaugural meeting in Hullett if regional government is brought in. He challenged the councillors to be rebels. He Said there were two kinds of rebellions the destructive kind such as the riot- ing in the streets he had seen while he was a minister in Regina or the natural, purposeful, stim- ulating creative style of rebell- ion which brings progress. He urged the councillors to he the latter kind of rebel. Deputy Reeve Charles Scanlon was the first of the members of council to address those Present. He said people had come to take for granted the fact that there, would always be a council but that if the government continued its present course, they would soon be phased out. He said local councils have been in op- eration for many years and have been beneficial to the commun- ity. - He said inflation was one, of the biggest headaches facing he council in the coming' year be- cause it made. it hard for coun- cil to continue to provide ser- vices ithout raising taxes. , E h of the other three coun- , cill s, Miltop Dale, JohnJewitt, and Tom Duizer, spoke saying they did not know what problems the coming year 'held for them but they would try to deal , with problems as best they could. Clare Vincent told those pres- ent that all regular council meetings are open to the. public and they are welcome to come and see the workings of council. Resolutions adopted included: - That the Clerk thank Mr. McDonald for his attendance at the meeting and his inspiring talk. - That we issue Building per- mits to T. Tiesma and K.Thomp- son to erect barn and barn addition respectively. - That we give a grant of $50.00 to 'the Salvation Army. - T,hat the Clerk pay mem- bership fees to The Association of Municipalities of Ontario; The Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities; and The Ontario Farm DFainage Association. - That the Clerk notify all owners on the Harding Drain of a meeting on the 30th of Jalr . Trhya. t -we set January 30th, for Court of Revthion on tax adjustments. . - That we appoint Milton Dale, Tom Duizer, Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Kenneth Hulley, John , Radford, Dolores HOwatt, Percy Gibbings, and president of the Women's Institute to the Londes- boro Hall Board. VLSI ors w , Mr. an• MrS. ' Leo Teatero and family were Mr. and Mrs. George• Tovell and family of West Hill, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradely of London. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ,Ron. Brady were Mr. and Mrs. George Mulholland of Stratford. One 4-H Homemaker Leader Is needed for an Egmondville 4-H Club. This Club is a very interesting one "Sportwear from Knits" and the training school is Thursday, February 8 and Friday, February 9 from IQ a.m.until 3:30 p.m. in the Legion Hall, Seaforth. If anyone is interested in helping with this Club, please contact Mrs. Erlin Whitmore, 4-H Co-Ordinator, Phone 527- 1958. Kippen East hosts former members, The Agriculture Meeting„ of Kippen East W.I. wa s held in the Legion Hall, Hensall when each member invited a former member. After a delicious pot- luck dinner, Mr. Stan Paquette, from the ministry of Agriculture and Food, Clinton, showed pictures of his trip through Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland with the Beef producers tour. Miss Ruth Skinner, .District President, spoke briefly, announcing that the District Annual will be on May 18 and the Officers -Conference..- will be held at waterlo0 Uni- versity. The Roll Call was answered by ,,What part of the farming operation is allotted to the wife?" Mrs. Al Hoggarth Commented on the motto; f ,Run- ning people down is a bad habit whether you are a motorist or a gossiji." Mrs. Glen Bell gave a reading, "Look beyond the Winter". A skit, "A Great Saving" was presented with Mrs. Robert Kinsman taking the part of Mrs. Potter and Mrs. James Drummond as Mr. Potter. The Institute will sponsor three 4-H Clebs, the course being, Sports- wear from Knits. Reports of the Standing Committees were given by Mrs. J., Chalmers, Mrs. H. Caldwell and Mrs. James Drumtnond. Prizes were award- ed to Mrs. R. Broadfoot, the lucky chair, Anniversary' in January, Mrs. J.McLellan; Food boiling Over, Mrs. D. Triebner; Cut on the finger, Mrs. V. Alderdice; birthday in January, Mrs. V. Cooper; package of needles in handbag, Mrs. R. Brock; some- thing forgotten, Mrs. Al Hoggarth; baked a cake, .Mrs. J.-Chalmers. Members are re- minded to bring toys or games to the next- meeting for the Chil- dren's Hospital in London. Mrs. M. Connolly, President opened the meeting with a New Year's reading. Mrs. H. Parsons was hostess and Mrs. Glen Bell co- hostess. Mrs. E. Whitehouse gave courtesy remarks. Mrs. Steve Pine, Sault Ste. Marie visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed McBride. Mrs. Norman Dickert is vi- siting her sister, Mrs. Ruth Dic- kert in Harriston. Mrs. W.L. Mellis and Mrs. John Bernard visited their brother Jack Gib'son, a patient in Wingham Hospital. Mr. Ross Broadfoot returned home last Wednesday from South Huron Hospital. Auxiliary meets Twenty-five members and friends of the Barbara. Kirkman Auxiliary of. First Presbyterian Church sat down to a pot luck supper on Tuesdarevening. Mrs. Elmer `Rivers presided and opened the meeting with a poem and led in prayer. Miss Belle Campbell installed the new officers for the year1973 after which the new president, Mrs. Keith Sharp, took the chair. Mrs. Reg. Kerslake read a New Years Prayer and Mrs. R. S. Habkirk read the Scripture les- son and Mrs. Sharp led in a responsive prayer,, interspersed with verses of Hymn 570. The allocation for 1973 is $18.00. Mrs. E. Rivers read a thank you note from 'Mrs. Dickson of For- mosa for the baby's layette. It was decided to make another,this year. Miss Janet Cluff received the collection and It was dedicated by Mrs. Sharp. Mrs. Peter Malcolm sang "Amazing Grace" accompanied br1VIrs, M. R. Rennie. Mrs. Sharp introduced Rev. T. C. Mulholland, the guest speaker, who took for, his text' a few verses from Ephesions. Mrs. E. Rivers thanked the speaker and those who contri- ' buted to the meeting. Rey. T. C, Mulholland closed the meeting with prayer. McGregor Top Quality BEEF Governmeht Inspected Whole Half Beef Beef 80e 81c Cut and Wrapped Quick Frozen Free Delivery Within 10 Mile Grant McGregor Phone 262-5839 ARNOLD STINNISSEN Life — Health and Accident — Registered Retirement Pensions — Iritome 'Tax Deductable Registered Retirement Annuities Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 927-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST — SEAFORTH Action at Seaforth Winter' Cainival Hullett council holds inaugural - That we appoint Chas. Sca'n- Ion and Tom•DuiZer to the Blyth Fire Area Board. - That we appoint Hugh Flynn, Charles Scanlon, JaMes McPhee, Gerald McDowell, --James Glou- sher, Ted Mills and President of the Auburn . Institute to the Auburn Hall Board. - That we appoint JohnJewitt to the Seaforth Hospital Board. - That we appoint Milton Dale to the Seaforth Fire Area Board. - That we appoint Hugh Flynn as representative to the Clinton Hospital Board and also to the Clinton Fire Area Board. - That we appoint Joe Hunk-' ing to the Blyth Recreation Com - m ittee. - , That we appoint Hugh Flynn for the following two years 19'73- 74, as representative to the Ausable Conservation Authority. - That we appoint Hugh Flynn as representative to the Maitland Valley Authority for the years 1973-74. - That we appoint Milton Dale to purchase 10 chairs for council use. Accounts paid included Roads, $2,902.45; Drainage $11,256.89; General, incl. tax transfers - $10,748.82 totalling $24,908.16. Council adopted a by-law, in- creasing salary and wage rates as follows: Road SuRerintendent raised .34 per hr; #1 Grader Operator raised .34 per hr; #2 Grader Operator raised .54 per hr; Labour raised .24 per hr.-; Clerk-Treasurer -raised $500.00 per year; Ree' raised $100.00 per year; Deputy Reeve raised $100.00 per year and Councillors raised $50.00 per year. ,.4". gE S AFL milD al/Sr"., use. yoUR EYES1 ai ii