HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-03-03, Page 6THE WINGTIAM TIMES MARCH -- the treasury was $1,114,000, Tho tariff on Then you will lose your money i cottons eons from ten to forty-eight perj three tnontlie• cent., and on $o]uo linea sixty-five per cent. Yon think I hack bettor lean ti• Ho calculated the cost of the raw material looney On a nortgR e ? and wages was $0,000,000, showing a profit . did nut say that. What is yet o£ $5,000,000. He showed limy the whole business --that is,vrhat do vilu petfec: i 1 e trade has practically come under the con- ly understand' 1 know the pickle business throng build0d I Gault, of Montreal. There were two coin - WWI and through. I Can snake pickles all hinds, hut I do not like ic, Never mind what you lice.. Go an get a email place and stake pickles ; from hotel to hotel, restaurant II restaura t and sell them. lit t :e years will you ill coFne hack and see me you will have 110,000 at least, As the young man was going awn he wee called back, And I, though, I ha�o pts i a onward, Here is a card, I want you to p it where you can see it 100 times g day. These were the words on the card —>J Norman Gunnison. Business is business. Men don't d 1 what they like ; they do abet the Oan. EDITORIAL NOTES husband and ten ehildren. She made The card head a strange fascination 1,. Tin Western Dairymen's Association. butter and cheese, she dipped tallow for him. He read it with care as h !ill hold its annual convention at Tilson- ea%adlee, to light the hoose are night, walked along the street. As he studio , erg on Wednesday, Mareli 8. and she cooked nil the food for her it, a new light entered his mind. i i household by an open fire -place and He found a dingy basement, and he 'Dm postoffieo department has issued a , ns. 0 a i,l•ick oven Yes.; and when she gan to arrange tint letteeirge'posr1 card tne cent) and a three- ; was forty years of nge,she was already course, vinegar forusti b(e g o;severe. card, perforated and gummed, l an old lady whose best days were over. barrels of it. Snore was offered at to •tett] most useful. There is also an issue f[er shoulders were bent and her cents a gallon, and some was shown a of 20 cant and 50 osnt stamps, which bear joints enlarged by hard work, and she If Queen's head in her widovrhood• were spectacles and a cap Her great *melding ter Otbocs. GINA if I build for others, And the walls of the building stand oatag after 1 am forgotten By the dwellers within the land, tiong after the heildings erutubled That were founded upon the sand? What if I build fo • others, rs And the building shelters me not, i trot of one combine, headed by Ur. And within the home I have 1 have h , ] 0 E a i r O• part It 1 z o panics, the Dominion Cotton Company and tli]d the dwellers who l,stve their homes the Canadian Colored Cotton. Company and there Through all time shall know me not ? both headed by Mr. Gault,and with largely ?mn dweller beneath the roof tree, the carne shareholders, The Dominion .Yt • Y —Thinking n£ wile. it was new, ' Company had last September a capital May say t as his thoughts turn backward, stock c � al 5 �'b£ „ OO,000,ana a week later, having Keeping his age in view, ""The builder who blhilded this dwelling itliadcompleted a scheme for watering the stock t3uildecl better than he ltnelv.,, it had increased to $5,000,000. He also showed how the coarser cottons, by means Hearin the Master's call of specific duties were the most heavily May know, though it may not matter protected. 'i o me what the buildin befall It is better to hove builded for others What Your Great Grandmother Did. Than not to have built at all. She hetcholed the flax anticarded the . woo , and Wove the linen, and spun ,..---,.,." t1h0 tow} and trade the clothes for a five cents. Which shall I tante ? He thought o the words on his card, 'Ile seethed tl see the people testing his pickles, an not liking; them, depart without buy ing. They tVlll know food vinegar, thought he, and so hp bought th SENATOR BOLTON says the fanners of the I gr•inddaughtel•, with all the modern orthwest realized last year only 130 a , COuveniellees for comfort, re6uen]eric ushel for oats, while it cost 20 cents a bus- 1 and luxury, may be as charming and l to ship it via the C, P. B. to Montreal. attractive \at forty-five as at twrtity, ;'heat, which sold at from 40 to 50 cents a Especially lee this true if she preserves nshel, cost 80 cents before it reached the Ilex health ad beauty by the use of honest stuff. ii erketsin the east. Dr. Pierce's avorite Prescription, in a few days severe' tubs of mater Tim Dominion Governhnenthavingtiban- which warde rift' Bail female ailments it'd were ready, and Gita must merke and irrsgelaritiescures them if they them. Now, he greatly dreaded tt tned their policy of discrimination against already exist, Iter'the life current face strange pee li , andpush his good •• nericen vessels passing through Cauadian P P healthy and vi;;orousa, nod euu.;les rho upon their notice, He never had "pals, the Prosidedt ofsthe United States! woman of middle age' to retain the corrage when a boy, and now as a ins issued a proclamation revoking the freshness of tiellhooclq a on brow and iyoung man he felt more timid it seem - is on Canadian vessels passing through ' cheek, tho light of yntltl in her eyes, ed. But he thought of the worts on Sault Ste. Marie canal, which were int- and its elasticity in her ste Sold by the. card and entered a restaurant. sed in October last. all druggists Tlhe evident tttaihaaer was a blooming "t.'nn'reoord of Toronto charitable institu- young;" woman, mid the pickle dealer •las shows that one of every seventeen The man who firbts amiinst itis was more afraid of womru than of Hien, lilies in the city survives through the country is never a hero. But business,-i'a business repeated itself titer by the aid. of charity. This in a After the grip, when you are weak;, and over in Ilis'anitid. limey where nature has been prodigal played out, Hood's Sarsaparilla will restore The answer to his statement was ellyour health and strength. -Y wealth still untouched, and at a time ., that itis pielclev weeld be tried, and if Eeumechanical inventions areperpetually The Bobcaygeon curlil.gg club has" ' itnd all right, would bo purchased. p y g p odnctive power of labor, worn the Ontario tankard at the rete t%''".,Glad .I got the good vinegar! thought matches in Toronto. tee young man, and he began in the a v maxim that his adviser had given. He Legislation will be introduced into began to feel a. courage he never ex: the. Neva Scotia legislature to render peeled in meeting people y guessing competitions unlawful. 1„o illi and trying to or.eaTo News: Dispatches from London P • rt - sell his goods to thein. 6Icss state that the Imperial Oil Com- Calling at store to ,het if possible, For Sprains and Bruises., p , 1y will hereafter sell the best quality of an order for .pickles in bottles, he was Ott 12 cents a gallon, and that if the NO other remedy cures sprains, bruises, cuts, wounds, chilblains, sore throat, quickly and rndely met with : Don't • lers will not come down to that price, rheumatism etc., so promptly as Haggard s want so see any such stuff ! Noticing ompauy will themselves deliver four- Yellow Oil. It is an old standard remedy the utter dimity on the young man's sten tin caus for fifty cents. Those foo•- that has given perfect satisfaction for 30 free, the ort regent said, short and n tins will speak far more eloquently years. q y _ sharp :•Dont you know enough about .ee benefits of tariff reform than any - business toput c goods attractively 1 C gains literature or stump oration. Each Early to ryes P , And late to bed As he retreated, ruffled and dis- scion to tcarlff reformers is a blow on Will make your nose heartened the maxim repeated itself edge which will eventually upset the A cardinal red. over and over again, with this ad - tariff structure. Winnipeg board of trade has adopt- ditional sentence: It is business to put Cr,evsr.Aem announced that he had ed.a resolution calling on the .Domin•. e• t) Goods attractively. He sought out ion Parlrament to iu,"nediately intro- a lithographer, and had some baud. duce legielatien chat will dissolve some colored labels printed. trusts and combines. 'They will buy the bottles Said the friend, jest for the picture yon have 1 S Lamont, N York, on thein. - t When Ile had gained sufficient eotir- +`f the age he again sought Ont the merch'iut soretary of the ulterior 7 Sterling who had rebuffed hint. I have'como to slake you a present of a bottle of pickles. Why do you make she a present of them 1 e? 1 J now an established fact. Every Because the advice you gave the most surprising it as Korth a great deal. The morniug of the Fourth of July Mrs Brown of T t h 1 Came, and he pondered whether to go to enter the Home for Incurables, given to his store or not. All at once he teen pram t d' 1 thought, people going out on picnics g will want pickles. ft was the magic en up by lou doctors words on the little card that ran 1 that Canadian notes come tvlthhn Tz'y has ttracted widesPiead attention through his mind. He •found, as he lbttlnn of tl t t] Both D dl thought, enlarge number• of buyers f f h waiting for him. yt ,a Business is Business. The little card wets consulted in all y There lives in the city of New York kinds of weather. If a man made. a a man who has accumulated quite a Ptoposrtion t° blot of Wily kind, and he fortune by simply advising. people what wire in doubt, he would go and look tit .A7:\TATIVES of the Patrons of Iius- to do. 'There. always will be a large tine words, thnuglh he knew theut by •of Canada waited nn the Dominion uttmber of pentons who are uuahle to heart already. Ont; day it cheese est last week,and represented that rely on their own judgment,and otdhers bus stook.chant camoe l , eninde biro to b uy come to a conclusion with ease and a st°ill'' People, said be, who buy ii. ttltural interests of the country aro certaint pickles alwrtys hay cheebe, yeti will. ,g prosperous a condition as they y t A OU ng do a big trade. !wire; that tariff legislation for the 000 n n man had accumulated $1,- It was a temptation, 1-1"e went to ',sofassistingtlhe manufacturing in• I nd lyes debating whether be. lo:ilt at the Words acid studied rifest l as been taken advantltge of to tor- should buy a small candy store with it nr whether he squid lend it nn a inert:. uei.: y, trying; to think nut their ap llatlee lige prises of ninny ouch I pee:a ion to the case in stand. cage. Tlhis latter be knew was a •secure way ; the other promised great rofits, In th' I•i (• P .r !exit 11 s s Inuld be made. P P y e sate an l ti 1 in the r Ices that the most favorable conditions I be neutralized by unwise and unjust rait'Its upon labor and commerce. eted his cabinet. The complete cab- s as follows : Walter Q. Gresham, of Irina, secretary of state ; John G. Car- .jof Kentucky, secretary of treasury; ti ahnon , ofew ort, secretary ttlr ; II. A. Herbert, of Alabama, secre- p navy ; Hoke Smith, of Geor- ; ' . , er ing n, of Nebraska, secretary of agri- • e; Wilson S. Bissell, of New York, aster -general; Richard Olney, of chusetts, attorney-genoral. Important Discovery. Toronto, Feby. 281h.Among the se - prising strides made by medical science in the last decade perhaps none is of more im- portance to humanity than the discovery of a cure for Bright's Disease of the Kid- neys. 'That this remedy completely mas- ters this terrible disease as well as all the other diseases which the kidneys are sub- ject to is ttorney-general of the United States day brings pews of the ued an order which is of much im cures resulting from its use. The case of jeep to Canadian banks which have , Dieu o, w o w hen about asup Jn the habit of circulating their paper by the Hospital authorities as wel as fif- teen medical men, also that of Sam Murray of Gravenhnrst, who was iv - en government. The attorney -general eneral r andwho was paid y -g his life debility claims by the Grand Trunk a the law passeda to be- were curedby Dodd's Kidney Pills. o the war o the rebellion, which tax of ten per cent. upon the ion of state banks and that the circulate in the United States with - payment of a ten per cent. tax. y in the United States at par With- y restrictions from the states or the are indespensibly necessary to and asked that a reduction of the Stich article l protested against trusts and ad rertlsament : The Government promise 1 to•Advice given to those going into their representation. business. After stating his case the counsellor ten, M. P„ in discussing the cot- said ; ,duringthobudget debate, said; try fee will be $5 iu ndvnihde, t of mills in Canada represented' When this wan paid he said On that tariff gave the mann- I Do you understand the candy buss- }twenty-eight per cent., thus tak-1 Mees ? pockets of the people annually. No ; 1 did hot think it was neces- replesenting a capital sum of jsary. I fl+tpeet to supervise it general= millions. All that weat into. ly. NIen do what they ten, he reflected. I wnuhti like to sal I c h P a' e e, but I know I can sell pickles. Then he returned, Now he was resolute and firm,althou h by nature easily bent niter swayed by the words of others, Businees is business, he said, I am in the pickle business ; if I cannot snake money in this 1 shite! quit and go into sonhething else ; Inc I sh1111 not have two kinds on my Ihands. When leu they ten ► r � .aCl, wt re up,of course he heir! ilio 116,0001 and mre to.--d'entry ltI'Ir°'nt"lt. it rotutele cared the moat - obstinate emit what sit eWar 7aitATKleItTa bava toiled .solo to reunion Z.kl by drag. (envie at 11 per peakege, or e17t for �g6�, or seat b tta&1 en reoetpt of retoo by addrefutnt TDB JAM.= mama Co., thrume. out. Wein for t,sInphl.t. fl.i4 air W I, 4I1 Rnr by A. 1..HAMILTON' t 1893. u I Tt '; fell 11. t-" Z 'I of �• Z' 44 4 Ifi i _.P d >; lis. ' y ON1 ENJOYS. ut Both the method and :t Syrupof Figs is taken; and refreshing to the gently yet promptlyon o Liver and Bowels, cleanses y tem effectually, dispels aches and fevers and t constipation. Syrup s only remedy of its d dticed, pleasing to the eeptablo to the stomach, - its action and truly f effects, prepared only 1 healthy and agreeable n many' excellent qualities t it to all and have made popular remedy known. E Syrup of Figs is bottles by all leading d Any reliable druggist Have it on hand promptly for any ono e try it, Manufactured CALIFORNIA FIG t. SAN FRANCISCO, LOUISVILLE. KV. NEW s l tiii '.'''' `t aV, r. .ate. ,1}"1 'tl� •' r , • •I Z , IL results when it is pleasant taste, and acts the Kidneys, the sys- colds, head- cures habitual of Figs is the kind ever pro- taste anti ac- prompt in beneficial in its from the most substatic es, its commend. it the most for sale in 7',1c druggists. Who may not will procure it who wishes to only by the SYRUP CO„- CAL. YORK. N.Y 1�i Sore 'R.,• i: t�'a I 4 i<, ,' l i I I e, �.nyban fl jt}f. 'y1 a , wfquickyc.0-e.ol 4rl- '%erid41,1i .eklitc, 'Ind i v J t'.. S ISR s bTherk X l; i e r. •� �, ft7r 5r•9 ,. s ^^ 71 o IN groin. - 0 TTL \• Q1.4 it 71 U. o t ro us S LtER ns, , colas, E \ .ID plc . X' a .. Regulates the Stpmach, Liver and•t3owels, Unlocks theSecretlons,Pur ici°resthe Blood and removes all,,im- purities from a ?imple•to the worst Scrofulous Sol=e. , ., yr .. �. ® I e i { r`t {?h�.{;y iJ74' Lnfq 7 } -=• CURES DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION, SALT RHEUM. HEART BURN. 'DIZZINESS. RHEUMAf I•SM, SOUR SKIN •; -- BILIOUSNESS', HEADACHE SCROFULA. STOMACH DROPSY, DISEASES .:,5.. I ;� Y is EY1 IERVg,+a 3 , yy��y� EAltlS ti NnRV7: oorery Nervous aatl3ng wenkneag by urev-work, arises nsArre dm a dew Ars• that otrro filo wornl.eree� Debility Lost Visor meg Manhood; Iv. the Art=er tSlud.sae.M or the errors or ex. of yoatht Tide R,..►W,..b. Clubbing states.. The weetely.l3tnpit•e 511t premium the Conservative mernbers of the House of Commons, and the Titins from now till the end of 1898--$1,76. The weekly Globo and 'laves from .low till the end of 1803-91,75, . The London Advertiser, weekly and T 1.T + u.s from now •till the cud of 1803—$1.50 The Loudon Free Press, tveeklY stud .Piths trom now till end pf 1803-.•$1,75, '1 he Montreal Weekly Herald and the Totes from now till end of 1893-01,50, The illoutrealWt , •t, o ss v ,lteelsl� and Tines from now till the end 1803—$1.75. Reduced rates witli all other metre petition weeklies. This is a grand oppee tuuity. Subscribe at Duce and receive the balance of the year free. The Timis and the "Family Herald and Weekly Star" and the Star Almanac, from now until the 1st of,'January 1894. fo $1.75. PROF. SCOTT MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH agives Private Lessons in Yocal Training, both in Staff nd Tonic•Scl•Fa Notation, Open for enLagenlents for Concerts or Church Meetings. Terms moderato, Apply at MRS, II. MORROW'S, • • 24 Shuter St Wing -nom JOBB Pd Il TING tu li*i n x111ti0 J J(j —IS NJl3L1SIf 'D .. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING —AT T2t$— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET Y `'VIN(xllAlhl, ONTAlilO, Subscription price, $i per year, in advance ADVERTISING RATES: Space I 1 yr.I 0 mo, 1_ 8 me . ...- 1 oto _ _I One C'""'" r Column r u u n 80000 Hall „ i 30 00 1 820 00 so.0030 00 20 00 12 00 6 CO Quarter 20 00 12 00 7 00 00 one inch rug__ 6 00 00 2 1 00 �,.1 00 Legal anti other casual tadvertisements. Re. per line for first insertion, and 3e. per line for cock sebscquent insertion. Local notices 10e, pet ..no for first insertion, an to, per line for each subsequent iuserticn. No loco notice will be char;, ” an 250, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Sitnatiotp, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lino nonpareil, 01 pot• month Ilouses and Farms ton' Sale, not exceeding 8 line 81 for fust month, 50o, per subsequent month i These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for to advertisements, or lair longer periods. Adirections, will I e insertedal till noticeswithout tandu charged ed accordingly. Trar.'•itoty advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisetilents must be in the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR AND PUELISIIEIt MACDONALD, JOSEPIIINE STREET, , 4VuauAli, \CLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Ii!11 � .� ileacs, Circulars, Ste., &o., executed' in the beet VV B. TOWLER, 1I,D,C.M„ style of the art, at Moderato prices, and on shunt v r notice Apply or address ' R. ELT.IOTT, Thins °ince, \Viligham. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Any portion of the principal may be repaid at any time the borrower wishes All expellees pard by the County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to t'i M. 1lOLMES Goderi ;h, ,inti. Sth 1>"P:'. Co. 1reastiier. O11 MUO. Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office Upstairs, next to blr Morton's o1Hep, Wing. ham, Ont. Omen Neeson -9 to 12 a. 01., 1 to 0 p. in., or at Residence, Diagonal Street, -IrtR. J. A. MELT/RUM, LJ Honor GraMember of the Collegeeof P! ysici ns 1of Tornto 01(1 Surgeonstd of Ontario. °Mee and Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. %\stokes ONT VA LOOK HERE!' . BARRISTER, ISOL'E', , SOLICITOR, Eta., end---r� Private end Company funds to loan at lowest rale interest. No eomn,issiou charged. lllortgagos, tow his '1nereSt Evr- bod'1 and farm propectl bouul-t nndnoW We aro selling Best Coal Oil at 12.1-2 cents per Irn.perial gal- lon, or a can containing the equivalent q nt ell five American gallons for 50c., exclusive of pack- age. American Axes, 5oc. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $x.00 per foot. We to -day reduce our quotations on Binder Twi J. A. MORTON BARRISTER ye , W ngham Out AAEYER d! DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. 1 E. L. DICKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., Sc., Bettors for5 Bank taking• s of Hamilton, Commissioners i for fHdnwits for Manitoba. Vann, Town and tw'est.illag'e proned perty mortgage securitybought and sold. Money (private Mone ioa estednn for pIyate p isons, aupon t cent: beet mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. .Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. Office—Kent's Block, 1) n. nENTJSTP.Y.•-J S. JEROME, tvl5otrnn, • 71-1•--Z ei y at: Y Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, ' Vii Vulcanite plates of the best material 1/4i ` as eh0ap as they can be got in the l Ivork Painless extraction teethbythe use oflElec ,1Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAxk l' orIcx.-1 will extract teeth for 26 cents each. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswlek Iiouse. ne one cent per ib. J. A. CLINE & CO, WING -HAM STEAM PUMP WOBKS, komt� &Showers, P1OPIIIETORS, Wo wish to ham and sur we have pill Works lately i aren rePared Wooden, i And attend in any inform tbo people of Wing - ending country, that, as based the Steam. Pump awned by Mr. H. Clark, we o supply all kinds of t, Force & iron Pumps rho wants of the public ing in the Pump line. A we lithe, a long experience in the tbusiness we uarantoo all oto• work,'and If not satisf story will refund the money. ;Vire also deal in ALS KVjDVO u ;Soft water cisterns made on short noticoi ti ' s Ordens �i t` Y mail promptly attended to, tOWSTON cL SHOWERS, Winghatu. 1 Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wtllgham, Will visit Gerrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, eJ GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WING/IAM, NTAEIn do DEANS,;ia., q'rNaulbi, —� LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOIL T11IC COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any port of the Co, Moderate. Charges JOHN OTJIIRIB, NI/Menai, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEEIR FOR THE COUNTY Or IIUltoN. All orders left at the Tams otgce promptly attend ed to. Terms ronsouable. JAMES IIEN DERSON, LIe1INS0D euelesseaet FOR COUNTIES RI/RON AND BRUCE. All sales attended to promptly and on tho Shoat*Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arlaugcments eau be made at the Milne CHICO WINOIIAN ONT DRS. GODPR • S . rl MoA s1I M. B, Toronto, Members College Phy5ieiaus and Surgeons. Ontario, do' FOR SALE Lot No, 3, nd the FL 1 -. of Lot No. 7 llth ., on, Tu nberry-1C0 steres; 00 acres cieaid; We11 fenced; frame house and other builclin ,s; good orchard; ohoap, on time. Apply t 317. C. CAMERON, r G0 der't• 1,31 ,Well. MoP1XBI3SON, Glgnfarmw P. O. • ONTARIO .0/Coney to Loan on Notes Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE ELATES Slaney vanerd o priwilego ,ad01 , h hortmad 01 a pJNoith and nee collected, KOKT. KeIN»Oo. .—Wituria►a2, net,