HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-01-25, Page 6WHAT? Want to be a WINNER? Trade, your -tame one, on our new WILD ONE. SEE THE 1 973 ROLL-0-FLEX SS COMANCHE 292 CC The first machine to be torn down in M.O.S.R.A. com- petition this year. ALSO .ON DISPLAY "THE WILD ONE" 338 cc G.T. which last Sunday in Seaforth ran the following classes First in -"C" stock Driver Jean Glaze First in "C" stock Ladies' Driver Audrey Collins Second in "0" stock Driver Jean Glaze' SEE THEM THIS FRIDAY and SATURDAY at HULLY-GULLY SNOSPORT Western Ontario's Fastest Growing Snowmobile Dealer Phone 262-5809 Thu.25 Fri. 26 sat. 27 ACADEMY AWARD WDOIER BESTEMTN, BEST LLEI.V cc .4 ?MAN CY • MST PICTURE SHOW PETE ROMANO VIER . SOS Saturday Matinee 27 Here CrineS Sun. 28 Mon. 29 Tue. 30 wi.r. 31 DIANA ROSS S BIWE HOLIDAY DEN-AMS SINGS THE BLUES %%%%%%% % v(f, .?1 • a • • AIM CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT and 'TAVERN • Friday and Saturday Nights - "THE. DESJARDINES" Bayfield Road in Goderich — Phone 524-7711 Country and Western Entertainment SATURRAY In the Red Knight Room Elgin, Gerd and Don Fisher WITH AUDREY KERR AT THE PIANO IN THE BEVERAGE ROOM FRIDAY and SATURDAY RUSS and DOROTHY TASTY CHICKEN WINGS FOR SNACKS — AMPLE FREE PARKING — COMMERCIAL HOTEL -- Seaforth ern•••••/••••••••••••?.. PUBLIC MEETING EoMee T i O F USUtS2 130A ec tPAIF001 •01`14"0 TO2? WiSbitP RT ETHEL commori HALL oto wrztiame4 71114.31 , 14)0 pm. et.p2.06041,3 CM corn-e. • Keith Siemon of Walton won "King of the Racers" honors at the sixth annual Seaforth Optimist Winter Carnival Sunday. Above he is seen receiving his trophy from Optimist President Ken Coleman. The races were a climais to the three-day event. (Pheto by Oke) Seaforth Optimists Winter Carnival races were highly contested Sunday afternoon. With approxirriately 300 entries competing for $2,500, in prizes, competition was keen. Above is pictured a4ap in'one of the races. (Photo by Oke) Student spotlight This -week's student is no stranger to anyone at SDHS. She is seen often %chairing our teams on to, victory: Dena Wey lives at RR #4, Walton on a farm along with a sister, Debbie also a Grade 13 SDHS student and an older brother, Doug who attends Guelph University. Dena has been active throughout high- school in various activities. This year, she is captain of the C heer- leading squad and should be con- gratulated on starting a Junior Cheerlea.ding squad which has been very successful. Dena is also a member of the Glee Club, Math Club, Drama Club and Cine Club. She is disappointed in Seaforth's school spirit, feels there is little participation and in a small •sehool the size of, ours, Volleyball Seaforth Girls' Volleyball at- tended a tournament in Clinton last Wednesday. The Juniors did not win their matches but the senior scores against Clinton were 6-15 Clinton and 16-14 Sea- forth. Against St. Marys, a top team in the league, the girls did well. The scores of the game were 4-15 St. Marys, 16-14 Seaforth and 12-15 St. Marys. The next tournament for the girls is Jan. 31st in Listowel. • BUTTON BARBS Argument FOR marriage: the best method for getting acquainted. 0 0 0 it could be much better. But generally Dena is satisfied with highSchool----and---is- --happy. Favourite subjects are Chemis- try and Film Arts. Pet interests and hobbies include sewing and art and she is a talented singer Checkmate The Ches4 Club has been meeting regularly for another year. Mr. Onn• is the staff advisor for the club. On 'rues. Jan 23rd, the team went to Go- derich for a tournament. The Club made a respectable showing against stiff competition. Many of the Members are new and With experience their game should improve greatly. John Feeney is the president of the club. Doug Southgate was able to win his game against Goderich. Other members are Dom Nichol- son, Stuart Scott, Kevin Broome, Ed Malkus, Jerry Kassies, Dave 0 Smith, Don Melady, Brian Haley, John Primeau, and Rick Rustin. Parents night . On Tues. night, Open House was held at the High , School for all students' parents. Pre- viously, each student had filled in a sheet indicating his courses, teachers and where they could be found. This was given to his parent when he came, to make it easier to .find those teachers which they are .in- terested in. The purpose of this night is to allow parents to familiarize with their children's courses and to meet the teacher. It also gives them a chance to discuss any problems their child may have with the teacher. The . evening is very worthwhile and helps bridge the parent-teacher gap. - • SDHS Was the scene of ruth- less mutilation of a body Mon. afternoon. The body was that of a dead cow and the mutila- tion was .the cutting up of hind quarters of beef. Trained and experienced men from IGA under the supervision of Mr. Elliott, demonstrated their trade for the 9 Home Ec, class. The class is currently taking about meat and their teacher, Mrs. Russell felt that they learned mach from the afternoon. They were shown the different retail and wholesale cuts. They were told what happens to it from the field to the store, talked about marketing the meat and things that affect the price and grade of the meat. The Film Arts Club filmed the demonstration and it was found very interesting to both students and teachers alike. At the close, a draw was made for a prime rib roast won by Carol Brooker, a turkey sioh by Bonnie Beuerman and 1 lb. of bacon won by Marie Terese Nash, Dianne Nobel and Sandra Young. All 'things considered, much was gained by the aftdr- noon. and guitarist. , Dena thoroughly enjoys children and loves being with them. As a Gr. 12 student', she intends to pursue her interest, in Film Arts and go into the photography field next year. Sea- forth will certainly lose a. hard worker next year. Basketball The Boys' Basketball teams were unable to come up with a win against Listowel on Tues. Jan. 16th. 'The teams played well but , the teams were short of players and the strain was too much. The Senior final score was 46-28 but at the end of the half they were winning by 8 and the next quarter shaved them down only 2. Two Seaforth Juniors, Danny Maloney and Jim Nigh played for the Seniors but i/ were unable to bring home a win. The Junior score was.45-30 also for Listowel. The next game is Thurs. Jan. 25th against Stratford Northwestern. Wrestling On 'rues. Jan. 16th the Wrest- ling team showed up well to win their matches with ease. The final score was 40-34 for Sea- forth and the boys deserved the win. The boys are busy prepar- ing themselves for the big tour- nament coming up Feb. 9th at Clinton This is the Huron- Perth tournament and Coach Ren- shaw feels Seaforth has many would-be winners. The great cut-up DANCE . Sat. Jan. 27th to-the Music of COUNTRY MUSIC BAND at C Hully-Gully SnoSport Dancing from 10-1 Lunch & Refreshments temarawm•wasesmandromanr eeniamemeameireemaaerea.....,.... • met Legion Socili SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 — EVERYONE WELCOME — $3.00 per couple Let everyone come out and have fun dancing to KEN DUCHARME and "THE NIGHT-LITES" Attention Veterans Ex-Service Men and Women and Dependents The Royal Canadiar; Legion Service Bureau Officer H. W. MOYER Provincial Service Officer of London will visit at the Legion Hall, Branch 156, SEAFORTH on TUESDAY , FEB. 27 Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance, regarding Was Disabilty Pensions, Treatment, Allowances, etc., ja,,re., quested to contact• the Service Officers of the Seaforth Branch NOT LATER THAN .February 5, 1913 Interviews by Appointment Only SERVICE OFFICERS: r, F. WILBEE GEO. H. MILLER 5274852 527- 1512 0 local Mrs. Cleve Coombs and Mrs. Tiles. Young of town were hos- tesses• to an afternoon shower on Sunday in honour of Miss Jean Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Scott, Roxboro, prior to her coming marriage. There were 22 ladies.present and she was presented with a number of pretty linens. Adeliclous lunch was served by the hostesses. Miss Anne Sharp of Maple spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sharp. Mr. Gordon C. Rennie of Sun- dridge was a weekend guest of his mother, Mrs. M.R. Rennie. Mrs. Grace Klein of Mitchell visited her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Rivers and Mr. Rivers. Mr.,. and Mrs. Chris Coombs of London were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Coombs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S ills were in Toronto last weekend when Mr. Sills was a member of a Dept. of Education panel, People and Politics. While there they visited with Miss Jan e Sills who is studying Home Economics in Ryerson Polytechnic Institute, also Miss Joan Devereaux and other friends and relatives. Dr. K.G. and Mrs. Stewart of Waterloo were Sunday guests of the former's father, Rev. J. CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRI., JAN. 26th, 8:1S p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES — $75.00 Jackpot to Go — TWO DOOR PRIZES Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER D) 16 NOT PERMITTE —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Sairforth Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion, Seeforth • • • • ti • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Brief 0 Ure and Mrs. tewart. Mr, and rs. John Stevens and Gillian of London wereSatur- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald of Walton and Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart. Rev. J. lire and Mrs. Stewart were recent guests of Miss Minnie McDonald in Tillsonburg also visited friends and rela- tives in Ingersoll and Woodstock. miss Angela Devereaux re- ceived the -honour of being chosen as queen at the annual Brescia College Ball which was held in Centennial Hall, London, last Friday night. W1-10\,J IT RAINING CATS AND PO Gs, ARE A Lor or Fr.OPLE HAILING ? ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Playing this week Benjamin's Friends Coming Next Week: Cold Turkey L Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. EUCHRE in IOOF Hall POSTPONED TO Wednesday JANUARY 31st 8 p.m. Admission 50c Sponsored Jointly by IOOF and Rebekah Lodges EVERYONE WELCOME Adimmimik FAMILY DANCE Sponsored by Canadian FoOresters at KINBURN, HALL MARY BROADFOOTS ORCHESTRA FRT.; JAN. 26 • 9 to 12 $2.00• per couple $3.00 per family Ladies please bring sandwiches. tunimmummuummin1 THIS WEEK . • AT THE _ROYAL HOTEL . MITCHELL FRIDAY and SATURDAY In the CROWN ROOM Nashville Express Dining room open on Sundays from 12 noon-2 p.m. and 5 pm. to 8 p.m. in the evening. nammonmaammuum wimiu.waiT • lit/RON EXPO ITOR, SEAFORTH, CONT., ,IAN, 25, 1973 uegns Hotel. Entertainment k Nightly This week's Special Attraction featuring Country and Western music by Recording Artist Ricky Diamond - NEXT WEEK: ONTARIO SLIM • Sponsored by Hensall Int. Hockey Club • For advanced tickets call Murray Baker 262'2109 Also available at Ron'sHealth Centre, Hensel! HOCKEY. DANCE tATURDAY, JANUARY 27 9:30 — 1 a.m. HENSALL ARENA • Music by Bluewater Playboys — $3.00 per couple Refreshments available • • • • • S • • • • • • • • • • • • a' • • • Correspondent Mrs. Ed Regele Mr. Edward Regele who was a patient at Seaforth Community Hospital , has,,. returned to his home. Mrs. Keith Rock and Mr. and Mrs. William Manley were recent visitors with Mrs. Joseph Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Callum, Joyce and Carl Visited a,r. with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mc- Nichol on ridgy evening. Mr. d Mrs. Lloyd E. Regale Krista, Karen and Darlene of Princeton visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele. (intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Callum, Marion, Joyce and Carl of RR I, Walton spent Sunday •,. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George McCallum of Cambridge (Galt). Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Press- c ator of C rediton, Mr. Paul and spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and littrs. Edward Regele.