HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-03-03, Page 5'k) 1 • 1 si Kir )ve 1-10W101{, ' A large number of guests asseuabledat the residence a Mr. john Jaequee, on Wednesday °veiling at last week, to wit - nese the marriage of his daughter Esther to Mr, W. J. A.nclison. The coremoey was performed by Rev. W. F. Brownlee, The bride was ttired in a smite cash- mere dress, trimmed with watered rib- bons ancl lace. She was attended by her sister Nancy as bridestuaid,who was also tastefully dressed to accord with the bride. Mr. C. H. Harris acted as grooms- man: After congratulations Lad been extended to the happy couple, all sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner. The bridal presents were numerous, beautiful and costly. The seoond meeting of the Howick Union S. S. Convention was held in the Methodist ehurch,Forclwich,on the 22nd of February,presided over by Vice Presi- dent, Rev. S. C. Edmunds, B. D. The th the munioipality, was read Moved by Mr. Medd, seconded by M. Dureion, Wet Lb e Comma greet the request of the pete tiouera and that e by-law diepensiug with the levying of a tax ou, does be prepared — Carried. Au account from MreWetlaufer for goods supplied D. lifcCraig was net recegnized. The Reeve and the Clark were author. teed to sign a petition Asking the Govern' went to submit to the people e vote on the total prohibition of the liquor traffic. Mr. P. Kelly presepted a petition sloped by ratepayers of the municipality, asking thee the boundaries of U. S. S. No. 5, be altered so as to provide for the formation of it new Beaton between portious of Beet Wawanopli and Mullett, eloved by Mr. Medd, seconded by M. Durniou, that this Council appoint an arbitrator in the met - ter as required by the School Aot and that James Johnstou be appointed arbitrator— Carried. The Auditors presented their report, attendance at the morning session was which, on motion of Messrs. Durniu and fair, and in the afternoon and evening Todd, was adopted. The Clerk was in? eeimieg. the church was filled with workers and structed to have the usual number of Adolphe Uberidge, who stole several of a rnost interesting and profitable Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. watches from E. C. Mowseof Shkespeare, frieLds of the S. S. The exercises were !copies printed. • character, indicating the real object of Medd, that the Reeve and Olerk revise, if was sentenced to four year e in the pni- tentiary ae Stratford on Friday last: Sunday schools, with numerous and 1 neceesary, the poundkeepers by-law and valuable suggestions as to how they can le„„ et printed in the Auditors' report— The 32nd annual convention of the be rendered mere efficient. The report Ontario Educational Association will be of the treasurer showed the finances to Carried. Tee followiug checks were issued: Geo. held in Educational Departmeet build - be in a healthy condition. This next place Naylor, inspecting gravelliug, E. B., eel ings, Toronto, on Tuesday, Wednesday of meeting is Wroxeter the latter part Beet, Irwin, 20 yards gravel, e2 ; Thos. of February, 1891.,tlae .clate to be fixed ley Dernion, memorauduni book, 40 cents the executive committee. The officers ) John Webster, auditieg Treasurer'e bookie elected were :—Pres.—Rev. T. Davidson,' egg J. B. Weatherhead, auditing Trees - Wroxeter; Vice-Pres.—Revs. A. E. Shaw luree's books, $6. and W. F. Brownlee; See-Treas.—W. a 1 Council adjourned to meet on Satueclay, Hazelwood. Executive committee.—ThelApril 8th. officers of the society and superinten- i R. E. MILLER, °leek, dents of Sunday schools whore the con-1 vention iB to be held. • THE WINGHAM TIMES, MARCH 3, 1893. s AND soLLARs Mrs,• Owen IIitcbcox, temperenee re- 14ARNEG . 1 Londesboro. vivalist, 'will bold gospel temperance Having bought out the Ambler Harness Buoinese and started in hie old stand, Meeting in the Temperance hall on the t ain prepared to furnish the public with everything usually Rept harness shop evenings a Wednesday and Thursday,' such 44 ntla, and1.6th. Mrs. Hitchcox has met IAEA VY, LIGHT and TR A.OK HARNESS, with woudertul success wherever she has NETS, DUSTERS, been and we bespeak tor lam' two rousing! P Y COMBS meetings. Belmore. Mr. Jas. Loree, the new miller, ie do- ing well. • Miss Minnie Crittenden, of A.twoed, is at present the guest of Mr. 'Robert Crittenden, of this village, News Items. Mr. Newcombe, Q. C., of Halifax, has in succession to Mr. Justice Sedgewick. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, beeu appointed deputy mieister of juatice Mrs. John Gemmel, who lived near Sea- IhAnIENIrfaidiaLnalla, 9 CCNTIL". forth, died very suddenly et the residence ----- . WATCHES CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, end Jewellery or all kinds and latest designs. , BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES anti TRAVELLINUr RAGS, ,tc„ I melte all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction. Give me a trial and I will use you right. G-_ 1•TNWTOM.. ATTERSON, of Jamee Sproat, Tuckersmith, Thursday 1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goods, consistie g of • seafortb.. The Council met at Fordwicte on the ''llaci council hasfor some time been 15th of February, pursuant to adjour- undecided as to whether they should Inept; members all being present; the : build a two or three story town hall. • reeve in the chair. I Last Friday evening a vote of the rate - Minutes of last meeting read and ap- I payers was taken, which favored the proved. 1 I three story building by about two to By-law No. 1, read and passed. i one. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by I The concerts given on Thursday and Mr. Ferguson, that the polling eooths be paid for, also deputy returning officers and poll clerk's fees—Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by, Our curlers played the Henna team a Mr. Gregg, that Dr. A. M. '-.513ence be' match ou Monday evening, which result - medical health officer.—Carried.eil, e in 'favor.of Mengel. Vote of thanks from the trustees and Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Galloway paid a superintendent of the Methodist church, visit to friends in Toronto this week. Gorrie,for the free use of hall for services i Mfr. i)aney, lawyer from Goderich, ad - during, the erection of the new church , dressed the E. L. of the Methodist were read and kindly accepted. ;chinch, ein Tuesday evening.• .1 By-law No. 9, read and passed. l ---- Moved ley Mr. Ferguacm, seconded by Bluevale Mr. Graham, that Mrs. .Angst receive Mestre.A. Jackson, elf Morris, and Jos. 510 charity, to be lett in the Isands of Mr. i Leecheof this place, are on a business trip Moyer, and that Mr. Moyer receive $11 to Detroit, and expect to be absent a couple per month from Jan. lst, 18,93, for rent of ' of wooka. • Friday evenings of east week, by Chas. Guinea% comic from New York, and Mrs. and Miss Sago, were fairly well attended. ad Thursday, April 4, 5 and 6. BIG BARGAINS From Now Till Christm.as. \The first mail from Prince Albert in four weeks arrived at Winnipeg last : Saturday night, the branch line from Regina north having been blocked se badly by suow. • Mr. Thos. Tait, general superintendent of the western division of the C. P. •R., has been promoted to the new office ef . assistant general manager, with head- quarters at Montreal. An unofficial referendum to leans the will of the people with referenc) to man- hood suffrage took place in Belgium Sat- urday. An immense majority was oast in favor of universaleuffrage. 1 A bill has been introduced intot he United States congress which aims at a radical change in the bonded privideges naw enjoyed by 'Canadian railroade. It of 011ATfiAll, ONT., eftik blish will be considered next session. These ..re the advantages we oft school in Aar Plea, an teachers,ofrooti,, thehe bi)e:sttceoluuriseol sl,thsof tih.e.ivneciri; Dover and Lake Huron Raihvay for breach positionsin the eusiseselvo\id. Stretford purposes to sue the Portre elVett.odS.d00.,940sq of contract in having entered into an tron?autZialieig to the catalogues of either de ,11. . acn c r d It a 11 arraugemeut with the Grand Trunk to e run the road, house for her—Carrie . Moved by Mr. Doig, seconded by Mr, Ferguson, that the collector ler the west division receive a debentuee. for .$8.52, taxes remitted as charity, and .$2 of dog tax, and that the collector deal with the dog according to law—Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Gregg, that 55 be given Mrs Walker and Mrs.McDermid, as charity—Carried. Moved by Mr. Ferguson, 'seconded by Mr. Doig, that the treasurer's bonds bo laid before the council at its next meet- ing -Carried. Moved by Mr. Doig, seconded by Mr. Gregg, that the tenders for the town sb ip printing be thrown out and Mr. Nash he paid for what work is done, and tenders be received again up to the next council meeting at 12 o'clock, to include all printing and advertising for the year 1893 from this date, and election papers and assessment schedules for 1894— Carried. The fallowing accounts were ordered to be paid: J. & B. Hestia, for gravel, 84.80; R. Ross, salary as collector, $72.50; N. McLaughlin, stationery, 95 cents. Moved by Mr, Graham, seconded by Mr. Doig, that the council do now ad- journ to meet in the township hall, Gor- pie, on the third Wednesday in March, when the pathmasterd, poundkeepers and fence viewers will be appointed. W. DANE, Clerk. All goods bought for cash and we can sell as cheap at she cheapest and cheaper. Repairing Promptly Done and Satisfaction Guaranteed ilgrGeve me a call. M.' PATTERSON. IT W LL PAY YO BEST IN THE ND. Those interested should attend the meet- ing in the Foresters' Hall, =Monday next, to consider the aclvisability•of operating a winter dairy in connection with the cheese factory. The:matter of using the Babcock tester and buying milk according to the butter fat it contains, will also be con- sidered. n Clei er, Energetic, Young Men a d Women who intend Oa lily or positions in Boolc•Iceeping, Shorthand and catalogues elf both departnients of NOT Cell G LESS LD SATISFY YOU. The Genii-1AI PINK Pit --FOR S ALI.? AT— MANILTO .'Powrittng, should ivrite for • Culross. a sow that has raised 53 porkers inside of fits. 75 cents. Warranted at Chishohn's. which is forced. The Jingle of UO1- Mr. Jos. Hunter, Cuirass zownship, has disappeera. fast rise t, 21 mouths. drug store. lays‚ is more pleasant to us than looking over a splendid stock. Will we have the pleasure of hearing • TI • DRUG STOR:E. Central Telephone Exck is institi Aon is the peer of ittly busineSs college or shorthand superior • any other school of the kind in Callas. l0 two • et penmen in Canada, the best and largest stag of typew ting, the best course of business training, the best suite the best record for placing its students in the best paying re •t, of space. We pay the railway fare of students coming boar •pleasant homes for ladies at $2, gents $2.50. For D. McLA At', Principal.. ISM re aster su The conventioneif the Methodist Eoung People's Association ed Ontario closed at Toronto on Werltietaley. The following offerece \were chosen:: Honorary President, Rev. Dr. Carmine superintendent e2 the Methodist Church cf Canada; president, F. W, Daly, B. D., London; first vice. president, Rev. R, Burns, Toronto; second vice-presideure Miss Sanderson, Peterboro; third vice-president, Dr. Tilley, Bowinanville ; secretary., N. Dillon, M. A., Toronto; treasurer, Miss le. Yates, Loncloa. RilifillIATISA ODIUM Di A Dee.--Seuth Aniericen Rheumatic Cure of Itheureseism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re inerkable and mysterieue. It removes ut once the causeof the diseese immediately I bene - No an a is •Autt Little Here Below. But everybody likes to buy in the cheapest market. lt will pay you to visit us this month. The season of stock tak- ing is at, hand, wht-s. there is very little business going except that West Wawanosh. The Council met according to adjourn- ment on Sitturclay, 18th February. Mem- bers ell present. Minutes of previous meeting read end approvece. The neon:acre: report for Janine), showed balenee and receipts sunouriting to 83,206.15, and expenditure 82,794.9, lease ieg balance of $111.17 ou hand. A petition was read from James John- ston awe 15 other ratepayers, asking the This property if Council for a grant towards supplying wire I for the fence aloug the aideliue opposite For inspection south halt of 24, ton, e. The read et tiles the mill, or at the piece Willie greatly obstrunted by snow dream. Tie matter woe allowed to 4tand over for future ectioe, it being too late to remedy the meter this seasee. A. petition biped by e0 ratepeyerv, ask- ing tc have the tax cie doge dispensed with ° INGHAM WOOLEN MI Consisti of Lots 10 and (now rented) nd two story new dry hob. e about 85x15 dition. PROPERTY • ist ke • We have the, Inside track a Can give you Every line we For less than Our competito 'If you do not \Look at our Dinner Setts •Te Setts, Toilet Setts, '1 able China, Tea Pots, • • We will if you gi‘e wisdom a chance to step in and influence you. We We't spring that old cheinut on you,. "Big reduction to • reduce stock." • We simply offer you a chance to gep some rare bar- gains if you want them. Low prices on everything. Be sure to come and see what we can do foi Salaid owls, Fruit Setts, Cuspdoires, Biscuit Jars, Flower Pots, Cups and. Saucers, Fancy Plates, Wine Glasses • Tea pot Stan Cake Pates, Celery Glace kko., You will be The loser. Lre' some of your dollars ‚jingle? you. bp of Ni Wool Maoldra viz with one house our prices ai e lower than any We are showing American Car - about 75x85 and other house in the trade. Visit us pets in beautiful patterns at 30 per 9 and we will convince you of this cent. less than you can buy Cana - t all in good con -i fact. We give you a reduction of . dian goods. ten per cent. off all your cash pur- I, You remember how we cornered chases in all lines except groceries.; up the print market last . season. The mill conta no a 40 li. p. tnbul r oiler and a 40 la. p. Corliss engine, both in Al condition and as ood as new. The mill is heated by hot air and litzh ed by a gee M chin of 75 lights, the latter at a cost of less than th ;;-..37 dollars a y ar. We are also pr pared to fit •ut the nill with all the necessary machinery for a co i piete 00 EN MILL FO TRADE ONE SET C391-41 which we could do ve the maehinery. The Pauli We give you 20 lbs, White Sugar for $1 ; 25 lbs. nice Brown Saga'. for $1, and .several other drives. • Slime the raw cotton has advanced from 6c. to 13c. a. pound, but we bought early and we can give you the same quality of goods as we gave yon last year at the same price. The patterns are all new. We can't replace them when they're gone. AND ;1 ./31,1EgpiCIOINTtar Courteous Treatment, Lowest Prices, cheap if applied for at once, before we remove I irely free of incumbrance. articulars, apply to MR. HARRY DAWSON, at ormHouse, at Wingliam. kin Woolen Machinery Coll, (Linn ed,) Toronto, Ont. Nobbiest Goods, at Au MILLS, Wingharn W. YA The China H • SUBSG