HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-01-18, Page 44r-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAPORT KCINT,f JA Mrs. John 'Riley, a life long resident of Tuckersmith ToWnship, who celebrated her 96th birthday Moriday, is with her only great granddaughter Dorcas Ann Gingerich, a daugrhter of M r. and Mrs. Lewis Gingerich of Zurich as she looks at some of the many birthday cards she received. The former Nancy Riley, she lives in her own, apartment at the home of her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Riley of R.R.2, Kippen. Besides her son, she has four granddaughters, three great grandsons and one great granddaughter.' Mrs. Riley, a cheerful lively person, enjoys doing her own housework in her apartment. She still knits and does crochet work. A family dinner was held by Mr. and Mrs. Riley on Sunday for his mother and for Mrs. Riley's mother, Mrs. Mary Gerber , Zurich, who also celebrated her 76th birthday Monday. News of Kippen Celebrates 96th birthday or And About Teenagers C-AN'T f3REA. UP WITH HIM BECAUSE r eaat. soRay FOR HIM Eakrr THE OTHER Dodge Mal sulls/SEnvtcE SPECIALS '71 Chrysler, 4-door Sedan, 8-cyl. '71 Ford 1/2 -Ton Pick-up, 6-cyl. '71 Dodge, 2-door HT., 8-cyl. '69 Dodgp Polara, 4-door Sedan, 6-cyl. '69 Ford 1/2 -Ton Pick-up, 6-cyl. '69 Dodge Coronet, 2-door 11T.; 6-cyl. '69 Chev. Sedan, 6-cyl. '68 Ford Galaxie 500, 2-door HT., 8-cyl. '68 Chrysler, 4-door HT., 8-cyl._ '68 Dodge Sedan, 8-cyl. '68 Dodge Polara 500, 2-door, HT., 8-cyl. '67 Dodge Sedan, 8-cyl. '67 Chev. Caprice Stationwagen, 8-tyL '66 Rambler Sedan, 6-cyl. • N ROWCLIFFE MOTORS Phone 527-1670 SE AFORTli HURON SPORT VANASTRA (CLINTON) ONT Featuring • JOWN-DEERE'S . RECREATIONAL LINE KEN THOMPSON 4 SCOTT LUCKHAM INVITES YOU TO OUR GRAND OPENING JAN. 20 &. 21 HOURS SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. SUNDAY 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. * 25% DOWN * INTEREST FREE TO SEPT. '73 * FIRST PAYMENT DUE TO 1ST SEPTEMB R * FREE SUIT WITH EACH NEW JOHN DEERE SNOWMOBILE PURCHASE. •••••...11...•••••1. ... '611. . .••••• In our 50th-year of operation VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT LTD, is pleased to continue their service to the agricultural industry through the addition of a "third generation". Douglas, upon graduation from the University of Guelph, joined International Harvester Company of Canada Ltd., where heaheld various territorial positions throughout. Ontario relating to the rental', leasing and financing of equipment. His latest position as Area Finance Supervisor has included broad range financial activities in the farm and industrial equipment and motortruck' industries. He will graduate next spring from the Canadian Credit Institute through the University of Toronto With an M.C.I. designation in Credit Management. The broad experience and knowledge.. Douglas has gained will be utilized in handling similar *responsibilities with Vincent Farm Equipment Ltd, This is part of our plan for further development of one of Ontario's oldest and largest dealerships to continue serving you better. AYR • CAMBRIDGE - SEA.FORTR DOUGLAS W. VINCENT Jobe Deere is pleased to announce the addition'ot HURON SPORT VANASTRA (CLINTON) to our Extensive dealer network for sales and service of JOHN DEERE Snowmobiles, Snowblowers Bicycles, Chain Saws, Riding Tractors, Riding Mowers in the Clinton Area • •v isit HURON SPORT PHONE 482-9495 "Nothing Runs Like A Deere" R:, News tif Huronvfew TWO new residents .were welcomed and a iesident was honoured on her birthday following the sing-a-long at Monday afternoon's activities. Music for the occasion was provided by Marie Flynn, Clinton, Mary Taylor, Normah Speir and Jerry Collins. The Silver Strings of Winthrop entertained at ThUraday's 'Family Night program. This group pf young musicians have beena aPPearing quite regularly on ttatetriaien as well as entertaining locally since they organized two years ago. Faye Dalton plays the piano ; Linda Godkin and Beth Mc- Nichol play the violin and banjo, and are soloists for the band; ,.Ray -McNtchol looks after the announcing and plays .0.1tar with Alec Robertson on drums. The audienceAatned the band in singing Happy Birthday to Norman Speir, A special Scottish program is being platmed for Bobby Burns night Thursday, January 25th, arranged by Jim Lawrie of Blyth. -If the relatives and friends of the residents are interested in coming to the program they would be most welcome. Morris sets salaries for 73 -Correspondent ' Mrs. Rena Caldwell Mrs. Nancy Riley celebrated her ninety-sixth birthday on Mon- , day. Her birthdayvarty was held on Shnday when Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Riley entertained In honour of Mr. Riley's mother, Mrs. Nancy Riley and Mrs. Riley's mother, Mrs.MaryGer-' ber, Zurich. Guests were pre- sent from Zurich, Exeter, Tavis- lock, Seaforth. Heywood Bros. of Exeter provided musical num- bers. , • UCW • The U.C.W. of St. -Andrew's church Kippen began their first meeting' of the New Year with 'a Pot Luck dinner to which the ladles , of the congregation were invited. Mrs. Harold Jones was Itr charge of the worship and took cal number. Mrs. wxn. Bell - Court Constantine held their chaired the meeting and plans meeting on Thursday evening were laid for Visiting the Queens- January 11th. It ,was decided- at way Nursing Home in February. the meeting to have a Family Mrs, Keith Lovell is Key Woman, Dance on Friday evening, January for the--World's Day of Prayer 26th at the Forresters' Hall with on March 2. .. music by Mary Broadfoot's Or- chestra. The sympathy of the corn- Chapman in the loss of her hue-- Mr. Wilfred Scott is a patient munity is expressed to Mrs.-Ross band and to' Mr. and Mrs. Ro- in Stratford General Hospital, where he is to undergo surgery. bert Elgie• in the loss of their ' We would like to wish him a sister-in-law, Mrs. Ray Pfaff, speeds' recovery. , , Datu.rchaamthawrianses.. Mr. and Mrs. KenPreszcator A snowmobiling •holiday to Diane and Nancy, Mrs. Ella Jewitt enjoyed by Mr. and and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mrs.r Grant McGregor, m Mr.r. :lid Dillon of Clintonattendedthe bap-m.s. Grant McLean,tismal service at the Londesboro Mrs. Robert Bell, Mr. andtMrs. Lorne Hay. as her subject 'The Beginning of a New Year". ,Mrs. Fink- beiner , Credlion gave a resume of the" address of Dr. Moses of India at Alma College. Mrs. David Cooper contributed a musi- Rev A Horst officiates at Logan inmural meeting THIS WEEK'S LETTER:IJust read your article for the first time and I'm sure you can help me. I am 16 years old and I'm going out with this boy, who I've been going with for the past year. This is the problem: Now hp wants to get married, but I don't love him. I love someone else. Bet I can't break up with him be- cause I feel sorry for him. About a month ago his parents were killed in a car accident. I really love the other boy. Could you please help me? OUR REPLY: Wow, you are in a tough situation but you and I both know what you must do. You have got to tell this boy you are too young to consider marriage and that you need time, to meet_ other people before you decide to settle down. Try not to be too Abrupt, but try easing your way out of this affair over the next couple of mon'ths. He'll catch.on sponeraor later, so for the sake of his mental health don't just drop him Suddenly. The inaugural meeting of -Morris Council was held on January 8th with. Reeve Wm. Elston, Deputy-Reeve Jas. Mair and Councillors Robt. Grasby, as. Miller and Ross Smith tak- ing office for the 1973-1974 term. Motions adopted by council included: - That live stock claim be denied under terms of The Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act as valuer did not see the cattle. - That land purchase from John Rinn be completed. - That Wm. McArter, road superintendent's wages be $2.95 per hour plus 12 cents per mile plus $15. per month for book- keeping. - That By-law No. 1, 1973 appointing officials and setting For many years a widely known auctioneer J. Harold Jackson died in Seaforth Manor on Friday following a long illness. He was 66. Born 'in West William Twp., Middlesex, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson of Parkhill. Coming to the Seaforth area in 1927, he carried ona success- ful farming operation until his retirement to Seaforth in 1955. Establishing an auctioneering business he was in wide demand as an auctioneer and-appraiser throughout iluron and Perth counties. For a number of years he served on the TuCkersmith TovMship council. ' He was a memlaer of Egmond- villa United Church. He is survived by his widow, the former Lila Chapman of Tuckersmith to whom he was married in 1933 at Brucefield. a brother Stanley of R.R. 2, Kippen and a sister, Mrs.Harold (Ethel) Smaildon of Walton. The body was at the G. A. Whitney funeral hoMe in Sea- forth where a largely attended funeral service was held Sunday at 2 p.m. With Rev. J. C. Britton officiating. Temporary entomb- ment followed in the Pioneer Mausoleum with' berial later in the Maitlandbank cemetery. Pallbearers were R. S.Mac- Donald, Dale Nixon, D'Orlean Sills, Robert Patrick, Robert Tyndall and A. W. Dunlop. MRS. NdRMAN DUyEE Mrs. Norman Dupee of Clinton died in 'University Hospital, Lendon on January 10. She was 65. The former Vera May Elson, she was born in Parkhill. She was married to Norman Dupee in Seaforth 19217 and re- sided here until moving to Clin- ton in 1969. She is survived by her husband and three sons, Bruce N., Clinton, Donald C., Seaforth, and Kenneth C.,ClInton and by two daughters, Elva, Mrs. Fergus McKellar, Seaforth and June, Mrs. Wallace Maxiell,Clinton. A son Ronald predeceased her in 1937. She id also survived byber mother, Mrs. Fred Elson, Park- bill 10 and brothers; Kenneth, Garnet and Elgin Els on,Parkhill and sisters Jeah, Mrs. Joe How- ard,London, Pearl,. Mrs. Walter Raplse, St. Thomas, Clara, Mrs. Application is to be, made for Grant on $130,001.21, being the expenditure on Township Roads in 1972. The Road Superintendent was instructed to advertise for' the crushing and hauling of 20,000 yds. of gravel. Township representatives of ate following boards are: Mitchell &' District Planning Beard (3 yrs.) Viin. H. Chaffe; Perth County Safety Council-- Edwin Callman; Monkton Fire Area - Tim Nichol- son; Mitchell Fire Area - Lavern Gardner; Mitchell Agricultural Society - Carl Vock; Monkton Community Centre - Tim Nichol= son. A borrowing By-Law for a maximum of $150,000.00 was 'passed. • In the future all Tile Loans must be applied for and approved before the work commences: General Accounts amounting to $9746.06 and Road Accounts totalling $20,931.28 were ordered paid. - Council adjourned to meet again Friday, •February 2, at . 1 P.M. United Church on $unday, when Michael Jameg Preszcator was baptized. They all spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Presz- cator, Billy Debbie and Michael. Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. William Storey were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Houghton of Holmesville and Mr. and Mrs. George Wasson and Marjorie of R.R. #3, Walton. Miss Nancy Buchanan of To- ronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bu- chanan, Paul, Gary and Jim. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Riehl, Jackie, Shelley and Kim of Kirk- ton spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. 'Ben. Riley and - family. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd, Jim and Kerri were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook of Sarnia', Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arm,strong and family of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Medd and Kim of Blyth. Forresters Family Bowling Night was held on Sunday even- ing, January 14th at the Noble Bowling Lanes in Seaforth. An enjoyable time was had with all the alley full. 'There Will be another Bowling Night on Feb- ruary 4th, A.Parks, London and Inez, Mrs. John O'Reilly, Vancouver 'and by .17 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Funeral services were con- ducted by Rev. T.C,Mulholland from the R.S.Box Funeral Home on Saturday. Temporary interment followed in Pioneer Mausoleum. Pallbearers were Larry Dupee,' John Burma, Paul McKellar, Wayne Dupee,Michael Beacom.; • Harvey Howard. Flowerbearers were Steven Max- well and Donald Howard. NORMAN WILLIAMSON The death of Norman William- son of Walton occurred in Seaforth Community Hospital on, Saturday, January 13th in his • 58th year. The son of the late Thomas Williamson and Gertrude Forbes, he was a farmer who was also a horseman being keenly interes- ted in race horses. .He had been in failing health for some time. He is survived `by his wife, the former Evelyn Watson; three sons, Ronald of Seaforth, Kenneth of Walton and Gerald of Weston; nine , grandchildren; one brother, Roy of Grey Township; five sis- ters, Mrs. Albert (Olive) Clark, of Atwood, Mrs. Russell (Olda) Jervis of Clinton, Mrs. Lorne (Evelyn) Carter of Seaforth, Mrs. George (Florence) Nesbitt of Clinton and Mrs. Michael (Ina) McGrath of Egmondville. A daughter, Alexene prede- ceased him in 1963 and a brother Herbert, in 1971. Funeral services 'were held from the M. L. Watts' Fun'eral Home, Brussels, at 2 P.M., Mon- day, January 15th. Rev. D.DOcken of Walton United Church officiated. Temporary entombment took place in Brussels Burial Chapel. Pallbearers were Kenneth Forbes, Charles Williamson, Donald Nolen, Stuart Humphries, Wm. Laverty, Jack Hamilton. Floral tributes were carried by Donald Carter, Tom William- son, Wayne Williamson and Bert Clark. ' Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial-Seaforth 527 -0240. S N O M O B L E wages be pa see aa giveftiotirat, second and t ird-yeadinge.: Cle k: Helen Martin, $2400.; Treasurer: George Michi, $850.; Gradermen: James Cage- more, $2.95 per hour; John Smith, $2.80 per hour; Waste Disposal Site Supervisor: Adam Smith, $2.25 per hour; Labour wages, $2.25 per hour. Two new pound- keepers appointed were: Alfred Nichol and John Cronyn, Fence- viewers, Livestock Valuers re- main same. - That remuneration for Reeve be $600., for Deputy-Reeve and Councillors $475. each for 1973. - That Robt. Grasby be Morris' representative on Mait- land Valley Conservation Authority for two years. That Thos. Miller and Wm. Elston be Morris' representative on Morris, Grey and Brussels Recreation Committee. - That Robt. Grasby be Mor- ris' representative on Blyth Re- creation Committee. - That Ross Smith and Stanley Hopper be recommended to be appointed to Beigrave Arena Board. - That Wm. Elston and Thos. Miller be Morris' representative on the Blyth Fire Area Board. - That Jas. Mali' and Ross Smith be Morris Representatives on the Wingham and District Fire Area Board. - That Mel Craig be recom- mended to represent Morris on the Wingham and District Hospital Board _That Walter Shortreed by recommended to be appointed to the Seaforth Community HoSpital Board. - That Wm. Elston be Council'• member for one year and Ross ° Procter non-council member for one year on wingharn and District Planning Board. - That Thorne, Gunn and Co. be auditors for 1973. _ - That convention expenses for attendance at one convention be $1. per day plus expenses. - That By-law No, 2, 1973 -allowing the treasurer and yeeve• to borrow on credit of reeve to borrow on the credit of the municipality tip to$135,000 from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, wingham, be pas- sed. , • - That road superintendent and treasurer submit necessary petition to Ministry of Trans- portation and Communications for balance of 1972 road subsidy. -. That a grant of $10. be given the 'Ability Fund (March of Dimes). - That a grant of $150. be given Brussels Medical-Dental Centre. - That membership be paid to Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities. Road Accounts of $4,458.03, aed General Accounts of $3,910.61 totalling $8,368.64 were approved. A Hand Up . . . not a hand- out . . that's what ,physically handicapped adults want . . and that's 'what they get from The March of Dimes Ability Fund Logan Council held its in- ' augural when Rev. A. Hurst, Pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, opened the Meeting, ,with a short talk and prayer. The Oath of Office was subs,cribed to by Reeve Gordon Mogk, Deputy Reeve Tim Nichol- son, Councillors, Laverne Gard- ner, Carl Vock and Edwin Illman. The 1973 meetings are to be held.the first Monday in each Month, starting at 1 p.m. with the exception of May to October inclusive, when they will be. held in , the evening starting it 8 p.m. The following were re- appointed as representatives to Upper Thames Conservation - Wm. H. Chaffe, Maitland Authority - Edwin Inman and Ausauble River Conservation Au- thority - Ken Reaney. Grants were authorized to Sick Children's Hospital, , Toronto; War Memorial Hos- pital, London; Salvation Army; Mental Health Association; Sf. John Ambulance, Mitchell; Mus- cular Dystrophy Association; Cancer Research; Heart Fund Research: Correspondent Miss Mary McIlwain Mrs. Ken Stewart, Mrs. Bill Dale spent Tuesday afternoon- with Miss Evelyn McMichael of Goderich. • Mr. and Mrs. William Dale attended the annual meeting and banquet of the Ex Wardens' Asso- ciation in the Legion Hall Goderich on Tuesday evening and also attended the dance for the new warden. „, - Miss Kerni Medd returned home on Tuesday from Clinton Public Hospital. News of CONSTANCE OBIT LI I 11 /ES Harold Jackson Well known farmer, auctioneer passes