HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-03-03, Page 3THE y1' INGHA11I111IMESI.. MARCH 3, 1593, more on aeoount of this prohibition than if it were permitted to come in in tank cars. 'Pitt present price of oil. in Oil City, Pa,, 7.85 specific gravity is 51 cents per wine gallon, iu barrels, How much will it cost to bring it here 'I There are. 8,207 wine gallons in a car load, which, at 5• cents per wine gallon, would be $184.41; $,207 wine raallons aro equal to 2,678 imper- ial gallons on which there is 7 1,5 cents duty, amounting to ,$192.45. The duty for sixty btu•rels, winch con- stitutes a oar load, at 40 °cote each, amounts to $24; the inspection of six ty barrels at 30 cents each, amounts to $18, and the frieght ou siety barrels from Oil Cit to Peterborough would be $66, eking a total of $x$484.96, Making the st of oil laid down in Petorboroug 18 1-7 coats per impars ial gallon, ometimee the. retailer is the ia,porte , and, therefore, the pro- fit added to he price, of the oil is not so high as toe percentage charged,. if the oil was unsorted by other than the retailer But otherwise the im- porter adds is profits on selling to the retailer an the retailer adds his pro- fits on selling to the consumer There- fore, Mr, l5�jealier,,the price depends on whither he retailer is the importer or not. Abvico To 1larusas.—are y.0 unturned at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying; with pain of Cutting Tooth f IP so send at once and get a bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incaL•ub able. It will relieve the poor little suffer.* immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhma, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures wind Colic, softens the Gusts, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. ` Mrs. Win- slow'. Soothin • Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste anal is the prescription of one of the oldest and best scale physicians and nurses in the United Status, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mas. WIYSLow's SOOTHING S'AS'S ..nd take no ether kind Men of Extraordinary Nerve and Firmness of Purpose. Amongst men who have forced their way to fame and fortune, we may name, as an example to all, worthy of imitation, the famous and justly cele- brated Thomas Holloway,better known thronehout the "wide, wide world" for hie Pills and Ointment. Of these medicines it is not our purpose to speak -we are not writing a putt, but solid plain facts, to show what eau be done by great strength of mind ; and that what one man can do another may do, provided that he has the ability and determination to use it with all his soul ! We read of the Great Napoleon, whose ambition was to conquer the world, but ,Holloway has done some- thing false, for, • instead of shedding oceans of human blood, he has cured his thousands, and spread great joy among the poor sons and daughters of atllietion by his wonderful Medicines ; and, although be does not pretend to "raise the dead," yet he has given stren_th to the halt and soundness to the lame ; and if he has not "opened the eyes of the blind," he has soothed the pain -worn, and comforted those on the brink of the grave ; and in the four quarters of the globe his prepare- tious have lounrl their way -not by force of the sword, not with the aid of legions, but have been silently borne on the bosom of old ocean in our tutge, merchant ships to every corner of he; civilized world where suffering man is to be. found. But to do all this gigantic work, to accomplish so wondrous a deed, re- quired much thought and mush energy for without these combined, this mighty work could not have been so- coinpiished. Am; thus he did it. There is a wien. sayine. "Don't spare printer's ink !" and Holloway spared neither "printer's ink," nor vast piles of the precious metal. gold. He ad- vertises in all the languages spoken among civilized nations -tend whether yen go into France, Belgium, Holland, Prussia, Denmark, Russia, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, -nay, we might say all the kingdoms of the world -and in a thousand tongtles th-ey talk of "Holloway's Pills !"-in a tholtsand Iangnattes they utter "Elollo- way's Ointment 1" We are filled with b0 undle.s.. rondo and wonder astonishment that one man, one mind, one head, could. plan and devise nil this; and we say that, if on" luau has really done ;lo, afore must be some wonderful cut"itive properties About, his Pills and Ointnee nt.-PoNt Close.'. Historical Notices. Reb000l?, Wilkiuson, of I3rownitvalley Ind,. says 1 "1 had been in a clistt•eeee, cnllditiou, for three years from Nervond nese, Weakness of the Stomach, Dvspcpsit+, and Indigestion until my Health wren gene. I had been doctoring constantly without. relief. 1 bought one bottle of South Am- erican Nervine, which done ane more good than any $50 worth of doctoring 1. ever did. in my life. 1 would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely rem- edy." tt, trial bottle will convince you, Warranted at Chieholm'e drug store, Another of iluron'e pioneers died ou Ffib. 14, in the person cif Richard Handford, nr., who had attained the see of 88 years and 9 months At the time of his death he and his wife resided with 1lrs. Handford'h bother, Thos. Bissett, er., Exeter. Flo leaves a wife, five sons end two slaughters. A Valuable Hint, Whon you are attacked by cough or cold do not delay but commence at once to use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. This old standard remedy removes all irritation, loosens the phlegm, and heals the mucous surfaces, curing coughs and colds of all kinds. Our readers who contemplate at - Wilding tete World's Fair in Chicneo are cautioned against. pitying Li ad- vance for a000(0IIIOtietions in that city. A majority of the advertisiri schemes nre frauds and even the old estitl,lished houses are cout.rar'tine for double the nuulber of people they eau accost ilindate. Take your chances 00 reaching Chicago or stay home and save your money. • A Cure for Headache, Headache arises from constipation, bad blood, dyspepsia or livor complaint. As. B. B. B. cures all these complaints it is naturally the most successful headache cure existing. Once the cause is removed the headache vanishes. Men become bald. Why ? Bst ltubf' they wear /dose hots and wills Wooten are never bald except- by disease and they. de net wear Close headonr. Men never lose a hair below where the hat touches the heart, not if they have been bald fnr twenty years. '('he /lose cap •holds the heat and perspiration ; thereby the hair glands become weak and the hair Palle out. aarkwell's 131'onChiai 'Balsams Will cure any Cough Cold, Bronchitis or Asthma. Term American Government will allow Canadian cattle to be exhibited at the World's fair without being quarantined, Ripans `!'abides or sour stomach. Jewelry of Former Times. Patterns of girdles worn by ladies in the sixteenteeth and at the beginning of the seventeenth century were very much alike. Some girdles were formed of gems set with a large bezel covered with white, red or black enamel. Chains hanging down the skirt held a mirror, a purse or a fan. Zr2 we were to judge from the works of designers such as Hans Collaert, Voerlot and Dncercean, we would believe that pendants worn during that period were much varied in shape. Yet on portraits we only see be- sides jeweled lettere, crosses and oval cameos, elongated motifs exhibiting the same general outlines. We remark nowhere pendants showing figures sit- ting in a bower made of jewels, fantastic waves, w.atches surrounded with alle- gorical figures and surmounted with spheres, etc. Architectul'al pendants glade by Cellini were no doubt perfect works of art. -Jewellers' Circular. showed halanee and receiptu *••.•..1. $3,206.15, and expenditure $2,794 lag It balance of $111.17 on itand, A petition was read from cam sten and 13 other ratepayers, rte C,ouucil for n grant ttl�trnslcl ue1S; for the fence along Mouth lialf of 21, non. 2. The real. place being; greatly obstructed drifts. Toe smatter wait allowed over for future action. it bc.iee t Williams' r Rope Crown ltemd , grottiest i est euro on n Ehuineblsrv is nobility, .uteniNraria, Paralysis.lm. An Indignant. Sicilian Brigand. The advertisement of the brigand Candimo, in the Journal of Sicily, com- plaining of a correspondent's letter, is curiously illustrative of the march of civilization. He is still puriuing hie profession at the head of a considerable band, and he begs to state "through your esteemed columns" (for which per• pose he forwards 5 francs) that the re• znarks in question' are .injurious to him. "We do not touch the poor who work for their living, but only the rich. Nos do we kill persons with a dagger, as is infamously asserted of the man Casse. taro; we shot him." -Argonaut. Subsoils ng. Probably no work on the farm pays better than that done with the subsoil plow on land that has been well under - drained. The advantage of subsoiling is that one operation lasts a number of years,and if the drainage drainage the which the subsoil plow gives it. An Economic View. What are those implements doing out in the fields at night? They roost not neither do they go under shelter of their own accord, and Solomon in all his glory never devised a means to make farm implements take care of them- selves or last if they are neglected and left out in the elements. Where the Former is Lazy. A farmer will get up at 4 o'clock, clean oat the stalls, feed, Iznik, ship his milk daily (and Sunday, too), make up the beds, and hulk and feed again, with a bare pro- fit, if he has a dairy herd, but it is hard work to even clean out a poultry house once a week. IS This Tree t Thoreau observed that " the more Slowly trees grow at first the sounder they aro at the core," and leo thought il was the same with Iranian beings. :Hensall Methodist ill bKild a else" church. rom the Far North. 1N northern climates people are very sets, • jest to colds, butt the natural roxnedy is also produced in the same climate. Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, asthmam, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Price 25c. and 50o. The Dominion Government hare paid already $13,000 in contesting the right of the Manitoba Legislature to abolish Separate schools, To Get at the Fact Regarding Hood's Sarsaparilla, ask the people who take this medicine, or road the testimonials often published in this paper. They will certainly convince you that Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses unequalled merit, and that HOOD'S CURES. Hoon's PILLS cure constipation by restor- ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. They are the best family cathartic. A Paris cable says that in the new Franco -Canadian treaty of commerce Canada engages to subsidize a direct line of French packet boats. Itch on human Sud horses and all ani- mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This 'lever fails. War- rauted at lhisholm's drug store. The Seaforth Royal Templars of Temperance have estat,lisbed a band in conn+-cticn with their order, under the leadership of John Daily. English Spavin Liuimeut removes all hard, soft. or calloused Lumps and Biem- ishes from Horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney. Stifles, Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Uou2hs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted by Chisholm's drug store. Lieut. -Governor Obapleau will sail from New York oat Maroli 25 for Europe, where he will spend several mouths un account of his health, Indispensable.—There are some simple remedieii indispensable in every family. Among these, the experience of years assures us, should be recorded Perry Davis' PAIN -I .ir,;.mt. For both internal and external application we have found it of great value ; especial- ly can wo recommend it for colds, rheumatism, or fresh wounds, and bruises,-Cbristain Era, BANK OF HAMILTON, WINGHAM. Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, $650;000, President -Jona S•ruairr. Viee.1 resident -A. G. Rosins. DIRECTORS Ions PROCTOR, CHAS, GURNEY, Gro ROACH, A. • 1Voo», A. 13. Los (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Ban[-lloure,10 to 3 ; Saturdays, to 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of internat. 'Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, Solici tors. HOLSTER The undersigned Turnbcrry, four th ing from 9 to 18 animals are all ell Canadian He Bon on easy for s to au .iAS RUQ FOR SALE . s for sale on Let lo, Con. 4. oughbred Holstein bulls. rang• iths old. The above mentioned marked and registered in the . They will be sold .heap rind purchasers. .LIOT, reeder of holstein Cattle, Sluevaie, Ont. ABSTRAC OF— RECEIPTS AND EXPE DITURES —OF THE— TO 1SH P O u U RN R ERRYI For the Year Endi g Dee ber 3ist, 1892. 1892. RECEIPTS. To balance on handfrom last audit$4237 71 Interest 557 3 ' Bank of Hamilton overdrawn for T. G. & B. R. Debentures412(1, SO Mortgages receivable 5800 37 Legislative grant 2S2 00 Municipal grant (1891). 992 0 Taxes collected . 8957 0 License fund 25 775 Lance improvement fund 170/51 Co. Treas. Boundary line grantlog 00 Miscellaneous ys 00 1 Total 1024581 02 -1891 EXPENDITURES. By roads and bridges $1180 93 nterest account v 599 45 Legislative grant 282 00 Municipal " 292 00 County rate and taxes 2037 85 Commissions and allowances64 26 Salaries 600 00 Bank of Hamilton 4126 80 Board of Health 32 00 Schools 3531 98 Charities 132 32 Debentures 9760 00 Printing, postage and stationery 62 25 Government drains 161 50 Elections 38 60 Miscellaneous 274 75 Balance on hand 1404 33 Total... $24581 02 1892. ASSETS. a To balance on hand as per audit.. $1404 83 Uncollected taxes jt 35 19 Mortgages r 2815 13 Total ' $4254 65 1892. LIABILITIES. By County rate.. $2111 20 Drain debentures 2456 00 Total $4567 20 We, the undersigned'anditors do hereby ertify that the foregoing Abstract of Re- ceipts and Expenditure" and of Assets and L' abilities of the Township of Turnberry for the year ending December 31st, is correct. DOUGLAS FRASER, I AunlTons. ALEX. MAcEWEN, j To THE MuNIcrrAr,,uovNcIL or The TOWNSHIP of TunsrEnnl. A G1:NTLEMEx,4We herewith present to you .ur report as Auditors for the year 1892. The Treasurer'Ssaccounts of the Receipts and '.xpeditures for the year we have carefully examined and found that he had vouchers for 11. The Treasurer's accounts were kept in his usual ac rate and satisfactory manner We also exlmined the bond given by the' reasurer as security to the Township for moneys handled by him, and found it quite s tisfactory too. The cash lying to 3 our credit in the Sank of Hamilton, as per Bank Book, we found to correspond with the cash balanc gin the Treasurer's books. ' r,el filled neatly and accurately • r it In Roll � o detected no el o b0Y by In thtl;Collector's Ro v , both Clerk and Collector. The total unco lected,taices for time year on December 31st fi were $350.9, a good part of which have since een collected. Ana it gives us pleasure as Auditors. to r port that your Railway indebtedness is now paid of . In this connection we also wish to •ecord our hearty approval of the manner in whish the several Sinking Funds provide for those Railways have been massaged by you in pe best interests of your Township. Ta indebtedness for Drains wo find is 1 ow down to $2,456, and your cash balance l; on hand for the year 1893 is $1,404.33. Ant in conclusion we wish to emigrated to you on your careful, economical and effi• tient In nagoment of the Finances of the To 'nslhip. ! • . t 1 of which we humblyen t Al t DOUGLAS FRASEIt, Atr,IT0I(5 A. MseEWEN, j A Blessing to Every Househl .d. HOLLOWAY'S AND � OINT These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Family use. TTE^L F=J,T.tS Purity the blood,' correct all disorders of the LIVER, STODIACH, EIDNEYS AND 1105' invaluable In all cofnplafnts incidental to females of, all ages. TZ F QII•TME .,T Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sort..., ulcers, and old wounds. 1''01( BRONCHI'+ THROATS, COUGHS, ('OLDS, GOUT, Iil'EUHATISM, GLAr)ULAlt SWELLINGS MU) A:0 DISEASES IT 1MS NO EQUAL. Manufacturedonly at 78, Ncw Oxford. Late 6;;y, Oxford Street, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. ff "Purliasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots.' If the add not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. REGULATE THE - STOMACH, LIVER 1,1%9 DOWELS, AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation,. Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all disorders, of the Stomach, Liver Iver and Bowels, Ripens Tabules contain nothing injuriousto the most delicate constitu- tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by druggists. A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of xs cents. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., io Spruce Street, m - New York City WINGHAM MARBLE WOR INT FII 5M_ MESSRS. VANSTONE • I3ROS, of Kincardine hove bought the Marble Business of Mr T T Watson, formerly carried on by W Sm Parties requiring work in their line will do well by calling on +nem or seeing one of their ascents: purchasing. You will find our prices are away down, Our workmanship is unsurpassed. We wilta but the very hest stock and by square dealing hope to secure a liueral share of the public patronage.i T Watson, who has been running the bnsiuens for the -past year, win represent us on the road. . Call an 1 see our stock and prices. V ANSTONE 1P ALL b' ipt„'r L IN '"' ROYAL MAIL 8 EAMSnn'S. EDUCTION 1 RATES. earners sail re PORTLAN PO AND H vin 1. Demote 1 Cs bin, 340 and up Steerage at low rates. STATE1 LINE NEW YORIK uterlr from LI FAX •'o LIVER dundcrry. ER MONTI'S. Second Cabin, 526 attic Carried. RVICE OF LINE 8 EA HIPS. ria Lnndenderry, every Fort upwarus. Second Cabin. $25. Apply to H. S: A, ALLAN, DI HENRY DA ASC -OW ight. Cabin, 540 and Steer. e at low rates. areal, IS, WINGRAAL. Boiffl! Boom! Boon. Cheap ' oliday Literature the year round. o•operat on is the order of the do group your newspapers rind subsrihl: for them in clubs. Look ver the following lot of popular publi. cations and seetwhat you would lift" a to read . 1 Wives nu Daughters, London, is a monthly published by wrknen for woman op superior toned paper, bound; titsper year. 7 2 The Amerient Farmer, Sprintaeld, 0, 16 pages monthly, has a meal cirenh1tion of 50,000; 81 per vcar, 3 The Western t{lvertlsor,;PLotldon, a popular weekly, recently enlat" •ed,52,000 given to su iscnbers in premium awards, . nowsy, paper for the home ; Sl per year•. 4 Pansy, Boston, 40 s aritl1113 pages every month for Snbday and week da, reading; 51 peryear. 5 Canada Farmer's Sul London, the official orison of the Patrons of industry hi Ontario and Qualms, 48 columns weekly; 51 Crpye r. 0 Our Little Met and Wei ten, Boston, for young• est readers at hone and in s Roel• 31 per year. 7 Arthur's Home Magazin •, Philaelphia, one 0 the best magazines publisheu or the money; 81 per year. 8 Two Standard Bodies home,in fine cloth, em- bossed in gold surd printed in lai•e cleat type, fiction and classics, 1. „ , OUR CRANO CLUDUI,NC OFFER • TheTt\lxs and ee ' two of the abov�.o for only 52 23, worth 23; save 25 per cent. $, The Teas and /t} by three for only Std 00, worth 54 ; save 65 per cent. /t 1'• The Tinos andamy four for only 53, NIrth 85; Save 4e OCT cent The Tnsss am any are for only 53 50, worth 56; save 42 per gen . The Timis at ` any six for only 54, worth 57; save 43 per cent. The Tutus ' d any seven for only 5450,wotth $8; save 44 uer a nt. ' The Ttens,pnd all the above for only 33, "month 89; Save 45 per fent. ,I No choiciir holiday present can It b s elen onto o ;h$ above. ► Y y +care theta in oo time. Address all ordorato TI S1ES OFFICE. C` Wiit:sham,One. for. all . it pays to ZETLA STD. SAW Nif GEORGE THOMSON, Proprio Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shing and Cedar Po Car load Orders a Sped WOOD delivered to any pa %V ingh am. rterOrae by'maii proinptiy attended t 0 GEORGE TROD� O �,Wingham 6,�1 sv,,s`" „vs r tiir w ° JOSEPH COWAN, CLERK DTH DIV. COURT, CO. Hugo. AUCTIONEER, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICE Co)IMlssxoNEn IN H. C. J., E ro. WROxETEn, ON 2,000,000 Feet of Logs Wan Highest Cash P paid fcr any quantity of HARD AND SOFT WOOD L delivered at our yard in Win M. for Heading and Shingle by the cord. Call and get prices, 1 to cut, &c. Dressed and Undressed L Shingles, Lath, &e., kept coutiuiiatly ort hand. ] t A N &1�AL CViukhatn, ranuary 4th,1803.