HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-01-04, Page 12USED CAR VALUE
1966 Chev. Sedan, 6, AT.
1967 Chevelle, V8, Automatic„ raise,
2-door, HT.,
1967 Buick Skylark convertible , V-8, AT.,
1968 Plymouth. Sedan, 6i At
1968 ,Plymouth,, HT.,. V-8, AT.,,Radio
1968 Pontiac Sedan; V-8, AT., PS., Radio -
1969 Chevrolet Sedan, 0, AT; Radio
1969 Ford Fairtafie, 2-dr. 'HT., V-8 AT., Radio
1969 Oldsmobile, 4-dr:, HT:, V-8, AT., Radio
1969 Chev. Sedan, 6-cyl.. AT.
1.970 Chev., 2-dr., HT."; 8, AT., PS., PB., Radio
• 1 ONLY --1972,Vega, Automatic
T, a •
4th ][L
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When it snows
we reign.
We are now In the Java -Sea
arid have just passed Borneo.
• To-night we will pass through
Lanbok Strait into the Timor
Sea and ,then into The Indian
Ocean bound for Wyndham it:
N. W. Australia: •
However, to go bark and bring
you up to date. We had a wonder-
fully' smooth "and happy passage
• across the Pacific. elevee
passengers rood sailors and all
very Interesting lutheirly.j,n way.
One of them a retired lawyer
is one of Australia's best knoe ti
modern poets and a very erudite
man and an interesting conver-
As we passed Taiwan and
entered the China Sea, -.ye caught
the tail . end of a typhoon cvlicif
was romping around between
Vietiram and KC/W.4 Kong,
so we' missed a couple of [pas-
sengers for dinner:: However, by
noon of Nov, 9th the. sea• had
calmed and we sailed into beauti-
ful Hong Kong hart our et night.
Tiis. fabulous city is best -approa-
ched by sea -and especially 'at
night. The. giant harbour is
surrounded by Hong Kong on the
one side and Kowloon On the other
and there are millions of lights
of all colours, nut only on the
shores .but up the emelt:ale and
on the,hhndreds of ships'aed small
boats in the harbour:
"The c ontainer ships docked
at the huge Oc'ean Pier but mixed
freighters like ours anchor at'
the globe on the 'S. S. Kristin
Be kke- Now a resident of St.
Themes,. Mr. Frost was barn
:here where he attended school.
He is *a brother of Mrs. Jean
Dill of_Dublie.)
. Hon p3 ask' why the claim was
' (This is the third in a series buoys and are unloaded by. high- is becoming expensive unlesS you being denied and to see if the
tars and junks. The water is go native in your tastes but Association could clear up the'
of letters from former Seaforth . . "
resident John Frost who tells of ' choppy . from the colitlnuous there are still bargains on optics matter.
his impressions as he cir les, stream of ferries, sampans, and cameras and someelectronti, • Council. decided not to accept
junks" and
taxis rushing equipment. . , , a brief from. the TOwnship of
The nett day Dorothy and I Jaltfleet , requesting county
did some shopping and really council be given more power
you are overwhehrnedwith choice;, and the clerk was instructed. to
There are ,shops .by the 'thou- so: notify Jhem . ,
sand 'selling everything's-yeti ever Two council delegates were
dreamed could be for sale: The authorized to attend the Ontario
main streets run one above ,the Good Roads Convention being held
other in terraces up the moun- 'at the Royal ,York Hotel in Tor-
, tain and the connecting links onto February 26, 27 and 26.
are broad stairs lined both sides First day session is to be for r
with shops.. .-councillors.
We then 'took a double decker Mayor Sills was reappointed
bus• and drove •through old HOng to the Hayfield Ausable causer-
:Kong out eeueene Road, up the vation Authority and Carl Dalton
• mountain , and down to the sea was reappointed to repre-
at Aberdeen a distance of per- sent Seaforth' on the. Maitland
haps 10 miles, cost less than 10e Valley Authority for :1973. 0
Can. This is the home of the ., Council namett.aome of its
water people, -hundreds of, sam committees for 1973. Appointed
pans, jung, etc. parked tightly to the recreation committee from
together in the protected -bay, Seaforth council were John Flar-
PeOple speed their entire lives eery. Jim Clocker, John Sinna-
on fhern, some• of them never mon and Bill Bennett. To,ahe
go ashore. You call see all the arena committee were George
domestic life going, on, meals Hildebrand, Bill Bennett," Wayne
being prepared ' and eaten, Elite' and Wilmer Cuthill.
childreteplaying anal trades-men at ' Council appointed Reeve John
'cork. When they ,, tot to go Flannery and Councillor Ellis
ashore they just walk from boat as. representatives on the Sea-
to boat. , - ' • forth 'Fire Area Board. Fathee
We hired a sampan from a 11. J. Laragh was 're-appointed
-Ary persuasive Chinese woman . as council's representative on
and were taken out to the float- the Seaforth Community Hospital
1.1,14 restaurant where we had a 7: Board. , .
course Chinese meal. It was very - Deputy- IteeVe Wilmer Cut-•
course Chinese meal. IO-es a hill and :Councillor G.Iiildebrand
very 'ornate building Witt an were appointed to the Seaforth
ext.-el:Iv-et view of the harbour. Planning Board,
O.; the way back to Hong Kong Councillor Elizabeth Cardnb,
. the bus e as full of school: child- chairman of the protection to per-
ren on 4 holiday and it sounded sons comtnittee , gave the police
like a fig:telt) a Chinese lauedry: report fcir De*lember.
ALerdeen was the only place we , 13e-Lash No. 905 was, passed
Acountered beggars and „people appointing Ernest W"illterns as
-are asked not to give them any- clerk-treasurer and' tax collei'-
thing as there is adequate tor at a salary of$8,150 per year.
welfare, , However I saw foolish Clarkion and Gordon were
southern cousins throwing money 'again appointed as auditors for
to them. They don't realize .the. .the town.
harm they tin end that they Only • John F. Scott was aepciiiited as
breed .bsconterit a n d hatred' by '; i,...''
,their actions. Actually,there is no ithemployntent te Hoeg .Kone,
0010)1111141 ONT,, JAN, 4, 1973 •
Set througLanbok $trait
for Wyndham, Australia
(By.John R. Frost).
about night and day, A5 soon' as
we dropped ahchor, we were sur-
rounded by a swarm of lighters
and junks. I counted, 19 tied up
aronini,...ns at one time. The
Chinese are marvelous sailors
and live right On, their junks.
'Women work'right along with the.
men and I would estimate one
male'and two female, stevedores,
the equal of a crew of efght of
the underworked over-paid Can-
adian or American dockers.most,
of the junks' are motorized now,
come in all sizes and are re-
markably manoeuvrable. .we did,
however, see sonic sailing junks
and they are beautiful.
The unloading and loading
'sere fascinating I almost hated
,to go ash ore. Next morning after,
breakfast-, the company' launch
took us to' Hong Kie-e. Dorothy
and land the young Toronto couple
rode H e cable tram to the Peak.
T' Is is a thrilling ride at a
very sharp incline and goes 1305
feet above :sea level, The vie,.
across IRA; Kong, the harbour
Kue lour: is absolutely magni-
ft eat, Traesportation is very
cheap very efficient. Double
dee,ker busses and ferries, Tice
Kin',- loon ferry (-tests less tea
.2e Cala.
Returning from the Peek,
Dorothy vent Kim tom:, v itl,
thee'soune people and I ',cent to
Rotary' at the eloies', Konc H Mot..
Met • once splendid people, but
the leech as .twful. The Ameri-
can hotels should be avoided
unless • you area very teeth $1
Canadian for a 3 oe. glass of
tomato juice. A reasonabR
smaller lintel :eould recommend
is. the Aueus'e, Mon, 0 , K(\r‘ loon.
afternoen I: went to
Kowloon with an Australian friend
evler !lad,. just sold his sinail
80,006 Jeer sheei, teatime awl
.c:cs'li king artmirj for a citrus
ereve: del eeme shopping.
we et the ucfrgn' Red China
tiepartmeet sere then: to les-
hotel', tie- Alieuet Moon for' a
About ec• cut Dorothy
and , kids and all had dinner
at the ;Drip ess Ceordens. The
ChineSe food wee lellcious Ina
Dorothy lied to give tip on (Imp
stieks' so e , finally Jjersuacied
them to brine tier a fork. 0 -,
Ouch to the clink ee
visited the 'old but very beauti-
'ful Peninstila Hotel.. Hong Kong
By Sunday as the mild weather
make the women drool. Mae, . nif cias54 shops of.,.,v1. end rain continued, floodlng, be-
kind, cethese -any came a problem in a number of
areas. Seaforth plumbers re- Japanese fur the most part and ported a number of ealls over sone:, of 'the most beautiful moat- the weekend fo r assistance 'in erials. broCacies, eottons• combatting water in hesements. worke of :art and' inreiture ' The combination of rain and
have over seen. The terminal frozen ground resulted inrapldty
.0°1:lee-Hi with the Hong Kong : • rising rivers and by Sunday after'- uot,?ji where there Ore two more poem water had overflewed the floors of tleesarne kind shops. banks- of Silver Creek and was returried to the Ship for withirf Inches of flowing dirough dinner and sailed (Mt of beautiful the bathing paN,ilion at Seaforth •Hong Kong abont. 9:30 P.M. Lions Park.- One can, only have the geeatest weather Monday
and 'respect for the Inttl- Cooler
brought seine snow and skillful, induetrhius and
frig Hilly' chine s°. people. the cold winds. However, further
rain has been predicted for the years 'ahead they will take act remainder of this week• increasingly prominent plaec in
world affairs; I hope I may be
prisileged to return wale' to the
N ...ew Years.
Arriving in , Hong :Kong we 'took.
the ferry to Kqwlieni and visited (Continued from Page •I)
the pcear- Tot:lulled. This would.
(Continued from Page 1
was driving the car at thktime.
'The clerkwas authorlied to
write to. the Insurance Associa,
Urge Huron cowl !notion
building lnspectOir for 1973.
The resignation of Ruth
Campbell as deputy-clerk was
acs epted by council effective
February 2, 1973,
A. IV-law was passed author-
izing the borrowing of up to
$300,00 to. carry On the business
of the town Until such time- as
taxes are collected. ,
The mayor and °clerk were
authorized t o apply for the
provincial road subsidy.
,BE T 13IBLE CHURCH Aa Asifichot01001041 Church A Egmondville
0.1.. PATTERSON, 0.1'h., PAstost
11:00, a,M.• Mr. Paul Estabrook
gissi °nary - on Furlough
from Mani 1 a.
7 :30 p.m. Mr. Carl Murray ,
Phone 5277 02-10
Closed from
14th January to
January 28th
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