HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-01-04, Page 90
e •
1969 ,-FOBb GALXIE_50 0, 302 V-8,
automatic, power brakes, power steering,
Licence K57140
1971 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN, 6 passenger
stationwagon, V-8, automatic, power brakes,
power steering, radio, roof rack. Licence
automatic, power steering, power brakes, one
owner, Licence K44409.
1970 METEOR RIDEAU 500 2-door hardtop
V-8, automatic, radio. Licence K42490
1969 VALIANT V-200 slant 6
radio. Licence K42131
1971 PINTO 2-door 2000 c.c.
radio. Licence K39693
Budget Priced Certified
1966 CHEV BISCAYNBE 400r, 6
automatic radio, 56,000 lady driven miles.
Licence 1(41057
Remember ... It's Sense To See Snider'-
Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer
Snider Motors
EXETER 235-1640 LONDOKI 227-4191
Open Weekdays Until 9.00 Saturday•s Until e 00
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(Photo by McDowell)
Heavy weight longs 3.95 Shirts' 3t95
Myhedly.m.a 'right i e longs 3,15 Shirts 2.80
ravened Stretch
Colbur 'shirts or longs, -
3.15 Work or Dress Gloves' 1.00 to 5.95
Unlined Deer Skin Gloves ..... • .• • 6,35
' Lined Green Work _Pants 7.15
Casual Jackets • • 14.95 to 22.00
Hats and. Caps , 1.55 to 4.75
Toques and Face Masks 1.80 to 2.35
A group of sweaters, pants and casual
Jeans, • .; • • • 1/2 Price.
• Seven-foot Lont Scarves 1.00
Flannel pyjamas:$ 2.35 3 Polo pyjamas $ .95
T Shirts perma , press reg. or turtle neck $2.35 to $2.80
Sweatets $3.95 .,to t6.35
Thermal longs white or coloured $2.35
Thermal Shirts - $2.80.. - '
Jadicefs $12.75 to $ 14.35
Toques and face masks $1.00 to $2.35
MEN'S DEVT,:- • •
SUITS, reg, 89.50 • • • • • • SPEOIAL'0,
Special • • • 19.50 ..Zip-lined • • • • 2,
Underwear •e•-•
71 COMBS. 5.20 71 Shirts or 16figs 340
Thermal Combs.
Short or long sleeves 5
guests were ushered by Mr. Jim
Glenn, brother of the bride.
Mrs. B. Underhill played•tra7
ditional wedding music. •
The dinner and rec,,,eption were
held at the Holiday Inn, Kitchener.
-The bride's mother received the
guests in a floor-length kown,
princess A-line of hot pink
• crirnplene,, bolero jacket, . pink,
slippers and wore a white car-
nation corsage. The groom's
mother wore a floor!length gown
of purple polyester crepe, high
waistline and long sleeveS with
a white carnation corsage.
Guests were present from
Kitchener, Preston,. Simcoe,
Orillia Goderichi 'Bayfield and
The bride's dress was
fashioned by her aunt, Mrs. Viv-
ian Schilbe, Bayfield, -
The master of ceremonies at
the wedding dinner was the
bride's uncle, Brian. Broome,'
Prlor to the wedding the bride
'was honoured with showers by her
sisters Bonnie and Linda of
Goderich, her aunts, Mrs.
Eleanor 'Graham, Goderich arid
"Mrs. Bessie Broome, Egmond-
vale. • ' •
Mr. and Mrs. .McGregor are,
residing at 40 Mohawk Road,
Apt. #204, Hamilton. Mr. Mc-
'GregOr With-the,brancte df
the Toronto Dominion Bank,
Mountain , Plaza, Hamilton, as
an, accounting officer.
Ladies Aid of First Church.
Forecast Period: January 7-- Janpry 414, 1973 .
It seems as though a member Of the opposite
sex is going to hit the formula that will . please
you, Activity in affairs pf the heart shows in
your chart.
Five powerpacked planets align in the sector
of your chart that promises material gains.-So,
take the "big change" and let the chips fall
where they may, Taurus.
• Your budget could becOme somewhat pressured,
during this cosmic cycle. Also, the planet Mars
indicates friction developing between you and
a loved one..
You're prone-to making changeS in your im-
mediate surroundings; no problem! But fuzzy
thinking related to financiil security, could
create imaginary monsters.
It seems as though there's more to a current
platonic association, tlfan you care to admit,
Nevertheless, subtle words and gestures will
reveal hidden motives, this week.
• Many members of your sign will discover that
any attempt to mix passion with commonsense
results in a highly explosive ingredient; handle
passion and common sense, separately.
Strange as it might seem, a recent success could
Oct. 22 trigger an independent air, on your part, that
will alienate the person who could 'help, you
Arriving at a decision this week, that pertlins
to the opposite sex, might draw secretive criti-
--c cism from your associates. The point? Care less!
During this week's cosmic cycle, most members
of your sign face an hour of trial, in affairs of
the heart. Relax, there's no "big hurt."
A leak of planning and a lag in your project
might find you attempting to force a lie to
function as well as the truth. Stick to facts!
13Iuntly, you won't carry your share of the load
this week. According to your chart, it is best
that you seek ,new challenges, or sell a novel
idea - to' others.
A radical change in your life style shoUld take
place this week. A deep inner feeling about
religion . or the .opposite sex, spreadi across
your chart.
Forest Hill United Church,
Kitchener, was the setting for-a
candlelight service for the mar-
riage of Nancy Irene Glenn and
Brian James McGregor. on. Dec-
ember, 8th at 8 P.M. 'with Rev.
B. Underhill officiating' at the
double-ring ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. yalfredGlenn, 1'76
Ruskview Rd., Kitchenerand Mr.
and Mrs. James-C.. McGregor,
Egmondville, are the parents of
the groom. • •
The church was ' decorated
with candelabra, potted White
mums and Christmas decorat-
. dons.. , •
• The bride, given in marriage
PI by 'her father, chose a floor,'
length gown of white crepe, fash-
ioned with lace bodice, scoop
neckline and Juliette-styled
sleeves. Her four-tiered veil
was held by. •'a headdress of
material' and trim matching the
,.gown, floWed - to her waistline.
She carried a white fur muff
with red roses.
Mrs. Bonnie Hudson; sister
of the bride, Goderich, `was the
matron of ,honor. She wore a
'floor-length gown of. pqrple.
• crimplene, • puffy sleeves and
trimmed With white lace and
white satin shoes'. She carried
a white fur muff purple
tinted carnations.
Mr. Kenneth AdamP Jr.,Sim-"
cde, was the groomsman and 'the
Aug. 23
Sharon Irene Nbble of R.R.
#2,Auburn was unitedin marriage
with William ,Lawrence Millian
of R.R.#3, GoderichciriNdvember
25th at 4- P.M. in Doonybrook
United Church. Pastor Alfred
• Fry was---the officiating minister
assisted- by Rev. Stanley ,Mc-
Donald of Londesboro.
The church was decorated
With white candelabra and bronze
The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John'Nohle of
R.Ft.#2,. Auburn and the groom
is the son of Mrs. Charles Mer-
rill of R.R.#1, Clinton and the
late Charles Millia.n.
. • The bride, given in marriage
. by her father, chose a full length'
gown of white silk Logoda with
Mandarin collar, emPire• waist=
line; full Bishop, sleeves, A-
line skirt with detachable Cathe-
dral train.The gown was accented
With French imported lace. She
carried a cascade bouquet. of
red and white roses.
, Mrs. Dorothy Turner . of
London was the matron of honor
and Mrs. Fred Tyndall,. sister
of the groom and Bonnie Noble,
cousin of the bride were the
bridesmaids. They were dresSed
alike in high waisted bOdices of
white trevera with floral' poly-
ester crepe skirt, ruffle around
'neck and sleeves and each car-
ried a basket of bronze mums.
' Clare Millian, brother of the'
groom of R.R.#3,. Auburn was
the best man and the ushers
were Donald Jefferson, brother-
in-law of the bride of Clinton
News of
Mrs. Ed Regele ,
Mr. and Mrs. .Jim Carter
and Glenda of Kitchener, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. ,Harold Mc
Callum on Sunday.
, Joyce and Carl• McCallum
spent a few days with their grand-
' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele.
' Mr. and MrS. Fred Glanville
of Mitchell visited one day last
week with Mrs. Joseph, Thornton
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele and
Mrs. Joseph Thornton spent
Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold McCallum and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Williamson
and family haVe moved to their
new home in Seaforth.
by Phillips)
taffeta blouse, with a floor length
plaid skirt. Her corsage was
red roses.
The groomsman wasGus C as-
tore of Toronto 'and the guests
were ushered by Michael Batic,
also of Toronto.,
A reception followed at the
,Galley Room of the Queen's Hotel
•and later at the bride's holne.
Gtiests were present from
Toronto, Otta.Wa, Cochrane, and
After a wedding trip to the
northern United States, the bride
and groom are retiding•inMis-
sissauga, Ont. ,
and' Barry Millian, brother of
the groom of R.R.#5, Goderich.
Marie Boyle was the organist
and accompanied the soloist, Mr.
Cyril Boyle •when he sang The
Lord's Prayer • and 0 Perfect
/the „reception was held in,
the Auburn Comninnity Hall. The
bride's mother wore a floor-
length yellow and gold nylon sheer
-brocade gown styled A-line with'
lowered neckline and bias collar
with gold accessories and
corsage of yellow' roses. She was
assisted by the grdbra's mother,
'in a silk doubleknit, long sleeved
floor-length 'gown in deep tur-
quoise with braid and applique
trim, silver and black accessor-
ies , with corsage of pink rose
The couple will reside at
R.R.5, Goderich.
Mrs. George Milian -of
Auburn, grandmother df the
groom, was present at the wed:-
Guests were present from
'London,. -Stratford, St. Mary's,
Gbderich, Kitchener, Auburn,
Clinton, Thamesford, Dorches-
ter,' Springfield and Georgetown.
Edna 'Elizabeth Thopson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs,'John
Thompson, R.R.No. 2, Seaforth
was united in marriage with
Barry Dane Powley,' sou of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Powley,Kelow-
na, British C olumbia., in a dOuble-
ring ceremony on December 2,
. 1972 at 7:00 P.M. in-Londesboro
United Church. Rev. Stan Mc-
Donald performed • the ceremony
amid a setting of Chrietinas trees
with red lights, poinsettias and
white candelabra. The, 'pews
Were decorated with'cedar sprigs
and red velvet bows and poinset-
representative to .the Historical
Society whll be Miss jean Scott.
The Annqal Meeting will, be held
on the 5th Monday in January;
the ladies north of Godericif St.
to take sandwiches and the South
to take squares. Quilting will
be done on Jan. 11th irithe school
room. Mrs. F. Kling sang •a solo
"My Creed" accoMpanied by
Mrs. R.C. McMillan. Mrs. An-
drews introduced Rev., T.C.
Mulholland who discussed "Be-
having Oneself" and followed with
prayer. Mrs. R.S. Habkirk gave
courtesy remarks.
' Personals
Mrs. Ed. Andrews presided_
over the January meeting of the
LadieS Aid of First Church on
Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Harold
Agar read a poem to open the
meeting. The hymns were chosen
by Mrs. James T. Scott and
Mrs. Robt.-McMillan presided at
. the' piano. Mrs. McMillan read
• the scripture lesson and prayer
was offered by Mrs. Francis
Coleman. The m inutes were read
by Miss Jean Scottand MiSs Janet
Cluff gaVe the annual report.
Letters of appreciation were read
by Mrs. R.K. McFarlane. The
Mar, 21 - 'Apr. 19
Apr. 20 - May 20 '
May 21 - June 20
June 21 - July 22
LEO July 23 - Aug. 22
Sept. 22
Sept. 23
Oct. 23 - Nov. 21
Nov. 22 - Dec. 21
Dee. 22 -"Jan. 19
Jan. 20 - Feb. 18
Feb. 19 , Mar. 20
Marie Lynn Kittar, daughter
, of Mr. and Mrs. W. Kittar Of
• Seaforth and AnthOny Gallen°, son
of Mr. and 41Mrs. F. -Gallano-
of Toronto' were united in mar-
riage by Rev. M. E. Reuber.
On Dec. 16th at 4 o'clock „ at
Northside United Church.
Organ music was provided
by Mrs.-James A. Stewart..
The bride' WaS1 dressed in
a floor length rose satin sleeve-
less firess' with. white Windsor
collar, and she wore a gold
' necklace and a. corsage of baby
pink roses..
The bridesmaid, Miss Laurie
' Bell of Seaforth, wore a white
Now IS A
NE tAloRl<
'-41111. OMEN
SNOWMOBILE SUITS • • • • •• ... • 144
0 ter 43 SNOWMOBILE MITTS • • •• • • • 2:85
Goderich, Clinton, Auburn, Blyth, . - - Walton, Dublin and Seaforth.
For their honeymocin to the
West coast, the bridal couple
donned matching suits of choco-
late brown - crimp ,with multi THE HURON EXPOSITOR
coloured stretch shirts.The bride SEAFORTII
OEM, =nine
1 973 Licence FREE Plates Provided
With All Units
Listed Below
We're Starting Off
The New Year with
A Belated Christmas
Gift for You . .
1969 GALAXIE 500 4-door hardtop, V-8, sii9c
automatic, power brakes, power steering, on.e
owner, Licence i99682
1970 FORD LTD 4-door V-8, automatic, 1395
power brakes, power steering, a sharp one-
owner automobile. Licence K61070
1967 FALCON 4-door, 6 cylinder, automatic.
Licence K42688
1967 FORD CUSTOM 500 2-door, V-8
automatic. Licence K39920
1965 CHEV BISCAYNE 4-door, 6 automatic.
Licence 3520N
$ 775
$ 775
boro played traditional wedding guests danced to- the music of .
musi c- for the ceremony and the Country Cavaliers and were •
accompanied Miss Sharon served a midnight buffet when Mr.
Thpmpson and Master Bob 'Andy Thompson, eldestebrother
Thompson, sister and brother . Of the bri,de,.• acted as master of'
of the bride, as they sang "Love ceremonies. .
Story" and- "Walk•Hand inHand". Guests were preSent from
The bride designed and made Ashland, Ohio, Southfield and
her wedding ensemble from white" Detrolt,21dich., Ottawa, Toronto,.
French cut velvet.. Her 'floor- Kitchener, Hespeler; Galt, Owen
length dress featured an Empire Sound, Sarnia, London,Stratiord,
' waist, V 'neckline, full sleeves
With. long buttoned cuffs.n The
matching Sleeveless vest with
full hood and velvet frog closures
was highlighted by its soft flow-
ing train. She,carried a cas-
cade bouquet of red carnations
centred with two white gardenias. - wore a white gardenia corsage.
The bride's attendants were They spent Christmas with the
Miss April Ward of Toronto as groom's ' parents in Kelowna,
maid of honour with Mrs.- British Colunibia and then_ re-
Carolynne Thomps014o1,,GlintOrp,-*,-turned, to Seaforth for the New
,and Miss Janet ,Reynolds , Year. • , -7
Southfield, Mich. as bridesmaids
Mr.ainn Ottawa.
will be
and Miss Sharon Thompson as residing
junior bridesmaid. They' were
..-dressed alike in high waisted •
. •• •
--.A..1drig skirts , of red hish -plush Stmt /es.:-,,Velvet with ,white • crinkle knit „„
blouses trimmed in' red. Their Ours is one of the very few
bouquets were red carnations set countries in the world where
in .ho,lly_wirth xed and white velvet busineSsmen get together over
streamers. $10 steaks to discuss hardtimes.
Mr. Kelvin McGreavy of Ot-
tawa was best man. Guests
were usered by the bride's
brother, Mr. nit Thompson and
Mr. ,Ted Telicki of Ottawa.Master
Bob Thompson was junior atten-
dant. Whey were' dressed in
black ,tuxedos with red carnation
Following the ceremony a),
reception, was, held hi the Sea-
' forth Legion Hall. The bride's
mother received the 'guests in a
, floor-length dress of kelly green
peau de onge' trimmed with gold'
and pearl beading. Her acces-
.sories were gold and She wore a
.Mrs. Harry Lear of Londes- red carnation 'corsage. The
Types of
- T. -PRYDE- & SON
Inquiries are invited -'Tglephone Numbers: •
• EXETER 235.0620 CLINTON 482-9421
' SEAFORT,H: Contact Willis Dundas'
Or Bill Pinder 527.1382 - Bus. 527-1750 '
one pair at regular price .
Get another pair for $1.
53 MAIN ST. Seaforth Phone 527-0102