HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-01-04, Page 4Holiday visitors in Dublin Hydro workmen were busy Tuesday beinning the,,installaticin of street lights in Brodhagen. The . program which provides for lights on all streets in the village was approved by Logan council and Is being carried' out in conjun ction with the H.E.P.C. (Staff Photo) Charged in break ins at Staffa and Dublin • vir x rot Te. woo) PICT' • . iri 1,../(17/40 111111/•77,..0•.n • 4 A sound in ,the night . . cat or .burgiar\? If it's the latter, you'll be pro- tected against financial (.1 • T-74,`/ HURON MAITLAND LTD VANASTRA (STRAIGHT IN FROM THE MAIN GATE) *IN THE OLD FIRE HALL - 482-9495 HAS BEEN APPOINTED AN AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR CONSUMER PRODUCTS ,WE ARE NOW STOCKING A COMPLETE LINE OF: JOHN DEERE SNOWMOBILES . LAWN MetWERS GARDEN TRACTORS '-Or SNOW BLOWERS -.MOUNTED AND SELF-PROPELLED -3( CHAIN SAWS' THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET STORE Old,Air Force base, Clinton, Ont. • WE BELIEVE OUR DISCOUNT .PRICES ARE THE BEST GOING WE STOCK A WIDE RANGE OF: WHITE & HUSGBARNA BRAND SEWING MACHINES FROM $8997 TO $37991 IMMEDIATE • ' TERMS•TO MEET DELIVERY YOUR BUDGET DON'T BUY TILL YOU GIVE US A TRY - - , REMEMBER WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF SEWING MACHINES NV It'll * ER 14 OUR S. mos. "0 FRI. 1 P.M. TO 9 9 A.M.:T.0,6 P.M. FREER! SEWING.. SCHQ0L. at Our STORE SAT. JAN 6th 12 NOON to 6 P.M. See our new ,machines demon- strated by an ekriert with 37 years experience - You'II see all kinds of sowing skill 'batched. DEN BOISSONNEAULT R. R.1, WALTON DEAD ELM REMOVAL Work undertaken within 30 milest of Walton. NO WALKING NECESSARY We provide snowmobile to get into your bush - 5 Chain Saws available provide tapac- ity for any size tree. Call now before January 20th 527-0529 ACROSS 1. Assail 6. Place of worship 11. Imbue with joy 12. Garry or Victor 13. Words of , encourage- ment 15. Unclose (poet.) • 18. Knightly • title 17. Mythical founder of London 18. Three lines of verse 20. Abject 21. Fermented potable 22. Solar disk 23. Brisk 25. Chief executive: abbr. • 26. Father 27. Droop 28. Chinese port 29. Sermonize 33. Russian village 34. "Aunt" in Tijuana 35. Hawaiian game 36. Improvise: slang (4 wds. ) 39. Subse- quently 40. Let 41. Expuhge 42. Te inated DOWN 1. Stupefy, as with drink • 2. Wed 'ion the run" 3. Less risky 4. Pilot's ab- breviation 5. With con- ielseness 6. "Love" in Spain 7. Ship's record 8. 'Untimely (2 wds.) 9. Excites 10. Blush 14. Location 20. Canal- boat 23. Akin - 24, Propor- tion- ately (2 wdse 25. Biblical k story 26. Speci- men 27. Barbe- cue rod 30. In front 19. Actor, Today's Answer Mac- • donald 31. Call a stop 32. Employed . 34. Weary 37. "Out," translated 38. Longing 37 JOHN ORE 315 2 3 4 5 I. -7 8 9 10 13 14 12 - II // IS go rA /4 2b 25 21 24 40 54 33 3b 39 4, e, ,Costello. • Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney spent New Year's Day with-Mr. and Mrs. Eugei1e Bannon at Gags- hill. Mr. and Mrs.. Larry Cook and c.•ildren spent CeristmaS with Mrs. Mary Bruxer and Jerry. • Mr. and Mrs.. John Darling have returned home after , spending the past week with Mr.' and Mrs. Laverne Diehl at Mil- verton. loss when you have one of our Horheowners Pack- age PoliCies, with burglary , as well as fire and liability coverage. HOALANO&MOORE ,vitatenzitee, INSURANCE OF ALL 14 INCI5Visd, GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS 34 251234 -4;067 OuBLIN it:YurITCHELL. MILL STREET • DUBLIN,ONT. Mrs. Roy McDonald, Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth and Mrs. Walter O'Brien were hostesses for the Christmas meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute held in the •township ball onWednesday)Dec, 20. • 'The president, Mrs. John Mier presided. TWentyeane members answered the toll call with a familY 'current event •of 1972. During business finalplans were made for the New Years 'Dance and it was decided to have card parties Hireughout the winter with Circiel responsible for Januafy. The Institute •••111 purchase a 100-cup coffee- maker. The topic wasChristmas cus•:• toms around the world .. ith several members contributing interesting customs. Mrs. Robert McCaughey led in carol singing Mrs. John Miller demonstrated the art of• candle making and showed interesting varieties of candles which can be used for Cnristmas and an}' special occasions throughout the year. Secret pals for the-past year were revealed and a gift exchange enjoyed.' Miss Heather Daynard, Vic- toria. B.C., visited in the hbli- days wit!. her parents,,Rev. and Mrs. Daynard. Misses, Rosanna Worden-, Toronto and Joanne Worden, Ottawa, visited in the holidays with their father. Me. Alvin Wor- den andjaill., Mr. and Mrs. Allan Appleby, London and Mr. and Mrs: Brian Babcock, Grimsby visited in the holidays with their parents', Mr. and Mr5. Russell Worden. Miss Bonnie Miller, Toronto party spent thechristmaeholidays •••ith her 'parents; -Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ton Miller and Paul. -"" Mr. Craig Kerslake under- went surgery in London hospital this past week. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Miller and Ron, Miss Beverley Stewart, Stratford and, Mr. and Mrs.,John Templeman and family visited 'Wednesday. evehing.elth Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Mayer 'and family, Kirkten. Mr. H. Willard Colbourne, visited in 'the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and family'. Mr. and Mrs. James Cross and Miss Janet Miller, London, visited in the holidaysevitti their parents , Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family and Mrs. Sam Norris were, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Norris and Sean, MacDonald College, Quebec, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norris and family, Bramp'- ton„ Mr. and Mrs,. Harold Long- man, Londesborough and Mr. and Mrse John Burleigh and family, Goderich. Miss Darlene Templeman has completed her work term in St.- Thomas and has resumed her studies at Waterloo University. Murray Haines and Miss Laura Lyn Greig •of Kingston visited in the holidays with his family, 'Mr. and Mrs. Philip Janies and Roger. Dennis Dow has returned to classes at the University of Guelph and David Dow has re- turned to work at Sarnia follow- ing Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dow. Mrs. Ethel•Lyall and Nancy and David of Toronto visited for a few days 'with Mrs. Sam Norris. Mr. and Mrs, John Temple- . man. and , family were Monday evening dinner guests of 'Mr.-and Mrs. Wilfred Annis and family, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ross and family have returned home after spending the Christmas holidays in Florida. A large crowd attended the New Yeay's• dance Saturday evening in Staffa hall, dancing to music by NelsonHowe, Murray Christie, Ivan Norris and Mrs: Donald Johns. Briefs. Capt. David and Mrs. Stinson and baby, Erin Victoria. of Oromocto, New Brunswick; •Mr. and' Mrs. John Meagher, Dannie and JOhnie of Stratford; Mr. and MM. -rthbk:OslIciinVanciriViry, Kitchener; Mrs. James Morri- son, Kitchener; Mr. 'and Mrs. Vincent Morrison, Tony and Bernadette of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. John Verkley and Bernard 'Stock, London, 'Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Costello and Betty Ann, Sharan' of Camp Borden; Mrs. Dan Costello; Mr. Harold Meagher and. Jerry, Dublin, all visitors with Mrs. Jack Meagher during New Years. Mrs. Jack Meagher spent Christmas with members of her family in Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo. - INSURANCE Auto, Fire, Life Donald 6. Eaton Insurance Agency Limited Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 - Seaforth Mr. and Mrs. Donlelinknamer of Cape Breton Island, Mr. Jack Klinkhamer of Toronto, with' Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klinkhamer. Mr.. and • Mrs. Louis Maloney and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. NIeurice Etue of Seaforth. • Mr. and Mfrs. Louis Kraus- kopf of Florida and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson of London spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. krauskopf. . Rev. Gordon Kennedy of To- ronto assisted Rev. Gordon pill during Chfistmas. Sister Leona C.S.J. of Wood- stock .and Sister Florian C.S.J. of St. Marys visited Mrs. Agnes Givlin and family during the holie days. Sister Irene of Essex spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Jo•Seph: Connoll y. Mrs. Verna Brooks and son, George spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams and other friends at Blyth. Mrs. Patricia „Feeney' and family of Kitchener 'with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Rya-n for Christmas. Mrs. D.P. Monaghan has returned home after spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Monaghan in Dundas, Mr: and Mrs. Pat Monaghan and David of Oshawa joined them on Boxing day. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hallman of Waterloo and ,Mr. and Mrs. J.D. MacRae of 'London spent the 'holidays with Mr. and Mr. Don MacRae. Mrs. Mary Gallop of Kirkton spent ChrisAlias with her daUgh- tee and sten-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Les.. Barnes. Christmas visitors, at " the home of Thos. Butters were; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Butters and Kimberley of W1-nnipeg, Man.e Mr. and Mrs. Allen Butters and Cheryl of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Butters and family of Hes- peler, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters end family of St e ThomaseMr„, and Mrs. Ron Coyne and fatnily of Londoh and ,Mr.. and Mr. and Mrs. sill Butters and; family of • Mr. and MrS. Jdseph L, Ryan of Kitchener, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cronin and other members of their family. • At home-for Christmas with - Kee and Mrs. Fere Stapleton were .Mr. and Mrs. Michael Biscuit of waterloo: •Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stapleton and MissJoanStapleton of Kitchener and Mr. Jack Staple- ton of 'Kitchener' and Mr. Jack Stapleton of Thunder Bay. An, emperor had just started ruling' his country. He was very gentle and -- loved all wild animals, allowing them to run loose throughout his domain. The people eventually became very annoyed. then revolted and over- threw their ruler. That *as the first time in history that- the reign was called on account of game. "The average household con- sists of a husband who makes the money, and a wife and kids who make it necessary". "The man who invented the zipper made a fortune just mesh- ing around". - - - MATERNITY WEAR at the SEPARATE SHOPPE Mein Corner -- Clinton kk OPEN 24 CLOSED WEDS. Guests at the huipe of Mr. a tad,' Mrs. , Steve ..,Maloliev for Christmas were Mr. a• d Mrs. Pat Feeney -.and family of Til- sor.burg, Mr. Teddy Feeney of Kitchener, Mrs. Mary Feeney, and Mr. Wilfred Feeney of Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Costello and family of Camp"Borden and Mr. an M es. Danny Cpstello and family' c Kitchenee are spending the Nee' Year's boll- days with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mr, and Mrs. Manuel Beuer- mann accompanied Mrs. Martha Hinz, Mrs. Ella Rose and Mrs. Minnie Mogk to attend the 50th' Wedding Anniversary Celebra- tions of- Mr.' and Mrs. William Jacobs in Waterloo. . , Mr. And Mrs. August Scher- berth spent Christmas Day with Rev, and Mrs. Calvin Gilck and family in Kitchener. T Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligs'e n, erry and Warren, Mrs. Mary DIttmer, Mrs. Mabel Higgerson and Harry Proctor, R.R. 3, Mit- chell were gtests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elligsen on Christmas Day. The sympathy of the commu- nity is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Mary Hillebrecht. Flowers were placed in St. Peter's Lutheran Church at the Sunday Morning Service from the' funeral of the • late Mrs. John Alle.s. On Christmas Eve the Sunday Scheol Children -of St e Peter's Lqtheran Church held their an- nuA-Chrigtmas Concert. The theme of the concert was "Light a Candle on the Altar". The ehurch was packed with audience. The regular Christmas Service was held at 10:30 a.m. Christ- mas Day- • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scher- berth had as their guests Cheist- mas Day, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson, Mr. and .Mrs. Milton e " Love and Jody, Glenn Jackson, Stratford and Donna Schneider, Bor nholm. Nek,M•ryr*v aisnd it Mrs. Rae 'Rock, visited Mr. and Mrs.La- vern Wolfe on Tuesday. Christmas` guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens were Mr. 'and Mrs. Clayton Ahrens, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ahrens, Mr. Kenneth Ahrens, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ahrens. and family, all of Bur- lington. Miss Shirley Trentowsky spent- the Christmas Holidays with her Mother, Mrs: Adolf Trentowsky. Mr. and Mrs. William BroWn spent Christmas with their. family *Mort;r , n and e, a Mrs, nd mAlrianarrdromwrns,.MRealy- Ii Kettlewell and family,'Straihroy. St. 'Thomas ACW Meets in Dublin •STallOMAS -CHURCH, A.C. W. - The St Thomas Church A.C.W held their first meeting of the , year at the home. of Mrs.Jarnes ,Snowdon in Dublin. The meeting opened 'with prayers yead by the president, Mrs. Audrey McLean. The meeting was turned over to' the nominating committee who brought in a slate -of officers for the y r. The nominating committee is composed of Miss Dorothy Parke, Mrs. Elsi e Dinsmore and Mrs. Shirley Dinsmore. Officers are: - Presideet Mrs. Audrey McLean; Vice Pres. Mrs. Peg-Coombs; Secretary - Mrs. Janet Ford; Tre asurer - Mrs. Corrie Snowdon; SocialSer- vice - Mrs. Elsie Dinsmore- The date, for the annualbazaar was, set 'for Nov. nth. Card parties• will continue throughout the winteron the fourth Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be held at, the home of Mrs: Peg Coombs on Feb. th. The lunch committee willMrs. Corrie Snowden and Jana Ford. ' Remember! I t takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To a ertise, .just Dial Seaforth 527-0 40. , Bruce' John Kerswill, of Kit- chener and Gary James Prevett, of Goderich, were remanded in custody until Friday. The two were originally arrested _ for break-ins at Sadler's general store in Staffa and the Shillelagh lunch counter in Dublin, both committed on Dec. 21. At the Staffa store, the two men got away with $63 in goods, including a l0-pounl ham, a toes- ter, alarm clock, wrenches, a watch, jack-knives and $10 in -silver. After they broke a window and climbed across a grill at the Dublin store, the pair took only a blueberry pie and two pipes. Facts on the other charges, which include break-ins inHuron and Grey counties, will be pre- sented Friday. When asked if he had anything to say, Kerswill said "We just took it for the kids and for food." Prevett said "The only reason we went out to go and get the stuff was to ,get food for the kids because we didn't have any in the'house and no money to buy it." Judge W.A. Ehgoetz remanded the two in custody and ordered a pre-sentence report to be pre- pared on each man, Correspondent • Mrs. John Elligsen Wednesday evening. the anneal Congregational Meeting ' was held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. The Rev, Arthur Horst was chairman for the meeting. *Varieus' reports were read from eac'r. committee.. The proposed budget as presentedto the con- gregation. Three new counc were elected 'fur a three year term; Mervyn Leoehardt,Gordon Mogk and Harvey A hrens. The three retiring councillors are . Carl Cock. Gordon Wurdell and Art Campbell, Mr. Louis Hennewies, sett Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller were guests of Mr. and Sirs. John Moore, 1. Dublin, Christ- mas Day. Mr, and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and family. London and tVarraie Officer and Mrs. Dick Watson and family, St.. Thomas .spent Christmas with Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe. J+. totiet1 News of Brodhagen St. Peter's Church has annual meet HUROWOPOSIITOR, SEAFORTH, ,ONT., JAN. 4, 19731 News of Staffa WI enjoys Correspondent Mrs. John templeman Two men who admitte breaking into six busineseplaceg in three counties said they did it "for the children'! ••••••••••••ereeeeeee ,emeeewereeeeee'eeeieeseereeeeeet •