HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1973-01-04, Page 3Family OPPIJK@ affg ' rtio HuRCII -EXPos!TPRT InStitYte' has, ho If Waltn Women s, Correspondent • Mrs. Allan McCall The Walton Amen'sInStdute met for tht.. recember meeting on' Wednesday evening in the community hall which was deco- ratted for the festive season. The hostesses, Mrs.. James Nolan, Mrs, Alvin McDonald, Mrs. Dongt McDonalci and Mrs. James McDonald arranged the dgiicious. smorgasbord supper which was much enjoyed by 32 members. • Following -the meal, Mrs. Gerald Watson conducted the meeting in the usual manlier with •Mrs. Bill Humphries as pianist. Mrs. Joe Steffler read the minuteS and gave the treasurer's report . The correspondence' was read. It was decided to resume the card parties again on January 12 with the following committee' in , charge, Mrs. Neil McQavin, Mrs. Harold Bolger, Mrs. George Blake, and Mrs. Gerald Watson. The committee to he in charge for the card party on January 26; will be Mrs.' Stewart Humphries, Mrs. Herb Traviss, Mrs. Don McDonald and Mrs. Don Achilles. Mrs. Bill Humphries; announced that the next meeting of the short course, Ontario Fruits would be held on , New Tear's pteSte'lOr Mr. ang, .Mrs. Don • Flutter were Mr, .Mrs, -Murray • Blake, ?4r. and Mrs. IVIUraY Blake, Mr. and Mrs. 'Don arey and and: Mrs. Torn Stevenson. Mr. Allan McCall is a.paiient in the , Clinton Public Hoapital, glad to, report he is somewhat. improVed since his admittance • last.Wednesday. Ml'. Cyril ig aigar40,. Neil::Xti41.1 or IYLPYgitiN Mr.' 00 MrS*', Pon Ryan,' Debbie: and. at P14400 , '4)04 ''PhilSt*S:, at the ilotoe their .parents; and Mrs. 1/04e0.4 Hyanc, An Expestter Classiiind will. , lX You llama you: .. tried one? Dial January 16th. • Ilk meeting was PM turned over to the Resolution Convenors. Mrs. Ken McDonald intro-heed Cathy McGavin who sange in her • usual happy manner, "AU I want 'for Christmas is my two' front teeth" accompanied b3 her mother, Mrs. Neil McGavin at the •piano. Mrs..-Dick Marks ' and Mrs. Stewart Humphries took part in a comedy-Maim •ie. Mrs. Harold Wallace, the Dish trict President from Clifford was the guest spelcer, she spoke on her trip to Scotland recently, and took us on a very interesting coach tour she took to the north of Scotland. Mrs. Alvin McDonald thanked Mrs. Wallace and presented her with A gift. Mrs. L. Jacques of the Lakeret W.I. accompanied Mrs. Wallace to the meeting. Mrs. Jan VanVliet Jr. led in several Carol Sing-songs assisted by Mrs. Bill Humphries at the piano. Santa made his appearance and gifts were distributed from the Sunshine Sisters. R.R. 3, Walton and Mr. And Mrs. Earl vett, ,cltnton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell and Harris were New Year'sflinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Georie McCall. Master Danny HolmerkaClin- ton spent a couple of days •of the Christmas holiday with his censins, Steven and John Huether. Miss •Becky Nolan, nurse-itl- training at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, who has been 'spending her holiday with her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan and 'sister Marie, visited last Thurs- day with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson. Miss Wilma Westervelrit, Seaforth, also a nurse-in- training visited at the same home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Mit- chell, Ross, Doug and Neil were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill, Seaforth. New year's Day, they spent at the home of Miss Luella Mitchell, BrUssels. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson and Ronald and Mrs. Allan McCall spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCall and Susan., Mr. Harold WallaCe, Blyth and . David McCall, London were also guests at the same home. INCOME TAX 'PREP' - FOR FARMERS BUSIIERSSeaMsEonNabalnedt„ZeDsIVI__ DUALS Phone today for ,an early appointment RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY Open in Brussels Tuesdays and Fridays, PHONE 887-6663 All other days Monkton 34742241 17 year's experience of income tax preparation 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon . Murray' and Susan were Misses Ida and Gladys Leiper,•Mr. Ross Leiper of Hul- let Twri., Mr. Charlie Murray, John F. Dale, who died Sunday morning, aged 98, is sitting in the yard of the farm, lot 27, con.1 Tuckersmithr on which he had resided for 77 years. A widely km:4n horseman, he is the last of a group of Huron farmers ,who were active-in developing horse shows which attracted widei attention for many yedrs. The bench on which he is sitting served originally as a pew in the Alma Church.. WE GIVE YOU MORE... Native of Tuckersmith John F. Dale, 98, passes in Personalized• Service "The Finest Quality Ilihe lowest meat specials in town, featuring Canada Approved Grade 'A' Red Ribbon Beef also a keen sportsman and was a member of a Huron football team which took a Canadian Another link with the early days in Huron County was broken Sunday morning with the passing of John F. Dale, Huron Rd. West, R.R. 4, Clinton in his 98th year. Although he has been a victim of Parkinson's Disease for several years and hospitalized in the ,Seaforth Manor Nursing Home for about nine months, his death followed an illness of only a few days from a bronchial condition, Boren in Hullett Township in 1875 to John Francis and Mary McMichael Dale, he moved with his parents at an early age to Lot 26, Conc. 1, Tuckersmith and attended #6 school. Mr. Dale has resided at. his farm, Lot 27, Cone. 1, Tuckersmith for some 77 years. • In his younger days, Mr. Dale appears to have been an innova- tor. He was one of the first in the area•To• purchase an auto, ' to 'build a silo, to have a tele- phone. H e was a successful orchardist and exported fruit to Great Britain. In his early youth he was 'a keen showfnan of cattle and from 1895 to the late 20s was among the well-known horse breeders and exhibitors at the Great North Western Exhibition, • the Western Fair, and area fairs. He served on the boards of local Agricultural Societies. He was Joe Gibson, Sea.torth and Stephen' Brown, Clinton. TOP VALU 11(1WOR TIDE Powdered Detergent king size box • • championship. His life -span has seen many changes. In his youth, he helped to load wood for the Stratford to Goderich train which stopped near "Alma for wood to fire the boilers long before coal was used. On Feb. 6, 1906, he mar- ried EdithJaile Adams, Winthrop, Ontario at the Seaforth Pres- byterian Manse. ,His wife pre-, •deceased him this year on August 6th. Surviving is his'only daughter, Edith Mae, •Mrs.*John D. Baker, 14 Goderich St. W., Seaforth. He 1st also survived by a sis- ter, Mrs. Mary Ross, Clinton; brothers, Orville and Harold 'of Huronview, and predeceased by five brothers and a sister. The funeral 'service at the R.S. HpieFuneral•Home, Seaforth was conducted by Rev. Clifford Britton, whose father was a friend of the- late Mr.. Dale. Temporary entombment followed in Pioneer Men-lorial Mausoleum with intern\ent later in Maitlind Bank Cemetery. Pallbearers were; John Bell, Frank Fowler, ,Robt. McMichael, and FrankSills of the Seaforth area, Watson Webster, Clinton and John Downs, London. Flowerbearers were; Blade or Short ITEM: Have trouble keeping brown sugar soft? 'Just uadd a. piece of apple to the container and keep it air-tight. ITEM: Cobking vessel is the English 'translation for the Can- Giese word "Wok". ITEM: Pasta is, an all- in- elusive word including spaghetti, macaroni and noodles, along with many others. The products are similar, but the shape is dif- ferent. • ITEM:N ."1%e average family eats its way through' about 260 - • loaves of bread in a year. ITEM: Melba toast is made from bread sliceF1--yery thin and toasted until it is crisp. REGULAR CUT PRIME RIB 1ST FOUR RIBS ONLY BEEF RIB STEAKS BEEF RIB ROAST Land • -wilt, S5 00 purchase and this coupon , Coupon enectIve Wednesday January 3 lo Tuesday January 9, 1973 TOP VALU TOP VALU SLICED ° SKINLESS SIDE BACON vLrbpac 95c WIENERS CUT FROM THE RIB BONE IN-BEEF BRAISING Rips lb 78c SCHNEfDERS OKTOBERFEST 55e SAUSAGE 'lb 89c pkg CENTRE COT SHANK BONELESS STEwing beef HIGHLINER FROZEN COOKED PERCH B 59c FISH STICKS 'DAVERN BEEF & PORK BREAKFAST SAUSAGE CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK .BONELESS 913e RIB ROAST u 1.12 b 89° FRESH PRODUCE WE SPECIALIZE, IN WEEKLY "I PECIALS • GOLDEN YELLOW CHIQUITA OR DOLE BANANAS DEVON Standard Qreerol Peas or CREAM STYLE. CORN CHRISTIES Plan. Salted or Saltines FASCINATION White (Pony Tall) SODA 1 lb.• plig. CRACKERS as SLICED 24 dz. loave4FORO BREAD MOVON116 DAVERN 14 oz. tins 23 FOR It 6.011.ro..0Fmr.....1.••••••.F.Arior Somebody Wants What You Don't Need SELL - Through Huron Expositor Classified Want Ads ' SLICED SQUIRREL smooth PEANUT , BUTTER 6109 3 lb. jar 11, • CHEEZ WHIZ Processed CHEESE SPREAD 16 oz. jar SWEETHEART LIQUID Detergent 32•oi. cont.. SIDE BACON Food forecast for 1973 31< 71Ic CANNED AND FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ------ Smaller available supplies of processed 'fruits and vegetables will mean 'prices above the 1972 level.. HONEY There is a relatively short supply of honey on the market and prices will remain firm. MAPLE SYRUP The supply of maple, syrup is down and as a result prices will remain firm. What does the food picture look like for consumers in 1973? Here are some of the predic- tions made recently by experts of Agriculture-Canada. LB. 1 lb. pkg. U.S NO WHITE OR RED GRAPEFRUIT 8 79e L ena 1 package-per lamely wan SS 00 purchase t nd•tln, coupe, Coupon effective Wednesday January '3 to Tile,C1Ay Jdneary 9 1971 McCAIN Frozen FRENCH FRIES 31/2 lb. bag TOP VALU Fanty Peach Halyes or Slices 39 NABOB All Purpose. • GROUND COFFEE 1 lb. bag MEAT Although beef supplies are oxr cted to increase in 1973, demand is also expected to con- tinue at high levels, thus prices should rep-Ain unchanged. Con.pared with a year ago, pork sul ilie are expected to average liigher. During the last POULTRY Poultry prices are expected to remain attractive to the con- • sumer in comparison to beef and •pork prices. Chicken' supplies should be ample. Stocks of turkey are expected to be small at the beginning of the year.Later on supplies should be ample. EGGS Prices will be above a year ago in the first half and may weaken in the second half of the year. Supplies will be' slightly below a year ago till June. DAIRY PRODUCTS Total milk supplies will likely be greater in 1973. The con- sumption of fresh fluid milk and c_Feam is expected to increase and more ice cream, butter and cheese will be eaten. FRESH FRUIT AND, VEGETABLES The supply of apples in the first half of 1973 will b e smaller resulting in higher prices. It is anticipated(Weatlier permitting) that there will be an increase in the supplit'of tender tree fruits, such as peaches and peats during the summer and fall. The demand is expected to increase in 1973, thus prices' are likely to re- main firm. The price of grapes, raspberries and strawberries will probably continue at high levels during .the summer and fall. Reduced supplies and in- creased demand for potatees will result in firm prices during the winter and spring. Supplies of onions, carrots, cabbage, and rutabagas are lower in both Canada and the U.S.A. and with a strong demand, prices will be higher than in 1972. CANADA NO 1 CELLO CARROTS CANADA NO I CELLO , ONIONS 754 85 39, 28 oz. tin 31- C Ll S NO CASHMERE vor 44,:k Bathroom TISSUE 79 ROBIN HOOD Assorted VA;Ptle q CAKE MIXES LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE 28 oz. tins TANGELOS 59, 5 7 8t 8 H.P. Jacobsen IMPERIALS plOWBLOWERS 3„R$1 CANADA FANCY McINTOSH APPLES 394 9M999999NIQR I i.(666060ORCHNE BLACK DIAMON9 Regular Process 79` 18 oz. pkg. to 19 oz. pkg. 6 roll pkg. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY JANUARY 6 1973 TOP VALU SALE • BONUS DISCOUNTS BONUS DISCOUNTS -BONUS'DISCOUNTS TQP VALU TOMATO KETCHUP JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH KADANA TEA BAGS ELM GROVE '0 BUTTER DAIRY SPREAD AUNT JEMIMA FROZEN FRENCH TOAST 39c 59e ^7 79, SOUP 8 FOIL WRAP3 `-, 44` 1.00 1.00 CHEESE SLICES BORDEN S 2', EVAPORATED HOLIDAY LUNCHEON 1 43e-s. ..---, MACARONI SHELLS 3 TOP TOMA -).0P • REYNOLDS VEGETABLE 12 INCH .57c 6 1.90 MILK MEAT MOM S SOFT nri MARGARINE 29e • 106,i, MAZOLA McCain! FROZEN CHERRY 69 I e .,.t-6-7--', ,..._, 8 oz. pkg. PIE packages per family oplh S5 00 purchase and this courinn TOP VAL1,11NTANT PLAE POWDERED GARBAGE SKIM MILK I 1.49 BAGS COOK N SEE 59, COOKING OIL 55` McCAIN FROZEN BLUEBERRY PIE INSTANT MOP MAGIC LIQUID 1.17 59c 69' 24"/ 69` Coupon elfertece Wednesday January 310 Tuesday January 9 1973 c“nc 101,0Ni TS DECAFFEINATED 99` FLOOR CLEANER COFFEE - AND WAX 57, TOP VALU WAXED PAPER 3 .1.00 TOP VALU COFFEE • • CREAMER • 89c ;TISSUE 79C F,7LL. ROASTING FILM LIVER FLAVOUR FACIAL •Fr.. 2 69' MORSELS 2 C KLEENEX ASSORTED COLOURS PAPER 55c 79e TOWELS F ,1 Bread N Butter 49c PICKLES Winners of the last draw for holiday packs were: - Andrew McNichol, Seaforth and Mrs.Frank Kling, Seaforth. TOP VALU SULTANA RAISINS i n AN4QQQ999Q99 SEAFORTH IGA I I lit IV REGULAR $469.00 to $599.00 SPECIAL $425" to $549 00- . HURON MAITLAND LTD Open all day Wednesday 0PEN FRIDAY 'TILL NINE ALL YEAR AROUND • VANASTRA (STRAIGHT IN FROM THE MAIN GATE ) IN THE OLD FIRE HALL — 482-905