HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-03-03, Page 1' spa . 'it.'vI > , 1I WCP.ALT,..4 EvCTOERK INGHAM VOL. XXXI;---NO. 1099. We want %his week to draw your atten- tion to our Linen stook. We claim. that in this line of goods this atore excels; we im- port direct all our lines and by so doing we can give you better values, Every good ,housekeeper loves nice linen, be it Table Cloths, Napkins, D'Oyliee or Towels, See our • li none. Words s of ease on all side for our Prints; the stook is complete and w are sure that the moat exacting taste will be suited hero. 300 pieees to choose from, A good washing line at ten and eleven cents, but the twelve and a Ina cent line is the beauty. See the cloth and patterns: the leading colors this season is red and "no lady will be right unless she has a red Henn dress," So the fashion book says you mon will be wanting a suit soon, Remember that w are giving pleasure as before in fit, style cut and cloth. Groceries as usual. We are selling an excellent Japan Tea Dust at 10 Gents per pound. Good value for the money. Shop early. Phis store closes at seven. ORR .4c HISCOCKS, Direct Importers. The Be,AriMar. 2nd, 189 3. Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PAT,ERsoN, No 23, Vic- to°fia street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required, LOCAL NEWS %Town Counoi next Monday evening. ) —Oysters at Jas. MoKelvis's, 35 eta. to 0 ets. per quart. —The next hor fair in Wingham will be held on Thurac y, March 28rd. —Rev. Wm. cGregor conducted the services in the B ptist church, Teeswater, on Sunday after oon last, —Try Myers' oyal spice for horses and cattle at, Grifhlu's Grocery. —Guelph is se Stratford in an en ward extension of! Messrs. M. 2, and Orr & His advertisements n king the assistanee of savor to secure a west - the C. P. R. afelude°, Geo. E. King .oks, have ehauges of this issue, —Prof. Cook e3 tertained a fair audience, in the Salvation Piny barracks, on Thurs- day evening of la t week, with magic lan- tern scenes, &o. dKi SATURDAX NIoiiT.-5 dozen of Ladle's d Gloves, odd line at half price: You don't want to miss this chance, at M, H. Mcl:,noo's. —The Clinton New ra says thatMossrs James and Roland Be tie have bought Mr. Paisley's trotting mar at a good figure -- $300 ; it is It fine ani al and will increase in value.' -On Thursday la , Margaret Rankin, h ofMr. ugter Ricl rd Rankin, of til' town, passed away, i her 28th year. The funeral took place n Sunday afternoon, and was largely att ded. —Misses Varney and /Di:Wonald, having opened a dressmaking shop at tlien;eeidence of Miss Varney, 80 Leopold street, near •oId English church, are prepared to give good work, perfect fit and latest styles. —An effort was made a special meeting of th. reconsider the by-law licenses, but a majoriit would not sign the req the Mayor to call the me last week, to call Town Council to relating to Hotel pf tho Councillors sition •requesting ting. —A meeting of the Ea: Buren Farmers) Institute will bo held in Walton, on Fri- day, March 3rd, Acldres es will be deliver- ed by the following, well known fa:trnors : Thos. Strachan, `.Glioma McMillan, Thos. E. Hays, Robert Cleland a ud John Hannah. Prof. Mille has been invit d and is eitpect- ed to be present to aciclree the meeting. —At the present time t1 re is a plaus- ible scamp, or perhaps a dozen of them, going through the coun ry with a newt racket, but worked on the old akin genie' principles. He makes a c ntract with each farmer for his wheat, agre.ing to pay 1:00 a bushel delivered at t o nearest station whenever he desires it. i order to bind the contract he pays little clown and agrees 'to pay the rem index when the wheat is delivered. Ile my approaches those Who terve large qua titles. Ho gets the contracts andwill hold them, never . stalling for the Wheat, and will worry the farmer into giving hien a ice little stun to "release the contract.” WINGUAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1893. PER Shoulder braces for ladies and gentle. en at Chisholm'erDrug store. ---Masers. Corny Bros„ undertakers, have au advertise h nt in another colnhnu. Mayor Gordon ok part in a k'oresters' e ter a' n ti mut u e at m1daaa Y, on Thursday evening of last we i. —Aooc g l second and show Dasa for sale. Apply to W. T. Yarn % Mrs. Jolnm Nee lids was so unfortunate s to fall on Wedn sday-hast, spraining her left arm pretty sev rely at the wrist. Mr. A. Roe h disposed of his noted tuition, Garfield, Mr. John Golloy, of Morris, for a hau owe figure. —Stowe's Uuoh gave a splendid re play, in •the Town ing last, to a full Torn's Cabin Co3npauy clition of that celebrated Hall, on Tuesday eveu- ouse. —Men wanted to out saw logs and wo. Apply to M°LEAN & Sox, WI ughatre. —Stratford ha refused the exclusive franchise of the ci to the Bell Telephone Co., although an er of $215 was made for the privilege. —A very sumo ful charity concert,uncl the auspices of 5 . Paul's church, was 13 id in the Temperan e Hall, on Thursday even- ing of last week --For boots ai d shoes, go to the Wing - ham shoe store. Repairing and custom promptly done. J. J. McKrator.. —Y. P. S. C. E Attention. --.Will the Execrative of our ocal Union kindly meet in the Baptist ch rch vestry, on Monday evening, at the c se of meeting for Normal class, to prepar programme for next quar- terly meeting. y order of the President: —Clinton ews-Record Mr. T. E. Corny., of W' gham, spent Sunday in Clinton. He h d been in Toronto and took a course h embalming. Mr, Cornyp is in the'farnit re and undertaking business in Wingham. —Ladies, have your garmtfift:s h ii''ade by Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, good work, always first-class fit. —Rev. Wm. T Goderioh, has r accepted an Methodists of W in Goderioh one ontside appoint more laborious t -A meeting o of Morris V. the erich on Mond - for getting the ev had till, the 8th i Clegg is arbitrat for the County, the third arbitrat •Tana°, of Viotoria St., ceh'ed and conditionally invitation from the arton. He has only been ar, bait as there is an ent the funds the work an hecau stand. the arbitrators in the case ounty, was held in God- ' last. After arranging lence,an adjournment was at., at Goderioh. "fr. Wm. r for Morris, Judge Tonus and Mr. J. A. Morton is r. —G T. R trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6.35 a m ,dud 11.20 a in. via W G& B Division, and at 6.45 a m and 3.50 p in, via Clinton ar.d Guelph. G.od connections by all trains. -Mr. Jos. Cas + ore, of lot 9, concession , Turnberry, ne the Junction, will sell his farm stock al d implements, bpublic auction, on Mon ay, Marchi 0th. As Mr. Casmore has die osed of his •m, every- thing will be sol• without reserve. Sale at 1 o'clock. Teri —All sums under $5 cash, over that amoun ten months credit. John Currie, audience --Many are th, devices for extracting money from the wary in connection with the World's Fair. Some parties in Detroit recently advertise for clerks, ticket sellers, waiters, &o., to go • Chicago to the World's Fair. An applies from a Canadian town was told to forwar . $5 and the contract with him would be closed. He went to Detroit and found't e whole tiring was a fraud, and notified e police, who closed up the business, ---A large, pleasan gathering took place at the residence of Mi and Mrs. John Geary, 337 Hill St., London on the occasion of the marriage of their old Mr, J. Annett, merol The ceremony was c L. Fowler, M, A., in 1 after which the :guest fel spread. The bride .grey satin and cream cream roses, and atte Dallas, of Wingham ore and cream reser, e lotto and Gracie Gear acted as maids of iron grapher, of Ingersoll, The presents wore nt showing the esteem in held by their many fr groonh to the bride diamond ring. Loncd t daughter Sadie, to nt, of East London, .ducted by Prof. T. usual happy way, sat down to abound - as attiredinFh'ench silk lace, flowers, ed by Miss Maggie reseed in fawn ilow- d tiro Misses Char- , dressed ill cream, . Mr,D. Willtio,photo- attonded the groom, erns and "costly, vhielt they both were nag, the gift of the being a handsome Mete Press. —Cash for good butter and eggs at It A. Graham's market grocery. —Dean's Prose ation Party played to very good hoaxes the Town Hall, ou Thursday, Pride and Saturday nights last. —An auction Lie of qu tity of house- hold furniture, e 11 be , onh h z enthe na •k e square, on 'a S trda q ,Mai rh at .. Y 4th, o'clock p, in. ter Deans, auctioneer. —A good sal rt boy wanted at once, to learn the printing business. Apply at TIMES OFEI°s, —Messrs. Crossle and Hunter, the well- known evangelists, nhmoneed a series of special services at t e Metropolitan Metho- dist church, Toront , on Sunday last, None of the routo morning daily pars were receiv in town from Mou- day till Thursday fternoon, on account Lie snow coke e ou the C. P. R. —Ch p •d hands and feet), the result of March bids, is readily cured by usiug Chislh , ..'s wit.ter fluid ; it is not sticky or gr-cy. We are glad, o know that Mr. John Bell, who was Bevel ly injured in Mr. Thos. Bell's factory, is do ig well, and there are good hopes that h will regain his usual health. —Tho East Huro, Convention is in pre to press, There ar teachers present. N port of the meeting Teachers' Association cess in town as we go a large number of e will give a full re - text week. —For first-°lase"tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster &i Co. Remember the place, only two doors north of the old stand and between Ross' book- store and Pattereou's jewellery shop. —Easter falls this day in April, which 1 than last year, Afte ter as this;, the wish that an early Baster springTalso, year on the first Sun - three weeks earlier such a vigorous win- s doubtless general nay mean an early -Mr. D. W. Geminill, of lot 1, conces- sion 7,Turnberry,will soil by public auction, on the 10th IMlarch, at 1 p. in., his farm stook and produce. The stock consists of 7 horses, 5 cows, 4 yearlings and 5 ewes. Terms—$5 and under, cast“ over that amount, 12 months credit. Peter Deans, auctioneer. —On Monday last, Seaman H. Laird a Kincardine, were trie with maliciously w< Callum, railway cond February, on the traih and Brussels. They for trial at the Goder —Right Excellent ent Humber, of God Chapter, Royal Arch an official visit on We The third degree we, cellent Commander t and officers. The Ri Superintendent expr pleased with the wor and was entertained the Coanpanious at t ing. essrs. R. B.Durnion, cl +11. J. McGee, of in Brussels, charged aiding Duncan Mo- etor, on the 10th of between Wingham were nil committed h assizes. rand. Superiuteu d- 'ich, paid Lebanon asonry, tt 'iughain, uesday evening last. exemplified by .Ix- illiams,lst Principal ht Excellent Grand seat himself as well dugs of the Chapter. o a. light spread by e close of the meet- .N']RST UONGIREGATIONAL OIit.ROEr, WINOHAm.--W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser- vices each Sunday at 11. a. tn. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School and Bible class at 2.30. Christian Endeavor on Friday evenings in Church vestry. All made welcome, Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 8 p. m. Seats free. Strangers wel- come. Sunday, March 5th, Congrega- tional church services the Town Hall on above date. Morni a subject : "The Rest Side of •Rel ion." Evening : "Hook of Esther," S. lesson for March 12. tS 'aper for all j With the February is larged permanently t columns each. It cent and articles worthy of , magazines, many of th Dominion are anion Canada is the most irate of everything relating t and equally attractive old, In fact it is a o magazine for 50 cents, the publisher offers it ono year for 30 cents it I1tat1hew R. Knight, 11 wick, Canadians. ne Canada is en - 8 pages of Ave ins original stories o highest priced best writers in the its contributors, sting compendium our own country,• both young and re dollar monthly r rather 80 cents, as i now stibsoribers stamps, Address : npton, Now Bruns - AS Did len Ahtigiiity. Either by aequired taint or heredity, those •old foes, Scrofula and Consumption, must be feted generation after generation ; but yen may meet then with the odds your favor by the help of Scott's Etntilsien, —The trustees of church, Wingham, In insurance companies the damage done the Su lay week. The repairing of ph 161 lure. 13 is being m pushe possible, and it is al vices will be held in i 12th, —The Grand Trull fin Railway Cora/tarn id excursions to Man west, Trains will Ie lines every Tuesday April. he Congregational e settled with the receiving $805 for huroh by fire on the Congregational along as rapidly as igetlher likely ser:. 011 Sunday, Unroll and Canadian Pad- s are running colon - obit, and the North. o Wingham on both during March and —Mr, Robert Conn, of lot 29, concession 13, East Wawanosh, will sell his farm stock and implements, by public auction, on T , Tuesday, March 14, at 1 p. m. Terms— Stuns under $5, gash, over that amount 8 months credit will be given. J. Purvis, auctioneer. , ie -The subscriber that he will give r side, with special sermons preached Dr. Welsh, Free laird of Mossfennai . ego leave to intimate iniseences of Tweed- eferenoe to the funeral n the demise of Rev. urch, Broughton, and —Those interest Normal Class fo school lesson,i prep please meet in ti chinch on Mond when Rev. Mr. H ation of the plan o W. LITHGow. in the formation of a the study of Sabbath ratory to teaching will vestry of the Baptist evening, March 6 ghost swill give expl study. --The first binder twihlq the Central prison, Toro out a few weeks ago. Me & Co. have secured a sa erament have not decide be placed on the mar may rely upon it being mar • The .election of C was held on Walesvote, was polled. The resigned ou account were re-elected, the vo candidates being as fol Jos, Golley ..... R. Herdsman... W. A,. Johns • .. , . D. Sutherland... — The following chap Battalion, are gazette Clinton—To be cepa Combe, vice Adam M. from the service; to be Lieut. Harry T. Rance, promoted; to be recon ionally, Malcolm D. T. Rance, promoted. — In the Canadian b one-quarter of the curre is from the states. The to use the silver again a thing to ship Whack to The bankers hold that crisis in the states m keep American currency th, and will ask the Domini an. levy a tax of ten per cent mosey paid out by the C, 1 A YEAR IN ADVA' Gauufa0th3red at to, was turned re. Jas. A,Cline pie, The Gov - as to how I ' 'tis o to m 5, but consumers old at ave ry small Y z. 1 noillors for Ward y, and a very large ree gentlemen who some informality o for the different w ... .... .97 ' . ....81 es in 83rd Huron No. 4 company, in, Lieut. Hugh B. odd, who retires lieutenant, Second vice H. B..Combe, lieutenant, provis- °Taggart, vice H. —The argumen ' against the crinoline most likely to app al to the younger Iadie' is that statistics a e said to prove few marriages occnrre. during the last .crinoline craze than when r sonable costumes were worn. The men . pparently seemed to think the ladies ad steeled tliernsel. against niatrimony, __ —At • tho adjourn Paul's Church, of tl tion of Rev. 2.1: the term expiring a April, . Mr. Hughe in the interests of t vices at Bluevalo, school house. Tit poses engaging in York city for one y he will take awell- England. d vestry meeting of St. is place, tlhe resigns - Hughes was accepted, ou£'tit° first week in has labored zealously o church, holding ser- enannan and Holmes' rev. gentleman pur- issioihary work in New r, previous to which rned rest and a trip to —The new postal ards aro out, and th will, no doubt, be a. reciated by those wh use such form of co munication, as th space available for 'Ring is increased b fully ono -third. Th design and paper i the same as the old, ut the color has been changed from blue t black. The size is now three and a hal by six inches, instead of three by five. T is+change in the size has been adopted b foreign countries, and is to make the card uniform with that of the ordinary seals etter. llhe school children 1 ay, on Monday last. C i11, and not able to attend his substitute could not ing apparatus, and abo children were hurriedly that the boiler would i pipes did not,„v'vork right some of the rooms were c Matters were soon put to went on as usual in the a —The Committee appoi now industries for the idle. Correspon$ence is with the McCormick Ma pany, of Chicago, who are lisp a branch works in C facture farming impleme This firm will employ hands. The committee 'gown Council, on Mon the • and lay certain matters o We understand they wi e to set aside the park as Y facturing establishments. s —The sociable g' en by the W. C. T. G. in the Temperance all, on Monday even ing last, was a ver enjoyable affair. There wag a very large + tendance, and all ap- peared to be well pleased. Rev. E. W Hughes occupied he chair in his usual affable manner. he different officers read reports of the vorlt done by the Union during the past ye , A trio by Miss Sper- ling and Messrs. 5 'plhenson and Spading was greatly app elated by the audience. The orchestra, usual, received hearty applause for their •art of the programme. Miss Winnie Sella y gave a solo, and Miss Sma1e and Mrs. ogg gave recitations, which woreavehl re eivcd. —The Automatic Telep get a footing in London at the privilege of erecting p the gross receipts, not i from business transacted the use of the top cross a erected is also offered. T for their telephones they p , exceed those of the Bell - The Bell Company is after franehiise of London and off a year for five years. .Both • also negotiating for the Strat The Bell Company has seem ive franchise of St. Thomas, paying terefor $200 per annu der counties, fully cy in circulation banks do not care d it 'costs some - he United States. impending silver es it desirable to out of Canada, 0 government tc on all American nadian banks. d part of a boli- etaker Coad was to his duties, and anage the heat - 10 o'clock the smissed, fearing et. The water nl the floors of e.• ered with'water• ights, and school ernoon. ted to look after town, are not eing carried on facturing Com - about to estab- ada, to menu- s of all kinds. rom 300 to 500 111 wait on the y evening next, fore that' body. esti the Connell site for menu - one Co: want to d is offering for les 5 per cent of hiding receipts th outside offices on each pole rate charged °mise will not Telephone Co. he exclusive s' for it $1,000 mpanies, are rd franchise. d the exelus- or fivo yeoirs, totems to the Entrance. The following ars the lessons for the on - trams examination in July, 1893 :—Pic- tures of Memory, ' i ie Barefoot Boy, Tho Death of the Flow , The Pace Againet the Pane, From the D erted -Village, Resigna- tion, Ring Ont ild Bells, Lady Clare, Jacques Cartier, R• hart Burns, Edinburgh After Flodden, Nit °nal Morality, Shakes- i'eere,The Merchal of Venice—first read- ing, The Meech t of Venice—Second' reading, Tho soleions for rnennorisition are: --The Bells of :hamlet, To Mary in Heaven, Ring Out ild Bells, Lady Clare, Lead Kindly Ligh , Boforo Sedan, The Three Fishers, Th Forsaken Merman, To a Skylark, Elegy 'Written in a Country Churchyard. Oiroioo 4 ' r'rens. Wholesale—Gordon .t Mctntyto rlre In a position to. supply families oe npeietae with new teas, at jobbers prices, Now is the tin:1010 netnu?eyonr' teas. Its Excellent Qualities commend to public approval the California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and by gently acting ou the kidneys, liver and bowels, it cleans -the system effectually, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. —The basket social given by Court Maitland, Canadian Or r of Foresters, in their Court room; on F 'day evening last, was it decided succes Mayor Gordon occupied the chair. The programme con- sisted of an address b Mr. A. H. Mus- grove ; readings by Miss Maggie Martin and Mr. D. Tracey; sol by Misses L. Fields, Aggie McLean an A. Cline and Messrs. W. R. Willis.and , es. Mason; , in. strnmental music by Miss Houghton and Cline ; duet by the Misses olniston ; quar- tette by Mr. Jas. A. Cline id Misses Cline; and a vocal selection by It sses Johnston1 ilonghton and Redeems an tests, Plenty, Stephenson and Mason. . lie Harmonies Band gave a selection. Bo een parts one and twe of the pzogralnnn rofroshments were served i0 abuudauee. —The high winds of Mon ay last drifted tlio snow so as to cause the railway com- panies a great deal of diffic Ity hi lunniugM trains, and 1110 rain of M day evening made matters even woz train from ifincardine mail train from Pahne Wednesday afternoon. forLondon, on , 1'il9aday the second concession o engine ng ne Ie#t the track, e, There net n Tuesday en ton and east Time nhorniug o .nay got. tas f Morris, whets snow. w. Theean o yp1 plow •aus aa tcLun do ut it wastelegraphed for, rrivimig here ails 8.30 p. nm„ followed y the train should reach here at 11, The train had succeeded hi getting he engine of Morning train on the tr, k and had bad ed the train to the statio here before snow plow arrived. TIie only mail we on Tuesday was brought ht on the Lori 4 train. The C. P. R. su;fered' rima, No trat <d, reached he da The t Yx rd sere 1;14',Neat1 0 ar snclyio clivi , in trying e• ae there all ing plow •got off t} re nee Wroxtho reter,oan, w13ie worse than the Grand T from the oast, on that on Tuesday or Wedne from Teeswater arrived foreno,Qd, but got stun just beyond the brickyar thine its way east, and On Wednesday, the sno track somewhere caused the delay, in op "The Dominic. One of the most in to the February num Illustrated is the Pauling Johnson, 'A a tale in which the a is well brought o writes entertainingly dian children. Miss tributes an interestin life of the Northwest, traits of well known region, and Mr. Aechi of "Canada in Englis sketch of John Greens A. 0: Machar; "Ind Gasporeaux," by Miss bee; "Bermuda," by Nicholson; ,"Iu a Se M. McLeod, and "Th of Mr. Beggs," by Pr "Hockey in Eastern Tait McKenzie, gives of the game and its pr Montreal, Quebec and ical side is furnished erpert," by Henry I', by "H. R. H." The good, particularly t Acadia," a photograv ness is well brought o t. Illlusteaterl." I resting oontributi4 • of the Dominic ort story of Mise ed Girl's Reasonfn1 tier's clitp' , ° S f the DrFrenchGC' ea ary Markwoll co sketch of tlin soot' illustrated with po aiety leaders of t1 ald Mewl • ' e Verse." of Wlittier`'i n Suinme3. in t mule 3. W teethe Miss Sara Elam iak.,;ZTRnse," ,by Unpardonable S. derick Geo. Sei nada," by Dr. interesting accou hcipal exponents i Ottawa. Tho pee "The Viking Hit arnell, and "Only; llustretions are a frontispiece, e in, which the sof Pers ; a13. Lucknow Sentinel • Miss tell, of Win ham, was the gues+ . of Miss B. Mclnto this week.—Misses and D. Davidson a visiting friends in ngliam. London Free Pre • : Miss Maggie Della of Wingham, has r urned home after pleasant visit atten• 'ng the wedding of he friend, Miss Geary, ' 37 Hill street. Mr. Jos. Dever, o Battle . Creek, Mich gan, is yisiting frie - ds in town. Miss Maggie Mc i aichlin, who hashes visiting her parent n town Afor the, pas ,month or so, left o Satarclay last, to r surae her duties in Iarge millinery eeta lishment in New Y rk. Miss Maggio. E ' 55, of Atwood, is "lei ing friends in town Miss Burgess; of unknow, was ,visitin friends in town,1zu- week. •Mr. D. MolCay, of Winnipegeenerive Isere, on Thursday ast,, ari a, visit to Mr McKay's parents, r. and . Mrs. Tion Abraham. Mrs. Nay has been here Some time. Mr. John Cerra falo on a visit to h Mr, R. Somers, on Saturday last, Miss Laava 131 visiting friends in Miss Clarke is on John Elder, Shute Miss Laura Jon guest at the home this town, Mr. H. Garbutt,. f Sarnia, was 111 to this week. Mr. Chas. Cousin , of Teeswater, wan town on bnsiness,1 •t week. ' Mrs. Walter Saul s, of Goderioh, visiting friends in t. wn, Messrs. Wan. Cie 1,. Dickinson, Were on Monday. Mr. M. Vincent, roprietor of tno Pal Restaurant, Exetoi visited this friend, le Geo, Maker, el th a place., for a Tow a last week. Mr. 11. J. Swan as an a business tc Toronto, last w •k. Miss Fairbairn, f Shelbarne, is viii Mrs. Passant, a fe days this, week. ors is home from. Bn parents and friends: Blyth, was in to business, • wn, of Wroxeter, wn this week. visit to her sister treat. s, of tlaniilton, is Mrs. R. M. Robins° 3, A. Morton jand 3 Goder'ia, 011 basin