HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-24, Page 7Punted oil 3311811108e,A
old gentleman had been trying to
into his eon some idea of business
l;. and to help the loosen along had
brought home a toy bank,
Now Tommy, said he, I'll be president of
this bank, and you'll. be cashier. Your
mother and sisters will be etoelthel ors,
ClniabaLi s we'll open it and declare a divi-
lalloncl. We'll put something hi it every
The old gentleman put hz a dixue,Tommy
sand his sisters a nickel eaell,and his mother
.a dime,
We'll let what I put in represent the in -
tercet on the other deposits, went on the
old gentleman, You keep track of what
the otllors put in, and wlien we open the
bank the interest will be divided
tionately among the depositors.
ei Tommy said he thought he understood,
Nand put down in a book what each one had
For a couple of Weeks all went smoothly,
Every morning after breakfast each mem-
ber of the family was called upon for some-
thing to deposit iu the bank. But one
evering the old gentleman had to go clow
town and discovered he bad no street ea
fare—nothing less than a $10 bill—and h
recalled the change in the bank. He ab
straeted a dime and went his way,
jkThe next morning when deposits wor
alled for Tommy announced that the ban
was busted and bad closed its doors.
Why, Tommy, what clo you mean? asked la
the old nentlernan,
The president's beenmonkeying with the
'finances, said Tommy, and there's a short-
But that was only a temporary loan, ex
plained the old gentleman, coloring up. a
Oh yes; that's what they always say
said Tommy. .That's the usual custom. •
But it will be repaid at once.
No use, said Tommy shortly.
' Why not ?
Huh ! I gaess"you don't know anything
about banks, exclaimed Tommy.
When the president gets to monkeying
with the funds the cashier gets the bank
while he has the chance, cause he knows
he won't have it long. Only a fool cashier
is going to let the president get ahead of
Tommy, said the old gentleman severely,
as he looked in the direction' of the wood-
shed, do you know what happens to the
cashier if he is caught ?
Yep, replied Tommy promptly. He
generally compromises so as to put the
bank on its feet again. I'm willing to pay
all the depositors in full without interest.
Seeing as the president put up the interest
in this case, I guess Ile ought to lose it,
*specially as I've only get 15 cents of it
It was compromised on that basis, and
the old gentleman has reached the con-
clusion that Tofpmy is destined to be a
Wall street broker.—Detroit Free Press.
When to $top Advertising.
The time to atop advertising is ;
When you do not wish to make. any
Malley;Wheal you wish to go out of business;
When you are dead,
If your are not averse to snaking el
snore money, wish to continue in busi
and are not actuall,y under the green
yet, you may stop advertising.
When you are satisfied that "the fu
generation" has arrived, no more pit
born, and the world will come to
end when you do :
When everybody is oonvinced that you h
better goads and lower prices than e
can be lead elsewhere; or
len every man has become so mueli
year where 1
creature of habit that he will certai goods next i
Y e boli
last year.
If you are not given to such optinii
d 111.1
beliefs, and must cast about for more con-
vincing reasons to stop your advertising,
you may find them.
When you discover that other Hien who do
not advertise are increasing their busi-
ness over those who do;
When nobody else thinks "it pays to ad-
vertise" ; or,
When you would rather have your own w
n ( and fail, than to take advice and w
✓ If you still are not convinced as to
e proper moment when you should stop a
- vertising, but are determined to pay
more money to those blanked printers, y
e niiglit find it expedient to consult t
k sheriff and the coroner.
THE i`1` IN( . .M TIMES, i",. 8 TYARY 24, 1893,
Pettriotism loses its eirchuo +vheh it
IS Used to raise mo]i'y o11,
The 'oneet. pullitislitin rl: !1't hay() to
put !]p a tulle,
The �1 in(Irianu c+tl;fi01 e•an ern5v in
mighty near every foreign langusge,
Pollilikle scandals are biles on the
boddy pollitidk,
it alas *goal.
14411 SIRS.—I leave need your Flag-
4.0 yard's Yellow O' i
11 for u,any years,
and have found it uuequtilled for bunts,
scalds, outs, etc.
MARY �1, CotakITr, Erin, Ont,
Some men tire themselves almost to
death looking a
for n easy place.
No matter where we walk 'eve are sure to
be followed' by eomobody.
.The devil gets a strong old on us when-
ever he gets us to findi,ig fault,
Ripens Tabules elite biliousness.
. It is much easie}'to be contented without
riches than it is Smith thein.
God did not. Send His Son into the would
nto condemn it, but to save it,
the God's way of rewarding is that the man
d- who does nothing gets nothing,
no Iterkwell's Bronchial Balsam win mnreany Cough
ou Cold, Bronchitis er )seams.
he The Duly people who can'come out wrong
are those who do not start right.
The way to be somebodi.n Heaven is, to
u• bo willing to be nobody on'earth,
We are not doing much to please God as
long as we are not loving our enemies.
Everybody admires nature except as
n he sees it in a boy.
I''eund—the reason for the groat pop
rity of Hood's $arsaperilie—simply thi
ood's Canis. Be sure to get Hood's.
'Ruin and Revenue.
Mr. John R. Dougall, the well -know
journalist of Montreal, gave evidence bof
the prohibition commission in 1lfontrea
In reply to Sir Joseph Hickson's questio
as to how he, Mr. Dougall, would pr
' pose to make up the loss of revenue winowould result to the Dominion Governme
from the passing of a prohibitory act, M
Dougall said that, as he was not and di
not expect to he Finance Minister, he h
not taken that task upon 'himself, blit h
was prepared to give the opinions of certai
men who had had that responsibility. Si
Leonard Tilley had said that he would b
very happy to provide for any losses caused
by such legislation. Sir Alex, Galt had
said that the injury to the community was
so much greater than the lose to the revenue
that, from the point of view simply of a
national financier, he was forced to take a
stand in favor •of prohibition. Mr. Glad-
stone had said'he viewed with the greatest
satisfaction a reduction in the revenue from
liquor. Speaking in the abstract, Mr.
Douga]lmvas in favor of direct taxation.
There seemed to be among economits
almost a consensus of opinion on this sub-
ore It requires o powerful glass to en.
1. able a man :o tee double,
0- American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
h and Neuralgia radically, cures iu 1 to 3
Ill days. Its ectioti upon the system is re
r markable and mysterious, It removes at
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft, or calloused Lumps and Btem-
shes from horses, 13lood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Tone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Coughs,
te. Save X50 by use of one bottle. War-
auted by Chisholm's drug store.
A Woodstock plan has been fined
50 and costs for selling diseased
e or
at the
This world renowned Soap stands at the
sad of all L• aundry and Household Soap, both
quality and extent of sales.
Used according to direction, it doss away
h ail the old.fashioned drudgery of wash
Try it ; you won't bo disappointed.
STTNLtGl T SOAP has been in use in
ndsor Cantle for the past 5 years, and its
inufacturers have been specially appointed
is and
at with
Plfli� AND TO
Aw*de4 31 l#old Modals
once the cause of the disease immediately
d disappears. The first dose greatly bene -
ad fits. 75 cents. Warranted at Chishohn's
e drug store.
n Terrible poverty continues in Chicago
✓ where 8,500 families are being fed by
e charity,
Balmoral Bulletin.
Scats, --I had n. troublesome cold which
uotbiog • would relieve until I tried Hag -
yard's Pectoral Balsam, and I am glad to
say 15 completely cured tae.
ROAT. 112cQuAnnxcc, Balmoral. Mau.
As one Woman Sees it.
A woman who prides, herself on her
insight into the characters of men she
meets remarked the other day that a
than always judges other men by bias-
self as a standard. This is ttie way
she finds one lean judges another
A Crank—Ono who has theories
about men and things different from
his own. '
A hill has 1. n introduced into the
Michigan Legislature which enacts
that ell canned good, must bear the
date on which they were put up.
` Nell—I think it is nice to be married
on one's birthday, don't yon ? Ir.ate—
I don't know. 1 -have known it to
to bring had ludo. Look at Eve.
Reduced to a Seeace.
The treatment of disease is almost re-
duced to a science. A scientific peodnat
of medical skill for the cure of all blood
diseases from a earnmon pimple to the
worst scrofulous sore which has held pop-
nlar esteem for years and increase steadily
in favor is Burdock Blood Bitters. Its
cures prove its worth,
The Lower House of the Penneyl.
vania Lemitlelturi has by an almost
uueninlanS •vote passed a hill to pro-
hibit the manufacture and stile of
ci„ arettes within the State.
Mr. John Lane, of Lanes, Ashfield
township, has purchased from Mr.
Thomas Guy, of Oshawa, five head of
tborougl;'src•tl Ayrshire cattle, two
cows, two heifer sal vas, and a year old
hill. lir. Guy is one of the loading
breeders in Canada.
The Huron County Association of the
A Dude—One who dresses better t Patrons of Industryheld theirannual meet -
then he.
A Miser—One who saves mere
money than he.
A Spendthrift—One who spends
more than he,
A Shot) —One those social position
is better than his own.
An Upstart—One whose social posi.
tion is worse than his own,
A Rascal—One who owes hiin
Ditto—One to whom ho owes money,
A smart Man—Ona who thinks as
he does,
A Foil— One who doesn't,—New
York World.
Amies To Moutons, ire you utstt, sed at night
and broker, of your rest by a Mel:child suffering and
crying with pain of Cutting Tooth? If so send at
once and got a bottle of " Mrs.Winslow's Soothing
Syrup" for Children Tootliin+, its value is incalcul-
able. It will relieve this poor little suiyerer
immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; these is no
mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Maims,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic,
softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and giros
tone and energy to tho whole system, "Mrs. \Vin-
slow's Soothlug Syrup" for children teething is
ploasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of
the oldest and host mak physicians and nurses in
the United States, and 15 for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. :'tics twenty-five coats a
bottle. 135 euro and ask for "Mn. 1VrNSLow's
Soorllners Sncr.> .nil take nn other kind
Jedge Wa'xent°s Proverbs.
Getti& rich and bein' 'oncet ain't
twins in polliticke.
The Goddess of Lililierty is this‘
nation's ant,for She is (Stir Uiicltl Sam's
wife, and has been sinci 1770.
A tlttndred thousand dollars will
!illy moat anything in pollitiake.
'ng in Clinton, reoently,when the following
officers were elected for the current year:
James Gaunt, West Wawanosb, President;
A. T. Bean, Dashwood, Vice -Pres. ; J. H.
Gardner, Ashfield, Sec, -Trees: ; J. Currie,
Ease Wawanesh, Sentinel ; Auditors, 11.
Cameron and W. Wilson, West Wawanosb,fki
Various matters relating to the farmers leis
were discussed. The next meeting will be
held in Seaforth.
t, •t
Cures 4�of5urayyptlon, Vansps, Croup, baro
Fora Lame Side,bllackoorChs tShiloh s Porous.
Piaster will give greet ratisfaclioaa.—zS cents.
R.larl 'afro AL B 1 eitP.adiart RelMfite Rail. ay.
TI511• TA 1311:.
Trams arrive anti depart As fellows:
l,LEArtsa Haat
To General Merchants anti Boot and Shoe Storrs i 01::5 a, n1.. ,,......Y'or Toronto .,,. 5;$6 n,ti
in connection with Sir Leather Business I keep 2:00 p, in
2,Q0 Pe
full stock of
i.p 6;' is
For 'reeew'atcr........t•ee
y p' 10:bb
.iJ �.I,iN.f-%leiJl�INl.7t,-„--..-,
T °
.1 :005 aia1nyn'ln1”,\. T.g—.orA.one..t-oT.,GucE1ph,
r. rf►r3n.s
i+Palufsrston, Mlxst"Clinton,"
London, dui 1lU1l4o.50a"sua,
Kincardine, dm 7 p.
)002 "7;15p.its$ii'111LO S VPT1&8ZER. Ilathawa?. Whitmore s, Zenon!, French Argssing,Mrs.TSHawkins,Gbattanoo a,Tenn.SayeEclipse, Bixby's, Perfect {d, etc, fn ]U,16and 25u"s7tlohe Vctali"erF4VEDmr LTW.1eireaby he gross or dozen. Jacagot'ttbrenchconetdcratnabe4rowyforaclewitcfectenstcmRlaeiin• and Gray's clines waterproof,ever used,'* For Dyspe ia Tiver or„idnoytrouble it oxocic, Pripo 76 o{s,
.14 t) CATAiR Rif
%t'i r,,, ,,, iv i !1 E. M E fir! (
Havbyou Gat0rrizP _'rytbfeliemedy, It wilt
positively relieve e a' d Cure you. Price 50 ate.
furnishedtreaietie:' t�liicr,Phflob'alitni0r11iea
are sold On a 1-urr'u:Lt!0 to give satistactionr
Application painless and easy. Belief in:ma:iiato.
This preparation Oils a irreat and iong•Eelt want
among those who suffer from piles It is a remedy
of the highest merit, effecting and reliable, and has
more than met the anticipations of those physicians
who have used it in noir practice, ;' ie oss rs
roSrrira coat when other treatments fail to relieve.
Testimonials furnished, Price 51 For sale by
druggists, or by mail on receipt of price,
W. T, Svaoxe, \lanutaettuing Chemist, 154 Dundas
street, London, Ont,
Josephine Street • - Whaham, Ont.
J, A. HALATsn, lie SCOT?,
Mount Forest. Listowel.
Deposits Received and Interest
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
On long pr short time, sin endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale nates bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special Attention ,Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
gents iu Canada --The merchants' Bank
of Canada
Office Hours—Front 9 a. nt. to 5 p. m.
orway Pine:
- ^- in the Lung -healing virtues of the Pine
•:aaaiza•.rl with the soothing and expectorant
.-0 ir.ies of other pectoral herbs and barks.
;i is.:OU%H s Lel
'I ' ir. znrness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, •
.:run? ^ud all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and S,
I NG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which
l': •' ;': other remedies yield promptly to this
lesas mat piny syrup.
r'F:,ca 260. ?INO 000,
t:R £.OSTLX•
Not a Partolle,
A feature worth kt.owing int regard to
Burdock i3looct bitters is that it floes
not cantaiu one particle of poisonous mat-
ter. It cures and cures quickly without
the use of any injurious iugrediente. 13,
B. B. is a purely vegetable specific for dye.
pepsin, constipation, bad blood, headache,
biliousness and all diseases of the stomach
liver, bowels and blood.
In the Minnesota House of Ilrpre•
sr'utatives tli,:i 1isQ ben iittroditeecl a
bill prohibiting the manufacture of
I.ioopekirte within Inc borders of the
The other defy the newspapers told
of the downfall of Mike McConnell, nF
Toronto, a ons.tiiiie baset>rill agnate
and Wealthy proprietor of a fashionable
saloon. McConnell is reported to
have told the newspapers that two or
three years ago ho was worth $260,-
000 and could l,ttve retired with $10,
000 a year. But he investecd his
money in real estate and when the
l'oyot,to boon) collapsed McConnell's
fortune collapsed with it and to -day Ili
doesn't kilt,* whether he will have
anything loft. •
t) "Backache
means the kid-
Heys are in
trouble. Dodd's
SQ Kidney Pills give
+P prompt relief.”
A 75 per cent.
Vit, of disease is
first caused by
tn: disordered kid.
,T) pegs,
a Hight as well
g try to have a
50 healthy city
05 without sewer-
age, as good
fd health when the
4 kidneys ark
clogged, they are
the scavengerset
of the system.
"Delay is
dangerous, Neg-
lected kidney
troubles result
in Bad Blood,
Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, and
the most dan-
gerous of all,
Bright's Disease,
Diabetes and
"The. above
diseases cannot
Dodd's Kidner A>
Pills are used.'
'Sold by all dnrlcra orsentby nna;lon receipt
sss of price go cents, per box or six for $e,5o,
", »iilc . Ji. ,$m'th & Co. Toronto. Wrifl I'or
i» ”,1• id,teg'ralk.
Befit cough Syrup ALL
in tlnio. Sold by druggists.
in Leather, horsehide, English Xip, Porpoise, $.c.
Cotton and Rifle, lit alllengtbs,
sawn fasteners and setts, cork soles, &e.
also nativimone hipalt of ud pper. pei•.d Spanish and trig and ht,Calf r
Best brands on hand in oil: and hemlock. Specia
took for traces in Oak,
Patronage solicited, Prices guaranteed, A posts
Cord will secure quotattons ora call from lay trove
Tanner and Leather Merchant,
Scientific American
Agency for
° OOPYR(CHTS, etc..
Par information and free Handbook' write to
Oldest bureaCuQ or se51 curing patents lu Amoonriccs.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge latrte
t'cicffific American
Lar est circulation of any soientlflcpaper in the
world. Splendidly iliustratod. No Entellfgent
man should be without it. Weekly $S.4O a
year; 11.5001E months. Address MMU'NN
i'un xsuEus, 361 Broadway, New York City.
--- IN ----
Cl0 TO— ! '
Cheap for KASH,
-� AT--
• VY �i B S T E Tt is
Stoves, Stoves, Stoves
All intending purchasers of stoves for this
winter will save money by buying from
Having bought a very large variety of
to choose from
I:'rerj stove guaranteed against breakage and
to give complete satisfaction.
Winghnsm, October 8tb 1892.