HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1893-07-20, Page 5Heathfield's Healing Balsam
will cure the worst mid. Hundreds of teatime-
Ve'll•e7rdZ ticflo=rtr/7'71'"6trii
sot do all thane claimed for rt.
Dr. King's Medical
lethbeirzapt bleed pekoe a it It war make
Pripet-Ma and all forme of stomach end jiver
it.nneqriltr o
Williams' Little Dandelion
Salrnoni's English White
Dr. King's Worm Powders.
Heathfield's Healing Balsam.
Dr. King's Medical Dis-
All are reliable medicine. and the prowls. tors guarantee satisfaction in every este or money refunded.
Oh, What a Cough!
Will you heed the warning. The sig-
nal perhaps of the sure approach of that
more terrible disease Consumption. Alit
yourselvea if yon can afford for the sake
ot saving 50c., to run the risk and do
nothing for it. We know from experience
that Shiloh's Curs will cure your cough.
I never 'alit; - ' •
M at is
The Best in the World
1. It is built of the best malableovrought iron and steel ;
2, It requires no holes to be drilled iu cutter bar ;
3. It has no rod at the back to hold obstructions and sense choking ;
4, The outside divider can be raised or lowered at back or front, hide.
pendent of lifters ;
5. It has no springs to get out of order; .
6. Rush lifter/11ns guard stay and bronkiug mower guard ie impossible ;
7. It has movialdielips and min be set in line with tongue of machine
Iti if cutter bar dregs : ek
8. -Each lifts is iudepeedent of the others and con be raised or lowered
at the back BO ns to line in front should mower guards be out of line ;
9. The nun Lei of machines sold during the last season enables a largo
number of leading farther:3 of Ontario to testify to its merits. Every machine
is warranted-mid given on test. Cull and see sample nYnehilie at
bra June 1, 1893,
44 141:1)
RoSteres Fading hair to as
original color. -..
111.13 AN DRUFF .
ZartZAZ.",117,1%, PvtlIForn!:
Stops falling of hair.
,,drr,,-47,5H-,,= rx,°„„.=,.,F=2:3
...kale tafltp
Promotes Growth. UARANTEED F:1FV;%,,-:°l'74°P-,,,./t,"-.1
Geo. E. King.
Dress Goods,
Prints, Challies,
Black Grenadines, ex.
Respectfully yours,.
04-C) 1=1\-TC-r
Baying it et this office.
I_Mr. J. Nichol, of the Bank of Hamil-
Wmgham, is relieving Mr. J. C.
brown, agent of the same bank at Luck-
now this week. The latter is off on his
Mr. Harry Hiscocks returned from his
trip to the World's Fair oa Thursday last.
He was an eye-witness of the dreadful
fire at the Fair on Monday afternoon.
This was an exhibition ha does not care
to see again. Harry repudiates the ex-
tortionate charges story which has bean
so freely circulated, and says a visitor can
get a first-class meal for a quartet, instead
of having to pay 32 or more, as seine
people would have others believe was the
ease, He enjoyed the trip, and thinksf
every one who can possibly afford it should
not lose this opportunity of seeing the
greatest show the world has ever known.
"Kit" in the Toronto Mail, says of Miss
Pauline Johnston, who will appear at the
entertainment given by Mrs. B. Oir and
Thos. J. Scott at the town hall on Friday
evening of this week : "The Dalian poet-
ess is a very clever woman. Her voice
is exquisitely tender, her facial power
wonderful, and her gestures graceful and
telling. it was with intense pleasure
likened to her rendering of her owe
beautiful compositions, some ot which
seemed. almost beyond reach of our more
commonplace minds. Her passionate
dark face expressed every shade of feeling.
She was a revelation to me. Her Indian
costume, which must have cost an im-
mensity, woe accurate in every detail, and
most becoming to its wearer. Min John-
son nos and then showed how intensely
sarcastic she can be, as well as how pasl
sionately devoted she is to her own people,
for all of which I love her. I hope we
shall soon see her again in Toronto." Plan
of hall at Hamilton's drugstore. No one
ahould miss this treat. ; :
Mr, W. H. Willies Of. Mitchell, was in Mrs. I. Davidson, of Orangeville, is
town thia week on business. visiting friends MI town.
Miss McKibben, of Toronto, is the Fresh, fancy fruits at cheap prices, at
guest of her cousin, Miss Ross, Wingham. t/tIcKelvie's Star restaurant.
• t
Mrs. J. ,Itehrline•and son W. '11" It. Misses &nye, of Hamilton, are the
Steading,Mf Torento,' are visiting friends sleets of SITtis Cornyn, Wingham.
in town. Mrs. Wm. Longhorn, of Hamilton, is
Mr. J. E. Mulholland, of Walkerton, noshing her sister, Mrs. Wm. Holmes,
Misses N. and L. Shaw returned on
nday from a visit to their sister, Mrs.
McCormick, Goderich.
he social announced to takeplace on
day evening of this week at the
ry has been postponed indefinitely.
place to buy your foot wear is at E.
ever's. You get all colors and styles
of Hamilton, were the guests of Mrs. N.. tofick from, at prices that suit everybody
Hill one day during the past week., Miss Sheppard,-of Toronto, formerly
Williams' Royal Crown Remedy,great-
est cure on earth. Guaranteed to cure
geneiral nervous debility, rheumatism,
neuralgia, paralysis, etc. y1001.
Mr. Adam Anderson, who learned the
art of making clothes with T. Leslie in
Wingham, was renewing acquaintances
here during the week past. He holds
forth at Alexandria, Glengarry county.
St. Paul's church Sunday school picnic,
held on the old show grounds at Lower
Wingliam -can Tuesday afternoon, was a
most successful affair. Both old and
was in tows for a couple of clays 'during
the piet !Mk .
/Ties Lase:ie./Man& of Detre* is visit-
ing in Wiliglnim, the guest of her brother,
Conductor A.Ireland.
Plough shoes from 80 eta up at'Itt. H.
Dever's, opposite Chisholm's drugstore.
Mrs. A. Campbell and Miss I. McKin -
non, of Teettwater, slid Miss hleMenemy,
Mrs. Herdsmen'. leading milliner, is re-
ing old acquaintances in Wingham.
iss Clara Watson, of Teeswater, has
visiting her cousin. klieg Lucina
teen, of this place, during the past
Mr. J. J. Sullivan, of T. A. Mills' store,
it taking n week's holiday amongst rata-
titres and friends at Elmwood, Hanover
arid other points.
Lost, on the old showgrounds, Lower
Wingham, on Tuesday, a fireman's tie-
young appeared to enjoy themselves"- 'n. Finder will be suitably rewarded by.
Mr. Geo. B. Roe returned home last
week with Miss Garfield, the pale-faced
flyer from Wingham. Both George and
Ms fast 'us are in prime condition, in
fact the mare is heavier now than before
she went away on her tour. - .- Methodist church pulpit topics for next
If the burdock. on John street, between Sunday : Morning, "Methods of lhrlatiaa
Edward mai Minnie streets, are allowed -stork" ; evening, "The reign of Rod in
to grow much larger the sidewalk will lie its bearing on the accidents, calamities
out of eight. What's the matter with Sind disasters that are ponstantly taking
cutting down these obnoxious wets!. Oace." ..
wherever they are found in town. Thek , Mr. Ed. Swarts received a bran new
are an eyesore. ' 'bus last week and on Monday morning of
like opposition—it is the life of trade, and
Mr. It, Cornyn started on his Mgt this week started running it to and from
trip on Sunday. He will ride hie bicye the railway stations. There is nothing
to Detroit, aud then take the train. Ill
J. H. Chisholm accompanied him as ((,[,perhaps both 'busses will do a good hue-
aoLondon. They went the distance In sees.
about six hours, having breakfast at Exits The second of Augnut is the date fixed
ter and dinner at Loudon.•,' for the gigantic C. 0. F. Demonstration
Wanted! The Manufacturers' Life Inin at Kincardine. Energetic committees are
Co'y are prepared to make most liberal at work on every department of the varied
terms to the right man to handle their and magnificent program. Among the
business in Wingham and vicinity. Titers scents are a C. 0. F. procession, cahthum-
is a large renewal interest iu this ageney. Man procession, lacrosse match, Eu;(4-
Applications with references to be ad- war (captained by Reeve Bland ot Kin-
&eased to Joan O'Doaromme, , ; .sardine township and Reeve Thompson of
4_ itistriet van!..A9FLScFat,ford }felon, with sides chosen from each town-
"The Maitland' ie being fairly tylil ship) trapeze performaxiCes, - Slack wire-
patronized. The round trip, lasting 41 Walking, aquatic sports, excutiions on the
hour, costs but five cents.' The- bait lake, escheating MIMIC, ending up with a
leavee the dock on Victoria street at the grand concert in the evening. Cheap
old Graham bridge sise on. Mond '', railway rates have been arranged and a
Wednesday and Friday eveniries. T e special train service been secured. Come,
smith branch of the river is very prrt
just now, and the hour is ,...t pleasant
The Montreal Witness, during t
great Christian Endeavor conventi
recently held at Montreal, at which 12, 0
stele satea were in attendance, publish When Baby wag sick. we gave ber Ceetorth
special editions each day giving full a I 'When show. a Child, sM cried for Cashel.
accurate report of the proceedings, t BiPhriel shabehime Miss, the eking to easiest.
gather iWith"engravings 'Of many of t WhenehohadChildronalogsvothem Castoritt
prominent leader. and notable sceneil.
This woe the greatest religious gathering
ever held, and the Witness did the matter
full justice. Williams' Little Dandelion
pm, will mire Headache, Biliousness, Sour
Stommh, ate. Try them ones and you
will not use nay other. Prioe 26o. a box at all drugstores.
Salmonl's English White Oils
le the best Family Liniment in the world.
stant rare for Sprains and Bruise.. Beware of
imitations. Ask for Salmoni's English White
Dr. King's Worm Powders
are safe and sure. 26e. a box.
The hot weather is here and you
are looking for cooler elothin'g of all
kinds. We have every thing you want
In ladies Vesta we are showing a big
range—different kinds, weights end
prices. "hosiery and glove stock is
complete. We have a beautiful line
of printed Irish lawns (exclusive to
this store) and which make up very
prettily iu Dresses and Blouses. Our
Charnel at 8 and 10 cents a yard ate
fine values and cannot be beaten.
We hive a hot of remnants we want
to get rid of. For you men, we have
a wide range of negligee Shirts in
different colors and materials ; under.
wear in all sizes, Balbriggan and light
weight natural wool.
Groceries es usual, fresh and well
assorted, Pure Lard is hard to get
nowadays; we have it. Don't forget
that this is the only I lace where you
can get a first elate Tea for 35 cents.
Direct Importers.
Wingham, March 23, 1893.
teity Restaurant.
Best Parlors North of London.
R. Hum, Proprietor.
Aug 13, 1891.
plc Villingtam Thalia
THURSDAY, JULY 20th, 1802,
Mr. T. C. Sperling, of Meeford, was in
town this week.
Bark,well's sure corn mire will cure any
corn, wart, bunion or mole.
Mr. Jas. Found, C. P. It. agent at
Gerrie, was in town. on Sunday.
Miss Vanstone, of Goderich, is the
guest of Miss Buchanan,-town, at present.
Mr. John Buchanan, of Toronto, is
holidaying with friends. in_ Wingham this
week. r
Mr. Halsey Park,'''an old Winghamite,
has been renewing acquaintance. during
the past week,
Miss Mary Conga, of Hamilton, is
spending the vacation with her relatives
and friends in town.
Two second-band Safes for sale, one
with combination end the other with key.
Apply to Meyer & Dickinson.
The large stones which were placed on
the inain street hXve been broken. This
was a step in the right direction.
Mr. W. Black, of Palmerston, was in
town last week on business. Mr. T.
Jobb sold a phaeton to him for his livery
The bricklayers are now hard at work
on Dr. Macdonald's new block, The
McGregor brothers and their assistants
will rush it up.
The Formosa brewery has been so far
rabeilt that brewing haa been commenced
again. The structure is much larger than
the old one and built of brick.
Mr. A. Coualey and wife, of Brussels,
Sundayel in Wingham, the guests of Mra.
Cousley's uncle, Mr. Jas. McLauchlin.
Mr. C. in the popular and efficient mana-
ger of Gillies & Smith's banking !loose• in
that place.
Money to loan on notes and notes die-
counted at reasonable rates. Money ad-
yanced on mortgage at 5 per cent. with
privilege of paying at the end of any year
Notes and accounts collected. Office—
Beaver block, Wingham.—hoax. MOIR'
DOO. '890.
The northern lights were a most beauti-
ful sight on Saturday evening last. Some
people say it was a comet Miming into
view, but a comet wouldn't scatter itself
all over the heavens and come up in
beautital streaks of brilliant light from
the north. There may have been a comet
hovering around, taking in the eight, but
is was not visible from here to the naked
The Statistical Year Book of Canada for
1892, issued by the Department of Agri-
culture, is ont, a copy of which we have
received. Every page of this the eighth
annual issue has been carefully examined
for the purpose of detecting errors and
removing inadvertent traces of political
party bias. The Year Book is the handi-
est compilation of facts and figures pub-
lished, and that of 1890 is the moat com-
plete of the series.
This week we will offer some of the
rarest valnes in Dress Geode. Best
quality imported French Dress Goode
worth $1.25 for 90 rents. 20 pieces
of flee Wool Dress Goods in all the
leading colors, worth 50 ets., for 35
cents. This month we are one of the
beet and surest bargain spots in the
town. We buy in big lots and sell et
prices that favor you. We handle
nothing but the beet class of goods.
SILLS.—Onr black and colored silk
is well known to be the largest and
finest stock in town. Seemingly one-
half of Wingliam's ladies bought silk
here this spring; and we want the
other half to come this week for Dress
Silk or Novelty Silks and Trimming
SOMMER. — White Vests, Fancy
Vests, Outing Suits, Outing Shute,
Outing Shoes, Outing Hats, Airy
Coats, Serge Suits, Light Underwear,
Straw Hats, and everything for com-
fort iu the hot days of June and July.
SPEdIAL.--20 dozen children's Lose
at 5 eta.; 10 dozen Gents' Ties at
10 cts.
That you can get better value at E. H.
Derees in boots, shoes, clothing and
furnishings than at any other house in
Say, do you went a Piano, Organ, or
Sewing Machine 7 David Bell, Wingham;
can supply you from a choice stock and
newest styles at prices that will make yea
buy. Stand near BeR's factory, cm.
G. T. R. trains for Toronto and East
leave Wingham at 625 a. m. and 11.20 a.
m. via W. G. & B. Division, and at 6.40
a. m. and 5.45 p m, via Clinton and
Guelph. Good commotion by all these
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria,
Has decided to again open a Dross
and Mantle Making Business at her
residence, Edward St, near Pringle's
Pep NV arks.
Apprentices Wanted
July 6,1893. cm
Grand Trunk Ry.
R-tes, Train Servir,..e, etc.,
Apply to
Ja ger., 10. T. Depot.
• OP2 rzw 1233 FLOM& 3= OFF=
IMagnflie" ROWER SEEDS Col!eotton of Ouster's is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
and Children. It contains neL:her 01:ittm, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substitute
for Parerie, Drcps, SootinIng ryru7s„ and Castor Oil.
It is rie....qsane. Its guarantee 13 t'-arty years' use by
Taillionrs of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms anti allays
feverishness. C.Istoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd.
cures Diarrhma r_m:d Wind Collo. Castoria relievssi
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria natimIlates Cm food, 7:„r-lutes the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy end natural sleep. Case
$orla 13 4110 Cbadren'n Panacea—the Mother's Friend.
.0serrrIsts ah excellent media:no for cb".
Ram /Loth,. have-repeatedly told moo{ its
'redeem:upon their children."
..Ntiterla is tin best imarly for ebildhin of
%MID I mu mg-minted. I hops tiotlay it rot
far distant whenmotherawilloimidettlicreal
Herat of their children, and pea Casionli in-
stead of tae radon:quack nevirMnswhichans
destroying their loied ones, bYforving9Plnin.
morphine, soothing syrup and ether hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
letam to pe!y lerar0 pravx..J.
5. F. Daymnann,
Conway, ne
710 C.m"-.ur Ccew u's7, Murray Street, Nom 1"03.3.,
fr. L. W. Hanson Sundrismd,in Gode-
:Hr. J. Moore returned from Detroit,
Mich., on Tuesday,
ad ye inlanders of District No. 1, and
will do time good. 1
spend a blissful day by the lakeside. it Fr Full Particulars
"Cantor's so will adapted to ebildrms that
I recommend o menporior Marty prescription
kaown to moo" H. A. Annuls, M. Et,
111 Po. Orford CL, Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Our physicians in the children's depart-
meat Law spoken highly or Dicta expert.
cm. in their pigskin praclice widiCastoria.
and although we only have among eon
ruedidel supplies whet is known M regula0
product., yet we aro free to confess that the
monks of "Careteria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
hasten, Italyhasten,
Amaze C. Sidra, Pres.,