HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1893-07-20, Page 4ra aced both Internally and externally. It wain nuiclda, afrora shoat instant relief from the nevsrest MM. OW, IEVARYWNFRAS AT 200. A sorxras. Mr Bowser Comearldta and Iediatexee APreparalionsfilerbseRoote the Medical Properties ofwhIcti are univer5all known. ID niX4121F ; :T o HEE BLOOD .64.74 Dsliveness.Indigesuan.Dyspepsia.Saur Stand) istattkuit AND 0171111155 40- !TWILL CURE Diseased Kidneys, Bladder Troubles, Dyspepsia, Sallow Complexion, Rheumatism, General Debility, Loss of Appetite, Sour Stomach, Biliousness. Makes the Blood Pure and the Nerves Strong, Rouses the Sluggish Liver and Stimulates the Kidneys. It is admitted that everybody should take a Spring Medicine. The question then is ; " What is the proper medicine to take ?"If nature is not in error—and we believe it is not— Oen the proper medicine for a thoroughVurification of the spstem must be such an one as will combine Cleaning, Regulating Toning and Stimulating properties, more especially after a long 2 11 el trying winter like the one just passe .. ME M BRAY'S `KIDNEY •AN > LIVER CURE is specially compounded for a perfect Spring Medicine, and there is no preparation before the public as skilfully combined and so -w:.,11 fitted for a searching renovation an a 'powerful invigorating of the system. When other medicines fail Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure goes "0011 to the spot" and brings relief- NEW AND UNLOOKED FOR CURES --- Red the following new testimonials : All manners of people have sent testimonials to the virtues of this compound, many well known, very many unknown, the rich and the poor, men ond women, old and young, it has made:them well— IT WILL CURE Bad Blood, Sick Headache, Disordered Liver, Dizziness, Nausea, Pains in the Back, Costiveness, Indigestion, Nervousness. Ill for a Long Time. ' No one has better reason to be grateful for Membray's Kidney and Livm Gum than-I have, /was ill for a long time under the doctorecare. was tortured with Mmeular Rherimatiem. Disordered Kidneys and General Debility. I Wita losing flesh rapidly—Mel goes down trot ISO to Ise lbs—and P,111 bedfast far month, If you have been there before, yen know how little mere was in life for me, and when I wm asked to try Mem bray's Cure, how h..poluee Iwo, I used two battles only,(52), and at the end of that time had risen horn sift bed, regained myappetite, was relieved from all pain, put on hew flesh, and am now attending to business ae well an ever. Write me if yen want loather particulme about Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure. D Wareas, Merchant, Campb °Ilford. Ramer grom Indigestion, Tenoarro, April 10th.1800. I hereby certify that the Peterborough Medi, tine Company (Limit ed) are at liberty to use my name in testimony of the benenoialresult, 1 have obtained from using Membray'sKidney and Liver. Cure, ae I have used It fora bail hhack of indigent/on, and got relief after using t e bottle. M. M. 'name, A Well-known Man &peaks. Gums, April 30,1892. This fe to certify that Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure has given me great relief for Read-mho, Kidney and Stonsech troubles. I thonght I wee' getting incurable, as I had doctoreda groat deal, and was becoming very discouraged. After / had need part of a bottle of Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure, f began to experience fruprovement, and took fresh courage. The relief was prompt and permanent, and I am very grateful for tee good it has done. So thankful I am that now I want to lot my neighbors know about it,that others maybe cared as as me. D Pan TOLL,. . Another Voice From Smith. Stamm, July 7,1822. I Was troubled with a nasty pain in the back and Moulders for a long time, and had tried novena remedies withoutgetting any relief. / thought at eras it might ho my lima.... the doctor's say eueh pains are symptoms of long trouble corning on, but I was induced to try a bottle of Membray's Kidney and Liver eure, And after taking the second dose I was surprised to and the peins all leaving me. It acted like meta. I neversew ything, that acted so at stick qo pen or Kell cetera.f o x,Ls, Lot 27, Con. IS. Kidney, Bladder and Indigestion, Rmiturox, Feb. 81.11,1893. I hereby certify that you can use my name in lestlinony of the beneteial results obtained from ueing(Membrare Kidney and Liver Care. H. WId.1.0170.1107. One Bottle Cured. OILONADE., Nov. Sul, MIL I feel so patch:a for the prompt relief which I have exnericed from the use of Membray's Kidney nod Liver Core, that I wish to eve frintbeirinInPgoV;atintY hhelflfratedarifyielfiedd-ney derangement, tomuch so tans I was nimble to attend to in y &dim. After using one bottle I was mired, and able to attend to my -work as Well as ever. Davin Eason. Cured Atfer Doctoring Three Years. PEYBellomoon, Aug .12th, 1892, This is to certify that the Peterborough Medi-cine Co. can publish Inv name as atestimony to Membraye Kidney and Liver Cure, which cured in of Th.-encomia after u sing three bottles. troubled three years and doctored most of the time for it. R. Dunce*. TESTIMONIALS. lE]tlittppy t Don't let yourself run down—Purify the System—Enrich the Blood—Tone up the Nerves—Improve the Appetite—and keep the Stomach and Liver in good order by the judicious use of MEMBRAY'S KIDNEY AND LlVE11 CURS—and you may defy Cholera, LaGrippr, Malaria, and all other ills that flesh is heir to. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND MEDICINE DEALERS—PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. THIS REMEDY HAS NO EQUAL. - • Xanufactured by Membray Medicine Company of Peterborough (Ltd.) Sole Proprietors For Sale by J. H. CHISHOLM, Druggist, Wingharn, Ont,, Corner Patrick and Josephine Sts. 'Gordan & liticint$Te Are offering very special values this aveex in New Spring Dross Materials. Lf you desire to get the latest style for 1898—and we know that you do— then we extend to you a very cordial invitation to come and inspect our large, fashionable and carefully se- lected stock. Our Boots, Shoes and Slippers are g.oeeiving more than ordinary attention 'this spring. The reason is, that we have se, immense stock of the finest 'land newest goods in the market, and sour prices are down to hard pan. Pare fresh Groceries are herein nbnndance. We fill orders cerefully, dleliver them promptly, and we guar- untee the quality and price of every arlicle. Great value in Teas. We lead in-high qualify Teas at popular vices. If you are not a regular ensterrer, try a sample pound at 26c, 135e, 40o aud 60c. We will refund anonev in every ease if Tea is not watisfactory. Be not deceived by the oily-tongued pedlar, but come direct to GORDON & McINTYRE. The big Brown Anchor. Wingham, -April 18, 1898 1Eb e 611inglIam Abbatu yaritsDAY. JULY 20th, 1893. 'One of the most striking incidents connected with the loss of H.M,S. Victoria is the immediate sympathy expressed from all parts of the Empire. Sir George Dibbs recently stated in the New South Wales Legielature that Ministers had voluntarily agreed to a 10 per cent. reduction in their salaries. How many years will it be before Messrs. Fielding, Blair and Mowat lessen provincial deficits by a similar Cabinet proposition. If the statement of the New York Timee that Russia in to make New York her western naval centre and to keep permanently a fleet of warships in United States waters, be correct, it meson a new menace to British interests on this Continent and the opening np of a most remarkable and unprecedented international situation. The Belleville Intelligenoer does not mince matters: '•If there ever %vie 'a plain and transparent piece of political Immtuggery, it is to be found in the last dodge of Sir Oliver Mowat in shunting the question of plohibition from his own ahoulders to that of the people, in the form of a plebiscite, and that, too, at the direct expense of the people thro'ngh their municipalities." Mr. Tarte seems to be taking Mer- cier's plain) with a vengeance. Dur- ing the Riel agitation the Count said all the dangerous things which were necessary to crones the papillae°, while Mr. Laurier in Ontario pretend- ed to take the more moderate role. Now Mr. Tarte makes the violent utterances regarding the Manitoba schools and Lis leader poses iu On. British Empire feed itself t" The affirmative report would bring into full view for practical discussion the goal of our ambition and onr destiny. Additional Local News. Ali ready I Another car-load of Massey- Harris binder twine at T. L. Jobb'. Prices right ; quantity and quality guar- anteed. All kinds of repairs for Massey- Barrie, Patterson, Wisner and D. Max- well machines on baud. Messrs. W. G. Temple and A. Clark, of the Review, were iu town on Wednes- day in the interests of the big C. O. F. demonstration at Kincardine on Aug. 2nd. They want to have Wingham bold a civic holiday ou that day. Blyth's clergymen were in hard luck• on the 12th of July. Rev. G. Buggin and Rev. T. E. Higley were both unable to be present at the demonstration, the former having injured his back and the latter was confined to the house from sickness. Rev, A. McLean was the only representative of the ministry present, and he was suffering from a fractured rib, and this was the fleet time he had ad- dressed so Orange gathering. His heart must have been all right, if his ribs wore not. . We take the I ollosving figures from the Statistical Year Book of Canada : Num- ber of industrial establishments in Wing, ham in 1881, 46, in 1891, 52 ; capital invested in 1881, $116,285, in 1891, 8227,307 ; hands employed in 1881, 207, in 1891, 386 ; wages paid in 1881, $60,586 in 1891, 8109,120 ; value of material used in 1881, $159,377, in 1891, $236,281 ; value of products in 1881, 8247,031, in 1891, $464,097. This is a very fair show- ing, and proves that the town is going the proper way. The Gerrie Vidette takes us to task for the manner in which we reported the proceedings of the recent Wroxeter dem- onstration, and insinuates that wo slid not tell the truth. if we have not done as, he has not either, and one thing we do know is that Harnston was assisted by, three players who live in Gorrie and Wroxeter, one of whom is a member of the Union nine, and this Same person "Spi1/ Mr a Wingham player in a meet cowardly manner. Ilash'e further role. canoes are beneath our notices—they are so childish that even a parent would not notice them in a go ild. We do not cum. Miss Eva Hession, of Toronto, is visit- ing under the parental roof in town. Two Goderich sports were in town tact week shoving the big bicycle MCA meeting I to take place on Aug. 17. They wanted the town to take a holiday on chat dote and thus allow the citizens to go over and see the sports. Wingham, on the 16th inst.,Mary Laura, infant daughter. of Artur Brisbois, aged 6 months. A Taaveller's Tale. Ottawa, July 17. —W. F. Sparbam, of 95 Nepeau St., a traveller for the well known house of Reseal, Gardiner & Russel, tells au interesting story about the cure of a kidney trouble that has effiicted him for the past n ine mouths. Ever since attacked,' Mr. Sparliam tried physicians' preemie lions and other medicines, but none had say effect. He constantly. suf- fered pain, which finally became so intense th et he could not sleep. Death seemed the -only possible deliverance from his suffering. He got a box of Dodd's kidney pills from Henry Wet- tars, a druggist here, and that one box effected a perfect cure. Mr. Sparhnm is to-day the happiest Luau in the Ottawa valley, and he has many friends who rejoice with him. When Rally ;Ma sict we timber CantorlA When she wan a Child, she cried for Castarki. -When she became Mins, she dung to Coterie. When she had Children, die gavetheln Ownoria Holloway's Pills —Weak Stomachs. —The wisest cannot enumerate one quarter of the distressing symptoms arising from enfeebled digestiou, all of which might be readily dispelled by these admirable Pille. They remove all unpleasant tastes from the mouth, flatulency, and constipation. Hollo- way's Pills rouse the stomach, liver, and every other organ, helping diges- tion to that healthy tone which Illy enables it to convert all we eat and drink to the nourishment of our holies. Hence these Pills are the suiest strengtlienere anti the safest reetera- tiers in nervousness, waiting, and ahronie debility. Holloway's Pille aro infallible remedies for impaired atpe- tile, eructations, and a multitude of other disagreeable symptoms, which Teacher Wanted. Teacher holding second class certificate wanted for.Lower Wingham public school. Duties to begin in January, 1894. Testi- monials required. Written applications to be sent in on or before August 1st, 1893, addressed to Thos. Netterfield, Winghbm P. O., Ont. T. IIETTERFIELD, A. McDONALD, T. C. GRAHAM, Trustees. July 17, 1893. d. Property for Sale IN THE TOWN OF WINGHAM ON EASY TERMS. Mr. Meyer offers for eale the following desir- able properties: HIS RESIDENCE, Corner Minnie and Patrick Streets; MEYER BRICK BLOCK, on Jose- phine Street ; Veeant Lots 70. 77, 78. 79 and 80 on east side of Carling street ; Lots 115 and 116 on west side of Catherine street, Led & Davies' survey ; Leta 31 and IR on the comer of (Minter and Alfred streets. NEW TAILOR SHOP G. H. IRVIN Wishes to announce to the people of Wing- Ram ond vicinity that he has opened a laller shop in the store One Door South of R. Hill's Restaurant, and lately occupied by H. Patterson, jeweler. All Clothing Made in Latest Styles. Workmanship and Fit Guaranteed. The Patronage of the public is solicited and sakiefaolion guaranteed. GEO. H, Wingham, March 17,1893. cm Children Cry for Pheher /s Castoria. titho and in the convention as cue New South Wales, Victoria, South without opinion. :,Auetr.ilia, Tasmania, Western Ans. tralia and New Zealand cabled through The mission of Prof. Long to this their respective Governments, deep country, is ,,sine of the highest im• egret and sympathy. Canada sent a portance to the future of Canada as :promise of £1,000 for the relief fund. that future is foreseen by Cauadians. We believe that our destined develop- 'Some'time since it was announced ment will flow on. in closer kinship *hat the great McCormick Reaper and friendship with the empire. Oar 'Company, of Chicago, was about to people have bent their best energies lestablish a Oanediau branch. It is in that direction by undertaking and now announced, according to the Galt successfully executing gigantic inter- Reporter, that owing to a belief in provincial and inter-imperial 'lees of nning industrial reciprocity, the can communisation and transportation. tenth] lieS been abandoned. They Prof. Longl purpose is, byliudepen• -expect to serve our markets from dent luvest(gatibn in this country, in render miserable the lives of thou-( For terms apply at oBoe of Cuicago instead of manufacturing India, Africa sad Australia, to give paper, WO. Nash, lint we know a tiung sands, These pills are approved by t MEYER & DICKINSON. within the Dominion. - answer to the question, Can the or two about baseball just -the same, all classes. Wingham, May 24,1893, bine baseball playing pith editing anew.. DIFEETLY TO THE CisQT. RtStfialTilaFOIS IV. ITS 1101101, For CRAMPS, CIIILLE, COLIC, DIARRKA, D7SENITBRYI, CIIOLERA MOZZLTE., and all BOWSL. COLIPLAINaT% NO SEM EDY EDI/4S T HE PA ffeePVILLEllt In Canadian olaoleIra and Bowel pluints its eat cot fa 055.000 0. It cures In a very Short time. THE REST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES. SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. • TIRED, WEAK, NE RVOUS Man Impoverished Blood, Disordered Liver and Stomach, Clogged. Kidneys, Your Remedy is ME BRAYls KIDNEY and LIVER CURE