The Wingham Advance, 1893-07-20, Page 1ROBT. CUNNINGHAM:
Telephone No .115,
Pecanannial Land Sur°
vayor and Civil
Orderalett at the Al:waxes °Dee, Win= wilLmeeive prompt attention.
Cornyn Bros.,
ham bilantr.
Pills & Ointment.
p th e 3 lood,correctall Disorder*
of the
aawer,3toanaeh aidneys
and Bowels,
Pheyinvigoratt and restoreto health,
Debilitated Constitutions,
andlreinvaluabltin a I asomplainft
ithidentalto Females of al / ages. F01
istninfnlltbleremedy forl3a dLeged
aaaareasta,Old Wounds,Soreeand
Ulcers . is f moat for Gout and
aheumatism For I isordereof MA ohestit has no equal.
For Sore Throat, Bronchitis
Cough, Colds,- Glandular
ljanefasturedonly t t i Profesio FL/U0 •
isay'gRatabiishmer r .
78 ,NewOnfordStalate588,01ford
9 d.,1s.6 d.,11s.22ila,and820. each
Box. nd Potato din Canada at 30ate
JOots„and $1.50, an I the largeraie
ee in proportion .
CAUTION.-I have no
Agentinthe United States , nor 'are
•ny Modioiner. o Id there . Purchasers
the Poteand Boxes. If theaddrees
it eta 588 .0xford SC.:Lona en .tile
ar e ap orlon
Tht Tied, Ma.raeftuy saitifed-
stue ..... egistereai a (Maws Alta
sisi.s idiotic-stab
uolk 7ea", Whole loSS.
Ahante Il -12 xesactEn--
-.2$2016 T/it OFFICE, .-=
Our 1alftees,StrintlyilohiseivativeanAHOWe nlmeats. Oursim-a 6,1-ohm imeal -Henre-apex. Citm peetatIons-The hearty stipport Cm people of Whoghom and umounding
T 1nVAIren to-auvorldress,postage p std,for 61 per yearin advance, if not so paid
51.05 Willbe of stand. No paper disoontinued du Wall srmaragee arepaid.
Merehants,1 to., of this Motion will And the Is,ANCE the best medium as regards numb.
caretM readers as welim charges.
domtnnterns nin10.
9realMeluess ,ticeewillbe °herded ficent
peeling. Vrofemionaland Businem Cards $4 a 0 a sr, 88for el:smooths, $B for three months
rap mialratestoreguloradvertleers.
Notlemot births, marriages and deaths in-
Short: LI:inn-Mentions are respectfully soli-
I teat roni
JAS. VIAUTY,Priblisher.
Rev. L. CL Wood, Rector;residence-lin& toryJohn St. Amyl. every Sunday at 11 a.
m. and at 7 p.m. fi usloy School at 110 p. m. Prover meeting every Wednesday evening at
the Daman at 710.
.Nether McGe e,P.P.,91. Angustine.9 cm-everyalternme Sunday. Mace at 1010 a.
. and Vespercut 7p. m.3 tuday Sol000lovery
Her. S. Salter)-, M. A., B. D. Publieservice
very Sunday at 11 a.m.,a at I P• nl. Sunda=
e boo) rat 2:36 .m.each .Sunnd day.
o s 3 WeineedaysndTimroday of each week t 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all.
Rev. Woe. Merl-roger Panto, Service every
nod, y at 11 s....,and 7 p.m. Sunday Sobool p. no. Young people's prayer meeting Very teed ayevereingat7:21). Genenal mayor
oothigo very Weduesdavevening at 7:60.
lion if .McQuarriejeastor.flervf000very Sun-
ny a lti oorn.,and 7 p. in. Sunday School at
30 p Frayer meeting every Wednesday
W .13.Watoon,Pastor. Servimovery Sunda; 11 o..m.,and 7p.m. Sabbath S ohOol atolo se
sageningiervice. Prayermeetingevery Wed-0 slay at 7:30 p. m. Seats free. Stranger
es i• v
lisgularoommanicatiensTumdayon or be•
• e fmli moon . Lodge co o us, cosmos: lostlphine
old iflotoria Ste.
r.. 0. 1.. No. 764, Winglaton, meets on the-
Welowelayonoe bet orhelmmoon,at 7:36 m.
D e gees meethoghelden mooed Wednesday
mllowingther ego!. meeting on
Maitland Lottge,I. O.O. V .190.1m,Wingham
re eetsevery P mrodny night in Sedh mouth.
Grodge.ons in Wagon'. block.
Court Maitland Be. 25, C. 0 • it., Wiugharn,
sot, everviacond and last Pride r n each
month. TM lge room in Itegorenblodk.
O hurt Wiugham,19 .505, e ets every
ter,o1 Isnl 'north Prirlay in each month
bodge re on in trason'eblock.
Peen Lodge Seidl, end True Blues, meets
st Monday on et before tell moon at 710 p. m. L slue roost InOrange Hallos Edwarditreet.
WinithitmLodge N o • I36,A. 0. U- W., meets
u third Priday lueach month. Lodge
Temlyn's Bleels•I ...
' ,A. 1-1,
AegnAt 812.
J. E. TA.MLYN, M. D..
ion-Opposite-Poo 602floe .sidlence-Cos
n erlItuninond Fohn3 Ire at e.
W iagleard .risb .14.1888 . 971
&naiad t sii lence-Tlustiormerkyleemple byDr.liatimemtihe:ornerofJentre
d-iatrieLetre e t
- 776 • ONTAR1
0 14.1.33N'S ELOD,
2.1.possite the lneen's3otes4
Will :emit 1533IE I rat end:hird'42nday:e
soh month.
adYnneeel o farmerrand bug-
n-long or shorttime on collate,
roe d notes.
Notes bought at a fair value-
art-emitted to allparts Of Cana-
ad Attention given 10100
of note mandaceona tn.
in Canada,
E. SMITH., Agent,
m, 8.,1890. 1y-890.
Trunk Railway.
room., Agent, Wingbam.
or..0 ali
DISPAAT Vols. AUSPTE 2:1101.1
nsant 62.5ann 837p gy
11 20 a in 1001pm B 96 p m-vlaCilutor
tidier; 9e0pm 1040 am, CS meta 6 90 p p a m In 118 D am. 9 15
1120 a m 025 a m
. 3 97
10 07 n
ran 00 7 11 90 m.
Can e ai t he Windham Depot I allY
day sescepted,aof ollowin-
Dramary011. 4.11HIVIZTBOR
Toro atlE est 5.30es/a 1.26 p.m.'
2.05 p•sss • 10* p.
I Il e...water 1.25p ore. 5.S0 .se 10.60 p 2:3 p.m.
Why Should I more in the
Id& AstaraucsigLottot
slcall,'Comparly on the continent.
2. 1 I is the largos; capital stock 14fe In-
3. f,t offers security not or:seeded by any
,f le a Home comps-fly.
a magnitude of. business already m-
oves that it enjoys the ocuSdenoe of.
5. Ile strong and• influential. body of
Stockholders is an ample guarantee that
very obligation which the Company assumes
will he promptly met. „
0. The Premlums charged in all 'eases
me reduced to the lowsisk:point consistent
with absolute safety,
7. Ninety (90) pox emit- of all accumula-
tions at surpluses is returned to the policy-
8. Policies are issued on all the approved
systems of insurance, and many new features
have been introduced.
• 9. All polioies after being two years in
force are incontestible on any grounds what-ever.
CAPITAL, - • - $2,000,000
(Pres. Bank of Toronto.)
JOHN F. ELLIS, MAN1311,2 ihnuczou.
7. O'DONOGHtE , R. EL ANDERSON,' Distriettlanager,0 . .. Agent, ;tratford. .Wingnam. 1001
Bank of Hamilton
Genital $1,150,CCO. Iten$850,000
P resident JURA TOnns.
Vioe-Presideni, A .G.Bsesar,
Joins Pao.. , C123.15. Guntur,. GZONGE,
Roeels,A T. WOO°, A. B. Las ,(Torchtli)
Savings hour. 10 to 8;
daturdays,10 to Deposit,o181 and up•
Wardsroceiredand ntereelallowed.
Special Denosita alsesoceived
atinureiltratesofinterest '
Drafts on Great -Britain and lee
MIME Fic his. Co.
IT me-Pr e C. Davinson ,Man
(Martel. 'and ommencr a Sine, ,j.
NW,. Beetseoure6 and 011014 ,r !lulus
Lusuran ustiompaz) intheDominis .Losset
prompt') adjust.' when ,iraoticaLlr ant,
prassvoidir / law sui a Only heensuerland
broughttelrialanei in 30 ass andease
linnuif:Ft a
vacuum-Pe sv orogust t idelunatiat ran
alsostatesnefltaasmulet, cesard42 Ibis CO
betApplItothrlowilvent .01 well sae aped
Mlles eanAryflerlDbeettenclet to at net and estion,anav e).
Accident to the Prince of Wales.
London, July 17.-The Prince.of.
Walee met with an accident this even.
ing which gave him a bad shaking up.
The Prince was riding in his privnto
hansom, and smashed into another
hansom. The Chock of the collisiou
was so violent that the Prince's horse
fell, and the Prince wag dashed
againet the side of Lis hansom. He
was not seriously injured.
place, a man by the name of Wickens
'darted with his wife to arose the lake
in a homemade boat to look after
some cattle ou the other side of the
lake. When only a short dieatnee
from 6110D2 the boat upset in about 8et
feet of waiter. Wickens• who is a
good swimmer, got hold of his wife,
but she struggled so in her excitimvut
that Le wits obliged to shake her hold
hostile order to save himself, and else
was drowned. The body WAS recovered
a few hours later. Mrp. Wickens was
22 years of age, nod. had only been
married a few months.
Mr. Geo. Sleetnen, nf Guelph;
received um,' from Ids agents that
that part of Lin ale exhibit which was
inteted for compstithn et We World's
Fair, °Menge, was desirnsed by the
fire which burnt nj, the cold stories
blinding Mr. Widtabeal who woe
in .the building two mitaites before
the fire broke out, had a tweets es.
capeotadalifea The Ines will mimosa
to &Lout flee.
On Tuesday evening a little son of
Mr. Was. Muir, of Wroxeter, aged
about one year and seven months,
got a beau fast in his throat nod was
choked to dotal' in a ;ow minutes,
before medical aid could be summoned.
Much sympathy is felt .or Mr. and
Mrs, Muir an this is the ,econd child
they have lost in the peat year,
A centenarian by the some of James
Anderson, who resided the neigh-
borhood of A1iddlemisa for several
years, died the other m hnning at the
residence of hie son-in 'n r, Mr. John
Webb, He had reached the extreme
age ot 104 years. Ho un - a native of
Pennsylvania and cams C., Canada 82
years ago. Ho retained Nte use of his
faculties but very sligutly impaired
till his lest days.
. Wang By a Sae ara aled.
Idiss Willa Frith, of Pe:neeton, wan
stung !by a honey bee s•-. Friday, and
fifteen minutes after el., -as a corpse.
She hold only return, t a few days
previous from writing a r a second
class oertificete at Wocil.itock. The
sad event occurred about eleven
o'clock. Mr. James Frith, who is a
bee fancier-of more thus, I mal reputa-
tion, wee extracting sumo linuey from
one of the hives, whit, ais daughter.
Willa, wee picking berries in the
garden near by. Ail a . bees were
on the wing, and more arks angered,
when one of them flew inta the girl's
face. Willa was fighting it off with
her band, *hen her faiana called to
her to run into bloc house. In a
moment the bee had satint her on tLe
right temple, near the eve, and Wills,
tenably frightened and a ,roaming, ran
into the room. As she passed her
mother . she said :-..0 „ ma, I'm
ening, and I cennot i on." Ilene
were the last words Ma - oor eliil 1 ft
uttered. Throwing Lars; down on
a sofa she was seized 4tI, myrilsions,
arid in fifteen minute* arse dead. It
was. the opinion of the dootors that
she, died from the el wk. Miss _Frith
,l3s06 11
hoer fifteenth yaar ,
Death by Lightning,' -
. a
,Brownsville, Ont., July 16.--Dur.
lug the very heavy thunderstorm this
afternoon William Siveyer, aged 20,
eldest eon of Edward Siveyer, df the
\t, 12th concession, Derelia
one-half miles south of this places as
rn, one and
kale,' instantly by lightning wile
standing in the doorway in his father's
hone& Tim bolt came from the
chimney, stating the ypung man lam
the-head, and passing out of the dope
in which he was standing.
Alvinston, Ont., July Ie.-James
Flanigan, a yelling manil rare of
age, who lived five miles from here,
while Bimetal:1g wheat this afternoon
was streak by lightning and instantly
killed. A barn belonging to Angus
McKinley and a dwelling house be-
longing to _William Wall, farmers,
living in the same ueighnorhood, was
also struck by lightning; but not
much damaged,
Berlin, Ont., July 15.-A terrible
fatality happened here to:ta?,y about
noon. Workmen were lin4 a new
brick house on Webster tl' , when
a heavy storm arose, duti - Lich a
flash of lightning street, the building,
injured workmen are likely to recover.
Perth, -Ont.; jelly 17.-During a
heavy thunderstorm which come up
About 4 o'clock today. Dir. Thomas
Griffith, a highly respected farmer,
who lives in Drunimod towuship,
three mites froth hero, wile receiving
hayin h
is burn from theload along.
side, was struck by lightning and
fell apparently dead. The barn im-
medietely took firs and who consumed,
together with Mr. Griffith's body,
whielt could not he saved. Tho
daughter of the nnfortuurite man was
the only person present when her
father L11, and witnessed the horrible
creniati'm in helpless despair. . .
. ..
Os Saturday taut n Winnipeg 110WM
;paper collected telegraphic reports
tram every itimortant point in alani
I whit and - the Northwest. 'there
reports, without a single exeeptieu,
state that 'the conditions are most
favorable; and that a good crop is now
keens:ally essared.
JAS. FLEUTY, Publisher
ofTra hasbeen organized'
Sixehiopaegro en Friday, sone wereri killed by the heat in
Abraham Wilson., who attempted.
to shoot his daughter at Carapbellforels
has escaped.
The World's Fair is to be elated ON
Sunday, and will open no more on
the first day of the week.
The tonnage through the canal at
Sault Ste. Marie for the year ending
Jane 80 IS the greatest on record.
Meohanics who left Kingston lately
to seek work somas the line are re-
turning in large numbers, being unable
to find work at any pay.
A Grand Trunk train entering Chi-
cago Monday night ran down a.
crowded street oar, killing four persona
and injuring many others.
Dr. Henry Meyer, accused of whole-
sale poisoning iu New York and other
cities, has arrived iu New York. Ha
was taken to police headquarters.
The British House of Commons hae
agreed to an address of congratulation
to be presented to the Queen on the
recent marriage of the Doke of Yorl4
and Princess May.
The men belonging to la company
of the 14th Battalion, Kingston, who
misbehaved in Montreal on the regi-
ment's recent visit there, have been
discharged from the service.
A plot of convicts in Clinton, N. Y.,
prison to rounder the guards an I
escape was let out by ono of the
prisoners "poaching" on Monday,
The tell-tale conviot has been granted
a fall pardon.
As a G. T. R. engineer was uoarina
St. Mary's a few days ago in miarge
of a heavily loath.' freight, he notioaa
five horses running on the trk shoat ao -
of the engine. Four of the horses
were killed.
A citizen of London went to taro
out nest of wasps , under the eaves
of his house on Sunday, first wrapping
a veil around his bead end providing
himself with a long-handled toroth
An excitable neighbor who saw hint
at the job mistook hitn for a disguisett
incendiary, and telephoned for the
i 'ice to canoe op and eildh tise Rio
Log. The p:Orol wagon W.s6 soot ms
and the police enjoyed the joke es well
ns all the neighbors. The weeps' nest
was cleaned out, too,
Some days ago Asa Wheelee, of
Brantford, traded a horse mat bona
nod $20 for another horse mid buggy,
He subsequently traded his horse to
a hotelinan in Delhi. Sinoe then be
has learned the man who traded aim
am- horse and boggy had stolen it
from Guelph. The police of the halt
city arrived here awl got the boatZ7
from Wheeler, and went to D.lhi fee
W heelerthe horse.
h, a iiadtod deliver 4 v,r
op all Le lost
horse and $20 out of pocket.
The new Boman Catholic, church.
at St. Mary's was opened on Suudea,
Bishop O'Connor, of London, ant.
ducting the dedication ceremony,
The services were participated in by
a large number of clergy-um. Rev.
Father Brennan is the parish prints,
and lie took occasion to express thaidni
for the liberal eollectious. The build-
ing is a handsome structure built of
St. bleep's' sMne, with Ohio freestone
facings. end the spire is 120 feet high.
Death of a Prominent Orangeman,
Stratford, July 17.-While piehina
cherries in his own harden this after,
I noon Mr. Frances Hann fell, owing
to the broakago,of a limb, and striking
!on Lis head broke Ma neck and died
almost immediately. Mn. Irwin Las
octalmei the position ,of storekeeper
at the G. T1 it. corindlthuse Since 1871
and was well known . to railroad em•
ployes in this (action. lie was te
prominent Orangeman and was chair.
man of the 'domehittCe which ant-angst
the Into oelebratien here,
A rams of Englitd rlerdnent la ittrmattt.
Toronto, July 14.-A meeting caf
the represents:Myr:is of the loan,9 of
the Sous of England was held to-night
to dismiss the project of forming an
additional regiment for the city to he
known es St. George's Rifles and 11
be recruited specially from 8,13
Enaland. -A letter from the Supremo
Grand President was read, approving
the scheme, au I vationi committees
Were appointed to carry out details'
and to communicatuwills Cat Govern.
Pupate Numerous letti•re were rcceiveet
conveying oilers of financial sitiiip04
to the solteine. Dr. Ryerson, H, P,
P., expressed bin hearty sympathy
aaa tOtisetea the ant sabeeriptiea,
Meyer ok Dickinson-
Non e yAeLoanatLoWealltatese 1. n•ermst.
B-.VINSTOsits WInghano In1y19 611
asans Tb SIIIMonrISEMS. • W. W. C, MINKS, Q. 0.
AIIIMSTEll SANDS OLICITOBS ETC. ETC SolicitorriorBa.ohof Hamilton 0 ommiolion
es ortuhinyamd avftef or Man tob a. Para ci. town and village property bought and Cold „ Honey' privates ands I loaned en mortgage ism, reourity rat 52 per cent Money I 'treated for private perilous upont he best mortgage se- lit lit r
ilea withoniany expense to the lender du el r•andsfor aletn kImitob ndt h eSortherial --10Illee-Neyes Wingham SD Js ny.16,1390 4011.,
PoSE Ise
hive St., WinRham.
LsTED, J. w.surrr,
sits received and interest
n.sw rcaTrtsi
:steinininrIca-West .North-Wool
st .ete.,Metheshortettandal Move • ,Baggageoheeked through to desti
Loweettrefghtratesto allparto .
and dote. t from Wingham
f ollowe
Arthisr Simpson Killed While Onving Over
a D. P. R. Crossing. in Wingham.
On Tuesday morning.Mr.'
Simpson, a farmer residing at lot 34,
000. Oulross townsbip, drove to
town with a teumnaliorees and lumber
wagon. After_transacting hi., business
he started for home again about ono
o'clock. Four or five years ago-.4o
Was the victim of a runaway accident,
by which he was sevekely injured,
since which time be has mostly always
been accompanied by one:of his eons
while driving until just` lately. On
this occasion he tame to town alone.
Taking his regular road home, helad•
to crone the O. P. R. trash thee do.
Hutton & Cares bridge. Ho evidently
neither saw no heard en express train
coming in, and was fairly on the teach
when the engine struck the fatal blow.
The team had crossed over the track
and were cut loose from the wagon,
which with Mr.:Simpson Was carried
or knocked Wait 61 foot ' • the wagou
was smashed' to atoms. Death must
have been instantaneous. The first
person to brine immediately tele•
phoned for Dr. Towler, coroner, who
found. that the poor fellow had. the
right side of his head badly cut and
broken, his right arm and ribs on the
right aide weft broken, the engine. of
course striking Lim on that side: The
train was stopped and the body taken
to the/ O. P. R. baggage room, where
numerous townspeople, out of curiosity
and marrow, viewed the features of the
dead roan, who had been well known
to all the businesa men of the place
and many others, having transacted
the bulk of his business here for many
A particularly sad feature of the
accident was the fact that on the
morrow his only daughter was to have
been united iu matrimony to the man
of Mr choice. The marriage was
necessarily indefinitely postponed. •
Deoeasad was a native of Aberdeen.
shire, Scotland, a mall highly re-
spected for his integrity and firmness
of purpose. He was known far nod
wide, and his sudden end sad death
east a gloom over the entire country.
He tins nged C2 years, 10 mouths.
The funeral takes place to-day at two
o'clock, and will no doubt be one of
the largest ever known in • western
Ontario, The reed widow and Ler
family have the sympathy of all in.
their sad effliction. . 0-
. .
which convened in the town hall on
Wednesday miming at 8 o'clock to
take whatever evidence was forthcom
, 'After hearing the evidence of seve.
ral persons who were in the neighbor-
hood, es to the whistling of the engine,
dietances from point to point, eta.,
and also of Messrs. Johnston and
Quinn, engineer and fireman on the
engine which killed Mr. Simpson, the
jury bronglrt in a verdict of accidental
death, exonerating the officials froth
all blame, but at the shme time ad-
vising the town council to use its in-
fluence with the railway company
towards inducing said company to
have trains run into town at a much
slower rate, or else place a watchman
at this fatal crossing.
killing two workmen, Chris. bL &c-
linger and Wesley Learn, outright,
and injuring three others severely.
A Bride of a Paw Months Drownod. One of the injure] is a yonng girl,
.madoc, July 19.-At ti bete Jt ,,r
osa Strauss, who had just brought
Inks, [theta five miles south of thii father's chimer, and had stepped
in from 'tIm stormSloe
A heavy thunder storm passed over
the western stallion of Huron county
on Thuraday. The barn belonging to
Joseph Curry, Goderich township, was
struck by lightning and Mimed to
the ground together with contents.
A. horse close by was also killed at the
same time.