HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-24, Page 6THE WING -HAM 'TIMES, FEBRUARY 24, 1893, ,DW RT BY ACTS' 01' PABLIA-t weeds. The an roeweed, ,udthero • L XENT. of which .1e (Toronto Dews.) 1biennial's, which takes two years to Ottawa despatch to a. morning ' mature ; perennials, which last from The 1 r to Year, and which troulales yell. but there is paper states that *"even the coat of i yea Gild cordage men, now that they have I bowora'e kind tllanin seeds aud roottn the latter ; the i by tl'ie score ar more, f atoolc have been bad tittle t \ lowering from duties ee nt . iZAll the sone breeds o oo1 • Wily I of the lu\ver,tl^ of the on', oreepiug perennial, ander which head Shock coulee quack grass and the thistles, improved primarily by g , 9 is Tlut the imliraver, man, unproved in mit at hrticles, are inclined fa to pro-oThe blue weed takes &lot of nutriment) mit that share is a fair le nodi of out of the soil, taking 4.7 et asb,while the same way. in tt!Gt1011 l be them, to li elle ttUder. N'lticll ',the of -eye daisy is worse again, taking The hogs often suffer from thirst they well ibis lit e. The ` 6.4 of asst. 7 o prevent this weed • winter. At least ono drink daily of water Now what fines this mean ? t of bio never allow the weed to seed, should be given theta. t duty ox1 coftl oil has been reduced one r 1 d the duty nn hinder twine this will getridof the annuals. hill one Varlet Notes. Never strike a colt with a while unless it is positively necessary and he knows why I be is struck. Every stable floor through which the I liquids pour is an expensive bare to farmers I at at, green and feed it and then they +; rape end feed to the sheep, and the from 10 cents to 15 cents per hu BACia HANDED A PATRIOTISM. P i. that the weeds ire taring Com- 'than horned cattle. Commenting on this r (From Toronto rites, Conservative.) p1 etresnt to 1 the Live Stock Indicator says i --`Farmers 1 It trey cleaned from the' far11i. He • 'trii 1'3.Ithouoh the Oabinet at Ottawa P ' I who persist in feeding horned cattle at this showed speeiult!ns of new weeds, and i to standing in fed their own light, and t cG cbelieve at i',ihere is such a thing he advised to rnrers to watch and kill - day growers of except --- its practical patriotism. ! anynew plants Olt; they see on their:breeders d t cr are s of anything to a forp Last year goods imported from heat' fer!..ts they were deadly, Elie penny it 34S,0ir ni the duty o f of $44,-0 cress is cowing from the Northwest, 'Itheir prejudice. It has been demonstrated 00000,000, o d which ti, duty of ,; false ;time and again that horns on domestic fo was paid, while on the $58,137,000 sates and is a meet dangerous l poet ; t ods brought f#,on1 the States we fi+tx, toad flax, sow thistle, tampion is not ft r off useless w1 snit even the breeders the oftimeof of l,o . o $7,814,000. sot[ chicory are also bad pests. only'�•i'`�,osed a dot of �• we • � hornless race of thele favorites. tom re a Britain It fourth, au when it is young one half, slat these men admit that stubble field mustard will soon, come they soil have a fair ,um1e of profit, then it you rutt over the cultivator G'tearly then these gentlemen hi*1 e I t twill kilt the weed at once, as It as a been taking ;het much more out of t ie • very teltdoe plant ; then another crop a treat a lea titled t consumers' pockets than they Wt orf en, y p I nae could araw four times as b trader tL fain margin of profit. of lnustardn\nillU Yui up, then bOtn� I now. titled is t Fasts lilts these snealt louder than on your gang p will clow, If the hens•aro not laying satisfactorily, then piing on your ordinary plow, and try warm breakfasts, seasoned a little more constipation. Syrup of ligsls may ar};utaenis. A tariti' velli d cannot h allows more; another mustard crop 6 than would bo agree- ft straight robbery of thin land to its kilt this last batch, and thea comes ill_ with cayenne pepper breakfast should when coca the truth as er batch, which wi!1 be kill_able to our taste. The I only remedy. g ostheta to and ac- stand \ 1 and the still another pleasing t n raticna becomes known ; the ed by the frost. Deep the weeds from compose largely of meat and vegetable pro- duced, l o p 1 aeptable to the stomach promptin + • Earns« ere are t spicily iLrvaisoiiiii[, to ft nca orners. Karp the lights froth scraps. Of course, the fowls should Have its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared. only from the most healthy and agreeable snbstances,its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Pi;s is for sale g 75.c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes he o try it, Manufactured only by CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Dry beds for the store hogs may mean profit, and a lack of the toss. Especially give the brooch now Comfort. I ON There is abundant evidence that if the I Both. the method and. results \viten earth highway were made into a Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant ct average vel road, ' the same Horselower and to the taste, an ,c oxl gra the Xidee ., d as I -Ori i y gently yet promptly Liver anti Bowels, cleanses the sye.- tem effectually, dispels wide, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual al Clubbing ;1cAtos. IP ^ ^FCO - C xng ant r' h J 1,� The weekly Empire. aha premium the %,, 4 Contiervative members of the d the TIMES from now till the ---IS PUBLISHED-- end nd of 1899 3- - -$1•,7G, t E'� E= FRIDAY MORNINGe !rhe weekly Globe and TIMES frau :tow fact that under the present system , tants and they will die. If you aur round or orusltocl bone. they are taxing themselves to enrich a PI The old notion that grain is not desir- class of men who, as Mr. Foster put it, the thistles when they are flowerttie, it is ver exhaustive on the plant. lh©I ble for growing colts was exploded long Have been the special pets of Govern" ,Mile weed should be spudded when in la ago and still many starve the young things Mints. P flower. if possible get co-operation. I on bulity food when they need the best the Ignorance is the handmaid of o It is but little use for a man to keep I f Lrm affords, that they may make rapid pression and a want of knowledge on bis farm eienn if his neighbors do not. 1 and handsome growth, and development. P the part of the .farmers Ties been the Green utauuwe 18 one manner of i The same foolish stinting is practiced with mainstay of the protective policy. Qiear111� off weeds :—Put in a Crop of Other young stock, and besides being cruel y it under ; then That day is done. The Government buckwheat and plow that hopes to maintain a high tariff hoed crops are good, if they ni it is unprofitable. Tho lesson is, .louee well keep more stack than can be kept full I will to future have to fight site toes- :oultivated,tlleu its a last resort sue r fell tion on its merits, and that means fallow, In file Guelph culls., they i The Chicago Drovers' Journal recently &lilting with mighty poor weapons. sow rye to get rid of weeds and cut it i stated that clehornecl cattle wore bringing � n grow ltdred more 01'1 la —AT THE—, till the enol of 1893-$1.75• The London Advertiser, weekly and Testes from now till the end of 1898-31,00 '.Clue Loudon Free Press, wealth, and TIMES from now till end of 1898-31.75. The Montreal Wesltly Herald and the SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW 'tORK. 6V.Y• TIDIES from now till ens of 1893-91.50• The Moutreal'Wituess, weekly and Tines from now till the end 1893-111.75. Reduced rates with all other metre petition weeklies. This is a grand oppor tunity. Subscribe at once and reoeiye the balance of the year free. and The Tlnils•and the "Family herald lr G G J; t• un last year X98 ! {$0 o4b in binder El Lowee's Piens are securities of t: � took 11 natlous of whatever clime, , 1S pure-bred cattle will have developed a OZ .� -- ,- .. twice and a i e, ' Iri4od's Cures, in74, oil,andtwine the United States health to all Ye ; In:sarin $174,000 4,000 in twine tatcci $47.4,000 in • They have given n Itope,relief, and coni- i its prpprietora make Bio idle polila extract', gent claim. Oma+Heats from thextrava ci th ; the Americans therefore reap all fort to millions. ted by excessestand of any ga kind, or in general Prostration of the of reliaole people of what Hood's Sarsa- usands the amantain froul the only relic- • debt4, I papilla has done for them, conclusively rR tiaue nulls in the tarihi. stew, their effect is rapidly soothing, , prove the feet -HOOD'S fert)D'S Sarsaparilla In the face of fats like these, of system, y OT 1tI S. __ What 0Se is it for the Goveruiut:llt to'. renovating, and Olne restorative. ln�'ltlielj , ILLS act especially upon the wars the old hitt aud declare loudly I rapidlyrbicause of ailment, and renew in 1 Hoon's P for preferential, trade ? livor, duties cu,r it from torpidity en to its i dr- - it likely that Great Britain will !the frame its pristine animation, i al liver, Fou ins constipation orpi and assist die , r g Theygreatlyme , ;1lstion. tatiolls while ,t, health ao1 vigor. t the v d 0 it It v t1 s d wee [ weeds' 1st Extra labor ; { h be no German or French or the sutra}. n h Catholic ie a arc i .. , — believe litchi" 1}3ULs'9 give tone o tariff that already discriminates in crease the appetite, What Drink 'Does. favor of the States is madestill more � stomach, lasticlty to they sprits ;tntheir It clogs the brain. faeorkble to the Republic . Let the 1 p It overworkstheheart. Kovc.rxtiit•.nt give some proof of the 1 essence enters the circulation aits nd, is in thein. ,J ust flow the carried through its course, O every organ, In I It inflames he action oof the lung liver. s. propthat , ii people are iu n fair way of believing 1 cleaning power over that their plltrioti1ui ie mere clap - the chanelungs they converting este most venosus n Ittscauses fatty degeneration of the kid- trap.I into pure arterial blood, by which the I It arrests digestion by inflaming tho -``- whole frame is recruited. mucous membrane of the throat and Prof,Al mon D11C0llrSes o11 Weeds. stoma^h Prof. Fautan, of h t" uelph collo t' )e a ,n One People, One Language. I It creates an appetite which is only in - followed with an edifying discourse. on (From New York World.) i creased by bring gratified. , lie spoke of the many charges The decision of Mgr. Satolli that It destroys the nervi force and paralyzes ,, against the , pliant' in the there shall yt I churches I i r America1 It diseases to the third and fourth genera - front vicinity ; Ord, tukuit; away moisture iIris th t ,`English is the langatage of • tion by tltc lawn of herelity. froth the soil—in this regard he encu the church as we s It riot oily men t'.13 tn3ntal sash plyai i;ioned a suuHo\ver throws off 30 ounces I and the institutiou� of the country," cal faculties, but wrecks the mortal powers V TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAAi, ONTAliIO, • Subseriptionpriee, $1 vex' year, in advenee ADVERTISING BATES; Space 1yr, a mo.1 3 mo.11 1 sue One 0010010 t.00 00 580 00 1 1320 00 e0 00 half " 35 00 20 00 12 00 5 00 Quarter „ 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 00 300 I 200 100 G __ _ Inch _ Ln_a I One 1 __. Legal and other casual advertisements, 80. per line for First insert on, and 30, per line foreach subsequolt6 tnsortion• vrf Local notices 10e. pet •.ne for first insertion, un 5c. per line for each subsequent iasortiti:. No low notice will be charged less than 25e. Advertisements of Lost, Found,Strayed, Situations. and Business Chances wanted, not exceeding 8 lines. Weekly Star" and the Star Almanac, from nonpareu, C1 pec month now until the let of January 1804. to 51 for fi et month,tGOo�pvclblibsnqnot uont exceeding llnce, 1.75. These terms will be strictly adhered to $ Specie lrntes for lo advertietments, or 14st ,_•,..._—._�___-_--+—•..----- t^ager poricde directions, will Le inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. 'iral,sitory advertisements must be pall 9u utivunce MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CFiURGW thaoflcesbyt \\edne day noon,lii otdcritoappent giros Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Staff i that week R nd Tonie•Sci•Fa Notation. Open for engagements'; for C noerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate. PROF. SCOTT Advertisements and local notices without specific o _ .�-- Apply at Lilts II, MORROW'S, 24 Shuter St \\ lniihaxt q' t,R MACDONALD, WINOIIAif, • - • Oxtutio. NCLUDING Rooks, Pamphlets, Posters, 13111 ' B. TO1yLE1Zr M,ll.C.l<L, I Heads, Circulars, &c•, A o„ executed in the best W style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short Member Collage Physioiaus elle Surgoops, Ontario notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, Totes Office, \\'ingham, 1 -Coroner for County of Huron— !—__-�__ OMTice17p•stairs, next to Mr Morton's ofee, Wing- - f ham, Ont. Orden IIOOna,-1) to 12 a. in., 1 to 0 p. an., or at COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. 111eelie,lee, Diagonal Street, On tho security of Cultivated Farm, Intvrost six I TV. J. A. MELDRUhl, per cant, payable annually. Anv portion of the I Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and principal may bo repaid 10 any time the borrower 1 lylomber• o1 the G'oliege of Physicians and. Burghers of wishes. All oxpences pard by tho County. No 'Ontario. person except or the County hem m allowed oto eco 1stroots, formerly occupied rn rof Bethune.froan person mortgages or to know to whorrtW121oilial is loaned. shed, 1 Wetland erly c occupied by Dr.f Centro and Patrick Apply to Co. Trex,{urer. WINO11Atl 11NT Goderioi ELLIOTT Pltel'IUNTOa ASO renames J00 PRINTING JOSEPHINE STREET, _..__ ------I ) VAN STONE. LOOKFIER. 1;11' BARRISTER, ;.SULICITOII, Etc., Private 1.2111 Company funds to loan at lowest rate i interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, tow and ?arm propert3 bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block \t•r iu1rAil I his s61►�trst-er2e\- bur4„ • We are selling • J. A. MORTON BARRISTER 3.c , W ngham Ont CA 5� i Best Coal 'y'il at 12 1-2 I hEYER DICKINSON, , \cents perImperial Bail- H. W. C. MCYI;R Q. C. i E. L. nICkONSON. S. A 0 hon, an Cont�,�.ning BARILISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Inc., Etc., SO. y� 1®�9•, ®�° `�i P; lienors for Bnnk of lIruriiitoil, Commissioners for Ji r ��� �� jj�• taking uttidnrty sur \inari.) e . nu, To(p eth, ty ta( (L? uivale Vilingc property beu;;