The Wingham Advance, 1889-01-10, Page 8rait One Great Man Can 4ccomplish. The "great ones" of the earth have ',been justly designated as each for having achieved ends and objeote un- attained by their fellow men. If we trace the rise and prcgress of them, we shall see, that not only has their sumacs been owing to a new idea, or origival etiegestiop, bat in a far great- se mansnre to the systematic mode ,,e( carrying out the projects, and bring `cog them to a successtal issue. In no stance has this fact been more truly .• :amplified than in the career and ditningespeed progress to fame of •,ontas Holloway, and the proper- , nate universal dissemination of his els and ointment se specifics for •----e eprly every dieeake of the. human onst. 'We have' been fortunate enough to learn from his own lips the m • ocha operandi of this wonder. working system, which evinces its superiority . not only in having leached the acme , of perfection, but in keeping afloat the organization, a "harp of a teounand strings" to keel) in tune. Lot the reader,conoeive to himself the possibility of creating and con- y ?-eiouine in working order a business from whose keens two articles, with the simile cognomen of Holloways's Pills and Hedloway's ointment, are kept perpottially in the hand and with.:. in the reach fist one in every hundard of a eoinnianity, and that the community ,00ntained in no less limits than sthe circle of the earth's broad surface. Now this is not only accomplished, but done with ease and harmony • while!. ; these almost uubignitous romedies, bulled originally (as we have been assured) from the vegetable productions of that soil which gave us birth, or moreover so .compounded, . from careful study and research, as to - act with divers tendencies, but: won. derful unity of effect.; the, inclividul prepertios of Holloway's medicines become passive or notice, to suit the exigencies of tne case, the pills oon- taming both tonic,, as well as deter- -, gent qualities, develops the one or the . other:as the symptoms of the patient's ease, may demand, the ointment being -"on expellent" ail well es a ,healiog appneatioe;takes a similar mode ot attaining the desired end, thus, mute. ally .assistiug nature to oust off the tosnmen enemy, and subduing the cempbral region of fell disease. Much more could, be seid on this poiut than can Well, come within the scope of this short article, which we I. eve thought it our duty to devote to i. casual gianee at a great undertake ; Mg, that may have escaped the ob- servation, and cousequently the due appreciation ofa portion of our read, ers ; 'a system conceined as it was, aal carried out as it is, by a muster mindh WO will at some future time „render epee further interesting par- ". Lica/ars:with regard to this peerless and unprecedented epterprise.—E vs- uiug News. 1 000 Cash Customers wanted to buy k'2 200 worth of goods and get a Kite to take home for the boys. A. W. WEBSTER. 'Deafness Cured.-127:1; tggg'l Book on Deafness. poser a the head. Mow they may be edred et poser home. Poet free 8d —nachos. John Nichollwara kr, Et. John Street Montreal. C) 0 Ywi K A. BILLINGSLEY! HORSE BLANKETS, CURRY-COMBS, BRUSHES, WHIPS, SOAP FOR HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. r2,-2R= OF LANDS FOR TAXES. TREMENiDOUS LOW PRICES ---IN FALL and WINTER GOODS. Everybody come and take advantage of out' low prices, as we are slaughtering goods to suit the times. JUSTA BRIV1 DI A LOT OF Flannels, Twe'eds, Pantings Over- coatings and Uderclothing which we can sell - LOWER THAN FIRST COST. Bought from a house that has failed. DRESS Goons AND TRIMMINGS in endless variety. Mantle Goods and Ulsterings With trimmings and buttons to match cut free of charge. .T A. ILLS. Wingiam, Sept 6th, 1888. Ontaxio,1 BY:5/111TUE of a warrant issued by the Mayor, under the Cor Town of Wingham, porate Seal of the Town of Wingham, to me directed, bearing "Co wit : date the seventh day of October, 1888, commanding me to levy neon-r and sell the lands mentioned in the following list, for arrears of taxes due theregn, I hereby give notice that unless such arrears and all ewes are sooner paid. I Phial proceed to sell the said lands or as much thereof as may be necessary for tha, paynient of the taxes and costs thereon at the Oblinell Chamber in the said town Wingham, on Thursday, the Seventeenth Day of January, 1889', At the hour of TWO O'CLOCK in the afternoon. ' The followinglaade are patented: 90M112, ' T.—. Crete. m.„, survey. Moot 10,21 i 13.10 lag No. street. 14 feet a6. b0 e3.50 reel/ Pt. Parts, Victoria North, Foley'a 1-6 acre 4.52 2.40 N.98 Pt. El. B, Victoria Month, Goo. 6, Catharine West, tractit Davies 92,: Carling East, Teiet di Davies 1 S acre 1.4.1 1.80 son 14 acre n80 9.x0 9.80 3. Maple North, John Cerilyn Pk.let10,1osephine East, Gov. Add....IInwstented 2 sare9 ..9168 5.8 15.3E 8 JOHN DICKSON, TREASURER. 763 EAVETROUGHING STOVES, TINWARE, IRY SUPPLIES. P iave on hand a large quantity of the bestbrands of tin manufactured the world, bought for cash at the lowest pricee, in "the best English markets, and as my faeilities'for purchasing these cannot be our., passed by any firm in the trade in Canada, I am determined to Bell my goods at the lowest possible margin and not be undersold by any. My Staff of Workmen are A I. AU Work warranted first-class, as it is entirely done tinder my own imme- diate supervision. Eavetroughing specially attended to and properly put up and completed. Stoves in all varieties, cheaper than ever. REMF.J1BER THE PLACE-Opposite Ewehange Hotel, corner of JO and Victoria Streets; Ilarldey rend AfeOrimnion's old stand. Call and see me and you will Carry home the conviction that wbat I gay i oorregt. My Motto is—"Small Pratte and Quick Returns. NIMBLE SIXPENCE IS BETTER THAN A SLOW SHILLINie D. SUTHERLAND, Wiegharny Anvil 2.5th 1867 itreseurer'sditflice,Winilliam,./My 7,-1889. Enropeen diplomats expect that the greet war which is generally looaed for will not come in-1889. The Mercer scanty medical society ,yssterday examined Willimn Bing, a colored man 45 years of age, who was said to have two hearts. Tile exam- ination proved that King has a divided heart, such as is found in the lower The loreeeltoi Fall. Niagara Falls, (Jut., Jan. 7.—On last Friday evening, about nine o'clock, a large mass of rook fell Irene the precipice of the Horseshoe or Ca. nedian falls, and on Saturday night, at ten o'clook, another mass broke away. Is both cases the noise made by the tumbling rock alarmed the residents in the vicinity on the Cana- dian side. The massive stone build- ing known as the Table Rock house was jarred to each a degree that the doors were throivu open and the occu- pants who had retired jumped out of bed, greatly suited by the unusual noise and vibration of the building, resembling severe shocks of earth- quake. The same sensation was ex- perienced at the residence of Gate- keeper Wnistler on Cedar island aid also half a mile up the river, where Gardner bleCatuerou lives. The effect of these theplacemente on the contour of the LEH is quite marked, the change being from that of angle as the vortex to the original horseehoo shape. Barker, the Boston checker player, won his match with the English play- er, Smith. Hen. E. Sanley, son of the Geyer. nor-General, was married on Saturdey to Lady Alice Maude Olivia Montague, daughter of the Duke of Maucbester. Severe storms have prevailed in &Wheal Russia, and 200 persons are reported to have been frozen or lost in the snow. Holtenwes Ointment and Old wounds, sores and ulcers.--Daily experience &Mims the fact Which has triumphed over all opposition for more than forty years, viz., that no means are known equal to Holloway's remedies for curing bad legs, bag, breasts, sores, wounds, diseases of the skin. erysipelas, abscesses, burne, scalds, and in truth all maladies where the skin is broken. To cure these infirmities quickly is of primary importanoe, as compulsory confine- ri:snt indoors weakens the general health. The ready means of care are found in Holloway's ointment and. pins, whirl, heal the sores and expel their pause. In the very worst cases the ointment has succeeded in effect- ing a perfect cure after every other means had failed in giving adequate, tonnuercial Rani. WINGRAN Corrected every Paursdayllorn ng.i Flour per.I.00 ...... ...$2 40 to 2 40 Fall Wheat per bush $ 98 to $0 98 Spring wheat 98 to 0 98 Oats per bush ... 0 82 to 0 33 Barleyper bush ... '0 50 to' 0 60 Peas per bush ... 0' 57 to 0 58 Butter ... 0 16 tq 0 17 Eggs..........018 to 0 18 Hay.per ton -13 00 to 14 00 Potatoes per bush— 0 25 to- 0'30 Apples per beer ... 1 50 to 1•50 Wool ... '0.18 to, 0 20 Hides Per 100 lbe ... 6 50 to 7 00 Pork ... 6 50 to 6 75 Cord-wood... ... ... 3 00 to 4 00 Dressed hogs,per100 6 00 to 6 25 CLINT9N Fallwheat per bush $1 00 at.$1 03 Spring wheat.., 1 00 Id .1 03 Flour per 100 ... 2 40 to 2 40 0 35 t4 0 35 ... 0 50 td 0 55 Peas e. 0 50 to .0 60 Potahots perbag... ' 0 45 to 0 50 Apples '0 50 to 50 Hay ... 12 00 to 14 50 Eggs 18 to .0 18 Butter... ... 0 16 to 0 17 Hides per-lb 0 6 to 0:20 Shine 0 04. to 0 6 Weal.— 0 18 to 0 20 SouthdoingoO;... 0 20 to 0 25 Farm For Sale. The subscriber areal for sale hie farm, be.ng north half of lot 35, con. 8, East We- wanosh, containing I00 acres, more or less, 76 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the premises a frame barn 40 x 60 feet, good frame house, large orchard, spring well and pump. Ten acres are seeded with wheat. Situated 6 miles from railway depot, either Belgrave or Whiteehrireh, 9 miles from Luoknow and 12 miles from Wingham; church and school close at band. For father particulars apply on premises or address JAMES' FLYNN, Jan. 5. d492 Fordyce, P. O. • Notice. The council of the Corporation of the County of Hawn, will meet in the Court House in the Town of Goderioh, on Thurs- day, the 22nd inst. PETER ADAMSON, Just. 7th, 1889. b792 Co. Cl,iv. Mule Strayed. Strayed from the premises of the sub- scriber, Listowel brickyards. a mule, clipped, having black points, standing about 151 hands high, aged. Any person returning the same or giving eneh information as will lead to its recovery will be suitably rewarded. H. SMITH, Wingham, Deo. 13, 'Be. Lietowel, P. 0. Property For sale. Twelve acres of land adjoining the Po, poration of Wingham, in Tarnberry, free of stones and stumps and well fenced, shads trees and a never-failing spring. Excellent chance for anyone wishing to ran a market garden. Apply to A. ROE, Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Wingham, Dec. 10, 1888. 4-789. Estate of Thomas Price, Deceased. I hereby give eon*e that an Attorney for Martha Price, who was the lawful wife of THOM-AS PRICE, late of Wingham, miller, now deceased, I have applied to the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron for letters of administration to the estate of the said Thomas Price and to have the letters formerly granted to Alice Price revoked, and further that legal proceed- ings have been commenced to restrain the said A lice Price teem dealing with the estate of the said Thomas Price. Dated at Toronto, December fith, 1888. F. W. RINGSTONE. Attorney for Martha Price. Township Funds to Loan The Corporation of the Township of Turn berry has about Tanya TFlooetlar DeLnellf totoan on Bret mortgage. A ppls the Reeve, SYm. McPherson, Glenfairow P. 0., or to the Treasurer, Peter MoLaren, Wing- ham P.O. ti761 Turnberry.June 7, 18E18 Hawn Propertyfor Sale- A house and lot, being ports of lots 13 et 14, east side of Shuter street, Wingham, are offered for sale. The Minding is a good frame cottage, the property ofthe late R.Buehanan. There is hard and soft water on the premises. a stable; good garden and a number of fruit trees. For terms and other particulars apply to , WM% WRAY, Belgrave. Winghata,Nov. 13, 1888. tf-785 D. N. WATSON 'I LICENSEDAUCTIONEER FOR, THE COUNTIES Or HURON AND BRUCE Orders left at the ADVANCE office promptly attended to. RESIDENCE—Bell's brittle build- ing, near M Bell's furniture factory. Wingham, Sept. 24, 1888. The Industries of Canada. We have received a copy of a book with the above title, and in it we find amongst other notices, the following in reference to M.. D. JOBS, Carrie e Builder. etc., eta. The cart iage building business of Wingham is one of the most prominent industriee, and some of the finest class ,or work, both in design and finish, is turned out by her factor. ies. One of her most prominent factories in this line of Vainness is that of Mr. T. L. Jobb, whose works ire located on Josephine Street. This business was founded 18 years ago, and has long enjoyed a very literal patronage, not only iu Wingham, but in the surrounding sections of country. The premises oacupiea consist of a Woodshop and showroom, which is Wall feet in dimensions ; a storeroom and slmwroon. 40;26, and a blacksmith shop 50224 tent in dimensions. The number of skilled workmen to whom employment is furnished during the course of the year is eight. In the conetruotion of carriages Mr. Jobb Uses the utmost care in the selection of all mateejals, resulting in the production of vehicles of a very superior order. The best seasoned wood and the finest of steel and iron are used, and nothing is omitted that could add te the strength or beauty of the different kinds of vehicles made. 4en instance of Mr. Jobb's reputation as i'praittical and efficient workman is evidenced by the fact that he has been recently appointed to do the repair. ing for the Massey Manufacturiug Company in this distribt. Mr..Jobb is it Canadian by birth, and ie highly respected by the trade and public for his strict integrity, and is en- abled tb offer and guarantee hie customers advantages that cannot be surpassed either here or elsewhere. Norma —See my superior stock of carriages andWagons before' buying eleewhere.—T. L. Jens. Farmers wanting repairs for implements Made by the Massey Co. should leave their EWCOMBE P1 110FORTES Elegantin Design Solid in Construction Excellent in Tone PRONOUNCED BY AFT TO BE THE FINEST MADE IN CA N ADA, antique Ito the best United States nutriments, at (Whn duty and freight is paid) Per Cat, Less Expense Wilt INC USING COMMUNICATE WIT DIE MANUFACTURERS OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBE & CO. 107-109 CHURN 3'.161, TORONTO JOHN CURRIE, AUCtiONE7 R.1 Orders Promptly Attended To. TERMS, - MODERATE. ..' The Greet English Preaselptles Cure. Weakness, Spermatorrhea, Emissions, impotency andall D.,is eases caused by Belt-abuse iir ,i•-; discretion. One package$1, mita, lm.V.By mail. Write roe Pamphlet. farreat] Chemical Co.. DetrottaXtela NOW Tin TIME TO 8177 BABY BUGGIES —AND— HARNESS —PROM— Opp. Bank of Hamilton. F. A. BILLINGSLEY. Dee. 24,1885. 89 Fit PENNYROYAL •WAFERIS are cocaccuur seed, i ,,entlizibA.,0 :,:r.o; ,t,j-TAdZi by ma Are il, drat driliste. sealed Par: `"*Vrriaff: Virlearaidil:Zrmi NT , a l Asher likaly/S1 Woodward ava. Detroit, Aura GET TIE BEST! J. G. Field PRACTICAL P UTCII FJ 1 Bays nothing bat the best class of Cattle Sheep and Pige, and sells as low if not lower than any other bateher in town. I always have a large stock of fresh and salt meats, and deliver in any part of the town. Sassage and other specialties in season, While thanking my 'numerous customers for their liberal patronage in the Oast, I trust they wilelinue it in he future, and I will d o b togive all good satisfaction. SUOPOpPositc Bank, of Hamilton. 000 BOYS WANTED —,e; 4, W. WEBSTER —TO BUY -SUITS. HATS, OAPS, SHIRTS —AND GET A— . The Berasuce of a Cab. A line of street cabs had been Web. fished in Trenton, and already one of E them has d eyelet ed a pretty romance. The other evening a merchant, tired out after a hard day's jaunt - iu New York, walked up the incline at the Clinton street station and got into one of ihe new cabs. As he entered he saw not a lady had already taken a seat, and would evidently be a fellow traveller down town. He politely raised his hat and the vehicle dashed down Clinton avenue to State street. As they turned the corner on the wry to the center of the city the electric light dashed into the dirk little com- partment, and in a moment two eyes were fixed on two others on the oppo- site side of the gab. The eyes bed not met -for many a month, and one pair belonged to a husband and the other to his wife. The pair had part- ed, as many people part, over a slight difficulty, awl the unthought of meet Mg was the means of making happy a home whirl: had been dreary many a day. At first neither spoke ; then a hand woe extended and grasped, and us the cab crossed the canal bridge the equilibrium of the vehicle was lost, for both sat together, and they alighted together.— Trenton Times. animal kingdom. The heart beets ,Por ... 0 00 to" ,0 22fare perceptib.e on both sides. express charges will be seved.—T. L.Jeer • Witighom, April 25th, '88. 768. Wimaliain avii le, Ines 1:53e5riV7* "110114 orders with me in time,as flint telegraph and CHEAPE THAN EVER. Hard Times Defeated BOUND TO BE AHEAD.