The Wingham Advance, 1889-01-10, Page 714w is the time to have year Photograph taken to sand to friends. .$2 PER DOZ'N -FOR— CABINET PHOTOS J. Mason's GALLERY, WINGHAIL Goma SINES At PROPORTIONATELY Low RATES. A.13 work guaranteed, notwithstanding the very low prices. Gallery—next door to T. A. Mills', near the Post 3111.. Cbt alingijam Atthante THURSDAY, JAN. 10th, 1889 LOCAL NEWS. ' It is said that quite a sum of money changed hands over the result of the town elections. Rev. Thss. Hall, of Kingston, is ex- pected to preach in the Congregational Church on Sunday next and commence a aeries of special services. Mr. J. Ream a well-known former Winghamite, sent us two Chicago papers last week, and Mr. T. Bell AteAndiew favored us with a Victoria (13. C.) Daily Times. Thanks, gentlemen. The Lecknow Sentinel says : "We were glad to see Mr. J. S. Jerome, dentist, in the village last weer, after his recent ill- ness." Were yon suffering from tooth- ache, your Worship, the Reeve? Master Frank Dineley entertained about seventy of his young friends at the Dineley Molise on Tuesday evening. A most en- joyable time was spent by the young peo- ple, with shorn Frank is very popular. ALWAYS GIVE A RECEIPT.—Difficulties frequently arise between two persons over the payment of a debts We have now on hand several hundred blank forms fop re- ceipts, which we are disposing of fast and cheap. The bane serenaded the lucky candi- dates on Monday evening, and thereby gathered in a few more shekels. This needful organization will soon have its treasury well stocked, then new instru. ments and better music will follow. The annual meeting of the Central Far- mer's Institute of Ontario will be held in the York Chambers, Toronto, on February 5, 6, 7 and 8,'1889, commencing at 11 Is. no., on the 5th. Judging by present in- dmations this will be one of the most im- portant gatherings pf farmers ever held in the Dominion. Who was the man Who took one of the office seekers behind the Queen's hotel on Monday old promised:he wouldi vote for bim, providing he would sell him a two cwt. pig for $1.0? Such men shouldn't have votes, and it is needless to say that he did net get the pork. We forbear publishing the "cheap man's" name. From Mr. W. I. Catimbell, cff Ishpem- ing, Mich., formerly of Wingham, we reenived a copy of the Kati Year's Iron Ore, a journal published in that 'city and devoted to the mining interests of the Upper Peninsula. The Iron Ore gives a full and complete description of Istipem. pig, with handsome illdstrations, and is indeed worthy of perusals! Mr. Campbell will accept our thanks. The annual meeting of the W. F. 'M. S., in connection with the Winghim Presby- terian elixir& was held in the lecture room on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 2nd. The annual report was read by Mrs. Smellie, which showed the society to be in a pros- perous condition. Amount raised for 1888, $74.38; amount raised by Mission Band, $9.06. The society holds regular meetings on the first Wednesday in each month. Just now notices of marriages that have never taken place are being mailed to the editors of different papers, This busintes nf forging a man's name is a serious thing, and should not be tampered with ; neither should a marriage notice be sent to an office for publication without the bona fide signature of some person who knows that the contents of the notice are true. It is a foolish triple and sometimes causes con- siderable annoyance ; in fact it might be the means of upsetting what might other- wiee lead to a match. An enterprise of much magnitude and yet one that is seldom mentioned is the; milling business of L. J. Brace. He is turning out about 20,000 feet of lumber daily, employs five four-horse teams, 25 to 30 men, and . is shipping lumber to Spokane Fails, Ritzville and Hope. At present he has a big contract for the Seat- tle, Lake Shore & Eastern road. Mr. Brace is also extensively engaged in stock raising and agriculture in Washington territory. John Ramser is manager of the saw mill and T. J. Inbedy is euperin- - tendent of wagons and tracks,—The 400- teriai Courier SCIENTIFICAMERICAN Is the oldest and most popular scientific and mechnnical paper published and has the largest olnwintlon of any Panes of its class in the world. Fully illustrated. Rest class of Wood Engrav-Digs. Published weekly. Send for specimen ta&Illildn5;1121,9RVe"..Pglialitgl; 11:Y. IIRCHITECTS BUILDERS •ff re 80111011 of sbantirm American. V A great success. Eachcontain. colored plates of country and city reelden-era or public Moldings. Numerous engravings and fun Mane and specifications for the use or such as contemplate building. Prlee 15.60 n year, 25.e.a copy. MUNN dr CO., Punt-maxim ATENTSiztrfrE have had over 0 years' experienoe and have made over 10(1,000 applications for American and For-eign patents. Send for Handbook. Correa- POndence strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. in case your mark is not registered in the Pat- Immedia te apply to idcw. N rk Co.. and cure protection. bend roe COPYRIGHTS for books. charts, maps, eta, quickly procured. Address MUSE sik CO., Patent Solleitors. OiiriCiG MI BROADWAY. N. Y. for Infantn end Children. waretorieretro weiladaptedt0 children feat eas:orta otes dIo s,. A'o :ores Collo, Constipation, Initat=neari it. superior to anyprenerginen bills E a, gives drop, arldtatarromtiesi, kaolin. mc." IL A. Asses, M.D., 11.1 Se. oxford tit, Brooklyn, X. T. WM.ut injurious e.dice$on. Ten CEN1,013 Corrector, 11 Murray Street, N.Y. Holiday Bargains THE "ECLIPSE." ORANGES 20o a Dozen For Sweet Valeneies, Florida Brights, Russets and Jamaican, extra fine, try them. SOLID MEATS, NO WATER. Do not pay 35 cants a quart for water, but go to the *"ECLIPSE" and get solid Oysters. .16:a Does 18, 1088 fm7$8 SUBSCRIBE FOR The Wingham Advance, Only $1 a Ycar. Who Should AgyortisK, Aud ar tist Adyertisisg.Doe- IF you Want aeook Want a clerk, Want a partner, Want a situatiue , Want at n es aleern a I: Want a goodhired gni , I Want to sell your snap..., •••••• — Want to buy a good borer,. Want to purchasr a waggon , Want topurehase agooefai , WantiO sellorbuy a fieeearris; e, Wauttologrorborrowans mosey-. Advertise in the Ad.nnco.. Advertising brings customers,, Advertising keeps cortbm e s, Advertising makes eustoneri , Advertisisgbegeteoomfi deuce, Advertisinsshows enerp)„ Adver4sing elwayspays, Advertisittp is hukin s • Advertise you muse Advhtirealways Advertise largely, Advertisenow, Advertising ALWAS 5 (pans. WEEKLY EMPIRE CANADA'S LEADING-RA.1'M, THE EMPIRE since its establisbmt asr. ut it met with unprecedented sweet's, and a lrealy stands in the proud position of Canada's Iron rain, ,Thernpli but. in order to place the WEEKI.1 PMMON in the hands of every Farmer in Dominion this fall, the Pnblishers have hoe. prepared a Handsome and Life-like Bust of e SLR JOHN MACDONALD, PikCIIIVAZYZ217.7..t`ityh!..171t. IPINTLY $1 PER 11.1,71qTTIVI- '• NOW IS TEC TIME TO ETTBECRIBE. Address THE EMPIRE- Torcita,, WHAT TIME. IS IT TIME FOR YOU TO VIET Ed. Dinsley'E New Jewelry Store, (OPPOSITE THE ROYAL GROCERY) —Where you will find a choice selection of WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware;, Which he is selling at BOTTOM PRICES. gae IRIMPALIILAXIIM AL ISVIVUEALLerlf All Work Warranted. Clive Him A Call, STORE - Green's Block, Wingham. Wingham, Nov. 15, 1888. 1VS PHOTOS COLD CANADA,-The Christmas weather of 1888 . aurpasss anything within the recollection of Anshan citizens. In Victoria (B. C.) le young men indulged in a game of bra ball ; in Vancouver, mine province, a Isroseematch was played. Both of this's ocerrenees took place on Xmas day. In Prt Elgin, Ont., a few days ago, a nuicilir of the citizens par- ticipated in a gammf. . cricket. How any person can poin the finger of scorn towards Canada io:he face of such evi- dence of a fine chaste is past our reekcir- - Wingham School Dissea. The following is list of those who pass- ed the recent Ensnice Examination at Wingham, with thinumber of marks they received. Marks ibtainable, 735; - num- ber required to pas, 368, and 33i per cent. on each mbjet. • 473 Aitken, Maggi, A., No 3, Turnberry 452 Bray, Sarah Ain 1 492 Eadie, Agnes. 5 " 446 Gibson, Jessie... ........ ,.....Wroxeter 538. Gilmour, Magge 5 Turnberry 427 Hislop, Elizatie.h 1 432 McAllister, Massie 16 Howfsk 482 MeLauchlin, Lezie 3 Grey 414- McMillan Cassii Blyth 484 Sellers, Lydia .line 8 Morris 383 Snuck, Carrie A 8 " 441 'Wellwood, Elizib'h, 12 W. Wawan'h 422 Gibson, William Wroxeter 412 Inglis, Robert ......14 W. Wawanoith 418 Lewis, Fred 5 Turnberry 479 MeEwen, James. 1 " 391 st.art, L., &E. Waisn'h acid Horris FREE LIBRAIRS.—The town of Kincar- dine has becomootorions by voting down a free library bylaw. The city of Ham- ilton carried a •ee library by-law by a large majority. We are in favor of free libraries and hop stepa will be taken ere new year's day a man appeared in long towards. inking our town library f Helena presumably from Butte. He free. represented himself to be a wealthy contractor from Coeur d'Alene and began to look over the city for a reel- deuce, haying he wanted to brill. here his mother, who lived in Butte. He THE CITY RESTA:L.7414MT AND CONFECTIONER 'Y Fresh Canned Goods, rrnit, TobanooST,Ci&immRaCabiZgn Candies of Eliery arczni.:41,00..; IFRESET Oysters ReceferaIZATI"' FINEST OYSTER PARLORS,IN TOWN).. Whoa Baby was sick, we gave her Grater* When alo can a Child, else cried for Ceatoria, When eta became Mina, she rinng to Castoria, When she had Children, sac gave biota Castor., The Chesley Robbery. Hanover, Out., Jan, 2.—Part of the goods stolen from Mr. A. H. Hol- liday's store, Chesley, last Saturday night, have been discovered. After the robbery was committed, Constable Briggs, of Tara, took the affair in hand and succeeded in tracing the goods, to the vicinity of Hanover. He found about $200 worth of them in Samuel Tager's barn in the township of Bract. The goods had been hidden under some straw. The robbery is supposed to have been committed by two men. One of the men was ar• rested in Palmerston and lodged in the leek-up, but escaped by prying the bars off and breaking the window. He has not yet been recaptured. iihNdron Oryfolt filtcher'ikcairtIsIN of Helena for $900, agreeing to pay for it next day: On that day ho went OPPOSITE ROYAL GROCERY, to the First National Bank with the Nov. 22, 1888. man of whom he bought the lot, pre Rememb$ the muting of ,the literary society on Tully evening next. The annual vention for 1$89, of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance for the suppression of the liquor traffic will be held in the Temperance Hall Temperance street, Toronto, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 22nd and 23rd, coin imencing at 11 a. m. BAND FUND.—All parties having sub scribed money tcy the Wingham town band are requested to hand in the same to Mr E. F. Gerster. To CONTRACTORS. —Tendon are wanted for the-re-erection of Gray's bridge, in the township of Turnberry. Plans and speci ficatione can be seen at the Clerk's office. PROPERTY SOLD.--tir. Wm. Elliott, o East Wawaaosh, has disposed of his per tion of the `prairie' adjoining the town being that part next to Mr. M. Cassels' and also his property on the opposite side of the river, to Mr. Wm. Johnston, for the sum of $1,000. The two sections con- tain, including the river, 33 acres, Nioran—At the last meeting of the Women's Guild of St. Paul's Church, it was decided to hold a series of social en- tertainments this winter. The first of these will (D. V.) be held at the Rectory on Thursday evening, 17th inst., from 8 p. m. to 10:30 p. in. „Silver collection— ten cents upwards. All are invited. PARALYSIS.—Mrs. R. IS Simmons, of the British hotel, received a severe paraly- tic stroke on Friday morousg last and died from the effeets on Wednceiday even- ing. Her left side was completelyparalyzed, and her death was almost hourly expected, Mrs. Simmons was a kind-hearted, gene- rous woman, and the ADVANCE sympa- thises with her family in their misfortune. ClIANGED HANDS.—Sohn A. McEwen, Esq., of Morris, has purchaised from Mr. W. B. Hutton lot 3, Josephine St., East, the building on which was destroyed by fire last wint4r; he has also bought two cr three lots on one of the batik streets from the same person and intends re-erecting the store ou the front street and putting up some cottages on the back lots Rernesnao.—We learn &ern a letter received by Mr. T. Cornyn that Rev. R. AfeJosh will return to Ontario from Cali- fornia about the first of march pest, to take &ergo of the Petrolia parish. He will, however, visit his old friends in Wingham before finally settling down to his new duties. His many friends is town will be glad to hear of his early re- turn. PAY As You Go.—It never seems to dawp upon the minds of many- pf our-read- ers that we are forced to pay skit money for the purchase of the paper on which the ADVANCE is printed. II this fact should ever occur to this class of our read. era we hope they will call in and let us have the necessary wherewithal with which to pay as *ego. If not we will do like others and charge extra. A TREAT IN STORE.-=-Ralf a &liar will buy a ticket to hear the worldssedowned Fisk jubilee singers, who will hold forth in the Methodist Church son Monday evening next, under the,ansPices of Mi- nerva Encampme lb, P. 0. 0, F, The Fiske are the finest jubilee singers in the world, and although the price is somewhat higher than the 'average concert, we do not doubt but that a full house will greet and do them justice. WEST jiIIRON FARMERS' INSTITUTE.— The annual meeting of West Huron Far- mers' Iniffitute will be held in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Monday and Tuesday, January 14th and 15th, 1889, when ad- dresses will be given by the following gen- tlemen : President Mills, Guelph Agricul- tural College ; A. H. Pettit, Esq., Agri- cultural College; Mr. John liernighan. President of the Institute ; Dr. Macdonald, M. P., Mr. John McMillan, M. P., Mr. W. K. Underhill, Brantford; aria others. An excellent program of addresses, music and dialogues will be presented on the evening of the first day. All are invited. PERSONALS.—Misses Edith and Linda MiClymont were visiting at Mr. T. Hum- phreys, in Brussels, last week. Dr. L. G. McKibben, an old Winghamite, has opened out an office in Gorrie.—Miss S. Hutton, was visiting friends in Kinloss recently,—Miss E. Ross has been visiting friends in Teckwater and Gorrie.—Miss Brookenshire was the guest of Mr. We R. Hamilton, Teeswater, last week.—Miss Mary McConnell, formerly of Wingham, now has charge of a branch of the Associat- ed Art School, in Galt. —Mr. Robt. Fergu- son, of Manitoba, formerly of East Wawa- nosh, has been visiting friends in that township lately.—Mr. 0. Gilchrist, of the Union furniture factory, has been laid up this week with an attack of lumbago in his back.—Mr. T. E. Jackson, of Calgary, N. W. T., is on a visit to his parents In Morris.—Miss Maggie McLanchlin left town on Monday to again take up her resi- dences in Grand Rapids, Mich.—Master Newton Boyd returned to his home in Mitchell on Saturday.—Mrs. Jas. MeCly- mont, of Varna, is visiting at the residence of Mr. W. A. McClymont, bought a lot in the residence portion rented a draft on the Traders' Nation- al Bank of Spokane Falls for $2,500. He told the cashier that to save the trouble of identification lie had his signature pent over from the Butte bank. The cashier found the signa- ture all right and referred to the record 'where he found the same sig- nature in connection with some busi- ness done in November, when Jones had drafts cashed for several large amounts. The clothier at once cash- ed the draft on Jonas' request, retain. ing $900 to pay for the lot on preeen- lotion of the deed and paying Jones $1,000 in cash. Jones left the town that day And has not been heard of since. The next day the seller of the lot called all the bank, deposited the deed and received $900. Jones hav- ing previously requested the cashier ta hold the dead until he called for it. Yesterday the hank received notice from its Spokane Falls exohange.that the draft in question was originally made out for $25; and was raised to $2,500. It is barely possible that Jones may be innocent, but the pre- sumption is that he is a very slick swindler. The offioials have tele. graphed for his arrest, but so far no clue has been obtained. Meantime the First National is out $2,475 and in a deed to a $900 lot. Fighting Is. Mimeo. Auckland, New Zealand, Jan. 5.— Advises from &MAO say that the Ger man man-of•war Olga loot 20 men killed and 30 wounded out of a party of 120 men sent to assist e'smasese against Mataafa, The Germans were compelled to retreat to their boats. The commanders of the British and American men-of-war received an in- timation of the German intentions, but they remained inactive, A dastardly attempt was reads on Saturday night to set fire to the frame house of Mrs. Cheerers, a resident of Brantford. Cheerere was lulled a elietteThpe eget] a runaway Occident, and the poor woman has all that she ran do to support seven children While she was up town, on the night in question, someone or the at about 7.80, placed some oil-soaked rags in an enter kitchen, and thee set fire to there. There were only three or four youngsters in the house, the eldest a Rid sloven years of age. She saw the flames in the nick of time, and succeeded in throwing a pail of water on them' io time M stop the blaze, The police have the matter in RECORD/ENDED. 393 Errington, Jane E. 8 Mo • 388 Stokes, Maggie ...........3 Turnberry, Caught Dy a Fascinating Cook. Campbellfor, Ont., Jan. 5th.—Con- iiiderable infelicity has existed in the family a Thomas Young, healer at the Windsor Hotel, for some weeks, during which time his attention has been directed to the nook of the same Instal. The cook seems to have gone under several names, the last brig 'Azle Milligan. The °limas was reached this morning when they left town on the early train. They look tickets here for Peterbmo, Ont., but the cook purchased two Buffalo tickets there. Mrs. Young wired the Toronto police to arrest them, but they replied they could not arrest them unless a warrant was issued charging them with an offense. This Mrs. Young did not do, probably could not, as she had no money. Emperor William is being severely censured for oonferring the Order cf the Black Eagle on Herr Von Plitt- hamar, who was dismissed by Emperor Frederick from the Ministry of the Interior. amongst thirsty souls have been itiated. First-Class Dwitidle. Helena, Mont., Jan. 6.—It has just leaked out that the First National Bank of this city was the victim of a slick swindler a few day ago. On A Doctor's Blue Orders. Whitby, Jan. 4.—License Inepeo.. for Floguson and his myrmidons have carried their merry war against the illicit traffic in spirituous liquors from Port Perry, where isiluential citizens are interceding for the liberty of con- demned botelkeepers, to Oshawa. In that town, yesterday, the papers were served on a medical doctor for abusing his power to give patients orders upon the drug stores for liquors in cases of necessity. This meriting the gentle- man referred to, IJr, '.Reginald Belt, pleaded guilty to the ,Marge and wee fined $20 and costs by Police Niggle- trate Griersou. The doetor had, as shown on the record of one, of the druggists, given orders to hotelkeep- era foc.whicireF hi-tilt Italleu• Tflie is the first ease of bis kind in Lisp*. tor Ferguson's experience, and so far as known, elsewhere in the Province where the Act is in force. Some Port Perry people stated here to day that it is now utterly impossible to obtain liquor in their hotels. Bibu- lous dwellers on Sougog's shores are driven to great straits in obtaining enough to drink to the health, of their New Year's resolutions. Same way hero too. The bard are all shut. Men who tippled daily OW this week are sober as judges. The eases in this hand. Sahara of strong drink are as yet un- I disoovered. Only the very elect HILL, WINGHAM, ON'i 716