HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1889-01-10, Page 5CANCER
book free. rt. tdoncHARL, No. es semsra Sr., Deffato, N. Y.
AGENTS WANTED ! 1,:i1x,rztdpPmtvg:-
Ma Goo.. Lees, .0 on replication. It is new.
eueemeful sod cheap. Tarbox Baos., Toronto, Out.
TO LOAN on Farms Lowest Rates. Na delay. Correapondence .1Ielted. S.W. D. BUTLElt, Financial Agk,
Netableeted 1060. 72 Eine-it. 0„ Toronto.
Esteem. For eir
attars address 1. DOAN SON,
Torente, Ont
THE BOILER tiverzerson and lemur
ante Company of Canada, Coneulting Engineers end Solicitsre of Patents.
TORONTO. 0.0. Rose Chief Engineer. A. Fauna Sonly.Treire,
Si Aus uptn,tt,s,n4amsdeg
Fined American Hog ORM..
Orden. filled for say dented quantity. Write for
prices. JAS. PARK dr SON. 41 to Lawrence Market St:Toronto.
GVELEM BUSINESS COLLEGE, Guelph, Ont.—Filth Seholaetio Year—It graduates ore now employed se Book.keepers, deadness Managers,
Stenographers, etc., by many of the largest businese
house. in Canada end • United State.. Young men
and women dentin, - -.'Lwow/a basins edueetion will coneult their own • .:fraerby attendieg tbe Guelph
Business College. Fe term and particulam, address
M. McCORMIGIC, Priacipal.
POMO cell.. IliTer mete me MUM.
?Ulnas it 0505mail
Merchants, Butchers,
and Traders generally,
We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to plot rip
StarOrderIalat Off, PLUMS rs
Roofing Felt, Siefert,' Felt, Deafening Felt,
Carpet Paper, Building Paper,Rooeng Pitch Coal Tar, Lake
Glike s 4 Adelaide St. East, Toronto
Maoefacturer. of the Highest Gm5.5
420 to 428 King St. West, TORONTO
and the KIDNEYS
This combined action gives it won-
derful power to cure all diseases.
Why Are We Sick?
Became we allow the nerves to
remain weakened and irritated, and
these great organs to become clogged
m torpid, and poisonous humors are
therefore forced into the blood that
should be expelled naturally.
By quieting and strengthening the
nerves, end causing free action of the
liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor-
ing their power to throw off disease.
Why suffer Bilious P.m and Aches I
Why tormented with riles, Constipationl
Why frightemdevarDiaorderedlidesyst
Why eadure nervous . nok headaeheal
Why has e sleepless nights,
Dee Par.'s Citaaa Collyoms0 and
rejoice in health. lo is so entirely vegeta-
ble comedy, harmless in all cues.
Srld Ey Drarriso. PriCe$1 AO.
Stet ds.og.
WM...RICHARDSON &CO.,Proprletero,
MONTSSA.L, P. Q. • "The Racer"
Thin Back, Lance-Tooth, Cross-Cut Saw
The Maple Leaf Race sod Lance Crow-Cat saws
are now sold in all parts of the wor d. The quell. of them owe is ueequeted. Their excellence is
wholly due to theme sop nor temper, the proem of
which j. kept a proformd secret by Shoofly& Dietrich,
the maonfanturers of these awe One of the beet
evidence. of their scu ts ideality la that other one
m.ufeetuters put on to market esetom aacdhnicctatiort
2LITti'l'orer athi run their saw upon one moms tat the puithe become
[soul with its kfarier qualltd , thee they change
the name, In order to humbug the public another aerreon, all of 00101, ir the very beet evidence of the
superior crudity of the Maple Leaf save, as It ie not
the custom to counter/ rit a poor article. These
owl...kite are sold for a much lowerprice than the Maple Leaf saw can be bought for : the dealer, of
course, endeavor. to sell them at nearly the same price, thereby realising a larger profit. And same.
the more unprincipled dude., in order to sell the counterfeit me will tell untruths of vane. kinds
regarding the cpirdity
odeona the genuine and the
counterfeit. Good ro an always mop ; poor
goods are dear at any price. A sew, like a lanife,
will net cut fast unless it will hold keen cutting edge. hice $1.60 per foot. M.efactured only by
5214,‘TFREL.EHRN:FE:RE „ri„
Are the words need by everybody to express their opinion et We merited
Johnston's Fluid Beef
as a WINTER BEVERAGE. and as a matter of fact it hes
Wonderfully Siimulat.ng effect upon the circulation, and no
only au, Duo it supplies lasting strength and vigor and Ls justly called
CARAMELS.—Three pounds of sugar (Coffee
A. or granulated), one-half of a pound of
baker's chocolate, one-fourth of a pound of
' butter, one oupful of cream or milk. Vanilla
to taste. Cut or scrape the ch000late, pot
it with the other ingredients named above
in a saucepan, with the exception of season-
ing, Boil from ten to fifteen minutes, re-
move from the stove and beat well for an
long a time as your strength permits, return
to the fire and boil till thick enough to
mould. Have ready caramel pans already
greasod, pour in after masoning, when
aufficiently bard make In squares. These
are delicious, bat to beat them is no alight
task and may he dispensed with and you
will still have delicious sweets.
To Coos DR/ED Faurr —First wash It thor-
oughly, using If necessary several changes
of water, but be sore to get the fruit clean.
Then put it to soak in clean water, com-
pletely covering the fruit, and an inch of
depth above it. Soak at least twelve hours
and if the fruit does not plump out very
full, keep it in until it will swell no more.
Don't Menge the water In 'soaking, and
cook in the water the fruit was soaked in.
Boil gently Inc twenty minutes then set on
back of stove to simmer until' the fruit is
done and tender using sugar in cooking
according to Met:. Mixed apricots, peaches
and proses, with a few tart plums to lend
spiciness, make a delis:time dish.
MIDNIGHT PIIDDING.—Bake in layers,
one cupful of butter, two and one-half cup-
fuls of sugar, three eggs,one pint of flour,
one and one-half teaspoonfuls of baking
BUTTER. Soorcg.—One pound of sugar,
one-fourth of a pound of butter, one gill of
water, cream, butter, and sugar together, the
latter Coffee A, add water and boil till ready
to mould.
i. "MAYON Buns.—One and-bait capfuls
of mak, one-half of a cupful of sugar, one-
half of capful of yeast, mixed with flour
to make a sponge of the usual oonaletency ;
let it rise over night In the morning, add
one-half of a cupful of sugar, one-half of a
cupful of butter, one-half of a cupful of cur-
rants or raisins. Set to rive again, and when
light roll out to about half an inch in thick.
nem, sprinkle genuinely with sugar and
ground cinnamon. (The taste of mint may
ri quire a spreading of butter at this point.)
Meer rolling up dimly, cut into shoes about
an inch in thickness, lay them on a buttered
pen and let them rim. When light, moisten
the top with milk, and bake brown.
Cigarettes and Children.
A very strong letter recently appeared in
the New Yo, k Herald, denouncing some of
the methods adopted by the cigarette menu-
fecturere to form a sale of their wares nmong
children. The writer ea..
" The diegrasefal methods of pandering
to the physical and moral degradation of
our children is a muse for unlearned con-
demnation, a co ndition In which the pub-
lic should be moused and stamp out of ex-
istence as m epidemic far more fate ' in re- sults
fit i'Ve utri?trercits&ki, iffrOgleisis a
than the ravages of yellow fever Le-
character to Induce excessive clgaret to
smoking and reaping its reward from the
earnings. and welfare of oar youth. Them
victims are tempted and taught to be-
come inveterate smokers of the baser
quality of cigarettes as the only avenue
through which they can possess coveted
prizes which are designed especially to in-
tercet the juvenile mind. The craze among
children and youth to acquire the various
and tempting gifts offered with cigarettes is
marvellous, snot extends throughout our
schools and colleges, and even pervades the
Sabbath whose] to no less extent. The thirst
for these gift picture books transforirs our
boys and teaches the first lissom of dis-
obedience, truancy and even theft. We
can observe the lad spending his nickel for
a box of cigarettes, enclosed in which is a
ticket by which he learn. that on presenta-
tion of seventy-five of such he will aecure a
beautiful album containing a colleolion of
perhaps one hundred different pictures.
The bait catches, bat before he has con-
sumed the necessary 750 cigarettes to secure
the prise another album, far more tempting
than the fleet, is offered, until the boy in his
anxiety to secure the different collections of
pictures becomes irrevocably lost to the
cigarette habit, and taught the inspiration
of gambling and depravity. Results of
these pernicious method. may be found at
found at the office of a cigarette firm, espe-
cially on Saturday afternoons, when groups
of children will be seen, some of whom stand
on tiptoe to receive over the counter the re-
ward °tiered for patronage of the firm's
brands. The devil's tempting is embraced
in the promised picture book which the ur-
chin receives in exchange for his seventy-five
vouchers for purchase of 750 cigarettes. , Se-
curing the coveted prize, these sprIM of
humanity file oat of the palatial ornate to
meditate as to the advent of the next novelty
that shall invite and hasten their precipita-
tion into the abyss of physical and mental
min, while many a mother weepa over her
offspring, sacrificed on the altar of the cig-
arette maker's scheme."
If there Is no exaggeration In this it shows
a very sad, and for the moral and physical
well-being of future New Yorkers, a very
dangerous state of things. Physi-
clam, are unanimous in condemning
the use of cigarettes by children. Whatever
may be the case with grown men, who must be
allowed to run their own rialto in such mat-
ters, there is little doubt that for undevel-
loped minds and bodies such a form of ,
indulgence as cigarette smoking is ems.- '
sleety deleterious, and ought to be stopped
by law. We are not aware whether any
such practices as these described by the
Seraid's correspondent are going on in To-
ronto, or any other Canadian town, but if
they are, they ought to be vigorously crush-
ed out by a crusade of popular indignation.
It ought to be made an offence against the
a w to tell cigarettes to any one under
Practical Fancy Work.
Among the most useful and comfort giving
articles of flimsy work are the pretty pillows
which are soon in such luxurious abundance
nowadays. Few rooms in the modern house
are free front their invasion, and parlor, liv-
ing room, library and bedroom are all made
more attractive by them dainty thing. so
saggeative of ease and comfort. For conches
they are indeed indispensable, and it is won-
derful how many a chair whose unyielding
back has hitherto only served to remind yen
that you too have a back and a very tired
one, may become a haven of rest and peaoe
by the addition of one of these pillows.
These may be made artistic and pretty with
little work and very slight expense, by using
some of the materials so much in vogue now
for decorating porposea. Blue denim or
blue jeans hi a very effective covering, and
combines the many merits of being cheap,
durable, artistio and fashionable. It may
be made up on either the right or the wrong
side, and the rather intense blue tone le
softened very much by repeated washings
before using it. One of the newest of these
pillows Lis oblong rather than square, a con-
ventional design marked on toe under or
lighter-colored side of the denim and out-
lined in white cord either couched or but-
tonholed down. The two narrow ends of
the pillow are finial:lei by a long fringe of
white end. To make this you cut the cord
into toe nty two inch lengths; take two
of these lengths and draw them through
the denim an eighth of an inch from the
edge; twist them tightly, and tie a little
two-Inch tassel made of the cord Into the
end. Repeat this along the end of the pil-
low at intervals of an inch or an inch and a
quarter. fho fine maoreme or hammock
cord Is the kind used.
The pillows are also pretty with conven-
tionalized ehryiant•hemoraa, dogwood, or
Marguerites powdered over the top, or clus-
tered disks or star-shaped figures, end work-
ed in white linen floss or the heavy rope li-
nen. Or they may be done in soft yellows
and olives, or white cord buttoned-holed
down with yellow linen, and may be finished
simply by a heavy twisted white cord. Pil-
lows of the white Bolton sheeting are worked
in the rope linen which come in the tapestry
colors. The different Medea of yellow and
golden brown, and the drill blues, are parti-
cularly effective on the orsanteoloredground
of the sheeting. A pillow of unbleeohed
butcher's linen worked in yellow and the
ends finished with the long cord and teasels
of yellow is very artistic..
Hammock pillows are long and narrow,
fifteen by tweets-one inches being a good
dimension. Ooo covered with the plain yel-
low awning-cloth and finished acme the two
ends with yellow cord awe tassels, or in red
turkey calico with red cord and Maeda,
gives a very gay and Mexican effect to the
hammock, suggestive of tropical muntrles
and languorous ease.
For any me who wishes to avoid the
many stitches which even a simple design
requires, are the pretty chintzes and ore-
toonea, or the more • expensive India silks
which come in such exqui4ite colorings.
These are decorative with no other finish
than that of drawing in the four corners retiring a hue reeenee of the chhtt8 or
edit. A vert good suestitute for eider-down
ar feathers in stuffing to, ese pillows Is es:col-
der, an inexpernive aide:stance to be found
at any upholtderer's•
ditty baby pillows are made by covering
t lain beret/eking cam with pink or blue
a a and then making little pillow slips of
iiiirsliontrameseedes owes,,, Dm
peai(Tettudiii es Tk.rdera of drawn work or
sertion.—[Good Housekeeping.
The Right Kind of Home.
Home to a good many men Is the place
wherein to eat and sleep and loll and snarl
end order children about, and put Into
practice generally their small views of the
rights of a hathand and father. And then,
something higher than them, stand a more
intelligent and genial class who have a
warm sod.] side, end are void of tyranny,
and chcrieh every noble hope of their child-
ren, and yet do not quite see that home
and Ito influences should be a main thing in
the thoughts and plane of every tether, in-
stead of being held greatly subordinate to
boldness and politics and out door pleasures.
To provide abundantly and keep the home
warm in cold times and used the young
ones to school punoinally and have family
prayers onos or twice a day are not all
the things that need doing, but home should
be made a really bright and happy place in
every way. It should meet the wants
of the whole nature of the young.
Games ;should be devised and a wise man or
a careful mother is doing a good thing in-
spending time to invent and diversify these,
with a view to keep the household in good
nature and cheery. Festivals should be in-
stituted. Returning birthdays should be
emphasized and made memorable. Little
expeditions of the household to this place
and that should be planned. The right kind
of books should be sought and read and
talked over together.
Indeed, scarcely anything helps a home so
mock as general and. cheerful conversation.
Music should be brought in. The Mate of
the children should be cultivated. Decora-
tions are excellent in a merely moral view.
Flowers and greenery should be made to as-
sist in the general culture. And if time la con-
sumed sad money spent on these things, there
la no folly in it, but wisdom. For boys and
girls are blessedly guarded when they find all
their faculties well metand exercised at home.
They do not care to roam, es they are de-
tained from a thousand outside dangers.
Their passions are kept quiet. They lie open
to celestial influences. 'Tia easy, compara-
tively, for such to be Christians. Indeed,
we expect them to be. Solomon's "Train
up a Child," etc.,is likely to be fulfilled in
their case. Tipping houses do not draw
their pay from youth who have been made
to love their home, heartily. Wayward girls
are bred in unhappy homes. The mixed
Christians (neither saints nor sinners) by
whom the Church is lumbered and inefficient,
that ia, the Christians who have such obsti-
nate kinks in their conatitutions that the
grace of God la able to straighten them only
by slow degrees and a weary drill, they ere
generally victims of untamed early infinen-
ma in poorly managed homes.
Book. are embadminds.—[Bavec.
All that's brightt fade.—[Moore.
Consider the endhilo of Sparta.
Be prudent, and u hear some insult
or come threat, hay appearance of not
bearing it.—[Georgeti.
To restrain the mu to gain heaven.—
Tamil Proverb.
Wine will not .in a foul veasel.—
[French Proverb.
A prudent Man n neglect no ofroum-
stance. —[Sophooles.
So that my life be c, what though not
long e—Drucomond.
The sick man else pion the debtor can-
not.—[Italian Prover
Though the meeker, fool let the bearer
be wits.—[Spanish Pub.
Never leave that tilmorrow which you
can do to-day.—[Free,
Learn to live well, .1 thou may'nt die
so too;
To llve and die is all wave to do.—[Sir
John Denham.
The lazy man takes ris steps to avoid
one.—[Portuguese Pros.
Be thou as chaste me as pure as mow,
thou shalt not ceoapilumny.—iShake-spears).
He who le slowest leaking a promise
is apt to be the most fitful in the Frei
rormanoe of it.
A Si. Louie suicide rote i—" sus 62 rears old. In eight yearawould have been
i0, an old, dilapidated, tering foul!. 1
have played the world stand It don't owe
me a owe I've had melon than a mule
in a cornfield and I've gonough. There.
fore I will cheat the coat of nature and
jump the time to come."
"Timely Wiwi" I For Sharp Eyes 1
"Nor love, nor honor, wealth, nor power,
0. give the beast a cheerful hour
Whenhealth is lest. Fie timely wise :
With health all taste et pleasure Sim,"
Sn epeaketh Gray, and who denies I
No surer fact beneath the skies. Alas far him who eon, dies
lkeeme be ix not timely wive.
Al. I for him who will enders
The ills be might so quickly owe •,
Night-sweats, and man, and hardsamht breath
Coneumption, heralds, signs of death.
To be eared, take Dr. Plum's Golden
Medical Discovery. Thoutands hove been
oared by it who, otherwise, would now be
filling untimely graves. For the liver, blood,
and lung diseases, It Is specific.
There are 5,063 Indiana in the State of
New York.
Time-tried, Truly Tested.
Tried for years ; severely tested, and still
growing in popular favor and use, is the
record enjoyed by Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pur-
gative Pellets—the little sugar-coated lax.,
live grauulee, sold by druggists, anti bilious
and cathartic.
The combined wealth of the Astor fatuity
in New York oily is $40,000,000.
F erne is a word ambition laver,
A nil an has seer its portrait pointed,
V irtue the heart of avarice move.,
0 blivious to the shekels " sainted ;
R aver than even those, by fur.
I health, defying poet's diction. T hen with it trifle not, nor mar—
rel ills thaw female pleasures bar
by taking Dr. Pierces Favorite prescription
—a remedy so satisfactory for all three
wmknessee and dismisses peculiar to women,
that they need no longer mffer from them
If they will bat, use this world-famed
re edy.
he monster 311-ton cannon recently
m Loomed in Germmy carries twenty
duel rand yo.nr esnre end address, end for
Send for Price 1.145 and Daemon
Brown Engines
BUSINESS g‘deT—uv.v.evrLy.„--.„,......r allayment woman. Good wm...
keepers are ...Candy in demand by Business men.
ral Wirvotharn crerri sH9RTHAND
Typeriting A new aven- ue for female employment that pays. Couatantly
growing demand for shorthand*.
WRITE t toll pv,t1=u;,,Tni3O,111:1:,1= ..d
mks of tuition. Addrees—CANADI 1,03INESS UNIVERSITY,
Public Library Bull... Tim. to. 00.. Ei.vvovImr Preeldent. C. M. 0110000, nee). &Manage:.
Chaim Reoipes.
PLUM PUDDING.—One pound of chopped
enet, one pound of flour, one pound of =-
rants, one pound of atoned raisimeone.fourth
of a pound of chopped citron, four eggs, one
glass of brandy, spice to Mate, milk to make
a stiff dough. Boil in a tin mould four
MINCE Pan.—Bake in two crimes, mince-
meat made from the mixture of one pound
of boiled beef, one pound of chopped suet,
four pounds of apples, two pounds of raisin.,
two pounds of currants, one-helf of a pound ,
The rata that dri away mica are
as good as those that oh them.—Daer- powder, one cupful of milk, one tablespoon- man Proverb.
ful melted chossolate. Put between, custard,
boiledtogether, of one-half of a pint of milk,
one-half of a tablespoonful of Mitten one-
half of a cupful of sugar, one-fourth of a
cupful of melted chocolate, the yolks of two
eggs, one teaspoonful of smooth cornstarch.
On the top layer spread one-fourth of a cup-
ful of water, three-fourths of a cupful of
sugar, one-fourth of a cupful of grated Moo
elate boiled together, take from the fire and
add the unbeaten white of one egg and
spread while hot.
We cannot make bargai for blisses.
Nor ouch them like Saes in nets ;
And some' knee the thin, our life misses
Help more than the thin which it gets.
For good lieth nos in pulling,
Nor gaining of great obf email,
But just In the doing, al doing
As we would be done y, is all."
Consumption Buret Cared-
To the Editor :—
Please inform our reader that I have a
positive remedy for the abet named disease.
By its timely use thousands[ hopele. cases
have been permanently curie I shall be
glad to send two bottles of no remedy FREE
to any of your readers who ave consump-
tion If they will send me thei Express awl
P. 0. address. Ropy, T.A. SLOCUM,
MC., 164 Went Adelaide Steloronto, Ont.
One of the promised emotions of the
Paris Exhibition will be given ry a noon who
will make daily balloon asoenions mounted
on a horse.
Coff More.
Watson's cough drops are the best in the
world for the throat and cleat, or tie voice
unequalled. Be, that the lett° R. & T. W.
are stamped on each drop.
The spelling bee is a thing f the past
Boston ban originated the prop Metier, tee,
which might be made equally efol.
A Cure for Dreinkenuesai
otTedus breaks:non try the urn*OVW:,/,,r‘t„,A
wakefulnese mete./ deprersionoef toning of the scale,
etc., premature old age, leer of vitality calmed by
over exertion of tee b ain, and toes of natural strengto from any mum whatever. Men—young, old or mid.
dle.aged—whe are broken down Dem .9 of the above cameo, or any muse net warnifoned 500,0, send your address .d IC cent. in stamp. for Labon's
Weighs, in book tom, of Dimas. of ea. Books sent sealed and occurs from obvervation. Addee.M.
V. Lmsee, 47 Wedington street East, Teronto, Out.
The earliest coinage that can be called
American was ordered by the Virginia Com-
pany, and was minted in the Bermudas in
1612. But then, and for long afterwards,
the standard currency of Virginia wee
ea. F. 431.
Paternal Economy.
Bobson : Aren't you afraid to give snob a
highly painted toy to your child!
skinflint: Oh, nol It's economy in the
end. He'll suck all the paint off, and
that'll make him so sick that he won't want I
candy till the holiday. are over. Young Men
For the Year 1889
No better resolution can be made than to
resist buying an ofof the substitutes offered
as " jest ae go " as the
SUFFERING from the effects of mrly evil habits, the
sea 11 i d 11 h tb I
weak, nervous and entered.; also Meson,-Aso and
I O. ales, who are broken down from the effects of
abuse or over.work, and In adv.oed Ilfe feel the
After spending Ton Winters South,
was Cured by SOWS Emulsion.
I. Centre... New York.' June 20th. 0888. J
The Winter after the groat fire
In Chicago I contracted Bronchial
affections, and since then have
been obliged to spend nearly every
Winter South. Last November was
advised to try Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver 011 with Nypophosphites
and to my eu rprise was relieved at
once, and by continuing Its use
three months was onti rely cured,
gained flesh and strength and
was able to stand even the Bliz-
zard and attend to business every
Sold by on Druggists, 50e. and $LOB
J. Perkins go. - Toronto.
Farm Loans
CAPITAL, - 593,000,000.
This Company lends on good farm property at low-
est current rare of interest and on favorable terms
Fe, i'"'
or Lo
Ir.'17°1711terlii. :Nate
Satisf.tion guaranteed to teach Ia.. the
full art of cutting all garment. worn by
ladies nod 01415000. PROF. 501111, Nei
Queen St. W., Toronto. Agents ',hotted.
Stained Glass
76 Ring St. W.. Toronto.
Wo are chitdrea mks cheerfully /an the chores
WI. Bre:tem:Mega Yeast m Ms subject belt',
Afavona tried all the rest,
Sash. knot. the best, [Ifghird,
'Cause her bread is as rehdeskOse buns ors ir
And we eel all pancakes she dare set &press.
when I soy CUR": I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them re-
turn again. I MRAN A RADICAL CUBE. I have Made the disease of
A life long study. I WARRANT my remedy to Cram the worst eases. Because Others have
failed is no reason for not now recelvinga cure. Send atonce fora treatiseand a FREE Borre.el
griRtioligntRgy.D;;;. g"Bxr..11. trial, and it will mire you. Address
R. G. ROOT, M.O., 164 West Adelaide It,
.1.11111111.111111=1.1.1 111111.1
Sailing during an.. from realms every Thursday
and Halifax everniaturday to Liverpo.1, and la rum.
mer from Quebec, every Saturday to LIverpool,m11.7
S Londoederry to land !mill ant passengers to,
cotland end Ireland ; also from Baltimore, via-Flani-
' fax and St. John'a N.S., So Liveriroal fortnightly
during summer merinos. The nee:sere of the 01. gow nem sell duriug veletas to and from HAW. Portland, Boston and PhileAelphia and during ear
mar between Gamow sod :dentinal' weeldy•, s-
tow and Denton weekly, .3 Glasgow and Pallaal-
phi. fortnightly. For freight, passage . other Information apply to
A. Schumacher Co., Iladmore; 3. Canard Co.. Halifax; Shea a Co., St. Inhale, Nfld., Wm. Thomp-
son Co., St. John, Si. B.; Alien a Oa., Oirreaso; Love Alden, New York; H. Bonflier, Toronto;
Alison itme h Co., Qaebeo; Wes Broods, Ph1lanel-plds; H. A. Allan Portland Bogen Montreal.
Head Office : Toronto St,, Toronto.
SubaeribedCapital. 4.140,004 Paid Up Capital 2.31111,0114
Total Aaaalla DI.040,1100
Th. enlarged mpltal and reveuroes of this Company.
together with the reore.ed /twilit.. I, hoe recently
acquirer. er eupplying landowners with ohoe money,
the rte Directors to moot out promptness sad at
tas lowed current rata of Lanark all requirsmeints
far loan. up. satin/satiny real estate enormity,
app1101.130/1 may be made to either of the ,Dom.
pany's local Appraisers, or to
.1. HERBERT MASON Manairg Director, Toronto.
Allan Line Royal Nail Steamehips
Wholesale Depots :
ONTARIO—T.0nm, 80 Front street Rase
t OTrawa, 28 Spare street.
Banners, L W. Yeomans a co
QUEBEC—M.1 ash, E. CSVILT ugh.
& Sons. MANITOBA and N.W.T.-11..00e, W.JohnertonesCo
Sam 'l Rogers & Co., Toronto; Canada.
The Great Strength - Giver.
Capital and Funds now over 53,000,000.
A Home Company, Established October 1871.
To thls Date, October 01, 1887. there Ms be. returned:
To the Mint of Polley holders (death-claws) 160,240 00
To the holden of matured go oumerd Parolee 213,401 m
To Polley-holders on surrender of Feline. 08,
To Polley-holden for task firatil (including theme allocated and being.. 400.045 W
holdenTo ALI ui Betide 10,967 84
Loaned to Pollep.holdere en the Security of %el, Policies .. —........... ----- 82,2134 98...._
01,806,174 47 ...
Policies in Force over 10.000. Amount over:1115,000,600
PRESIDENT—Hos. But W. P. HowEssn, C.B., E.C.M.G.
J. R. 111ACD0hALD, Managing Director.
For us. 0.h Furnished on sansfeciory guaranty
Address, C. 6_ PAGE,
Hum Pans. Vermont, C. S. Pollan Nonlerfeitable axes 2 Man and Indefeasible after year..
of citron, one pound of sugar, one quart o[, great only sure-pop consequence. of youth.1 me m. send for and read A WONDERFUL NERVE TONIC. A Medicine, not a Drink. Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels,
of cinnamon and mace, and ono-half of a tea. tor. It never fails to give ratiafaction. Be.
Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Female Complaints, DRUNKENESS. cider, alcohol to Mete, one teaspoonful each; corn cure—Putnam', Painless Corn Extra.. M. v. Lubon'a the noune of nen. They
'tea book a ill be meat ended to any add... on receipt of I
r ware of poisonoua flesh eating subatitutee. ta V. wicia. vidicsdoc St. E., T route. Ont, I
It may Save Your life. W1,000 Reward paid fora case they will not cure.
a onful of cloves.too ea. Addrese