The Wingham Advance, 1889-01-10, Page 1W. H. bfACDONALD,L.D.S.
W. H. MACDONALD makes Vulcanite, Colin. bid, Alloy, Silver, Gold, eta, plates, ranging in
I 1 upwards per withoutff tenet pain byrs use of VITALIZED ,a1a. Headoillee, inghamodde entrains, opposite Queen's Hotel ; openm,etdeentranoe,
siailrGlunday's excepted) from 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. Will be at.- 33Ln-rex evey Saturday, office at Milne. 2,..S GORRLE let end ard Monday In e sell month, office at Albion hotel. LUCE:NOW lad and 4th Monday :r1 Tue.
(tw fIl in each month,000 at Whiteley. °hal.
la se ease
J. E. TAMLYN, M. D..
-005100-Opposite Poet 0 ri ;ad -Cor- ner Minnie and John Street&
Hirigham, Feb. 14,1888. :
Office and Residence-The old stand formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune, et the earner
of Centre and Patrick streets,
WINGHAM, 775 - • - ONTARIO..
Meyer & Dickinson.
BARRISTERS AND SOLICIPOBS, ETO.,ETC. Solieltorsfor Bank of Hamilton, Commis. Rionere for taking affidavit. for kinnitoba. Farm town and village property bought and sold. MoileY(private funda)loanedon mortgage secs-ray at 51 toe per cent. 3fOrlayintGli red MT Ser-rate person°, upon the best mort emis semi rities Without any expense to the lender... Land. for cabin Manitoba end the Northwest. Offiee„-Kent'sBlock.Wingham .
, arm o- tvVftfilSJ
Anumber of Building Lose and Residence Properties for Sale. Thom desiring to make a hone in Wingham should communicate with, or apply in person at
my Office, where all necesimry information can be obtained. Wingham, N. -uses. ly
Money to Loan on Notes
At reasonable rates.
Money advanced on Mortgages at 4 per
cent. with privilege of paying at the end of
anyyear. Notes and atmountscollected,
Office,--BeaverBlock,Wingham, Ont.
Ming Fire Ills. CIL
Irtee-Pres.; C. Davieson, Man.
Dandruff, Baldness,
Thin Or Grey Hair.
• Everybody knows hew disagreeable it
looks to see Dandruff falling from the head'
to the shoulders of either lady or gentleman.
The head may be washed ever so often, but
it will not clean sot this evil. The only
sure way to got rid of it is to use
1614 Year. Whole No. 792
:WINGHI, H CO., ONT., JAN. Io, 1889. ,
AS. FLEUTY & SON, Publis hers.
A.' field-Dep.-reeve, Givens; other
officers elected by acclamation (10)
W. Wawanosh-Reeve, Johnston ;
dep.-reeve, Stuart; councillors Todd,
Bowers and Gibson. '
Chartered and commenced basinese in
1840.- Best secured and ghee set Mutual
Insurance Company in the Dominion. Losses
promptly adjusted when practicable, and
paid avoiding law suits. Only been seed and
brought to trial once in 311 years and ease
false and er=n-r-Pay rcZtedi re purl
but apply Is hoe local a,gent, or write to Bend Office end you will be attended to at once and all questions answered.
Sterling Exchange and Drafts
on New York
Offer Ii011.1.8, 10 a. m. to 3 p, m. Sato 'rays,
• from 10 a.m. to 1 p. m.
Mums cis DIcanisow, Solicitors.
Dogt1 am, Feb. 17, 1887. 696
Bank of Hamilton
Is Row loaning PRIVATE and COMPANY
At 6 per ct. on Farm Security.
Offioe,Opposite the Market Square.
Angham, Jan. 27, 1887. 693
Attendant of New York Polyclinic.
OFFICE-Over store of Gordon & McIntyre,
Hingham. 790
Enbaaription price $1 per annum In advance; H. B. Prnndfoot. 8.50 If not so paid. No paper discontinued hti all errearagc a are peid. (TM ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND PRO. Local business notifies will ba charged cents ''' vincial Land Sunveyor.Clinto. Orgerzlen line with James Fleuty, at the ...Arlo Jam e Mow t aommunicatione are reapeetfully olio. Wirigham, will be promptly attended M. edfrom an quarters.
3rieros-Hokensie ' Block ,Over Gordon & Se, store. dill work firafhlase. Charnels Ol ; forate an be fonndst hlsoffice,111acivensie Run:2i at all times exesii on the fleet Mon-d iy and aseday and third Monday and Time-." sy of eaoh •nanth, when he will b in Luck- o N. Gold Ailing a epecialliy. Vo4otabla vapor, too only ebsolutely wit an
aleteetio administered to the PMG1004 aie krietionpf tooth; Wengliein. • o Haeltourst rom 8.4. M. to 51).0.1 Destambee10.11382. St,ir.barateb.i.ittai
'WI 1\T GisMir 14/A. Zs&
is e rapidly growing town in one of the Anent
soagricultural districts in Ontario. There is ecteraely it foot Of waste lend near it. It has no .1 vale for !rum $.9 to 40 mileedistiont,the smaller tillages surrounding it being altogether tribu-tary. The country surrounding abounds in good hardwood timber. The health of the town is sealant. It has efficient school., numerous e hnrehee,ete. Let the ...der glen. at ita pooi-ti on on the reap of Canada and he will see that it has a meet advantageousposition for becom-ng a large town. kt has now a population of 9 000 and lee well built and handsome town. Its 9,4 reheats are almost uniformly prosperausand • tredesmen are bray and thriving. The man-Was:tare* ate varied and extensive, oomprising We roller tour mills, two sawmill., two sash and D'art actoriea and planing mills, oatmeal and .v..,allen mille,dennerievagrieulturelworka, three a: unitise work., two large furniture modl-i stop rioe,large salt works, porkpaoking house, o t tory, and women:Da other industrie s. Teens are splendid opening, I or Stove Works, engine and boiler works, rope- works, boot and Moos .actoriee, knitting hooted., an organ and piano ozatoro, basket works, etc. etc. There is ereel-.001 water power for X.11 purposes, the town
being et the iiinctign of the North and South trenches of the Heitland river, and furnishing the motive power for a splendid system of Are protection. The railwayfaeil ties are the Wel-lington, Grey and Eituce,the Loaden,Ruronand B race, of which it is the terminus, and the Can-e-di. Pacific, now p ent into the town, mak-ing it the terminus of two railways and giving /Greet oommunieetionto every part of the pro- 3 ines. No town In Canada offers better natural advantages for the capitaliet or mechanic. Reeder, if you want to start a manufacturing Adhatry or go into businma you will go far 'afore en Hinghavon will And a more desirable location ;h .
Tke ,trilantt
le nubile had every 1 hu;edel moaning the
Notims of births, marriage. and he in- .. Profe trssional/Ind Boldness Cards 54 a year, $8 Six months, $2 for three months. Special rotes to regulaudvertisern.
address all communications to
JAG FLEUTT & SON, Publishers.
Cm-tofu's 6uibt.
3rand Trunk Railway.
A. C. STRATEDEN, Agh, Wingham Depot.
7tes't aLt lir routes. Beggs-go eheckeduthrough tot desti- nation. Lowest freight rates to all parts.
'Proles arrive and depart from Hingham as Iollows:
Potent° end East 116 X a
10 10 8 80 M. 10 a 9 40 p m-via Clinto
n m.
Palmerston Mixed 7 26 p m 11 10 a m.
0ondon end South 7400 a mm 7 11 0045 a. m.
a p m inatirdlue - 11 10 n m 880 a m.
550 pm 11 10 am.
10 10 p m 725 p m.
.'rains arrive at th e Hingham Depot daily, Sundays excepted, as follows:-
0 Onto and E est 5.07 a. m. 5.27 a. m.
1.45 p. m. 1.45p. m.
Teeewater 8.15 p. m. 1.15 p.m.
10.20 p.m. 10.20 P.m.
L . H. & B.Borith,Olinton and London, 8_15 o. m.
W. IT. & B. South, Guelph arid Harollton, Torch- o and East, 0.15 a. no.
Teeswater and Glenannan,Toroutoand Rest, 1090 p.m.
H. & B. South, Clinton, London, Hamilton, Toronto and East, 2.45 p.m.
G. & a. North, GM Ir• m.
Marrow, Tuedays and Friday., 9.45 p. m.
QG tairrtts,
ewe. Sno.Soott,M. A., Pastor. Public rierviee Or SulAlay at 11 o'clock, a.m., and at 7 o'clock so. Sunday Scheel at 2.90 p.m. eech eligions Services Wednesday and Thursday of week at .30.p.m. Cordial welcome toall.
Rev. H.MeCknarrie,Paator. Service everv$ un-63 a tll m., and at 7 p. m. Sunday School at M o. m. Prayer mooting every Wednesday
m ins.
Rev..G Rock,Paster. Service every Sunday at a.m. end 7 p. m. 8puday School t 2.80 p.m.
snags prayer meeting. weekly.
aomea. -A.Triorac.
Rev.kather McGee, P.P., SCA unneSne. Ser-vices every alternate Sunday. Man at 10.30a.m., oad Vespers 'at r p.m.- Sunday School every
-Sunday at 8:90 P.m.
ST. 1IA.17L'IN.
Rev. J. H. Hothouse, Rector ; residence-ReatorT, John s4 Service every Sunday at 11 and p. m. SED9ay School at 2.90. Cottage prayer haeting Tuesday and Wed-nesdaY' evenings.
Pastor Rev. .W. Shortt, M. A. Services at 11 a.m. end? p.m. All are welcome. A11 seats free Prayer meetings on Wednesday evening
ang service.t 720 o'alook. Sunday School at close of morn-i
'The undersigneve this m anti_ received
Trust Funds to los 11 ..l Estate Securi-
ties at a moderate?, of interest and on
terms of repaymentnit borrowers.
Sept.1, 1987. d723
T I s.
Pills & Oitraent.
purify the Bloodolotrebt all Disorders
Liver,Stomael Kidneys and Bevis.
Theyinvigorate and istore to health
Debilitated Cottitutions,
and are invalnablein II complaints
noidental to Females r ail ages. For
Children and aged they re pried- ss.
THE OINTMENT MI an infallible remedy'or Bad Logs,
Bad Breasts, Old Wolin s, Sore: and
cars. It is famous fr Goat and
election days, as a rule
tite looked upon as days of excite-
ment and surprise, and Wingham
forms no exception to the rule. All
day long the candidates end their
friends -worked like beavers to bring
in every available vote, and as will be
seen by 'the figures below the poll Mae
not a small one. In many respects
the election was a peculiar one. The
voting for some of the candtdates
seemed to be purely a matter of poll.
ties, while with others it was vote for
the best man, notably when two Con-
servatives and a Reformer were in the
field and the latter received the min-
ority. We are glad to say that the
best of feeling existed between the
contestants, who oleo refrained from
resorting to low, petty tricks to cap-
ture the votes of the indifferent ones.
The people have made their choice,
and the ADVANCE hopes nothing will
Following are the figures:-
McIndoo. Scott.
Ward No. 1 38 41
••" 2 82 22
A -t
Totals 184 161
Majority for MeIndoo, 28.
Gregory Hanna McKenzie
Ward No. I. 29 31 26
2 81 5 18
3 29, 35 27
4 48 68 34
Totals 128 114 105
Majority for Gregory, 9.
Ward 1-Alex. Dawson, Thomas
Agnew, John' Neelands, by acclama-
Ward 2-Robert Hill 50, W. F.
Brockenshire 44, 3. J. lionauth 42,
W. B. Towler 40.
Ward 9-Wm. Smyth, J. A. Cline,
Rioluied Sperling, by acclamation.
Ward 4-Wm. Holmes 97, 0. E.
Williams 96, J. J. Anderson 88, J.
W. Inglis 85, Thos. Holmes, 35.
The town ie evidently growing, as
mere votes were polled this year than
Counoillors Holmes and C. E. Wil-
liams appear to be the two most popu-
lar servants of the people in their ward.
Last year they received 94 and 99
votes respectively.
When the result of the eleution he-
came known, there being a large
number of ratepayers in the town hall,
Mr. H. Davis, as the proposer of Mr.
R. MoIndoo for Meyer for 1889, in-
troduced to those present the Mayor
elect, who in a neatly worded short
speech, thanked his friends for placing
him at the head of the poll, and as-
suring all that should Mr. Scott or
any other person wish to. start a
mandatory in Wingham he would
give him his beartyeespport. Three
cheers were then given for the new
A bon-fire is the small boy's de-
light, but this year the chief kept big
eye on the pile of old hogsheads, boxes,
etc., which were being gathered to-
gether on the market square. How-
ever, the boys were bound to have
are under the impression, however,
that some boys who, as a rule, would
sooner be termed young men,, lied
something to do with it, or also
parents in tills t are becoming ne-
gligent as to what Dote their Foung
hopefuls ehould arrive home in ate"
Britain's Defences.
London, Jan. 40.1.-A deputation,
beaded by Lcrd Armstrong, visited
Lord Salisbury to-day to urge the
acioptioi3 by the Government of com-
prehensive. scheme for the defense of
British mercantile ports. In reply to
tile address "of the deputation Lord
Salisbury -said he sympathised with
their anxiety and said their request
was justified by the circumstances of
the day. The enormous offensive
powers of foreign countries might be
concentrated against England, al-
though that was not likely. Continu-
ing, Lord Salisbury said :-"While
not taking a gloomy view of the future
we must not fail to take the necessary
precautions for defense. The respon-
sibility of defense rests upon the
Government, but it is the nation's
duty to bear its , share of the rest."
He would not not' discuss how far the
Government could -safely limit the
expenditures, but Ice would represent
The Railway Committee of the Privy
Council at :Ottawa latelyy decided
that the,croesings of the C. P. R. by
the Rorta ge la Prairie exteneiou ehould
be put in and maintained at the ex-
pense of the Province of ,
From the best-informed sonic
sepia Winnipeg despatch, it is learn ell
that it has beet' praelically deal, 1 ell
to divide the Canadian .Pacific li ii-
way it terests into two grand divisinos,
one stretching from Quebec to Ye b•
canter, and the other to be compoocil
of the acquired or leased lines sou:11
of the trunk lines. There are the
Ontario and Quebec, the Credit Val e.). ,
the Southeastern, the internatioral•
the line through Maine, end the rine
in construction, hawing for its ebj•-d- •
tive point the Wabash system at De-
troit, and ultimately Chicago. It it.e
supposed the present Assistant G.
nil Manager, T. H. Shaughnessy,
would be appointed General Mourner
by President 'Van Horne, but a diVi- •
siuu of opinion having occurred in .the
board of directors, some of whoM
wished Mr. White, the present genen'el
superintendent of the Western dial.
HOD , appointed, the matter was cepa -
promised by offering .J. M. Been, now
of the Chicago, St. Paul ec liansee
of tho trunk line, or what will S.A.
he known as the Atlantio system-
Mr. Van Horne is to retain the general
McGill dt. Vanstone,
Mone_y to Lomb at Lowest Rates of Interest. llillen-OPPOelte Brentwick Home. R. vAwaroar.G. bfainm. Hingham, July 19, IN. ly
°hest it hag no qua.
For Sore Throat,ron4itis.
Cough., Colds, Gndul
andallSkin Diseases it s no r,
Malotefactoored only at'Pro nor I
rqY:#Eltab,44lt, ,
St.) London; and mild at lenrid. s.),
9d., 4s. 6d., Ids. 221., and 32s: each
Box and PoLand in Canada at 36ots
900te.,and $1.50,and tbe largersize
no in proportion.
IMCAUTION.-1 have no
Agent in the United States, nor are
my Medicines sold there. Purchasers
ehould therefore look to the Label on
the Pdts and Boxes. If the address
is not 533, Oxford St., London , the
are spurious.
The Trade Mark of my said Red-
lines are:registered in Ottawa, and alsoin Washington.
It keeps the hair and scalp in a healthy con.
&Con, prevents premature grayness and
stops all falling oat of the hair. 4-person
may be hald;'bot the roots may only be dor-
mant and simply require stimulating to eu.
courage lastrriant growth of hair, "Hair
Magic" will be found invaluable for these
r3Do not delay, but get a bottle at once,
while there is a chance of semisolid results.
All druggists sell it.
A. DORBNWEND, Sole Manufacturer,
A Dorenwend Abe leading manufactarer
oft air goo is in (Jakarta.
" . .
The Growth of the Hair.
Should always be wa• cited. Inattention to the hair often teed) to premature greymeea
and baldness. Whets dandruff appears it
should be looked after at once. By frequent.
treeing a little of Dr. Dorenwend's Great
German Hair Magic, the scalp will he kept
in a clean healthy condition and the strength
of the hair greatly promoted. It is the Only
reliable. Do not be talked into mein ea
jibing else. For axle byedi Denesins away-
And Gregory is His Right
Hand Man.
The Tote For The Reeveship A
Surprise To Many.
Rheumatism. For dierders ef the,) arise to cause them to regret it.
East Wawanosh-Reeve, Thomas
Taylor, by acclamation ; dep.-reeve,
Finlay Anderson ; councillors, Mc-
Gowan, Sutherland, Patterson.
Exeter-Oouncillors, Jas. Pickard,
T. B. Carling and T. IL McCallum.
Reeve and deputyi were elected by ac-
Howiek-Reeve, John Koine; First
dep.-reeve, Anson Dulmage ; second
dep.-reeve, John Jackes ; councillors,
Alex. Graham, Alex. Robinson.
Tninberry- W. McPherson, reeve ;
Geo. Thompson, dep.-reeve; for coun-
cillors, J. Dimont, 225 ; W. Cruick-
shank'', 204; W. Oemmll, 185; Robt.
Maxwell, 176. G. Barton, 142.
Seaforth-Mayor, B. Wilson; reeve,
D. D. Wilson; dep.-reeve, A. Strong;
councillors, George Good, C. Wilson,
J. Dorsey, H. Puncherd, J. Gillespie,
Dr. Mackid, J. A. Wilson, James
Beattie James. Watson.
Clinton-Mayor, Joseph Whitehead,
acclamation ; reeve, A. Mclinrchie,
acclamation; deputy-reeve, A. H.
Manning, acclamation ; councillors,
1). Cantellon, S. Saari, John John-
ston, H. Foster, A. Conch, H. Walker,
D. Kennedy, C. Overberry.
Goderieh-Mayor, John Butler ;
Reeve, W. Proudfoot; dep.-reeve, A.
Smith; councillors, J. Reid, D, Cante-
lor, T. Naftel, F. Humber, J. Smith,
R. Thompson, P.Holt, J. Colborne,
P. Pridhell and Cf. Neibergall ; trus-
tees, A. Morton, M. Nicholson, H.
Connt7 hige's Criminal Court.
'Before His Houor Judge Toms.
„ The charge againet Wm. Hedging,
rmerly of Seaforth but recently of
ark Hill, of complicity in the burn-
eg of the barna of D. D. Wilson, fell
nigh for want of evidence, and the
eer was acquitted. Henry Hasa
onfessethe the actual commis-
es ion liodgins was arreeted, , was
sentenced to 14 years iu the Provin-
cial penitentiary. J. T. Garrow, Q.
C., conducted the prosecution in the
absence of the grown attorney, end
E'. W. Johnston and. E. Campion ap•
We souh it to be distinctly understood that
we do not hold ourselves responsible Jon,
the opinions expressed by Correspondents
To the Editor of the EDvACNE
SIR,-The village of Teeswater is
situated at the terminus of the Bruce,
branch of the C. P. 11. is one of the
most ambitious, and, considering its.
drawbacks, most euterprising places,
in Western °uteri°. In religions and
educational matters eke is second to0
none. It ie the birth place of men
and women as intelligent and fair at'
are to be found iu the Donthiion. But
notwithstanding all this, she has of
late years become infeetbd with a
horde of goesipping females, matrong.
and "maiden ladies," who with tie;
assistance of a widow or two keep the
place in a contiunons uproar by then.
news cadging and scandal-monger-
ing. Their tongues are continually.
a-wagging and their noses poking into
everybody's bushiest, if they werti
to attend to their own affairs they'd
have less time for watching their'
neighbors and hatching mischief.
They would belie the very saints, and
I honestly believe if the Angel Gabriel
wore to visit Teeswater their "Lady'
gossippers would take a feather froni •
his wings before he left. It amid be
a groat blessing to society if tho
mons were to pay a visit to the village,
and oarry the whole tribe of them off;
bag and baggage. I have the highest
regard for women who mind their own
business, but the class I allude to ie
pretty well known. I am sorry that '
there cannot be a by-law passed its
every municipality for the benefit of
gossipping women. By inserting thi
above you will oblige ANTI G088/P,
Teeswater, Jan. 7th, 1880.
peered for Hodgine, whin had been obtained from tn*
Adam J. Turner, charged with the commissioner was not a proper one,
burglary of the store of Talbot 8t . eao- In feat, he added, that it was morel
tunes, Wingham, as stated in' our a meohanical effort, as if he had oope
last issue, was acquitted. Turner, it ied or traced a signature furnished by
seems, occupied the upper story of the another person. This declaratioa
warehouse in which the stolen goods was followed by a motion asking thed
were foun, but the lower part was the commissioner appear in court al id
open and here was nothing to show declare if he really knew how to tee
that he h any connection with the and write when he had delivered jeidg:
offence. Johnston and Campion for ment. The motion being graded,
the defence. the commissioner appeared end dd- ,
Henry J. Rom theG.T.R train R. posed that he did not know how to
wrecker, was up for sentence ; but the read or write, but that a lawyer hal
judges at Toronto not being able to written oat the commissioner's name,
and told him that at he could copy oonsider the question submitted to the characters it would he saffidenit them as to whether the written con- fession made by him had been pro- to render his judgment legal. Judge
perly obtained, it was deferred until Tait thereupon decided that 'a justiee
the February term, Romp being ad- of the peace or commissioner b Aug
witted to bail on his own recognizance unable to read or write was ineapitbre to appear for sentence when called of exercising his fuuctions, end thee
tl ud, m.ut whic.
defence. to had rendered must be of uo -value. upon. J. T. Garrow conducted the in consequence le j
An Vnlearned 3. P.
Montreal, Jan. 6.-There ocearrea
the other day M the Circuit Court at
'Waterloo a very interestiug cost
jaitices of the peace. It. appears that
a writ of, certiorari had been issued
against a commissioner who had given
judgment in certain case wi thont
knowing how to read or write. Ti
case in question had been decided be•
fore the functionary in question, anj
to be that of the commissioner, but
one of the parties interested took ex.:-
ception of the signature and filed an
affidavit from the depnty•clerk of thp
court, saying that he had executed
the judgment, but that the signatnri
trAt J. S. JEROME, L. D.S.
line ROCOgS the continent. anti M.
Shaughnessy that of the lines loin'. else. About 11:30 a match wag,
lighted and the bon-fire started. W
is believed to foreshadow a large ,
naval and military programmeat the
next session of parliament. •
Dentistry. City, the management of the tiuu`li fire, aud they did so, waiting till the
chief had gone home or somewhere
the views of the deputation to his
colleagues. Lord Salisbury's speech
managership and presidency. r..e
others will be assistant general AIREL-
gers. That neither Mr. Egan lifie
Shaughnessy would work lin'r•
amiliously in poi,tion ifetborliitate
one ano:her ie a semi to tiebiely.
8 /