HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-24, Page 2THE WINGHAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 24, 1893. -tllci,rt; ri,• 1 revolutions for fifty feet ur more, at the thought dawned upon rile that try • 'a11'! last laudiui. against, Something soft such a cry L would seal my own doom, and yielding Then I tomcod mound ; rind my lips closed quickly and tightly. and found that I oras lying in a soft het lung as I was ptlrfeotly still L anew MAX, P:t BUTT;t.itY ;'•4, /845. trenewt"""""addawnae AO 'l'.#az, 1LIGwT. to do what is right, 4r4t tet be noble and true, " to sity no vith, firmness, Ilan tempted some cvil to Jo. ter be a coward, 10.14 fight Liao. evil Calfs:, ter bear the slights of men tat break God's holy laws. ler live in an attic, ad have a conscience oloar, u by oppres ftug your fellow men, Coat ou ten thousand a year. ee t -r bo one ltqur early, than be a miuytlute too late ; .her be up and doing lien drift with the tide called fate. whenever,y'nisfortune comes, )on't indulge, in blank despair ; t with a heart undaunted, Isr.ve courage to do and dare. 't simply ?rive your life through, ave somerand object in view,. 1 with untiring ardor, hat objecif ever pursue. 't shun tie poor and lowly, o madly,•, rue and brave, . ember, here is but a step wise thei(cradle and the grave. is but a panorama, hen how areful we should be, t each scene depicted there ears the stamp of purity. er let sib or vice est a hidepus ray a scene Which was designed, glisten like noonday. ht•,l of amid itt the bottom of the ra. I there Wale little danger, and began to .A. BEAR'S PRISONER. way between Madison Rine and adquartdrs of the Yellowstone, a broad but broken wagon trail, wound through a dense forest, gale, audeach succeeding mils of seemed to grow more rugged even, we were slowly pursuing y to the north-west. comprised a small party of hunters and explorers, three road wagons, and as many of mules., 1, being the guide, d the foremost vehicle, together ur captain, Bob Rolane. latter was now driving, while I ated in the rear part pf the and as it lacked but a short ntil nightfall, was somewhat ly watching for a suitable place, or some marks or signs ould iudieate the presence of viae• j more calmly think over nay situation Slightly bewildered, I arose to a ! iJut suddenly that shaggy body became *earring posture, and as I wasn't killed, i animated with life rand arose to a considered myself a luakv felllow; but l et ending posttiou. when my eyes feel npou Old Reliable, l Then, for a moment, I felt a hot lying half hurried in the sand near I breath in my face, which almost Step', the mouth of the gully, the thought 1 ped my heart to cease to .teat; but carat: to me that I was indeed fortuu- when I cautiously opened my eyes ate. lapin, the bear was standing about The rife, had simply descended in I twenty feet from me, icer outline dim - the same manner I laad. 1 teizRtl tbo ly reveitlod id the moonlight. guts with altuoat brotherly affection I immediately began stretching d n eud arose to nein feet, ;u order to more doubina toy arm, that it might r eg inventory of to some of its vigor, and had drawn a P for I readily forty ;pn ul ll y y injuries. 134. I found 1 was I long preparatory to springing up mid t t saw the •' r away until itt when trona the worse fur my retell 1 ruuptn- ,. experience, noir' a few slight, bruises t bear, my eyes being constantly upon and the shockdto ley nerves. I her, turn around and come elow}y to - ravelled a toile further, how- hout even passing a mud -hole e had not passed the bottom had expected to find the de- verage, but which was not as he Desert of Sahara, I began decidedly uneasy. Finally, I ed to scout along a narrow, iue, which 1 knew of about a of a mile Fast of us, and an almost parallel with our larch. Melly, after telling Bob of my , I shouldered 'Old Reliable,' reeled gun of the latest im- ettern,and sallied forth. gh 1 hdd been over the before, it was with no little that 1 pickd my way through friends, for what could they do uutil rbuslt, and wbea, after half the rnoon rose, and even then if they dodging aiM turning, I came had found me it was quite probable ow gully, which J. knew led they would not be prepared to help the o the ravine, 1 was greatly re- for how could they know the hied of a say tae least. Dropping iu- scrape I was in ? Ily, which I found grew deep- Taus reflecting, 1 rolled over in the v'inc, d, I cautiously descend- sand and—slept, 1 was awakened by So, after pnitsing long enoug=h to make sure of 'Kny bearings, 1 set oat again at a swift pace, for the shadoes of evening weir rapidly gathering and ward me. I had barely time to as- sume my former position before she was Clear enough to loot note Iny move. lueuts. After a Iitttb nosing around my head, widen 1 indignantly submit - if I found. wetter before ttbihtfellit tel co very quietly, dshe clttliherately. must be witirin the next half hour, h to herself Isotone any arm, with her And if 1 didu t? A great lump arose back toward ole as b'xfore. is my throat Cts 1 thought of our poor To say that 1 was astouf.hrd at faithful mules, We needed no water, y having plenty in our canteens It was our mules we were thinking about. 1 traveledii half a mile down the canyon, looking in every place where water could possibly be, hut always finding bot dry sand and rocks, and was growing somewhat disheartened when 1 heard a sound, two eaounds, which gladdened my whole heart, Two rifle slides came echoing through the forest, theasignal which my com- panions or mytalf were to give if by Tither water &vvas discovered. Point- ing my rifle Ilhomeward, 1 fired one shot the answering signal, and int- inecliately began to look around for some way nr means by which I could get out of the canyon at that particu- lar point,althonoh not over twenty feet high, were smooth and perpendicular, and formed almost entirely of solid rock, However, IA pushed on, feeling con- fident that I :mould presently find a place where ittwovld be an easier 'natter ll to climb up, or at least where the wall was of softer material, and I eould get out by cutting footholds as I ascend- ed. Bet 1 searched a quarter of a mile further and found nothing on either side but the; high, barren rock, and as it' was now quite dark, I began to think'tiletd'1 would be compelled to remain all ni ht in Year Canyon, which, as the name indicates, was a kind of rendezvous for bruin, as well as many ,ptlier fnnr-footed anitnsl Such a thought was an unpleasant one, and :like a fool I raised by rifle and emptied the contents itt the air, with n view of conveying information only wound her, and theeetty but to my coutrades that I was in some double the fiera'ceness of the battles. predicament. My rifle was slow use- But all uty re Election ceased when the less, and I Lied no ammunition about slew, r; gular breathing of toy big eon: - me. pinion cold wo:'that she was resting Inwardly cursing my ettipidity, 1 comfortably; and with the caution hat down to think. I knew to about which only a 'than in the presence of two hours the moon would rise, and 1 probable death bau assume, 1 rolled off could not continue my rneanrlerings. I rev jacket, and Megan to turn noiseless - now regretted needlessly alarming ley ly over and over again fair about thirty feet or more. Then 1 stco up, with a chuckle of aongratulat:ottif but the next moment •+vas runningFor dear life down the canyon, with he boar's nose almost brushing my deals'. In Borne way she .tad di•eevere`. the trick 1 had been ndayietg upon I ic'r and was now evident - such unusnitl proceeci'ugs on the part of a hear would bit expressing it in mild terata indeed. For five minutes alio lay there, a dead weight ou my ai,m, at the end of which time sloe slowly gathered her- self up again and walked Omit 20 feet up the canyon and back. I would have tried to escape then had I not thought of _another plan. I wanted to get away without the bear knowing it if possible, since to do so would preclude the passibility • of im- mediate pursuit. My idea of escaped arise from the fact that while my;foody was resting ou the sand my armltwas nesting on a wide, solid rock. there ouuclad- ed when the bear was lying on the rock,and I in the sturd,witli our bodies entirely separated; that a quiet movement; on either part could not very readily be felt;by the other. So when the bear walked off the second time, I patiently waited until site re- turned, when, withjnert'o which I nev- er before thought 1 possessed, 1 per- mitted her egaiu to Re down beside me; not on my unit, however, but on the barrel of Old P,eiiable,whieh 1 had placed in the sleeve of my hunting jacket, after witlidr.twing my arm. I had alum emptied ' the other sleevo and was now simply; lying on my j :eget and not in it. i{ For full two • mutes 1 waited : two long dragging ni hues. Of course I was impatient. ,.Who wouldn't ? alone with et bear as 1'evas, and u'tnnst e.% tirely unarmed .• I had a knife to oto euro, but 1 cert;e'inly had nu desire to risk a hand to fiend • encounter with the bear, in whieh I probably would for tine, ha%iug heft the others i1) I charge* of the Irate .-.-£'li'l'y (dearly in the Detroit l'ir'e 1'►•''lens Z nauae Peel on t>hg Stdewatn. The street Qat' had passed, but to catch it lee reokoued, So ho ran like a deer, and shouted and beckoned, Till lie planted his heel Otto a Fmooth bit of peel— Then he saw half a million of stars in a second. He was in too great a hurry ; better have waited for another car. '%here are eases, however, where haste is ne- cessary, if you have night -sweats, feverishness, weak, sore lune and a hacking rongh, de not lose an hour in y of Dr. Pierce's )islcovery, Delay in rr „Croon 1 • it may be e disease has made obtaining a some Golden dilediotll such cases is da fatal. Before t wady because at places where the moon shining brightly in my face, ly bent upon• revenge. But how I would teen at considerable and a peculiar tingling in my left arra. did travel ! kl actually believe 1 cov- ver my head, it was so dark Mechanically, 1 turned my head, ercd a rod eveery step; but the bear gout thirty yards behind ;h 1 now passed places where I could eaaily climb out of the canyon, I had no desire to do so. My only object was to get away from the bear as far as possible. And 1 thought that the tnnuient I attempted to climb itig hack to their springs, like the rain, up on either side I would feel the teeth shall fill totem full (i refreshment. of my pursuer in some part of my an- atomy. Away we went; over huge rocks as it they were pebbles, and 1 especially encountered all obstacles with little or no inconvenience. 1. was beginning to wonder how loin the mad race was going to lest, when upon turning the danger, is nothing more than common: bond in the eitnyon a roan suddenly but is the property of a truly good man t:onfronted roes to do great and good things, though What's ailing ye ? ha demanded, he risk everything by it. too greet progrest, the "Goldeu Medi - eel Discovery" its a certain cure. In fact, t.'s guar't'ttited to benefit or aur°, or m,rtry I,ai I for: it promptly refund- ed. s unable to see distinctly, and ppeu boldly forward, it was It all time It would tread on es, :eud fed do tut unknown Inch c:ticlttlrb' 1 desired to n sLt,ie 3' ;p;te ref alt ii y care, I was (lark apertura'. in the side of the o c oneto grief' 1 had just Canyon's sidi.0 se: of the el :,ac pieces tett- Theu I ro{ iized that I ]lad gone ten 1 was l;eetfenly forced to to sleep in frotit of the entrance of a and every drop of blood in me seem <d to turn to icer for lying at full length across my armiwas an enormous bear ! At the low whining of young cubs, and turning My eyes in that direction, found that Idle sounds Carne from a try path at rop;ly terntillat- ourlu: 1 len •' it avae onty a Int j,i,tIt w'',•r d;twit it was tee, i wee 'r0:; tile In' tell. bear's Gave, wljlich the darkness before had prevente'd':itne from detecting. It was evidently he mother of the cubs that now had me pinioned to the ease tr.y:+elf elf;,: on the ground ground, she, ;Ietithouglt thinking, me ieYnr,i with t. ly title', and vests lifeless, deentit g it prudent to remain god when,, found aoule- I,ltt:nue as (t guar 1 fur her young come, It v,as the oath int mg Still, 1 knew it was a very uncolnmou ath me, and;' inv heart t.1 tiring fur a hear to be so intimate with still wlton lel realiz'•d that a dent man, nod the fact that thele and I recognized the voice of our y ,'juin{ d ia'i drum's,'1 f drum's,', are exceptions to all rules was my °tory captain . d ;lateen) iiil,lly it every i'xplattati'm of the circumstance. 0 Bob 1 I yelled, as 1: parted hire ll my f and+ nw.t nothing Iowever, tie question that heldlike the wind. Shoot that— It - Ir a xttosneilt I struck tuts petut:ipal stvtty,itt niy mind just theft Bang 1 i, having Wen aIlout sex was how to escape from the peculiar Bolt had n,ntprtthendtd the sitttatinn ti: -tering if I really were but dmtmgerons position. When I dis- instantly, end a pair of fierce eyes 1 dil:env!'rltd that my et- covered that biers held down 1+ the y p t y gleaming in the moonlight, afforded s were not ti;s an end just i bear, hey hair 'did eertainly rise, and ten excellent target, the hall boost efieat I turned over ort my knees, even as 1 turned my head to see from in the centre of the Char's forehead. ming, and Was seem roll- i whence these z low whines came, my A. good shot, Robert 1 said Will I know of. ,A 25e, bottle will last far angle of Ithaca thirty-five lips parted to give vent to a cry, which Ward stepping out from the shadow of I a long time, etre( its low prime places it closed Inv eyes but that had it been uttered,taouldhave been my the rocks, and I agreed with them. I witbin the roach of all, =News, St. Me, MIX ttontintied inyI death signal. Dot in a second's toile The two boys had been searching Jelitte, Quo. was always rt, me. Althou`l Gems sot Thought. .id D,s are the pulse of time A wise elan leaks but sparingly. It is better tn;he poor than ignor- ant. The great ten is he tvhn does not lore his dole's 1 eart. Undertake deliberately ; but having beano perseveres. Many preache'fs sptit the bread of life with butter Ire their own tnttke. The secret of making one's self tire- some is not to 1tt,Ow when to stop. ., When a mania scat is threadbare it is an easy thing to pick a hole in it. The eud of ni,an is nn action, hot a thought, even though it were the n(L,Iest. Liminess grows on people ;,:it begins in cobwebs, and 'ends in iron chains. You need the ]ower life to stand up• on in order to reach up into the higher. 'there is one art of which every mate of Bright's Disease bye odd'a Kiduey fills When ill di.,ntir of h.,f n,, rearsd of lung Three- 1 ives. DUTY LIMOS 1 TO 'OSaEsSWON 0OVTUBER TIil:MS l)1 SI1l4t f.L:. .1s Hassan the Wise sett le his door ill the cool of the day he tow throe young teen press eagerly past. Are yt' following after auyniue, my mus ? qunt.h lie. i follow atter pleasure, said the first rued hurtied on, And 1Itfter riches reepnttdett the sero' d, Pleueure is only to be found t:'i1Il wealth. A aura for Stammering. A gentlemen wha srnttiu cored front childhontl Itheoet Ill' to tmitn;niod gives. • tt very simple remedy for the inkier. tette :-00 luta a rttotn w tt't'Q you will Ito anit anti ,L tura got it ane hoof; tbtst will interest ysit lata not ounce you, and set d 'wit and retail two 1lotirs tel mil to yorlreelf, lteeptn:; your teeth together, 1)u tlty gam,. thing (ivory t wo nr three dews, or o tee a week if vary tit'usnIne, elwitya taking etre to read '.lowly and distil etl.y, moving the lips but not the teeth. Then when conversing with others, try to speak. as And you my tittle ,our ? aureola slowly and cllstiueIly eta possible, and assail, addressing hoot third. make ul.'your mind that you will not utantcuor. Well, 1 tried titin remedy, not having much f.lith itt it, 1 luust cunfese, but wain ti Gr+ (I.) almost ally- U'lin" fl cure myself ll e]Lh ati u Y• ing difiicnity 1 read far two hour's aloud with my teeth together. 'file first reseit way Let mane Ill i toilette and jaws eche -•-•lent i•t, went) 1 write reteliliJ--till I 'its' item, t'e ittake rue feel ad Ifs lis thin', ;rid l,sf)w•nrd iIty Calking 1.41'0•1%tt.0e, t"1' 1 v ,diel speak with Irs.4'1drienIty i•nitte•tively. rho ail follow after duty, ..;vac the modest ower p,t'l'ho three c'isttppeuted, the years llased. Lout,' af,e'rwttrds tete ages.: II•stri•ut in his journey came at;nin npou these three Addressing the first he said ; SIV s,in, nl••ttiinkis them weer the youth elm wag folitiw robs+ lft'•r Pieeas- rtre. Menlo • Ino uv'•rrttuu her 'I No, Illy Iarli•'r, replied not Ince Pleasure it lett a ointment Iher hire es one approaches. s. ellen:se was ., great theft ovary five or . it3'h>sv did thug tarts? halted lir• si dot s t'1 a m•ulth, 1',3 then;,tt sage, turning t i tie. iiec„tl't, I!nll_'er ltl'rr: fly It 11411 ('ell'' I. Pleasure k 1.,,,, wide riches ; I have demonstrated that, lie tuusweree wl i_._ ... . A sigh. Endorsed by tutor Loaners. And thou, continued unseen, ads i When is, re'rn•'ely is "eine i i 1 by miaia, tare, editor, ±3'rrh.t it', termere and load• dressing the third, wfl0 made this rte ing ,nen of all Classes, it is sten',q evidence ' ply : that remedy h'14 ',cont n'nrit and does- As oesAs I' walked with, Daty I 'Weald what is e1ni,ne1 for it. Snr•h .t remedy is Love, and L•tve led m s to Pleasure,rind Bur,fnck I31orr1 Rittsrs. its '•vnn'In' fol Run- Love, had the companionship of all three .......had and have. i 'Tis always thus, seinen:teuted tlae old lean. Pleasure oursued is never aver taken. Only her shadow ie caught•by him who dureues. She herself goes CPas ss„ corp for (1vsnepsi,. nod blood,. ete.; Is %veil known to all aryl young. On the Cheap Pian.. '13'sgge—Aren't von going to buy a new 01arenst this wine«t'? hand in hand with Duty,and they who Silshv—\n; .I heught nee best sum make Duty their campaniou have also seer tdten they were eliesp the" oompanionsbiedof Love aadPl'eres• fl.,;;t;*—\,kelt are von ening to do use.—St. Louis Republic. with your �npl'rflenns retell n ter, then.? '«x— Silshte—I e1111 now nil 'he Cray t0 KNOWN IN 'I1AMILTO.N. bny a c t:Or• for next summer. Hamilton, Feby. 21.l-•31rs. Ellon Brown• —' — of Toronto, who was sa� marvellously cured I :when in Dispair. should be master—tile art of rsflec- is well known itt Ham>;ltou, having been to troubles, thee•' i•+ s'ill a lions, •+.n 1 ,, strnng the Hospital here w ere the authorities, ( )lope no perf'tr't „ern in i)". Won•1'•' Nnr- like those of Toronto 5nstitutiouspronoun. I w,,y Pine '=yrnr. Thi' i,,ni,rinn cares ced her case iueurabl . People who knew even altar all nrbsra h'vn r:,ilsd, ,:nd no her here are surprised to learn that she is , Qone snffe,ri,',e from cnnths, rnlrla, asthma, cured, as they thought she was in the i broachiti'. hosrsrt'Pws rte, used despair Home for Iucurables';iu Toronto, and never of ours while Norway Pint. Syrup is oh - expected to see herr',outside of that place talunb!e. 5, again. Mr. Geo. Parke, the popular drug gist of this city art;ys that the sales of tion. Rashness is; not valor; doubtful hopes ought to make men resolute,uut rash. It is more hoI�lorable to have builta dog -hutch than,{ to have dreamed of building a paliuk. A man is alrady of consequence in the world, when it is known that he eau be relied on. their use. The success of Dodd'a Richey gates ae rro,c t f1,n'linry' nr tit. st Pills over all other kidney remedies is owP— The power of a man's virtultt should not bemeasured by his special efforts, used for Bright's Disease, Dropsy, Back- trains The ttpparntna it expeeted to fug to the Fant that they never failed when preach ape after• tit, n•iee,t vitig of but by his ordinary deluge. ache, Rheumatism, and all diseases of tate supplant linemen and Mnte•tnnders. Thu three things most difficult are kidueya and bloodte to•keep a secret, to forget an injury, tend make a good use of leisure: Our confidential friends have not as much to do in slteping our lives as the droughts have which we l,•urbor. There is in man a higher than love of happiness; he ca%n do without, happi- nese, and instead 'hereof find blessed- Dodd's Kidney fills re very large and in• creasing, as all those to whom he has sold thein are receiving a great benefit from A men in (,'nlnniI.n*, fl,, hoepet'elt- ed an electric (invite 2,Iten'11d to anto- maticnlly lower and rai*a' railroad Geography or. Jan Nle. \"r hen the war cl .'sidand the negroes were free, says Tiomits Nelson Page in Helper's Magazelle, there was great enthusiasm for 'educating them. Schools evert established and the ages of the pupils ranged from five to seventy•five years. Uncle Jack Scott nese. was one of the adults, but a short The plea that 1 ,is or that man has course of a -b ale;, a -h eb discouragers no time for culture,. will vanish as soon its wo login to ex4:'nine seriously our preheat use cat ..ttr,ytime. No one ouato complain if the world measures birth as he measures other:. To measure one with his owit yardstick may be lard, but it is also fair. Ligbty • years hence it wilt !natter little whether you are a peasant or a peer, nut it will relater touch whether hint, aid he returned to his work in the stabler. Yells afterward his boy Jawnie was at sithool, and was an apter pupil than leis old father lie:. been, Ono day when uncle Jack was eni- '.iloy"d itt the Surds t, his master look- ing ,:n, Jaw•nie gottover the fence, bag in hied, acid sat tlpwn on the bati'ir, Ile had just come fyionz school, Pres - ently itt said ; — you did your duty 6s one or the other. 0 pappa, de teat ter ally you must git me a geography, There is someite!p for all the do- Uncle Jack's ,jaw set, and be con- fects of fortune ; ',for if it man cannot Linuod to dig. Theti be repeated : attain to the length of his wishes, he Ur.o raphy, ge egraplty I Marne may have his reme,iy by cutting of Conn, what's: clot ? then, shorter. A geography ? laid his employer. Talk not of w;tstorl affection, affec. Why a gr ography viz a—is a book—a tion never was wasted; it it enrich not book—that tells about places, and the heart of another;i its waters return- wt:ere they are, all so on. fie gave a comprehensive dweop around the horiz Ytts, soh: new Ip understand, said Jack, and he want back to his digging. By and by he stoped and looped up nt Jawuio. I say, boy, you dell de teacher I say you better stick to::yo' a -b ah's an' yo' 11.11 ob's, autl let geography alone. You knows de way itow►to de spring au' de woodpile an' de mill, an when you git a little biggor l'segwine to show you de way tondo hoe -candle an' de cawn turner, tut' slat's tilde geography you's got to know.. Do nal allow your elf to feel "chilly." It tiro m tance of physical may indicate a s p Y condition which caw'Orisily be modified by prompt attention. Iyou are chilly from be without it for a single hour. In, a draught, move aw from it, stop it off flesh wounds, ache, pains, sores, &c.,1 or put on more cloihes. If the coldness it is the most effectual remedy we arises from re physiclt,l condition, you aro probably taking cold. Heat a briek and Alt witli your feet upon it until you are heated through, This will do niuoh to prevent a Dole taking hold of you. There is no actio'% of man in this life which is not the neginnino of so long a chain of coneequouces, as that 'no hurnan provtdence is high enough to give us LI prospect to the end. To do an 111 action i3 base ; to do a good one which involves you ill no pain Killer. -- The testimonials bare to the efficacy of this valuable medicine are snfllcient to warrent its tntroduotioti into every house, Our own npinion is that no family suottld 1a'Igitne.' Itn,••il f'roe.•n'Remedy. ,rre•tteat cote on en th, ,unrnn"••^d to mere sanrr,1 Ner our Debility, Rhoum'ttism, N.eirabrin. Pat'atyas, ate. Prokahly• the *mo'les`t electric light installation in the' world le to he found in the villa.e of Bremen, near Doren hack, in Th'irin tie Tt coct n e -les , single arc letup in tI,e ellen:It. the lamp being operated wheel regnir-' ed by a small duns neo arr,nie,l in the village mill, and driven by the twill wheel. kir. Geo, TV. Turner Simply Awful Worst Case of Scrofula the Doctors Ever Saw Completely Cured by ROOD'S SARSAPARILLA. "When T was 4 or 5 years old I had a scrof- ulous sore onthe middle finger of my left hand, which got so bad that the' doctors cut the linger ort end later took off more than Half my hand. then the sore broke out (01 any arm, came out on my neck and face on both sides, nearly destroying the sight of ono eye, also on my right arm. Doctors said it was the Worst Case Of Scrofula they ever saw. It was sitiuuply awful: i Vivo years ago T began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Gradually I found that the sores were begtn• sing to Ileal. I kept on till I had taken ten bottles, ten donors! Just Molt of what a return I got for that tuvestit entt A ciioia. Astrid per cent? Yes, many 'thouaaacl. 1'0:' the past 4 years nave had ttolores. 1 Work all the Tithe. wore, I could de no work. I kuo,v est what to say strong enough to express ray ;;r•t`. ltudoto Hood's Sarsaparilla for Inv ptn•'r't caro. Gnenon W. 'ruitttait, 1'itrtncr, Ciat� way, Saratoga county, N. Y. HOOD'S PILLS do not weaken, but a14, tttgotttonandtone the stomach. Try tt,eni, orae,