HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-24, Page 1SA LE COPY,
"VOL. XXI---NO* x098.
SPRING GOODS are coming to us/ every
day, case after case, bale after bale, until
we are totally bewildered, and they are all
for you, Every year has its own special
designs, weaves and colorings, and this
year one wouldthiok tixat the climax had
been reached,
The Chillies and Delaines are most ex-
quisito and are really works of art,
The Prints come to ea in the most lovely
patterne and colorings, • You have only to
see them to want them. " Ask to be shown
the leading color this year.
The Dress Goods are of all the new colors
and weaves, Whip cords, stripe Poplins,
shot Poplins, shot Dolaines, Albatros, Am-
azon and Crocodile Cloths, De Beiges, etc.
Our Black Goods are simply good. We
cannot say more and that is sufficient.
In Boots and Shoos, we have all the new
colors and shapes. See our window this
week. In fact, our whole stook is com-
plete and you will find prices as low as any
of our competitors, contestant with good,
reliable goods.
The Si) cent Tea, 3 pound for one dollar,
5 pound for one dollar and fifty cents, is
, . the leading article in that line. You know
it is good. Shop early. This store closes
at seven.
iris w
Q een's kIote
Hall, n Wed
I\ G
Med at once. Apply at
ourt was held in the Town
esday last, Judge Doyle pre.
Good. House to rent, Apply to. "Jas•
clielvie, Star restaurant, Wingham, Ont,
—The Rev. Mr Parke, of Listowel, eon-
duotedthe servi s of St. Paul's church
this. place,� y
—Try Myers' Royal spice for horses and
cattle at, Griffin's Grocery.
—A. new hat i the "Chicago." It has
heavy wadding a d the rim is a padded
roll. It is suppo d to be proof against th
sand-bagger's s ffed club or the thugs'
slugshot. It 11 be worn during the
World's Fair. d
—Circulars h
newspaper pro
asking them to
publications to b
pavilion at the
the TxarEs visits
f yle + t the pavili
ORRDire tSImpor ers.
The Eno%, Feb. 22nd, 1893.
marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK Pam/ewe, No 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
—Good Friday -March 31st.
—A good second hand show case for sale.
Apply to W. T. Yams.
—Be.vW. H. 11 cQuarrie and Rev. Mr.
Davidson, of Wro deter, exchanged pulpits
lash, Sunday.
Messrs. J. J.
he ceiling of th,
ceiling, which w
`Iomuth & Son have had
r shop covered with ash
1 be a great improvement.
—Men wanted to cut sawlog & Sox,ood.
Apply to Wiughaal.
—Messrs. Buon & Peasant, of the chair
factory, are bu 1
ng saw logs at Blyth and
p—For boote and shoes, go to the Repairingm shoe store. Wing-
romptly dope. MoKmeoxom
e been sent out to the
fetors of ' the Dominion,
ntribute copies. of their
. placed in the Canadian
Vorld's Fair. Readers of
the fair will find it on
.^r -Cash for good butter and eggs, at 11, /1
Graham's market grocery.
—The Spring Ass' es will open at Go.
ich, Mardi, Xll, befo Justice Rose,
—There was no s vice in the Congrega-
tional church, on Se iday,last on account of
th church being dat aged by fire.
Mr. Thos, Bell' furniture factory has
been shut clown fora ew days this week, on
account of some -An going wrong with, the
Misses Varney and Macdonald, having
ened a dressmaking sloop at the residence
Miss Varney, 80 Leopold street, near old
English church, are prepared to give good
work, perfect fit and latest styles
e executive committee
—A meeting of t
of the West Hurot
was held in Clinto
was decided that
Association be hel
day, 25th and 260
A varied progra
tea hing professio
--The severe sr
mused all trains to
day. The mornin
was cancelled an
from here to clear
Mr, Edward Pel
rad Master Stanley
for Indian Head, Nor
-Sat irday next.
The basket sooi
of Court Maitland,
Foresters, will be he
Gregory's block, this
--A Sarniahotelke
costs, the other day,
in his bar -room cov
violation of the rules
license commissioner
Teacliers' association
on Saturday last.
he next meeting of t
on Thursday and Fri -
of May next, in Exeter.
me interesting to the
was arranged.
—The "At Homi
eople's Society o
the Methodist Chu
Hall, on Friday eve
attended. Refresh
after all hacl parts
gramme, oonsistin
instrumental music
" given by the Yo
Christian Endeavor of
la' in the Temperance
ing last`,.'wee largely
ents were served, and
en, st aeplendid pro-
of recitations, solos,
etc., was rendered.
ow storm of Sunday
be behind time on Mon -
train from Kincardine
the snow plow went up
he track.
—Far first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co,
Remember the place. only two doors north
of the old stand and between Rom' book.
st•' e and Patterson's jewellery shop,
—On Tuesday , r.
ell, while at wort
of his brother, Mr.
got his left leg cau
t. around the pull
the leg terribly.
few inches bolo
gett ing along e.s
. for a man of hi
—G T R tree s for Toronto and east
leave Wingham'at 6,;15 a rat and 11.20 a m.
vie 3 G p Bm;Dvin Clinton and Guelph.
Good connections by all trains.
-Nomination Councillors for Ward
O.1'seas held in 1'e Town Hall, on Wed-
nesday, at 11 a. Messrs. Wm. A. Johns,
Wed -
joie Golley, R. erdsmen, D. Sutherland
and Geo. Green ' ere nominated. If more
than three of th candidates decide to go to
a poll, the eioed n will be held on Wednes-
day next, Marc] lst. The polling will be
in Mr. Jos, Gol
-.-:Money to
serest, on real
n and wile, Miss Ida
lion. intend leaving
'west Territories, on
—Miss. E. Murphy
of this town, has pu
millinery, etc., of M
Spadina avenue, Toro
the same.
The Rev. E. W.
nnual missionary s
with Christ's Church,
last. His former pa
doubt, pleased to see
—Lediee,, havo your garments made by
Mise M. Johuston. Gregory block, opposite
the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles,.
work, always first•elass fit.
e, of lot 9, concession
e Junction, will sell
plements, by public
n 6th. As Mr.
his farm, every -
e o' • ut reserve. Sale at
11 sums under $5 cash, —Thi latest journ
months credit. John I onto is the Fast Pre
, under the auspices
Canadian Order of
in the Court room,
ridgy) evening.
er was fined $20 and
or having a window
ed with a curtain, in
f the West Lambton
—Mr. jos. Case=1, Turnberry, near t
his farm stock an
auction, on Mo
Casmore ha
thing wi
1 o'olo . T
over that a
Currie, ando eer.
—A. good smart boy wauted at once, to
learn the printing business. TAppll olesO at
orning last, Mr. John
in the furniture factory
Thos. Bell, of this place,
lit in a bolt, which took
y, Breaking and bruising
ho limb was amputated a
the knee, and Mr. Bell is
cod es could be expected
—Mr, rT. H,
for the celebra
moots, has se
Wilson, of Gu
—A number
paid their sub
this year. We
have paid up an
tions and would
not done so to r
of London, formerly
based the stock of
McComb, on 405
to, and will conduct
ughes conducted the
vices in Connection
Listowel, on Sunday
ishioners were, no
d hear Mr. Hughes.
oss, of this place, agent
ed Maesey-Herris imple-
urer'l the services of Mr•
ph, as assistant for this
The five. mile skat
ng rink, on-Tuesdtiy e
Messrs. R. McNaiighto
S. Elliott, of Turnberi
of MoNaughton by"ten
22 minutes.
—The Josie Mills
good audiences in the
day, Monday and Tue
Saturday night they
melodrama, the "Blao
night "East Lynne" as on the boards, 1 nature of the world
and on Tuesday night ' avourneeu." ( meeting. Bible cla
—Judge Doyl
the action of 11
against the Cori
at the sitting of
comber last. T
$125 and costs.
charge of the ca
—Those enga
on the mixed. ti
sols, on the 1
tried yet. The
taken the matt
secreting some o
interfering with
g race in the ekat-
ening last, between
of Brussels, ands
, resulted in favor
eet, The time was
subscribers have not yet
eriptions for last year or
ry kindly thank all who
renewed their subsorip -
gain ask those who have
pond as early as possible,
—Mr. T. C.
taurant, has die
A. Crowston,wh
learn that Mr.
leaviug town, ha
assistant book k
ture factory.
—Mr. John F.
great Harriet Be
of that never cly
Cabin," or a "Gre
Stowe and his pit
perfect performan
the original menu
February '25th.
has given his :decision in
, A. Roe, of this pirce,
ration of Lucknow, tried
he County Court in De-
e judge awards Mr. Roe
Mr, E, L. Dickinson had
e for Mr. Roe.
ed in the disgraceful row
in between here and Brus-
h inst, have not all been
. T. R. authorities have
into hand andintend pro -
the Kincardine men for
he running of the train.
—Owing to the recen lire in the church
building, the friends of he Congregational
church aro invited to tl town hall for'sar-
vices on Sabbath, Fe •nary 20th, at 11
a. m. and,7 p, m. Bab ath school at 2.30,
Morning subject, "Lot 'e offering." To
young people, "Story of a lion killer."
Evening subjoet, "More acksliding," S. S.
lesson for March 5th. 1 made welcome.
Bring your bible with yo
arling, of the Eclipse res-
eed of bis business to Mr,
has taken possession. We
Sperling does not "intend
ing secured a position as
per at the Union furni-
—We direct attention to the advertise-
ment of the Paul Frind Woolen Machin-
ery Company, of Tor nto, in another
column, offering the Vingham woolen
mill property for sale, a think the towns-
people should make at effort to have the
mill remain in Winghan This should be
a good point for a one -t woolen mill, if
proper'attention were gi en to the local
trade. Wo understand that the mill can
be purchased at a low fig
mpany played , to
own Hall, on Seem -
ay nights last. On
educed the great
Flag," on Monday
town is a nephew of the
hor Stowe, the authoress
g work; "Uncle Tom's
t Wrong Righted." Mr.
ed company,, will give a
of a grand old play from
ript at the Town Hall,
Normal Class Wo
A meeting of teac
the schools in the t
Baptist church on
at 4 o'clock, to consi
establishing such a
c for Sunday School
ers and officers of all
n, will be held in the
nday afternoon next
er ways and means of
age in Wingham. The
11 be explained at the
scholars and mom -
Endeavor Societies
bent of the Christie,
Don't Wart for the Sick ROOln. will be made welcom
The experience of physicians' and the
public proves that taking Scott's Emulsion
proves an immediate increase in flesh; it is
therefore of the highest value in Wasting
Diseases and Consumption.
Mr. D. Sutherland
Port Elgin, visiting re
Mr. Thos. Gregory
business on Monday.
Mr, Geo, McTavish,
town a couple of days
olclfrionds. Mr. MMT
a good busiuese in List
Mr. S. Gidley, of Bly
Tuesday on bttsess.
• Mrs. Lambert, of Se.
her daughter in town, h
Miss :Lizzie A. Bisbee
Wednesday after a visit
her home.
Mr. W. E. "1113Reberts,
ing at Mr. G. A. Ilisbee's
Mr, and Mrs, Alex. R
friends in Bruoeficld, las
Brussels Post .—Mrs.
Frank were visiting i
week.—Mrs. W.H. Willi
, I. O. G. T., was ham, worn visiting in Br
esday, when ar- Clinton News -Record :
for the month's
Mrs. Owen Hitch -
she will visit the
laces, during the
ton, Londesboro,
m, Whitechurch,
rrie, St. Helens,
nannan andLake-
—A meeting of theE cativo Committee
of District Lodge, No.
held in Wingham, on
rangements were mad
temperance campaign o
cox. It is expected the
following, among other
month of March : Ch
Blyth, Belgrave,° Wing
Luc,}tnow, Bluevale,
Manchester, Xinburn,G
—IN= Ton's Cam
attended this show on
and all Were well ple
formance. The street
very good, as was also 11
evening. The matinee
afforded great fun for
would take too long to d
deters, suffice to say that
true to life and that the
appreciated by those pr
—The horse fair, on Th
week, was well attended an
good number of horses offs
number of -buyers were
a good uumber of horses cl
et prices ranging from $90.
Horses weighing from 1500 p
wards were wanted, for the Et
Messrs. John Hooey and H.
shipping two car loads to Eug
urday, one from Seaforth an
frim Teeswater. These ho
large animals, and the price
from $S)0 to $160.
8 page weekly paper.
trade, as outlined b
and expose the fait'
g of the- Teachers' country. We wish mission, It is pu
uron will be held in Publishing Compan
, on Thursday and Toronto, at "$2 per y
—The annual meet'
Association of East
the public school he'
Friday, Marcie 2nd !t
ton, of Toronto, Dire
stitutes for Ontario,
both days, and will
various '
aspects. O
first day, a public
the Town Hall. M
analysis of two E
will be- furnished by
dist S. S. Orchestra
of Mr. J. A. Morto
children• will also
Admission to the b
lid is cordially invit
inge, both itt the se
--Sir Walter Scot
by no means lazy ; f
Edinburgh Volunteer
from drill. He mus
player, toe; for he is
song ending thus :
—A. now kin
who is represen,
faxir visited a
that lie had pt
proceeded to
to neighbors,
which `'dere
lender, ii o
*00a have 1
the. proper'
Sill, and t
totes like
d 3rd. Wm. Hous'
tor of Teachers' In -
ill be present during
sates English in its
the evening of the
eeting will be held in
Houston will give an
relish poems. Music
the Wingham Metho-
under the leadership
A number of sobool
ive some selections.
1, 10 cents. The pub -
to attend the meet-
ol and the hall.
Then up, lads, end
the weether,
Aria if that perclut
to fall,
There's; worse thin
among the heath
For what is our
although lame, w
r, as an officer of t
Victoria,he was seldom absent
have been a football
credited with a dub
yks office, The Bad of G1
—The next publi
auspices of the W.
the Temperance Ha
next. As st change,
of a sociable, and r
of bread and butter
served to all who
Hughes will occup
Methodist S. S.
several selections of
youag men in town.
—On Sunday ne
'clock, when on hi
Webster noticed s
basement of the Co
at once gave the al
wete soon at the se
great deal of damn,
it is supposed; eau
The organ, Which
aged considerably
is estimated at abet
Mercantile Inman
it, though chill be
ce you may happen
s in life than a fall
an at a low rate of in- might try his hand at
Wee Apply to
Dn. Tower%
f fakir has appeared neer
ecomparded by a man
ed as a money lender, the
atm, irifornma • the tenant and toes in, on or a
chased the tiioperty, eed I give him 0. start, the
11 all the wood on the Placel lines as 'a tort of refr
ccepting their rides therefor,le„,
..ue.en op, fellove Werke
elted by the alleged Money 1 „enlace,
the people who tolight the To antinyage the W
as the farni, Waft not sold at 1 Iett t sitriink not, all
We May fioatdet
cm warned not to trespeee on
ie geled once are Meeting their i When Faith, reeve
etn. 1 Mon tut all.
open meeting at Bin
ate what befell th
bound, in the smell h
night and Saturdey
aceident took the for
istic vendire in. Tor.
, a nicely gotten up
It will advocate freer
D'Alton McCarthy,
s arid frauds of the
t great success in its
lisbecl by The Press
24 King street west,
meeting under the
T. U. will be held in
on Monday evening
t will take the shape
regiments, consisting
d coffee, &c., will be
the chair and the
chestra will tender
usic. All are invited
on is extended to the
pent last
in. Li
f Listowel,
is week, o
ish is buil
h, watt ia
s. Fealk
eft for D
this w
13 were
aria son,
seeks tl
Mr, Th
hoe reto
nd wife
lia,ve bee
A. large audience
turday night last
sed with the per -
e orchestra in the I gaged in Mr. John as
ail all the char- there.
I time, has de3ided to mo
in the afternoon.
he children. It I again, having secured. a
they are almost Forest Free Press
ow was greatly i the firm of C. Lloyd
eut.—Goderich was in. town on Tuesda
nese trip.
%day of this
there were . a
d for sale. A
present, caul
nged hands,
nd upwards.
uuds and up -
Halt market.
Days intend
uii, on Sat -
the other
has been epthding his
packing apples at Wingl
Mr. W. J. Blatchlord
residents of this town,
friends in town for som
Miss Davis, of Blyth,
in town.
Miss Lizzie Fleuty is
Brussels, tbis week.
engaged as organist ef
°hell. Mr. Willis will s
etion foe the County
—The Wingham cur
on Tuesday last to coin
ern Ontario Curlers' T
Forest City, Detroit an
Marys defeated Detroit
four clubs eligible, as 1
City defeated Wingham
St. Marys defeated For
and carried off tbe trop
is the score between Fo
G. H. Gillispie,
ning last, about one
oko issuing from the
m of fire. The firemen
ne of action, and sue -
The fire,
ling the fire
c was done.
s upstairs, was dam -
m the heat. The loss
$500. Insured in the
rs went to London
ete for the West-
kard. Tilde were
y 13 shots. Forest
lows : Wingham,
y 27 shots, and
t City by 9 shots,
y. The following
st City and Wing-
ife but a game cut the
Tim practice of
el cting full rates
amain I. O. Go T. been insufficiently pt
song for the next
vale, to comtnerrtor. by many people aa a
n when heinewele st three cent stamp h
which proves to be 6
readies its destined
cents ate comment
cents originally pelt
Thiel is On the face of
eeiver, especially if d
cerns the business of
urs between looday
merging laat. The
of a game at path
ng the' thaw. To
rite): throws- off lour
s, though wintry the
ek ones when ready
tough midst the sMove
and buty still sum -
ur post offices of col-
on letters thet have
paid, thus eancelliog
ilia, is commented on
Mjustice, Suppose
s been put on it letter
er weight. When it
theefull rate Of teix
comet* aeiiothing,
lettet chiefly coil -
he sender.
mita :co.
Majority for Forest City,
o. Neelands,
. Mitchell,
etterson, sp. 11
1 Yon have now for some
lery, B D, Pastor. Services every Sabbath
p ie, Gemmel p,:ayer and Sunday School, aiii
i iaentifisa with Wingham
Bible Class at.2.30
meeting every Wednesday
faithfulness to duty, in
o'clock. Young People's Preyer Mcetingl
*every Thursdae evening at 8 o'clock. I at your post. We all fully
I predate the Apostle P
Sunday, February 20tb. Morning Bub -
"Be ye steadfast, ina
ject: "Shining." Evening "The Atone:
abounding in the work o
moot." aria feel that your life, b
--An exchenge says : been witness of it. Rel
through Ontario selling N purpose, a, strong ellieret
chemical compound to pies of faitb, are traits in
might itform our readers charade): that will alwa
pound" does save coal, but ually command reepect.
much as these gentlemen s
charge you 25 cents for abo
of it, but if you will Mete
compound you will foia th
it from your geocer for abo
potted. It rimy be red, blue
various colors of Diamond
neverthelese nothing but
If you doubt that salt will s
it will cost you very little to
little dry Balt on yout coal 1
'mark 'the result, A bead
solve &bent five pounds of
gallons of water and throw t le water bh
is town,
ill resid
ho has
on his
An Old Fr nd.
Brennan & Co, tanners. Wiuglia,
"Please send me by exprese t
more of Heathfield's Healing
We would not be without it in o
It will cure any kiud of cough or
gives immediate relief. I recent
all my old Witigham friends a
speak too highly of it."
Sincerely yo
a are good,
For sale at WilliarnseDt ng. St
paid range I per bottle.
The high position attained end the uni• 1 siding in Lwow
venial acceptance mud approval of the pleas- I accepted a call to
ctnt liquor fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, ae i' Congregational eh
trate the value of the qualities ou which its
lot Knox College,
the most excellent laxative kuown,
success is batiee are abundantly gratifying 1 cently graduated.
to the California Fig Syrup Company. 1
at, who h
for ,some
e pastor
relates of
lemon wes
—At the meeting of tn congregation of afternoon in the e
the Baptist church, held e the church, on
Monday evening last, Mi
presented -with e purse c
departure to Manitoba,
but right, that we as a c
some expression, howeve
sped and esteem for you
friends and well-wishors
tunity to give some suc
s Ida Felton was
.ded address, to
able manner :
°stades in Spain,
the air, when a
. an imperative s
father's reader,
the eve of your I David, who had
or a season, it is i herd •SkIrlin
rch should give i ia passing, that
slight, of our re- I
Therefore, your a cave of Adull
who were egi'n
eze this oppor- Whig or Tory.
tangible token. bad way, just as
ime been fully came to Biggar
Baptist church. fugitive, the cev
ng which time door with trade
being invariably
Os injunction:
Men are going
at they Mal S,
eve coal. Wo
hat the "corn-
erheps not so
it will. They
you den buy
t one eent per
r any of the
yes, but it is
amen. omit,
e yew: coal,
ate Throw a
to sail then
is to dis-
h to Welty
No* Teas.
with new teas, at jobbers prices, Now is
I the time to secureyour tees,
of sods
hat ia to tat
ster of mine
nernotis to le
piece of
en hired t
whither gr
1:830, noa
that Choke
was cram L
nen, I bad
, the chief
of Biggat
of the Rein
, I can stay
cl deal of his
Many of
or burst
that befell
• rote
omen) mil
came to pa
the part o
work hott
tny first
. Clerk has
trip to his
filled with porte
veable, always being the weter
the nura'" et6" the Brewery, an
in a measure yards fur th
ebilityafixity of few
ria fether we
re to tbe princie that he put a go
one's Christien
s tell, end event- his vvorktnanshi
e meet, then, he might be o
far than Eddy,
break at the nec
and arch -trait
end your work's sake. N hissing and by
had:been gteeter, yet bel eve us, it daily Lletrttit3aeeesemnatitti
words 'Kiodheatts ate it re than coronets,' Biggar, Thu*
May tho Goa of all grade go with you it) not only to pla
aired, guard, bless and alto your life a had to teko his
blessing. Signed on hell f of the church eegaged, Mad
tend friends,
Miss Pelton, this coca ion, to voice our
sentiments, and to ask u to accept from
us dies purse of money, slight token
of our esteem, for your ) trinsic qualities,
wisla the gift