HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-17, Page 8.- Telma, '° u the go el tolvd , f Cil, examined and passed, s ys& r tlA1, on the 17th clay mil ou WI i,'atriek's day in the I. Situdyfc •d shoemaker taxed et wok on my um .r garment. In Aprit tt'G1w steamer t Glasgow on my catty oewaele. Thew Ii 1 was' now iminur- the estutle o'f Meat Despair with ry Donut actio the part of occasional hops tette trio phaut in my breast wade arty way .with the fruit trees aunt all aglow vith blossom. When tilos my wny t rough the village of Geld Bank, 4, cosily nestled iu the pit of the Clyde, I never dreamed that arm foltowiu= I ehould be teaching Will) cottoned d carpet weavers for see an 1 lint a iend who for a quar- t a century stun closer than au earthly ler ever did. rt lis he did, although 1 too often lender the thraldom of King bot. who still it ds in Giant Despair a cal e h,ly, I eft Kirkfieldbank for at►adzow, Paris of Carluke, in 1853 k there, I mad a new departure in ing English gr mmar, taking Mask's e, Saxon gram i ar as a text book. t and Willis -ue, whose bre exchanged wi y. On Satu lint interview. satin the fo 1 a f u'mer. near WseR of forty ye rs, doss not stem to .Aforgotten the t acher of his family. W.' Lr moors. rilered that xa copy of same be forwarded o Bureau of Industries, Toronto, and that the Auditors' be paid $7 each for their . rvices. The Clerk wtts instructed to get ' 50 copies of the minutes of 1802 with th Auditors' res port ahhcl Treasurer's abetracprinted. Messrs. P. Kelly, of Blyth and J. Tier - nay, lot 40, con. 1, both fa orable to the formation of a new uniou s• tool section on the southern boundary bet een East Wa- wanosh and Hullett, were resort, and in accordance with a petitionlaid before the Council, January 1(rtlr 1 ' t, asked them again to appoint an arbiti tor. Mr. Kelly very forcibly, aucl at con ' erablo length, showed plainly the great necessity in his opinion for the formation f this new union srbcol on account of a 1' rge number of children in the winter sea . n being debarred fro:u school privileges mo ly altogether in the sections they were in present. George Quinn, as spokesman of . S. No. 10, was heard in opposition to his scheme, and protested against infrin ig on their section to assist in making up re new one. It was then moved by Mr. Robertson, Forrest were pupils seconded. by Mr. Sehi: 1, that Finlay An- er, the Rev. D. For. derson, of Bolgrave, • = appointed arbitrator h Mt. McQuarrie ou in this matter on bel by afternoon, had a He was the bearer of East Wawanosh— Applications for of a money present were received fron ort Albert, who,after Tondo = Wanted, tiers wanted f r thirty cords of green wood (beech al . maple) 22 or 24 inch cords of fou feet wood, for the dist church, Wingham. Tenders deed up till Satu day, February 18th, . 3. HOxxuTII & SON. East W abridge on the , which was le -on for traffic 1 r ouucil met i ry 0th, pursu s all prose read and co tbf[ice, Winglra 14 municipal el perf Refuge que rib be paid. 1 ficate from e, received, sl gistered in 1 einti 14 deaths r horiaing hin ale. of Health f l Messrs. and Jam llielgrave, r axon was re cuce, Toront ed in the mil, the obje ere to giv 'an opport ie total sup }:by Mr: Shi 11, that said petition by the Tee4. e and Clerk on behalf encil and orwarded to Toronto— No act on taken, 0 Mr. jell, seconded by Mr. I, a by -1 • be passed authorizing o char; • for all copies of awards" ent in is possession, other than rltfeere uire him to do gratis, at aceedi i g eight ccnts per lhun- -Carr c1. of An row Ferguson, Matthew obn andrett, Jas. Ferguson ergus.e, was presented by Mr. of B:Igrave, who showed the, rly a d at considerable lengthy recd th re was for the formation scho• in the village between ',East awanosb, and requested bitra..r be appointed to take on in this matter. peti ion from John Taylor and llier atepayers, also received Couit to take no action peti ion,as soma of the school wou 1 bo called upon to con- riin lot in. East Wawanosh to port the same, are alreadef tion as taken in either of in t e meantime, B31W.' , B. 11. Taylor, John othy ib onohue, John ,leffer- her of tiler ratepayers were g upon he Council the neces- ,I ,a brio 0 on river,cons 0 and eg the ' that a largely sign- up in 1,84 was on file, and had ben made that this ikely be uilt as soon as pos. railway debt was all pat derable disoussionover thi nally a eed to lay same ntime, ending what fiction wanosh. th eon. of East Wa- n a very d:augerous as been repaired. the Council room on nt to adjournment, . Minutes of last firmed.. Account of h, for ballot papers ction, also for vote on tion, received and or- e Registrer General, wing that the Clerk 92, 47 births, 13 mar - total entries made 74, to be paid ek7.40 for r 1893, the Reeve and alter McGowan,James s McGee, con. 10, Dr. dical Health Officer. ived from the Domin- requesting the same ual way on behalf of 't being to petition the the electors of the ity t•, vote for or ression of the liquor 1f of the township of rried. le office of Assessor John A.rderson, sr., con. 0, Edwin ' ightman, con. 8,' John Taylor, Be]grave, and J. M. Campbell, Westfield. Resolved that J Anderson be appoint- ed assessor for tl The following signed, viz : Tr papers for muni Refuge, $3.75 ; division registra Gill, repairing b 0, and board, &e and repairing br 9, 412 ; John 1892, 75 cents ; auditor for 1892, vices as auditor fo By-laws Nos. 1, passed. The Council then clay, 23rd March ne. P. '01:TERFIELI, Clerk. Gratifvng to A11. The high position attained and the uni- versal acceptance and approval of the pleas- ant liquor fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, as the most excellent laxative known, iilus- trate the value of the qualities on which its success is based are abundantly gratifying to the California Fig Syrup Company. til be aken by the County/ ition being on hand that,. assumb a certain per cerate st in trilding bridges over r on public and leading ugh tt the county. t nd Tre tsure s ab- lai before the Coun- current year, salary 1155. ebentures were passed and Es office, Wingham, ballot pal election and House of Porterfield, services as for 1892, $7.40 ; Jas. Mc- idge on'river, cons. 8 and $8; Benj. Taylor, timber lge on river, cons. S and olden, shovelling gravel, in. Robinson, services as $7 ; Jas. W. Bone, ser - 1892, $7. 3 and 4,1893, react and TIIE WINU.L AM TIMES, FEBRUARY 17 18934 WING$A1V. FOUNDRY adjourned till Thurs. At the last meeting of the Wellington County Conucil the embers raised their salaries from $2 to $3 per day. Mr. Jalnes McGee, . C., of London, has beeu appointed coup y crown attorney of Middlesex in suecee ion to the late Mr. Charles Hutchison. JAS. MURRAY & CO. elauufaeturers of Laud hollers, Plows,. Gang Plewa, etc, General Castings iu iron and Brass fur- nished to order. Plow Points reducee to 35e. each, Gash. Liberal discount for large quantities. JAS. \1UERAY c@ 00. Wiughani, Out. Choice New Teas. Wholeeaie—Gordou & McIntyre are in a position to supply families or societse with new teas, at jobbers prices. Now is the time to seeureyour teas. • ILN. 41 BARBOUR--In Wi gham, on February 14th, the wife of , . Arch. Barbour ; a son. FAIIL1rENER-1n ' iughatn, on February 13th, the wife of r . Frank Faulkensr ; a daughter. TwrrenELL—In 01 nton, on the 0th iust., the wife of Mr. Jas. 1 witchell; a daughter. MAR, IED. ELLIOTT—ELLIOTT. In Winghaln, ou 3ebruary 15th, by th Rev. W. H. Watson, Mr. Thos. Elliott,to f iss Rose Elliott,both of Wingham, McKee—MADILL--I Miuto, ou the let inst., at the resideuce of Mr. W. Turner, Mr. Thos. McKee, of C endale, Manitoba, to Miss Aunie Maria, Madill, of Bostick, dghter of the late S. uel Madill. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. • The undersigned oilers for sale the house and lot situated on Scott street neat to tho residence of Mrs. F. Burney, for sale. The house contains six rooms down stairs and a large upstairs, well paint• ed and fixed off, Thu property* will be sold on easy terms by applying to MMS. F. BURNl , Scott Street, or MISS TIILBESE GALUItaITII. ✓M.Ir0 Er—McGaeste At the C.rtholic church, Teeswater, of 8th itist., by the Rev, Father Corcoran, . r. John Mahoney, of Teeswater, to Miss Maggie Aun Mee G,lyuu, of Culross, 4/DIiiENT—GEuvss--Iii Ionia, ou Feb- uary 8th, by thelRev.A Y. Hartley, 'Henry Dimeut, of Blueva e, to Miss Lizzie, daughter of John Geddes Esq., of Mocris township. JEFFERSON —DonuANCE t the residence of the bride's mother, Ma le Villa farm, ou the 8th iust., by the It. v. P. Musgrove, Mr. Gordon Jeffersou, of 1 s, Wawanostl, to Hiss n.uuio Dorrauce, of Mel - 0110p, FORD--P1t1;Ni,avxrLE.-At Ciugsbrid;;e,on January 24th, by the Rev, ether Dixon, M. Ford; rif Casseltou, N. akota, to ;hiss Katie Prendeville, of Asbfi d, i kK DIED. Towrecte--In Win„ team, a 2 p. m., on Thursday, February 10th, 1, 93, at the rest- , Ann Flesher v.John Tow - deuce of her sou, Dr. Towloe Bradley, widow of the late 1gr, in her 82nd year. „(M GxtACi:r--Io Wirt Karn, on ''ebruary 4th, �oilu, Clarence eldest sou of : Ir, S. Gracey, aged 5 years and 4 months. Wtelcs—In Culross, On the st inst., Ann Wicks, aged 89 years and 0 t oaths. Wzreaesrs—In Brussels, on ''ebetutry 3rd, Mary Isabel, eldest daughte, of Richard Williams, aged f3 years, 5 re , nths and 15 clays. • BELL—In Blyth, on Irebr ary 5th, Mrs, John Bell, aged 40 year an. 5 mouths, BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on the Premises, Park Lot 45, lYinghaue Town Plot, a Ches. ter ‘1, bite Bear. Terms -755 cents at tin; of service with privilege of returning or 51.25 if not so paid. WM. CAILPBELL, Pro Jfiotor, AGENTS WANTED, )Wanted— Lady egelits everywhere to solicit orders for The !1ni•arallo:e.t American 1,1eaitb Corsets and lyaists. Apply to MADAM STEVENS, Gen. Agent, 111 Mansfield Street, 7eloi,treal, Canada. TOWN HALL ONE NIG] Sautrday, F Henry Petit's Eamon BLACK The popr supported by t J. L. and a strong N� ,PRIDES 25, WINCHAM. T ONLY. bruary 18th. English Melodrama FLAG. '9 ar actress M=LLS, e veteran y aactoriSH .1,ON, v York Company. 35 AND 500. P rE A 'd Are determined to clear out the bal- ance of their I 11 f = -I 1 Com. �,McINDO6 Before stock taking, and in order to effect a speedy clearance, will give a CASH DISCOUNT OF ;IL -431m Izt NT Fir SPRING :IMPORTAT IONS. Think of it. Ten cents returned to you out of every dollar. Every ar- ticle in our shop is marked in plain figures, and owing to the low prices prevailing for all kinds of grain, our prices are correspondingly low so, with the above big discount, you may have the cheapest goods inCanada. Call early and get first choic. GORDON & McINTYRE, . The Anchor House. lNRtilh►` OR EMI MN. goo It's rather early to exhibit, but not for M. H. Mclndoo, who is always first in the field with new Goods. We are almost through with winter goods, our good value ,sold them. They are gone. That is our way of getting ahead of times; our shelves are now loaded with new goods; our stock is larger, more varied, more complete than ever before; ours is indeed. "A DRESS GOODS BOOM OF PROMINENCE" We urge an early selection, as beststyles go first. Also our standard fast color Prints, Fancy Flannels,Shaker Flannels, very best bleached and unbleached Twills and plain 2 ] -4 wide Sheet- ings. Carpets in Tapestry, Brussels and Wool, best qualities. Linens, Towles, Napkins, at low prices. 25 dozen men's fancy Cashmere Hose, all wool, for 25c., .worth 40c. Just opened up, new goods, also 50 dozen women's and children's extra fine quality ribbed and plain Cashmere Hose. The activity in this department points to the success of our efforts; quality and price are the levers, at M. H. 1VICIND00'S. GEO. E. KING. • We submit to you this week the greatest value ever offered a buying public. 25 pieces Dress Goods worth 15c. a yard, for 8c. 10 pieces Dress Goods worth 50c. a yard, for 30e. 7 pieces Dress Goods worth 85c. a yard, for 50c. These last two lines are double width, high class Suitings. Just consider for a moment : Goods of this class being offered to you at 15c. and 25c. per yard, ordinary width. Don't miss seeing them. These prices will move them quick. Yours truly, C-: 0_ _ I rsTG-_ The Popua r Bok tre IS HEADQUAR'rEl�S NOR s Ohl•; ay Presents ! A large stock of Christmas Goods has just been received, suitable for all parties, old or young, consisting of TOYS, PHOTO ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS, WRITING DESKS, TOILET SETS, PLUSH GOODS, CHINA VASES, XMAS CA RDS, L 1.DIES COMPANIONS (in plush or wood), VIOLINS, MOUTH ORGANS, CELLULOID MOT7TH. ORGANS, TOY BOOKS, HAND SLEIGHS, PORRIDGE SETS, BLANK NOTES, BIBLES, FANCY M IRR,ORS (hand painted), A large Assortment of ANNUALS, Consisting of Leisure Hours, Sunday at Home. Boys' Own, &c„ Sze, I have a larger stock this year than ever before and desire the public to call and see it before purcba!:inn elsewhere, as it is no trouble, to show goods. Pt;ICEs AS LOW AS THE LOWEST rez,"Retnotnber the Place -1130 Josephine street, Winghtun. ALEX. ROSS. Agent for Dotninion Express Ccmpsny and 0. P. R, Telegraph Company.