HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-17, Page 7T WT GUAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 17, 1893, ':,axed Mrs, .Bowyer Diocusa. DoK nl.estlo 1a tatters. When Mr.13owser, oaree up to luncheon the other day and saw a goat nibbling away at a piece of stovepipe in the back yard 11e caught his breath and exclaimed Well, of tell the silly things you over did this is the worst I Got a goat, eli? Pro. bably paid 10 or 12 dollars for him—and of all the mean and useless auimals on the acs of the earth to goat is the climax! If you are left a widow you'll ruu through every dollar in three months] Mr, Bowser, calmly replied Mrs. Bowser as the goat loft the stovepipe to bunt for frshbones, do you remember when ,you bought a horse for $250, What of it ? Nothing, except that in about 10 days you sold him for about $100 and was tickled to death to get rid of hien. You bought him for sound horse, but it turned out that he was wiudbroken, spavined, ring - boned, near-sighted, vicious, 20 years old and-- It didn't turn out anything of the sort! You got afraid to ride after him, and what could I do but sell 11im ? And what has a horse to do with a goat ? Of all the silly, senseless thing a woman ever did this is the cap sheaf ! I'll bet a hundred dollars to a cent you paid as much as $15 for him ! And after the horse came a eow, quietly observed Mrs. Bowser. I coaxed and argued, bet you were bound to have a cow. You paid $40 for a red eow. She wee guar %Mead a now milch cow, The seller guar- anteed that she would give 19 quarts. of milk a day. In ono week --- In one week, Mrs. Bowser, yen drove me into parting with her 1 You were obstinate and determined. You used to go out and torment hor till she was half crazy. I sold her for fin to save hor life, poor brute!. Look at the goat chewing an oyster can! Of all the fool things in creation a goat takes the cake! I can get a car loud of goats for $2 apiece, but I suppose you paid $20 for this one. And after the cow a pig, ootttinued Mrs. Bowser, with a sigh of regret. 'You paid $12 for a $3 pig, went to the exppense of $5 for a pen, and in four days you sold the pig for $2.50 and smashed the pen into kindling wood, You thought it world bo homelike to have a pig. .You figured out a profit of $30 in three months but -- But what ? shouted Mr. Bowser at the top of his voice. You were down' on that pig from the hour that I got him. You used to go out and pound nim with the hoe handle and throw boiling water over him! I found marks on 'aim where you knocked him down with a crowbar ! I sold him out of a feeling of mercy, and you kuow it 1 Whatever put it into your head to pay $20 or $25 for a good-for-nothing squint-eyed sap -headed brute of a goat 1 Then came chickens, Mr, Bowser—$25 for chickens and $10 or $12 for a coop, to say nothing of poultry books and patent food. You wanted to hear your own roost- ers crow in the morning. You wanted fresh eggs from your own coop. YOU were going to make enough profit in three months to pay for everything. In ten clays you— Yes, in ten days T had to sell what few hens remained alive for a quarter apiece, but wily was it ? he almost yelled. Who went out to that coop with a baseball bat and pounded them into the earth? Who sneaked out and raised paris green with • 1'fl 1. �^lf •a��� BYSPECIAL ROYAL APPOINTMENT "int' A Wash Day AND No Steam IN THE nse AA D the work se out clown that young girl or delicate woman can do a family weenie without boing tired. NO HEAVY Baetsll TO LIFT You )aye NOW BY US1NC igjh A their food ? Who jabbed 'oxo with the alotbespole until the neighbors threatened to have her arrested? I lost xnoney, but why? And what'a.that miserable critter of yours trying to do stow: bucking a;'ia the here in that fashion? Of an the silly idhotio things I ever heard of in my life this, buying ta, goat swoepa the board. If I'd even paid $2 for hila yo;t'd nava brained him with a spade, Aid then you bought a dog, continued Mrs. Bowser, with a little pathos is her tones. Re was it setter. Then name a patient tire escape, which escaped $30 out of your pocket. Then you bought some microbe killer and almost killed the cools and had so pay leer $50 (iarnagee. Then some one told you to sleep ina lxamtnook, and you fell•aad broke your leg. Was it after that you started hi tp disinfect the house and set it on fire andeaused us a loss of 158(10. That mus all awful dose for Mr. Bowser, He gulped and swallowed and turned pale, but he felt that the goat was the key of the situation. Just thou, as if to favor him, the animal got a beef hone stuck in his throat and he opened a circus performance of the funniest kind, Behold your purchase, Mrs. Bowser, Isn't be funny ? Way don't yQu laugh ? Better send word to the idiot asylum and have about a hundred of the inmates Dome Clown and enioy it with you! I suppose your next purchase will be a baby rhino. cores or a five legged giraffe! If I hadn't more sense than to— At that moment a neighbor's boy called to get the goat, saying he was much obliged to Mee. Bowser for keeping it for an hour while he WAS making a pen, The girl aloe announced the luncheon was ou, and fur- ther ooaveraatiou was suddenly dropped. It wile nearly uigbt before Mr. Bowser could figure up results with any satisfao tion to nig side, and even us he chuckled a little he felt bound to,cautidn himself; Mighty close shave, that way I I made my mistake in jumping into the goat too soon 1 Curious woman, Mrs. Bowser is ! She can remember every little thing clear buck to the flood, and I've got to hold the reins of government with a tight band or she'll get the better of me some day! 4leeb1d111g to gasy' p >.+eetiet15 rut aside your own ideas neat walh•day tatty the easy, clean, 11 SUJVLICttly'" wasr. POlin hots another wash -day gobywithout The Plain Troth Is good enough for Flood's Sarsaparilla -- there is no need of embellishment or sen- sationalism. Sithpiy what Hood's Sarsa- parilla does, that tells the story of its merit, If you have uever realized its bene- fits a single bottle will convince you it is a good lnedieiue. Short sto;?g. A. high flyer—'.elle oaglo. 'ticking on the stage has now become a high art. Rome po>plo are 44, plain and disagree- able as the truth. The only fresh weed' fish in' the Canary Islands is the eel, What author does ucotly like to see at his door? 1Volfe. i 'Brazil has passed t lavi encouraging Chinese immigration, It takes the shortest the for the worst things to happen, Perfectly white cats, eyes, are nearly all deaf. ;. Give a man a new he will write his owe na they ,have 'blue pan to try, and ae. Two modern Italiau foe jars holding about twenty quarts, are almost identical in shape and size with tl amphoras found in Pompeii. Among the Saxons, whet} drinking hoalths, as many cups w :e drunk as there were letters in the name of the person complimented. It is estimated. that it oasts the well -to- ' do people in this country $125,000,000 an- nually to support charitable institutions, while at least $500,000,00t) aro invested in permanent building); where the needy are cared for. The best -lighted city in Europe is Milan. American machinery Duly is em- ployed in its two central stations. A cur- ious feature of the system of distribution 'is that the wires; instead of being carried on polos, are suspended from the brackets under the eaves of the houses. The highest praise has been won by Hoov's ''ills for their easy, yet efficient action. Sold by all druggists, Price 25 cerate. Cought in His Own Trap., Two ministers were once conversing on extemporaneous preaching. Well, said the elder of the two, waxing warm. Yon are ruining your. self by writing your sermons and read- ing them off. Your congregation can- not become interested in your preach ing, and if you were called upon uuex- pretedly,ur:lessyou could get holes of an old sermon you would be completely confused. The young divine used all his ele- quence bot all in vain, to convince his brother that the written sermons ex- pressed his thoughts and feelin s, and if called upon he could preach extem- poraneously. As we ure of she same fnith,said he, suppose you try me next Sunday morning!. On ascending the pulpit you can hand we to text from any part of the Bible and I will convince you that I can preach without Ilevinglooka ed at the text before I stood up. Lilae- wise, I must he allowed the salve pri- vilege with you, and we will theta sea who will make the best of it. The idea seemed to delight the older preacher, and it was immediately agreed upon. The fotiowing Sabbath, on mount- ing the pulpit, the senior brother hand• ed the younger Minister a slip oft a diets was written : 'And the; ass spike,' from which the younger divine pr,'ached a glorioosly good sermon, eluiining the attention of his delight- ed bearers and ellarnting his old friend with his atucluenee, For the atter• noon the younger minister handed a slip to the elder. After rising and opening the Bible the old man glanced at the slip and thee' in *doleful voice he read aloud : 'Ani I not thine ass V 1?ausing a few minutes he ran his fingers through his hair, strttightenetl his collar, blew his nose in a nervous jerking way, and read stgain: 'Aro I not thine sets ?' Another pause,during which delay silence reigned, and again the old divine read in solid tones, 'Asn I not thine ass! rlillon glancing at his friend, who sat directly behind, he said, in a sad voice, T think 1 ata, brother, 'rho Miltitsn. The latest whim for the owners of dogs is to.make them wens shoes in the house for the purpose of protecting the polished floors. They are made of chamois, with leather soles. A. fast penman will write at the rate of thirty words a minute, which means that in an hour's steady writing he has drawn his pen along a space of 300 yards. It has No Equal. DEAR SIRS,—I have used your Rag- yarCl'e Yellow Oil for many years, and have found it unequalled for burue, scalds, outs, etc. • Mur A. Comma Erin, Ont. He Was Suspicious.. Even a statesman is picked up some- times, remarked the M. P. to a crowd of listeners. On one occasion I was going over my district to get posted, and in my rambles I ran across an old fellow away up on the head quarters of a creek. Re was hoeing corn in a field near the road, and I stopped to talk with him. Good morning, I said pleasantly. Mornin', he responded, but never stopped his hoeing. Bight nice looking field, I remarked. Might be w'.trs, bo replied, still hoeing. Excuse me, I ventured, but I'm the Member of Parliament from this district. Airyeti? he asked, still hoeing. I voted for yoa, I'm much obliged, I'm,sere, I said. I'm up hero now taking e. look over the country. Well, I hadn't no objection, he said, still hoeing, of you don't take nothin' else, and he looked at mo so suspiciottsly that I bade him good day and rode on. How to Got a '•tiunligbt'' nature.. Send 2d "Sunlight" Soap wrappers. (the large wrapper) to Lirvl,rt Baan., Ltd., 43 Scott St., 'Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty 'Dieture..free from advertising, end well worth framing. This is an easy 'Way to decorate your home, The soap is the hest in the market, and it will only cost 1c postege to send in the wraopers, if you leave the elide open. Write your address carefully, wiilienne Royal Crown i etnedy, A'reetegt careen Rutleanr natality, e1asn tt aigie, Psndyidtc Yankee Curiosity. Mr. Depsw, at the New England Dinner in New York, called Yankee curiosity a social irritant and a natural blessing, He said : They have questioned me as to my birth and genealogy, religion and politics, assets and debts, and income and expenses, where I intend to die and expect to bo buried, and the style of monument I have selected for my grave. When Chief Justiee Coleridge, of England, was here,' took him up to New Haven in a private oar to visit Yale. A typical Connoetient man jumped on the oar in the New Haven depot, and I said : ilify friend, this car is private. Oh, said he, fnueral ? No, I answered. Wedding ? No. Excursion? No. Well, then, would you mind telling me what it is for 7 I explained and pointed out the Chief justice. Firm looting man, lie said : got afoocl head; by the way, what might hie salary be? Atlas nand have learend se ndthir'g abetit the weigh of the world. The man who plays the first violin its A orchestra is always pron.init. 'hie playa teoond'to alone. 0.2 008 ^u_go!' i :.., tJ, + r ''71 4'HCGilf n 9 p { G011ull Gil ' f E ' R-6177 ; Wi�l�` d sgi..•. X48 Cures Qlcn3um:rtion, Coughs, Croup, Sore nihroat* Sold by all Druggato ono Guarantee. l;nru Lame Lido, Bac', -or ChcrtShllah'ePorotie Ploctec wili wee grcc tratcsfrctior,-'-o cent,. dire. T. .l1awi in3,C ntOthutoo ti,�'onu„s:tyl7i F 1 h Y' � �ai101a s P'I alt„or e`ir2VJJD slf2 ZrIN're. X etY7tSwr'iitt;V r�"'9'e;neatifora 2 iatt4t'DdRNdt.ene 3ceOr'wad. " ;'er37yspc .,la eiritcr,o::ICiduo;7 vmubleitezeels. 1. ricoascii.. '• f 4mr..nf-r'� ��'F.s"r G.i til, t✓J Cru kftiveYon C,atnrr•e? Try t ieRexnerly, lt'tallt 1>n,=itivtiiy mauve sari Coe ya.t. Price 50 ots. Chis lnieetr.r for t e t c r sfrxl trestnicut is l;urnt.,bec. Cres 1 nits h sl cut dies rare solei one, "Ts—an!.. ? t: tl a Qatia10Ct1ou.. For over indulgence in Eat- ing for Drinking it is a Specific For Sale by All Druggists And 'Wholesale by 1.01%1110iti' DRUG CO., London Ont. HALSTED & SCOTT -#-J A_5..T=Thl Rs.. Josephine Street • - Whrhatn, Ont. J. A. HAL$1'so,I W. SCOTT, Mount Forest. Listowel. Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. stoney remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Specie,' Attention Given to Col- lecting .Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada ---'rhe Merchants' Bask of Canadal Oftice Hours—From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Arco. ,1 orwy . Syr Lip, the lung healing virtunc of the Pine ineri with the soothing and expectorant i` reiee of other pectoral herbs and ban's. j 61 P E:F=1' CLII1E FON Il ", G ' "oar:.eucts, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sere'1'hro,t, Il r: :tr:t al! T nnOAT, BRONCHIA:_. r:ad e i ii x t n' r . Obstinate coughs which t r s lrieid promptly tar t. ;. 4 pit.,,sa„t;„u,. cy tip. F(' ;=.^rhJL ac. AND t::]^., Yt El,s�•.,!yvs-q/\ . . "AML'WXIi.•JT+6l.JNAFIlA'MaTTwd HAVE YOU C. Q i•) "Backache, ) means the kid-' »cys aro in ef, trouble. Dodd's i Kidney Pills give prompt relief.• •`: "7.5 per cont. gas of disease is '? first caused by t.. 'd.cordcred kid- 411fIght as well 'r erg to have a healthy city :)ithout sewer- arie as good "7, herdth when the eidneya are r egged, they tire Sold by ail dealers or smithy tnaiton receipt rn,t pr,ee to tenidts, per box or six for $r.50. 11r L A. Smith te Co. Toronto. Write far , .kney Tales. the scavengers cf the system. `y "Delay is dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liner Complaint, and and the Meet clan. !, got'eus o f all, dt Brights Disease, Diabetes and go Dropsy.” "Tho above ft diseases cannot exist where ire Dodd's Kidney 4 • Pills are used." ted TRADZ SALE 1n connection with nv Leather Rootand 1 Stores. eep s full etoek 01 SHOE DRESSING? %Iathawny. , Whitmore's, Zanoni, *each Dressing, IioIIpse, 111xby'e, Perfect Hid, ere, in 10, 15 and SDo sizes, by the gross or dozen. dacnnot's French Sleeking and Oray's climax waterproof. .kms J t ?, In Leather, Horsehide, )n;;ilsh 1Slp, Porpoise, tto Cotton and 'Rifle, in al Iongths, Button fasteners and lotto, Rork soles, kc, 81-10E LF AT RER, Peso'!; Remedy for Catarrh is rho est, Easiest to i15e, tied Cbeapest. Said by druggists or sett try Mail. sic. 1$,'1'. Hatelt1ne.\' 6rr'eo, 1'a. Shnorr Alma, bal and 01 an also native kip nd upper, sale. il>txatiiia>rt Pantren Ra TR111 TAMA, Trains arrIre depart aelollowe: LIrAYUip ,..'S6 ». at. •..., ....Yat Teranie ... ,:,:u ti thOo ie, rn s.eo ':Otl;r,nt kor.erswaker.......,:Ctu 10:35 p. sit " 10:51 •: - d'$ .V8 irt��i ttA:k. A13niye: AT Wt%Oil 0:es to to.Torottto,Ouciph,t'altncrctee, 6:r. 3%71411:30 <, ie t'3 3:50 n.nt. 3rezzonia Kip and Caif ; 1 Spanish and slaughter 1 1 11 HARNESS LEATHER, Best brands on hand in oak and hemlock, Spools took for traces in oak. Patronage solicited, Prlcesguaranteed. A posts ^,rd will secure quotations ora,call front my t ravel C W. J. CHArNAN, Tanner and Leather IMe:cltant, 1Vreaw ar •' °• Clinton '• 7:15 " „.. Palmerston, Ittiscd 10.4' ,s a 43 a. in ,. London, an ..., ...ilia •Y s:50 p.m. " 7:to n thee tam, ..... ., Kincardine, ate ., ...,. £war? 3,37 p.nt " Inttt 10•eK •' 't 7:15p, CAVEATS, TRADE MARYeS, COPYRIGHTS, eta. For information end free $andbook mite to NUNS fa CO. 861 13xxaADWAY, NM Your. OIvory Putout eureantoken securing by us is patents brought helorr the public by a notice given free or charge in tit Amerlav Largest Circulation of any ecleutl3e paper in tit world. Splendidly tiluettrathd. No ftatell*gen man should be without it. Weer'Y 3.00p ¶oar: $1,80s1�:m nthe;. Ad ea WJ r t3t): t'UnLisiii"BS, 3131 Ixroadwu ,Naw YoCity. FOR TiiE BEST VA1013 is IN ORD ER 'YD CLOTHING, H.A.TS, GO TO tBSTER'S CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, Cheap for KASH, AT -- 0 t, ATV. 1-iJ 13 S T Iii! Hi } S, �} t 14ftr'E�sx,' • r12h s}�, 11;11° X145. �'`"'r' •�5 qiepe Jy� All intending purchasers of stoves for winter will save money by buying from: SU Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK ma„ +s<v mv. Ve .-..diP to choose from ;ya:t,•ery stpve guaranteed against breakage to give complete satisfaction. D. SUTE1RLA.N D. 'iughMn, Ootobor 8th 1801.