HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-17, Page 6THE WINGIIAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 17, x893.. (frx Household Ecolaolnies. KIND OF. PORK,1 Crosses arra always unfavorable, no -1 �-_,.,„ matter where they own'. it takes ta he l ar brain r i n to a iii daily 1 The Chinese hand is stitaII, thin, 1 what is 0.91/,61 for Sela tion and Feed- g affairs, and oven then, this prlrise- I a-xlgsval�aat], rand with square pkzalau�es, ! worthy practise may h,* Carried to a ,• -- --stow o Vaasal:us. A head linea very long unci slender 1wortulaus practise Their Mra. Lar. Ftl-,gA1rT 1 n O �PA1,I shows 1111111' fttjtlllrosnt'SS' stow saidone morning to her neigh- • Zomba. Free Perm Aloxaudor Hamilton had very small I,er: a report b laint:hed by the Danish halide with knotty fingers, I Yeti. I try to he its eeonorniCml as t' i r 'ntS were \Vatilttegtotl bad elands of medium possible. and use up till ;hu °tide nod Fuad+nt the anish)n r pot y picking first, ,,tett. The Danish fermiers uiY.ays, size, but an elzortnons ttaunllj. 1c�r]ds. I take my poor p' g the report, select the, largest and A. hand without a heart lints shows to'�oly, last winter, it was up into developeft voting sowti from the b: tl faith, aptness . f Q a ''4larch before 1 had a gs>atl potato nitlt!.it•ra, more t•spet:jally V/ it I A braked and a reel liver line is cooled, for 1 always use ail.tny sun- is but do not u.e 11%`11, for: breed- sign of a ellolrrio terr peramou . Jutr.t, wormy Frites first, and not rid o£ i els r]tcmtlts ore. generally t 1 t rig %til the are Smooth, taper fingers o 11?1E'.$c 1 y I r , � 1114'10., in the hi,;helt d�'gr.e ttrtittie. I But, said her listener, 1 suppose you at !nC suriocs l,rr•,-Cly t'£ boats, It nlU is associated with l ' your nice large outs all the ! t A 41.4 tl t enjoyed• White -Yorkshire, middle size, has weak ae,el unrosistintg will power, bitter thou i aye given the most satisfactory re e uialit • of the bacon li Mozart had the artistio (rand, with Well, no, ttl►didn' hesitation.a,said Mrs ts, and the quality to the Enelieh inarhat far the best i taper fingers a d conical tips. searclriug, in Barstow, it tyre so late ill the season that, You all, Its nal;tl its length, style and' Lean, hang fingers ons. they • were mostly all e s d ekiiossu bacon. Select your 11oii4quiriug, often parai,m indi 4,rt dine purposes that are good ` The heart rine muni broken 111+'1'x, and which grow the largest on I cotes inconstancy in love affairs. satire food, lir eiltslilnr cireuru• . When a remedy is endorsed by mints. e. ' over I A straight line Of Saturn indicates s editors, merchants, endorsed and lead., n1zCt+:t, in the same time. long iifs and happiness in old age. ter , that hasproved nd tnig moll of all olsl,sses, it is strong evidence 11 Q. `*a'id sow !I. hada broad, soft hall t remed has 'cont merit and ctoosl ad Mother; nor dispose of a good HenryHVI the. y Le- ar' that has prodiiced good stock, on ; with the mount of set:ns very large. \whtis claimed for lt. Snob a remedy is Burdock Bitters, its suc- „e appearance, or ; Crooked nails are always an indi•. Burdock o a Bloodo for dyspepsia, it wonderful, bad blood, ln. of kis age, ete- ., is well kuown to old and young. in. The finest pork is made by 'Cation of pride, even to haughtiness. Items. dim,. hogs on barley, rye, wheat; A damp, warm palm indicates a fey d peas (Cts grain food) ; int, besides erisb contrition; often lung trouble. The way to spoil a wits is to frown t, yon must use boiled potatotes, i Shall :qunre'e an the mounts give at her. rowed milk, buttermilk, or whey. ; great vigor to the character indicated.. The way to spoil a hog is to over - ix. (raw), cut small, are excellent ` Grant and medium hands, with feed hull with cora. tuix "with grain. We strongly ad- strong headline and powerful thumb. e fennel.•% to avoid feeding hogs on : A headline cut at the beginning by dials carts, or maize, for this reason: t tends to make the meat extreme- another line shows a liability to dis- tutrd, coarse and dry; and the ease. that should be a firm white, it In jealous people der ub heart of line is see to be very yellow, oily, soft mud leu„ and runsup onlyof cumber etre. e, it shows itself ill that form A palm cool, soft to the touch shows 1 •r it is smoked and oared. a healthy condition of the system. { when in ztittpair. f you use Indian corn only, the re- The first joint of the thumb shows t says, you will not be able to pro- i vill power, the second logical power. e better pork then the Americans, : A ringof Vcnns clearly marked the I;nc„ lint] trade sloes uot dee signifies a taste for low and coarse td loch quality, nor will they pay ; le,isures. price,as it would he impossible to Ip ;airs, Sommerville, the scientist, had ONS *ENJO`�Z'S Both the method and results when Sy cup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and rofreshiug to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptlyon the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head spoils aiu. ! aches and fevers and cures liabttua had to throw them away. constipation, Syrup af Figs is the --their ]4oacders. only remedy Of its kind everpro- Eatiorsori by • deiced, pleasing to the taste and ce lte.blu to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its offects, prepared only from the most healthy and ngreeable substanees,its many excellent qualities comment. it to all and. have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for salt in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on Mance will procure it tromptly for any one who wishes to The way to spoil a cow is to poll 1 ndi try it. Manufactured only by tl. r clubbing sates. The weekly:Empire and premium ,the Couecrvative members of the house of Commons, and the Times froth now till the, end of 1803-$1.70. The weekly Globe and Toms from now till the end of 1893-$1.76. k1 and The Loudon Advertiser, weekly Teams from now till the end of 1898-$1,60 The London Free Press, weekly and Thies tram now till end of 1893-$1,75. The Montreal Weekly Herald and the TTnczs from now till end of 1893-81,50. The Montreal Witness, weekly and Tories from now till the end 1803-$1,75. Reduced rates with all other' metre petition .weeklie i. This is a grand oppor tunity. Subscribe at ouce and reeeiye the her with the. milking StuO 1 G P�B�®����p a� Q� FI a ss The way to spoil children is to take St C a� no interest in their doings. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Tho way to spoil yourself is to C�yl�v',,i-C. KV. SCO VO�it. N.Y. nurse your own conceit and tl]inl; i.`r rt,v sttrin !treat ne Cleo . .,;- in mines that it sloes not east large halide, with rough knotty flag- 1 taivab!e. °'' "' tiu'st quality than ens, �` ° -"r""'- ""` G" iB"h� trio If Elie 19$11 me is chained or jagged What She Lett. tnerioall boom athe y y „ In all _probability it was the touch ar ''"st='litablp for 1150 flli..5t indication of ratan nett intrigues. c,s n a1 Short nails ou a soft hand betoken of time that had hardened the features rt S1tOttl!l range from 180 lbs. to ! " ii)st, live weight, which weight i a teasing, sarcastic, fault-finding per- of the female who coufessed to a dem oay the farmers the beat. , son.. sire to be engaged in a domestic cit- e Danish Government have pray A long palm, combined with long, plStiy was distinguished by an creat ;my tittles by experiments on their soft lingers, i5 the hand of a Illlttlral carriage and easy ma nners.s tyle v nous .'elites of the differ- thief. •She rodded reassuringly to the lady softs of food for hogs, and the re- Red nails declare the nnan to ltea of of the hoose. r they exactly gave as to the 1•• t lttsurious habits; often a drunkard. t,�'by-- tua:l merits ,if the foods are as fol- I. .__._,---_-- TL•a e WAs a shrinking timidity in Aortas To A10TI(ERS: Are you eisterbed at night,I d broken of your rest by a ick child suffering and 11 the tones of the mistress. -did "on leave your last place ? When in dispair of beiug cored of lung troubles, there is still a hope, and a strong �n hope of perfect core in Dr. Wood's Nor- I C 9 tl way Pine Syrup. This medicine cures even after all others have failed, and no one suffering from coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, etc., need despair 1 of cure while Norway L'inv Syrup is ob- vUNUS OF GRAIN MAKE 100 POUNDS crying with pain of Getting Teeth? If so s OF LIVE )3OG. ; ones and got a bottle of ' SIrs.Winslow's Soothing J ' Syrup" for Children Teething. Itsvalucis incaisul- . The suggestion of a smile played vain e•. %ala 0 lbs o? boiled potatoes , aide. It will relied. the poor little suitor: r ti ` i r erred milk or but. , immediately. Depend upon it, y an'd Dfarrh no flbc ut the st i)n; In0Ut11 Uf tit female. Bibs t sunmistake about it. Its The woman was too slack for me, tart urn, regulates the Stomach and Bowls, cures Wind Colic, �+ e lbs of turnips, cut small i softens the Gums, reduens Intlauunation, and raves came the eold reply. She always put , " es lbs of whey tone' and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Vin- everything off till the last minute. I 73auisll (government have VovaRanttcoet etastunnd,istherr ecriptionofo00of just couldn't stand it. Very often•- Special attention CO bringing the oldest and best °hale or ed ions and nurse , 10 It aeteine industry to the high-' Eho choiSii oagi�il i .i ass I�icoatw rty live c tie to off' herIn lshoestt uponvthe shedrilla. onrug. i p nidard of perfection, by instruct -1" batten, tae euro and ask for "\IRs• WlNstow's e providinr, the best I SOOTHING Scs,:r And tetke nn nthrr kind Did I return from shopping in the e and fernier 1.1 r „ afternoon to find the beds still unmade• c, and at the least coat, and rho 1 With a Difference. Why, I was so disgusted at times that s have been most Satisfactory to 1 turned in and made thein myself. fanner in Denmark. 1 Phe business moo was hurrying The hard features mawere set more v, we hold Jett what the Dauts I a1on the street late. in ',lte day when firmly than ever. nlccoedr'd in doing, and that in a the pious whine of a beirgar stopped e eiMilar to Ontario -tanners I him. English Spavin I iuinteut removes all an do, and do easily. Only lett `Viii you please be so kind, sir, said hard,sottor calloused nient and es al rrnera chis° the Tight kind of the fellow, to give mesome luouey' ishes froze. horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, mel there is a big future in stere 1 i't» out of work and 1 got a wife and Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, M. , six children suffering, sir, for the ne- Sprains,S•Sore e and buse llonet eott Throat,0042135• _ l cessaries of life. routed by Chisholm's drug store. Not aParticie. ! Get. out 1 t'x'tldiincd the hurrying tura worth knowing iu regard to i man. I've heard the story before. The Victims of Drink -In Canada urdoek Blood Bitters is that it does i No, you haven't, sir, protested the the number who die each year from Wu elle particle of poisouou8 mat-' mendicant. the results of alcoholic driuli'in' is vat, cures and cure quickly without ' Didn't you tell me that story not a iottsly estimated at neon five to six of guy mamasvegetable ingredteuor u. i 1 gave you a half a dal• thousand. The Now England Home et p. ly vegetable siocific for dys• ; week goo, and 1 • says : "Dr. Normals Ken-, the mein - cons 'pation, bad blood, headache, • lar e essand all diseases of the stomach I No, sir, I ditltt'l, whined the be; gar. I eltt P,uttlalld scientist, sahis for some wens and blood= i I told you 1 had a wife and four child- ififteen years been pursuing an inquiry J"' 1 ren. \Ve've had twins at our house in• connection with several medical ox- o Language of the Hand. -since that. I parts and according to the deductions, lying fingers allow seerecy. I — >• the latest esttmate. of deaths of adults 'This is rtioa,nt For Fora. annually mused by alcoholism is : In tigers [,elect;*, to the lazy hand.; eak in any line is unfavorable, i It its truly said that one half of the world Great ''Britain, 120,000 ; in Franco, line are nnf tvorable !'lees not knee how the uother ehave bah lives. 1°12,000, uud in the United iltrste9, es on any or i h °seri, owitly„'to the impute condition tof o . a0 oeOryto ofs1271,000,t100 of people " half a million in Intl spots in the heart line indicate i our blood. .11ut we rub along fro r n ._. i day, with searsely a tliout ht, unless ,.reed ' ,_ _ -, .y tO disease, • i to our attention, of the thousand all fulls halt halt I E imorral SRultotln• •asltful people. - 1 and whose agonies call only be trnat;llnert. balance of the year free. Tlle'.rintzs and tiro "]i'amily, Herald an and Iitlsirtass Chances \vented, not exceeding 3 lino* Weekly Star" and the Star Almanac, from nonpareil, $1 per month now until the 1st of January 189.1. for I $. for lost utas th 60o poi subsea Qntcd'ngt8 lines, These terms trill be strictly edhoicC to $1.7,.........._......___...............„....................5. Special rates for to advertisements, or tot T_�_---—longorpotiocls. aciilo _and local notices without s --�-.--u... I •ortlsaulonts p v 1 directions, will ho inserted till forbid and charged i accordingly, Trac " Fogy advertisements must be paid in ad, tut:. C44 c �' P iigI n `L inn —IS PUl3L1SI1ED— LVI1RY FRIDAY MORNING --AT VIE - TIMES OFFICE, JOSEP>itr4,E STREET WINfglIellll, O1�lTARIO, eubscrfPtioslyu'to°, et per year, lit advance ADVERTISING RATES: • —.•space 1 1 yr. 1.._0 mo I ;t nwo1 1 0,2 One Oolnmu $0O 00 ;Sas 00 1 830 00 4) 00 heli " 35 00 20 00 12 00 0 00 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 I i 00 4 00. Ono inch 6 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 Legal and other casual advertisements, Bo. per 11ne for first Insertion, and 3 •. per lino foreach subsequent insertion. Local notices roe. pc ..ne for first lesertion, an 5e, per line for each subsequent inserticr. No loco notes. will be charged lose than 28c. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, situations. 'TAMS i t`Q�11a QV Q d 0:1- e ± Fr' [! e•Il D61198SA :l nil belong to gentle, tier- j us who and suherz serious bloododisorlers, S1us,” I had a troublesome cold which clothing would relieve until I tried Ila - earllitie ir1d [sates want 1 The [narked susses° of Rood's -Sarsaparilla yard's completelytr:1.Btdst1 tI med I am glad to [:tined lr 01 thought. 1 for these troubles, as tly,c in our. seem say rising columns frequently, certainly seems ItunT.....-.JAI a�, Balmoral. 1,Ian. g lifer lino show!; n excellent ; to justify urging the use of this excellent constitution. s medicine by all who know that their blood A. French author says : When I i is disordered. Every claim in behalf of lout tiny uife every family in town earl the ideally pg Ilio Iislrtit y ; Hood's liartaparitla is fully backed up by offered they another ; but whoa T lost, small thumb, wt th hae medicine has done and is still d nails, belong t obstinate, doing, and when its proprietors urge its inns 110esll, 00 one offered to make him 1d people. i merits and its use 'open all'who suffer I e, stop p p 1 from impure blood, in great or , small doe du• I �'°t4 distnrli my peace of Wind, swirl I o they certainly mean to inalu Y , n piece i' of cons -fine. is in !toted 1)y 1„rCCs, t v a husband to his wife. '[Vhis p gar lift -line. e, _ i which everyone wishes , replied thu wife with enncying, (=- and forte. j to have, and which everyone ion of ;to get rid of as soon as be obtains it ? I Ripens "1” tltulos Xlr(tlont; life. nates aro on. [ndi t I A good appetite, 1 -hulee. r( • eosvardice. xlitt x18;11-.)1,,,...:1:,..,.%........; tvllbrnL•t,r's c,itldo v is the rt -line pale and bta shows t�tkwcil's Bronchial llaIeam Will et,roatly Cough 1 s dr+baucllee. Cold, Urenbhiti1 or Avalon,. .cote niour'st type of loan e:tltbittcr,s, also h ��s Jn ® � t4 ` ©`fie -.r ti oat - 6 f.4 aw;A PROF. SCOTT MUSICAL LEADER FRES Cbanges for contract advertisements must be in CH i tiro office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear both t Staff that Creek gives Private Lessons in Voeel Training, bo n 'ents 11. ELLIOTT and Tonle -Sol -Fa Notation. Open for engagements YaeI RIB OR AND YUMMIER . for Concerts or Church meetings. Totlns moderate. Apply at MRS. II. MORROW'S, )1t EIACDC:�r1Lll, 24 Shuler St Wingham tt1 JOSEPHINE STREET, JOB PU �TIINCI `p''NCLUDING Books, Paviphlets, Posters, Bill 1L Heads, Circulars, so., 8w., exacntctl in the beet style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply' or address R. ELT.IOTT, TIMES OtlIce, Wingham. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN.. On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six Per cent, payable annually. Any portion of the principal may be repaid at any time the borrower wishes. All oxpenees pard. by rho County. . No person except the County Auditors allowed toloaned. see mortgages or to know to'ahem ymoney i e is l Apply to Co. lrSSStu'cr, S Godermh, Aug. 3th 1392. o ;es yrr OTTE, 94 (' cisk- pr1 e rub bp w TRY °�. 4 �NOE, eeeenoeketesestfias is_17, "R,eguia`,1e3 the Stomach, Liver erfd'Sowels, unlocks theSecretions,9orifie3the 'Blood arid removes ell irm' 8t88luri:ie•�•'a5[So{rnau?impie to heworstcrlous Sore. r,,fr1 �, 11 4 sl c lull i ,S DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS', CONSTIPATION. i -HEADACHE. SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA, HEART I:iUi U'l. SOUR STOMACH DlZZINEtSS> DROPSY R11t UMA`f'I SM SKIN DISEASES aaiees .'v yts.riw 1�.,,.:.P$i 9'eZ.,�.i`4f� I' full 1,e cony need that tib RSV rne Ie. the finest Wall Finish known. 'RUBBER is the best in the world. S. A. CUBE & CO, STONE BLOCK, Winghatn, • W1Ne11Am, • - _-_M• ONTAauo.. NST. D. TOWLl \I,D.C.hI„; Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for Coimty of Huron— Offiee Up -stairs, next to Itis' Mtlortor,'s cake, Wing - ham, Ont. Oman horns. -0 to 12 a, m., 1 to 6 p, m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. -rot. J. A. MELDRUAI, ,11 Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the Colleges of Physiohuts and Surecons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formelyoccupied by Dr. Bethune. WINOSAMi - • - ' UNT R. VANSTONE. Private ...aid Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No C0itumission ehallred. Mortgagee, tow and tarn property bought and ✓Cold OFFICE -Braver Block WINonAst nAltillSTE11, „SOLICITOR, Etc., J. A. MOluTON BARRISTER &e , Pr 113111101 Out MEYER & bICIiINSON, H. W. C. MEYER 's, C, 1 E. 1., DtcponSSON, B.n, BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Ete„ Etc., So- licitors for Bank of Ilamilton, Comtuissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba, Farm, 'town and Village property bought and sold. Morley (private pp may= funds) lonnud ou mortgage security nt 5e. per cent. Money invested for wilt a persona, upon the butt mortgngo securities without any expense to the lender. Lauds for sale hl llauitoba and Cha North• west. Office -Kent's Bloch, IYinghrtu. o �E'(TISTRY.— J 8. JES011E, 111Nslld1, ,,,_ a,•,,.� Is manufacturing. Celluloid Plates, •.::, `: i ,e`t, Vulcanite plates of the best material as cheap as they can bo got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the vice of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. Take NoTlcc,—I will extract teeth for 25 cents Ieach. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. 5., Solo Agents for above. • DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK -V -I G HA Opposite the queen's Hotel, Wingham. War i J�1 Will visit Gosrie 1st and 3rd Mondays STU PUMP NORKS; I CH RITCHIE. Cacto134 tWINOLIAM, TARlnGENEtAL INSURANCE AGENT PPNOPRIETORS. We wish to inform b people of Wing - ham and surrounding country, that, as we have purchased the Stearn Pump Works lately owned by M. kind� lark, we are prepared to supply all of Wooden, Lift, Forgo & Iron pumps And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump line. i As we have a long experience in the business we guarantee all our work, and, if not satisfactory will refund the money. I We also doal in fit .11. DEANS, Ja., wlsonau, FOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER 1 UR TIDE COUNTY . OF HURON. Sales attended In any part of the Co. Change s Moderate. ALL KHIO3 ®F WINDICL L.3e SV -Solt water cisterns made on short notice, Orders by mall promptly attended to. CROWSTON is SHIOWE nSharri, try N /TERVE BEANS ore 11 naw @{3• J e J=. ap •" emery that Pero rho west cases oil :rervuus Debil112 Lost Vleor and Ey /A TNTC+ Nailing Manhood; restores the >w niS " V e;t 1 er rbbor ody mind evkota errors or eex ass a< et of oth TRdyalb hitlyetIben3bsiCtLevbehld�rh. N nle tin relieve.,;old byding. ea at Vt 111 cpackage,. i2p di r08tI03 TU11.)}b.Rf [..hill !CSran IDIS W lighten by A.1,.I1A3t1LTOai mllilaG Sots;tn+ JOHN CURIIIE, WnetteeII, OET., laCENSRD AUCTIONLn11 ren Tun COUNTY or I3unoss. All orders left at the TIMES Oleo promptly attend od to. Terms reasonable. rIlls IIENI1E080N, L101 2110 Atccrlossmit von COUNTIES HURON AND Ail sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be made at the Tu,Ss' Milne WI/Mime OPT DRS. GODFItl".Y St MciSII, 3i. 13. Toronto, Members College .Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. FOR SALE, Lot Igo. 3, And the E. 1,4 of Lot No. 7 , llth Con.Turnborry-lfi0 acres^; 90 acres cleared; well fenced; frame house and other buildings; good orchard; cheap, on tithe: Apply to M. C. CAMERON, Or Goclorich, WSri. etc 0rL:aS0niarrow '. 0. EELOR tt P OlOrame .C/,[eaesr to LOOM on Notes. rotes iscounted ATI.' :BE ASO 7A)3U! EtATES nanny advanced 01 Mortgages ri 5A per cent with prtvlt020 of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. tonT. Ittoxi4Doo. .-vat :Eck*, v n see s '> .t. l l^ and Mrs, Bowser Disc, lxipstio 1YLatters. 'When Mr. Bowser .arae up to the other day and saw a goat uibb7 at pieoo of stovepipe in the badl caught his breath and exelaime(1 Well, of all the silly things yea' this is the worst! Got a goat, bably paid 10 or 12 dollars for lige all the moan and useless animal face of the earth a goat is the ol1 yon are left a widow you'll run every dollar in three months! Mr. Bowser, calmly replied 112 as the goat loft the stovepipe to ftshboiles, do you remember bought a lterso for $250, What of it ? Nothing, except that in about you sold him for about $100 and to death to get rid of him, Yi him for a sound horse, but it that he was wiudbroken, apavi boned, near-sighted, vicious, 20 .and— It didn't turn out anything of You got afraid to ride after him could I do but sell him ? And horse to do with a goat? Of al senseless thing a woman ever d' the cap sheaf 1 I'll bet a bund to a cent you paid as much him And after the horse came a a observed Mrs. Bowser. I argued, but you were bound to You paid e40 for a red cow. S]I enteed a now miloh cow. The anteed that she would give 19 milk a day. In ono week: In one week, Mrs. Bowser, into parting with her! You w and determined. You used to torment her till she was half c her for 5.10 to save her life, Look at the goat chewing an Of all the fool things in ores takes the cake! I cam get a goats for $2 apiece, but I supll $20 for this ono. And after the cow a pig, cl Bowser, with a sigh of regr $12 for a $8 pig, went to the for a pen, and in four days ; pig for $2.50 and smashed kindling wood. You thought) homelike to have a pig. You profit of $80 in three month[ But what? shouted Mr. 1 top of his voice. You were 5, pig from the hour that I g used to go out and pound nits handle and throw boiling al I found marks on him where) Lim down with a crowbar of a feeling of mercy, and Whatever put it into your h or $25 for a good-for-notbi sap -headed brute of a goat Then came chickens, M for chickens and $10 or $12 say nothing of poultry bo food. 'You wanted to hear ere crow in the mornin„ fresh eggs from your own going to make enough profit to pay for everything. In Yes, in ten days I had t hens remained alive for a but why was it ? he alma went out to that coop with and pounded them into 1 sneaked out and mined T BY SPECIAL ROYAL F A Wass Bay AN ID X10 Stem IN TI4E 13Y 1 A0e0v'ding to l Tat aside your o. Itnatry the easy, � 11 I im ',otanothe lnN '1. blind'