The Wingham Times, 1893-02-17, Page 50
B1uevae 1„ Delgrawe. Devizes.
Ur. Martin Farrow ltas 'been suffering :Tvp ;Poem* Court Balgrayl The members of .Coutit Devizes, No.
from a very bad coid,dant we are glad to Canadian Otional ;Foster, on Mouday
hear that ho i iii.
O'Connor, of Brassels, is visiting at
111r, John Gardiner's.
Mr. and Non A.11ostMiss McIntyre and
Prof, Scott,. of Wiagiume, spent Friday
evening at Mr. John 4Robertson's,
The I.O. Cr. T.. davvoseoured a good pro-
gramme for the •opeutrneetiug to be- held
this (Friday) evening.. Members of Bel.
grave and Whaglsana 4odges will take part
in it. The WingliarnlHaglish oburch choir
will furnish anusicsalidntervals throughout
the evening. Be. .Mr. Hughes, ohairman.
Silver collecacon
Mr. W. J, ff1hareturned from Strat-
ford Busiatess ;Collage, after securing a
On Wednesday., sthe Sth February, a
verinterestin event took place at the
y g
residence's:14 Mr, ;trihn Geddes, 3rd con-
°, cessionof Morris. On that day, his
daughter Miss loinikie Geddes, one of the
fairest and mos.& highly respected of the
many fair solaughters of Morris township'
was united is eintrimonial bonds to Mr.
Henry aitneuteensof Councillor Diment,
of Moms:ale. Harry also bolds a high
place inspublic .31egard. The bride was'
the recipient of 4any beautiful, useful
and testily ;pre ts. The officiating
clergyman weal Rev. A. Y. Hartley,of
Bluevello, who sprformed the' ceremony
in his (usual effective style. The haPpy.
couplesatentme, trip to the west, to!
return dn.:shout/ten days, via London.
The Tames joins ',their many friends in
all good swishes4or their happiness.
Mr 1E' B Mau tragan,, formerly wide ,T
Breaeant Co, titenersoWiugharn, uv of
Hanover., writete.te C E Wilhiam, savinge.
"Please•eend,nie by express two b..eittleti
more of ,Eleathileld'n Healing Relearn. I
find it the,hest, cough medicine I cava get.
We would,not be Awithout it in our Malay.
It wile ems any•lciud of cough or coli and
gives immediate relief. I recominenclet to
all my old Wingham friends and eawnot
spettir. 'too t highly of, it.”
eSincerely yours,
P. 33. nat.:NAG.
For ealeArt Villiatris' Drug Store, atinci
per bottle.
West Wawartosh.
The ;annual .meating of the West Wia-1
wattosh Mutual Fire In sure nce Company:
was held in •the Court room, Dungannon,:
on Tuesday, the 117th January hest.:
There was adarge ,attendance of polisy
holders. •C,Vhe retheing directors, Mr.,
Finlay Anderson,oftEast,Wavvanosh; Nu.;
Win. &others,of kailfield, and Mr. Isaac;
Fisher,,,of aolbarae, wore re-electd fotori
another year.
From the ,directcriVi and auditors' re-
Mostnsf Turieberry street.
• ts, which were ,unanimously adopted., •
N., give :Lb o.f °Rowing i,partictdars l•
%Luc know.
evening last, was s ,grapd success. The
halt ',vas the doors, and many
could ItOt get seating room. Mr, Jas, Fax,
the issimitable shataiued his repa-
tation,and more than pleased the mull -
egos, Mrs, ;Murray Dixup, of 'Toronto,
was well !appreciated, The Wingbatn
Methodist Sabbath School Orchestra was
wsIl receivedeand soontrilauted greatly sto
the enjoyment ,of the evening, Prof,
Hawkins, (of 113rbssols, isi his accorepivni-
assents on the 'piano, ally sestatheasibis
reputation as •a, musician. Mr. Obits.
Hanattlion, ,Blyth, occupied the obstir,
and performed ithe duties iu his atonal
Mr. Et.stdedclesthas removed to thews-nem-
ises lately ,vaorfascl by Mr, IL Madden,
when she avilleentinue the tailoring(busi,
W. Ii.Mrskine, of Belgrave, Sutadayed
*11311101a sister, Mrs. M. Harvey.
likes Meigravoevery well; and bather still
tbeiie,doing,aideurishing business.-..gobwood
Moll a ,VieW of encouraging *Mahn('
schoolipupilsain their work, the editor of
the Post will;offer two silver modals for
oompetition.las follows :-No. 1, to the
;Fawn itakin,,,sthe highest percautsioniu the
mentlity ;written extsmin.ttions i uBrincipal
Cutin (won't& department, marks to ,bevcouut-
edefrom ;January 1st until the mid-Sunn rues
texaminationAis over. No. 2 will tied pre-
sented to the.persen heading tine blist of
successful ecaudidatee at the autrauce
I.examinationeto be bald iu Brutesels next
July. tCompetitiou open to pupils. from
any nehoel.
'Me Bonilla Fire Engine Werke itilzipped
.agesediurn ,4tized stearner to Newcastle,
New 'Brunswick, last week.
rBrustielscurlers were to have ipletyed a
356, 0.0,F.,witb their immediate friends,
partook of an oyster supper at Bro. J. O.
Fitzgerald's, last week, The brethren
are not selfish, as they now and again
treat their wives and families to a repast(
Next Friday night a Worldly debate will
be engaged in, the estliject being,. "re-
solved, that nature is smore pleasing to
the eye than art."
On Friday eveningilast,a large number
of the members and adherents of the
Methodist churcheflthisplace,assembled
in the church and. presented Mies
Maggie Kitchen, *he organist of the
church, with a !beautiful silver sugar
boil and butter (Min A kindly worded
address was read,'exprossing the feelings
of the donors towards Miss Kitchell.
Miss Kitchen ma‘Dela suitable reply.
County Grange Lodge.
The annual meeting of the Loyal Orange
County Lodge,;dflIorth Huron, was held
in the village& Gerrie, on rob. 7th, 1893.
There was a good ,sitterlance considering
the weather andetate of the roads. Tho
following officers mere elected: W. 'Co.
Master, Bro. John ;Mooney ; Co. Doody
Master, Bro. Jolni s Dane ; Co. Chapiaiin,
Bro. John 'Wilford; Financial Sec., Bro. J.
S. Stewa.r.t; BeeeSiling Sec.. Bro. W. -I.
Perkins; Treasurer, Bro. William Magill
Director of C.,..daro, Goo. *Walker; Co. Lea -1
turers, Bros. McManus and Cornyn. The:
next annual meeting will be held in Wing -i
ham. The criterion 12th of July will 4301
celebrated by rbheeCounty of North .11-uroni
in the village of.Myth, when a large .cimwdl
is looked ler.
Hallway...Charter Pedlars.
Having Ibought out the Ambler klarness Business sod started in his old aloud,
am prepared to furnish the puhlie with everything usually kept iu a harness shop
such as
I make all my own Collars and guarautee satisfaction.
Give meta trial and I will use you right.
CI% ..LNT "NATT011-_
Wfictier larifil.Pialka 9 4CONTrac
1 have just received a full supply of Christmas goods, consisting of
and Jewellery of all kinds and latest designs.
From Now Till Christmas.
All goods bought for scash
and we can sell as cheap at the cheapest and
Be9airiag Promptly Moue and
S4rGive the a Mit
Satisfaction lanarantred
Clever, Envigetie Young Men and Women
iwhdaitentl to (pulley ear poilUions in ifflook.lceeping, Shorthand and Typewrittrig. should write or
catalogues of both departments of
.inatch•withdLucknow on Tigurediwof last
week•to decide] who would go to :Toronto Mr. Vaal Horne was asked lately
.frrn the, flus.l.00rri petition for the eOtatario
Tomkard,elnit,the Senoys would 'net' play
oneneutral,lee, therefore our ,cuslere de.
‘dlinect to ould. Brussels offered .to go to
what Lie thought of the project to
parallel dm :C. /P...R. from Salt Ste.
Marie to the Atlantic ?
never bother reading such mon-
Wipgbarn. suet," was he ,renponse of the Bresi-
ate(following are the officers...el ; the dent. "Where -do they want to go ,to,
Woman's Guild in connection with St. Labrador (or the . moon 1 And iNVI30
Jolau's.chureh in this place:-HonorarY are the proinoqoes of the scheme as
Rresident. Mre,F.C.Rogers; EresideutiMrs. there a wan called Armstroug in 'it '1
T Kelly; Vieel'resident, Mrs..Dennis; 1 think it ;is .a disgrace to Canada ;the
effitilitnEIA11, ONT., restabiblized 1575. ,This institution is the peer et any business college or shorthand
school America, and vastly superior to any other school of the kind in Canada.
`11MQ30 arc the atimisrtagesnve.offem .The two best penmen in Canasta., the best and largest staff of
teachers, the best cause in shorthand and typewriting, the hcsteourse of business training, the best :mite
ofiroamr, the best e.quipmenbc,in evesy;.respect. the best record for piaoing its students in the best paying
positions in the business world.
.0usscollege rooms aceaany.overs000lquarc Net of space. We pay the railway 100 01 studints coming
fromAidistance to the Jima emo. amid board in pleasant homes for ladies at se. gents 32 BO. Fur
catalogues of eitherdepartmentraddress, D. IveLACULAN, Priocipsi.
Seeretary,Mre.Geo. Rogers; Assietant -See-, way railway .charters are given to
iretang, Miss.,A:Cardiff; Tre Mal rer, Mrs. J. every Tom, Oh* and H it ivy oti10
',MoNaughten ; Look -out Comte:Ate°, make a livisag on thew, instead .of
liesdatmes "•IglieNtrughton, Ite.notorre and working for a living as other potpie
Masevell,I.Eaet, of Turuberry etbreet,pand have to do.. 'Owe are people in stasis
Mestiames:Koeipg. Mose and Miss BurAess, country wi'ao simply live the r ear
round upon the •riiikway charters which
they hays manessed to get from .the
Government Why., they ere peddled
in this office .1,yit he hundred. At first
the tramps a& ii1)30,000 for them.
Theo, they come down to a $10 hill,
and finally, tiacy ;wilt part with their
charter fur a ince ;peas !some.
" lot of (tramps hang around;
Ottdwa during the ,igeision, and worms
these charters dart of .tho meinhers of!
the Government. "glen they go
around the teuatry afaleing money on •
them. They nnversput at cent into
;the project, bu t the, anal) ago to live up -
011 foolish people who .do. Now, if we
West ,HuroekOonservatives. : bad a general railway ant in Canada,
'line annual reeettug of the, West Hutor.!•: it would ini of great leenefis to tho
Coneervatiee Association Was heid ui emu tit ry. wo uisd eh orinti the session
Strikes Hill, on Weatiesclay of last week4 for one thing, it Id (dins . save motley.
There w.asatfair .attendaece. The fotlow.! would send these tramps I mention
ing diatom Awe elected for the curet* about their business std. work for a
year, adter 'routine .brieiness heal been die. 'Living, and thus get rid ef n dirty, un-
number of pOlicies .int force 31st of Dee.
1892, was 29911, tcovering risks to thei
amount of !t2,427,297,,which shows an in-
crease of policies on hued of 56 over thel
last report, .an 'increase e,of risks assumed'
of 95,932. The(amountof premium notes'
on hand lasing ..890,587ilql, showing an
increase ,of pecan= snote capital of
53036.22over that tof the previous year.
There were .669 Ap.plications passed by
the Board of Diracitors eduring the past
year, policies were issued covering in-
surance to the amount �f. 8778,575, for.
which the eotnpaey ,vecsiyecl premium
notes to the amount sof.R1,143.00. To-
tal number of losesaustained and paid
during the past year weco seventeen'
fourteen of which 'were .oaased by light-
ning, total amount sof slow paid was
E;$2567.50. The businessef,the year leaves
ita cash balance on haarl•of %636.33. The
;assets of the company on file 31st of
iDec. was 591,277.57. ft %wry evident
+from the forgoing that the vaompany is
snow doing a very safe, prearterous and
touncessful business.
In.the full maturity of a Ripe, old age
theta died on the 1st inst., Ant 'Wicks,
relict of Benjamin Wicks, aged4f10 years
and anon th s. Her death took place at
the residence of her son, Mr, Robert
Wicks,sof Culross, with whom slap has
resided eince the doath of her husband
some thixty-tbree years ago. Sho was
born in England and came to the protince
about forty years ago. The family tfost
settled in Ontario cbutity, from %I/W.0h
they moved to Culross, where the last
twenty-five years -A her life were passecL,
For hor great age she was unusually
.active and enjoyed comparatively good
health up to the time of her fatal ilinesS.
On Sunday, January Sfith, she was
stricken down by apoplexy. On the
following Monday it recurrence of the
Stroke deprived her of consoionsness,and
on 'Wednesday her spirit passed away.
In religious belief she was a Methodist,
and at the time of her death had been
foe more that forty years a member of
that denombiation.--Tesswater News.
The Farmers' Binder Twine oompany
of Brantford began operations on Wed-
nesday; .;
Mregehu Pierce, of Bran tferd, bagbeen
tin Illegeillage fort the past two weekselue
stnuotingithe members of the Luoknow
lodge efek)ddfellows in the new drill and
door wank connected with the isitietiou
thud/different clegsees of the ode'. It ism,
esouiplsto,shaugeitrom the old work gated
withi acIdat„great dal of interest arid ii,ttrac-
titan to the cereniony of ...riding thergoac.'
both to•the candidates and members of the
ledge gentrally.--.Ssutinel.
OVMPIRTNAMOIMIRINS!ItaM,F ••••••19•••••••••••••1102,
ts Bud
ere Below.
But everybosly Woes to buy in the cheapest market.
it wish spay you to visit? sus •this
stionth. Mho season of stock tak-
ing is at hand, whot there is very
little business going except that
which is forcect. The jingle ofalol-
lairs is mare pleasant to us than
looking over:a splendid stock. Wild
we have the pleasure of hearing
some of youtidollars jingle ?
posed sf:: residont- Joseph Beek, 0:c.- essmpulous lohty, wbish .ini ,OW a fes. !--
elected):: 1st 'Wicepresideut-Dr. Case, .ttlre of every cession. 1k
Dungannou.; nc1 Man -president -James '11.t would introduce free trade in ilin • Ail mo
Connolly, Portee's Hill,: Sec. -Treasurer .railways, just as we have .trafi trade in
jetties Mundell, (re-elected) ; Executive betels ca. manufactories. If it man
committee -The president,vice-presiderete s'inilttA to put his turniey &micft railway,
let him do so. There is free
and secretary„ i. 1'. Kelly, E. al;110
(rade in railw,t‘s in th-; Western
Campion, R. 3. Hays, B. .Radcliffe, A. M.
Stntee, mid it works eli Care is
Todd, D. B. .11e,taneclor,„John Whitely,
taken that the public are properly
Thomas Dalton, Robert al-cdd, Peter W.
proteetecl, and then the itsibinidual or
Scott and John Beacom.
tile .e.onporation may go ahead sand lose
a14 the onossey they want to. 'That is
righ,eued that is what we shoutid have
hero, and that would put an end to
these smell lobbying cliques who get
charters which they neva!' mean to
operate themselves, but out of which
they expect to make it living. Sam
willing to have thew, viows proclaimed
from the housetops."
Tho Howick unionSlanalay school con-
vention will be hold in Sae Methodist
church, Fordwich, on Wednesday, Feb-
ruary 22nd. It is to be hoped that every
Sabbath school in the township will be
well represented at the meeting. All
Sunday school officers and teachers and
the ministers having charge of congre-
gations in the Township, including
;fudge Destioyers decided at Montreal
Wroxeter, are memllers of the conVen-
that lotterien have no right to exist in
tion. And all Sunday school workers
and everybody else, aro cordially invited Q"°b°°'
to be present and take part in the pro-
ceedings. Peter Hopinstall,of Fordwich
is aocretary, and will bo glad to get any
information that will be of uso to the
Sunday school organization, either to
incorporate in tho roport he is expected
Anvies ne SlirrIlititR.-Ara you disturbed at night
and broken of year rest by a sick child suffering ar.d
crying with pain 'et Cutting Teeth? It so send at
once 0114 get a bettie of " Airs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup" for Children Teething. Its V0,1110 15 ineatata
teat), It will rtatoo the poor little eufferor
iminedietely. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no
mistake about it. It eines Dysentery and Diarrhea,
to make, or to add interest to the regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, SILt Wind Collei
softons thaoums, reduces maannuation, and gives
vonttou. tone and energy to the whole eyetein. "Mrs. Win-
alow's Soothbig 031419 " for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and Is the prescription of one of
MemloOre of the Manitoba legiSbittro the oldest mid hest °male physicians and iinrsee
the United States, and is for gale by all druggists
have .,'bel 6810 towards s, monument throwthaut tho worm. Peet) twonty-ave tents a
to the late Hon. Ales. Mackenzie. bottle. Be sere and milt tor "Hes. WINOLOw'S
Saddam taloa" And hilts 110 tahor staid
Our prices are lower than any
other house in the trade. Visit us
and we will convince you of this
fact. We give you a reduction of
ten per eent, off all your cash pur-
chases in all lines except groceries.
We give you 20 lbs. White Sugar
for Si.; 24 lbs. nice J3rown Sugar
for $1, and several other drives.
ill if you give wisdom a
to step in and influence
ye %Ve won't spring that old
chesnut 011 you, "Big reduction to
reduce stuck." We simply offer
you a chance to get some rare bar-
gains if you want them. Low
prices on everyth nig. Be sure to
come and see what we can do for
We are showing American Car-
pets in beautiful patterns tit 30 per
cant. less than you can buy Cana-
dian goods.
You remember how we cornered
up the print market last season.
Since the raw cotton has advanced
from Go. to 13c. a pound, but we
bought early and we can give you
the same quality of goods as we
gave yon last year at the same
price. The patterns are all new.
We can't replace them when they're
Courteous Treatment, Lowes1-, Prices
Nobbiest Goods, at
Oak nalehed and leather
Nt Man Bottla
Central Telephone Exchan
We have the
Inside track and
Can give you.
Every line we s
flier less than
Our competitors,
If you do not
Look at our
Dipper Setts,
Tea, Se 15
Toilet Setts,
Table China,
TeaP 3)
Salad Bowl,
Fruit Sets,
Biscuit Jars,
Flower il'ots,
Cups and
Fancy Plates,
Wine Glasses,
Tea P•t Stands,
Cake Pates,
Celery Glasess,
You will be
The loser.
The China House:
axe the
Cried nerl and Fr
Give us a
in town.
11. Priees to suit