HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-02-17, Page 2VBBRITARy 17, 1W,)3.
"(,,oat -S• A; Thousand. - •
thousand, last year ;
dollars --•but souls,
last, yes, lost, to our land,
ant's mighty power,
lost once every hour
snatched by its blood -reddened hand. heat swelled ; he drew himself up and
frit that years had been added to his
Nqt• so many" you say
S11101)cars, flit• ratan Said, l)tughsitt,
rj softly,
'Twill be a loug ivnik and rt told tate
for your young legs ; but you'll get no
Marin from tout. And it es high time
that yon were team int to be a hunter.
= If aught should bappen to axhe,T" Ilitteas,
you are the twain t+ep. n 1e ce of your
lie laid his hand on Ebineas'
shoulder as he salt't this, and looked
thoughtfully down ut hint, The boy's
Sixteen ovary day:" age by chi, proof of his father's OQU-'
,Thirt cannot bo trite, you butlest,'• tide*Q4t,
ay, nhv reader., 'tis true They exohau=t d iso ilio e words. in
hat I've written to you; baste they warhn04 ant ate the food
at sweeks tell not of the rest. which the smother htd left ready.
w the motherless girl, • They drew their far caps well down
d tits fatherless boy, over their ears and buttoned their
?d the heart -broken wife in her used,
jackets closely .,,,Last p£ /tit, they put
t n their heavyh shoos. • Then Mr,
e starving today,
nil faint by the way,
n secretin;, of this eurs'd trafls s tried. Parker slung his powder -horn over his
hough siz thousand is large, shoulder, took down his gun and
lido sad, woeful charge, started toward the door. Paiuoas,
r: hetr land to support such nurse, with a stout oak stick firmly grasped,
era many times more
!everts Heat are sore, L. ed.
ted :rho feel their positions lihe worse,
a shall ninety-three
Ole Landf
o the free,
e sirs thottsand more fend tile{r graves, daybreak was ear at hand ; before
dishonor and shame, ;
they had gone m
10014 honor or fame, ire than a mini or
aural with chains, and die um's power's two, the sky wasiR rosy -red. Phineas
slaves? thought that he had never seen any-
ose son, full of Life, j thing so beautifu ' as the scene winch
hose daughter, whose wife spread around hiu. Now and then a
!lose husband, or father, o friend, rabbit or squirrel\ soan'lpered across
le li sin past all grace,
t11e iu disgrace, their way turning `its bright, eyes htl•
rte the year ninety-three slj8Il have end? quisitively at the iueruders and darting
Not mine," you may say, away beyond reach of harm. But
And why not ?" I pray; neither of the two:legged folk, who
ve your friends a special ale -guard? Went steadily forlerard through the
ave you done your best, woods, was minded to disturb these
t a tried with the rest, innocent denizens o the wilderness.
o ruake easy your boy's pa 11 --or hard? t
Phineas was, for wipe, too happy and
too proud to even th uk of a brush.
His mind and heart asnow on higher
The nioonbeauss still lay upon the
snow as they walked along the narrow
path whish led !, 1.
into the forest. But
ave you prayed that men
fight near you not come, ,
destroy, and to curse, ar to blight 2
cl then have you cast,
s you did in the past, ,
our vote against that whikb was right?
en let us who vote, ,
d all those who pray,
ate and pray our Dominion to free;
y the tame 500a come
en satin and rum
hall to God and the right bow the knee.
Phineas Parker was: awake before
he first 84381)1: of da vn, due cold
'war morning of 1711' Phi:;naswits
bright-eyed last of tsl,kelve, stout of
eart and strong of hell', and no little
elp to teen for her in those days a hen
wing in Connecticut 4olo,ty, at least,
mint plenty of hard work for every..
The Parker home alas, like most
hers ,f the titne.•a los.liouse, welt
silt and swell filled with children. It
as pleasantly located ;near the Hop
ver.. and com5)130deci a beautiful
ten• up and down the *they. Behind
till; freest',tretched foe rniles,brokelr
'4' an OC"n4ional clearingjin the center
f which was a settler's. colon and,
tire frequently, a oirele of In Tian
g wain s. ?{
Wben P>!i';caa openetl'y his eyes On
his pert,cular morbing4 he lay very
ill and listened. lie 002Nd !tear the
ontte,re'gulat' breath it g of,liis younger
rothers, Harlan and I1la#el, who lay
Ioepa,g in the saute bed ,Witt) hint. to hint in a whisper. 4,
won his keenly attentive ('ars caught Phineae, 11e said, layin leis hand
nether' sne more weleeene sound ---a again on the shoulder fast growing to
overnent in the room below. His a taunt wall his own,1 g I •
S ) lrlt go mi
ether was up 1 Instantly <he spran>r alone now. Climb into the tree fiend
tit upon the icy floor, cjvicley he wait for its.. If I'm riot,baek within
iulted on his thick, wootenl+stockings, an hour, follow the path lend find me.
as rough trousers and jacket t Hien And whatever happens, be a good boy
akin; his shoes in his hand and stoop- to pour touter. tRt
a to avoid hitting the rafters, he He looked earnestly ilio the a .8,•r In
rept noiselessly down the ladder Young face; he took hilt' large, s:►ver m3
wat'tIi and slipped it tette the boy's 1218
. game.
49 for his father, id's strode oh with
darkening brow and tt;kbled thoughts.
For some time back, ffte had suspected
meddling at the t,eavr trips. These
webs several utiles from home, and
their game foruted no malt portion of
the Parker revenues.: Asa has been
especially successful (luring tilts sea-
son, and took great pride to bis store
of well -cured pelts. '3ut of late be
had found his traps empty, with mauy
evidences that his beater had heed
-stolen. Surprised, 1U0I3t cant and at
last exaspe•r„tech, he resolved to kei:p a
sharp lookout Bud, if pd4stitt;le•, to dirt- n
cover Iutd f,enitll the tb `if. w
Phineas to come viii! hili. Be Was I
but n 13431.. "•`1"•`1101i,tls, after' tell. and he an
waned fain have het) epartu the clerk
side of life for a while loii„''r. And in
)et—t11e thought 334;ain'reen.1'ed L1e
him— if a Lu11et fio,n thei;wn of this
wary rob!,,•r should lay t'. tiffs 103,,
Phuieas would then—Bet ewhat was
theat ? the looked closer ;II he saw a
faintly out-lieeed foot -pram oat the
snow, two of them, indeed, kne follow-
ing straight behind the otheYr. For ecu
instant his heart stood sti1ii Duly a/1
Indium walked like that. •}jTTLey were
not far from the” largese t`#'up, and he
knew as surely then aH he illd an (lour
later that these scarcely v'•ii,ls tracks
tokept on to that pl•ece,brauc• tug neither
the right nor to the. left.,if
He turned to 1 hineas. li He spoke
to spend a day or two at the log
,t 1,£ the pttlefttaer•. The cardial good
,cud hol+oraitle draliise; which
grown tip betweelt farmer genera
to this neigitborhond had never
violated untiil now, so ter as any
The white It ;iii wet:died the
trous movements of the wily rot
lie was thinking vigorously at
seine, time, What 2f he should
him depart with his booty ? tie k
.!Lain doin ? 1'! n 't 1
-will aentlltuettie S')Lltt<I? tint i a• e a
rT 31i:e Itt•rtr+full
baa the Button tui+ .11 ? tV'onj-t t!ta,y levier
titans teles'+? t:i•1u1'1 they ante triter the
been smell cellar tr'i'oe had base, dug, At
y Otte her spt'e•itl relined, !t•:fut'er I ue oicbili
was teeetut ti „w little stiff h,t>i tirt•e1l1.
it0)t• ed theft that ti:i, v, re cella. wee to 1
thee, furnish it urevr' fee one of the bravest 1
the yonnu elue't•'s et 1I..ei River Valley 1 ,
let Lint be it we,. Atter le)t1t+„ hard f
new lulmr on vat part of tiff, far 80,i,t;,
QTt*' Old Ville Companxr
ie!'lint av+tlx 11 t;rhY nit! t')n1ps ty th '
WI {I.<iOieg•fV) 1 LI, .lr•'t•, aw•,y 1,;L(:ld 3tt
when you anti 1 T..&I1 With t{lea tllitcllitttf
De yeti reniv nh" t• that hh:; tire in
Hotel I.Row..,ite freezing night when
fifteen patient (si'1 ' pulled onl. of thew
liming 1'I'»t))t1 uttd t 1It5 Cava thfl
a(1der iii their fright-1:1t)tillls; lied 1ko+v
1D1wk' Greene brought down tee, '1(iJt'
tt oaten -•-.one itt his farms, the °Glue'
rA inti to his !halt ? Tone iI)iule' 1 fie
only too well that such a course ni
further thefts, more daring ativts!
and, in all probability, unreason
demands upon the isolated, unpru
ed family, not stopping 'Mort of
cruel murder of them Ball, if
blood began to flow.
What if he .Tilled him?? A d
other rad -skins might be biding w'
sound of :his gun, ready 1, to sprin
the held of their cowradee? That,
meant tho speedy de.stt•ue ion of 11
self and ail who were dea3to him.
He weighed the question carsf.
He made up his mind. A 'motel
later, a bullet whi'tled throunb
frosty air. With a yell of agony
] dial
u leaped from the
i{ U
fell heavily upon the suoir, and
motionless. When the I make
cleared away, Asa looked around
searching entice; his ears Oars k
to detect the slightest sound; his ha
ly reloaded gun vas drawup to
eltonlder ; no, :Boring a *insole,
waited. But lte saw itolhing ;
heard nothing. :Minute aftcer lain
passed. Then, still silentlti trytng
look in every direction ta`' once,
ventured to slide down tiltt rook ;
made his way toward tfl, prostr
Peclgot, Bending above 1 tet, lee s
that his aim had been sura.V, The b
let had gone straight throng his Lea
Fie would steal no toore Lefever* fr
it white unties trap
And now arose twitcher jutetion
uo Antall impurtuz4.e. What avo
lie dune With the body? Again A.
Parker considered. Again iw inn
up his mind. 1•iis fuce was set a
stern. The woek of the next f
hours wonld iso uv ettild's play.
was attended With 110 little danger•,b
he did riot hesitate, •
First of all he set th,+ trap. 'Chen
he turned to the dead Indian As he
did so, lie beard quiek tops approecht-
iug. He seized the gt1;1.t and pointed
it toward the dark ot`•ect he could
dirrity see among the t des. But the
ext instant be lowe .d it. Phineas
as rnuniug along th rail. H.ls faro
as white, bat hie ey were blazing
tai he brandished his stub.
011, father, he cried hears the gun
d,l couldn't wait thc}re 1
lush, boy 1 said Asa sternly, point
4; to the lifeless fignre,at !lie feet.
Phineas looker down. and his eves
vont [determined settlor, the lettd:t1*plttce got the oatarrll deaditlly, from 80
ices, was sltfe y bidden from sie,1It or sound touelt exposure, and s1J41erad tt't;ire 1t
wile of tin tit' the. 1 ride. 11 remained for-. five patties ter nIore, it'.. th151'ht 1111131'
tea, ever auk (town tit 3hctu; and the he wets going in colt•• ,ni tion, sure.
the beaver itap of Ahte orker WL4d never But, finally, he heard of pDr. ;�l•Ige'a
on04' ngwitt molested. ;
1<`>tt flits told 1rF'f>;, Catarrh Remedy, Iin,l r,rie�i it, and tt
t s ant) even tiered hint ftp els 5085.1 n; ra flint, It
oaten (wont Its, the fiu.hrar mid mother and saved as good a rutin trod eta brava at l
bthin nicks. ma/ of this little family !'opt a fit'etttaw (413 over trod st`le, leather.
tlttt•(J ctlnitl3pettr at it
11'v'• toot tt'aflr•zs tx t'
II the i rlct
€Jx;l'N.. y.,ttf ttC,Itl:t']tt.tlt.'t! ycu. lleit141>,t
schen he coi, l met . ;am the; he levee,
/1. fi 't):1' should !hear tt
trt'•od'31 iirfiriuitif•tt-.- mut hit: 'teekj
li 3tti• til" tt' t't(;;tj t'' w' ,it' fear tilt!
garmeltie td1 1'y.it 1'40 pay tete tom
kltiv3t the oilm.n:0 Lit prefer propriety
'to fa.,-,ion—outs lee lett tite .a"tit$it 011 f,ltti
.1<r'Iotil tis will and this
n, l
it1t- ft; . 311(1:et/1H !t1 tie•.• vitt rsery, it
It a&TOwl.1 141W.t)', 1,k> l3t:pt t1rUr at hx
'in gIft'' td! austid�nt. I'''I', pain Iii
beet's t.tnt, a 11ttltl P.ti't K•llot'
swot -tette 1 milk lend writer•, Latin -we t
breast to It e•,3•(fr at tile' sun. Liao
the 313 L. price i Ota, ere i'lo:443..,, fro.,,
cold, or other uttnies, h>tLtIong iu the
P•,in-K I.or will 313v - 3'nvls Ivy telt
Ask fn• 1131' New ilvttlt.
g to act: 4:4 •'i'ttelt for ere si ens ue s•ea•
c the g
too, ^11 the part f p(�tsible speetitturs
un- of th. :;d-ledr I;:tl4itiltle pass •4I on,
And tit length tt,•y let quite ;uoilieed
uIly, that, if, i'tftt'tefl, tttl,4rte-I at 1111, it had
eat taught 1t W;Iulw ,+tee fiii .1: of the s1>^ak •
the int; nue t
the Qui. hu1:lt'e.1 year•sj "ter, the efr3iu-
tben ren r.f Phi13035,' child kit built a halal -
lay •y•'
i•Ct,3r • '• '
a h r, very A site (.
had the log-hnnsl^. Before thea tnuotlatiut3
vita was 1.11, 1111) ('alta&' was deepened mid
Lien 4'ntr3roet3, In the ceerse of tide wore,
sti- the sprites of t he (nen rattled in JL poor
the womiti)'s cellar,
be Ageittst ewtn' strange objects. - One
he by one they were taken out and laid
tato side l•1' side. Upwil the geese DotleF
to and lluant11 hunt's t , t
A shudder ortiq'tu t
he over the mute." eel boy Intl the dark r
1,e haired, tllminted little Esther who i
ate came fr'nu their p1•ev to see theta. e
a8) Th1•v' .t+irned tr; their tither with eyes fi
ul- full „f ' If,ulerinu ejtl."t o„s, 1
rt. At tirNt lee died out see than. Ile y
OW ,rax t•ee:tlliie; the thrilLug narrative t
hr hod *0 often heard from his t=rait- s
of father's own nips. \"ij tt careful hated
old lie arranged the erituri{ltog retneole of
endIdev lighlie,:tigitlieti ft,J.,t,t1,1.1o..1:.,,li he
sit 1 the cntprlt for burtcl, ieod then he told
st)ry i f their 1+rt 31t-
Indiaa N..i' York d
Row- to Cure a Ifusbancl.
iA, women, when h• t' 3lluahund need }
frequently to erol.1, wennu to a 0)31(3iiug
51:tit to int Tit's bow 8l l' Init;llt ten lee I
bin) Of hie fault. •I'll” $'i;:l oio,i3
ti'igliber herald her o3et31ilaelt; uteri
after .. ter )•'
i trot n 1 1 "
2 4 1 R.
,ttl tet words, '
1 hard r d,
and using vatiou1 gesticlflatit•Us, white
the filled is plied with Colored liquid,
desire her, whenever tier lv3st at'd
was to a passion, t') tal(11 Ik mouthful
of the liquor and keep it in her month
for five IIJtnlet,'p. i'ITt Mot) Ui quite
overjoyed by so elm pie. a remedy,
strictly followed the sounnil which was
given her, alit by her tfilence',s
Ile 0803(1 utlnovanoe. 'Ell. emit(
Ile bade tieing at lit1! exee ted
eturned to the eunnilig (334(13 and
onsty begged! to h the weedier lois
d of the same virtue. t)t&(333elle
aiil, there wan nothing in the 1
alit hrowu omen. and water.
our husl'aud is ill a plassion hol,1
onkue, and, tuy life on it be aril
cold you in the titan;
Use Turpentine) E'reely.
rl.'al'peutille 1)1(31 ahmeet as ttlutty its
Ii haus
.15 ,ir
, tr
ul .1'.11;1
rhelllnnt313)5 14!1(1, iuixet18)3113stt'uphur,
aced nil nu•t I ttobetl nal 4113) ut.est, lt3
one of the lies remedies for bronchial
colas. It is au extselle;Jt preventive
nga15st that(!, nitllt)Itg1) naphtha is
pt'eferalt'e, tele odor feav'tr,; tiltI0li
sooner; it will drive away ants and
ronuhe', if 3403(3kleel about the alle1Fes
cnpeer. met c1'eeete; 1L apooufut (3f it, 40 a Ha
nes tel' of warm water doses paint excel:eet-
I, she ly, and 14 tie 15 the boiler on wash.
f11)x ins day wil'teit,, 14113 olodlles.."
rr, he
turtle The treatment of diseeetne ie •elto eat re.
;nenducted to e4 3401et3ee, rtceoltttuo product •
of mediae! 81(411 for the uurd of 3y1, 010 id
your diseases fremu ea )'n'non pirate 1
„et worst sorofa4o3, !rare which 11 a, betel p 31).
nlari esteem for YeaLH u11d 3004.4taye steadily
in flavor is Burdock illool4 .i•3ttters Its
As they a4f4,r•oachedac U flet! .l
e, he
half regretted that he :aid Illlttged
grew sound with asto1shtneut. EI
hied seen but few Indiafss, for he wit
seldom allowed to go fair front hem
and they were aln-uys objects of grea
curiosity, never of dread. But no
be felt a strange thrall alit through. hi
as he gazed wondering1 at tiie large
brown features, ,day with. paint ; th
long, coarse plaits of hair; the feature
the leggings, the moccasins, th
blankets of this one, Iyiug there s
quietly. lie watched everry :noveule n
of his father breathlessly,'tts he wrap-
ped him securely and eouractly from
sight in his blanket. Thief done, visa
hid the weaver behind the P,Jck, cover-
ing it With snow. Au gave ;the powder
horn and gun to Phi>0es, saying
Watch and metre no not1.
Then be lifted his une" my burden
upon his shoulder and sea •ted toward
home, At each step he fettred, inched
expected, to be surrouudl:�' by Indians
anything but a friendly frame of
nd. Every 'moment! of;' the silent
rail through the fore:;!, with his
her and 1{iS tattler's 4y s' til coi;€1pati-
, his uernes iii 'Eno highest tension
excitement, alert, vigil14nt, yet feel.
brave enough with the gun, to
meet the whole tribe (4 revengeful
Pequots, Was retnentherect to his dying
day by Phis Parker, e On and on
ey went, its swiftly lie possible and
)03seleee y. At last, after what
led to {;e a boy's thout;and years,
y came, within sight of their little
to Then, for the. first time, Ase
at down the gun Phinene, lie said,
softly. do tell your mother to
a:l the ehildreu up 11)31 loft with
N1xs. Bx own Case. d
Tortosro, Feby, Idth.-- m0s4 iuterett.
iug case has Conte to llglltihere, beteg that
of Airs. Drown of Agnes ., who for years
has sufferer! from 13r)gay s Disease, the
''4x344 two of which she 3143' lit, in bed. Her
feet wers +woolen do 41 at elle could not
walk, and being affected 3
was taken to the Toronto
where, after undergoing a
/tient width dill Iter no 01'
.tnem:coat° a sceerico,
Baa u)( rrST( Culen IT A DAT.—ii
American itheuuiatte Cure of ltheu,na
an Neuralgia radically cures iu 1 to 8
eye, Int action upon the system, is re
arkahle .au,l mysterious. It removes rat
0333e the cause of the disease ttntpediately
(lisappet4r4. The firstl(1,3,412 greatly beta•
err. 75 cents. Warranted at Chisholrn'34
Cute* prove its worth,
titan 021 the Shopping Plan.
Is this feline I ea»oend a telegra tee
asked the lscl4• of the clerk ler We t'•le,
graph (41100.
Yes, uue'f47u.
How much does it utter?
Where 40, itttt'stni 2
,Depends fru the tutu -titer of worda
'4114'am. :.
Alai wilt it get theme; surfs'
'Yes, .nit'ntll '
And 3f I sect it day ftftr•r tonUn, row
morning u31f„ it vault! _,et chert, diet ,+ft•'r-
n00n I 5a
t)ertaillts', ma'am. Y
\Vr'll, .1 wanted to be setae about it
if I st•l,d cue, that,'a all. ,(`loon d3ty.
ith paralysis the
eueral Hospital
eu'31theaed treat- di
d, fond receiving -
nothi,g to the way of consolation save w
certificate that she Was incurable rind a 1135
peruna admitting her Cu the Home hoe I.
c m:bdes. Bvett then she dill 1103 give up
hope and 4416,43.. Holnclepathio treatment, er
but with as litflu results ati the other,
'Chert seemed „otilnug left but to go to than
retreat, where only thole who are beyond
ail human aid are niirai?ted, taut, there wait
What to do with Lamps.
Keep them deem. r;
Fill the lamps each ;inerni1„.
Look expectedly after the burner,
Do not try to bile!i old, gummy,
rty aril,
Lamps having taste( bowls /ire best
d safest. t,
1145-5 a good wick 1413(1 keep it prop-
iy trimmed.
Do not fill it lamp when horning
it it. IIaulger0ne.
Use the best oil to he had ; it is
e cheapest, this eleaueet, the satest.
In ertsa of ac:eident, keep cool, and
tte.Ttld to hnsinests right awev
Have? a Closet for 4 nips and their
longings, and keep Hein there.
Trott off that portion of the wick
lick hart been huru4#1 out ---no more,
Lm getting new htt%'nt'rs, see that
i1; a perfect, fit also 111 regard
rhe wicks.
Do tot lire fron, haiid to metal] ;
have 31 good supply of everything 001
of a perishable stature.
Handle the limp CHrefnlly whe,r,
nflawo ; it is as iuvaluuhle friend, yet
contains elements of disetscer.
e for death Lo telieve her of her suffering.
8 alis 118115d of the wonderful cure of Samna
e, 11lttrlav of Gravenlinret, by Dodd's 1i -1d-
uey Pills and she' decided• to try them,
t 1'Fze first weep: she noticed very little
W change, but'before she had finished the
m second box her back began to feel easier,
the swelling toleave tier feety and by the
third «eel: she could W&1 k, something that 1 w4
she had not been able to,do for two years
s, before. Now, after taking Dodd's Kidney t
e Pills for two mouths shells so completely th
q cut•ed that she is about to take u1' school I to
t te.tohing *gain, a calliui; she pursued tie-
fore losing her health,
rhich led up to his loft.
Asa Parker, a stalwart, r olute but jacket pocket. 1 :at
leasant-natured man, stookraking up Phineas was 1311011 startled and awed 1012
ae ashes hl the fireeplace. , He was by his father's strange !tanner, Bet of
teased in leather breeches Ird jacket, he bad been trained to 4n(1'testionielg fop
ad long leggings of the same tough obedience. 1
lateriel. About his waist was a Yes, fatdler, lit! said,: lu�kln;,r * p
tinting -holt, in «Ilioh w�t thrust a bravely at him. •as
)uple of 'release Ile piled,)dry chips "('hen he ctitnl2wd lata h(= sti tit
x the embers, and the fhar es burst slippery as
ij branches of an Oak, tubi a die turn
rill just as Phineas 06(50 down from we12t cautiously on. In ejfew minutes 1 sell
re loft, i<Iis father heard !his foot- 1133 turned from the trail F` tend Made a
8138 Anil turned around.!( In the wide detour, corning to a large rock, t e el
.neing firelight the strong resemb- Stealthily he crept to the top e ISpJ3
1f l2 � 1 f this.(
ace he4Ween the two f{sees was 01o4y13) he Brow 1nenself a and peered! - ve
!arty visible. Both had ;the sate,, down at the trap A cal ,Inti
t talc
ddv complexion, bright bine eyes , an was
' in file very act of tttic3nty out afar• 1.
41 veil vert features But now the beaver.
prasliora of this boy's enubteuailce As.(Perker'dblood ran It tly through
tt pleading, while that of he tidier his veins; to his finger tips; he burned
z a,mixture of approval ashesitft• with anger at this piece oft, treachery
n. They looked at mph other a which be would not bay/. hilieved had
°dent in tilted', Then Mil many t arker *e he not 310011 it with hie Own` eyes, leiter!
fled sightly, lint a bolt P l;ttlat.# For
y ars the aloe'! friendlylgeth
igllfeo'rt immediately o'erspr'nd this feeling had existed betwe i the file there
/1-''. dans and the white pcope in the sangroll pronfeed, father, Phinrtae said, !non giver Valley. Preto. t 'i of coni woad
ting .doyen hie Ayes and coing to• t and game, skins and frnit,j were fre- ' and c
El 4435 fire -place, ;quehtly rfxoharlged; and i
sinew thing a
didn't count on your heel ig such (strange for was newile
g t' y, younfr braves was with
and keep the)! there Until I come.
no time, Then emu !hack to
Phitlons fled to do the errand,
Esther Packer was a brave woman.Her cheek grew pale; but Abe, 6eo,had
ed to obey utlllesitatingly. She her sig:. Iittle ones and seat
up the ladder before her. She
to them ; she told the
fitful tales; site kept then? menses
onteuted ; but. a ,, tier while her
ughtr and gra ri art wdrd outside
Ale It too boy. W'hatiare they
A lovely cusrom of elle Society of
Friends ,s twit et meting twee instead
of you --lovely in that. tt seems to
make pets—cam! intet'cour„ a the Wore! I
near etuu(1 t-'ln:l;r. iyloi'eovert the use tea
of the pronoun 'you' implies with 1 Sat
tl3rtil an ell'l,basls wlh1Sh hue eau Duly ,ran
appreciate by hearing It child's version I
of It. Co
Two ellildret) of this gen tle sect were 1
one day playing together, aid sudden, ; veep
ly=.cthlyey began to dispute. One, es-
�bgintls ('rsy nelrr( I "lit! ?;41(1 rosin •11.'
I del,
If then tleesil'! take (rare, I'll sweat
at thee 11
O11, oh 11 cried the seoosd,'too teach !
shocked to say Dante
i will 1 Oh, the lade you, thee 1
all aid.
innan l40 miciutesst by es at\Va!fold's
lamer Lotion. 1'hisatever fw)13. War-
todl ,at (ilii$llolln's drag store.
urageoas Acts f$' Young (sten,
The Fireside ()Olits 4110 following
',tient exhortetiohisi to y Hien
t11'e tlto 0ourage to ctischarrre a
t wi)ile you have c the lnOneyn in
1 pocket,
florzowao's rites are admirably .
adapted foe euriog (Neese iticidental
to female*. At tliffet•ont periode of
which require a peculier medicine; an i
it is noW an indisputable feet Oat
there is none SO Suitable for comple.inte
of this nature as Ilollowayei PO15,1
For all the deltilitathtg disorders in-
eidentai to the sex, rid le every eon-
tingoney peributo to ire life anti 130916111
of Wotnall—VO/Itliftll or aged, married
or single—Hite grea regulator end
✓ euovator of the gem. tive waving mid
the nervous system MI immediate i
Cure. Their purifyi qualities rander
AVOill!g00tlrtle f$11,;' ;vitting til;i
wlLt. t you Cao TlOt lii)ct lloir't:t+els tt116b
you may It(1n2ire it,
Ravi, the couragty to speak your
1:/112(1 when. it is neeecssary that you
Bebec•ca 1Vitkin,vr of J ij •nwuxvailey
Ind., says: '•I had been fa a clf.'rresse,
condition, for three years from Norvotid
Bess. Weakness of the Stomach, Dvspensj,
and Indi'ee33tiou 03)411 my.hcalth watt „tine.
T had been doctoring nn3l.ttaotly w)thoet
1'elief. 1 hong ht nee botti°t3 of South Am-
erica( Nertiit:e, which a.m.... me more good
than any 8 0 worth of doctoring C ever dirt
in my life., I would a(lvisls every weakly
person to nee 11:14 valuable ;and lovely rem-
edy.” P. trim: hitt!!; wilt ' convince you.
\V)3. r433ted et (;bhllleiline4 drug store.
To entpt.y a h'tnsr> nF )10LJrtleesidc-•-
set two 31.,434 tighten•, Irl rite .-trait.
': i, nee t�7 rl....,. 8)..,,1
Children of ar. OAS Mrs, rit4 11E4 $0110r,
Altoona, Pa.
, Both 'Rad Eczema
what it 1,1 tter that yon should be
Have the twelve to speak to a poor
friend ilk ft threadbare coat,even in the
t,treet, and when a Holt one is nigh,
P110 effort le 108$ than many take it to
b„, end toe aet is wqethy of a king,
Have the couregeeito set down every
penny you 'Tend, a(id add it tip week -
Have the eourag4 to admit that you
have been in the Wiling, and you will
reitIOVO the fact from th •
bey are SearcllIng nd donning, yee i
remove every speoie of irregularity in
the eystetn, and tit afry -establishing 1
health on sound a d Bien basis,
lin Its Worst
Great mental agony is endured by
parents who see their children suffering
frotrl diseases caused by impure blood, and
for which there seerris no cure, This !s
turned to joy when Hood's Sarsaparilla le
resorted to, for it expels the foul humqrs
tam the blood, and restores the its'
eased skin to fresh, healthy brightnese,
Read the following frorri leful parent,"
" To C. T. Rood & Co., Lowell, Rasa. r
"We think nootOs earsaperilla is the most
valuable metlitine the intirket for Woodard
skin diseases. Ottr two children stlifered terri-
bly with the
Worst Porrn totems
tot 41v
. we had three physicians le
ti the plaee Of an nnfavoralilo One. relief. At last we tried nolowPbarsaparilIti
Have the courage to !Where to a it41P1t:tend'Imk111,74',Iglgti
were Pct.
rat resolution when you cennot changer
an on it
t the eleventh hour upon conviction,
Have the courage to face a difficulty
est it kiek yon hardet then you bean{ ate
Mit for .1)116 I
be WIthont Itin, and line, 1+,f. Scum
1412 2fiti Aventte, Altoona, Pa.
Xustructs Broom
Simple rite or 'Worth
or Webster.
'If Broader Shindi
de hall dis evenin,
dis way," said Brothe
been disposed of,
Brother Watkins hal
down, with his bad
inches -of a red-hot et
le with considerable he
*vacated hie .place
aisle and -stood befor
"Broader Watkins,'
dent as be looked dow
fatherly eray, " war
sunthili to • say to 'de 1
-"I--Xelam forgot
believe.yo' was de rei
elown, -some of yeer
Xin yo' tell me, Br
oollatien means?"
dean' reekolect,
km clot 'de andacitY
doorizede past summer
we gevine.to hey a la
winter, -or July weat
Brother Watkine.
"Jess :talkie, ellf
nigger was a stranger
an' sorter skeort, arf
him if he ober Vulva'
Teolualosity in his
oro'' made use of de
'metrication' .an"ort
ero' gi,t all dose w.
•"Outer ale clicks u
"'Maser Webatees
"Hui Yo' dun
•owin' members sof di
41ellars borrowed en
'behind oneyo' dues
all ober town."
'Watkins, who was gt
ened by this time.
"What was ,yo'r 43
dickshumary of Miss
ly demanded the pr
4.1 dun forgot."
"Hui I know
Watkins1 It was
big words an save
nigger struck dis t
him •outer his but
yoaand freer yo' to
fo'th ma sell it fur a -
till all dem big wor
down de sewer. D
wid some kyarm. pc
begin life all ober a
"What our race
totem an bacon 'ste
to pay house rent
clothes an. skulebe
'stead of spellin.
Washin in plain 1
need any. big words
stove: We beat a
'stead of usita g
on dies airth u
but randier as a .boi
eber yet seed de t
make a ••ahite Ulan
was fallen 'boat.
book an palliated a
gard tech 'a sequel
least impettosity.
felt clot de tmobti
revulsion. Now,
eot down. Stay d
tee yo' bob to de st-t
menthe cloan't
killed chit pore, et
but if he still libs a
him to find a job.
break in two- au go
Correction Anon
came at th
Spred the 'Widow
avenue, for a choic
plants for otir p
which she has atm