The Wingham Times, 1893-02-17, Page 1I\ G IAM
VOL. XXI,-• NO. f097.
No doubt you have heard that all
kinds of cotton goods were expected to
advance in pride, Such is the case, they
have. But we were prepared for it and
our stook t of White h'
te Cottona,. Grey Cot-
tons, Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades and
•'Denims is full and complete, all bought
at the old prices and -you are to have the
fall benefit, prices just the same as be -
before, We have a few odd furs left,
they are going at what they cost us. We
are selling Boys' and Men's Overcoats at
nett cost, and will give you underware
down low. There are quite a few remnants
different kinds we will not say what they
are worth, we will make a price to suit
you when you see thein.
We still have a big demand for that
.35 cent Tea, 3 lbs. for one dollar, 5 lbs
for one dollar and fifty cents.
20 Ibs granulated sugar for the dollar..
22 lbs of coffee sugar for the dollar. 24
The of brown sugar for the dollar,
Direct Importers.
The Beat, Jan. nth, gm.
litarrlago l;ioertle; c.
Issued by Pr/ABS ?'ATxrstne :
t! 23, Vic -
o witnesses
good second hand show case for sale.
A1y to, W. T. ,teens.
•—Messrs. Moore Bl s. are cutting ice on
'the Lower Wingham encl.
—An assembly w held in the Temper -
an Hall, on Tuesd evening last.
Mr. and Mrs. J . Begley, of town, en-
tertained a large n mbar of friendieett an
evening party, on nday•eveniing last.
—The minutes of ast Wawanosh Coun-
cil, which appear i another column, should
• be read by every r epayer of the township.
--Whey to loan. at a loin rate of in-
terest, on real estate. Apply to
Dn. Towien,
—The well-known J sic Mill Dramatic
''Company will appea in the town hall, on
Saturday evening, an produce that 'cele-
brated play "The BI k Flag."
—A load of th members of,the loco,•
corps of the Salvati Army drove over O
Wroxeter, on Tuesd y evening, accompan-
ied by Major Bang and Secretary Rawl -
in 9.
The skating riff e, between Messrs, R.
N cl Pion of Bi assts and S. Elliott,'.
c aS f.:
Turnberry, which'. as to have come AO:A:
the rink here, on. uesday last, was
pond until the 21 bet.
—The neat pobl Meeting of the W C.
T. IL, of this plat will be held on Monday
evening, Februar > 27th. As this is the
annual meeting, ports of the last year's
'work will be read. Further particulars will
be given next week
—Ladies, have 'otn garments"►medsby;
Mies M.Johnston , Gregory •block, opposite
the Queen's I7otel. Latest styles, good
work, always firat.olass fit.
/—The fire 'i,3er .was rung on Tuesday
'afternoon about 2 'clock. The stovepipe
) in Mr. A, E. Sim ons' office, over Mr. G.
E. King's store, to k fire, but it was tlirorvn
outo the street afore any damage was
done. • Fortunatel tho services of the fire
bri do were not re liked, •
n Tuesday ev, Hing, after the School
pard meeting, the embers of the Board,
officials and several o hers were invited by
Mr. Thos. Bell, the of irrnarl, to partake of
an oyster sapper at Jas. McRelvie's.
After full justice had been Bono the bival
ves, a short time was gent in speech mak-
ing, etc.
--I am prepared to
pried for all kinds of f
at my butcher shop,
And well dressed.
—No action has bee
'negation of St. Paul'
'W. Hughes' resignat
eel sometime ago. It
to go to England o settle matters in
connection with the rnily estate, and ex-
pects to bo absent for some'mouths. In
aaso,Ilo is granted le
lila, it id et.e ~et
tteceptenae of his r
likely be taken at tt
Otey evening nest.
,ay the highest cash
wI, delivered to n,e
owl must be drawn
Trios E WAa nut,
taken by the con -
church, on Rev. E.
on, which he tender -
v. Mr. Hughes wishes
—T r beiry T
ow ship Connell will
on Monday next, Fe ninny 20tH, •
—Oath for good butter and eggs at R A,
Graham's h s eret mark r c
—Farmers in need f seed drills should
read the aclvertisem t of Mr. T. H. Ross,
in another column.
—Rev, D. Forms , of Walton, and Rev.
H. MoQuarrie exalt nged pulpits. on Sun-
day last.
—There was no ieeting of Anchor o:
Hope Lodge, I, 0. , T., held this week
the hall being occu ied on Tuesday ev
—Rev. E. W. H ghes conducted com-
munion services at eeswator, on Sunday
last, a student, f rn London conducting
the servd'oes of St. aul's church.
Fariners and of ere having horses to
dispose of should ttend the Wingham
horse fair, on Thurs ay,February the 23rd
A. number of buyers i11 be present.
—Meu wanted to out saw logs and wood.
Apply to McLEAN & Sox,
Tho small boy wi n his little sled
Now seeks the y hill,
And if he isn't pi ked up dead
It's 'cause he's and to kill. •
The annual me:
oclge of the Ancien
Workmen is being he
week. Dr. Tamlyn is
harp lodge, •
—During an entertai
opera house, last wee
wore shut down, and t
ing;user darkness. The
gaarrefused to start t
- My stook of fancy
'elite; Fresh Eng!ieh
dates, currants and p
—11e7. S. Sellery, B.
opening sermons in th
Brussels, on Sunday
Swan, of Anbnrn circ
lery's work here.
—The Huron Count
tion will be held here o
March. A public o
given in the town ha
the 2nd,
ing of the Grand
Order of United
in Toronto, this
representing Wing-
ment in Mitchell
, the electric lights
o audience was left
electric light m-
e machinery again.
groceries ns cow -
eel, new nuts, figs,
e spices, at Yates'
D., preached the re
Methodist church,
last, the Rev. Mr.,.
t, taking Mr. Soh.
Toachersl coiiven-
the 2nd and 3rd of
ertainment will be
, on the evening of
—For first-olass tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, only two doors north
of the old stand end between Ross' book-
store and Patterson's jewellery shop.
' _0n Monday after,
Ahefiield, an employee
while working. at a bti
means his hand Dann
the knives, and all 1i
hand were taken off.It
Sheffield l ever e
trade again, as the
•close up the hand,
;rummer Cuellar, W1xenau—Rev S Set*
lei q'; 73 1), Pastor. Services every Sabbath
:at ,1;1. a n, and 7 p in. Sabbath School and
Bible Class at 2.30 p m. General Prayer
meeting every Wednesday evening at 8
o'clock. Young People's Prayer Meeting
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
Sunday, February 1911. Morning sub -
on last, Mr. W. J.
f Mr. Thos. Bell,
z planer, by "some
in contact with
fingers on his left
s not likely that Mr•
ale to work et his
ngers are taken off
jest •."The first Bel
"The` Attineineutr—Tl
Christ "bore our sips it
the tree,"
--Pork is nine cents
in Denmark to -day, ea
netted with the new
London. Ono of our Co
that the hog is worth
and no better advice c
Canadian feeder and
every dollar and the on
raising hogs for the n
Bacon is going to rule 1
for some thne yet."
itude." Evening,
sense in which
his own body on
pound, live weight,
i a gentleman con-
packing factory in
respondents tolls me
s woiglrt in gold,
lId be given to the
reedor than to put
rgy he has got into
xt year's market.
ilgh in old London
—G R tragus for Toronto and east
leave Wingliarn at 0.35 a ni and 11.20 a in.
via `V G & B Division, and et (I.45 it m
and 3,50 p in, via Clinton and Guelph.
Good connections by all traits.
—Down its 1Vtissouri th y have introduced
hugging societies to st ell the ahuroh
treasury, and it Missouri vapor gives the
following scale of prices; "Girls under fpr,
25e, for a hug of two min tes, or 1Oc. for a"
that squeese; fratn 19 to , 50e.; from 2ti
th 25, 05e.; 86001 nitarn s, 40e ; another
°tiling to looks,
o, apiece er two
ly Iimit of time.
Editors pay in
lowed to parti-
is done, and even
squeeze anybody
man's Wife, $1; widows, a
front 10e. to $8; old triaic ;,
for nickel, and not s
vo of absence for a P'reae1iers are not ehatged
he will not press the advertising, but are net a
rignation. Action will cipato 'until everybody
estry meeting, on Mow then are root permitted to
but old Maids and school
-i. ,.2std . — ...
--Beep in mind theiarse fair to be held I ---If U 0 the p
on Thursday, 2 r `
d 3 c1 lues
J ice.
--T,ry Myers' Royal spice for horses and --Brussels cur
tlea t G riihn s Groeery. a ry, day and played o
•--Wednesday last b. ng Ash Wednesdaye I defeating the hot
service was held in 5 Paul's Church, at I —The Young
11 a. en. Methodist Chum
---Prof. Cool:, of Lo don, will be itt the I in the Teanperau,
Salvation A.riny barra ks here on Thursday , (Friday) evening
evening, 23rd inst. .—We noir b
iter a $ it 2 him at
I •s oatne over on Wednee-
curlers a friendly game,
e players by 14 shotff.
People's Society of the
will hold it basket social
i Hall, in this place, this
An invitation bac =t social, under the that he Ila redo
uspices of Court Ma land, No. 25, Can- and bii twin
adian Order of Forest re, will be given in for th onsumo
the Foresters' `Hall, , regory's Block, on rebate in the to
Friday evening, 24th i st. cost. !!!!
—A great many pe • le don't know what —The Exeeui
they do want in this r' rid until they see it No. 24, I. O. G.
advertised; other peo de know what they vices of Mrs, O
want but don't know r
vertising tells them,
, —Pedestrians hay
streets on the dross
is responsible for t
foot at such places.
gotten by many drive
--Try the Eclipse
ery. Best royal mix
per pound,
—Special services
vation Army bar
Nanday and Monde
Major Baugh, and
of London, took part.
all well attended.
—The magistrates
on Thursday of last
Mercer, mention of w
issue. Mercer was fit
days in jail. The ca
rison was dismissed.
here to get it. Ad-
a right to cross the
elks, and the driver
e safety of those on
his seeme to be for-
or cheap confection-
d candy for 10 cents
T C SrneezN:.
ere held in the Sal-
aoks on Saturday
evenings last, when
Secretary Rawlings,
The meetings were
'eve their decision,
ek, in the case of H.
ich was made in last
d $5 and costs or 21
against Geo. Mor-
--Mr. Jas. Stein, of lot 30, concession 9,
East Wawanosh, will sell by auction, Feb-
ruary 21st, his farm stock and implements.
Sale et 1 o'clock p. m Everything will be
sold without reserve, r. Stein having de-
cided to move _ put west. John Currie,
--hose who intend going to •the World's
Fair had better "lay low" for Stanton
Agnew when lie conies home du tg Easter
vacation, for we understand h . is agent for
"Hotel Epworth," a ho 1 rich the Ep-
worth Leagues of Chic g rave erected to
accommodate Epwor r Leagues and
—A good smart boy wanted at once, to
learn the printiug business. Apply at
Tines OFr•ICE.
—Messrs. Johns, Her smen and Colley,
the Councillors declare elected for Ward
1, littering resigned thei seats, a new elec-
tion has been orders and nominations
will take place on W nesday next, 22nd
t lI a, m. i the
n Town Hall.
If more than_ the quirecl number are
nominated and a pot demanded, the elec-
tion will be held on Vednesday, the 1st
of Marsch.
Mr. Jas. Cochra
ecentiy received a Ie
Cooper,of Chicago, -be
good quality of some
he purchased in th
they were splendidly
good order. Last fall
at Mr, W. Linkleter's'
some cards in the bar
chaser to let hini I
turned out, with the a
, of East Wawanosh,
er fro,, Mr.
ring testimony to the
dorthern Spy apples
city. He also said
coked and were in
while packing apples
r,, Mr. Cochrane put
els, asking the pur-
ow how the apples
eve result.
WINaiwr.—W. H. Watson, Pastor.; Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a. ni. enc 1'p, m.
Sabbath School and Bible class a* 2.30,
Christina Endeavor on Friday ovonings
in Church vestry. All made welcome,
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 8 p. m. Seats free. Strangers wel-
come. Sunday,February 19th. Morning•
subject:—"Love's Pr .tical Outcome."
To young people; --"S ry of Samson."
Evening subject:—"fl w to Read the
Book," Nehemiah 8* chapter, S. S.
Leeson for February 2 b.
—On Saturday inori
Walker,• of Luekuow
atone time it baker in
killed onthe railway
It, ie supposed that It
e'ariy morning express.
About e0 o'clock for Kit
ttto"body, The deceased
on friday evening last,
under the influence of lis
wished to go to tutoknor
to pay his fare. Several'
lers, who were at the st
ticket for hin'i and he Ic
j train.
Ing last, Mr. Thos.
an aged man,
that village, was
orth of Lu°lcnow.
was Milled by the
A special left here
ardine, and found
Was in Wingham
nit appeared to be
trot. Ito said he
but had no money
ommereial travel -
ion, precured it
here on the late St
campaign iu th
that she will c
first of March.
one or two meet
—Dean's Pre
for a short sea
Thursday nigh,
carry a pauoran1
ing of 80 historil
the Emerald 161
ing performan
gramme nightly
away one gun
each performs:
Mr. Cline's advertisinent
d the price of coal oil
It does trot take long
to got the advantage of a
ff when Cline figures tiles
ve Committee of District
J'„ have secured the ser -
u Hitohcox fora month's
district. It is expected
Demenoe work about the
Wingham may be given
ntation Party will open
bn in the town hall, on
February 23rd. They.
of Irish scenery, consist-
nd picturesque scenes of
refined and highly emus -
with change of pro -
They advertise to give
od valuable presents" at
Don't Wait for the Sick Room.
The experience of physicians and t
public proves that taking Scott's Exnulsi
proves an immediate increase in flesh; it
therefore of the highest value in Wastir
Diseases and Consumption.
Bleevele; 2nd Standard
Soarlett, Cliuton,.Deputy
IleeleY, Clinton; Deputy 1
Cautelou,' lintqu; Deputy
A. L, White, St,Msoot; let
Isloonifield. B1nevale; 20d
Goderieh ; 3rd do,, tiobt, Cl1
4th do,, IL J. llorbes, Beik
J. J. MoIIath, Godertohr
Hawkins, Brussels; 7th do*g
Sty Marys. It was. decide
annual neeetiug will be bel"
the 3rd Wednesday of
After the meeting, the del
of an oyster supper et Mr.
Mr. Win. Mitchell and
°hell are visiting friends
Drayton, this week.
Mr. T, E. Cornyn goes
week to take lessons in e
Mr. John Atolltannu
trip to the State of Mar
Mr. D. 1, McIntosh,
town on Tuesday.
Mr. R. C. Sperling h
nese trip to the Unite
visit Philadelphia, B
cities before he return
1 W. M, Dark, M. P.
Ki d•
near ne, were tram
on Tuesday; Mr. De
friendly call.
he Mr. Harvey ,Tones,
on ed in town,,•'
is Mr. and Mrs. M.
1g towel, spent Sunday
parents, Mr. and Mr
Mr. B. J. Bedfor
—The preliminar competitions for tI
Ontario Curling Tit card have been eon
pleted. Play in the nal draws took pia
ins Toronto on Thur ay between the f
lowing clubs, who we e winners in their r
spective districts :
1 Oshawa t Toronto Caledoni
2 Orillia 1 :Woodstock
3 Bobcaygeon Galt Granite
4 Waubaushene 1' 'enforth
5 Collingwood '1 :iTi'orest
O Hamilton Thistlesl Sarnia
7 Hamilton Victoria• Lucknow
8 Tor Prospect Parkl Harriston.
Sunday ie in town.
Mr, Jas. McAlbi
ce ling on friends into
01.1 Mr. Chas. Smith,
e' clay, under the pare
Mr. Lorne Hunt
an Sunday in town.
Mr. Geo. Kerr,
been visiting relsti
few weeks, returne
, Mrs. R. Elliott
—An exchange vsr, truthfully remarks :
`'As a general thin a cold steady winter,
such as we have ha so far, is ant advantage
to the general busin ss of the country. Cat-
tle come in a better ondition in the spring t
after a cold winter an they cto after,open
ones, such as we ave had in. Ontario for d
the past five yea s. These is nothing
which Meares witl more certainty a good .
crop of wheat than to have it lie for weeks
under a heavy cos" of snow. Such a snow
as we have now rotects the roots of the s
pl tan keep the g .und warm, and render
upheavals from the frost i
I it is claimed by many
f snow is the "poor man's B
nteins within itself a fer-
monia) of considerable
eeting of the Canadian d
was held in Toronto on I
'day of last week. There vi
anae, and a great dead of
to the newspaper men
er of practical eddres-,'
as well as mere react. n
Association were never
than they are to-day.i w
's were elected for the I
,dent, A. F. Pirie, Dun- , St
•o -president, P. D. Ross, et)
and vice-president, T. I it
rd Expositor; secretary, do
Listowel this we
Miss Davis i
Miss Minnie
isiting in town
o her home on
Mr. Luther B
ay in town.
Mr. WillFalki r, of Bayfield was visiting
In town this we
Miss Effie b Kellar, of 3rd of Morris,
pent a couple o 1 days in town this week.
Mr. A. MoGre. ' fLondon,
x u re resent -
ng the Sun Life nsurance Company, was
n town this wee
Mrs. S. Grace; is visiting relatives in
Lyth, this week.
Mrs. Helps, of is place, was in Goder-
h, on business t is week.
btr. H. Davis w sin Listowel on Tues.
ay of this week.
Miss Teenie mple, of Brussels, was
siting in town t is week.
Rev. W. McG gor-was in Gorrie on
Mr. J. A. Cline as in Gerrie on. Wec1-
esday on busines
Blyth Standard
Bearer, ,Tobe
Chaplain, Ge r,
egistrat', Peter
T,easurer, H,
arn,nittee, R,
., Geo. Cox,
yde, 13t, Marys;
rave; 5tli do.,
lth do.,T.A,
itobt. Stewart,
that the next
,iu Clinton ou
ebruary, 1894,
gates partook
kiili'el res,
is s Sarah Mit.
Listowel and
o Toronto next
balming, &o.. •
lel on it business
Luoknow, was in
gone on a busi-
States, and will
timer°, and other
., and Mrs. Deck, of
ent visitors inn town
gave the Tituixs a
f Wroxeter, Sunday-
cD. Fleming, of Lis-
ith Mrs. Fleming's
Thos. Leslie.
o£ Harriston, spent
of Brussels, was ca-
n, on Wednesday,
f Lucknow, spent; Sun -
tad roof in town,.
r, of Fordwictr, spent
f Creemore, who has
s in town for the past
to his home ori Mon -
as visiting friends in
visiting relatives in Mit-
lson, of London, who was
or the past week, returned
, of Brussels, spent Sun -
it less• subject to
in, the spring.
that a heavy fall
manure," as it c
tilizing agent (i
—Tire annual
Press Associatio
Thursday and F
was a large attei
business of benefi
was done. .A. nu b
ses were deliverec
The affairs of tl
in a better positiol
The following Milo
current year : Pr
clas Banner; first v'
Ottawa Journal; s
H. Preston, Brant
as visiting friend
Atwood Bee:
anley Pelton an
est Sunday with
vo former and Mi
g for Manitoba i
J. E. Atkinson, GI be; assistant secretary,
J. B. McLean, Car adian Grocer; Exeou-
tive Committee; essrs, J. S. Brierley,
St. Thomas; Andr w Pattullo, Woodstock ;
L. G. Jackson, /,143 market; Robert Relines,
Clinton, and A. t. Fawcett, Streotsville,
Messrs. W. R. C1i ie, 13owmanville, and
W. McGuire, of isonburg, ward elected
-=The County t rand Lodge c,f Heron
and Perth, Black Knights of Ireland, met
in Wingham, on 1'ednesrlay last, February
15th. After routi ie business, the follow•
lug officers were eleete4 .for the ensuing
year c County aster. W. 11, Manley,
Goderieh; Depu County Master, A. M.
Todd, Clinton; C;, uty Chaplain, Rev E W
Hughes, Wdnglta t; County Registrar, It.
Scarlett, 'Meth oar; County Treasurer,
John Reid, Go oriel'; County Lecturer,
T. E. Cornyn, F ingliaui; Standard Bear.
er, T. Hearne, 'lirtton ; rersuivant, M. ,T•
13e11, Wingbatn ; Deputy Lecturer, T.
ewart, liluey e; (Sensor, Robb. Hogg,
'Wingham ; 2nd Censor, Win. • tltewctrt,
Miss Mary McQuarrie
in Wingliam last week.
'd. Pelton and wife,
ister Ida, of Wingham,
relatives in town. The
s Pelton purpose leas/ -
few weeks.
Bible a
The annual n
Branch of the li
was held in the M
day evening, 14th
audience, consid
weather• Peter
dont,oceupiod the
opened by sing].scripture reading
prayer by Rev.
ports of the Sec
read and adopted
were elected :
Rev, W. McGreg
treasurer; W. J.
C. Clark, A. E.
Herr, G. 11'IAlnt
and M. Roberts
The president t
thanking thele
Hoped that all
to the best inter
called upon 41
o lcty Meeting.
nl• ting of the Wingham
.t Canada Bible Society
hodist church, on Thee -
est. There was a fair
ing the state of the
ishor, Esq., the presi-
hair. The meeting was
g by the united choirs,
by Rev. S. Sellery and
. W. Invites. The re-
tary and Treasurer were
The following officers
eta Fisher, president;
r, secretary; Dr. Towler,
'hapman, Geo. Pocock, E.
with, 'Win. Peasant, ,Tohn
o, A. Item, R. Currie, sr.,
n, executive nonilnittee.
en addressed the meeting.
r re-electing hien, and he
tild 'work during the year
sts of the society, He thein
Rev. H. McQuarrie, the
speaker of the ening, Mr. MoQuarrie, list..
opening, asked a -questions, drat, "What''
is the Bible to s ?'' and second, "What
are 'we to do with it?" `flue address
was scholarly, cent and replete with
facts througbou showing that the Bible
was not give redly to teach ;fence,
but -as a reve ' ion of God's will to
magi, - At the !lose: t f the acldfess, a
cordial vote of ti auks' : was tendered tis
speaker for his a i c •a,tldtess. The'meeting
was then brough to a close by singing and
The regular
Public School
evening last,
13e11, Chairmali,
ton, Wtm Moose,
ham and A. G,
Last meeting ma
oipal's report of
of January wigs a
nxnT.. truss.
1 17
2 27
3, 28
4 35
5 85
0 32
7 38
8 27
• 0n motion, the
following account
Son, supplies, $4
114.45 ; Bell Telep
Lean ,t Son, lu
Pethiick, supplies,
Gordon, seconded
accounts uii
Co. and Uof, SDheikiel,
ether accounts we
ars. Moved by D.
Wm, Button, that
e suitable order b
Board, be referred
e, with power
A • '4 ommunicatio
Susie=Ayres; ' of A
vices to teach Kinde
Mr. Gordon broujal
teaching music in
that Prof. Seott's se
ed. Mr, Morton sad
the Board should to
matter, unless the p
otherwise expressed
taught in the school.
ton, seconded by
Chairman and Seel
the salaries of the
The Board then djourned.
in a city not over allun
ngha• ,whore the writer
ne, a ,i' umber of railway
y a nerd' appliance to be
ead bridges, which, if put
:ova a great saving of life
while in discharge of dtity
t trains. The invention
; but it was found that • it
inpany quite it sum to put
One of the officials wee -
it will cost too much; al
ay; it's only a brakeman:;, t
eked out, there are 'linin-'
lis place," That heartless
origin of the following lines:
School Board,
outhly xueating of the
rd was held cit Tuesday
Umbers. present--Tltos.
'. M. Gordon, Wnr. I3ut-
J. A.Morton, Thos. Abra-
heaith. The minutes of
nd adopted. The prin-
endance for the month
follows t .
exlins. tomo. Ayr,.
10 35 29
28 55 45
35 05 50
32 07 58
31 00 50
21. 53 44
29 07 55,
88 05 42
port was adopted, .The
were read Duffield of
5; 13. Sherk, glazing,;;
one Co., 25 cents; Mee
ber, $5.00 ; Smith
0.14. Moved by D. M:
y Win. Moore, that the
& Son, Bell Telephone
paid—Carried. The
left over for partiou-
Gordon,se. conded by
ie matter of procuring
ok for the use of the
to the Finance Com-
was read from Miss
ood, offering hec'eer.
erten ie. the sohooL
t up the question of
be school, and said
ices ;coul'd' be procur-
014 he.did not think
fiiy action in the
rents by a petition or
a desire to have it
Moved by'J. A. Mor;
os. Abraham; that the
tary issue orders for
teachers and officers of
A few years ago
deed miles from
resided at that t
officials put to
attached to over -
in use, would
among brake,ne
on top of freig
worked all righ
would cost the
it into practice.
ent said : "Oh
nonsense, any
and if one is k
areas to take
speech was th
Only a Brake . n ! well what if he is ?
Is your life ore precious in God'sllt
than his?
He toils menet ly through danger and peril
While yon tak your ease 'mid life's busy
Only a Brake
Why, there's e
road for a
And when one
winning ma
nil you say with a smile;
ough of hie kind to line the
s lmocked out of the bread
els, you say, to step in his
an killed on his train;
please; 'twee a bridge: his
ile wife to tenor, you say,
Only Bral man brought home by his
alma: when old 'tie t#00
T°11111!: send, hi
For the dear
should p
fe that's gone ana chive grief
insurance; you think dull
Only a' Brak
Hear that
weep an
And then yo
was he,
He was levet
nen but go to hie house;
with her children in grief
just as well, are better than